• » s » J •>V? Come to lleyne s for hot drinks and sandwiches fiOOOS ARE MOVIN0 VERY FAST F ob S ale Plenty of fine at 112 per ton V. ( la '>-k Inquire baled hay Schillings Best. You know what. Guaranteed or your money back by Wvsrly’s Grocery. IN OUR JANUARY CLEAN UP SALE Wednesday was stout the most i iaagrvable day of the winU r, so far, in this part of the valb-y. People are taking advan­ tage of the great reductions which reign in every depart* ment. 2UOO jutirs cf shoes, everyone a tiargrin. ladies suits are ex* treinely low priced. Hundreds of other goods offers n.any chances to save. Attend this sale as soon as you can. The biggest bar­ gains are sure to go first. S E Y0UNQ ASON A lbany , O regon » LOCAL BREVITIES. * O » afteooooooooeoeeezioeo Oysters any style at Heyne s con­ fectionary. Books, magazines and Poet cards at C. G. <«> i i .H, Dr. J. W Cole, Physician Surgeon, Scio, Oregon. Good baled out hay for sale. of R. Shelton. and N. I. Morrison went to Portland urxn a business mission, Tuesday morning. Make money from your hens by fceil­ ing Lsa'a Egg Maker, bone, shell and grit. At Weseiy'a Grocery. 1 will give 2*» per cent discount for cash on all outstanding accounts for 10 days. N. I. Moairl on Chris Bilye i concl ided th it tie legislature was no go. I. no came home last Monday morning. The beat line of fancy and staple groceries in the Valiev, at living priera at Wenely'a Grocery. It la reported that Thomas Smail, who live* a short distance south of town, . is seriously ill with tonaililis. N. Young, who has been at Tvgh Valley for several months. returned to his home, last Saturday night. Raise fruit instead of bugs, worms and moss, by using Lillis Beat Tree Spray. At Wesely's Grocery. The Farmers Meat Market will pay the highest market price for beef, mutton, veal, pork, hides and egg*. They dont want the earth, but they do > want your produce and are willing to i pay for it The charitable impulses of the people of Scio are unsurpassed. A case of need, in which a death occured, was reported, last week. Io a few hours about 1100 in the way of a relief fund was raised. OUR PORT­ LAND LETTER Ih Gooá Roads Boosttrs Brs ege th SU’t leçîsia’crff People of the stat- made a demon­ Save your chicks by using l^-c's stration in favor of good roads legit Gernxsow Diamond and Lilly's B*»l lotion at Salem at the . " . G aines to rested cit liens attended. Funding Snve your subscription for the Ore­ bills providing for the permanent bet­ gon Journal on Bargain Day. I ebruary terment of the roadways of the state 1 tv 7 for Imogene Gill. Post .¡stress. were urg poo < <-r and cultivated the tubers by machinery. many years, but a resident of Salem since the death of her husband, Final Sitlltment Ntlict J ||. Munkers, some years ago, was Notice is hereby given to all whom burned at the Miller’ cemetry, last Sunday. She «as a moat estimable it may concern. That the undersigned citizen and enjoyed the reaped and has died his final account in the matter of the estate of G. W. Vernon dect a«- love of everybody. ed, in the county court of Li.tn County, While a number of othrr towns and Oregon, and that said court has fixed cities are talking of municipalizing the the 6th day of February, 1911 at the light and water for their respective hour of nine o'clock a. m. of said day Cities, Scio can congratulate herself in as the time for the hearing and settling already being the possessor of these of all abjections to said account. All functions and that our cititrne are pay­ persons having any objection to said ing just about one-half what other account are hereby notified to file the towns pay for light and water. same on or before aaid last mentioned Why not have Main street paved with date, in said court. Dated this 23 day of December, 1910. Bane standard paving matorml? Our J. F. LKrn.fs merchants, who ere chiefly interested, Administrator should make their positions known on this subjects. Every town of any First publication December 23, 1910. Importance, is psving their main busi­ Last publication January 27. 1911. ness streets, these days and Scio should keep in the swim. Mrs King, who has been suffering for several months afflicted with the white plague, passel away last Friday and Senator Bourne may be and probably was hurried on the following Sunday. The Kings have lived in Scio but for a I is an unfit man for United States sena­ tor; but the fight is being made aga net few montha. him by stand|>at republican politicians, Shelburn ia installing her own central down at Salem, and by the Oregonian, telephone station with an Incorporated is doing much towards making his c »mpany behind it. The N ews I as not election easy, two years hence. If he learned just what arrangements have should employ campaigning agents at been ma•<:» KMXKH M, I to to. ItV< OHI’OHATEI) W» .Io • r»«d on I tour. Dour ind G.n*r*l Cullom Milllna Bulls*«. Sato. Wbaal We are In hounhl th* Field and for F.lching.d Elusine** Treat You Ktohl A Great Clubbing Offer Semi-Weeï y OrszoT Journal one rar The Santiam News one year. . . . . . . . $1.60 $1.50 Total $300 Both Papers One Year $2.00 Jurors Fer H11 The county court has selected jurors for 1911 and from the list notice the following from the Forks of the Santiam: Jordan Henry Shanes. C. ('. Bur­ meister, Frrd M. Grimes. J. W. Taylor, K. C. Pepperlirg, W R. Ray. Kingston—W. M Manis. G. F. Har- i old, J. E. Yeoman. Lacomb—T. M. Dowing, Frank R. Arrcll, Ira G. Soule. John Dashney, Samuel C. Hyder, John Marrs, F. R. Powell Rock Creek— D. L. Turnige, T. I- Lawson. S. M. Bassett. Santiam- E. 8. Buchner, G. B. lA^-ver, John Crabtree, J. IV. Dick- over. G. M. Nelson, L. W. Kinser, Jas. N. Reiiey, W. J. Turnige. J. W. Young. Scio -J. H. Poindexter. B.b. Titus, John G. Holt. C. H. Wain, Albert E. Handel I. John Shimanek, John K. Gill. I'm. F. Sommer, Geo. .M. Bilyeu, Rudolph W esely, Nofman Long. W. W. I Miller. Shelburn James Johnson. M Kelly, j Geo. Gibbons, J. T. Funk, Chas. A. j B.itcH, F J. Denney, Th«». II Quigley. 1 rm » ni « ai ., rw.in». .v n‘ws*T’,; OREGON JOURNAL Pub,ii*hM 'h* •** mo8t the work!; gives reliable market reports, aa it is published at Portland, where the market news can be and is corrected to date for each issue. It also has a page of special matter for the farm and home, an entertaining story page and a page or mot* of comic each week, and it goes to the subscriber twice every week - IO4 times a year I HE WEEKLY SANTIAM NEWS Gives all the local news and hapfienings ami should be ‘ in every home in this vicinity. phe two papers make a good combination and you save fl by lending your subscription to HIE SANTIAM NF?VS. St IO. OKI We ran also give our subscribers a good clubbing offer for the Daily and Sunday, or Sunday - ournal with the NEWS. »•et*«*' . t *