* -s _'*» COUNTY. OllEGON * Ü X 4 »U ■À. THE SKIPTON STABLES PUBLISHED EVER» FRIDAY AT CO., 1.1 XU 4'10, OHtGOI Good Turnouts, Prompt and Courteous Attention By T. L DUGGER NEWS OF THE WEEK fti a Condensed Form lor Oor Busy Readers. RLUOSABLt MTÖ Cerner Ba«« a4 a;-1 Kllawortli •««••<« Albany Counter Lunch HAPPENINGS OF TW0 CONTINENTS M< KIII OF A DvVANtY, Prop*. A Resuma of th« Le»» Important but «Í F>|-ESS10NÄL“j> Best 20c. Meal in the Valley Open All Nijjht < C Frjanl LJ at item oac aij* Hhsvlng ................ ...... 16 cant* ■ •• lialr ( utttng Hhampoolng....... __ 36 “ ¡latti*...... .. ............ ...... 33 M M«tary »*«•• •*-• vf Iw. • • 4 rvffica. zn WMt M S'.rw« ALBANY, OBt 11»< iM&sti Ufete PRILL M D PHYSICIAN -Di SURGEON We buy our Uns done on tb«rt notice. Horseshoeing a Specialty SGIO, OREGON Belo, Ortffoa mi TC.ephon* £x:haaot Ho Ik -X Bank Stute Scio 8HELTON EEALESTATE BROKER, Oregon Scie Ju«t!i* et th* Trac* Hcury FuUlc Sci* Or*fen WBIUHT cm:ir.s Prete! Imi Caahbar.. ................... T I Mnttni w A. Evia* ATTORNEY AT LAW « P i general be»king and sxchang* ì e'ffv* of I L R »••» o’ !■• Mis* n bus.ne«« 1. u« made al current rates ! Frtett*•• In * I «• rte mbmi fini M i I jbbì H»; > K<»vm« ai. î • and draft» U»u*d < jö principal citi»». A! BAMY. OBBOOS Beware of Defective Titles EAST AND SOUTH YlÀ---- II*.»*» Absirttt et Itile (rer«r*a »r ise Linn County Abstract Co Of th# r««l p j u latead to purer « m > •• •• uuty '■ r ‘ ? aaed p»tr< i»«-«» g ! • Motfll »I «uf ««beri • USA, X* kUllLtJ tu tm fot CORNHR SALOON K»tS * lUktR I ioc M ine«, Liquor* and Clear* Tura Liquor* for Mediciaal Purpose* Gira U* a Call Shasta Route llogxatt will be nameil governor ol Alatka. Zionlit* have »topped Itowie'* (ap­ ply ot money. Both China and Japan deny there t* any di»turt«nc* In China. R » heater. N. Y., long a . - » •• «ilo«« «i io» a l.»B m. m » " a 1 8 ' 48» leave ter aib«t>y at An agrerment on Morocco Ie sbovi to be reached at Algeciras, the kaleer backing down. The Chine»* governiuent re»»»iir»* the nationa that there will t* no upris­ ing ag*in»t foreigners. The llarlman line, will be equipped Fallen«» a d î*.«tr:»t cam on both traina < bate car« r«< r* «u-. to < gd«a «nJ tl t a«o. with th« block signal ayatem from ■ a • ». • > • • Omaha to lx>a Angele». Urlean« «i.d W •» ■ u Th« houee gowimittea on naval affair« < obb«< tiri at M Fr» w © wlib th«••»•raJ •iramabli o.>« J H< » J«pau, t fein«. favor* the appointment «1 not more * • Amer tee than 30 dental eurgeona in Hie navy. fee* Mr« MX Wo-d ante« ag«el at w««t President Rooeevelt has l*en a*ke>l belo «talli'a, or ««i trete to atep in and attempt to aettle the dif r OOMAS. a. P. A. Portland, Ornffon. W. £. ■ i eventful Anthony closed al morning. Tbe *nd Match 13. — Tbe . ... . ...-3 1 LUMBER! LUMBER! al the II.Iran Pen Sawmills. I* prepared to All order* for Common °* Finishing Lumber Order« taken at th* yard* In Itrio or at the mill* in Hlveu I*n. Hit lumber ie the beet of mounUin dr, and pn< ee ar* rcaei nable. LANDON! LANDON! Irvine gr Myer, Props. Hack connects with all trains at West Scio and morning train at Munkers. Our ri^s are first-class and our horses good drivers Prices reasonable. fetetice* between the coal operator* and miner«. Washington, VOTERS CANNOT CHANGE FRUIT CANNERY FOR ALBANY came peacefully. uncone* ione Attor«*, Geoeral Sa,* Or><>oal Reg-t- Garden»»» and Orchard.ste of Linn practically tor 24 hours, and bar death tration Muti Stand. County Take Block had lw*n momentarily *sp*et*.l since halvtn — Att.on.y <>*o*r*l Creator.! All-ery—Active work tooting to the -on.ley night. Only bar wonderful I, ot tb* opinion ibat It er* i* bo * o U k - eregtion of a cannery ard parking plant coiKt.lution krpl her olive. in Alhany has legan by the gardeners rlty for Ih* cl anemg »1 a «ot*i‘a r*«ia- Dr M H Ki< ker, her attemiing phy- and fruilmen intervale*!. Tbe new •il r*t»i*re>l a writt.n o, inlon grocers* and Gardena*** Cooperative Hbe had bed terion» valvular trouble upon Ih* *ub|*ct, bui aitar hearing tb* eawM-iatloi., and will lie owns*l by the t >r tb* laat *i* or eeven yrara. Il*r report tbal ihai',»* hav* t>e*n parmit- men who sell their product* to the rout- lung* were practically clewed, and th* pen y or by citi*«»* of Albany. Htoca t**l in Lino OMiuty, h* eiamlned tb* I nenmonla had yielded to treatment, tn the nee company I» »»lling under • l>ut the weaknea* ol bet heart prevented atatute* governin, rr,i»trati<>n ami *ai-l rvalrirlmn that no one man r>>uld •» tbal Ih* only ebanje pruvtl tot by cure more than 35 per cent of the bar recovery. La»t night in a delirium, Kias An- la* latitai wliirh bacowea nrceaaary eto* k. He.idee parking, preserving and can b >ny ■ poke of tbe work in Oregon, wlien a votar char ,r* hi* rr*i>i*m* where the battle for woiuau tuffrag» la ning fruit and vegetal.}»«, the new con­ Iroru on* precìnct io anoiber. cern «nil bendle all kind« of prodora, now lieing wage*!. Hhortly atfer *h* Mr. Cravtord raid tbal il a voler acting a» a kind of dietributing joint sank into a *tii,K>r. r**i*ter* a» a ‘L*-iali*t ami theu rbanga« where ali prudore for the local trade Fuaan Brownell Anthony, reformer, Ina re,i,tration *<> tbal il •) a* hlm to can tw »o tired at a uniform pries. In wae l*>rn *1 booth Adam*. M* m . Feb­ thia way all »tore* will Iw abl* to keep ha a Iiamocrat, ibi* » uld t<* in tid re,i>trato.n, and more tban will have no trouble in di»|Hwing ol er wag a Cotton manufacturer, and gav* on* registrati >n i* *ipra>**!y forbidden their product. hi* chll Iren a liberal education. The plan i* to »tart with a cannery, Il tira clerk ahonld mak* a m ***n wrlte thè word “Ìtockaltol'' after a prune parkery eml cider and vinegar liwlor* th* country a* a prominent arl- mai,'* nani», wlien tbe voler had an- work*. All ot three indu.'ri** have vnateof reform. Through her indu­ nonnrrd hir.-i*elf a* a l’emvat», Mr. torn needed very ninrb in l.inn eonnty, ct. <» wider 6»Id* of employment ha»* Ctawlord think* it «irahl t<* peroiiaaa- brcatise of the immense amount ol l*en <>p*nml to women. I'p to the bl* for thè rlerk to corraci Ih* error, small fruita and garden product» groen time ol l>»r death (be never related tier hot wher* th* party afhliatinn ha» been here, and twranae the cotinty had no • iforta. Hhe ha* publnhed, in con­ record**! a* ,iv*n by tb* voter, ther* i* •neh rnteiprl«*» the development of junction with Eliialieth Cady blantun no autbority for a *ut>*rqnent ebanite the fruit and gardening Industry ha« ami Matilda Joslyn Gage, 'The H'*to- li ha* t>e*n tnany tini** a»**r<»<| thal twen much retard*«!. ry of Woman Hullrag».' Rhe ha* alio in Marion county many Ihim- ra>* are c.mtribuled to leading magaatnaa and rrgxtertn, a* Republieatia in order lo Wool Sal** at Condon. lecturid in England. tak* pari in thè ronteat tor tb* Kepub- Condon—An effort it being made bv lican primary n HDÌnatioti*. Inapertion th* Condon I’* mmervial club to eetal ot tb* regiatration Imok* *ho«a tbal lieh at thia place ».« I vai** day* The SCREWS ON IN KANSAS thi* i* not trita, an I tbat tf any pernio* eecretary of tbe club i* in communica­ are rr-giiter .n, improperly t he instane*« tion wi h the Sial* ai d National Wool­ Interstat* Commission Turn* Light on are ao few and ao unimp rtant a* to re­ grower*' associations, anal with the aid Standard Oil. ca,>• notice. Tbe di»,**ition ber» >« of the local wcwlgrowera' aewviation. KanaacCity. .March 13.—Acting up­ for e eh to t»gf*ter bla party affi:ìationi which it I* expected will lw orga* it i* tboriglit date* may Im tea- on resolution* pa*»nl by both house« of hooeatly aud (airly, il girea at all. Endeavors are aiao I wing made congre»», thr«e memlwr* of the Inter­ cur* a reduction in freight rati Farmen Toed of Waiting. state Commerce commiraion tcxlav i>e- and Haw lam, Ontario -- The farmer» of Dead Ox wool from Condon to alno on local shipments of sugar, salt gan an investigatoin of the charge* Flat, tired of waiting for water from etc. ina>lc by independent oil producers of t’ AV I’ Kmi»a»that tbe railroads of Kanaaa dis­ t *.»• . .d r ■ . - I • l-»»n WOMEN AS SHIELDS Moro Manila, March It—Major Genera) Wood, who has arrive.! here, ba* an- nonneed that he aaaiimee full responsi­ bility for the tight against th* Mon* at Dajo hill, near Jolo, He »aid tbat there wee n > wanton destruction ot wo­ men and children In tbe fight, though many ot them were killed by torr* of neeeeaity, becait»* the Moro* need them a* ehielda. tn the band to band flgliting. Major General W « Arrtv«« A«felan«t $2 4 • m . M 1 • »*• Arrive« !•< mrtito * *• p m , * M» m Arri««« »A4. I ran ria co TMp m, • M a m. i and Anthracite operator* are believed to have agreed to reject the miner* pro- criminate in favor of the Standard Oil poaal*. Company m the matter < f rates outside A bill ha» l>een Introduced in the that •late. Iona legidature legalising tbe killing The member* of the Interstate Com­ of Incarable*. merce commission who will make the Francis M. Cock­ I »stall* of the fight l>et«een Moto* inve«tigation are and American troop* ehow that the rell, Judson C. Clement» »nd Chari»* Iwttle la»te«l tour day» and '.HiO of the A. Prouty. John T. .March, eho has I wen in the tel* I* were killed or wounded. Houthwest for tbe pat» two week» mak­ Million* are i ■tarvkng In Northern ing ■ preliminary inveatigation of tie Japeii and now r winter weather baa producers' chargee, »•« present today added to the misery. Straw and acorn* as the attorney tor the commi»»ion are the principal food*. An almoat I rank H. .Monnelt, ex attorney general total failure of tbe nee crop I* the of Ohio, and Clifford Thorn, of Wash cau*e of the famine. ington, la , were present *• attorney* The The Harriman line* will put on a i for the independent producer*. new through train from Chicago to railway* also bad attorneys at the in­ Portland No eto|>* will be made and vestigation. The agitation tor the investigation no paseenger* or eipreee will In. car­ ried, nothing but mail. Tbi* change G-.tm tofav was started some time ago when Clifford Tnorn. acting on behalf will make a »aving of an entire day. of the Oil Producers’ associa­ In Wyoming. Western Nebraska and tion, fllad with James B. Garfield, oom- Northern Colorado there ia 13 inch»« ol mlwioner of corpotations at Washing­ •now and atorkmen fear heavy hw*e*. bin, a statement in which inrtanrea ot at the weather it extremely cold alleged direrimination »gainst the lnd>- Kan»*» and Montana hav* »now and |wnd* nt* in the matter of rat«-* heary wind* ami »treet car and railroad mad*. traffic Ia badly demoralised. Fire at Han Francieco in a flve-atory building cawaed a lose of over >. .uoo SCIO U D. I^iidoa, Koutbarn California and Ari* oa have had a downpour of ra n ahiib alnxwt reached tbe proportion* of a flood. Three inch** of wtler fell In 36 hour*. R»ed»r • Hu B.ll to Carry Out Land Coninruiion i Policy. Great Champion of Female Suffrage Pass*» < A wa*. The Iowa senate baa paaaed an anti- railroad para bill. r H RUDD. M*n*(er < B« e>-r Tktr4 a»4 MruadaiLI*-u aLaaKY, OBioos Seventeen men have tost their live* attempting to recover b>*lir* from the Courrierea. France, coal mine. The city of Chicago ha* won a great | victory over the traction Im»* by th* Hu pre me court annulling their fran­ chisee. General Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers p . Graduate Eclectic Medical College >AOI w Argentine rt- Tbe deadlock ha* i-een reneanl at Algeriraa, but an agreement I* assured. ATTORNEY AT LAW Ç of th* Peat Week. Geueral Ovsraeer Voliva ears Dowir ie dying and thal he will govern Zion. il MoNTAMÌ X JJ. C- BB u WMB, m Leant* iiearat baa forbidden tbe mention of Bryan's name in his t>e*tpa;>er*. ATTORNEYS AT LAW J Interesting Indian outlaws have kills*! th.ee dep utive in Indian Terrilorv. Go To Vbo BBYAMT A BOW n*>4*ib a <• Lea* The president of the public ia dead Al B ANY, OR! GON. H Bryant Not LEASING GRAZING LAND ANTHONY DEAD Mia* Anthony bad Oregon Albany SUSAN B taken tlapa * rgai »a an rriga district nndrr what 1» km>wn a» the Wright law. A petition to the County court will be C’>n«iilen*4l at a ape«' When this district 0 orgsnue0 U00 appropriate.) by th, alate for a memorial bnildtng. rtm It an individual 1» will-ng to aopp’y th* ISO,mH) which th* Portland 1-wta and Clark corporation refii.ad to donate Mr Crawlord *«ya the law 1» ■ illicit in Ha dec aratton that the corporation mn»t airpply the money and G e cdy ol Portland donate the aite. Bret Acreage Lafgrly Increated. Ixi ««ramie—Manager E H. Ht«tn- well, of the »Ogar factory, has been ln Cov», making r»»n’ra* t» for the growii g of sugar tMM-tN f<»r tiiis »e««on*srun and report« having con!rar rd for a> <>n' I ,- 000 scree of l*rri» tn that h cality Th» sugar company expert« to have a larg- r AtreMg*« ’hi« year than ever t-eloie Heretofore tbe *a< ’»»»y ha« r »ver > ad ■Jiore than 2,*00. a* r»-s b t »hit i» counting upon at Ira»’ I OK) acre» Wallowa Bridge by July I. Wallowa— When ’!»•<). K. A N Co. «tartal to aw’ifr right «•( w»y in thl» county for an •it^nwion of their line it was not drfinitelv known how toon th» road wm to F h * in operari<»n. In a re­ cent converrai inn with a gentleman who it in a position tn know the activ­ ity a 11 pr-pM-fetl rwilri ad*, it learne«l that the exten»H»n to the O. R. A N war eif»r« tc«! to reach the Wal­ Big Yield in Gilliam. lowa brittle bv July n**it Wtlh rail­ road accomtnofla»inna early, much of Condon — Cr p o’o»l-e> t- * la’ge the crop rairad in Wall » wa county, a* yield are »aid to I h . bet'er than ever I«- There !• a well •• the aurpln» »tuck, will lie tore in Gilliam county greater acreage of wheat than ever ahip|»e’’«>«• Pam!! «ton. May 22 23. May 2 * 30; Hn»pr*r. May 24 Wheat—Clab, 87e; bl i«at»m, 67 4 2', Jun* 7 M. Jane 2’ 22; Condno, 68c; red, tl6c; valley. 70e May 3!, Jnn* 1, Jun* 27 2*<; **ha» ik • o*t*—No 1 whits teal l-’7 60 «•ay. June 5 6, June 19 20 J»»lv 10 11 ; 127 per ton. Baller City, Jan* 2S 2rt Jnlv 12 13; Harley — Feed. 421(424 p" t n ; Elgin. Jnlv 13. Th* Bale for !h* Wai brewing, 614424 60; rolled, 124 &U(A Iowa count* wool h«« h*-n «rf f »r E'giD 36 60 inntnei! of the t >en Wallowa a« pr* Buckwheat—12 >6 per cental. vioutly arranird Hay—Eastern 14’eg n tin»-thv 41141 14 par ton. valley timothy 4M 4V clo­ Closed Season To B* Enforced. ver |7 50#K; cheat, t«*7, gram bay, Oregon City — “ I str ctly close-1 •*«. |7«8. •••n will la* maintained on the Coinm­ Fruit*—tpp'e» 11(42 60 per h. g ; bit river thia veer " »ay* Deputy Fi»h cranberrtee. |I3 60i< I 4 60 per barrel Warden H A Webster. who baa gr»n* Vegetable*—Aeparsgna, 10'411» per to th* lower Columbia. Tbe rlaweal pound; bean*. Slgc: »*••!•*»*, I %» per season began on tbe 16’h inat and eon- pound; caulifi .war, |.’<42 36 per crate tinne* for a month, anal in order that celery, >4 60(45; epvoule. K 47« per a I illesal fiaiung may tw prevent**! the pound rhubarb, IS 35 pet l-i per- authorities of Oregon and Washington •ley 25c; turnip*, V0 >441 ;wt ee- k will co operate anil maintain a thor­ carrot*, 85(476» |>er tack, beet*, M.S.-«4 ough patrol nf ’he over Oregon thl» II ;mr »a. k rear has two patrol ixiata ami Wa«h- Onion*—No. 1, 70®80c per »ark ; ington ha* one. anal all three will do No. 3, nominal service onlbe Columbia. Potato** Fan. y grade.! Burliank», 55(460» per hundred ; ordinary, nom­ Seatide to Attoria. inal. sweet p.tatoe*, 2la«-’Sc P-r Salem—Cha>le* M Cartwright, WIL pound. liam L. Dndlev. Edgar J. I*aly, “an- Batter—Fancy creamery 87lg<30c demon Rred. B. F Alien anil J Frank par pound. Watann have filed article* of Incorpora- Fgg*—Oregon ranch, 161*4116» p»r lion with the secretary of »tat» for the doaen. 4*toria A Coa*t In’ernrlaan company. Poultry — Average old hen* 13(414» They pro,»«e to build a »tram or el'-c- per pound; mited chicken*, 13 )3c; trie rail rota I from A»loria tn Heeaide, broiler*. 20'422r, yon ng rnnster«, I3<4 ending at the Halladay or Old Seaside 13*6»; old »onetere. |(>'4l0l»c, dr**-»«l property, in Clatsop eonnty. The rap- chicken* 14415». tu'kev*. live, 16'4 ist 1100 17c; turkey*, dreared, 18(420», g»e*e. Hal »rock • i thare*. live, 8(4Vc: gee**, dr»***d, 104113c, duck*. 16(418». Prospect* Good in Sumpter. Veal — Drrw*e*i, .11»(47*4» per pnond. Beef — Dreaeed bull*. S’.ifl.l' per Baker City — Coawrvatlse mining operatore are of the opinion that dur­ poond; row*, 31» 4 4t»c; country ing the coming mmmer treater re*nlt* •leers, 4<45 c . Mutton — Dreaeed. fancy, 8'49- per will be obtained from th» mine* of the In pound, ordinary, 4 (4 6c; lamha, 84 Hnmpter dietrlct than ever before. an intervie* on thia question I. R • Ha. Pork—Dr**»*i|, 64181*» per ponnd. Bellman, a well known operator and H ojh — Oreg-m. I#05 rhnice, |0(4 manager of the Crack Oraron. at Oregon, Bourne, et ate. I that thl* I* a»»nred by lOlgc; prime. 8(48»; medium, 74|8<- the fee' that an in iny proper tire have old*. 547». been folly developed anal a>e no* on Wool—Eastern Oreg >n average be-t the verge of Iwing placed among tbe 164131c per ponnd; valley, 34436». regular pro lucer«. mohair, choice, 36<130c. a of a bill author ting the Iresu g of vacant pub­ lic gisiing ¡and«, but sentiment in tav r of Federal c iti and regulation and eventually such a sy»lem will l«e inaugurate«!. Krj rrerntativr Herder, of Kansas, ha» a«hau< « i idrag on this suljm-t, and lelitw tl a' the t«e»t way to expand sentiment m favor of the leasing sys’rtn 1» tn keep the topic be­ fore the public With that end In view he ha« drawn ami introduced a general leasing bill which read» as billow» •‘That the president t« hereby au- (borised to »rt a* dr by proclamation •iich | rtio« • t the pu’ liic laml« s» in In» opinion «hotil l ’r crratAfd tntograa* Ing diet ricta The« tjtr and tu«t«>’y of the lam*« tliu» willulrawn shall l«e placF-d in ’hr La: -I* f t) *• ervretarv of Agriculture, who is hereby authorised to ria* ify an»I appraise Che graamg value ol such lands and io appoint »m b ofhrrfW «• the « Are for grating permits am! U) make and enforce • b regulations as may b* appr- priate ’ t .. ’millions of each ganrimg «lislri* t Tl rj** regula­ tions »ball l*o fiamr«l an«! applied with •l«*cial rr!wre«<«e to • ringing about the target | •-<>}>•*.<■„ of th* c>unt»y l>y actual *«tti*r* ami bom* uiakvr*. “ Ml public Ian I* thna withdrawn ami controlld »hall al all time* b* orittnu* to *uh)>v l to entry and aettl*- lurut umlrr amiable r■■«illation*." -y ri .• STIR UP PASCALS Ru»xian Rrsctiu k • •» 4»C Incitine to Open OutbrsAk. Hi. pi '.'rw.iir^, M.U- ; 1 5. -- >« Ulte <>! th» r**A41 tutiAry <>rg*n e ilu>n« «re ptisb- th» rs lirsl d»rtf*-ri«ti« p- int. T'.lay thè AXitatl >n «gAhtel eleutetil« to a a "I.ragne of ti-■ K i*eiau l’»■’*pl•'’ held a aervice in Ih» Alraanderrv»ky tnon- a-irrt l<> ■ e), orate t ■ -■ manifesto on Mari h * a- a * ory (rii- ld regime Ij«t. t it t• . 11 >.-■ III* fighi log *oc>ety ■ f ih* »ani» organi«*- tino he d a putì ■ ti .rtu g ati-l liatened *o li tlaiomat-.rv epeeeh.e by Dr. ll-o- h. vili a' d P- f •»■ r X »■■ «ky, two »«• trrmiat leader*, et wloch the thr oratore « jwr.ly aummonad th»ir follower*, Jew« litack Iloti tr.il, lo k 11 the l bang Conni Wilte. p.lnre M-«icbrr.ky, tir ananln. who *npt>orr »ri ti hi . »barge* Ih* burvancrery with l avtng »yinpai liv w t'h Ile court cliqua, « l> c'i >« opp *irg t1 r hamla o! tb* iabtnet, ai I wlth mrltlng >la»* hatrr.l and *'r kr* w li thr pur; •» <4 mak- rg tb» nati mal w-a tot.lv a la‘lure. Ile qu-ite* Prof.raor Nic-.I.Sy a» d*- . lar og fiat Ir* - ol il - a ut . ra> y atomi I tee tbal a tiomber of revolu- ti... »rie« are eie-t*.i. In <>rder to fur­ ti eh en • irn* ho .top. .» ng th» na- tmr.al a-rro.i Iv with bay.met*. CHANGES IN CABINET Bofap'.rte May S • •-I Moody «I Attorney General. W f Lif’i'Uift, Marrh 13 It *• un • rt rh»f |{ra lu 1 Ntitrinp tr t >. Anoritey Gi»r>MPBl M i » w I y fitay r«ti»e» A»lv in tl»«- «utnmer. H*-«'r»ta»)r H o of th* Navy t m«v have» thr pHra if !>• •a •» rara »». I” »1» ’ rL«*n» G f, VO*| Mmrr, *'».• k -« r t«> Kite« «, «ill Hb» I* ’«hr th* N ivy |> *tf«i H I' m it a«’« r Ga-i era C rt«»lv"U will • 14 -.•* • ’ I ■ - ■. ’ 3 t . t ’ r a«’iry w ’ *n that • H j -in r«*tirr« in thr fall,* un'rr« prr«rt|t plan« « halier. On* gtrat pr«»Llwni in trntlrring the •*Ap»rtnr < ..uri varai « v to "*«F4 rrtary <4 War Faft 1« wh»> to <*t «borati take tli* ic*»*at pr hlrrt* of th* l«lhmiai> varai an«! th* Phihj m* Wtiile Kr o( Ju»t>v* Brown. i•“« Women Give Their Jewel*. Rndape.' Marrh I t —Tlie t'ounteae 1>-eerey and aathrr tit d «omen have rtarte*! a movement to re.ee a fund for the te-neAt a»f . rli lair • Io. reeigi.eal or were ali*mie*ed ae a re.ll1* of the politi­ cal rriaia in Hungary. They have held meeting* at *hi.h they have denuded lh-n>*elve* of valnahle jewelry, which will he »old for the IwnrAt of ibe offi­ cer« who were left In rhe Inra li through 'h* no!■ payment of large •om* pron i*rd them by rich magnate* aa indemnity for th* lo*a of their ealarie* anal of po­ et lion*. Guard for British Lrgation. Ivomlon, March 13.—-The ©nrrrépond­ ant of the Tribune at Hongkong ears th it Capta n W»»«l, • • mmamling a de­ tachment 40 artilkrymrn, will pro­ ceed b» Pekin at he en * P • "4 *7 • . ■ c ' t r - • W I •-< ’ ** *** . ■ ' K .» m ;, ’■>' ¿.S- a * > I ’ w-, e « “ **> . • f Famine Imperil* in Morocco. London, March 13 — The Paily Mail'* enrreeoawal nt at Tangier ray* that the lai n-e of the wheat anal bar­ lev harvest ia threatened throughout Morocco. With no reserve from laat year, he a 'da. a terrible famine *eeo>* Io be impending. r ’»e • • A r A 1 *• *• r* * f * ** / « •V ■» »i'-’Â of the public range is groeiag steadily,