The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, April 27, 1900, Image 1

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SCIO, i.ixx
■ •
• 6
( <>( X T Y,
CAPITAL, $20,000.
T r • ;. •
< • a r \V »at St
at I
u a
E ■»
Epitome of the Teleyraphk
New» of the World.
T»:U>E II' K' Ell’»M
»rd ilntf» issued on principal <tties.
1 « »4
p- • <
«Uh w
I biiiH
Com mereiai
I louse
J. BEARD, Prop
H 11 HEMLIME Prop.
Only Flrst-ClassShop in the City
.. .
Hatr Cutting
Lsdir» l Gir I >r ran ng
15 ernt»
Newly Fumtihed and Refitted
I ho-ng’ ut.
Oitr table« are »applied with the
brU the market» afford.J* 'a-*4
South <4 Bridge.
The prorevidingsof ib© naval strate<y
! /»»ard wiil
The <>hio «nti birycle law waa de-
¡ ciar©«i unton«tituli«'Ual.
General Blacksmiths and
• M
Will make
Watch locai
regn ar tnj»s to Sri <
imn f r ■!«!© ■>( visits
P laning
M ills
HARRY S. JOHNSTON & CO.. Proprietors.
Charle« II. Allan, of Massachusetts,
wat »(»minated for governor of Fuerte
lUco by tÍM» preaid-vnt.
latrg© «trel ini11« in the virlníty of
Chicago and Johet hav© ch>s*»d down
n accoiint o! laU*r tr ubi«*«.
1n a spewh on the Philippine <pi©«-
lion. Senator |l>*ar BAid that the war
! Co date ha i c« '«l 6,000 lívea.
An Altiauy, <>r , man. whoan son i© a
■; onroetiat. but fo«t hls hall i, has had a
¡cf( hatided cornel made for the boy.
Th© hi»t*»ri al church ot Notr© Dame
de» \ <»rtua, on th© outskirts of Pari«,
wa« pillaged, then burned by vaudala.
(■«iiiiniu!i<rw Cowie, U S N , ha«
”d f«»r tii”
Philippine* »»ti the
steamer Do»ic, to take chatg«* «■( the
ma* bin© »h«*j«» al the ( avit© navy yard.
Gen«*ral Montenegro, on© of Che Fili-
p-ln s’ G’-t fighter», ha« surrendered to
( <4onel Smith in th© im uutam«« near
i » amaling, In th© province of l‘angA«i-
By the closing of nine additional
I cigar fa lorica iu S«*w Y«»rk <*ity, th©
’ number of atriking Mini lock***! out
ha« beeu inerwaeed to
6, XX).
W r
Republfcan {wrtv leader» ha»* agreed
Fipauamu will b*» the
npon planks.
key note.
Onr Bigs \re First-Class and Onr Horses
An* Good Brivers.
Hack Connects With All Trains at West Scio and Morning
Train at Munkers.
We now have the largest and
best selected stock of Clothing
ever shown in the Valley, which
we are offering at
We have many special lines of
Spring and Summer suits and
light Weight Underwear.
A lbany , O regon
..Salem and Portland...
1 litv
Twelve hundred Tagal««» attacked
i < am - '» battalion lu adijuMrt« r n
' »an. island «»f Mindanao, but were re-
| pul**«! with a 1“-*' of ;»o kill” ! and 30
Ameriuaiui hail five casual­
Sixteen iicnih« have • laj «***d sin e
the »ultaii of turkey promised to )»ay
fv<>,!>'»*> Indemnltv for the de«tructp*n
of Am* ro an missionary pro)»©fty dur­
ing th© riot«« of jh’j
I n© usual «harp
hint is n««« • •«-•ary.
The Mu-retaiy uf war haa order«*«! sn
investigation of th© cam« of Major
Staten •ngnie*-r,
• barged with int«rf**nng with Father
Tleru*’V. of th© Roman ' atholl« « hur> h.
in the performanc«» of his duties.
(‘«Ingres* will adjourn in June.
War taxes will n«»t t>© re«!uced at
thi» mvaaion «»f congrwaii.
(treat Biitain will levy a tax on
Inin©« t*» pay th*» ei|*uiM of th© war.
A burglar entered a naloon in Che-
halia. Wash., and look ♦>» »U in silver.
I • ur men w» r« killed ami several in-
Jur©«l in a drunken riot of coal miner«
ii” »r Johnstown, Pa.
H«'<vy rain an ! sn >w storm« iu tha
vicinity of Denver ar© «au«iug much
delay to railroad traffic.
J<>hn Hannigan, age>l 63, one of the
I- -1 knoan h"tie trainer« in th© coun­
try. died at Mlidale, hy.
Two Meil an out aws held up a
gambling )mu«e in Juhnaott, Anaona,
an i kill©«! a prominent mining man
\\ illiam J. Rutlseige, of Jack­
sonville, III., pr-’Uiinent
minister am! originator of th© « i A.
R . is d«ad, aged 66.
Th© legislature of Trinidad has re­
jected th© offer ot ( aiiA<ia for raclpm-
« al trade au»l adopted lit© convention
With th© United Statea.
Fourteen thousand people hav© ©n
gag© I p««»sag© fr tn Pa< lfic coast {■»rU
to ('ape Nome. Alaska, on th© find
fleet of atoam«-rw, whk h «ail« ai*uut
May I.
Two hun*ir©d <»r 3*>0 fam hes Fought
1,300 acne of land near Eugene, Or.,
with the intention of dividing it up
inb> 40*acrw tracts and w- rking on th«
cok niXAtbiu plan
Toronto, Ont.. 1«.
th'<»i*h tb. ukiw-iooh brick wall of
lb. «suit of st Sittxm's church with
crvwbar. an I picks au<l st<>l. 11,175,
the Easter offei ing.
<n<Iiti ns lu fatnii» -trl kcn In lta
are deplorable
Sixty nd II loua of peo­
pie are suffering and S'i.iHW.tXM) ar. la
an I
lllv ft." I, '
rewirinif go»reninent aid.
« <ihdll|»l»».
I *gue 1« «till rife m Manila, a foul
? rvettmg pla« • having t©rii discover©*!
in th© heart « f the city.
Washington. April ?8
War depart-
■ ment «’fflriala have Iwrn ccmtpe* l”d to
Rev < Tiarle« I’»re* her, hr« ’ther of th«'
! r» «>ut t«> th© n«»© of « aun©«! r«'A*t Iwwf
late Henry Ward Ber«ber, «lied at
’■ r ti * •
© th© arm» in ths
(«©orgetnun. Ma« , •g**'l M year.
I Philippines
I In« is «lu* <•» th*» fact
I ff< rt« to stanq* out th© plague » in , that ll is a' -nlutrlv «»'’-nUAl tl*at th*
Fv inry. Aulrwlia. have n t Lteu •Uf
«•■idle’« «hall L© sr»v«d with fresh meat
lb«* epidemic la «{»rea-iiug
and Iwwau«© of th© lmp««»l *ility of {»rt>
Hush firm ar© raging in Manitoba i viding refrigerator b©wf <>r catti« <m tha
an«! advices from WIUD©peg atete that ; h d tm*h r ©vuting condition«
A«Mi |<>r«u)« are iu danger of losing ' the bulk of the arm v was I» ai©d al ths
»• **h* r© am! at •-.»•ily a«.-' ••*»i‘ le p inis
their livre.
thet© w a• no difTtcultv in providing
Five men * ©r* killed at Balmain
them with fr* **h meats, but condition«
tuatraha. by taring pre* Ipitatec) to the
hav* Dow change,!, an! the army 1«
tsHtom of an l,Hov-i-- t perpendicular
»-att«r* td am ng
p ints tn van* :•
•haft of a mine
¡arts of th” archi)© »vg<», a great n my
A altange tale of crime has rome tn • I them at ” nsiderabl© «listan © fnur.
light m the cam « of a rich < ‘oh »ra lo the nearest shipping point. There ar»
miner, who is charged with the inur­ no catti* available, ami the rwfrlger
der of four |«,ns«>Ds.
at«*d l«-ef which ha« heretofore formed
th© prmc|)Ml l«a«is of «ul«atst'-n e f r
( '• ’.»• •!!,
F x•<’«»ngreaaman Ihivid G
• n trial at Frankfort, Kv ..for th© mur­ lite tn«! )»• « ann t I© preservad in g • I
der of Lieut* nant >««»t< and Luth« r <x«n htt< ti I« t-.g en< .gli <«■ r*-t h many
Dr tn a re** L**t January I«», has U«u ac­ of th«» inland {«»«ta. Conte*) <ient I y it
lw»canie n< ce«aary t*> 1* k f* r **m© ■ult*
quitted •
\mer. ar.
able «ubatitut**, and the
Th© t tai r»»c<q|its of the <'uhan treas­
canned r*»ast l«e©f
td waa
was th© «»nly thin
ury for the month of March, IV(H), wer**
f'»uml to meet the r, <|tiIrrmrnt«
$ I .A;‘*.6‘«H.
1 he recvijit* for th© <*<»r-
The «ugge»-ti«»ns f«»r it« u*© ante
r«*a|M»uding ¡n< nth of 1N‘J'J amounted I*
originally from the aubai«t©n«'e « fll • r«
tn th© Philippin«*«, and tha chief (XH1I
<^m * n VI-b ria reviewed th© naval niitaarv «»?!•- «*r at Manila recently ca­
and infantry brigades and th© l»oya of bled a requisition for an immediate de­
th© Royal llil«eriiian military ach«K»l at livery of alamt lO’hOOO calm of r‘«asl
I w*> hundred thousand people be«’f ah i subsequent deliveries at the
w itnt’ssed the review.
r it” of al-'iit
\< ting I "¡-im set- ‘o-m-ral W.-iwtt-r
At itrhis*-n. Kan . a reader of chraj
alter to th« ■ • ■ ' ■ ■
novela wa* given 1H year« in the peni­
tentiary fot arson.
He M*t fir© to a of war with a string indorsement <>t
h< um > in • rd« r to play th«* ¡«art of a her« th© prop**iti«»n. Aa n measure of et-
tn m© cautmn, hosmer, **©« rotary Root
by r»’- ning tt>e family.
<!ecn!«‘d to get a jw-rsonal opinion frmn
Adell* rt Woiceth Bogdatnowaki an<1
Major « «••neral < >11» ! «•? re taking final
Anton Rodv, nilas \nton K<»*chinowski, a* ti«>n. A cable meaange <»f inquiry
who arriv«'d in New A <»rk recently on
forwarded at <»n«-e. an-l (»eneral
th© »truuiship Palatia, will I© sent
( »ti"* r»’jdv WH< r«”’©ive«l h»d
back t«> their native country. Th© men text wa« not mad© public, but .:« gen-
k ! ,r. ¡1
w • »• :
tted III t ’ •
• ral character may I»» • •learly inferr«- I
burglary of a st>r««
L©ttib«-rg, from the fa« t that iwdru tion« have
««alicia. in which they got alwut !'->,•
L. «-li •• nt to ( *'l«»n©l \ levin !« r. the
"jo florins ami seriously wound,*<1 th©
coinmi**.'«rv officer at < in ag<*. to ar­
pr< priet«*r
Two of the men have !»*‘en
ringo for th»» immediate <!i»j*.«t« h of a
arrested on the other m It*. The *|** « l*il
large qu.<nlity of r««a*t l»eef t«> *-an
board of inquiry investigate«! th© mat-
I ranci’"«» f«»r shipment to Manila by
t, r. and, u|s n the r.ini, • ah ion of the the first available ftt*’am©r
men, it whi <!••* l ied to dejsjrt them.
I recaution w ill I-«» taken to «©cure th©
Civil government for Puerto Rico la‘»t quality «»f I hm T and t«» in-ur© its
will I** inaugurated May 1.
{»r««)»©r can* ami pr> nervation at al)
The el»*, tion in IxmiMana resulted in «tag©» «4 its long journey I«» the Philip-
tt sweeping victory for the Democrat*.
Th© Ameer of Afghanistan warn«
i ugland of Russian aggreaaiou on In-
Harry F. Allen, defaulting clerk - f
Denver county treasurer'• utBoe, w i*
arreMed in San Francisco.
Canada will r©|*«*Ml the alien laN*r
la** which waa aimed at American
miners m the Atlin diatri- t.
«•real battle« have taken pia* e 1 «•
tween government troop« and rebels in
the I *nit«*-1 Mate« u( ( '«doiiC a
Thirteen ¡»©roons were drowned by
th© eap«liing of a b *ut while mataing
the Rhine, near Hingen» «tvrmany.
Work on the dam at Cndon land­
ing. N
Y , has la-en returned, under
the pr te. ti n of the «tat«
Dirn R«»l-rrt« »hnrply enti« i« « the
ability of «»eneráis I'ullrr and Warren.
Iz*u«lori pej»erw maintain there i« noth­
ing left f« r Buller but to rwrtgn.
Order« have l*ren given U» turn the
lartar and
\\ e«tminat«T
over to their owner«, Th© government
ha» uu longer auy nee I for then m rv-
The will of a woman who died in
Tojirka. Ka« , r* »ntlv. I«©queath« th©
greater ¡«art uf a fortune of f‘.’A0,<XM.)
for the founding of th© Culvemity ut
Harry H Wandell, city éditer of th©
St. Laniit ( i lotte-Democrat, am! hia
•iwter, have fallen heir te an rotate iu
the ( anary Inland«, valued at from
lio.ono.ouu to 120'000,000.
The Sultan of Turkey for th© third
time auii"UD'W bi» intention to In-
crea«© «luti©« 3 per reut
The powers
will a»l’lrr*« a Dot hr r Dote Io the porte
Mating their object!* Da to au> h au tu­
i resse.
A party of three scientists have
■uled in »in San Francisco to explore
th» unkix'wn )» rl><»n of Sorth<-«.t,-ru
-It erU. I >ua ol'Jrct of their trip « ill
l«> to drU-riiiine W helle r «»r lad tn©
American ln<li«n la descended from
AalatlC (U>ck.
Tr«« fe»r
Instruments Sold on Easy Terms, (’all and
S it My Goods Before I’lirrliasillg.
lin» il » 11 I •
llillalMiro, Or.. April 21 —A «wrn
complaint, «ign-’d by N . P < Mk, r:t an
ami 11 other p.*tr> u- of <. h«**! diatri I
No. 2'J, dir u ted against U. S
Hargue, the principal of th© R<wMlvilla
a h«M»l. wa« tolay
brwarl’ I to ths
«tate dejiartinent <»f public in>tru tu»n
at Salem, Asking that th«' tea* her’« ct-r-
tlfi at«’ I© revoke«!.
1 he j- titu-n al­
lege« that M- llargue lias l-4-» u guilty of
gr»«< mi«<*on«!uct
and Uvat durfug
») h*M*l hour« he ha» !«©vn gulltv ul kiss­
ing the oi l* r girl*, much ”U* their dis­
gust and annoyance;" an I. further,
that owing to this « nd i< t, manv of th«
larger girl.** are remaining away from
» h'Mil.
McHargue 1« chargd with
voting at a *• h««ol nieeting ata January
■ • s-ion, whi ohi* name d* • • not ap-
prar on th«» tax roll f< r
•ingular «t.*t«-m,nt in the <« uiplaint 1«
the alb'gatl *u that at the Mar h * h <ol
meeting the {win- i|»l ae<*u*©d one <>f
the complainant* of ' killing Lis (com­
plainant*») • 1 !•—t * u "
l «»r th©»©
t hvrgea and other* uf like nature, th«
petitioner« ask that th© slate < rlifl at«
uf McHargue b© revoke«!.
light W lh < ellle I hie«««.
Salt L.«ke, April 23 — \ ap**iai to
the I'nl une from Thom peon’«, Utah,
Mr. Fullerton, fn inager of the
Webster < lly t attle Uum)«ny. ve* ter-
• lav di-< >>v«-rv«| two men mutilating
Brandt ««n hit cattle.
They threatened
to «h*“*t and he retreated.
With the
an«i«tanc© of >herifT l‘re»»r and p -•©,
th© thieve« wera overtaken 70 mile*
n* -rth of her© and r !• red tn «urreudcr.
1 he thievri «bowel ! ,ht, and were fol­
lowed wii mile« further north, all ev
changing ah* t«, one of the outlaw« !•©•
ing tnatantly knHrd. The dead man
an«wer« the deacrl| tiofliof "I lat So«©’’
(t.*.rge, and itn•-*tigati«»n
con luaively that he 1« mir of the men
that rd.iwMl the train of the Vnirn !’a-
ritic railload about a year ago. He
has la*©n brought t«> Tbopmaoti'« for
Men are m*w on the
way from Cheyenne l*> identify him.
Salt (»ali©. April 21.—«ìovemor Is»©.
i't ^uQth Dakota, and «»overo- r Lot ti­
ter Arrive*I t «tav aud V» k ¡ori in the
po re* Ung« of the g* v©rn- »of \k < .t-
i m states, wh*« ha«© in©t t - di«, iu
st»b‘e t< »f interest U» thi« *• ■•tn n
After a general dl« »«• lu . th© <« »»;
m.ttee appointed tn h rmu-it© r* * li­
ti n« against th© leasing of pubh© arid
land« by th© genr-a! government and
• nan ling th© creai n of «ach land« r
the several «’atra «h> old anv . hange in
the present aystem le ma I©. r©p» rted
the h How ing. which were a i-'j»t© !
**K«MOlved, Thai the people of th©
state« her«» r *pre«©nie»l ar© ©|
I ab­
solutely to aaT .©gialation r any action
of a
'- nt! b I ng t«\ or hating f« r its
> »Rtf ‘d the pubic an !«
©f th* ,
red Mates I y th© g«'!i©ral
g rerun ©nt r am angcncy th« r < !
* ’ Re* * I ted, St'- nd. That th© prr«-’nl
li • < i r *. iding for th* control, man*
«Í.OI1 « lit au «I lisp- -dl <d th© public and
lands of th* Unit©-*! Mat©« ar© l*©st
a lapted to the need« and requirement»
of th© country, an I conducive to the
•©tllement and occupancy thvrv’ f by
l<»na fid© «eitler«
**R’'»olved. thir*!. That if It shall be
f ‘tind that the present law« affecting
th© arhl lami« ar» n»*t satisfactory t«»
th© congre«© <»f the United stat©«, then
w© fAtor .1 cesai ti of the «aid arid lands
t ■ the several st Ate« wherein they ar©
situated under such termsand
re-., rondi-
t.<»ii« a« will guarantee the l©>ueflta «»f
th© ire© hommtoad laws to the people
of the United State«, and that will pre­
vent said land« either tty fee «imple
title, or by the leading thereof from
intn th© p
i**n «< costruì
of larg< compunte«, «vmheate«,
’ •
ation« or vvrallhv individuala lit large
quantities, t«» th© excliiai n of other«,
and under such nmdit.' n* that th© •©» •
< r »1 «tales may hav© the income art*-
ing fr«»m »«i I lami« to !** d« v< ted t«
r,-'lam itu ti
*• ’ in j r *•.«•ment
. Guia ride « 111-
thereof for settlement
sen«. ’•
Governor Lee, of ‘-.»nth Dak-da, was
thennly on© whoopp*»«©d th© r*”*<>lutl"n.
Hi« Oppelo- n was ©imply laH-au«© he
Iwllcv«d t-‘ it th© deniaild f* r < • ••o n
t«» the wtati*« th<*uld be put t':r-t
(••rm of l©tl< rs to !•© "©nt out I*» other
governor« was a*l» ) ted.
M»-t Iran
I Lrhr 1«
I ighl.
• till
San I ran« i" *
\ ril
Hoah»tey, «•( (takland. wh«» has re­
turn«»«! from th»’ «»’.it of the Yaqui war.
in Mexico, bring" advics a, follow-
Th© Mexican» «©ut out word that tn©
war was over, but at th© same (hi ••
were ha"tefiing t*» th©
fiont. Th© Yaqui« Lav© al"»ot H,(HM)
men under arms. They hav© Reming­
ton «nd Mauw-r nil«’« and l**>w« and
arrow«. They have tw>> cannon.« that
34 Yaqui*» captur« I fr :i>
I he Mexican» k«*©p to th© r«>ad» and
t*»vvns, while tn© Yaquis hob! th© Hler-
Mexican« «««timat© the Y m <|UÌ« at
15.000, but th© p'pulation of - not a h
at Iwaat I JOJHIO, and half of them arv
The Indiana have a incubar
• vstem 0>r keeping their treaaury in
fun*la. 1h© warri<*r« alternate between
th© firing line and working in th«» mtn< *
«ml on the ranch©«,
Their wag©« go
U l th in th© past
to th© c«»mmnn fun«!.
two week« »«-veral ©ng vgeumuta ha.”
>©« n fought in whi li the government
tr»">pa were g« n©rally vn'!ort<*ua.
a recent engagement !©twe©n « {»arty
of in«urg« n's. the g«»vernmeut r©{"»rt>
17 Y a « i ' i I« dra I on the !!©!«!. (>nlv on©
Mexican, an offi< ©r, waa killed, but
many were wound«»’!.
Former Secretary of th© Interior
l!«»ke “mith ha« *dd hit \tSanta, Ga.,
Journal to a lk«sten ayndl al©
Washington. April 83.—The b<»u»a
Mr» James'«. «laine la collecting
h> r hn.latn I'» lettera for publication in committee on interstate and foreign
cominer* * Unlay ma«!* an imp rtaul
e biograj hy.
change in the Hepburn Nicaragua anal
Workingmen in California are be­
bill, striking out th© pn»vi«i«»n for for-
coming alarmed at the steadily In-
tlfi« alions and thu« providing what !•
■ reusing uoiutarr of Jai«ueae imml-
to bcromn a eotttpmmia©.
g rauta.
The «mrndnitnt was pt «»pose« I l»y Rep-
The I'rnnsylrania au pre me court bat retaantativ©
Barham, of California.
• Mar»
held that a cotn|any Incorporated ID Th© chairman of the committee wa« in-
another atete and not regi.tered in atrm led tn offer th* aam* upon consid­ K. Din«., of thia city. jumped form tha
Pennavlvanta cann-t recover in
eration of the bill at the proprr time, Kr«>klyn bridgo at 3 o'clock tilt» after-
action al law.
I a« a committee am an« Im ©nt tb*»vUh n-. n Wltlajut sariuus Injuria»,
All <J««lrl al < r.»t«»n flam.
Urnnanv ami Rm* «la ar© «ail b» have
reached an agreement at to railway
conceasiona, practically dividing Asia
Minor betweeu them.
Cyril Arthur
owner, manager and editor of Pear** n't
magaiin© an! many « ther Journals,
intend« ah«»rtly to laumh a ¡a>mlon
daily new•{».»per modeled on American
4 k
«'I . 1 4
A Bloody Week on the Island
of Ltuon.
OO lili IS < ts| O.TIKS W EKE
I* a *tl
0*4 <••«• »•• Miguel
• Ihr»» lt<>ur tight.
Matti!« A; rtl Vi
l^awt we«'k was
on« of th© bl*«»lira| of the war ainc«*
th© f!r«t lay*« fighting around Manila.
uQlhentl r©i*'rt-. iv-«*«tly uffi-ial, «ln»w-
ing a 1« t«l of T h Filipim»« kilim!, LJ
«»¡h.'s»»« ami 244 men captured, am!
manv u • re wounded.
(he Dtttwiwr
w unded 1« hard)» guewablv
< < u«ld-
©ring that lb* Fili|>im « entirely lack
h* »pital « ititir«. a great majority of
the wound«’-1 will die
Pn»l»ably th«»
«••ex « w««rk finish©«!
Th© American I■►#• waa nine killed am!
H wound«»-!
Two «©rgeanis ami on«»
{»rival© w«r© killed m ambush, », while
rung jir vision train»
I he insurgents hav© lw * n aggr«-»»!«©
tn alm t awry pr v im e ♦■! I.ur-u
General l‘u«’.*d 1‘ilar's I•©:»«!. num! ©ring
80’), which was <>ut of sight for thr©«»
Iwlllg rvj. rie.I
month», the leader
kill©*l. ha* r©ap)*©ar©d m ita ol«l Ilei I
about San Miquel. Pilar la auppowd
t«> !© again in command
tin gave ihn
Amerii an g v-ri* u at -a i Mifpiel, oiii
• '
fifth infantry, with a <• tiling, thir©
h --.r» Lighting, «luring a night attack.
The It,«« of the ln«nrg* nt« m thia en*
gagerue: t 1» n t Inclu !«’d in th© !• r« g •
mg to’al, a» they r©mov©«| their d»a*l
am! w unded, but (,r©aumably II waa
Twenty-two Filipinos in the pm tn* ©
atta- Red
W’«-nd©, who, with eight men, w n
Th© heuteti-
•couting n» ar San J*»or.
ant and five men were wounded. and
on© private was kill©«!.
Seigwnnt la*douiua, ot th© Thirty fifth
infantry, was badly woun*!©«! m an
ambush near Halluag
Batch, of th© Thirty «©»ruth infantry,
with 70 in* n. had a five hours' fight
with 4 » insurgent« in th© Nur. a
i i ma istricl
1 w• -ntv of . th«' iu
• i ig« nt - a .-r» •
Uulonel Smith, ot th© Nev cnt©euth
infantry, who rapture«! General M‘-ti-
t«,i>» , r* and brought him !•» Maniia. H
In th© 1- lath u hospital, suffering frv»in
smallp x. < l 'ii-d Smith's ««»mm.Hid
«apltired ISO «<ft)errs an I lliru with
M nt«'i , - >
M■•uten« .r , who wa*
t ■. ■ •
• i ■ • f
' .. • < r
c©rw tn the Fllipin«» army, l«M»ks worn
a ml haggar1 * 11 •• anys >». lad n terr! ”
lifo f’ r mouths, ami h© has offer»’«! to
return !•* fh«» north w ith Colonel Smith.
t >rnd©iv*> t<» (w*rwuA-le hi« former c< '
A merman«
<>n© hundred ©»• »{©•! S|wni«h pria*
omT* fr*1 n th” prvvim© f South Lor» n
ha»«' urn
I at Manila
Th© insur-
g» rjts ha * i"u in* r© *’|>ani«h {»ri« tt©r«
in that district.
Rerently th© Fill-
pirn's dr«ir v rd •everal rod« <»f th© rail­
road lin© near Pnlil«)«©, lu an uusuc-
■ « -sful ultrinpt !• w r» * k a train.
M io h
Iit«tl,»r l»rs*r«»r*’l •«»<!
II«»« l«*sl.
Wtnnqwg, Man , Aprii 34 —F.xag-
gerAted rv|«»rt« of heavy lo*« uf llf© I y
furest Urea in the «*>uthesu»trrtl portimi
uf the province are <!rnie*L A • !»©• lai
tratu fr«>m th© «cene «»( th© <*• ntlagra-
timi todav t ring» n«-wa lh«l touch val-
uabl© m ««■! and tlmler ha« bren de-
« hl« tig«» I- -lire llete a New a«t«| ( «Miip
«iroy rtl but ther© ha« !©rn n<> b «a ot
llralvtl H«»l«l u|« Iu I •• » »•« ig »t».
\n- thrr story «ave
Chicago. April 23 —J. II. Smith,
*‘Flr» » «b ug ih© » uth* a«trrn regi’ U
prc-idmt of an organiiAtinti styled th©
ar© stili ragli g
The «ttlrap)©«! »)««•
lnd«i*trial I rad©« Union, at 151« 1*1
rial tram su*-* rrdrd m breakiug through
Mi higan wv©nue*, vv a< afr«’-t«*d lamt
thè dame«, an i arrived thi» murning
night, chiirgrd with robbery aii*l die*
liroughl in with it wrre «©vera! atrag*
• »rilrrlv c»»uduct on a warrant i«wu«d I v
gleia, found m a de©)©rat© rondition
Jti’Uc© Martin, cn .«»mp amt <>f frank
n*ar Va» ar.
Tbe*e fugitiv©« |«H»t
iiu«tavF*>n, a « ar)» tit« r
All teli thrilling «tori««
«•u*tav«*n say« ft© wa« «timrnond to
of ea* M)M« frotti dr.tth.
the «»tfo ©« of th© unb ti Lv a letter ask*
•*!!©•! h» immanae quantiti«'« of lum-
mg him to accept a poaitmn aa for©
r ami w<<**d, tw«> largo lumt©ring «»ut•
man over a numbar of carpenter«
fila are kt*»wn t<» bs» bum©«!.
I he driv­
<»u*la\» n mild that after conversing
er« ami bu-bmrn bave scatter©*! in all
a itli Smith a few rninnt©«, Smith Irew
dire- tb-ns. ¡*n I «»ut <>f 2< h ) only alamt
a revolver and tohl him to throw up
8») ar© km wn t«> h vv* r» a* h©*l a pia« «t
hl« hand«, smith, h© said, then went
of aafety.
Ih© fatalittra wlll noi I©
through liis pocltata ami t*>*k | Irt and
known until thè < • utrart<»ra rari cali
Mime valuab'e j ajaT« and tol«1 him h©
the foli of their meli
The total I um
would «htw t him uni« *« h© kept bls
la ©«tlmate«! at f 1,000.000.”
nv>uth «htit. Two men. l«»th of whom
N.»t Ifrwltl t»f Mtigllah t-AW.
wore •tars, placed < *u«ta\ «on, tinder
Chl' wg », \jril 24 —I ari Ru«««dl.
arrest, ho declarv a. obeying smith*«
emu maud.
lite alleged ottirere, Gue« wlv -© resent divorce tu Nevada from
lav win «ays, then t*>< k him into a hall* the Countess Russel), and marriage im­
way wh©r© they made him sign a )»a* mediately afterwards t*» Mr«. Mollie
|«rr, the contents of which he was un­ < ’M«k. arrived in < hicugo t^lay, ac­
'The earl
able Un read.
1 he alleged ofllceni, companied by his bride.
Gti«fav©>n said, gave him a dollar after Sts« h© will i-av© in a few davs for
he had signed the paper and t*>ld him London, regardle©« of the theories of
enrua )■ ngliih lau)©r«t)iat hl« divorce
to leave.
Gustavson then rep* rted th© matter la no l vall-l there.
to the Central police «tali »n. Smith
Ilan<111 Flrad Inin a Cmwd.
at the «tation said he hid never tiefore
F^vgl© I’aaa. Tai , April 24 —New«
seen «fQstavson. He will have a hear*
has reached her© of th«* killing of Jor­
ing thia afternoon.
dan L. (’«Nik, at A cat lan, Mei. Cook
horway lluying War «uppli»«.
w as iu « barge of a railroad construe-
Stockholm. April 31 —Th« riksdag
gung. He was «landing in a group
hm> votwl 8,i»oo,<><h> kr-»n«-r fur ammu­ ti«<n
of a half a >1 ren men when a bandit
nition an I rtf!»». 13.<>o<i,ooo for n«w
r-*!e up and fired several «hots into the
flel-l artillery, S3O.000 h>r volanteer
emwd, killing young Cook.
nit« ».»»i-iati'-iia. so-1 h»s agrrcMl to in-
father, who 1« ei sheriff cf Maverick
crease th» n«« naval construction Mi-
county, Tria«, has taken tl»e matter up
mate» tor I1H>1 to 1,735.000 kr nar.
with the M©ilean authorities.
!>«»•« Was T«»•» «trnng.
Many < a«e« af W orlhl»«« « hrebe
l^-wiaton, Idaho, April 33.—Mr».
i’hica. v, Ajiril •.’4. —The poll.« aay
Itavld Watson. an a.-rd lady residí Of
•it mil«*» aast of l^wiotoa, died at 10 they have IM <a»e» again»! C. O. Chari-
o'clock tonight. Yesterday afternoon • bin, tinder arrest on the charge of get­
•ho drank half a botila of cherry J»< - ting money from varioua per»ona on
lie Is said to lie a
toral. and ••»in cidlapred into an un- worthi«a» checks.
OOOM-ioua state, from ah ich abe iw» er former mein tier of the Sebraska legis­
The niountaia which overlooks the
town of Klappi, in Bolwaiia. »her. a
l.ixl.lid. recrntly occurtxl. ha» under-
^».iie a wi.inic <ii.turl«D<-a which la
•prialititf thr-'U/h<'<>t the rutirv prnv-
luce. The height» of the ftohenila
iiii-lill» raiitfa are moving an-l h-»u«»»
and churchee lutve collapv-l in M<ine
• village».
Kailwar rml<ankni»nt»
hav» Iwn moved, ttreaiu» diverted au I
rcada aunk.
Croton laiuling. N’. Y , April 21.—
I verythtng wa« quiet in th© strike «it-
nation tndny. Th© Mme tn« n wh«» r©-
)- rt«-d yesterday I«» the summon« of tlte
whistle at 7 A. M. r©j« rt»»d f >r work
agian thia morning, bringing a d«»t©n
more with th«*n».
At the «¡uarry 132
men appear»! lur work.
Frot»(t Again«« th* I »aslng
I I and«.
In Sew Y«rk, a school of vol«-, ©al­
lure was la^fun on a ).>rt.-ntl<>us seal,
at t arnetfl. Hall, nn lrr th. illrectiua
ol (ihwmo, called th.
Metrepulitan School of Voire and Slag-
Edouard de Kecske and Mme.
.Xordtc* will rive m Isdarstiip. to tha
I'd irlft«a| pupils under Miteiwsky.
Mauric Grau and Andrew A. McCor­
mick ar»- leti lui,' their intluvnc. Mia-
k»w»k7 la a oomp eer of n*>ta.
I anal Kill < hang*4.
« atti»
IM» l|.»«»r »»r H»frlg»»«t”r H»»f I «
<l»r r »IsHMg
Fire in a ten©«n*nt housr at New
I e, l’a , « .4U»”'‘I th© leath oí four )* r
Keystone Shaving Parlors
I>njamm Northrup, a well-known
news)w|«*r man. uf New York city, is
lead, ag©’! 4 4
The lows to railroad« by th© r©- ©nt
?! — 1 in Mississippi will amount I«»
mor© than |l.uuu,«MA).
fhnnoeratB» populista and Silver Re
publican* bave fumed in SeLra«ba.
Philippine Army to Ee Sup­
plied With It.
Dma. $bO,OQQ«
I> «i a go 1er»I b'tU n< *a»l ri funge
beat nu’« it current r*t«
sf < ni at *<il
t yet lw«rn relieved.
I IIF. WIKB> * t D’Uia, M«>., Was ’l«*troyed l-y fire
|. r
d «
l ’M M »
The revolution in «’olumbia la si-rva«!*
Ing throughout th© D'paldic.
A. J. Johaeoa
J. W. Gain*«
C. V. JolMuoa
\r*c Rrrodml . ..
Wep©D©r has
C « •
Th© plant o( th© St !a»ui« Uh run i« I©.
Ajrll 14—(har I m
ITrUchmsnn, srcietarv of the Trust
f-ec-nritv A Safe lh>p<elt Company, of
this i ity, hanged lib«»!1 iu a t<aru to­