The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, January 27, 1911, Image 9

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    • »
Come to lleyne s for hot drinks and
F ob S ale Plenty of fine
at 112 per ton V. ( la '>-k
baled hay
Schillings Best. You know what.
Guaranteed or your money back by
Wvsrly’s Grocery.
Wednesday was stout the most
i iaagrvable day of the winU r, so far,
in this part of the valb-y.
People are taking advan­
tage of the great reductions
which reign in every depart*
2UOO jutirs cf shoes,
everyone a tiargrin.
ladies suits are ex*
treinely low priced.
Hundreds of other
goods offers n.any
chances to save.
Attend this sale as soon as
you can. The biggest bar­
gains are sure to go first.
A lbany , O regon
Oysters any style at Heyne s con­
Books, magazines and Poet cards at
C. G. <«> i i .H,
Dr. J. W Cole, Physician
Surgeon, Scio, Oregon.
Good baled out hay for sale.
of R. Shelton.
N. I. Morrison went to Portland urxn
a business mission, Tuesday morning.
Make money from your hens by fceil­
ing Lsa'a Egg Maker, bone, shell and
grit. At Weseiy'a Grocery.
1 will give 2*» per cent discount for
cash on all outstanding accounts for 10
N. I. Moairl on
Chris Bilye i concl ided th it tie
legislature was no go. I. no came home
last Monday morning.
The beat line of fancy and staple
groceries in the Valiev, at living priera
at Wenely'a Grocery.
It la reported that Thomas Smail,
who live* a short distance south of town,
is seriously ill with tonaililis.
N. Young, who has been at Tvgh
Valley for several months. returned to
his home, last Saturday night.
Raise fruit instead of bugs, worms
and moss, by using Lillis Beat Tree
Spray. At Wesely's Grocery.
The Farmers Meat Market will pay
the highest market price for beef,
mutton, veal, pork, hides and egg*.
They dont want the earth, but they do >
want your produce and are willing to i
pay for it
The charitable impulses of the people
of Scio are unsurpassed. A case of
need, in which a death occured, was
reported, last week. Io a few hours
about 1100 in the way of a relief fund
was raised.
Ih Gooá Roads Boosttrs Brs ege th SU’t
People of the stat- made a demon­
Save your chicks by using l^-c's
stration in favor of good roads legit
Gernxsow Diamond and Lilly's B*»l
lotion at Salem at the <fl«-n sea-ion cf
chn k feed, at Weaely's Groc-ry.
the House and Senate Tuesday of thi*
Fog “•Al 1. 490 bushels of vetch seed, week, when special trains were run to
ready for *e»<nng. at Fl. 10 per bushel, the capital from Portland and many in­
at i-antiam Farm. >. " . G aines
to rested cit liens attended. Funding
Snve your subscription for the Ore­ bills providing for the permanent bet­
gon Journal on Bargain Day. I ebruary terment of the roadways of the state
1 tv 7 for Imogene Gill. Post .¡stress.
were urg<d upon the legislators.
state and county automobile clubs,
Joe Quinn, brother of Mr
C. W
the state organisation of threshermen,
Dart, died at hie home in Oregon City
Tuesday. A U iegram »ummor • it Mrs. retail mercliants and other interest*
were represented to do what they could
Dart to the funeral.
to gi t tbs pending good roads bills
W. A Ewing started on his California passed. It is felt by those actively at
’ trip Tuesday aflern-ton. lie expects to work on this legislation that the meas­
be gone about a month ami will go as ures proposed will accomplish a grvat
f»r south as Los Angeles before he deal in bringing about marked improve­
ment in highway conditions throughout
Mrs. E. B. North, formerly Mias , the state.
Anna Cole, who has been visiting al
Florence, although ocupymg an lactat­
fie home of her parent# in this city, ed position on the coast of Lane County
will return to her humr at Kist, Ore. will soon ba allied rloselv with the othrr
this week.
cities of the state, for it will organise a
Scio should consider, in the near fut­ commercial club having common aims
ure, sueruge for the main business part with the hundred and more kindred
of town. It will not be many year» organisations of the Beaver common­
until health requirements will force wealth. The Oregon community with­
out a commercial body nowadays is one
such action.
exceptionally backward. There are
O. Gunderso.i, solicitor for the Port- only a few left and the ranks are thln-
land Rescue Home, was in town Tues- ning steadily.
day, looking after the interests of that
The cut of timber by Oregon mill*
institution. He desires the N ews to during 1910 was the biggest ever known
express hi» thanks to the citizens fur and reached a total of 2.000,000.000 feet,
their liberal donations to the Home.
according to the beet estimates obtain­
Mr. Clinton .Munkera and family, of able. This, too, despite the fact that
Eugene, are visiting at tha home of trade conditions wrre conflicting, The
.Mr. ntewart, of the South Side. Mr. current year sees a more favorable out-
Munkers was called here to attend the loos and it is probable the cut of 1»11
funeral of his mother, Mrs. T. M. will greatly surpass that of ¡910.
.Munkers, who was bzrried on Sunday.
"hurthorn cattle owned and exhibited
The new schoolhouse in the Holt by W. O. Minor, of Heppner, won
neighborhood is now about completed. prizes at the Western Stock Show hel l
It ia a two-room building and is a credit at Denver during the past week. Thia
to the people of that locality The same stock won blue ribbons at the
growth of the school po)mlation »»• Chicago livestock exposition, while at
such that a two-room building wai shows nearer home, Mr. Minor invari­
ably captures honors.
Twin Falls, Idaho, takes thtj palm for
McKenzie A Moore's M- rry Makers, t i. .crciit.-'t vi< i I 'd )«.tai. - » i-
a high class show, will commence an
petition with western states along the
engagi ment at th« Wesely A Cain hall
line of the Oregon Short Line, which
this Friday evening, to last for three
offend u prise of 3500 for the beat crop,
days The same show was here last
Ixiuis A. Snyder, living near Twin
year ami furnished an entertainment
Falla, was awarded the prize, having
that was must satisfactory to the grown 645 bushels on one acre. He ir­
rigated his crop three times and planted
Munkers. a
i<> poo < <-r and cultivated the tubers by machinery.
many years, but a resident of
Salem since the death of her husband,
Final Sitlltment Ntlict
J ||. Munkers, some years ago, was
Notice is hereby given to all whom
burned at the Miller’ cemetry, last
Sunday. She «as a moat estimable it may concern. That the undersigned
citizen and enjoyed the reaped and has died his final account in the matter
of the estate of G. W. Vernon dect a«-
love of everybody.
ed, in the county court of County,
While a number of othrr towns and Oregon, and that said court has fixed
cities are talking of municipalizing the the 6th day of February, 1911 at the
light and water for their respective hour of nine o'clock a. m. of said day
Cities, Scio can congratulate herself in as the time for the hearing and settling
already being the possessor of these of all abjections to said account. All
functions and that our cititrne are pay­ persons having any objection to said
ing just about one-half what other account are hereby notified to file the
towns pay for light and water.
same on or before aaid last mentioned
Why not have Main street paved with date, in said court.
Dated this 23 day of December, 1910.
Bane standard paving matorml? Our
J. F. LKrn.fs
merchants, who ere chiefly interested,
should make their positions known on
this subjects. Every town of any First publication December 23, 1910.
Importance, is psving their main busi­ Last publication January 27. 1911.
ness streets, these days and Scio should
keep in the swim.
Mrs King, who has been suffering for
several months afflicted with the white
plague, passel away last Friday and
Senator Bourne may be and probably
was hurried on the following Sunday.
The Kings have lived in Scio but for a I is an unfit man for United States sena­
tor; but the fight is being made aga net
few montha.
him by stand|>at republican politicians,
Shelburn ia installing her own central
down at Salem, and by the Oregonian,
telephone station with an Incorporated
is doing much towards making his
c »mpany behind it. The N ews I as not
election easy, two years hence. If he
learned just what arrangements have
should employ campaigning agents at
been ma<ie between the service there
' so much per, he could scarcely do
and at Scio.
better than these people are doing for
E. C. Peery. Dr. A. G. Prill and ( him for nothing.
Chas. Wesely went to Portland. Tues­
When men have' charge of the ex-
day. aa a committee to confer with the ,
I penditure of public money, an itemized
Oregon Electric railway company with '
: publicity is one of the le-st means of
reference to buikling their main or
i preventing graft and leaks. Our cuuntv
branch line into or near Scio.
! court should l«e required to make such
" hen given aa soon as the croupy publicity. It controls the expenditure
cough appears Chamberlain’s Cough . , of a large sum of money, annually, yet
Remedy will ward off an attack of there ia not one citizen in a thousand in
croup and prevent all danger and cause Unn county, who knows whether these
of anxiety. Thousands of mother* uee funds are expended honestly, or not.
it succeMfully. Sold by all dealers.
The court proceedings should lie pub­
8. W. Dugger, whusw enlistment as a lished in at least, three county news­
The N ews ia not
bandman in the 14th lnfl., expired last papers monthly.
against the present
month ami who has been visiting home-
f.dks since, went over to Bremerton, courL and presumes that everything ia
the first of the week, with a view of as it should be. Rut it does not know
enlisting in the Navy Yard band over about the matter; neither does any
other citizen of the county know
I he re.
I ’LA N 1 N(
ka < ka
— Manufactun'rs ami Dealers in
Sash, Doors,,Moulding, Frames, Shingles Efe
Mills Located on South Side of Bridge, Scio. Oregon
J. J Barnes, W. F. Gill,
J. A. Bily<u. J. R Barn-s,
C. A. Warner.
FaKSinSKT, W. F .(Jill.
M kcsstaky , C. A. Warner
!>•<:» KMXKH M, I to to.
W» .Io •
I tour.
Dour ind
G.n*r*l Cullom Milllna Bulls*«.
Treat You Ktohl
A Great Clubbing Offer
Semi-Weeï y OrszoT Journal one rar
The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . .
Both Papers
One Year
Jurors Fer H11
The county court has selected
jurors for 1911 and from the list
notice the following from the Forks of
the Santiam:
Jordan Henry Shanes. C. ('. Bur­
meister, Frrd M. Grimes. J. W. Taylor,
K. C. Pepperlirg, W R. Ray.
Kingston—W. M Manis. G. F. Har-
i old, J. E. Yeoman.
Lacomb—T. M. Dowing, Frank R.
Arrcll, Ira G. Soule. John Dashney,
Samuel C. Hyder, John Marrs, F. R.
Rock Creek— D. L. Turnige, T. I-
Lawson. S. M. Bassett.
Santiam- E. 8. Buchner, G.
lA^-ver, John Crabtree, J. IV. Dick-
over. G. M. Nelson, L. W. Kinser,
Jas. N. Reiiey, W. J. Turnige. J. W.
Scio -J. H. Poindexter. B.b. Titus,
John G. Holt. C. H. Wain, Albert E.
Handel I. John Shimanek, John K. Gill.
I'm. F. Sommer, Geo. .M. Bilyeu,
Rudolph W esely, Nofman Long. W. W. I
Shelburn James Johnson. M Kelly, j
Geo. Gibbons, J. T. Funk, Chas. A. j
B.itcH, F J. Denney, Th«». II Quigley. 1
rm » ni « ai .,».
n‘ws*T’,; OREGON JOURNAL Pub,ii*hM 'h*
•** mo8t
the work!; gives reliable market reports, aa it is published at
Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to
date for each issue.
It also has a page of special matter for
the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or
mot* of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice
every week - IO4 times a year
Gives all the local news and
hapfienings ami should be ‘ in
every home in this vicinity.
phe two papers make a good
combination and you save fl by lending your subscription to
We ran also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for
the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday - ournal with the NEWS.
»•et*«*' .
t *