The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, August 17, 1900, Image 1

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____ _______
Keystone Shaving Parlors House
0 L VIScrMT. Prop.
Pitveme lol wrelber
(be Fail
Epitome of ti
News of th
J. BLARI), Prop
A It »«14
c utiuu««
Prinre Tuan 1» pre|<< Ing tu
Telegraphic from Pekin.
The Klondike gold yield thle year la
Yielded More Money
Year Than Last.
Only First-Class Shop In th» City
Hair Cmtinf,
IS cent»
2$ M
IS "
2S “
AH • rM f s*ih *--i
Nrwlv Fumuhed v-vd Rafcud
! Ho-ogt-,.4
Irti < '»»♦
M !a>ui» »trikrr« Idow up a ^r with
4 > tremi te.
Ilarrtamilh »ur reni «rei V» tire Bril­
lato Augu»t 4.
li »ren
l>M»tod, torlurv-d au<l
murdered al Tieu T»in.
T“»ne »terlin»** ih« l*«»puh>t n-«fi»lire-
tion for t » <* pr» i ’< ni.
...Hoiseshoeing a Specialty...
■ I
» f
a •
• a
CAPITAL, $20,000.
a» <*
I <»t( ,*4, »
Aiuanjr 1.
a ,
I- •<>
Prerete nt
Vic» President
l* »a
A. J. Johtwm
J. W. Glinn
C. V. John ton
a i’ci»ral b nk'ng and et htnge
t j- n-sv. I ans nu e at tunent ratti
arti dr. fis lit uni on princ ipal i itici.
U th train»
•ad KI Pa*-
P laning M ills
14 Hong < bang uh tb« < birre«»
mnat bght II th« a E ire ad\am*
Amerhami want (reireral Ma ' \rthur
to lead Ih»* International f< r< « •
li A i. lì Y S. JOHNSTON • CO., Proprietor».
Ari* I irst-t l.*i<s and our Horses
Arc (iootl In ¡\ers.
Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning
Train at Munkers.
We now have the largest and
best selected stock of Clothing
ever shown in the Valley, which
we are offering at
We have many special lines of
Spring and Summer suits and
light Weight Underwear.
A lbany , O regon
..Salem and Portland.
Instrumente Sold on Easy Terms. Call and
Sec M t ( hmm I s before Piirrliasiii<r.
>eetlle inaugurate« a mot»
.nternatumal fair In 1VO4.
There la a great »leu.ami fur
•ml farm land« in ’ 'reg n.
||o< weather killed 39 perron»
New York at><! Philadelphia
Brian haa derided tn make a general
r»m|wtgu v ur uf the cvuutrv.
Sealing •• bo« nrr Minute, of Vi tor la.
wa« wr«*< <»ed in V'Hhern water«
King \lct* r t<> k th« n tretllullonal
alh lef«*re tire Italian ¡tarllamrut
l.riieral Ban lull 1» giten authority h
•«-nd destitute perron« out from Nome
In th»» Firiirli naxal maneuvers a ter*
pflwiu detir ''T wmi »uuk and 4 2
Ilin lu«t.
Many Ameri« an toldiera were pro*.
trated by the h»at lu lhe a<liauce on
Yang Tenn.
Cbineee viceroy» want tha United
Conger cab lea that the situation <d
the minister» 1» pte.-a.lous
Im per lai Stat«*» to present the lauding uf troop*
at Shanghai.
irvrop are firing on the iegati*>na.
Fifteen perron» were killed by rail­
Battery t*. wiih Its 7-in<h »tegs
road train unking an omuibu« hi
ttiaii. have Isti Fort Kiley, Kan., for Pciiuavl vania.
(‘ohgre — inati < is eretreet «aye th»
Memorial srrivce. for lluml- rt in a Itepuhli.-MD« mu»t work hard tu control
Catholic church at WaablugtioQ au.-ur the nest hou«e.
letter relationa between the |..<jM«-y
I ncotiraging development« are re*
aud the Italian government.
port»* I from the Sumpter district of
Throe people were kill»'! and 11 in-
jnmd in a collision on the Mown
route, near fjifayotte, Ind.
A. II. Zeigler, of ranta t 'ruk. Cal.,
hrmrrly a justice of the peace iti
Idaho, killed his wife by cutting her
throat, ami stteuipte*! raicide by back-
mg hl« own throat.
Fire at Spencer, Tioga eonnty, N.
Y.. th ktr") «• I the mw inill, gri. t mill
and the lumber yar l» of A. /.«•«•l<*y, tha
(irov»« hotel, th« tewn rlt-<*tri light
plant, tlx» lx*high \ alter railroMil ala*
tioD, and other property, «utaihng a
go t<‘
Prtnr« Tuan and 14 Fing lluDg are
iu euutrol of artair« at iVktn
The aliio« were »tefeat«* I in a l-attte
a ith theCbinaaa al Brit Sang.
Tran»|»ort Logau arrived at **at) Fran*
ci»* o Milh rt’fugren from l ieu [‘»iu.
Kith "trike mad« hi th«« Con**ord
group of mine« in Sumpter diatrtet.
I a «tern < Iregon.
six per«»*nn were killed in an Italian
railroad wreck
The king am! queen
went to the acene.
An a<hance guard of the intertMtion-
al column luu* pushed ou fn>ui Yung
T»ui> te occupy r»ai T»un.
A Lorn I on new«jiaper corre Hpumtent
unite a bitter complaint of tha cuu-
duct of afTalr» iu south Africa.
The Frem h pre«» and people are Dot
plearod w ith th« appointment of Von
VValdvntee mi * cummandvr-in-chief.
Th« Runutii l<»et 500 klltel at Pelt
cam| <»ign.
Fire tu the heart of tha city of Blue-
fields. .\i sragua, <111 <l.i <ga to ths
amount ol |175,<k*O,
New paraidte dtacovered which de-
•troys army worm.
JcfTerie« 1« ausiou» to meet Fitraim*
m«>n« and Sharkey in the laal week uf
1 >«-1urn*rMt« aw«rep \tehatna.
tiovernor Geer says In* will offer
t <rvg m lnx>|e It •« shall be declared
against > bina.
(>«*n«*ral MH« m volunteer»
Th»» ringleader» in the Pretoria | t
< Tilire»« re|»orted t«» bare» 170 mi») to capture Lord K- tert* base Ireeu ar
tr«"i| « tretweeu Ti«»n T»in an i Prkin.
General MacArthur »end« new« ol
!n«urg**nte are tr« u • »««nw In ih»»
vlcinity uf * agii an, lalaud of Miti- the «urrauder of a Lidpino rouainaud
uf 174.
It I» stated fswitivolv that I’re-i lent
Ktuger i. willing ami anviou. to ,nr-
retider, provi ling a satisfactory pronii.r.
is given a, to his ultimate ile-tinatloti
Govern««? Kiateevelt will
Oreg. II ill »-rptrniter.
nF. MIK» •<* rm lu New Turk
Out tablev ars supplied «-eh ih«
tsu ihe markstv alt rl.jt'a.e
Geceral Blacksmiths and
Several jwrwu»
nklKTHKs il;i>e
I ir in a Butte, Mont., mine caused
f I <¡0,000 damage.
There will l«e no yellow ¡*eril, •*> fai
an Jajian 1» coucerued.
\\ i««N>n»in Republicans Dominated
Itetert M. 1-A Fultette fur gorernur.
lhe t*o»tofbce at Colfax Wash., was
i urgiarue*! an I f 40 in »tamp« secured.
\ telegraph line from \ al le« toCape
Nome, Alaska, is under cou«tructiuu.
VC- rta. Angu«t 13 —The f!«htug •••-
■« U J «•! cb «ed ut| the < olumbia rt»rr
ha» teens remarkabl» <»n« In »r»«r».
|-artivu ai*
Whilw the run «d «almon
ha« teeu light and th«< park i« email
■ximi-ttwl with that uf teru.rr year», th»
pri e • ( raw fl«h ha» barn
b timt
more money ha* te» (aid te the rtah*
ermeu. trapmeu and wim r« f»»r their
later than for M>»«r«l mm »«> íi »
quality of th» f!*h <a -ght lo«« te’ru ex-
I'wptionady go«Ml, c«»mmaii>liDg th*
highest market figure«, and. n*>twttb-
» ta ml mg the adían « hi raw hah, tn«
¡*a* krre ha»« *>hi their proda» t at
price« whl« I) netted tbrm a mu h i «I
ter pr< ht thantbev r» riwd a tear ag •
Thu«, white the pu» k «h*»w» a alight
falling off from that of - ■ • th»» *••«»• n
of I!♦•><) an te n garded a* a more »u«’
cenafnl • De «o far a* th* pr t* nt all
dir» t-y engag* I iu *t .«• imi «try ars
mine rtird.
Official ligure» «how the «pnng pack
un tbe Co lumi La river for lite
of IM99 to have te«*u 37M.IXM) caro«,
While it is im possi ble at thia tlm«» to
get exact figure«, a carefullv prepare I
eat 1 mat«« places tin» waron'a | mu k al
Thia estimate ia on a
l«rt«i» ef * r d z«»n <»ne-|«»tind can« to
the care
About 49 per cent <«f th« to*
fa! j a k wr.« ut up
v the < • lumb a
Hirer Packer ’ \«*< «*iati<»n. commonly
known a« ti»« combine, which cou»í«<»
of a combination of 10 canneri«*«. Be-
•vi» •» th« aliovu, there were I t* ’*) ton«,
or wte»t won hl c«pial
ewe*», of
yahuoii »liipj vd hy tlu» c*4 I-*»t*
1 be <wlimat<Hl pa<*k of the
vidual canneri«*«, compare«! will
«««tímate at tbo cl* m * ul la-t » a*
a» lol low» lu care«;
t l»h*l> t l»hrsniru‘» » .»-operai 1 r« .v.,uv
* • «
e« . iM»rn
« 'liim'-i* It
I >
• <
Hix»lh >*•••»lug * *».
.'4 i«*»
an • hT'*”-*ï
MMexan, i w aU«-«
' « «•«
I- Iter lt.M •
w erren «atti lain* t
Warr>-u. • a m «elea
í tKUtnbia River Ca* • er» A t*vM ;•
U<»n Astoria
< «lumina h * » r l‘a< X» r»' \a»«M la-
Im«. » a»A »d«*
F he l»all<-« Pa« Iking f'tl
Li W
W Uli am 11 um»’
Bu« »hril l a« a i ti* t >>
U <A)
Total» __ ______
6 •«»
IlMtllr IV ith II «it «lit*.
<o*«i«|lrtnd, Kan ,
•; t IT,- Tht
two men wiio h«*ld up a I'nton Pacific
pa-«eng r train n .«r lingo. < oh» . te-t
vMHiday, kiliH)< Mr. l ay ami plumter*
mg the pa«M»nger», ware kitted today
by a «ht-rirt'« ¡«»-m* at the iterthulu-
mew rrtivh, three mite» ra»t of thu
lhe robber» were located Hi
the bufise on the rain h m the morning,
aud tile |»-i* line«! up an«! cut ofl
After a fu«iitede between
the robber« and the | m >we, lu which
Kigg« am! t'ultena, deputir«. were «hot,
one of the robber» jum«d from a win­
dow and
to »»«ape. Gul wa« «hut
to tie.itl)
then lay »iege Io
th«» h«»u«e in whl hjthe remaining r
ter »1 <«»•! gaar-l with a Wimheater,
and liuaih »»icreeded iu »ettfbg the 1»)
the building, w iiit b wa« dewtruyoi
with it» occu|Mi)t. Hi« robter« lut \ «
not yet been i ientiried.
1 jruteuantd*«)b>n«d lloare'« garrison
Th« a»».iM>iu who had <te*itfn» on it)« at’« rirer ha« »urrendere*! to the
lite ul Italy'» n»w king waa arrested. Bocre
Bryau am! StevrnM'n were fonnally
The Brithh are »low ly rloaing hi ou
noiifhd of their Domination at Indian
PreHiteut btey n amt General lh*Y»«*t.
a puli«.
i »< hm I prosfiect for bouth«rn I'arlfic
(<vn«*ral Mite» say» the «ituatten Hi
railruad U» build a lino te Kiaiuath
China 1« rofiou». He say» the move­
Th* H««l %% at*.
Afe n«*g«>- ment of troupe 1» difficult.
Huslia and U I) I teff
Augu«l 13 — The in*
Heavy rain* Hi the Yellow»tene Na­
tu uphold th<* integrity i>l
ten«»* heat t<*lav reaultril in |Wn • teaCh«
tional I’ark t-timpletelv r itlDgul«hed
aud 30 pi<*«tratlon«.
1 lie IHM till) Util
Talepbonle communication. Letwe- n the tere«l Are» which had burued (or tem|4*returt*. ‘.re degree«, wa* reached
some time.
Garman and French t itles have beeu
at 4 o’clock thi« afternoon
The mini*
Hirer improtement will precede and mum wrt* SO al I »»'rio« k tbi»moruing
a Uaxal »tatiou a* coui|a)nv the location At h o'clo» k the uo-rcury ha»! rrachwt
) x-government officials claims rw-
of a gurerumeut dry dm k uD the Culum- the
maik, an t l»y 10 o\l« k had
jairta of di.easo iu Cape Nome so ti< u
bi* river, <.>r.
t » W.’.
\t n u three ad<lil)on-
are uutrue.
al degrer» a« re noted, an i at 2 u\lo» k
Jsitaoesvt goirrumeut prohibits ths
luusly injured in a rolhaion ”U the UÓ ilrgi»-«*« aae r«gi»ti i«*l. 1 be aver*
emigration of laborers to the 1 nlted
Falla awl Northern, near
Mat., an I Canada.
higher tinto h»r anv »imitar |« riod <»n
h|«>kaiie. Wad)
Mrs. <’arris N. Walker, supreme
rec«»r l.
Many Urge fa. tune« through­
«»rn* nd MacArthur*» official report
ettnimander of the Maccabees, dletl at
out the city are working on Itali lime,
<»f lb« »1 kneaa iu bl» arm) on July 31
her rv-l<l»nce tn Datiolt, Mich.
the heal I the ai term- 11 bring b * gf«al
is a« follows Sick in bo»| itais, S.7M;
fur the enq lovea to endure.
l.l lluug <'hang haa officially notified •h k lu quarter», I,DHL
the consuls at hhanglial that the min­
» -(••••la iw
a«-wib Wai»«.
The third tattalteD of tbs Fifth in*
isters left I'eltin under escort August S.
Victoria, B C., Augu-t 13. — New*
lantrv «tatmiied al Fort >herl lan, 1111-
Itetmia Coghian. the wealthtest mau
Dois, ha» been ordered tu < biua te juiu teought from Au«trM*ia by tn« «teamrf
In Toledo and NorthweaUini IMilo, Is
Aoraugi i« t»> th« effect that terrild»
General Chaff«*«’» command.
dead. Illa fortune amounted V>|15,-
riuud* occurred in N«*w Huutto Male»
The Columbia southern railway 1«
during Julv, a« a r» «<iit of which “"ii«
A collision or utretl ou llie <t. I.’UIS extending it» tetegrapti line through bumlr«*<l« of people were rendered tenne-
««onnty, < »regun, which ia
Miulhwestern railroad, near ITne Bluff, llaraev
less, while lite I <n>perty
loss wa»
Ark in which five men were killed thought te te a good im!i<*atiou that enormoiis. People had to rt®e lor their
ami two seriously injured.
while tbe result
Uvea from lb»*
The wife of Dr. A. McDonald West­ uf years o( later WK* »wept away in a
The suout ol the ps.palatiuuof Buffa­
lo, N. Y., Just com piste* I .1 ti..- en.-.s water, of Liaroaiig, Manchuira, c* ni- few teiere, Hawke* bury an I the Ns*
office is 352.21«. The population in tnltte«! autebte at Irtn« in c«»nse«|uetice pwaii \aitey suffered musi,
1M»O was 255,fi*>4. 'lhe in. :<-ase is of m«utal depression cauaed by her ex­ sre teiug male lor aid throughout Au
citing experien'rs at New Chwang •trails.
37.11 |»r cent.
A destructive forest fire is eweeplng jq K tefore h«*r depart tre fruit China.
<•!••• Vrtrltorl«» «s» Mlar< I p.
the tliutier area between ths Cppar
When bid« aero <»pen«-d at anny
Pittsburg I » . Augntt LA —-1 he of­
Geyser Basin and the lake in Yellow- headquarter» at Ctoi ago for the trari»- ficiato ol Ih« 4mert ali Uiuhw Giare
rtune National Park, lhe hue of tire portatiun of fnaips from Fort Hlirii.ian I uniparo aiiDouur that all the factor*
is 10 mils, long aud spreading rapidly. tn bau Fran« ia««'«», the < hit ago A ir» in the cuuutry controlled by that
< hlcago pw. kers ilave been ask.-I by Northwestern was found te te the low- ouiul’Hiatten a IH lav start*.I up >ep-
tha governmaM t*> furnish 2.000,1*00 r«t bidder at 4. per capita froiu Furt 1 temi >r I. »Ith live evoa.pilon of one
founds of meat, within -1«> days lui the Hbertdan to <»gden. From Ogden !•» piaut in thi» city,
No dale has l-eeu
American »tdirrs in tha i’rirut. Thia lb« coa«t the tro«»|»s «re arrted by the (ìxtel (tir a w ag« conferemo
with lhe
la said t*> tw the largest requisition Routharn Parlfto. Thi» is the fowwst | »U)ph*y«w ami tbe u imiow g!a«e man i
ever issued hy the governuieut ol the bid ever tua<le fur the trairepurtatiuy uf . fastuter».
tro «pa.
Culled States.
< olnfkilo »«••» l’MlltMan « «tmpaity.
If you never iM-glu a task you will
if theru Miler« your »>ul a
tu-n>«-r, Angust 13.—Th* of
never finish it.
praem which make. you forget all that i <>h>rsd*> todav begsu s sull sgslnsl
According to Mr. " liso», s«-cr»tsry I. behind you, all that I. mournful and ths l’ullinan l’sls--« Csr Ccinpiuy f<-r
of agriculture, the skins of superflu» • eonfuned in your past, ttiat 1« God.
»1 l.tiift. wbicb il 1» clsinir-l la dn„ thè
dogs in Sebrasks sre unitevi en I n>a«l«
R oom time a, > the l*rtn<-et<>n. X. J , ststs ss su l*».*■»j.rsflou tre. The
into gloves. This might give a tatua* umrerslty praaeated to the British company fs inorpirated In thf» ststa
ble hint to many la>ge cities where muMutn 250 .|«eln>en. of North Ameri­ furoniv |1 >0,0"'*. whilr in llllmds It ts
great num 1er, of strsy dog, ar* killed can birds’ egg«—mauy of them of rata ln. r|» rafr l with s capitai of •<«,•
annually. Hundreds of of •pa.-ir-a
Now the Bnil.h museum re- IKMI.IHM*. The ault I» truught to lur •
doliere* worth of canine pelts are Im­ efpmeatea by prveentfng Io th* Prince­ th» rviuipany lo iti r|» ralr snew h„rs
ported annually for this |>urp.«e, deg. ton university ;*.Y»oO mounted birds. In­ aud pay tha lucurj»>istl<>n tei uu ite
skin leiug -us of the beet matetuls : r cluding brilliant si«- linens from India. eulirs capitai.
Australia and the Malay islands.
“BOBS '•
I *
|a ih.
Ijomton. Aifuti 13- — Tbe
Newa baa the fvikiwmg i dl» patch fruui
1‘reU rm. dated Ai.guet V
’ 1 plu« to »boot all tha ItritHh orti-
rere aud to make I « rd li t-efta a prt»-
» nar ha» i«*u <*n*<>rtunalv »ll»<» ierel.
Tm <>f the rtnglaadara a ara arieatad
and are ww in jail.
“it I» pro La Ma that it I» pail of a
*« UBp.ra y <>l which tha altemptrd ria*
mg at kauorreburg aaa tha tret indi­
cati« u ’
« Miaap ra. »
dlacmerwl al Ute last moment.
I be
v >)«• pira lor« numberel aUtut 15. They
ha I pianori to »«I lira to the b< uere iu
the estreme wa»t»ru end of tha city,
b'»ptng that tire truppa w mld l*e eon*
caatraled (bare
I ha plan wa» that
tha txmapiretor« w »re forcibly to enter
all b«»uaa» occupied by P-ritiah otti er«
aud kill the occupant.»,
lhe I’ hmm »ym*
iMilhiaer» were acqualntad with the
plot, and »everal had been told < ff »
«at ura the pere»n of Lord Roiterte an
to harry with him to the naarrel oom-
litando. H«»r»a» ha«I l-ern oLlatm»«! h-r
Ibi« purpose. The affair hat created a
UtuicnJou» •ruaati U
Pr«t»*iaM« I » ••!»•<(.
I*r»<t rta. Au< i«4 1.3 —tba plot -II«-
ruvervil te maire a pnrouer of lx»rti
Ite .«ri» an i etouot «Il the Brillato orti
cert, i nr I od»«! • nututor of th« luwiw
pwopl«, who ware tn rommunteatten
with tt>« «irenn . It wan arrank:«*>l that
th«* < apture at>*i killing «h‘»ul*t t«kc
piara <»l> ti»«* evrtlHM u( luvMiilay tant
Intenav indiytiAtten prevail« throughout
th«* «riny. an*! tire getterei opinion I*
that th«* Ivnren* \ n( th<* Hriti-h inviteli
• » h a mnrplmry.
It i» e»<n.«l<1nre«l
th.At n<» m«*ature (<»r tlx* rrpre*M n of
• uch plut» ran lx* too «trong.
ill IC«>r*»r»»« Mt »b»n in » hitagn
l»s-«t|t* i « h <I I* r *>«t r«** l«>n«
Chi ago, \ugti«t 13. — lf«‘t weathei
r»*!’ rd« f r thi« >11* were broken agair
For 2’» year«, or «luce iht
weather bureau
«»tabliabed, ther»
ha« i n*'U t ut one term ol but Wi athel
In which the mercury reached DO fur
five <*on«*'< uti y e day».
The average
maximum temperature for thoac five
day« waa D?. There have been i»ow
■ IS day» <>n whirl) the temperature haw
g - «
. • • ' I .*• .».*:.„•
linum fur tire «lx <la\« ha« been V3.5.
lodar wa« tire h*dteal < f lhe preevut
roa«i<n. the met urv reaching 95 iu tire
Atiditeri'in) tower at 3 o'clock.
< >n
th» atrect it wa« two d»gre* « warmer
than in the tower.
lhe prolonged haat 1» having a rori*
uu( » fleet on l»U"iue««. All th*»«e who
* XU i»M\e th«* • Ity f >r ¡B int» along the
lake «Imre »nd the w*«»d« are going,
and many have matriially curtail*' I
thrir h<»ur« *>f labor
l tang« of lal*»r-
er» all oier the city laid < fl during th»
»itmvK a.
There w«*ro lour death« dua
t*> the heat, aud 2J pr »«truthm«. thre*
ul which are expected to prove fatal
I be four death« t «lay make a total uf
I 7 due directly te the heat. Il ia esti­
mated thatoier loo death» of people
already 111 bare bwen ha «true« I by tha
weather of this week
. For the week tha mortality Hat ha«
hean mountlug with great rapidity, ti)«
liii'teaae being attributed entirely to
| ..._l
I hare were 4< *» drat^« laal
week , and w ill) the | re*rnt ratio of
Incr.-aae there will tx>
tKie w«* k
lhe ratio uf death«, according te ti)«
coroner, will increa»« ateadiiy a« lung
a« tha hot weatbrr continuea.
( •at of <t»» M»»tta4»aaa Trial.
Naw York. Augnai 13.—Tha oofivic*
lion of Rtdaud H. M illucaux for tha
tuur«)»r of Mm. Kate A«lam». it ha»
t«aeu aacrrtaHied from an authentic»
«»Orci», waw obtained at an ripeti«« (
Naw York county <’t more than flOO,
thM), aaya the lierai I.
< >ue of th»
«bief rau«e» of Ibi» euormuu» aspan»«
wa» Iba largo amount of moue/ de
manici by h»n4wr ting ei¡<orl».
« „«14 *„« II.., Ih. Whl.ll.,
l'rudlsViu, tir.. August 13—Ths
f.«st inali, rasi l«>ur.I, struck lite wag-
>n of J. <’ Saltmarsh, a fariusr drlv-
Ing a tour h- r» team froin town to-lay,
thr wiug hliu a long ilhlance from thè
tra k.
■-altiiiarsh »ufTererl (radure ol
thè «Muli, su I will die. Ile was deal
■nd couhl Hot bear «he numerous
«Invile, of thè engme.
» • •
4 a
slatin,,'t- n Ii, v / >t I i
1 ift«*ru
¡terwu» *»rrw iustantiy killed and It
u i<l
er i -»*
. ! • iu a g r * •
r ••kUg. »
¡I t ir«
in. • ' m thia
city, a M«e«nfc’4r tram a the L-high
\ alley A N«w Lng.and railroad cradl­
ing lot«» an <‘U»nP u« «vntaming J5 p* r*
AU th«* doad ami injured w■ r»»
in the omnilm»
But thn «' >( th» oc­
cupant» w**a|» I injurv
The omni 01» paw'- ngem were re-
turning t " n h n >< funeral.
Th« »lead ai)*l lujurv«! were Dearly all
retain«*« *d *M’|»h!a Schoetvr, sb»«.»
utwqulrw they had attend«*!.
I)»« a
ci*l**ul «»cciirre«! at 3 o'cl k at i »harp
a uric
Th« train wa* a »¡*«cl )l, an I
was running at a lively rate uf
ret« of »ptwd, the «H-cupanla uti • u«> )*>u«
ol any tii)pcu»Hng dai.ger. A» th« t o*
• *ung around tt;<* curve the englm*
cam« In «Ight
It wa» Uxi iat» t > step
either th«» mnnibu« r th«» train, and,
a» the driier *d ti»« I* r-.i **r whl|q»ed up
ti»«* four h* rw« t*» cro*»« tn tia* < ahead
of the train the latter r;**h«M Into it«
ml-l lte
I h«’ <pant« v.» r»« throwru
in all direction», bruived and Mrwding.
Il»« 15 dead were klltel <utnghi.
¡'lit«Irian» ami a •|M*«'ial train w r re
•ent from hero am! the iujured w «re
taken to South Bethlehem.
No watchman i« empl* %< n | to warn
team» <»r pe*!«'»trian« <d anv appro«- h*
Ing train, an! th« -«» living tn th« %l< Hi­
lly »late it 1« lu*|» •«ib|«» <4> bear ail ap-
probing tram
lh« h« r*« * drawing
llm Lu« escaped unhutt
Mttrtlrrvti Hit irirutl «n*l ll«*l,br*| <h
» t ptr ••
<«»luml»nx, O , kugu«t 14 ~i harlr»
R. II. Terre»!, a former rmplov«* of the
idam» f tpr» -« < «»mpa.uv wa« rtrre-te t
thi« aft« rn«on Hi thi» »tir, ami cun*
ÎrAaed tu the klihug Ol Mv*otenger l,an«
and the robtery of the way «ale «»f tiw
A lain*» I X) r« «*• <‘f‘ih|wiiy, » n the l’cun*
•ylvauia ea«t t«»»»ml train Fnday idght.
One thonwaml dollar* of lhe tuohey bv
■tete wa* revorere«!.
Ferrell wa«i to bare I nm » u married
Th'ir»’tey n* xt to Mi«a Lillhin (’«•elL’W.
daoghter ♦»( .in engtnrcr cm ti»« î'rtimol*
vania llm
H«* bad t • » n dt*ehargt d
front theeiiipi-'V >1 the Vtetn** I xpr«-**«
Company, uml <x*ute«««
thaï tho
motiva uf the robbery w
lu rot u ro
money for th« approach
The in«>MV rrom’tel he
given b»
Mix CoatteW to keep (or
u, «aving
hr ha*i «asmi it fiotn
L'erre H Ì» but »’J year» <•(
at ti)«* home of 1)1« aritene«»«! and H
company when pia»***! un*ter arreni
When the t'rtitrr« t»*"k him
cuflUwiy he awrtimed a n*>n**halat
liirain r, but when he hmml Ibt
<x>uld no b»liger carry util tire «
tloii, tie made a full <-»»uf« ***mn.
\il. r
hi« »tatrinent hail
taken by Chief
of î’ollce Tyl«*r an I h«» wax tel te a re II
in the poUre »fatten, be wa« in a •tata
of n**r»''U« coHap»«, an i <>r<ter» wrrn
ir! a en that he ‘e eat bed ch «rlv to pre-
relit hi« iloing l)ii!»*>elf te>«!||v injury
It»« coufraxi^n uf Ferrt’ll <ii»<*l«w«*d a
premeditate«! an ! !•’■<><» « unlhtig; crii»«,
almo»! imp» -wit* e tn !***ltele. lie «aid
h« had become desperate te»« au««» of hi«
inability to
»re •• upi oiit ht an<1 a
reaii«4»lteu <>f the fa« t that he ruuat
ha ve Hi' mo t<* defray the ei|wtuiv« «>(
his appro»* hing marring«*,
lhe rob*
t«*ry, im iuthftg tn« murder of 1 xprr««
M«*«»»'nger Idfii»*, ha»! !*»-n planned
carefully. I errell had no accomplice«
ami no
tent» Ite knew laine well.
In fact, th« y were friend«, aud lie re*
lie«l upon ls40«*« cuiHidr
him execute th« crime,
lie knew
that mnablerabla money was alwavs
carruxl by the niaaaunger twtweeu St.
Irtiui» «ni t'olumbu«. ami that h<* w.v.
certaiii b» w ure a largo »uni if he rub-
I»e<t the way «afe.
Mia« airurlt »»y l-lghtalng.
New ¥• rk. kugual 14.—Nili« |«er«una
a ho »ought «helter under ir»*« • in the
a<M>»U m th« Bruns ur- ti* n during a
SeallM, Srh«..a.r Vtl.ala L mi .
Victoria. B. C , August. 13.— A •turni thi« evening, nere «tru» k t»y
They were Jame« Brown,
latter was recens ì thia Morning, vie lightning.
r-eatlle, by Mrs. Jaeol>auii. wife of the a Hungarian t«ll< r. of thi» city, hi»
owner sud master ol the eealiu, wile and rive • hiblren, ami Berth i
Bertha bllv»»rnian.
s<-h- uer Minnie, iu elilcli was rv|> rt Irearhon ila ami
e-t the total lues of that vessel lu Behr They were taken to >• r« I ha tn h»»«pibil.
Ing sea. lhe crew waa saved. No de At a late h«*ur b night att* nding phyat*
tails are given.
lhe ecbouner aud ciati» «ai I they thought Mr». Brown,
two of her children an I Bertha Silver-
equipment were insured (or It.OiX).
man could not poaMbly lue
Krllluh Perca fer « bina.
phyeivlati» »aid
llcrthn Ixrerhowiti
-unis, iugust II. — Including the would either die or b«c<mie hope Ir- ly
Fourth brigade, ths strength of the lUaaire. The party waa rain|ing out.
force pr ..-eedlag to <’hlua Is tin Brit­
!*)»»«• Mluallnn at Manila,
ish >rfl ers 1,0*14 non-commissioned
aahingt«**). Aug»i*t
II —Marine
au I native ofh.-er«, IM,Vid men, II,HAO
I m -pita! service advices froul Manila.
followers. 1.150 drivers, 2,520 hursns,
ju»t re* aired, »fate that the numleer «1
4 300 i-ntes slid mules, 13 guns. 14
plague csm *« th« re ia dituinldilng. Nt»
Maili». and I.BOO impel lai aerives
inhumation ha« l* **n officially comma*
It Is eipoeto.I that the eutlr«
Di* at»’t| h» re regsiding the rejairted
fort», will have sailed ladors tha mid
a< tlutv •»( the S|nga|a»re h’vilUl «»finer«
die of nett month.
lu quarantining again«! Manila.
«ni la !*)•••• I M«lar • l r»l»t,
• Ik
In a tralnwr.ii in |t«|y,
Poca tallo. Idabo, Aug ist 11 —Jsmro
W hslen. a buteher of this place, lei.
tlotu«, Augu.t 14.—A train lirartn/
beiween thè <-ar, of a inovlag frelgbl tnaujr uotabl« prru>U», vr*v haff I <<- |
tram miles nortb of hera Ihli attMiffmtt th« r--- rnt r* r<*n>"iil>-« l»«r*-.
lovuoooo. and wss cut fc> pieoes. rulhffmf with an<ffh«r a f«w nitlva out-
Mhsleu wss intctlcsted, and was slaal- •iff« th« city. Mi prr«"U« w»n> klll»l
Ing a ride.
j outright, auff arverai other« fatally In-
I jurud. TI»« kun »off qu«.-u «mt tin.
tan l»ca«hc In l*lltabwr».
m^ltataly to tlx*
of Ilia a- <-t l.'ht.
Pittaburg. Augnai 13. — Today th«
The nain**« of th« vh-litnu havn rx>t twi,
temperature reg intere I 94
degl T«*a. ' a>.-< f
-I I <it It I- uii.i.-r-f
t i .<
two desths sul ssi en prétraitons .tri 1 t.rai ff l'u.„ an I l>
,-■•« l ull'-.
' Buaata ara »ala.