VOL. SCIO, i.ixx 111 EAST AND SOUTH BANK OF SCIO ■ • • 6 ( <>( X T Y, EVEMS OF THE HAI —vu CAPITAL, $20,000. SOLTIIERN PAdllCin. T r • ;. • < • a r \V »at St at I u a E ■» Epitome of the Teleyraphk New» of the World. T»:U>E II' K' Ell’»M »rd ilntf» issued on principal r ran ng Baths 15 ernt» IS 25 2S %% Newly Fumtihed and Refitted I ho-ng’ ut. Oitr table« are »applied with the brU the market» afford.J* 'a-*4 South <4 Bridge. sao» OREGON The prorevidingsof ib© naval stratehio «nti birycle law waa de- ¡ ciar©«i unton«tituli«'Ual. |. J. BARNES ( visits Scio « 11» P laning SCIO, OR. M ills HARRY S. JOHNSTON & CO.. Proprietors. ALL KINDS OF MILL WORK ON SHORT NOTICE BURIAL CASKEIS AM) ( \SES ALWAYS ON HAM) SCIO, Charle« II. Allan, of Massachusetts, wat »(»minated for governor of Fuerte lUco by tÍM» preaid-vnt. latrg© «trel ini11« in the virlníty of Chicago and Johet hav© ch>s*»d down n accoiint o! laU*r tr ubi«*«. 1n a spewh on the Philippine *ar BAid that the war ! Co date ha i c« '«l 6,000 lívea. An Altiauy, <>r , man. whoan son i© a ■; onroetiat. but fo«t hls hall i, has had a ¡cf( hatided cornel made for the boy. Th© hi»t*»ri al church ot Notr© Dame de» \ <»rtua, on th© outskirts of Pari«, wa« pillaged, then burned by vaudala. (■«iiiiniu!i,!>'»*> Indemnltv for the de«tructp*n of Am* ro an missionary pro)»©fty dur­ ing th© riot«« of jh’j I n© usual «harp hint is n««« • •«-•ary. The Mu-retaiy uf war haa order«*«! sn investigation of th© cam« of Major Knight, Unit©«! Staten •ngnie*-r, • barged with int«rf**nng with Father Tleru*’V. of th© Roman ' atholl« « hur> h. in the performanc«» of his duties. (‘«Ingres* will adjourn in June. War taxes will n«»t t>© re«!uced at thi» mvaaion «»f congrwaii. (treat Biitain will levy a tax on Inin©« t*» pay th*» ei|*uiM of th© war. A burglar entered a naloon in Che- halia. Wash., and look ♦>» »U in silver. I • ur men w» r« killed ami several in- Jur©«l in a drunken riot of coal miner« ii” »r Johnstown, Pa. H«'w storm« iu tha vicinity of Denver ar© «au«iug much delay to railroad traffic. J<>hn Hannigan, age>l 63, one of the I- -1 knoan h"tie trainer« in th© coun­ try. died at Mlidale, hy. Two Meil an out aws held up a gambling )mu«e in Juhnaott, Anaona, an i kill©«! a prominent mining man Rev \\ illiam J. Rutlseige, of Jack­ sonville, III., pr-’Uiinent Methodiat minister am! originator of th© « i A. R . is d«ad, aged 66. Th© legislature of Trinidad has re­ jected th© offer ot ( aiiA0 fam hes Fought 1,300 acne of land near Eugene, Or., with the intention of dividing it up inb> 40*acrw tracts and w- rking on th« cok niXAtbiu plan Burglar« at Toronto, Ont.. 1«. th'<»i*h tb. ukiw-iooh brick wall of lb. «suit of st Sittxm's church with crvwbar. an I picks aul. 11,175, the Easter offei ing. ut t«> th© n«»© of « aun©«! r«'A*t Iwwf late Henry Ward Ber«ber, «lied at ’■ r ti * • -t©n © th© arm» in ths («©orgetnun. Ma« , •g**'l M year. I Philippines I In« is «lu* <•» th*» fact I ff< rt« to stanq* out th© plague » in , that ll is a' -nlutrlv «»'’-nUAl tl*at th* Fv inry. Aulrwlia. have n t Lteu •Uf i «•■idle’« «hall L© sr»v«d with fresh meat cr«*ful. lb«* epidemic la «{»rea-iiug and Iwwau«© of th© lmp««»l *ility of {»rt> Hush firm ar© raging in Manitoba i viding refrigerator b©wf <>r catti« r«u)« are iu danger of losing ' the bulk of the arm v was I» ai©d al ths »• **h* r© am! at •-.»•ily a«.-' ••*»i‘ le p inis their livre. thet© w a• no difTtcultv in providing Five men * ©r* killed at Balmain them with fr* **h meats, but condition« tuatraha. by taring pre* Ipitatec) to the hav* Dow change,!, an! the army 1« tsHtom of an l,Hov-i-- t perpendicular »-att«r* td am ng p ints tn van* :• •haft of a mine ¡arts of th” archi)© »vg<», a great n my A altange tale of crime has rome tn • I them at ” nsiderabl© «listan © fnur. light m the cam « of a rich < ‘oh »ra lo the nearest shipping point. There ar» miner, who is charged with the inur­ no catti* available, ami the rwfrlger der of four |«,ns«>Ds. at«*d l«-ef which ha« heretofore formed th© prmc|)Ml l«a«is of «ul«atst'-n e f r ( '• ’.»• •!!, F x•<’«»ngreaaman Ihivid G • n trial at Frankfort, Kv ..for th© mur­ lite tn«! )»• « ann t I© preservad in g • I der of Lieut* nant >««»t< and Luth« r 1* k f* r **m© ■ult* quitted • \mer. ar. able «ubatitut**, and the Th© t tai r»»c hundred thousand people be«’f ah i subsequent deliveries at the w itnt’ssed the review. r it” of al-'iit i \< ting I "¡-im set- ‘o-m-ral W.-iwtt-r At itrhis*-n. Kan . a reader of chraj alter to th« ■ • ■ ' ■ ■ novela wa* given 1H year« in the peni­ tentiary fot arson. He M*t fir© to a of war with a string indorsement <>t h< um > in • rd« r to play th«* ¡«art of a her« th© prop**iti«»n. Aa n measure of et- tn m© cautmn, hosmer, **©« rotary Root by r»’- ning tt>e family. 11» ! «•? re taking final Anton Rodv, nilas \nton K<»*chinowski, a* ti«>n. A cable meaange <»f inquiry who arriv«'d in New A <»rk recently on whs forwarded at <»n«-e. an-l (»eneral th© »truuiship Palatia, will I© sent ( »ti"* r»’jdv WH< r«”’©ive«l h»d Its back t«> their native country. Th© men text wa« not mad© public, but .:« gen- k ! ,r. ¡1 w • »• : tted III t ’ • • ral character may I»» • •learly inferr«- I burglary of a st>r«« in L©ttib«-rg, from the fa« t that iwdru tion« have ««alicia. in which they got alwut !'->,• L. «-li •• nt to ( *'l«»n©l \ levin !« r. the "jo florins ami seriously wound,*<1 th© coinmi**.'«rv officer at < in ag<*. to ar­ pr< priet«*r Two of the men have !»*‘en ringo for th»» immediate *-an board of inquiry investigate«! th© mat- I ranci’"«» f«»r shipment to Manila by t, r. and, u|s n the r.ini, • ah ion of the the first available ftt*’am©r special men, it whi nervation at al) The el»*, tion in IxmiMana resulted in «tag©» «4 its long journey I«» the Philip- pint»«. tt sweeping victory for the Democrat*. Th© Ameer of Afghanistan warn« i ugland of Russian aggreaaiou on In- dia. Harry F. Allen, defaulting clerk - f Denver county treasurer'• utBoe, w i* arreMed in San Francisco. Canada will r©|*«*Ml the alien laN*r la** which waa aimed at American miners m the Atlin diatri- t. «•real battle« have taken pia* e 1 «• tween government troop« and rebels in the I *nit«*-1 Mate« u( ( '«doiiC a Thirteen ¡»©roons were drowned by th© eap«liing of a b *ut while mataing the Rhine, near Hingen» «tvrmany. Work on the dam at Cndon land­ ing. N Y , has la-en returned, under the pr te. ti n of the «tat« Dirn R«»l-rrt« »hnrply enti« i« « the ability of «»eneráis I'ullrr and Warren. Iz*u«lori pej»erw maintain there i« noth­ ing left f« r Buller but to rwrtgn. Order« have l*ren given U» turn the trun-p-rt** lartar and \\ e«tminat«T over to their owner«, Th© government ha» uu longer auy nee I for then m rv- iOM. The will of a woman who died in Tojirka. Ka« , r* »ntlv. I«©queath« th© greater ¡«art uf a fortune of f‘.’A0, h au tu­ i resse. A party of three scientists have ■uled in »in San Francisco to explore th» unkix'wn )» rl><»n of Sorth<-«.t,-ru -It erU. I >ua ol'Jrct of their trip « ill l«> to drU-riiiine W helle r «»r lad tn© American lnck. KISSED < hsfgr* Mittl»» THE BIG GIRLS V(«lll»l Tr«« fe»r PIANOS AND ORCANS Instruments Sold on Easy Terms, (’all and S it My Goods Before I’lirrliasillg. lin» il » 11 I • llillalMiro, Or.. April 21 —A «wrn complaint, «ign-’d by N . P < Mk, r:t an ami 11 other p.*tr> u- of <. h«**! diatri I No. 2'J, dir u ted against U. S Me- Hargue, the principal of th© Rtru tu»n at Salem, Asking that th«' tea* her’« ct-r- tlfi at«’ I© revoke«!. 1 he j- titu-n al­ lege« that M- llargue lias l-4-» u guilty of gr»«< mi«<*on«!uct and Uvat durfug ») h*M*l hour« he ha» !«©vn gulltv ul kiss­ ing the oi l* r girl*, much ”U* their dis­ gust and annoyance;" an I. further, that owing to this « nd i< t, manv of th« larger girl.** are remaining away from » h'Mil. McHargue 1« chargd with voting at a *• h««ol nieeting ata January ■ • s-ion, whi ohi* name d* • • not ap- prar on th«» tax roll f< r Otte •ingular «t.*t«-m,nt in the <« uiplaint 1« the alb'gatl *u that at the Mar h * h
    f the complainant* of ' killing Lis (com­ plainant*») • 1 !•—t * u " l «»r th©»© t hvrgea and other* uf like nature, th« petitioner« ask that th© slate < rlifl at« uf McHargue b© revoke«!. light W lh < ellle I hie«««. Salt L.«ke, April 23 — \ ap**iai to the I'nl une from Thom peon’«, Utah, mvi Mr. Fullerton, fn inager of the Webster < lly t attle Uum)«ny. ve* ter- • lav di-< >>v«-rv«| two men mutilating Brandt ««n hit cattle. They threatened to «h*“*t and he retreated. With the an«i«tanc© of >herifT l‘re»»r and p -•©, th© thieve« wera overtaken 70 mile* n* -rth of her© and r !• red tn «urreudcr. 1 he thievri «bowel ! ,ht, and were fol­ lowed wii mile« further north, all ev changing ah* t«, one of the outlaw« !•©• ing tnatantly knHrd. The dead man an«wer« the deacrl| tiofliof "I lat So«©’’ (t.*.rge, and itn•-*tigati«»n thn*it con luaively that he 1« mir of the men that rd.iwMl the train of the Vnirn !’a- ritic railload about a year ago. He has la*©n brought t«> Tbopmaoti'« for Identification Men are m*w on the way from Cheyenne l*> identify him. '<>» WESTERN of s l*uhlls Salt (»ali©. April 21.—«ìovemor Is»©. i't ^uQth Dakota, and «»overo- r Lot ti­ ter Arrive*I t «tav aud V» k ¡ori in the po re* Ung« of the g* v©rn- »of \k < .t- i m states, wh*« ha«© in©t t - di«, iu st»b‘e t< »f interest U» thi« *• ■•tn n After a general dl« »«• lu . th© <« »»; m.ttee appointed tn h rmu-it© r* * li­ ti n« against th© leasing of pubh© arid land« by th© genr-a! government and • nan ling th© creai n of «ach land« r the several «’atra «h> old anv . hange in the present aystem le ma I©. r©p» rted the h How ing. which were a i-'j»t© ! **K«MOlved, Thai the people of th© state« her«» r *pre«©nie»l ar© ©| I ab­ solutely to aaT .©gialation r any action of a '- nt! b I ng t«\ or hating f« r its • > »Rtf ‘d the pubic an !« ©f th* , red Mates I y th© g«'!i©ral g rerun ©nt r am angcncy th« r < ! * ’ Re* * I ted, St'- nd. That th© prr«-’nl li • < i r *. iding for th* control, man* «Í.OI1 « lit au «I lisp- -dl ueflta «»f th© ire© hommtoad laws to the people of the United State«, and that will pre­ vent said land« either tty fee «imple title, or by the leading thereof from intn th© p i**n «< costruì of larg< compunte«, «vmheate«, ’ • ation« or vvrallhv individuala lit large quantities, t«» th© excliiai n of other«, and under such nmdit.' n* that th© •©» • < r »1 «tales may hav© the income art*- ing fr«»m »«i I lami« to !** d« v< ted t« r,-'lam itu ti *• ’ in j r *•.«•ment the . Guia ride « 111- thereof for settlement sen«. ’• Governor Lee, of ‘-.»nth Dak-da, was thennly on© whoopp*»«©d th© r*”*<>lutl"n. Hi« Oppelo- n was ©imply laH-au«© he Iwllcv«d t-‘ it th© deniaild f* r < • ••o n t«» the wtati*« th<*uld be put t':r-t \ (••rm of l©tl< rs to !•© "©nt out I*» other governor« was a*l» ) ted. THE M»-t Iran YAQUI Indian I Lrhr 1« I ighl. WAR. "Illi • till ot San I ran« i" * \ ril ! Henry Hoah»tey, «•( (takland. wh«» has re­ turn«»«! from th»’ «»’.it of the Yaqui war. in Mexico, bring" advics a, follow- Th© Mexican» «©ut out word that tn© war was over, but at th© same (hi •• 4,(M'O were ha"tefiing t*» th© fiont. Th© Yaqui« Lav© al"»ot H,(HM) men under arms. They hav© Reming­ ton «nd Mauw-r nil«’« and l**>w« and arrow«. They have tw>> cannon.« that 34 Yaqui*» captur« I fr :i> Mexican» I he Mexican» k«*©p to th© r«>ad» and t*»vvns, while tn© Yaquis hob! th© Hler- raw Mexican« «««timat© the Y m <|UÌ« at 15.000, but th© p'pulation of - not a h at Iwaat I JOJHIO, and half of them arv The Indiana have a incubar Yaquia. • vstem 0>r keeping their treaaury in fun*la. 1h© warri<*r« alternate between th© firing line and working in th«» mtn< * «ml on the ranch©«, Their wag©« go U l th in th© past to th© c«»mmnn fun«!. two week« »«-veral ©ng vgeumuta ha.” >©« n fought in whi li the government tr»">pa were g« n©rally vn'!ort<*ua. In a recent engagement !©twe©n « {»arty of in«urg« n's. the g«»vernmeut r©{"»rt> 17 Y a « i ' i I« dra I on the !!©!«!. (>nlv on© Mexican, an offi< ©r, waa killed, but many were wound«»’!. Former Secretary of th© Interior l!«»ke “mith ha« *dd hit \tSanta, Ga., Journal to a lk«sten ayndl al© Washington. April 83.—The b<»u»a Mr» James'«. «laine la collecting h> r hn.latn I'» lettera for publication in committee on interstate and foreign cominer* * Unlay ma«!* an imp rtaul e biograj hy. change in the Hepburn Nicaragua anal Workingmen in California are be­ bill, striking out th© pn»vi«i«»n for for- coming alarmed at the steadily In- tlfi« alions and thu« providing what !• ■ reusing uoiutarr of Jai«ueae imml- expect©«! to bcromn a eotttpmmia©. g rauta. The «mrndnitnt was pt «»pose« I l»y Rep- The I'rnnsylrania au pre me court bat retaantativ© Barham, of California. • Mar» held that a cotn|any Incorporated ID Th© chairman of the committee wa« in- another atete and not regi.tered in atrm led tn offer th* aam* upon consid­ K. Din«., of thia city. jumped form tha Pennavlvanta cann-t recover in eration of the bill at the proprr time, Kr«>klyn bridgo at 3 o'clock tilt» after- action al law. I a« a committee am an« Im ©nt tb*»vUh n-. n Wltlajut sariuus Injuria», All mlon daily new•{».»per modeled on American line© N 4 k «'I . 1 4 A Bloody Week on the Island of Ltuon. OO lili IS < ts| O.TIKS W EKE Uaaaral rilar'« I* a *tl «g«!** at Wurfe 0*4 <••«• »•• Miguel • Ihr»» lt<>ur tight. Matti!« A; rtl Vi l^awt we«'k was on« of th© bl*«»lira| of the war ainc«* th© f!r«t lay*« fighting around Manila. uQlhentl r©i*'rt-. iv-«*«tly uffi-ial, «ln»w- ing a 1« t«l of T h Filipim»« kilim!, LJ «»¡h.'s»»« ami 244 men captured, am! manv u • re wounded. (he Dtttwiwr w unded 1« hard)» guewablv < < u«ld- ©ring that lb* Fili|>im « entirely lack h* »pital « ititir«. a great majority of the wound«’-1 will die Pn»l»ably th«» «••ex « w««rk finish©«! insurgent» Th© American I■►#• waa nine killed am! H wound«»-! Two «©rgeanis ami on«» {»rival© w«r© killed m ambush, », while rung jir vision train» I he insurgents hav© lw * n aggr«-»»!«© tn alm t awry pr v im e ♦■! I.ur-u General l‘u«’.*d 1‘ilar's I•©:»«!. num! ©ring 80’), which was <>ut of sight for thr©«» Iwlllg rvj. rie.I month», the leader kill©*l. ha* r©ap)*©ar©d m ita ol«l Ilei I about San Miquel. Pilar la auppowd t«> !© again in command tin gave ihn Amerii an g v-ri* u at -a i Mifpiel, oiii - - • ' fifth infantry, with a <• tiling, thir© h --.r» Lighting, «luring a night attack. The It,«« of the ln«nrg* nt« m thia en* gagerue: t 1» n t Inclu !«’d in th© !• r« g • mg to’al, a» they r©mov©«| their d»a*l am! w unded, but (,r©aumably II waa considerable. Twenty-two Filipinos in the pm tn* © atta- Red l.lruteuant » , r* and brought him !•» Maniia. H In th© 1- lath u hospital, suffering frv»in smallp x. < l 'ii-d Smith's ««»mm.Hid «apltired ISO « M■•uten« .r , who wa* t ■. ■ • • i ■ • f ' .. • < r c©rw tn the Fllipin«» army, l«M»ks worn a ml haggar1 * 11 •• anys >». lad n terr! ” lifo f’ r mouths, ami h© has offer»’«! to return !•* fh«» north w ith Colonel Smith. t >rnd©iv*> t<» (w*rwuA-le hi« former c< ' r A merman« <>n© hundred ©»• »{©•! S|wni«h pria* omT* fr*1 n th” prvvim© f South Lor» n ha»«' urn I at Manila Th© insur- g» rjts ha * i"u in* r© *’|>ani«h {»ri« tt©r« in that district. Rerently th© Fill- pirn's dr«ir v rd •everal rod« <»f th© rail­ road lin© near Pnlil«)«©, lu an uusuc- ■ « -sful ultrinpt !• w r» * k a train. OAMAGL M io h ÍORÍ5T FIHtS. Iit«tl,»r l»rs*r«»r*’l •«»uthesu»trrtl portimi uf the province are m th© «cene «»( th© <*• ntlagra- NOVEL PLAN OF ROBBERY timi todav t ring» n«-wa lh«l touch val- uabl© m ««■! and tlmler ha« bren de- « hl« tig«» I- -lire llete a New a«t«| ( «Miip «iroy rtl but ther© ha« !©rn n<> b «a ot llralvtl H«»l«l u|« Iu I •• » »•« ig »t». lite \n- thrr story «ave Chicago. April 23 —J. II. Smith, *‘Flr» » «b ug ih© » uth* a«trrn regi’ U prc-idmt of an organiiAtinti styled th© ar© stili ragli g The «ttlrap)©«! »)««• lnd«i*trial I rad©« Union, at 151« 1*1 rial tram su*-* rrdrd m breakiug through Mi higan wv©nue*, vv a< afr«’-t«*d lamt thè dame«, an i arrived thi» murning night, chiirgrd with robbery aii*l die* liroughl in with it wrre «©vera! atrag* • »rilrrlv c»»uduct on a warrant i«wu«d I v gleia, found m a de©)©rat© rondition Jti’Uc© Martin, cn .«»mp amt <>f frank n*ar Va» ar. Tbe*e fugitiv©« |«H»t iiu«tavF*>n, a « ar)» tit« r •-«©rvthin/ All teli thrilling «tori«« «•u*tav«*n say« ft© wa« «timrnond to of ea* M)M« frotti dr.tth. the «»tfo ©« of th© unb ti Lv a letter ask* •*!!©•! h» immanae quantiti«'« of lum- mg him to accept a poaitmn aa for© r ami w<<**d, tw«> largo lumt©ring «»ut• man over a numbar of carpenter« fila are kt*»wn t<» bs» bum©«!. I he driv­ <»u*la\» n mild that after conversing er« ami bu-bmrn bave scatter©*! in all a itli Smith a few rninnt©«, Smith Irew dire- tb-ns. ¡*n I «»ut <>f 2< h ) only alamt a revolver and tohl him to throw up 8») ar© km wn t«> h vv* r» a* h©*l a pia« «t hl« hand«, smith, h© said, then went of aafety. Ih© fatalittra wlll noi I© through liis pocltata ami t*>*k | Irt and known until thè < • utrart<»ra rari cali Mime valuab'e j ajaT« and tol«1 him h© the foli of their meli The total I um would «htw t him uni« *« h© kept bls la ©«tlmate«! at f 1,000.000.” nv>uth «htit. Two men. l«»th of whom N.»t Ifrwltl t»f Mtigllah t-AW. wore •tars, placed < *u«ta\ «on, tinder Chl' wg », \jril 24 —I ari Ru«««dl. arrest, ho declarv a. obeying smith*« emu maud. lite alleged ottirere, Gue« wlv -© resent divorce tu Nevada from lav win «ays, then t*>< k him into a hall* the Countess Russel), and marriage im­ way wh©r© they made him sign a )»a* mediately afterwards t*» Mr«. Mollie |«rr, the contents of which he was un­ < ’M«k. arrived in < hicugo t^lay, ac­ 'The earl able Un read. 1 he alleged ofllceni, companied by his bride. Gti«fav©>n said, gave him a dollar after Sts« h© will i-av© in a few davs for he had signed the paper and t*>ld him London, regardle©« of the theories of enrua )■ ngliih lau)©r«t)iat hl« divorce to leave. Gustavson then rep* rted th© matter la no l vall-l there. to the Central police «tali »n. Smith Ilan<111 Flrad Inin a Cmwd. at the «tation said he hid never tiefore F^vgl© I’aaa. Tai , April 24 —New« seen «fQstavson. He will have a hear* has reached her© of th«* killing of Jor­ ing thia afternoon. dan L. (’«Nik, at A cat lan, Mei. Cook horway lluying War «uppli»«. w as iu « barge of a railroad construe- Stockholm. April 31 —Th« riksdag gung. He was «landing in a group hm> votwl 8,i»oo,<> kr-»n«-r fur ammu­ ti«1 ren men when a bandit nition an I rtf!»». 13.<>or volanteer emwd, killing young Cook. Ill« nit« ».»»i-iati'-iia. so-1 h»s agrrcMl to in- father, who 1« ei sheriff cf Maverick crease th» n«« naval construction Mi- county, Tria«, has taken tl»e matter up mate» tor I1H>1 to 1,735.000 kr nar. with the M©ilean authorities. !>«»•« Was T«»•» «trnng. Many < a«e« af W orlhl»«« « hrebe l^-wiaton, Idaho, April 33.—Mr». i’hica. v, Ajiril •.’4. —The poll.« aay Itavld Watson. an a.-rd lady residí Of •it mil«*» aast of l^wiotoa, died at 10 they have IM t the rutirv prnv- luce. The height» of the ftohenila iiii-lill» raiitfa are moving an-l h-»u«»» and churchee lutve collapv-l in Mr work agian thia morning, bringing a d«»t©n more with th«*n». At the «¡uarry 132 men appear»! lur work. 26. GOVERNORS Frot»(t Again«« th* I »aslng I I I and«. In Sew Y«rk, a school of vol«-, ©al­ lure was la^fun on a ).>rt.-ntl<>us seal, at t arnetfl. Hall, nn lrr th. illrectiua ol (ihwmo Miukow.ky, called th. Metrepulitan School of Voire and Slag- in^ Edouard de Kecske and Mme. .Xordtc* will rive m Isdarstiip. to tha I'd irlft«a| pupils under Miteiwsky. Mauric Grau and Andrew A. McCor­ mick ar»- leti lui,' their intluvnc. Mia- k»w»k7 la a oomp eer of n*>ta. I anal Kill < hang*4. LEADING DEALER OF PIE NORTHWEST IN « atti» IM» l|.»«»r »»r H»frlg»»«t”r H»»f I « njamm Northrup, a well-known news)w|«*r man. uf New York city, is lead, ag©’! 4 4 The lows to railroad« by th© r©- ©nt ?! — 1 in Mississippi will amount I«» mor© than |l.uuu,«MA). fhnnoeratB» populista and Silver Re publican* bave fumed in SeLra«ba. GO TO ÎHJ Philippine Army to Ee Sup­ plied With It. Dma. $bO,OQQ« I> «i a go 1er»I b'tU n< *a»l ri funge beat nu’« it current r*t« sf < ni at * * t D’Uia, M«>., Was ’l«*troyed l-y fire bovines», |. r d « l ’M M » k'AWEIl COAST BEEF The revolution in «’olumbia la si-rva«!* Ing throughout th© D'paldic. A. J. Johaeoa J. W. Gain*« C. V. JolMuoa Prrwdenl \r*c Rrrodml . .. Cashtrr lAHH NÍ.WS Wep©D©r has C « • FltlDAY, Al'KII Th© plant o( th© St !a»ui« Uh run i« I©. OFFICERS: SHASTA ROUTE OK£«U>X. Ajrll 14—(har I m G. Detroit, ITrUchmsnn, srcietarv of the Trust f-ec-nritv A Safe lh>p