The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 16, 1906, Image 1

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X 4 »U
1.1 XU
Good Turnouts, Prompt and
Courteous Attention
fti a Condensed Form lor Oor
Busy Readers.
Cerner Ba«« a4 a;-1 Kllawortli •««••<«
M< KIII OF A DvVANtY, Prop*.
A Resuma of th« Le»» Important but
«Í F>|-ESS10NÄL“j>
Best 20c. Meal in the Valley
Open All Nijjht
< C Frjanl
at item oac aij*
Hhsvlng ................ ...... 16 cant*
lialr ( utttng
Hhampoolng....... __ 36
¡latti*...... .. ............ ...... 33
M«tary »*«•• •*-•
vf Iw. •
• 4
rvffica. zn WMt M S'.rw«
Th* I'nitwil Htate* Supreme court ha*
deride.) that paper and L !■« '
u i-t
otfio-rs must give evidence
George V. L. Meyer, now t’nited
Htatee amliaaaador to Ruasia, may *uc-
reed Taft »• secretary of war.
J. J. Barnes & Son,
e r ao*«c hm '*aU«:.a. Bank
11»< iM&sti Ufete
We buy o<ir»tork in large quantities
and keep a full line of rarri-g* and
«»gon material. All kind» of work In
<>ur Uns done on tb«rt notice.
Horseshoeing a Specialty
Belo, Ortffoa
TC.ephon* £x:haaot Ho Ik
Ju«t!i* et th* Trac*
Hcury FuUlc
Sci* Or*fen
Prete! Imi
................... T I
w A. Evia*
i general be»king and sxchang*
ì e'ffv* of I L R »••» o’ !■• Mis* n««
1. u« made al current rates
Frtett*•• In * I «• rte
mbmi fini M i I jbbì H»; > K<»vm« ai. î • and draft» U»u*d < jö principal citi»».
Beware of
Defective Titles
II*.»*» Absirttt et Itile (rer«r*a
»r ise
Linn County Abstract Co
Of th# r««l p
j u latead to purer « m >
•• •• uuty '■ r ‘
p»tr< i»«-«» g ! • Motfll »I «uf ««beri
• USA, X* kUllLtJ tu tm
K»tS * lUktR
I ioc M ine«, Liquor* and Clear*
Tura Liquor* for Mediciaal Purpose*
Gira U* a Call
Shasta Route
llogxatt will be nameil governor ol
Zionlit* have »topped Itowie'* (ap­
ply ot money.
Both China and Japan deny there t*
any di»turt«nc* In China.
R » heater. N. Y.,
a . - »
•• «ilo«« «i io» a
l.»B m.
» " a 1 8 ' 48»
leave ter aib«t>y at
An agrerment on Morocco Ie sbovi to
be reached at Algeciras, the kaleer
backing down.
The Chine»* governiuent re»»»iir»*
the nationa that there will t* no upris­
ing ag*in»t foreigners.
The llarlman line, will be equipped
Fallen«» a d î*.«tr:»t cam on both traina
< bate car« r«< r* «u-. to < gd«a «nJ tl t a«o. with th« block signal ayatem from
a •
• > • • Omaha to lx>a Angele».
Urlean« «i.d W •»
■ u
Th« houee gowimittea on naval affair«
< obb«< tiri at M Fr»
w © wlib th«••»•raJ
•iramabli o.>« J
» J«pau, t fein«. favor* the appointment «1 not more
* •
Amer tee
than 30 dental eurgeona in Hie navy.
fee* Mr« MX Wo-d ante« ag«el at w««t
President Rooeevelt has l*en a*ke>l
belo «talli'a, or ««i trete
to atep in and attempt to aettle the dif
OOMAS. a. P. A.
Portland, Ornffon.
W. £.
■ i
Anthony closed al
Match 13. — Tbe
. ...-3
al the II.Iran
Pen Sawmills. I* prepared
to All order* for
Common °* Finishing Lumber
Order« taken at th* yard* In Itrio or at the mill* in Hlveu I*n.
Hit lumber ie the beet of mounUin dr, and pn< ee ar* rcaei nable.
Irvine gr Myer, Props.
Hack connects with all trains at West Scio
and morning train at Munkers.
Our ri^s are first-class and our horses good
drivers Prices reasonable.
fetetice* between the coal operator* and
came peacefully.
uncone* ione Attor«*, Geoeral Sa,* Or><>oal Reg-t- Garden»»» and Orchard.ste of Linn
practically tor 24 hours, and bar death
tration Muti Stand.
County Take Block
had lw*n momentarily *sp*et*.l since
halvtn — Att.on.y <>*o*r*l Creator.!
All-ery—Active work tooting to the
-on.ley night.
Only bar wonderful I, ot tb* opinion ibat It er* i* bo * o U k - eregtion of a cannery ard parking plant
coiKt.lution krpl her olive.
in Alhany has legan by the gardeners
rlty for Ih* cl anemg »1 a «ot*i‘a r*«ia-
Dr M H Ki< ker, her attemiing phy-
and fruilmen intervale*!.
Tbe new
•i<nan. aanl Mira Anthony died ol tieart tration after il ha* onc* b**n mad*. company will tw known a* the Fruit-
failure, induced by doable pneumonia. Il» ha* n >l r*t»i*re>l a writt.n o, inlon grocers* and Gardena*** Cooperative
Hbe had bed terion» valvular trouble upon Ih* *ub|*ct, bui aitar hearing tb* eawM-iatloi., and will lie owns*l by the
t >r tb* laat *i* or eeven yrara.
Il*r report tbal ihai',»* hav* t>e*n parmit- men who sell their product* to the rout-
lung* were practically clewed, and th*
pen y or by citi*«»* of Albany.
t**l in Lino OMiuty, h* eiamlned tb*
I nenmonla had yielded to treatment,
tn the nee company I» »»lling under •
l>ut the weaknea* ol bet heart prevented atatute* governin, rr,i»trati<>n ami *ai-l rvalrirlmn that no one man r>>uld •»
tbal Ih* only ebanje pruvt<l*>l tot by cure more than 35 per cent of the
bar recovery.
La»t night in a delirium, Kias An- la* latitai wliirh bacowea nrceaaary eto* k.
He.idee parking, preserving and can
b >ny ■ poke of tbe work in Oregon, wlien a votar char ,r* hi* rr*i>i*m*
where the battle for woiuau tuffrag» la
ning fruit and vegetal.}»«, the new con­
cern «nil bendle all kind« of prodora,
now lieing wage*!.
Hhortly atfer *h*
Mr. Cravtord raid tbal il a voler acting a» a kind of dietributing joint
sank into a *tii,K>r.
r**i*ter* a» a ‘L*-iali*t ami theu rbanga« where ali prudore for the local trade
Fuaan Brownell Anthony, reformer,
Ina re,i,tration *<> tbal il •) a* hlm to can tw »o tired at a uniform pries. In
wae l*>rn *1 booth Adam*. M* m . Feb­
thia way all »tore* will Iw abl* to keep
a Iiamocrat, ibi* » uld t<* in <f!r< t
ruary 16. 1830, th* daughter ot Hamel
up with th* market, end the farmer*
and I ucy < K*ed i Anthony, liar fath­ a *ec >tid re,i>trato.n, and more tban will have no trouble in di»|Hwing ol
er wag a Cotton manufacturer, and gav* on* registrati >n i* *ipra>**!y forbidden their product.
hi* chll Iren a liberal education.
The plan i* to »tart with a cannery,
Il tira clerk ahonld mak* a m *<ake ami
For mor* than 40 year* *h* baa l>**n wrlte thè word “Ìtockaltol'' after a prune parkery eml cider and vinegar
liwlor* th* country a* a prominent arl- mai,'* nani», wlien tbe voler had an- work*. All ot three indu.'ri** have
vnateof reform. Through her indu­ nonnrrd hir.-i*elf a* a l’emvat», Mr. torn needed very ninrb in l.inn eonnty,
ct. <» wider 6»Id* of employment ha»* Ctawlord think* it «irahl t<* peroiiaaa- brcatise of the immense amount ol
l*en <>p*nml to women.
I'p to the bl* for thè rlerk to corraci Ih* error, small fruita and garden product» groen
time ol l>»r death (be never related tier hot wher* th* party afhliatinn ha» been here, and twranae the cotinty had no
• iforta. Hhe ha* publnhed, in con­ record**! a* ,iv*n by tb* voter, ther* i* •neh rnteiprl«*» the development of
junction with Eliialieth Cady blantun no autbority for a *ut>*rqnent ebanite
the fruit and gardening Industry ha«
ami Matilda Joslyn Gage, 'The H'*to-
li ha* t>e*n tnany tini** a»**r<»<| thal twen much retard*«!.
ry of Woman Hullrag».'
Rhe ha* alio in Marion county many Ihim- ra>* are
c.mtribuled to leading magaatnaa and rrgxtertn, a* Republieatia in order lo
Wool Sal** at Condon.
lecturid in England.
tak* pari in thè ronteat tor tb* Kepub-
Condon—An effort it being made bv
lican primary n HDÌnatioti*. Inapertion th* Condon I’* mmervial club to eetal
ot tb* regiatration Imok* *ho«a tbal lieh at thia place ».« I vai** day*
thi* i* not trita, an I tbat tf any pernio* eecretary of tbe club i* in communica­
are rr-giiter .n, improperly t he instane*« tion wi h the Sial* ai d National Wool­
Interstat* Commission Turn* Light on are ao few and ao unimp rtant a* to re­ grower*' associations, anal with the aid
Standard Oil.
ca,>• notice. Tbe di»,**ition ber» >« of the local wcwlgrowera' aewviation.
KanaacCity. .March 13.—Acting up­ for e eh to t»gf*ter bla party affi:ìationi which it I* expected will lw orga*
it i* tboriglit date* may Im tea-
on resolution* pa*»nl by both house« of hooeatly aud (airly, il girea at all.
Endeavors are aiao I wing made
congre»», thr«e memlwr* of the Inter­
cur* a reduction in freight rati
Farmen Toed of Waiting.
state Commerce commiraion tcxlav i>e-
Haw lam,
Ontario -- The farmer» of Dead Ox wool from Condon to
alno on local shipments of sugar, salt
gan an investigatoin of the charge*
Flat, tired of waiting for water from
ina>lc by independent oil producers of
Kmi»a»that tbe railroads of Kanaaa dis­ t *.»• . .d r ■ . - I •
Manila, March It—Major Genera)
Wood, who has arrive.! here, ba* an-
nonneed that he aaaiimee full responsi­
bility for the tight against th* Mon* at
Dajo hill, near Jolo,
He »aid tbat
there wee n > wanton destruction ot wo­
men and children In tbe fight, though
many ot them were killed by torr* of
neeeeaity, becait»* the Moro* need them
a* ehielda. tn the band to band flgliting.
Major General W<x*l declared that
many of tbe women wore male attire
and their el could not lie diatingui.h-
ed. Another confuting can»*' was tbe
desperation with winch tbe women
f light, the prirela having worked all ot
th* Moroe to a religious tremy. Many
of th* Moro* frigne<l death and botch-
ere.1 the hospital men who
were relieving the wounded.
Th« bonaa committee on election*
Many Soldier* Deterted in Battle.
ha* favorably reported a bill prov ding
St. Petersburg, March 13.—The In­
tor th* election of nnator« by dtreit
valid, ‘"y»ri (.f the military, it still
vol* ot th* peopl*.
printing daily liete of the hweee sns-
The Port of Portland eomtulwion ha* tained during the war, which, without
voted the Hill company right to bridge Inrinding Port Arthur, now total 161,
tb* Wlllam*tt* below Fortland accord tlOO killed, wounded and disappeared.
Ing to th* plan* submitted by the rail* The beta ■ »vertng the fighting at Mnk
den are jn.t beginning to appear.
road company.
Mira Horan B. Anthony is still very remarkable feature ie the percentage of
tnen whore fate ie unknown, haring
twen abandoned on the Aeld of battle
The A'geciraa conference ia talking Tl.r etaf! ie reeeivng thousands of tn
of compromiae.
qnirie* from relative» regarding the fate
Th« government ha» evidence of re- 3* soldiers, which it ia unahla to answer.
hatea given th* sugar trust.
Through ths Straits
No aucceeeor to Premier Rouvier has
New York. Marrh I?!.—The steamer
yet bean named in Franc*.
Z a’a^dia, which «atleti from Han Frau­
derò January 31, bonnd to New York,
Frantic «Iforta are being made to
towing the side wheel steamer Olympia
«eve Zion City from bankrupty.
from Portland, Or., j »aree* I
Frequent robberie* have cauaed the Point, in the Htniita of Magellan, Hat
elaaing of money order office« in P - unlay, according to a meeaagw rereived
here today fn»m Ponta Arenas.
were well on board
Both vessels have
Two officiate ot the Standard Oil have been purrhasnl by New York parties
calle.I on President R'«»e*v«lt a»d seam and will be pat in service on the Al
anxious about investigation ol trust*.
lantic c«MMt.
J. Ogden Armour, head ot th* Ar­
Preparing for Big Potlatch.
mour Parking conpany, complain« hr-,
H C , March IS. —Kight
caura of «acret service men d-ggiag
hnndiMl Indiana from varion* point*
ah ng the northern coast betwrwn Fort
The hmtae committee on m»rehant Rupert and Kingvotue Inlet, are at
marine and fislieru* hae fixed Marrh Alert bay, bidding tbe greatest ,mt latch
23 a* the data tor con»ideriog «Katar know n on tlii» cnaat tor a numtier of
lion (ball b* taken on tbe ehip *ub»ldy veer*. Th» Indian* pr-’pora to con­
tinue tbe potlatch until June.
Match !3.—The time
is not yet ripe f r th» p<’«age of
life of Huean B.
12 40 o'clock tbit
American troop« killed 800 native Cause ot Slaughter of Whole
outless in a Iwttle in the Philippine»
Families by Troops,
tr«««« Portland »ram » 10 p m
AlVeny 11 it» p m , 11 M’ |> «
Arrtv«« A«felan«t $2 4 • m . M 1 • »*•
Arrive« !•< mrtito * *• p m , * M» m
Arri««« »A4. I ran ria co TMp m, • M a m.
Anthracite operator* are believed to
have agreed to reject the miner* pro-
criminate in favor of the Standard Oil
Company m the matter < f rates outside
A bill ha» l>een Introduced in the that •late.
Iona legidature legalising tbe killing
The member* of the Interstate Com­
of Incarable*.
merce commission who will make the
Francis M. Cock­
I »stall* of the fight l>et«een Moto* inve«tigation are
and American troop* ehow that the rell, Judson C. Clement» »nd Chari»*
Iwttle la»te«l tour day» and '.HiO of the A. Prouty.
John T. .March, eho has I wen in the
tel* I* were killed or wounded.
Houthwest for tbe pat» two week» mak­
Million* are i ■tarvkng In Northern ing ■ preliminary inveatigation of tie
Japeii and now r winter weather baa producers' chargee, »•« present today
added to the misery. Straw and acorn* as the attorney tor the commi»»ion
are the principal food*.
An almoat I rank H. .Monnelt, ex attorney general
total failure of tbe nee crop I* the of Ohio, and Clifford Thorn, of Wash
cau*e of the famine.
ington, la , were present *• attorney*
The Harriman line* will put on a i for the independent producer*.
new through train from Chicago to railway* also bad attorneys at the in­
No eto|>* will be made and vestigation.
The agitation tor the investigation
no paseenger* or eipreee will In. car­
ried, nothing but mail.
Tbi* change tofav was started some time ago
when Clifford Tnorn. acting on behalf
will make a »aving of an entire day.
of the
Oil Producers’ associa­
In Wyoming. Western Nebraska and
tion, fllad with James B. Garfield, oom-
Northern Colorado there ia 13 inch»« ol
mlwioner of corpotations at Washing­
•now and atorkmen fear heavy hw*e*.
bin, a statement in which inrtanrea ot
the weather it extremely cold
alleged direrimination »gainst the lnd>-
Kan»*» and Montana hav* »now and
|wnd* nt* in the matter of rat«-*
heary wind* ami »treet car and railroad
traffic Ia badly demoralised.
Fire at Han Francieco in a flve-atory
building cawaed a lose of over >.
U D. I^iidoa,
Koutbarn California and Ari* oa have
had a downpour of ra n ahiib alnxwt
reached tbe proportion* of a flood.
Three inch** of wtler fell In 36 hour*.
R»ed»r • Hu B.ll to Carry Out Land
Coninruiion i Policy.
Great Champion of Female Suffrage
Pass*» < A wa*.
The Iowa senate baa paaaed an anti-
railroad para bill.
H RUDD. M*n*(er
< B« e>-r Tktr4 a»4 MruadaiLI*-u
aLaaKY, OBioos
Seventeen men have tost their live*
attempting to recover b>*lir* from the
Courrierea. France, coal mine.
The city of Chicago ha* won a great
| victory over the traction Im»* by th*
Hu pre me court annulling their fran­
General Blacksmiths
and Wagonmakers
p .
Graduate Eclectic Medical College
>AOI w
Argentine rt-
Tbe deadlock ha* i-een reneanl at
Algeriraa, but an agreement I* assured.
of th* Peat Week.
Geueral Ovsraeer Voliva ears Dowir
ie dying and thal he will govern Zion.
JJ. C- BB u WMB, m
iiearat baa forbidden tbe mention of
Bryan's name in his t>e*tpa;>er*.
Indian outlaws have kills*! dep
utive in Indian Terrilorv.
Go To Vbo
n*>4*ib a <•
The president of the
public ia dead
H Bryant
Mia* Anthony bad
taken tlapa *
rgai »a an rriga
district nndrr what 1» km>wn a» the
Wright law. A petition to the County
court will be C’>n«iilen*4l at a ape«'<al
*r«u»ion April 16. The proposed dia'rict
Include« about 1J.000 acre« of the l»e«t
land on l‘ea«i Ox Flat, n Malheur
county. ju«t arroRA ’he Hnake river
from Weiwrr. I duh > When this district
0 orgsnue<l And ih* mean« nf watering
it have been in»t*l’»t|. there will have
been added to Malheur county many
thousand« < f dollar» nf tAialde proper­
Tbe anccee* of the enterp»!»*
m*an* much for th* county.
Cannot LI*« State Money.
Halem—Al'orney General Crawford
hold* in an opinion that III* State
1-ewi* and Clark commission cannot
use the l’>0 U00 appropriate.) by th,
alate for a memorial bnildtng. rtm It
an individual 1» will-ng to aopp’y th*
ISO,mH) which th* Portland 1-wta and
Clark corporation to donate
Mr Crawlord *«ya the law 1» ■ illicit
in Ha dec aratton that the corporation
mn»t airpply the money and G e cdy ol
Portland donate the aite.
Bret Acreage Lafgrly Increated.
Ixi ««ramie—Manager E
H. Ht«tn-
well, of the »Ogar factory, has been ln
Cov», making r»»n’ra* t» for the growii g
of sugar tMM-tN f<»r tiiis »e««on*srun and
report« having con!rar rd for a> <>n' I ,-
000 scree of l*rri» tn that h cality Th»
sugar company expert« to have a larg- r
AtreMg*« ’hi« year than ever t-eloie
Heretofore tbe *a< ’»»»y ha« r »ver > ad
■Jiore than 2,*00. a* r»-s b t »hit
i» counting upon at Ira»’ I OK) acre»
Wallowa Bridge by July I.
Wallowa— When ’!»•<). K. A N Co.
«tartal to aw’ifr right «•( w»y in thl»
county for an •it^nwion of their line it
was not drfinitelv known how toon th»
road wm to F h * in operari<»n. In a re­
cent converrai inn with a gentleman
who it in a position tn know the activ­
a 11 pr-pM-fetl rwilri ad*, it
learne«l that the exten»H»n to the O. R.
war eif»r« tc«! to reach the Wal­
Big Yield in Gilliam.
lowa brittle bv July n**it
Wtlh rail­
road accomtnofla»inna
early, much of
Condon — Cr p o’o»l-e> t-
* la’ge
the crop rairad in Wall » wa county, a* yield are »aid to I h . bet'er than ever I«-
There !• a
well •• the aurpln» »tuck, will lie tore in Gilliam county
greater acreage of wheat than ever
ahip|»e<l from that point.
«ceded in thl* cnvn'y before end ron-
dition* a*, nnutually favorable at th •
Chang« Wool Saia Dates.
Th- ground I* wrt to a depth
Randleton—() «imr to 4it*att«*arti<vn time
Rai gr I* im
«¡th thr rchednlr «»f wool «alt« da’rt re of more then two fret.
rentlv annonnre! for 1 **tern Ore*nn proving rapid y owing to tr » »pier did
thr rxeruttv* romtn'tta* nt ’he H’ate gro* I ng weal her < f < h» p»»i two w-, k-
I ’
WrwJgrow« r«' «•••«•’tl»' n L a « m«dr mi’
new on«, a* <<>’’«>«•
Pam!! «ton. May
22 23. May 2 * 30; Hn»pr*r. May 24
Wheat—Clab, 87e; bl i«at»m, 67 4
2', Jun* 7 M. Jane 2’ 22; Condno,
68c; red, tl6c; valley. 70e
May 3!, Jnn* 1, Jun* 27 2*<; **ha» ik •
o*t*—No 1 whits teal l-’7 60 «•ay.
June 5 6, June 19 20 J»»lv 10 11 ;
127 per ton.
Baller City, Jan* 2S 2rt Jnlv 12 13;
Harley — Feed. 421(424 p" t n ;
Elgin. Jnlv 13. Th* Bale for !h* Wai
brewing, 614424 60; rolled, 124 &U(A
Iowa count* wool h«« h*-n «rf f »r E'giD
36 60
inntnei! of the t >en
Wallowa a« pr*
Buckwheat—12 >6 per cental.
vioutly arranird
Hay—Eastern 14’eg n tin»-thv 41141
14 par ton. valley timothy 4M 4V clo­
Closed Season To B* Enforced.
ver |7 50#K; cheat, t«*7, gram bay,
Oregon City — “ I str ctly close-1 •*«. |7«8.
•••n will la* maintained on the Coinm­
Fruit*—tpp'e» 11(42 60 per h. g ;
bit river thia veer " »ay* Deputy Fi»h cranberrtee. |I3 60i< I 4 60 per barrel
Warden H A Webster. who baa gr»n*
Vegetable*—Aeparsgna, 10'411» per
to th* lower Columbia.
Tbe rlaweal pound; bean*. Slgc: »*••!•*»*, I %» per
season began on tbe 16’h inat and eon- pound; caulifi .war, |.’<42 36 per crate
tinne* for a month, anal in order that celery, >4 60(45; epvoule. K 47« per
a I illesal fiaiung may tw prevent**! the pound rhubarb, IS 35 pet l-i
authorities of Oregon and Washington •ley 25c; turnip*, V0 >441 ;wt ee- k
will co operate anil maintain a thor­ carrot*, 85(476» |>er tack, beet*, M.S.-«4
ough patrol nf ’he over
Oregon thl» II ;mr »a. k
rear has two patrol ixiata ami Wa«h-
Onion*—No. 1, 70®80c per »ark ;
ington ha* one. anal all three will do No. 3, nominal
service onlbe Columbia.
Potato** Fan. y grade.! Burliank»,
55(460» per hundred ; ordinary, nom­
Seatide to Attoria.
inal. sweet p.tatoe*, 2la«-’Sc P-r
Salem—Cha>le* M Cartwright, WIL pound.
liam L. Dndlev. Edgar J. I*aly, “an-
Batter—Fancy creamery 87lg<30c
demon Rred. B. F Alien anil J Frank par pound.
Watann have filed article* of Incorpora-
Fgg*—Oregon ranch, 161*4116» p»r
lion with the secretary of »tat» for the doaen.
4*toria A Coa*t In’ernrlaan company.
Poultry — Average old hen* 13(414»
They pro,»«e to build a »tram or el'-c- per pound; mited chicken*, 13
trie rail rota I from A»loria tn Heeaide, broiler*. 20'422r, yon ng rnnster«, I3<4
ending at the Halladay or Old Seaside 13*6»; old »onetere. |(>'4l0l»c, dr**-»«l
property, in Clatsop eonnty. The rap- chicken* 14415». tu'kev*. live, 16'4
ist 1100 17c; turkey*, dreared, 18(420», g»e*e.
Hal »rock • i
live, 8(4Vc: gee**, dr»***d, 104113c,
duck*. 16(418».
Prospect* Good in Sumpter.
Veal — Drrw*e*i, .11»(47*4» per pnond.
Beef — Dreaeed bull*. S’.ifl.l' per
Baker City — Coawrvatlse mining
operatore are of the opinion that dur­ poond; row*, 31» 4 4t»c; country
ing the coming mmmer treater re*nlt* •leers, 4<45 c .
Mutton — Dreaeed. fancy, 8'49- per
will be obtained from th» mine* of the
In pound, ordinary, 4 (4 6c; lamha, 84
Hnmpter dietrlct than ever before.
an intervie* on thia question I. R • Ha.
Pork—Dr**»*i|, 64181*» per ponnd.
Bellman, a well known operator and
H ojh — Oreg-m. I#05 rhnice, |0(4
manager of the Crack
Oraron. at
Bourne, et ate. I that thl* I* a»»nred by lOlgc; prime. 8(48»; medium, 74|8<-
the fee' that an in iny proper tire have old*. 547».
been folly developed anal a>e no* on
Wool—Eastern Oreg >n average be-t
the verge of Iwing placed among tbe 164131c per ponnd; valley, 34436».
regular pro lucer«.
mohair, choice, 36<130c.
a bill
author ting the Iresu g of vacant pub­
lic gisiing ¡and«, but sentiment in
tav r of Federal c iti
and regulation
and eventually such a sy»lem will l«e
Krj rrerntativr Herder,
of Kansas, ha» a«hau< « i idrag on this
suljm-t, and lelitw tl a' the t«e»t way
to expand sentiment m favor of the
leasing sys’rtn 1» tn keep the topic be­
fore the public With that end In view
he ha« drawn ami introduced a general
leasing bill which read» as billow»
•‘That the president t« hereby au-
(borised to »rt a* dr by proclamation
•iich | rtio« • t the pu’ liic laml« s» in
In» opinion «hotil l ’r crratAfd tntograa*
Ing diet ricta
The« tjtr
and tu«t«>’y
of the lam*« tliu» willulrawn shall l«e
placF-d in ’hr La: -I* f t) *• ervretarv of
Agriculture, who is hereby authorised
to ria* ify an»I appraise Che graamg
value ol such lands and io appoint »m b
ofhrrfW «• the « Are <d each grasiiiiC* dis­
trict may r««|Uire.
•*Tbe eecrriary of Agriculture is a so
art? » ar.I t,» < argr ami collect a rea­
sonable fe*> for grating permits am! U)
make and enforce • b regulations as
may b* appr- priate ’ t ..
’millions of
each ganrimg «lislri* t
Tl rj** regula­
tions »ball l*o fiamr«l an«! applied with
•l«*cial rr!wre«<«e to • ringing about the
target |<er matienl •> •-<>}>•*.<■„ of th*
c>unt»y l>y actual *«tti*r* ami bom*
“ Ml public Ian I* thna withdrawn
ami controlld »hall al all time* b*
orittnu* to *uh)>v l to entry and aettl*-
lurut umlrr amiable r■■«illation*."
-y ri
Ru»xian Rrsctiu k • •» 4»C Incitine to
Open OutbrsAk.
Hi. pi '.'rw.iir^, M.U- ;
1 5. -- >« Ulte <>!
th» r**A41 tutiAry <>rg*n e ilu>n« «re ptisb-
rs lirsl
d»rtf*-ri«ti« p- int.
thè AXitatl >n «gAhtel
eleutetil« to
a "I.ragne of ti-■ K i*eiau l’»■’*pl•'’ held
a aervice in Ih» Alraanderrv»ky tnon-
a-irrt l<> ■ e), orate t ■ -■ manifesto on
Mari h * a- a *
ory (rii- ld regime
Ij«t. t it t• . 11
>.-■ III*
fighi log *oc>ety ■ f ih* »ani» organi«*-
tino he d a putì ■ ti .rtu g ati-l liatened
*o li tlaiomat-.rv epeeeh.e by Dr. ll-o-
h. vili a' d P- f •»■ r X »■■ «ky, two »«•
trrmiat leader*, et wloch the
thr oratore
« aummonad th»ir follower*,
litack Iloti, lo k 11 the
bang Conni Wilte.
p.lnre M-«,
tir ananln. who *npt>orr
»ri ti hi . »barge* Ih* burvancrery with
l avtng »yinpai liv w t'h Ile court cliqua,
« l> c'i >« opp *irg t1 r hamla o! tb*
iabtnet, ai I wlth mrltlng >la»* hatrr.l
and *'r kr* w li thr pur; •» <4 mak-
rg tb» nati mal w-a a la‘lure.
Ile qu-ite* Prof.raor Nic-.I.Sy a» d*-
. lar og fiat Ir*
- ol il - a ut . ra> y
atomi I tee tbal a tiomber of revolu-
ti... »rie« are eie-t*.i. In <>rder to fur­
ti eh en • irn* ho .top. .» ng th» na- a-rro.i Iv with bay.met*.
May S
• •-I Moody «I
Attorney General.
W f Lif’i'Uift, Marrh 13
It *• un<!er-
•tot «! dir»«" ar- n.a’4v 4 a’> • rt rh»f |{ra
lu 1 Ntitrinp tr t >.
Anoritey Gi»r>MPBl
M i » w I y fitay r«ti»e» A»lv in tl»«- «utnmer.
H*-«'r»ta»)r H o
of th* Navy <!*•
I»a»’t« r«>t m«v have» thr pHra if !>•
•a •» rara »».
I” »1» ’ rL«*n» G f, VO*|
*'».• k -«
r t«> Kite« «, «ill
Hb» I* ’«hr th* N ivy |> *tf«i H
I' m it a«’« r Ga-i era
C rt«»lv"U will
• 14 -.•* • ’ I ■ - ■. ’ 3 t .
t ’ r
w ’ *n that • H j -in r«*tirr« in thr fall,*
un'rr« prr«rt|t plan« « halier.
On* gtrat pr«»Llwni in trntlrring the
•*Ap»rtnr < ..uri varai « v to "*«F4 rrtary <4
War Faft 1« wh»> to <*t «borati take
tli* ic*»*at pr hlrrt* of th* l«lhmiai>
varai an«! th* Phihj m*
K<B«*rrtAry Fai’, a’thoiitfh «’r-irinx ulti­
mai«* I v tn Lav* a p*.*it*on on tha Ho-
pram* mnrt l»rn h <1 * • not fr*l bha
*a«v n< thr cabin«’ at |hi» t rnr. Wash­
ing II kl'rvr« h* Alli «1 U<* *'it r«M>r
o( Ju»t>v* Brown.
Women Give Their Jewel*.
Rndape.' Marrh I t —Tlie t'ounteae
1>-eerey and aathrr tit d «omen have
rtarte*! a movement to a fund for
the te-neAt a»f . rli lair • Io. reeigi.eal or
were ali*mie*ed ae a re.ll1* of the politi­
cal rriaia in Hungary. They have held
meeting* at *hi.h they have denuded
lh-n>*elve* of valnahle jewelry, which
will he »old for the IwnrAt of ibe offi­
cer« who were left In rhe Inra li through
'h* no!■ payment of large •om* pron i*rd
them by rich magnate* aa indemnity
for th* lo*a of their ealarie* anal of po­
et lion*.
Guard for British Lrgation.
Ivomlon, March 13.—-The ©nrrrépond­
ant of the Tribune at Hongkong ears
th it Capta n W»»«l, • • mmamling a de­
40 artilkrymrn, will pro­
ceed b» Pekin at he en<t of the month
tn guar«! the British légation. Tadel
Wen, ronfi lent al »rr»e’ary
of the
viceroy of Carton, In an interview,
•aid he did not think the anti foreign
movement in the »onfh was serious,
and di«*i meni the idea of trouble at
• - -
,**• “'M
■ > *
P •
■ c '
.» m ;,
’■>' ¿.S-
* >
I ’
e «
“ **> .
• f
Famine Imperil* in Morocco.
London, March 13 — The Paily
Mail'* enrreeoawal nt at Tangier ray*
that the lai n-e of the wheat anal bar­
lev harvest ia threatened throughout
With no reserve from laat
year, he a 'da. a terrible famine *eeo>*
Io be impending.
r ’»e
• A
1 *•
*• r*
f *
•V ■»
of the public range is groeiag steadily,