The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 14, 1902, Image 4

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    Jill Humors
Ar* impure matter* which U*e akin,
liver. kidney« ami other orxan« can
not tak« rare «4 without help, there la
• i* It art a«'* imulatwf) <>( U m 'O>
They litter llw ale dr »J «tern
Pimple-«, I m AI«, rearm* and other
rrupfo»n«, fo*Mi «4 apfxffiU*, that tir»*!
treling, bih«*ujt turn«, fit« <4 luditf«-*-
! ••«! »lull head*« I m « at» I man* • •* er
|r«*ub|r« are «ha* to them.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Iw-imo*1» ill
llUtUQC*, nwtcnnir ail
t»»n«p ami
el!r>u. atr« tigtlr
favigoratai llw wbU* *yi•tern
•q tad «at r
and II d-- •« > I
U4ft Oil th»« a<*e<
m <>n tni y Lar
1 f*>* H »•od a -«r »«(»«/. la
u’»«4 ha
1 !»• ftOMre*
1 «
’ •* • «
« diMEto« *1
la.a Ma
H9MÌ9 ¡f»»iiarlNa j»n»w«/*ftft /•
cur« and A»«*»* tNa pranalaa
Hard Iwk.
Ma* Woodby—Ob? paha* ’ Itala
jo«t my lurk! My new r»»*t’« black,
•mi here n»y un>lr'« gon*» arid died
bur Giddy—-4» -»«Ine«*' 'A ‘.at are y»n>
complaining eta »ut*
May W^.lby—Why. if l'.| only got­
ten a light met. I e»»'ild «rar on* of
tl >•« «well n uriunrf Itami« <-n the
«!•*<•%•’ — rhiladrlphla Pre*«
c < nnot
ri num
•* h
; ■»
. • •
» »at)M »•«/•».
t * •' »
• • •
a a
• a • . »»1 f
r- nt
•*« * •
o .«r ' ■ .♦• |t
* , .*>'
• r ♦ '.'■•
lit. • « a
• tai
a •
* •
'<» •!« Í m■ o ••■.'• '• Hal. » l a
r »• < •
a a
r nr
It waa
• U
« I « ♦ • • • t I • « » •
It »e
•* ! • ■! II.» '-• '<»
* a- >«n '
I • 1 •»
t '.« tw« '
»J j ■ i r • a . : ng <h
f«M ■. , . 'I II» m
»n- • «•
Th* |«e»l*w<
a *
• ■
■ « ' « • i r -
r • tita m « ur itkfoalAtrb
Mui r re* r»...! a.'«, to*
r i ni>n 4 •
i r {.t » , luA«do, O
1 » » tr «■• • a i r . * .
M». • f au. . * i • ar« lb« '«at
th* utCx.ul» wh* ¡art ipatrd in Black
Hart's rapture bwfore, but that lbs ac-
rutnpBsbed stage robber Is again at
work and will umkv u»or* lead the of-
fl. rf« vf the law a m< rry thaw U.-forv
ba is apprehended
T/fc Duty
of Mothers.
What • iffcring fr* t i ally rraull*
fr * a
' « r • igu^rai»« «* ; <>r ®>"t
frsKpH-ntly fn*iu a u>»fo*r • U*glwct U>
<*«•« of II»« t»i»s <h«i lleetrojT H om »« pr«»p«*rly instruct bar daughter I
Tradii >n says “ w-<nan must snf-
There la one ricredlugly disagree*
• a . • U<* tr uth an i a g»*al irai
aid«» habit Into which
(»eoplc fall
If a yuu g
without ««arming to botlcs it. This is jf < ».»tv«-. atn»n tn th*«
• ;»an i ff ers m - v ** «-: « %*.<• n «-!» treat-
nagg ng
They • anirnt say what they • ctit and bar u» .»cr aituu.d see
bats to say and th u let it alone, bul
keep peeking ami | h k-ug al It uu r%
Many ’»*«<h«*r* he-..’.air» t«» taka their
rry «ernaiun an»! if »«aahiM do not kanghter* to a physician f«»r rsamina-
arise naturally, they make them
In I n hut »> ui lher IMMMÍ brattato to
write free,r ai- ut h«*r daughter <»»
Ibis nagging, «arx asm, <»r Irony, bear
hr r wlf to Mr*. Pinkhams 1 «a I or story
a leading part
A tL ug may l»r «a d at Lvnn. Maas , and secure fr« m a
un<• or twice as a phasant raillery. In w nan lhe
sfike rnt MlvfoU with
a c»n «l buu««*r. Put w bru repeat«-«! uut charge.
uvep •ud uvrr II < T**ftr* tu t** fun. Il
Kam a a ui I« * tw*edf*<d
Ihr* «‘Ufa.
icol; It «u’a am! n oubda tte* uu* *t
w b<>tu It ta alUH'tlL ami II HTifate* ami
ruughriis thr •-U** wh-> uses it
It is
a daugeruus tool fur on« to us* w I**»
wishes tu Iw either klud or just. It
o>Lurs ras ly to the lips and lhe In
ttdlect tak«w a ceria-n kind of delight
In aptness, lngeuuity or sharpness Its
use grows on *»ne
At least the habit
I m - cvuh - s o» habitual that It la used
un«»os iottsly
However good naturrd
«•nr errine to take It. It !• almost err
talp to Ira»« a sting. there is a w »uu«l
that Luti»
Struggle aga»nst it as one
will, there w 41 often Iw an hnpr»sal‘U
Augnst Pfa!.-. ”»f. of >. utb
»». Wla , n>»thvr <»f lhe young lady
carrted that aol n* part of It a meant in B
w h - mw » |*«rtra't we herr puhliah. wrote
<*a rue***
in Januarv isuu «arin/ her «îaughter
Tuw c »ften d< • all of ua wound t
a ' r • •
• » -
r • • .
(♦'••1 ih g •i <»f ut!»«•m by <ai ei»-*«n<*a«
ular tiw tw' r nation
ha.l l>eada<'he ail
too carefulHr t «r titue, and pain in hrr s:«le. fr**t
>|MN n b
U a cannot
guari! <ourarlv«*« afflitii*t th* uaggi D< •«rllrtl. an<! naa generallv miarrablr
hhe rwcffived an aoawer pnmmtly with
It ni«|(h* ami wear* uut t
bat «If
alritns. and undrr date «»f March. !*rJ.
laval f dlftpoaiiHon*
1 I ap ! u * eudeav
tùe molhrr wrlfow again thaï L\ I * K
orf to make imr «¡w-*•* h kindly, rv e .*«
l'.n'uham s Vrgrtable < ««in|*»un»» • -»ited
when oblige«! t <» flnd I MM
■ a !•!'
L. r 4au<htrr of ail ¡vain« an-1 irrrgu-
with a w.»rd strike** d**p«r than
tdow with a sword ' AVr shall lierrf
h -»Li ng 111 thr '«v »rl«1 « «
I;a R.
i«* f r regn-
err by «¡waking t.-w> kindly. These pHiM iam s grwat u !
v- 'UtoA a p -
u» ut y
naggers are often kind at heart and
•i niId nut willingly wound another. Irould**
Th« Jtorlt ««ad H>4« Career of ■
«lag* Itebiwr W h« F*r r «>r iaewl the
Ko» 10« Hlv|t* « m J l-luded I hr < »<•««. !• 1«
for M«aov I rata Igairt «1 Wurh.
There la g’»»«j renaott to beliaKe (bat
Bl*«k Hart. I be tMddrat and tuo al iw
torlou« highwaytuau ev*r km»wu in
California, la ope­
rating again. Tbe
lite rubber!« a uf
atagr and coach un
roads in northern
during the last few
months have abuu
da tit earmark« of
the fan loU« lotto
bighwaymati of the
Hi'*rms Mort than
this. |Wu t»f the pg*i«M Ua* '• ÌU th« bold
up •«*<>-* knew « »it.rthlng uf Itisi k
Hart w ttwn hr held entrai California
In trin«r «?• years ng ». and. fr^m his
ftp»-*« h and figure are sure that their
robbor .« I be u<de<4 bandit. Mcrfwotrr.
u>j u<>e Mirili» to know w tisi has bo
cotm? of blm «im e Li» re|r«»o frvni
Han »Jix'iitlh prismi, »hue be bad l*eeu
•entri», rd for eight years
Th» trial of |<la« k Bart f -r high« ay
mblTry in folla «al In May. IHM
ret rah»«J > ma«« «»f informal i<>n about
this unusual bamlit Tor 17 year* high­
way r»»ld»eries by lliark Hart lo»d takon
pli» r at infer ral* and a Irani agpert
M lor*111 «-a. all i h* way fr««ni Port-
land CFrr Io Yum *. Arla
Hl* am M r'Sill* al« ’if hi tba way
lu 'lar» t> 1 • chi . illie» «*agv «Nal* h ibat
«r*v«»ir«! i!»<• r.■Ugh r*»A‘1 over th* d**o-
late bilia ami
t*’ t
gul« h«« ft »u. Y
»Id i :-h’ng camp lu
ih«* Hierra« t u M » *
IL fai. w Ma
bebí up by a tna <«k* l l<.D<* blgbway-
11 A : W .
m * dr » rr an«l all !!»«• |»a«
ar ng r* n-
« inuctm-fi« ami
•P« n ■ li aa
’ ai« Black Bari.
Th* irtrran h igh 4 ' «n : »1 red i* ♦ 1
h’a tu MÍ« of rublwry Io a •< iene*, aod
when he had qQlrkly harvested a crop
of g : I » a : •-« p H«. « and b ’• <»f
Jew» by he *
‘rd ■ » ’ll#» drlVtfF to
go ahead
I a > v *
Lot* :s Uf* s key *»f g id —
Rev. l>r. L^wrry. Baptist, hausas City.*
Your fo«ul Blind keep your soul
abut lung ruougb iu4 juiir s«»ul will go
blind Bev. l>r \ an !>yke, I’rvsbytrrt
ao. New York City
Cultivate Belief
Ibe i hr «f an
should cultivate belief, or gu out wf the
business of bring a Christian llrv l»r. |
Mrrur, Baptist. Worcester. Mass
without religion la orgau sr«l hypo»*
flay. Tbe wealthy should I < to their
own cumlltlons llrv. 1» H
New York CHy
DUkTvtioo and Zeal - Die» r« tion w ith 1
out teal la alow par««! and seal without <
discretion la strung fowded. let teal
spur on d a« ret Im«
!t« v U J Holts
claw. Baptist, Atlanta. Ga
As Little Children
To enter tbe
kingdom uf bravm we must l*e as little |
children Tbe child completely and
thoroughly trusts God Hi » s Bryant.
Methodist, Washington. 1> C
A Moral Truth
No am • -»?. k
w a
moral truth until be feels it
He mu«t ,
think and know Iwfore Lr cm r«alis«*
bls full obligation It« » I \\ Ju>«e,,
Mrtbtvdlst B:«b“p. Pit »
¿ I*«
A Book of M ral Law*
Man w : al
ways believe In tbe Bible as a g < at
literature, a history, a health b»x»k at I
a Lfouk of moral la»« ltrs II \S
Thomas. Pe«»plr s <’bur< h. < hh ag >. IIL
Christian < zonacirot'e
The t'liristian ,.
c<MMk.'lrnc» should t*r a guide 1 b«*rr ah * i
certain metbo«1s In legitimate hualm- *
that a Christian cannot pra«-t • •»*
W. G. Partrldg«*. Baptist. Cin .nnat.
They hair formed th* bAblt iiuxhi
Friendship.- Friemlsb'p «Icl'vrrs us|
s«’imtal.i and art* nd aware of h<»n
At fopisiricd.
I «tei
from ftrlfishm ss. strengthens ue in thej
frequently they Indulge In that kind
¡M S w ©I|—“H uw is it, every time I hour uf triuptatlou It Is .t shield lu tlirj
’ \
\ get a .. I» j-etn a« w*a
of talk
It d •rs not occur to them
«>rdrr a pair «»( tr«maers you make then* day* of suv«•«**.*. a help lu the flour «-f
written in day« g nr tn ” «ai«l the r>
that aui 'i- may fake a further m«.-an just a iiltlv short?
trial, llev. Dr. Le»y. Il»br» w. Pitts
gntful p r»« ».
Ing than they have meant, or that any
laii r—Whrta v >r I sen«I a «tatemeht burg. I’ m
''Of f’^ifr-r you «fon*!,’’ anawerrd th«
¡»art of It will l»e taken aerioualy. It <•( your ai«ount, yon ar»* short; I meas­
•mug in««forni*t
"There i* •• much
'Two Ktrongcst Pas«inns The two
Is unavoidable, however, that this la ure you accordingly.—C'hi<i»<'» Nr*«
• I mi - g»-m- by p ■< ! r v already
-n the
strong'st passl<»us <-f human nature ’
market that there in no further demand
love and hate are lM»th rpi-al»*l t tn
for it " — Wa«hington '■‘tar
Got Them All st Ones.
the name of religion. Ahl. ugh epp*
sm* Brett«*—I ►<** it -tat«*| that If the site. b<>!h ire claimed in the service of
II n ml. • * M »raid i>il kto* ka the spots
• vgs were **pially divid«*«! among the religion IL » A. S.
I nllArian,
<»tf y»»ur lhr»»at wl»«»n it is b r*. and pre­
in Abitanta < t the o-unlry, » a h human \V«»r<'«strr, Mas«
vents diphtheria, quinsy, rt<
lirin w«*nl<l g« t 141.
’The !>!»::»«• Man
It Is p x l»lc tn j
l> >t«* J i^ht«*— Gra« ¡‘»us me!
I got luah»* Jcaits Christ too much a <¡»»»1 and
that mar.v «»ne night while on our four i ot eMmgb tbo di •; ne mon who I ed
\A hen the lecturer made a gramat-
ut W«**t!■—Yonkers Statesman.
ica| rrr r it br‘Hight d- *n the him«*,”
hl* divinity among turn ha an r»ld« n ••
■.»nl M i • * <»urirv
that God can dwell and w
k nm< i g
' I d«»iTl think lhe I mmimv had lawn
men Itev 3
\ It*»mitbaler. Pr«*«l»y
w»il brought up,” • «•tuiiw’hlel Mrs
Th« MAM Ar«» sra (Tunng Quite • Stir terlan. Indianai*»!!». Ind
<»nriey. gravely ... fotn it Krrsi Pre*».
Text of <‘hU!‘ b Mr tnl*rr«h!p Th. !
Nothing is mor«? annoying than i
fxxHdy Hffntad afore.
From tKe lime ■ church baan t y«-t r«*n« h« *d up to the full
M them will f nd Mrs Winslow’s
«•hl talh w »lips million*« < f |- <plo luive tl'M’trlnc of J«*«u* f 'lir -t . but the fa .' ;V 1
rup lb* Leal r*tn«ly to u»« for tr»«* r
ciilldrvu during the teething iwrl«*!
l- i-n l»«>th» n^i by insulin i«*nt light when < «»tiling wlien the teat <i•f rbiirrh m cm 1
the ev«*tiiiig com»**.
But jn»w it mmiim bersldp «hall l»r whvtlni r a num k■le» .
the whole question is ••••tt!«-<l bv the
harm Withm
hl* fellow man Ken
Dr Ka.nifiuni.
Is-HUtsfui, brilluii ’ < ■•n«>ntH;il ' M *k
**M*r« » m * c the d- g Irink’
<»rk City
M” \r<- foitiip»» that ar«* !•«■• -uning *••» IJpl««'opnllan. New
1 •• • alfii <«t rnipUcd that |»ail of water
Th«*y are ch«*np, t*»o.
•at men of e ».hl
Be ■
W? at’« th»' matUr with him’'*
to C W. fo r i, r<»rtlan<i, i>r«*g*»n, f »r .» ngt» have regarded th«- f r.«r of tbe I.u>rd
' i*»ware, ma'am, 1 think hr air the
i in ular t, iling y«>n all alioul them. a* the I f » at wladom. but 1then* linve hwn
n.•-«dard planter y u hdt lyin' <»n tbs
WL’-n ihe ■ i 1» La I rumbled 'Ut uf
The nagging habit la the n al reason You’ll !■«* glad you w rote.
Agents ar<* different herta, «■arh ful!
Wfo£ the nv««I«
tab!.* '' — <''.«■ -.< m * h>4
Plain sight »n the* «a) down the mountain- why som»* women fin«! It ddth ult to r«*
wanted in every town.
and«» <»f It» age. laying stress un
11<*« I or
Mial«*» Illa« k Bart turn« 4 his attmtluu . tain w*rvauts. It la for the »harpm *"»
tbe different points nf r»'.:glon. Bev
Th< Literal Mind.
to splitting p* ti tt»<* w<*od»*u but «‘iii- ' of their tongues that sum«» rvidly ex
l»r. Hadh*y. New 11a ten. Conn.
f do n«>t fo|l«v« Piso’s t'»»r« f<»r Cm» tai ning tbe Wells Cargo Kapress Com­
» ¡nipt -i La» a>> r<j al f <f r< ths a >4
Never Outgrown Christ can never
«»»Ids. J*’H* I l*4»i sa. Trinity Sprmg«,
l»r outgrown or lost to us Por»-\rr a h*
4!«t »irtw^l th© high way man while bo lashings that slip a«» easily from th«* ing it difth ult to keep up, s|ie raid1
li <1 Feb |5. ban
quote and changeless In himself, be is
was gathering » p tbe ni ’m-y from the « Ups and without real malice, but thei
".Mamma, are y>-u a stepmother*’'
Bolto« Brown.ftgttci
the prophr« y and pledge of n ¡«•-rf»-« :»<1
trea»ure I* \ for •.* • n th»* -tag»* • «» L I nevertheless, cut de« p
L«*t US put H "S'», «k-ar.” wa« the r«*piy. "But what
character ami an Immutable deatlny to
Mrs Gush-—llow do y<»u do, Man ia** pa»a«ngers had armri tbcmsrlve« at guard on oanmlves ami are that l! « mad«* y-'ti think I wa«”'*
II ’* did i"U Ilk« th© reading »»f tbe nekt statfon and hurrle.1 lack to , habit of aan natie spe«c h ami oag^'«
"l‘«<au».«> you tak«* Mich awful long all who will Iwboh! and follow him
Bev J. It Boyle, Methodist. Ph »dr!
Browning al lhe club ia«l night*
step*,’' rcpli«,*»! Margiv —Ch nag«» New*
th** • * n«- later in th«* day. tbey found i Is not ours.
The Chinese have a « am
phia. Pa.
Mr* Bluff—Oh. pretty well
Bul 1 among the debris <»f paper*, empty
■ Ing (bat “A man’s c«»nvernation is th»
didn't like the way her drew» hung
Christians If we are nut Chrlstlai •
purses aud wrapping« of parrels a ! mirror of bis thought« " 'There Is i
Muhiplkshoa «nd Divmon.
Air« Guah—N r I, either
And it linen »ifT
In the enlightenment of today G«»d will
lb«« r 1 •‘•»•r
!• ntly la«! truth In It
If we babltunlly talk In
lb "In - k - I :
•• i v
: J
MF<et!.<-d to tn«* who might hai« held her dropped it lu a burr « «1 fight to bls
hold ii» r»-*|M»n«lble according to our
a «-ertaiu way. we grow to !*<• that n a
try for arithmetic.
I mmi K i:. r<- gra» <4u I li - - Bowioti Trans- refuge
light. If we are not “forglien.” and
' in character. Milwaukee Journal
Van Albert—Think «»»**
rri pt
1 be cuff was turned over to tbe •!-
IT»«*y make two one at Sing hence have thr f«»rgb ing spirit, w e arv
H hen a 11 a .» I »Ils ih»w»i.
ara an«i one t»v»» m South Ifok-da."— self men. not Christiana. Christ turn —
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a* pr»-s« «"vmpatiy detr»tliria 1 b»-y found,
Bev A J Stone, Presbyterian. Balti
HI ppvry atdewaiss i « ji J tu
g »
after wevks of Inquiry, that th«* Indeli­
Chi« ago Pally News.
more. Md
i ble lauudry mark« were those of a vmpbatkally one of the peculiar «14«
1 tn mort nil t jr.
Immortality h.ia no
Cblneso laundry un Buah street« lu of human nature. Nu matter bow iuu«
I «alle« < at* XV rar *U»<»«
t r#
t Oi.<* « te Muai 1er alter uatag Allen'« Font Fa***, rendition», mid th. thought» and tbe
AS b«*n the detective tbe fall Injures a man ph) ■ tl.y
2 WOW/ /• IM ilnta to UAt if.
J Han I ram ¡sc«»
apu»»4i-r It make» light «•r uew >h<w-« raty. arta of the individual can in no »•)
had learned from tbe Chinese laumlry- seems m nutbing to the damage to b
• ur«e• wollen, hot, awe*Ung, aching f*-r», in
man that the marks <>u the cuff indi­ »elf «sterni If ¡»er« Lame bls misfortum
■■ a ■
• • .A ’ w
■ ffret it
Imtuurtailtjr ba» nothing
SKs K ms It
«•.» ata 1 » ! -
, .
Ef a¡
ta. M > K > K
cated that It bekmg«*d t » • Uv Charles bap|»rita tu I«* with» »’»«•«I b> ««»me «
bjr ma i « Id •«* « .* u m . i»ltuat«d. fo 1. . whatever to do with (< mk 1 or evil Good
“<»r«*rge Goaht* declares that he K Holton, a regular patrun of tbe elee
Tba first thing the unfor«mi.t ■
hrw York
or evil merely determine the future
»«•uldn't marry thcl<-sl a<man alive," laundry, they art aliuiit to bum up doe* after picking b in«« if up Is tu Io* »
■tat. of th. cou», loueur»» of th. Indi
remarked Mr >|«att«
A P<rt!f*<nt Qtttry.
| Mr Bolton. Il < ame out that Uharle* nil alaiui bitu with an hlh ti am !<• •
vidual Hev »’ »' Maaon. Rplritualial
"Well, la w«M»'t." aaarnted Miss K Holt n who uwned tbe < uff. was a Ills face, just as If b<* t -ok the w ti­
Magistrat«*—-ft baa I mm - u proven that Brooklyu. N Y
Fnske. "for I have refused him
« I«»
I quiet, unvbtrualvc. spar»- man uf ab*»ut tbit g as a j*»k» l ut a-. \
you »truck your wii««, ami — — -
Itraturr Our Jiidalim By nr< ua ng
Philad» Iphia North Amerhan
1 h*fondant—— Holl, judge, I ataod lx*r our»»l.r» from a »leep that may r.-ut
50 years
He lived in a modest nud any our ba« s««n low tiim.’h*
If there bapp«*hs lu !>»• s o. • i.«-
brs*i«in* as lung an I could.
quiet imardlng L »u*«. whric sedate.
In death, by throwing off f<>r a » till,
by w ho ba« wlinv**» «l 'b- fol. t •»« .
Magistrate— That «jt«*»n’t en um » you.
u> I fasbiou- «1
s u •« m i I>««1 t
all preaent Interrata, by looking at <<>u
She h U,f» w«*.ikvt v<-*«ad, and you
hw 4 evriy wUe !b‘ re U ¡a L ■ (t
i «1
dltlona not only a» they aff<* t »Ingi»
H li* u s detectlie went to live in the p*r that is h 1 i “«!• It
Individual» hut a» they are dratli>>-d
i«. I
1 Mfondant——» ak«-r xr**«»l,rh? Tb« r»
•ame foarding bouse be feflud that suffers It Is pmmifo«l
to affect tbe great !■ dy of larari aa
why d<M*a »! h * carry ao blame much oail'
Mr B«4t w *a« a wud i;a
lu ! >«<>l rd. a* If ‘bat I. it ■ .< = «
»ball yet be able to rvator. our Juda-
I |-
—Philadelphia Pre**.
a cvrr»H*t lite was a reader of uew the bumlllat¡on. r «* ¡( (.<«
lam to it* »Betrat glory, »o that It »hall
•rr .rTx.ngth.bnt lao«l
L mm A« daUU.rd in poetry
:iud every
continue to do Ita greet and notile work
u/ tUe tn.a, <5«a,*et -u.
few Weeks went away !«• V'slt "Uf of sort uf l»rushlng If how« « r
and ¿tuba.
for bumanlty Iter J II •;ri.:«t> r.
in »1(111. an<1 no fa.r • »wn at a ar
Tu t un U or handJ, them
Hebrew, rbllad.lpb a. Ta
ini* s w bL b be bad investment« IL.I
ili AI » p<»!u< ra.wejlmg
(telflaUne*. It I» »«■!’ »bi r., in eve y
and in&.iu*i.UM* with a-
ion was an rijert whist pia* r, and
Iratance that make» the hard hearted
liilng »»«a matlrr of .-on* .■ in dlrnt
lr*r it< bing .ad Irarninf
I trfive
man 11. rouir» to irgard h iu-rif In a
that niii.t b* takf-n (oml naturinUy Hi
uftha^in Tbaamptiaa
:u L.s early I i* H
y was »4 <
rila» by hlmælf. and by hla r>-a»onlng
aooa UuMppf.ra, the aaf-
«.la* si.«l be sp<mt wb 1« »!«>» In i-ouinion with tin- ottur trifling affa
ferer »«¡>ea fueevee , but
thing» not allowable for other* me
¡. » nt Ing Im i
s n*•* • »»• tn I. • of » Il fot Ime Tha mult la at-ut th*
alaiaat aa w»a a. th. litUe
. U .
prru)l»»lt'lr for him
It I» |e'rf<< tly
I uatulee ap|>eared the pn.aoa had trai bed
burini hy a amali boy. flmla It» mark
[MMtalbl. for » nation to berotne kind
tbe Ma--I, and wtl break out at regular style along with the other bachelor* in
hearted, »a well a» It I» for an indi i
. e be u . ¡. al
to ou the liroad ba.-k of an other» lae <1 (
interrala and each time in a more •(gra­ th « | m i r«t <
vidual to beeotn. ao
Argument and
vateli form Thia pmun will leiter in the the iL»-aler. where he took the least ntfli-d |»-r»< n »(ton Star.
erstem Mr rear., and every atom <d it I conspicuous seat. II© never gut mall
■opblatry can harden our nat onal
mutt be 1<tr\ ied out of the Mood before vow
« »mart «tain < Irrrr Knar.
heart lit. Rev. «" Burge»«, blaliop
'«ml Drve«
nt letb rs. but Iw devoured
rea expect a perfect, |ern>.nent car».
“I m * your wlf. In a ear with you
Ixitig Island. Brooklyn. SY
tbe daily nrwspajwr* at tin»« a. Never­
!»l»trlbntlon of the lleautlful
I I» I
theless It did not take tbe detective th« other day." »aid a filatoi to the
»ng tn < oom*- t thia «¡uirt |M»IUi»e<! gen gay W all »trret broker "I thought aha
dlatrtbuiiou of the txantiful In dally
Ilf. uncwnacloualy la au Incitement to ¡
tieman with the m >si dreftth-d outlaw •at ( iltig tv »tay South orar tua In
I da/»."
want brauttful thought» and a Iwautl ¡
In California.
I ««I He go Y««re
"Nha thought ao. too." and th, brok­
ful character, and a barrier agalnat ugll <
T»»r 17 >ear« be bad kept half tbe
is thè only cwrv f<w Fsi«.>a Oak, Pwisn«
er »iiill>.l ' Mia n»» with Met) I»
Ti»« Orrat hala Killing remedy
nee» of mind and deformity of moral»
Ivy, and alt n-’tio-is pisola
It is rora- sb«*c>ffs and con»tabh*s. a lot of deter
N«vrr (a! • to <’ure
j» >« d e«« lusis«4 v •( rwxaawd hrwks New llies. am! all tbe ( tilted Htatca tuar ; there for a long time, and kept writ
Imnieaanarble. Indeed, the li>flii<-r>r* <i|
VMI l w »115.1,
'a< ma not to tell her to <uu>e ba k
wTil > S»
is thè lime la tri tbe pa.saa ast wf vewr
thia modern art motmiml ii|«on th»
al;form a >« »« .< sly w • b
août ni a *
M ' uu »,IA,
System, ss JeYay b :-. i vuur lesulitfoa
Ju»t yet "
moral* of »'» lety
And I»', nu-r H»
lmi m tut tn,
w ise
IXjn’t eifirriment Iwnger w.lh ful f »r a fr*sh de. d by Illa« k Bart.
"How did yon manage UK*
moral background of onr world I*,
* I *•• •* Fa f •
salve«,wafthes and •*»• ps tbey uever cure. He bad many a time walked down to
**l didn’t writ.- for her to i-vnie ba k
Tuer« la Nuthing »
■ d
whiter and purer than ever before, th* i
Mr 5 M MsrstMtt, baiAbesgat af tb« A<!««ta •
I Jtiat »ent her tail month'« (•» t« . 1
Une» <«f corruption are now •••urn
(C.B > «.•• l.»g*l <.« . WSS P««»««e4 WilB r«4»«« Bi bl* fr‘p*a k the pm • e*ls of a re
It wa* for 11 cent* .«the (ot here two
h » i .gwt*k
unwonted hue» of Ugllnea« Her ,>r Ì
ibe r id” -past
rthef d'bfi S«4 spyhed esiirfnsHy «»itwrvau« rent affair ont on
Br- kl<n I
loti nsar t salve« wtl S « ■» S*nvAt Al tts-rv t!w hundreds of *Min I ami«<.» p«-<»ple. day» later, and her trunk« hare been
■ •
«ila« vtm •• aewre bs was
' coming In on every train »Inc«."
N T.
while they were earltedly d s*uselng
Then the/ both »mlled. Xew lork
t-vsk O' j I r«rtv svssra »1 « evagltUs was hìxm -B Ma< k Bart s latest b Id up.
>old in Sòr amt MV Fia**.
Know a \o(>. *»tl«lu. loc.
impisve 1 aH«rtaklns n»
1« < » S B • , sag
, Frena.
a ' • • ' ■ • r • • a
S fe> 4
The outlaw was ronvldud an«! tie­
According to .ipertmenta < < ndn. ted
all evLteaces of l«s <li»e«e« d »ap;«<aieJ
cause .if h « < ofc«« «>n and apparent
by I!. Janaaen on klont Blanc It I» not '
recp’e are often pnisoned wiihmrt
Tbe e»tliuated «oat of a aubmarlne
Seternnnatlou to lead a u- w life be was
kuowing when- r how Biplani your ca«e
->4. as-e*+ 4-4- 4-A4-»4 »»■»♦.»4*-» nrarraary to ere< t pole* for atr ng ng '
tunnel from Wigton. S. .tiand, to Lame
telephone and telegraph wire« In aw»w-1
fully fo our phvau sua, and tbey wilt •«•ufomed to Han Quentin prison for
rhrerfully gire sudi Information and ad- only eight year*. He was a model pris­ 1 Ireland, twenty three tn lee. I» |r^nai
If the »now la a.v.|
JOUS PtXH.l.. l^rtland, Oregon,
vice as yuu requlrr, wilh ut charge, and oner. am! be earm-d all tbe cotnmuta . <•»> There I» no Immediate pr.»tieet o'
eral Inchea thick It »erie« av a gon<l
we will arn I al thè asme lime an In’rresfr tlons of bl* sentence for good conduct, 1 Ite being built.
Foot of Morri**« Simet
¡ iMulator; th. wire« > an »Imply tie Inl<l
ing bwok on Rlo>l and Skin biseaara.
lie was llbreated In July. INOOi For a
! down and be ready for Ifknam «»Ion of
Can giw you the l**«t liargalna in
few days he lived in Hacramento. wait­
Voder a law |>»»»«il two year» ago Buggie*. Plow*, Bui for* *n»l Engine*, i mcMxge«.
ing. be said, until he got aoms money
tbe Hungarian government may >ut>»i Win imilla nod 1*umn* ami tfonend
from Faster« relative«, when he meant
i 1*be drair. that every town man b.-i*
Machinery. S«*© u« lx*lor© btiying.
to go to Seattle an«! eani an bone*t liv­ dlxe altnoet any kind of manufa. tory
to aome day live on a farm la really
ing Then tbe man disappeared.
it. r. w. v.
J*«» 11-tee*.
du. to a longing to get away front lbi
I With her flrat eugag<meut ring a girl
There Is no doubt In the minds of Imagine« life fur ber ha» ju»t l-rguu.
IVfl kn writing to mlv*rU*ert pl»«»« ralgbbora.
! ■ awasiti«* tl«Ta paper.
ait n
t ol
"One of my <J»ughter» h»d •
terr.ble c*»e of »»thm» M e tried
•lmo»t cvervtbing, but without re­
lief. ft c then tried Ayer • CberTf
f‘e<tor»l, end three end one h»lf
f mma J»ne
Entiminger, L»ng»ville. O.
TVw Ou»
r». U.
U «rati««»
( ,
V .r 4 - ' » If »«•
vu»« H
*• »b«
K K« *•' • »*** • *•
i-. »•• ' ■ ' •>
< »
’ »’• *•*»••
L a «*» » « h fc.» We» ar« • Hwf
4 C À1UCU U«« .. ÜMd
St. Helen's Hall
\ M»»«r<t|«*g « n >1
»krh»»«»l f»»r O|e|«.
Uosa ' - * k
^»f cn Tratet c i*v«u
e I. •»
•• « » » A
• ' •«■ •• t«*r a
4* t* .*
!'.i> 1 • thig l»e»'«rtm a«
r * r« •
r“ 1 »Iw
ar sngM h >ro«
f » » « 4 a !
> .f i ata w1»* »»♦ a*b»r lu
-*Vi >\x«»a TVaaiTT*. frterlpwl
l*-*.' l!a:i-1. «»rag >i* F.>uaJ«*l LtNi
1 Ho«« Jcboil fir Boys.
Mimai Traliiif.
Writs '• r II’ ■•tratol
•'.« •gua
«Willi U C M.WIl I , PrirKlpal
r\\JU ft rk»>.
l'Hll ----- I,.'»(■><>,'<20 l‘.tit-».
-* aj * egkt a »fil w
SKWxs ruu u
Don’t be a Drudge
Y“U « ah •! » ur W4<dnng in an h«»ur
with n « Wa-hiiik» 1 .ablets No rubbing
No ari l*
nd ’•*1 «•ent* T't pa«*kag»*
w o. row i ‘ i i.
Bov 6of>, Portland, Oregon
We Will Give You
2 Hyacinth Bulbi
Or o Tulipi,
r v •
Complete Catelog
(or ivo», il y : «ili •• i I iiv « ni»il
oriler, no mattar how »inai!. Write it»,
atij make voiir nela-etìotoi froni our Cat-
Sprin^timr t» bere, ami It la
lime ior planting.
Portland Oregon
icnr Resolution*
Keeley Curo
M m « fdal bota HiB»*«, opt i »« a » I « » »«»»•
«wad e«M ¡«a/tta *»ar« . *
MwfttHi trt « •"
III « nt
littHiti. Av* t‘«*rlla»»<l »»i* , >K
You Find the Difference !n - y'»»tr • | ■>»-« w I w > I ’ *.av. ’
i .4
• ’ ■
i*r «
» ■
i •
iroesbeck s Lice Ki B| r »*1 1 Or T ■ ark
• fgg I* r «»vt»»• r r ami It «-all h I*» • I
• *r«v« • •
la! >
t« u gf> :ai t»<g * hrn fl»« ot
ave Your Chickens •1 a m »e nth«
• 1 1» » **
t tn
i*r»*' » 4
9tr—t. Parltanai. Or. Oaaa! A^atda.
Th« tlreat londrtl->nrf and Sto»k I a timer
||< Ws| 4 j,»
Moe« W orh on I
I rad
vuft h gt«a ’’b-r Pktur
MUM. f1«M)S | alien Q«k*«r if glvan ihi« * >wd
Package, OOc «nd ti.OO
MIKn I’tl.» <>KOW
I OK a t I « r > l> I VIVI»,
ri'Kiik kkMIbr Co *t I’Afl! Minn
i.kvri KM««
I b*v* i>*«n toMlag « "it Pm ««i a * S: . m r
th<»r ughbrr.t iwiflf It <i»r« (hen an npiwtKr «<,<! - «he« «hr pig«
grow. 1 «!•<> trie«! It on «t «utc«1 cnlvea with •«ti«fa*! <>r v r» »ult«
P W li«-»»«» l<l<!n Nrb.
HOW KN tkl 1» A I «»Il V, < *»••« Agent« F.»rtl«ml, Or«.. an<l «««llle», U «•!<
9oo D rops
conquers Pam
«VII I l>.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral
certainly cures many cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cout;h, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Polson Oak
Poison Ivy
Niisre’s <siisxc
OOO^lorc’s Pslmt.
IM I» AM» SOl.l» I «»«»WHI Kl
AXrgcIaUr Preparali mforAw
sinniniib} rtahivxJ and Unitila
img thè bk'iMitti arei Ikwls <ï
I nf
inishilüki . n
rronwrtv'M Digestion ( h'crful
nrss nml IV m Cvnldin« nclihrr
tijiumi Morphine nor Mineral
N ot N.Mtcotic .
Y ; .-f. I H ci - Iv f r Ci n«li[kv
n n Sour Si Mth Dianfma
Wmns.l onvulMon« kvrrnh
nrsantal I.OSSd» SLEKP
Pae Svetto Signatura of
% I h »»«o». Ihs «tief
ì>c 1 >IS
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
/ i
Signature yjïjfo
A Ku
LF For Over
Thirty Years
rw« tfftfava •••«an* ft** w««« «err