I í 4 OKEGOX IO ÜU ____ _______ IMF • I LATIR Commercial Keystone Shaving Parlors House 0 L VIScrMT. Prop. NÍWS Pitveme lol wrelber (be Fail Epitome of ti News of th J. BLARI), Prop NO. PLOT A It »«14 c utiuu«« Prinre Tuan 1» pre|<< Ing tu Telegraphic from Pekin. World. The Klondike gold yield thle year la Yielded More Money Year Than Last. Thi» |25,Q0U.te.K). Only First-Class Shop In th» City SKtvinf Hair Cmtinf SK.mp.xxn, Halbs IS cent» 2$ M IS " 2S “ AH • rM f s*ih *--i Nrwlv Fumuhed v-vd Rafcud ! Ho-ogt-,.4 South ai Irti < '»»♦ M !a>ui» »trikrr« Idow up a ^r with 4 > tremi te. Ilarrtamilh »ur reni «rei V» tire Bril­ lato Augu»t 4. li »ren l>M»tod, torlurv-d aut n-«fi»lire- tion for t » <* pr» i ’< ni. » EAST AND SOUTH ...Hoiseshoeing a Specialty... SCIO, OR VIA ■ I SHASTA ROUTE » f a • • BANK OF SCIO • a CAPITAL, $20,000. a» <* 4 OFFICERS I I <»t( ,*4, » Aiuanjr 1. a , I- •<> Prerete nt Vic» President Gohur l* »a « is > » I A. J. Johtwm J. W. Glinn C. V. John ton I* a i’ci»ral b nk'ng and et htnge t j- n-sv. I ans nu e at tunent ratti arti dr. fis lit uni on princ ipal i itici. » f A. W. HAGEY ♦ à U th train» •ad KI Pa*- ra­ OREGON. P laning M ills Scio 14 Hong < bang uh tb« < birre«» mnat bght II th« a E ire ad\am* Amerhami want (reireral Ma ' \rthur to lead Ih»* International f< r< « • li A i. lì Y S. JOHNSTON • CO., Proprietor». SCIO LIVERY AND FEED STABLES IRVINE & CALAVAN, Props. Our Ari* I irst-t l.*ieetlle inaugurate« a mot» .nternatumal fair In 1VO4. fur There la a great »leu.ami fur •ml farm land« in ’ 'reg n. timlrer ||o< weather killed 39 perron» New York at> k th« n tretllullonal alh lef«*re tire Italian ¡tarllamrut l.riieral Ban lull 1» giten authority h •«-nd destitute perron« out from Nome In th»» Firiirli naxal maneuvers a ter* pflwiu lso.it detir ''T wmi »uuk and 4 2 Ilin lu«t. Many Ameri« an toldiera were pro*. trated by the h»at lu lhe ana. Fifteen perron» were killed by rail­ Battery t*. wiih Its 7-inui Yung T»ui> te occupy r»ai T»un. A Lorn I on new«jiaper corre Hpumtent unite a bitter complaint of tha cuu- duct of afTalr» iu south Africa. The Frem h pre«» and people are Dot plearod w ith th« appointment of Von VValdvntee mi * cummandvr-in-chief. Th« Runutii l<»et 500 klltel at Pelt Sang. Democrat» cam| <»ign. «»¡•rnen« and Sharkey in the laal week uf Auguat. 1 >«-1urn*rMt« aw«rep \tehatna. OivLGO.N a tiovernor Geer says In* will offer t |e It •« shall be declared against > bina. (>«*n«*ral MH« m volunteer» China. I 1 Sy Th»» ringleader» in the Pretoria | t < Tilire»« re|»orted t«» bare» 170 mi») to capture Lord K- tert* base Ireeu ar rr«te«l. tr«"i| « tretweeu Ti«»n T»in an i Prkin. General MacArthur »end« new« ol !n«urg**nte are tr« u • »««nw In ih»» vlcinity uf * agii an, lalaud of Miti- the «urrauder of a Lidpino rouainaud uf 174. danna. It I» stated fswitivolv that I’re-i lent Ktuger i. willing ami anviou. to ,nr- retider, provi ling a satisfactory pronii.r. is given a, to his ultimate ile-tinatloti SCIO killed Govern««? Kiateevelt will Oreg. II ill »-rptrniter. sao, OPEGON Bshlgs. were nF. MIK» •<* rm lu New Turk Out tablev ars supplied «-eh ih« tsu ihe markstv alt rl.jt'a.e Geceral Blacksmiths and Wagonmaken... Tra Several jwrwu» nklKTHKs il;i>e natioual I ir in a Butte, Mont., mine caused f I <¡0,000 damage. There will l«e no yellow ¡*eril, •*> fai an Jajian 1» coucerued. \\ i««N>n»in Republicans Dominated Itetert M. 1-A Fultette fur gorernur. lhe t*o»tofbce at Colfax Wash., was i urgiarue*! an I f 40 in »tamp« secured. \ telegraph line from \ al le« toCape Nome, Alaska, is under cou«tructiuu. VC- rta. Angu«t 13 —The f!«htug •••- ■« U J «•! cb «ed ut| the < olumbia rt»rr ha» teens remarkabl» <»n« In »r»«r». |-artivu ai* Whilw the run «d «almon ha« teeu light and th«< park i« email ■ximi-ttwl with that uf teru.rr year», th» pri e • ( raw fl«h ha» barn b timt more money ha* te» (aid te the rtah* ermeu. trapmeu and wim r« f»»r their later than for M>»«r«l mm »«> íi » Th«» quality of th» f!*h liDg th* highest market figure«, and. n*>twttb- » ta ml mg the adían « hi raw hah, tn« ¡*a* krre ha»« *>hi their proda» t at price« whl« I) netted tbrm a mu h i «I ter pr< ht thantbev r» riwd a tear ag • Thu«, white the pu» k «h*»w» a alight falling off from that of - ■ • th»» *••«»• n of I!♦•><) an te n garded a* a more »u«’ cenafnl • De «o far a* th* pr t* nt all dir» t-y engag* I iu *t .«• imi «try ars mine rtird. Official ligure» «how the «pnng pack un tbe Co lumi La river for lite of IM99 to have te«*u 37M.IXM) caro«, While it is im possi ble at thia tlm«» to get exact figure«, a carefullv prepare I eat 1 mat«« places tin» waron'a | mu k al Thia estimate ia on a Jfl l«rt«i» ef * r d z«»n <»ne-|«»tind can« to the care About 49 per cent <«f th« to* fa! j a k wr.« ut up v the < • lumb a Hirer Packer ’ \«*< «*iati<»n. commonly known a« ti»« combine, which cou»í«<» of a combination of 10 canneri«*«. Be- •vi» •» th« aliovu, there were I t* ’*) ton«, or wte»t won hl c«pial ewe*», of yahuoii »liipj vd hy tlu» c*4 I-*»t* men. 1 be t l»hrsniru‘» » .»-operai 1 r« .v.,uv * • « e« . iM»rn « 'liim'-i* It I’au-blng H.’-C I > • < Hix»lh >*•••»lug * *». .'4 i«*» an • hT'*”-*ï il MMexan, i w aU«-« M-giei ' « «•« it I- Iter lt.M • w erren «atti lain* t Warr>-u. • a m «elea Seuferi , í tKUtnbia River Ca* • er» A t*vM ;• U<»n Astoria lUL'.t»« ................ l.C < «lumina h * » r l‘a< X» r»' \a»«M la- Im«. » a»A »d«* « I F he l»all<-« Pa« Iking f'tl Li W W Uli am 11 um»’ Bu« »hril l a« a i ti* t >> U we, lu which Kigg« am! t'ultena, deputir«. were «hot, one of the robber» jum«d from a win­ dow and to »»«ape. Gul wa« «hut to tie.itl) lhe then lay »iege Io th«» h«»u«e in whl hjthe remaining r ter »1 <«»•! gaar-l with a Wimheater, and liuaih »»icreeded iu »ettfbg the 1») the building, w iiit b wa« dewtruyoi with it» occu|Mi)t. Hi« robter« lut \ « not yet been i ientiried. 1 jruteuantd*«)b>n«d lloare'« garrison Th« a»».iM>iu who had - ment of troupe 1» difficult. Huslia and U I) I teff Philadelphia, Augu«l 13 — The in* Heavy rain* Hi the Yellow»tene Na­ tu uphold th<* integrity i>l Haling ten«»* heat t<*lav reaultril in |Wn • teaCh« tional I’ark t-timpletelv r itlDgul«hed China. aud 30 pi<*«tratlon«. 1 lie IHM till) Util Talepbonle communication. Letwe- n the tere«l Are» which had burued (or tem|4*returt*. ‘.re degree«, wa* reached some time. Garman and French t itles have beeu at 4 o’clock thi« afternoon The mini* Hirer improtement will precede and mum wrt* SO al I »»'rio« k tbi»moruing opened. a Uaxal »tatiou a* coui|a)nv the location At h o'clo» k the uo-rcury ha»! rrachwt ) x-government officials claims rw- of a gurerumeut dry dm k uD the Culum- the maik, an t l»y 10 o\l« k had jairta of di.easo iu Cape Nome so ti< u bi* river, <.>r. t » W.’. \t n u three adm* mail wo killed ami four »cr ­ Jsitaoesvt goirrumeut prohibits ths luusly injured in a rolhaion ”U the UÓ ilrgi»-«*« aae r«gi»ti i«*l. 1 be aver* emigration of laborers to the 1 nlted a bpukane Falla awl Northern, near Mat., an I Canada. higher tinto h»r anv »imitar |« riod <»n h|«>kaiie. Wad) Mrs. <’arris N. Walker, supreme rec«»r l. Many Urge fa. tune« through­ «»rn* nd MacArthur*» official report ettnimander of the Maccabees, dletl at out the city are working on Itali lime, <»f lb« »1 kneaa iu bl» arm) on July 31 her rv-lherl lan, 1111- Itetmia Coghian. the wealthtest mau Dois, ha» been ordered tu < biua te juiu teought from Au«trM*ia by tn« «teamrf In Toledo and NorthweaUini IMilo, Is Aoraugi i« t»> th« effect that terrild» General Chaff«*«’» command. dead. Illa fortune amounted V>|15,- riuud* occurred in N«*w Huutto Male» The Columbia southern railway 1« UOO.OOO. during Julv, a« a r» «perty loss wa» Ark in which five men were killed thought te te a good im!i<*atiou that enormoiis. People had to rt®e lor their the railroad will »bortly follow. ami two seriously injured. while tbe result Uvea from lb»* The wife of Dr. A. McDonald West­ uf years o( later WK* »wept away in a The suout ol the ps.palatiuuof Buffa­ lo, N. Y., Just com piste* I .1 ti..- en.-.s water, of Liaroaiig, Manchuira, c* ni- few teiere, Hawke* bury an I the Ns* office is 352.21«. The population in tnltte«! autebte at Irtn« in c«»nse«|uetice pwaii \aitey suffered musi, Vppral» 1M»O was 255,fi*>4. 'lhe in. :<-ase is of m«utal depression cauaed by her ex­ sre teiug male lor aid throughout Au citing experien'rs at New Chwang •trails. 37.11 |»r cent. A destructive forest fire is eweeplng jq K tefore h«*r depart tre fruit China. <•!••• Vrtrltorl«» «s» Mlar< I p. the tliutier area between ths Cppar When bid« aero <»pen«-d at anny Pittsburg I » . Augntt LA —-1 he of­ Geyser Basin and the lake in Yellow- headquarter» at Ctoi ago for the trari»- ficiato ol Ih« 4mert ali Uiuhw Giare rtune National Park, lhe hue of tire portatiun of fnaips from Fort Hlirii.ian I uniparo aiiDouur that all the factor* is 10 mils, long aud spreading rapidly. tn bau Fran« ia««'«», the < hit ago A ir» in the cuuutry controlled by that < hlcago pw. kers ilave been ask.-I by Northwestern was found te te the low- ouiul’Hiatten a IH lav start*.I up >ep- tha governmaM t*> furnish 2.000,1*00 r«t bidder at 4. per capita froiu Furt 1 temi >r I. »Ith live evoa.pilon of one founds of meat, within -1«> days lui the Hbertdan to <»gden. From Ogden !•» piaut in thi» city, No dale has l-eeu American »tdirrs in tha i’rirut. Thia lb« coa«t the tro«»|»s «re arrted by the (ìxtel (tir a w ag« conferemo i with lhe la said t*> tw the largest requisition Routharn Parlfto. Thi» is the fowwst | »U)ph*y«w ami tbe u imiow g!a«e man i ever issued hy the governuieut ol the bid ever tuaul a (>| tu-n>«-r, Angust 13.—Th* at.lc of never finish it. praem which make. you forget all that i <>h>rsd*> todav begsu s sull sgslnsl According to Mr. " liso», s«-cr»tsry I. behind you, all that I. mournful and ths l’ullinan l’sls--« Csr Ccinpiuy f<-r of agriculture, the skins of superflu» • eonfuned in your past, ttiat 1« God. »1 l.tiift. wbicb il 1» clsinir-l la dn„ thè dogs in Sebrasks sre unitevi en I n>a«l« R oom time a, > the l*rtn<-et<>n. X. J , ststs ss su l*».*■»j.rsflou tre. The into gloves. This might give a tatua* umrerslty praaeated to the British company fs inorpirated In thf» ststa ble hint to many la>ge cities where muMutn 250 .|«eln>en. of North Ameri­ furoniv |1 >0,0"'*. whilr in llllmds It ts great num 1er, of strsy dog, ar* killed can birds’ egg«—mauy of them of rata ln. r|» rafr l with s capitai of •<«,• annually. Hundreds of lhou-.in.le of •pa.-ir-a Now the Bnil.h museum re- IKMI.IHM*. The ault I» truught to lur • doliere* worth of canine pelts are Im­ efpmeatea by prveentfng Io th* Prince­ th» rviuipany lo iti r|» ralr snew h„rs ported annually for this |>urp.«e, deg. ton university ;*.Y»oO mounted birds. In­ aud pay tha lucurj»>istl<>n tei uu ite skin leiug -us of the beet matetuls : r cluding brilliant si«- linens from India. eulirs capitai. «B>»ua. I Australia and the Malay islands. CAPTURE “BOBS '• I * |a ih. B«4 Ijomton. Aifuti 13- — Tbe Daily Newa baa the fvikiwmg i dl» patch fruui 1‘reU rm. dated Ai.guet V ’ 1 plu« to »boot all tha ItritHh orti- rere aud to make I « rd li t-efta a prt»- » nar ha» i«*u <*n*<>rtunalv »ll»<» ierel. Tm <>f the rtnglaadara a ara arieatad and are ww in jail. “it I» pro La Ma that it I» pail of a *« UBp.ra y <>l which tha altemptrd ria* mg at kauorreburg aaa tha tret indi­ cati« u ’ « Miaap ra. » dlacmerwl al Ute last moment. I be v >)«• pira lor« numberel aUtut 15. They ha I pianori to »«I lira to the b< uere iu the estreme wa»t»ru end of tha city, b'»ptng that tire truppa w mld l*e eon* caatraled (bare I ha plan wa» that tha txmapiretor« w »re forcibly to enter all b«»uaa» occupied by P-ritiah otti er« aud kill the occupant.», lhe I’ hmm »ym* iMilhiaer» were acqualntad with the plot, and »everal had been told < ff » «at ura the pere»n of Lord Roiterte an to harry with him to the naarrel oom- litando. H«»r»a» ha«I l-ern oLlatm»«! h-r Ibi« purpose. The affair hat created a UtuicnJou» •ruaati U Pr«t»*iaM« I » ••!»•<(. I*r»« «irenn . It wan arrank:«*>l that th«* < apture at>*i killing «h‘»ul*t t«kc piara <»l> ti»«* evrtlHM u( luvMiilay tant Intenav indiytiAtten prevail« throughout th«* «riny. an*! tire getterei opinion I* that th«* Ivnren* \ n( th<* Hriti-h inviteli • » h a mnrplmry. It i» e»r*»r»»« Mt »b»n in » hitagn l»s-«t|t* i « h «t r«** l«>n« Chi ago, \ugti«t 13. — lf«‘t weathei r»*!’ rd« f r thi« >11* were broken agair today For 2’» year«, or «luce iht weather bureau «»tabliabed, ther» ha« i n*'U t ut one term ol but Wi athel In which the mercury reached DO fur five <*on«*'< uti y e day». The average maximum temperature for thoac five day« waa D?. There have been i»ow ■ IS day» <>n whirl) the temperature haw g - « ■' . • • ' I .*• .».*:.„• linum fur tire «lx n th» atrect it wa« two d»gre* « warmer than in the tower. lhe prolonged haat 1» having a rori* uu( » fleet on l»U"iue««. All th*»«e who * XU i»M\e th«* • Ity f >r ¡B int» along the lake «Imre »nd the w*«»d« are going, and many have matriially curtail*' I thrir h<»ur« *>f labor l tang« of lal*»r- er» all oier the city laid < fl during th» »itmvK a. There w«*ro lour death« dua t*> the heat, aud 2J pr »«truthm«. thre* ul which are expected to prove fatal I be four death« t «lay make a total uf I 7 due directly te the heat. Il ia esti­ mated thatoier loo death» of people already 111 bare bwen ha «true« I by tha weather of this week . For the week tha mortality Hat ha« hean mountlug with great rapidity, ti)« liii'teaae being attributed entirely to | ..._l lr tKie w«* k lhe ratio uf death«, according te ti)« coroner, will increa»« ateadiiy a« lung a« tha hot weatbrr continuea. ( •at of ue of th» «bief rau«e» of Ibi» euormuu» aspan»« wa» Iba largo amount of moue/ de manici by h»n4wr ting ei¡ur.I, struck lite wag- >n of J. <’ Saltmarsh, a fariusr drlv- Ing a tour h- r» team froin town to-lay, thr wiug hliu a long ilhlance from thè tra k. ■-altiiiarsh »ufTererl (radure ol thè «Muli, su I will die. Ile was deal ■nd couhl Hot bear «he numerous «Invile, of thè engme. » • • a 4 a 4 12 4 slatin,,'t- n Ii, v / >t I i 1 ift«*ru ¡terwu» *»rrw iustantiy killed and It Lie»*. u u i( th» oc­ cupant» w**a|» I injurv The omni 01» paw'- ngem were re- turning t "datii.gt n h n >< funeral. Th« »lead ai)*l lujurv«! were Dearly all retain«*« *d *M’|»h!a Schoetvr, sb»«.» utwqulrw they had attend«*!. I)»« a ci*l**ul «»cciirre«! at 3 o'cl k at i »harp a uric Th« train wa* a »¡*«cl )l, an I was running at a lively rate uf g ret« of »ptwd, the «H-cupanla uti • u«> )*>u« ol any tii)pcu»Hng dai.ger. A» th« t o* • *ung around tt;<* curve the englm* cam« In «Ight It wa» Uxi iat» t > step either th«» mnnibu« r th«» train, and, a» the driier *d ti»« I* r-.i **r whl|q»ed up ti»«* four h* rw« t*» cro*»« tn tia* < ahead of the train the latter r;**h«M Into it« ml-l lte I h«’ bear ail ap- probing tram lh« h« r*« * drawing llm Lu« escaped unhutt DIO OUUULt CHIMI. Mttrtlrrvti Hit irirutl «n*l ll«*l,br*| 1 the Vtetn** I xpr«-**« Company, uml MV rrom’tel he given b» Mix CoatteW to keep (or u, «aving hr ha*i «asmi it fiotn L'erre H Ì» but »’J year» <•( at ti)«* home of 1)1« aritene«»«! and H company when pia»***! un*ter arreni When the t'rtitrr« t»*"k him cuflUwiy he awrtimed a n*>n**halat liirain r, but when he hmml Ibt uld no b»liger carry util tire « tloii, tie made a full <-»»uf« ***mn. \il. r hi« »tatrinent hail taken by Chief of î’ollce Tyl«*r an I h«» wax tel te a re II in the poUre »fatten, be wa« in a •tata of n**r»''U« coHap»«, an i <>relf te>«!||v injury It»« coufraxi^n uf Ferrt’ll <» « unlhtig; crii»«, almo»! imp» -wit* e tn !***ltele. lie «aid h« had become desperate te»« au««» of hi« inability to »re •• upi oiit ht an<1 a reaii«4»lteu <>f the fa« t that he ruuat ha ve Hi' mo t<* defray the ei|wtuiv« «>( his appro»* hing marring«*, lhe rob* t«*ry, im iuthftg tn« murder of 1 xprr«« M«*«»»'nger Idfii»*, ha»! !*»-n planned carefully. I errell had no accomplice« ami no tent» Ite knew laine well. In fact, th« y were friend«, aud lie re* lie«l upon ls40«*« cuiHidr him execute th« crime, lie knew that mnablerabla money was alwavs carruxl by the niaaaunger twtweeu St. Irtiui» «ni t'olumbu«. ami that h<* w.v. certaiii b» w ure a largo »uni if he rub- I»e»U m th« Bruns ur- ti* n during a SeallM, Srh«..a.r Vtl.ala L mi . Victoria. B. C , August. 13.— A •turni thi« evening, nere «tru» k t»y They were Jame« Brown, latter was recens ì thia Morning, vie lightning. r-eatlle, by Mrs. Jaeol>auii. wife of the a Hungarian t«ll< r. of thi» city, hi» owner sud master ol the eealiu, wile and rive • hiblren, ami Berth i Bertha bllv»»rnian. s<-h- uer Minnie, iu elilcli was rv|> rt Irearhon ila ami e-t the total lues of that vessel lu Behr They were taken to >• r« I ha tn h»»«pibil. Ing sea. lhe crew waa saved. No de At a late h«*ur b night att* nding phyat* tails are given. lhe ecbouner aud ciati» «ai I they thought Mr». Brown, two of her children an I Bertha Silver- equipment were insured (or It.OiX). man could not poaMbly lue The Krllluh Perca fer « bina. phyeivlati» »aid llcrthn Ixrerhowiti -unis, iugust II. — Including the would either die or b«crfl ers 1,0*14 non-commissioned aahingt«**). Aug»i*t II —Marine au I native ofh.-er«, IM,Vid men, II,HAO I m -pita! service advices froul Manila. followers. 1.150 drivers, 2,520 hursns, ju»t re* aired, »fate that the numleer «1 4 300 i-ntes slid mules, 13 guns. 14 plague csm *« th« re ia dituinldilng. Nt» Maili». and I.BOO impel lai aerives inhumation ha« l* **n officially comma* troops It Is eipoeto.I that the eutlr« Di* at»’t| h» re regsiding the rejairted fort», will have sailed ladors tha mid a< tlutv •»( the S|nga|a»re h’vilUl «»finer« die of nett month. lu quarantining again«! Manila. «ni la !*)•••• I M«lar • l r»l»t, • Ik In a tralnwr.ii in |t«|y, Poca tallo. Idabo, Aug ist 11 —Jsmro W hslen. a buteher of this place, lei. tlotu«, Augu.t 14.—A train lirartn/ beiween thè <-ar, of a inovlag frelgbl tnaujr uotabl« prru>U», vr*v haff I <<- | tram th.ee miles nortb of hera Ihli attMiffmtt th« r--- rnt r* r<*n>"iil>-« l»«r*-. lovuoooo. and wss cut fc> pieoes. rulhffmf with an klll»l Ing a ride. j outright, auff arverai other« fatally In- I jurud. TI»« kun »off qu«.-u «mt tin. tan l»ca«hc In l*lltabwr». m^ltataly to tlx* of Ilia a- <-t l.'ht. Pittaburg. Augnai 13. — Today th« The nain**« of th« vh-litnu havn rx>t twi, temperature reg intere I 94 degl T«*a. ' a>.-< f -I I ,-■•« l ull'-. I rsn.rtcd ' Buaata ara »ala.