Jill Humors Ar* impure matter* which U*e akin, liver. kidney« ami other orxan« can not tak« rare «4 without help, there la • i* It art a«'* imulatwf) <>( U m 'O> They litter llw ale dr »J «tern Pimple-«, I m AI«, rearm* and other rrupfo»n«, fo*Mi «4 apfxffiU*, that tir»*! treling, bih«*ujt turn«, fit« <4 luditf«-*- ! ••«! »lull head*« I m « at» I man* • •* er |r«*ub|r« are «ha* to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Iw-imo*1» ill llUtUQC*, nwtcnnir ail t»»n«p ami their el!r>u. atr« tigtlr favigoratai llw wbU* *yi•tern •q tad «at r ■ and II d-- •« > I U4ft Oil th»« a<*e< F«w«, m <>n tni y Lar 1 1 f*>* H »•od a -«r »«(»«/. la u’»«4 ha 1 !»• ftOMre* 1 « ’ •* • « « diMEto« *1 la.a Ma < H9MÌ9 ¡f»»iiarlNa j»n»w«/*ftft /• cur« and A»«*»* tNa pranalaa Hard Iwk. Ma* Woodby—Ob? paha* ’ Itala jo«t my lurk! My new r»»*t’« black, •mi here n»y un>lr'« gon*» arid died bur Giddy—-4» -»«Ine«*' 'A ‘.at are y»n> complaining eta »ut* May W^.lby—Why. if l'.| only got­ ten a light met. I e»»'ild «rar on* of tl >•« «well n uriunrf Itami« <-n the «!•*<•%•’ — rhiladrlphla Pre*« tinriui c < nnot ri num •* h • ; ■» . • • » »at)M »•«/•». t * •' » • • • a a • a • . »»1 f r- nt >1 • •*« * • o .«r ' ■ .♦• |t t * , .*>' • r ♦ '.'■• lit. • « a • tai a • * • «»« '<» •!« Í m■ o ••■.'• '• Hal. » l a tar-h< r »• < • a a r nr It waa • • U « I « ♦ • • • t I • « » • It »e •* ! • ■! II.» '-• '<» * a- >«n ' I • 1 •» t '.« tw« ' »J j ■ i r • a . : ng n 4 • i r {.t » , luA«do, O 1 » » tr «■• • a i r . * . M». • f au. . * i • ar« lb« '«at ’BOLD BLACK BART. A PICTURESQUE HIGHWAYMAN OF CALIFORNIA th* utCx.ul» wh* ¡art ipatrd in Black Hart's rapture bwfore, but that lbs ac- rutnpBsbed stage robber Is again at work and will umkv u»or* lead the of- fl. rf« vf the law a m< rry thaw U.-forv ba is apprehended T/fc Duty of Mothers. What • iffcring fr* t i ally rraull* fr * a ' « r • igu^rai»« «* ; <>r ®>"t frsKpH-ntly fn*iu a u>»fo*r • U*glwct U> <*«•« of II»« t»i»s n says “ w- ui lher IMMMÍ brattato to write free,r ai- ut h«*r daughter <»» Ibis nagging, «arx asm, <»r Irony, bear hr r wlf to Mr*. Pinkhams 1 «a I or story a leading part A tL ug may l»r «a d at Lvnn. Maas , and secure fr« m a un<• or twice as a phasant raillery. In w nan lhe sfike rnt MlvfoU with a c»n «l buu««*r. Put w bru repeat«-«! uut charge. uvep •ud uvrr II < T**ftr* tu t** fun. Il Kam a a ui I« * tw*edf*tu It ta alUH'tlL ami II HTifate* ami ruughriis thr •-U** wh-> uses it It is a daugeruus tool fur on« to us* w I**» wishes tu Iw either klud or just. It o>Lurs ras ly to the lips and lhe In ttdlect tak«w a ceria-n kind of delight In aptness, lngeuuity or sharpness Its use grows on *»ne At least the habit I m - cvuh - s o» habitual that It la used un«»os iottsly However good naturrd «•nr errine to take It. It !• almost err talp to Ira»« a sting. there is a w »uu«l that Luti» Struggle aga»nst it as one will, there w 41 often Iw an hnpr»sal‘U ’ Augnst Pfa!.-. ”»f. of >. utb »». Wla , n>»thvr <»f lhe young lady carrted that aol n* part of It a meant in B w h - mw » |*«rtra't we herr puhliah. wrote <*a rue*** in Januarv isuu «arin/ her «îaughter Tuw c »ften d< • all of ua wound t a ' r • • • » - r • • . (♦'••1 ih g •i <»f ut!»«•m by eada<'he ail too carefulHr t «r titue, and pain in hrr s:«le. fr**t >|MN n b U a cannot guari! kindly. These pHiM iam s grwat u ! v- 'UtoA a p - u» ut y naggers are often kind at heart and •i niId nut willingly wound another. Irould** Asthma NAGGING. Th« Jtorlt ««ad H>4« Career of ■ «lag* Itebiwr W h« F*r r «>r iaewl the Ko» 10« Hlv|t* « m J l-luded I hr < »<•««. !• 1« for M«aov I rata Igairt «1 Wurh. There la g’»»«j renaott to beliaKe (bat Bl*«k Hart. I be tMddrat and tuo al iw torlou« highwaytuau ev*r km»wu in California, la ope­ rating again. Tbe lite rubber!« a uf atagr and coach un lowly mountain roads in northern California and southern Arisons during the last few months have abuu da tit earmark« of the fan loU« lotto bighwaymati of the Hi'*rms Mort than this. |Wu t»f the pg*i«M Ua* '• ÌU th« bold up •«*<>-* knew « »it.rthlng uf Itisi k Hart w ttwn hr held entrai California In trin«r «?• years ng ». and. fr^m his ftp»-*« h and figure are sure that their robbor .« I be uj u<>e Mirili» to know w tisi has bo cotm? of blm «im e Li» re|r«»o frvni Han »Jix'iitlh prismi, »hue be bad l*eeu •entri», rd for eight years Th» trial of | ma«« «»f informal i<>n about this unusual bamlit Tor 17 year* high­ way r»»ld»eries by lliark Hart lo»d takon pli» r at infer ral* and a Irani agpert M lor*111 «-a. all i h* way fr««ni Port- land CFrr Io Yum *. Arla Hl* am M r'Sill* al« ’if hi tba way lu 'lar» t> 1 • chi . illie» «*agv «Nal* h ibat «r*v«»ir«! i!»<• r.■Ugh r*»A‘1 over th* d**o- late bilia ami ili « - t*’ t gul« h«« ft »u. Y »Id i :-h’ng camp lu ih«* Hierra« t u M » * IL fai. w Ma bebí up by a tna <«k* l l<.D<* blgbway- 11 A : W . m * dr » rr an«l all !!»«• |»a« ar ng r* n- lo « inuctm-fi« ami •P« n ■ li aa ’ ai« Black Bari. Th* irtrran h igh 4 ' «n : »1 red i* ♦ 1 h’a tu MÍ« of rublwry Io a •< iene*, aod when he had qQlrkly harvested a crop of g : I » a : •-« p H«. « and b ’• <»f Jew» by he * ‘rd ■ » ’ll#» drlVtfF to go ahead I a > v * Lot* :s Uf* s key *»f g id — Rev. l>r. L^wrry. Baptist, hausas City.* Mo Your fo«ul Blind keep your soul abut lung ruougb iu4 juiir s«»ul will go blind Bev. l>r \ an !>yke, I’rvsbytrrt ao. New York City Cultivate Belief Ibe i hr «f an should cultivate belief, or gu out wf the business of bring a Christian llrv l»r. | Mrrur, Baptist. Worcester. Mass Organised llyp>*«'riay Legislation without religion la orgau sr«l hypo»* flay. Tbe wealthy should I < to their own cumlltlons llrv. 1» H kajr. New York CHy DUkTvtioo and Zeal - Die» r« tion w ith 1 out teal la alow par««! and seal without < discretion la strung fowded. let teal spur on d a« ret Im« !t« v U J Holts claw. Baptist, Atlanta. Ga As Little Children To enter tbe kingdom uf bravm we must l*e as little | children Tbe child completely and thoroughly trusts God Hi » s Bryant. Methodist, Washington. 1> C A Moral Truth No am • -»?. k w a moral truth until be feels it He mu«t , think and know Iwfore Lr cm r«alis«* bls full obligation It« » I \\ Ju>«e,, Mrtbtvdlst B:«b“p. Pit » ¿ I*« A Book of M ral Law* Man w : al ways believe In tbe Bible as a g < at literature, a history, a health b»x»k at I a Lfouk of moral la»« ltrs II \S Thomas. Pe«»plr s <’bur< h. < hh ag >. IIL Christian < zonacirot'e The t'liristian ,. crdrr a pair «»( tr«maers you make then* day* of suv«•«**.*. a help lu the flour «-f written in day« g nr tn ” «ai«l the r> that aui 'i- may fake a further m«.-an just a iiltlv short? trial, llev. Dr. Le»y. Il»br» w. Pitts gntful p r»« ». Ing than they have meant, or that any laii r—Whrta v >r I sen«I a «tatemeht burg. I’ m ''Of f’^ifr-r you «fon*!,’’ anawerrd th« ¡»art of It will l»e taken aerioualy. It <•( your ai«ount, yon ar»* short; I meas­ •mug in««forni*t "There i* •• much 'Two Ktrongcst Pas«inns The two Is unavoidable, however, that this la ure you accordingly.—C'hi!h ire claimed in the service of ■ II n ml. • * M »raid i>il kto* ka the spots • vgs were **pially divid«*«! among the religion IL » A. S. i I nllArian, <»tf y»»ur lhr»»at wl»«»n it is b r*. and pre­ in Abitanta < t the o-unlry, » a h human \V«»r<'«strr, Mas« vents diphtheria, quinsy, rt< lirin w«*nl!»::»«• Man It Is p x l»lc tn j l> >t«* J i^ht«*— Gra« ¡‘»us me! I got luah»* Jcaits Christ too much a <¡»»»1 and Rwdc. that mar.v «»ne night while on our four i ot eMmgb tbo di •; ne mon who I ed \A hen the lecturer made a gramat- ut W«**t!■—Yonkers Statesman. ica| rrr r it br‘Hight d- *n the him«*,” hl* divinity among turn ha an r»ld« n •• ■.»nl M i • * <»urirv that God can dwell and w k nm< i g WELL LIGHTED STORES ' I d«»iTl think lhe I mmimv had lawn men Itev 3 \ It*»mitbaler. Pr«*«l»y w»il brought up,” • «•tuiiw’hlel Mrs Th« MAM Ar«» sra (Tunng Quite • Stir terlan. Indianai*»!!». Ind <»nriey. gravely ... fotn it Krrsi Pre*». Text of <‘hU!‘ b Mr tnl*rr«h!p Th. ! Nothing is mor«? annoying than i fxxHdy Hffntad afore. From tKe lime ■ church baan t y«-t r«*n« h« *d up to the full M them will f nd Mrs Winslow’s «•hl talh w »lips million*« < f |- th» n^i by insulin i«*nt light when < «»tiling wlien the teat ntH;il ' M *k **M*r« » m * c the d- g Irink’ Whi. <»rk City M” \r<- foitiip»» that ar«* !•«■• -uning *••» IJpl««'opnllan. New 1 •• • alfii <«t rnipUcd that |»ail of water A MEI1ISG Unii BLACK HABT. ¡w»pular. Th«*y are ch«*np, t*»o. Write •at men of e ».hl Be ■ W? at’« th»' matUr with him’'* to C W. fo r i, r<»rtlanr«*g*»n, f »r .» ngt» have regarded th«- f r.«r of tbe I.u>rd ' i*»ware, ma'am, 1 think hr air the i in ular t, iling y«>n all alioul them. a* the I f » at wladom. but 1then* linve hwn n.•-«dard planter y u hdt lyin' <»n tbs WL’-n ihe ■ i 1» La I rumbled 'Ut uf The nagging habit la the n al reason You’ll !■«* glad you w rote. Agents ar<* different herta, «■arh ful! Wfo£ the nv««I« kit«h«*ti tab!.* '' — <''.«■ -.< m * h>4 Plain sight »n the* «a) down the mountain- why som»* women fin«! It ddth ult to r«* wanted in every town. and hle.il«» <»f It» age. laying stress un 11<*« I or Mial«*» Illa« k Bart turn« 4 his attmtluu . tain w*rvauts. It la for the »harpm *"» tbe different points nf r»'.:glon. Bev Th< Literal Mind. to splitting p* ti tt»<* w<*od»*u but «‘iii- ' of their tongues that sum«» rvidly ex l»r. Hadh*y. New 11a ten. Conn. f do n«>t fo|l«v« Piso’s t'»»r« f<»r Cm» tai ning tbe Wells Cargo Kapress Com­ i ittIt* 5-yea-o!d Margie wannul walk ­ ceilent people are ivvolded and disliked » ¡nipt -i La» a>> r4 Never Outgrown Christ can never pany ’ s treasure S«»: net Ling must have ing with her mother recently, ami fiml- jin S'H'iety People dread the t«>ngu«* «»»Ids. J*’H* I l*4»i sa. Trinity Sprmg«, l»r outgrown or lost to us Por»-\rr a h* 4!«t »irtw^l th© high way man while bo lashings that slip a«» easily from th«* ing it difth ult to keep up, s|ie raid1 li <1 Feb |5. ban quote and changeless In himself, be is was gathering » p tbe ni ’m-y from the « Ups and without real malice, but thei ".Mamma, are y>-u a stepmother*’' Bolto« Brown.ftgttci the prophr« y and pledge of n ¡«•-rf»-« :»<1 trea»ure I* \ for •.* • n th»* -tag»* • «» L I nevertheless, cut de« p L«*t US put H "S'», «k-ar.” wa« the r«*piy. "But what character ami an Immutable deatlny to Mrs Gush-—llow do y<»u do, Man ia** pa»a«ngers had armri tbcmsrlve« at guard on oanmlves ami are that l! « mad«* y-'ti think I wa«”'* II ’* did i"U Ilk« th© reading »»f tbe nekt statfon and hurrle.1 lack to , habit of aan natie spe«c h ami oag^'« "l‘« you tak«* Mich awful long all who will Iwboh! and follow him Bev J. It Boyle, Methodist. Ph »dr! Browning al lhe club ia«l night* step*,’' rcpli«,*»! Margiv —Ch nag«» New* th** • * n«- later in th«* day. tbey found i Is not ours. The Chinese have a « am phia. Pa. Mr* Bluff—Oh. pretty well Bul 1 among the debris <»f paper*, empty ■ Ing (bat “A man’s c«»nvernation is th» didn't like the way her drew» hung Christians If we are nut Chrlstlai • purses aud wrapping« of parrels a ! mirror of bis thought« " 'There Is i Muhiplkshoa «nd Divmon. Air« Guah—N r I, either And it linen »ifT In the enlightenment of today G«»d will lb«« r 1 •‘•»•r !• ntly la«! truth In It If we babltunlly talk In lb "In - k - I : •• i v : J MFhu the cuff indi­ »elf «sterni If ¡»er« Lame bls misfortum ■■ a ■ • • .A ’ w ■ ffret it Imtuurtailtjr ba» nothing SKs K ms It » «•.» ata 1 » ! - , . Ef a¡ ta. M > K > K cated that It bekmg«*d t » • Uv Charles bap|»rita tu I«* with» »’»«•«I b> ««»me « bjr ma i « Id •«* « .* u m . i»ltuat«d. fo 1. . whatever to do with (< mk 1 or evil Good “<»r«*rge Goaht* declares that he K Holton, a regular patrun of tbe elee Tba first thing the unfor«mi.t ■ hrw York or evil merely determine the future »«•uldn't marry thcl<-sl a|«att« A P»• s o. • i.«- brs*i«in* as lung an I could. quiet imardlng L »u*«. whric sedate. In death, by throwing off f<>r a » till, by w ho ba« wlinv**» «l 'b- fol. t •»« . Magistrate— That «jt«*»n’t en um » you. u> I fasbiou- «1 s u •« m i I>««1 t all preaent Interrata, by looking at <<>u laulabt *. and tlirr» * ■ • -f t- She h U,f» w«*.ikvt v<-*«ad, and you hw 4 evriy wUe !b‘ re U ¡a L ■ (t i «1 dltlona not only a» they aff<* t »Ingi» *h«>uld—- H li* u s detectlie went to live in the p*r that is h 1 i “«!• It Individual» hut a» they are dratli>>-d i«. I u 1 Mfondant——» ak«-r xr**«»l,rh? Tb« r» •ame foarding bouse be feflud that suffers It Is pmmifo«l to affect tbe great !■ dy of larari aa f why d«<>l rd. a* If ‘bat I. it ■ .< = « »ball yet be able to rvator. our Juda- I |- —Philadelphia Pre**. a cvrr»H*t lite was a reader of uew the bumlllat¡on. r «* ¡( (.<« lam to it* »Betrat glory, »o that It »hall •rr .rTx.ngth.bnt lao«l square with th«* ha ’ by a ’ -r» % L mm A« daUU.rd in poetry :iud every continue to do Ita greet and notile work u/ tUe tn.a, <5«a,*et -u. «• few Weeks went away !«• V'slt "Uf of sort uf l»rushlng If how« « r «UJ and ¿tuba. for bumanlty Iter J II •;ri.:«t> r. in »1(111. an<1 no fa.r • »wn at a ar tbe •e.t-ral I v ut ’ 1 f Tu t un U or handJ, them Hebrew, rbllad.lpb a. Ta dow. lb* unfortunate (•» • . « w .y a' ini* s w bL b be bad investment« IL.I ili AI » p<»!u< ra.wejlmg (telflaUne*. It I» »«■!’ »bi r., in eve y U r a fri» |>rv!tmli ary I nip. n t I and in&.iu*i.UM* with a- ion was an rijert whist pia* r, and Iratance that make» the hard hearted liilng »»«a matlrr of .-on* .■ in dlrnt lr*r it< bing .ad Irarninf vldently I trfive man 11. rouir» to irgard h iu-rif In a that niii.t b* takf-n (oml naturinUy Hi uftha^in Tbaamptiaa :u L.s early I i* H L y was »4 < rila» by hlmælf. and by hla r>-a»onlng aooa UuMppf.ra, the aaf- «.la* si.«l be sp» In i-ouinion with tin- ottur trifling affa ferer »«¡>ea fueevee , but thing» not allowable for other* me ¡. » nt Ing Im i s n*•* • »»• tn I. • of » Il fot Ime Tha mult la at-ut th* alaiaat aa w»a a. th. litUe aa . U . prru)l»»lt'lr for him It I» |e'rf<< tly • ’ I uatulee ap|>eared the pn.aoa had trai bed burini hy a amali boy. flmla It» mark [MMtalbl. for » nation to berotne kind tbe Ma--I, and wtl break out at regular style along with the other bachelor* in hearted, »a well a» It I» for an indi i . e be u . ¡. al to ou the liroad ba.-k of an other» lae <1 ( interrala and each time in a more •(gra­ th « | m i r«t < vidual to beeotn. ao Argument and vateli form Thia pmun will leiter in the the iL»-aler. where he took the least ntfli-d |»-r»< n Wa.li »(ton Star. erstem Mr rear., and every atom .nent car». “I m * your wlf. In a ear with you Ixitig Island. Brooklyn. SY * tbe daily nrwspajwr* at tin»« a. Never­ !»l»trlbntlon of the lleautlful I I» I theless It did not take tbe detective th« other day." »aid a filatoi to the »ng tn < oom*- t thia «¡uirt |M»IUi»esi dreftth-d outlaw •at ( iltig tv »tay South orar tua In I da/»." want brauttful thought» and a Iwautl ¡ In California. I ««I He go Y««re "Nha thought ao. too." and th, brok­ ful character, and a barrier agalnat ugll < T»»r 17 >ear« be bad kept half tbe is thè only cwrv fa Oak, Pwisn« er »iiill>.l ' Mia n»» with Met) I» Ti»« Orrat hala Killing remedy nee» of mind and deformity of moral» Ivy, and alt n-’tio-is pisola It is rora- sb«*c>ffs and con»tabh*s. a lot of deter N«vrr (a! • to <’ure j» >« d e«« lusis«4 v •( rwxaawd hrwks New llies. am! all tbe ( tilted Htatca tuar ; there for a long time, and kept writ Imnieaanarble. Indeed, the li>flii<-r>r* e ba k wTil > S» is thè lime la tri tbe pa.saa ast wf vewr 5CMTK A thia modern art motmiml ii|«on th» • L.tla In < al;form a >« »« .< sly w • b août ni a * M ' uu »,IA, System, ss JeYay b :-. i vuur lesulitfoa Ju»t yet " moral* of »'» lety And I»', nu-r H» I l ÌI1AUU, lmi m tut tn, w ise IXjn’t eifirriment Iwnger w.lh ful f »r a fr*sh de. d by Illa« k Bart. "How did yon manage UK* moral background of onr world I*, At • Al- FE 1 y * I *•• •* Fa f • salve«,wafthes and •*»• ps tbey uever cure. He bad many a time walked down to **l didn’t writ.- for her to i-vnie ba k Tuer« la Nuthing » ■ d whiter and purer than ever before, th* i • • • • Mr 5 M MsrstMtt, baiAbesgat af tb« A «.•• l.»g*l <.« . WSS P««»««e4 WilB r«4»«« Bi bl* fr‘p*a k the pm • e*ls of a re ACT.« LMtf «VOIC. It wa* for 11 cent* .«the (ot here two h » i .gwt*k «•»•• unwonted hue» of Ugllnea« Her ,>r Ì ibe r id” -past rthef d'bfi S«4 spyhed esiirfnsHy «»itwrvau« rent affair ont on II1UI». Congregatlonallat, Br- klold in Sòr amt MV Fia**. Know a \o(>. *»tl«lu. loc. impisve 1 aH«rtaklns n» 1« < » S B • , sag , Frena. a ' • • ' ■ • r • • a « a S fe> 4 The outlaw was ronvldud an«! tie­ ST. JACOBS OIL Unme4\ According to .ipertmenta < < ndn. ted all evLteaces of l«s n and apparent BAI by I!. Janaaen on klont Blanc It I» not ' recp’e are often pnisoned wiihmrt Tbe e»tliuated «oat of a aubmarlne Seternnnatlou to lead a u- w life be was kuowing when- r how Biplani your ca«e ->4. as-e*+ 4-4- 4-A4-»4 »»■»♦.»4*-» nrarraary to ere< t pole* for atr ng ng ' tunnel from Wigton. S. .tiand, to Lame telephone and telegraph wire« In aw»w-1 fully fo our phvau sua, and tbey wilt •«•ufomed to Han Quentin prison for rhrerfully gire sudi Information and ad- only eight year*. He was a model pris­ 1 Ireland, twenty three tn lee. I» |r^nai ; covered eonntrle« If the »now la a.v.| JOUS PtXH.l.. l^rtland, Oregon, vice as yuu requlrr, wilh ut charge, and oner. am! be earm-d all tbe cotnmuta . <•»> There I» no Immediate pr.»tieet o' eral Inchea thick It »erie« av a gon an »Imply tie Inll and Skin biseaara. lie was llbreated In July. INOOi For a ! down and be ready for Ifknam «»Ion of Mn ’ ieldlBina Mantifh. torte» INI »WIFT IFICIFW C»»»«il two year» ago Buggie*. Plow*, Bui for* *n»l Engine*, i mcMxge«. ing. be said, until he got aoms money tbe Hungarian government may >ut>»i Win imilla nod 1*umn* ami tfonend from Faster« relative«, when he meant i 1*be drair. that every town man b.-i* Machinery. S«*© u« lx*lor© btiying. to go to Seattle an«! eani an bone*t liv­ dlxe altnoet any kind of manufa. tory to aome day live on a farm la really ing Then tbe man disappeared. it. r. w. v. J*«» 11-tee*. du. to a longing to get away front lbi I With her flrat eugag < » ’ »’• *•*»•• L a «*» » « h fc.» We» ar« • Hwf 4 C À1UCU U«« .. ÜMd SCHOOLS AND COLLEGE! St. Helen's Hall PORTI AHO. ORT OOS. \ M»»«r1 »krh»»«»l f»»r O|e|«. Uosa ' - * k ^»f cn Tratet c i*v«u e I. •» •• « » » A • ' •«■ •• t«*r a 4* t* .* ••«r» !'.i> 1 • thig l»e»'«rtm a« r * r« • r“ 1 »Iw ar sngM h >ro« f » » « 4 a ! > .f i ata w1»* »»♦ a*b»r lu -*Vi >\x«»a TVaaiTT*. frterlpwl BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMT l*-*.' l!a:i-1. «»rag >i* F.>uaJ«*l LtNi 1 Ho«« Jcboil fir Boys. «Hitan Mimai Traliiif. Writs '• r II’ ■•tratol •'.« •gua «Willi U C M.WIl I , PrirKlpal DON'T GET WET! T Ht OOKintAL r\\JU ft rk»>. l'Hll ----- I,.'»(■><>,'<20 l‘.tit-». OILED LOTHIN& I -* aj * egkt a »fil w ÜWKIWKTON • WET WEATMW SKWxs ruu u AJTOWtRCO Don’t be a Drudge Y“U « ah •! » ur W4, Portland, Oregon We Will Give You 2 Hyacinth Bulbi Or o Tulipi, I • r v • Complete Catelog (or ivo», il y : «ili •• i I iiv « ni»il oriler, no mattar how »inai!. Write it», atij make voiir nela-etìotoi froni our Cat- »l"k*. Sprin^timr t» bere, ami It la lime ior planting. LAMBERSON Portland Oregon I.X VOUR Se» it»1 icnr Resolution* Keeley Curo M m « fdal bota HiB»*«, opt i »« a » I « » »«»»• «wad e«M ¡«a/tta *»ar« . * MwfttHi trt « •" III « nt littHiti. Av* t‘«*rlla»»K fcatSK ftalar POCK H I'! ■an You Find the Difference !n - y'»»tr • | ■>»-« w I w > I ’ *.av. ’ Q-«a i .4 • « « • • ’ ■ g i*r « » ■ i • iroesbeck s Lice Ki B| r »*1 1 Or T ■ ark • fgg I* r «»vt»»• r r ami It «-all h I*» • I • *r«v« • • la! > t« u gf> :ai t»nrf and Sto»k I a timer ||< Ws| 4 j,» Moe« W orh on I I rad vuft h gt«a ’’b-r u.tj Pktur MUM. f1«M)S | alien Q«k*«r if glvan ihi« * >wd Package, OOc «nd ti.OO MIKn I’tl.» <>KOW I OK a t I « r > l> I VIVI», ri'Kiik kkMIbr Co *t I’Afl! Minn i.kvri KM«« I b*v* i>*«n toMlag « "it Pm ««i a * S: . m r ■ f th<»r ughbrr.t iwiflf It trie«! It on «t «utc«1 cnlvea with •«ti«fa*! <>r v r» »ult« P W li«-»»«» l. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cout;h, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Polson Oak Poison Ivy Niisre’s c 1 >IS LXA£T COPY OT WWA^FCR CASTOLA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / i Signature yjïjfo of A Ku In Use LF For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA rw« tfftfava •••«an* ft** w««« «err