The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, March 30, 1900, Image 3

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    f •
Any art.« r. whatever Ha merit,
|r *t be ».aalr known L • the pub... by
m» ana uf adv«
I -.vr»«-r, though it ran do tuurh f- r »
tnmg, caan«»t «Io erartthnig
It i
rraal© a «al© f»»r a time, l.ut In »«rd* r
to inaura a lasting demand th© ! » j
advertiM’d must have suini w«-»th
This I» th© rjuug with l.ydla £. lH.nk
ham's Vegetal,;« («jttpuuud. ¡I h<s
a*»..*! w»»rth
U<>msa « v«rvwhere have !©ara©d
thia fi*»-t, s »«! th© result i« t.’o»t v!*•>-. .->
I» a lasting and ai©*» ut«ly ube^u»:* «I
«•f ar*y r* m© !y f«u
worm, and thia L
Th© reason for
Pinkham « la.n » t
not ©ntlllr.l U» ©lai
that si»© ««ys a «
an<l h
twenty years «»f ri
m skr h
sm HI”© Invaluable
IM’eu not only lui
kh'l «he ha» heljM.
w «. 4 n I
L» health than a
Th©«* fa»'
Lave itnumniw wetj
statemeli!« but S-d
Fnotn About tho Good
Rolng Dono by Lydia E.
Plnkh. m’s
Compound In Casos of
Chango of Lifo, BnarSnp-
Down Pains, Eto.
“I had Infiammai’/■»» and
ttleeratioi* «4 th« w«-»nb. l a. Us-hr.
bearing <!«>w t» pa<n» ; was so Mrak
ami nervous that f <MHlld not do
my own work; had sick hrs«la’'he,
io> appetite nv tttnb spella, hand« aii t
feet ©old all the th nr
I had g'*»l
but none of thrm did me any
Thrr uk- b th© adtur « f a ladr
friend I I* V an th© ux* i f I v«tia I.
Pinaha »ns i » getane <'otu)M»und. an<i
after ta kl"C < »»• b- it.»- I feIt greatly
relieved . and by th© time ! ha«l u««rd
se ve ral
fS «a» carftlplrleì) curasi,
so that I «Ml lid «L» my work again. 1
, r . .f
am n»»w IXV*»I 4 thr< / I. t. ■ ‘
MU' 1
I f© an.I •t <»ur < o«uj*•«;ml It h« {»•
qnam. Th ©rw is plenty
me w>»ud©rful
I waiit r v< ry su ffrr-
what )»»ur n ...Il 1 tluilar. w*l er right «»» I
I ng «««man to
ein© ha» d« ne f«»r me
Mas W M
T. • •>•> h • rrr 1 t ar
Bl‘l-1 . New TalaaUne, Mo
.able 1
Tlw 1« ' « i» .1». Or . p«
•• T.y «lia E
Pinkham « V«‘grt,
(’< ru jm »Gmt aated my hf© and gave I l«rk 1 party ha* pu rchaw d * m
a loving mother to eleven children,
which waa more than any «I ilm tor <<>ul<i
Par© d'«n© or anv other i medli-ine in
t he wld© woi Id
Mv trou b, I© wa«child-
lied fever
The third da tv after my
. w hl« K
babe w mb h
b»*rn I t«»>k a «
w as follow«! by a )> > h fair r
1 Wuuld
h-tw«-»n the »am*
per»-dr© in’.;'. m i «
. «•» > < re uv w r t
i»4—* «»f th»» *lre«t
a« 1L- .• ■'» • ’
*1 In a -ul« » f w <. -4 r
ration Mt I ugetie.
T he i h. • an ! fever k*-pl up t -r thi»-©
<1« a My da gi.ler c» 1 m< a i it <- <»(
your < otnfarund
Th© fourth »I «*©
at «jM-d tl « •
». © !-d th«’ f. t» r a »
M $ waa »A »rd
ag«' al *. » rr ! .«• U ’
♦» n a» f» rt v-
i.,ur ’ Lït>is I. BofoHgik Etna Pa.
roots /liioat Two Casos
of railing of tho Ulnnis
Rnoovorod by Lydia E.
’ I suff*-»« ! for fift* rn y< nrs w
f : * '
u ' »■ • ■ f
• ,, •
»> >thing se<- ij«-d t.•
I? <• any g« - - I
had fa..iug «-f the w mb, leu« ■
- i a.
pain in th«- t«> u nnd h» nd. an I 1: >
n pa ns < m* l*d!’.» of
1 «Ba K Pinkhams X'rg. lab «• < «m
imiuim I did m© so mu«- h
that 1 M-n t
f.»r four ui
»:*-» is.» Intuaitf |..»rr
1*1’1» an<1 «»tie pa* Lag© *«f banatlv«
After ttaing tht»ae ! frit like a
nrw wotnan ” M h« <« A. Winign
Ghd»ien. la . Boa 220,
’ ‘ I ©as • ff • : r. g v* 11 h * -
’ g «*f the
*-»mb. |>a.n*41 metittruat u. h«-»«!
a. he ba.’kst hr. p«;n in go in* ex
tending inf»» tl r hmi>* . a-*., a trrrib.e
pain al ©ft »«f i*«»mb TL«- pan» In u»y
t n. an I my head would a« be until I
would I m - itf-arly crarv.
l.ydla E
Pinkham« S rgrlablr < <»mp» un«l has
I -stiffer no
given m» grr«t r© .« f
pan» now, an«! I give vottr medicine
all th© praise
MssJ r. M. Si adpbji .
llkiseul*©rg, Tex
Gratoful '
Lydia E.
I Vogotabla
Compound to Every WIfo
and Mothor.
“ 1 have tr.krn eight bottles of I,\ Jia
E P.nkham ■ VrbrtaLl© < omj-'Uiol
with must gratifying results
1 had
Item married f«»ur teats and had two
1 waa all run d»»w u. had fall­
ing <>f wutnb w;th all Its diatrraaing
a i mptorus 1 L a <1 d *ct« •; ©d w ith a g> - mi
ph \ »i. ian, !»ut I derived very little s' •«<!
from It s treatment
After taking a
f.- .« l-«».t «■• «■( y«»ur mr.ta'inr I was
• LI© to do my work an<! nurse my
*r«sn m«»nths «»Id bal-e
1 rr tnmmd
)our mrd • ne t«» ©very *•?»■ an«!
Ha! I lime, 1 could writo
much m«»re lu Its praise
I !»!»! v»u
Gudspead In your g«©*! w»»rk
M m U A. M o ABIA, Ws.aka, Puluaru
C* k , F’.a,
•• Bran M m l*iwnx When 1 oom-
men-r | the u»e of your rrm^lUs I wa«
rary badly « ff Every twu w**ks 1 wa«
trouble«! with flowing »{«©..« which
made me very weak. I ha«ltw«n»f th*
beat do-'tor» but they did n«»t a»wm to
Iselp me
1 hey san! my trutibl* waa
caused from wrasm-w sn«| wiva noth
Ing to worry alwiut
I f©lt tlrv«t all th©
tim» . had n ambit >n
1 waagr* wing
w<>r»e aH the time until 1 I m gan th«
use nf !.* d.a P Pinkham’s Vegt ’able
Compound. 1 am n w able U> help
m , wnd am a
proved In hea th " Maa. A. I' ai . hb ,
wwllicoou Depot» N Y
America *©lls nearly three time« as
much as »he Idi vs; i.ermatn buy* over
gso,(>'>.<) i w«<rth u re every v«*af
than the »>. '. *. while Gr»*at Britain last
yaair a< tually bought t*ce as mu h a*
she »old
• hr* Ihi
All drug
Cata are known xitnrtlnira tn have
tn l’erro;. »)«, and that they have In
many cases l<en carrier* of dipthen*
• «•I other of the ordinary infection«
dlr*« tly an i indirectly, is m re than
• 1 F •• arabi*
SMasr »«f
Eradctraets saya
Trad* a 1 views
are, as a w^ls, cheerful, and tn*
strettii M values la apparently cna-
ii, Z though some soft sputa still pre-
I rll»r • rwi» *©m©,
wut theuis© hei
A permanent tvalura
E W B*w hwuud. of Tacoma Wash . tnis we©k has l«eeu tha lucre* a* in
re«©i\»d a etter hum K J. B** ker. at str«ngth of values of farm prstucta.
Num©. Alaska, in which h© «aya:
nearly all tha cwraala, pork pr*durta
**At pi» «»'tit a « hurt f supplies » m - and ku IM i advancing, while materia •
rept d« g* are sufficiently plentiful. far rnanufactura. and tha ptoslacta
L»«tnlwr Is f26H jær I.QUO feet, and ti.« r* !. ha\© g© uè rally remaine«! sleady
hard t»> g«-t
Ml»k and cream low. an ! or un habged
ri e au ! hArn
» <ri»ts ¡«er | k > ud 4
Matiufa« turerà «4 ah **« are tu»v an i
Fuel will Iw »hort.
l^’g team* hate W’ tber . nditlot»« ha«© rather la* r©d
c!«*<i>«‘*1 th© river ami twarb already. Ih© retaii©r Ly emibang biu* tu di»|« «e
< >u© humtrad p» »n Is. <»r a »»ngl« sack. «d • m© cafTWd”t«r st.M'k
<»f o»*|. when you c«n get it. cciata I Hi.
W<»d la fairlv atwady. but marnila-
**><»r profit, canne»! meat* is a g«» I turar» ara out nt Ih« market aud < v - d -
staple, 1-ut red fio .r » r sugar,
N»»rr «©••i ni dS
’ talned. tbuiigh le U
in hi*t«‘-ry has there b»«n »o-h stam­ d«>n adUc ©• «ra i<tt«r
T-otmnxa di»tn«t has l**» u hi
s* ith«ni Iran edvices ara <»f steady
«■:» as bv t-r«*de ¡q« r». slid m-w Ibera pri«'©«, and of rather mora luqury un
ii « g
• la|«agra.
e«|*>rt accvunt
! x ©p< imtiseduitely
I« at Milk in « hi-sg«>. ss he»© pHewera of manv
u< • of W ales. tbouaan«!« of m©n haa ©•□»• dullnr«»
)«4 «»( alten- in ih© machiuert and kit»4rad tra»!©«,
ara ahuwn. t <• Western ir» n BiCuati<<u «©©ms a
* latest. « alle«! •imng «’lì©.
rd it i» Buraly
Htractuial material la in b<t’er r©
rnlle fra© guld «p «wt and som© very large contract«
wiH ab»*rt!y he placet!.
U b©«t. includine flour. shipments
77.45«» huali
of tl>© W«M»k Agglrgat©
**s, against 2,?*o,57M la la.t
vit*©k, 4,l]4.O46 bushel« in the corro
•p>n4ing *e©k of 1H29.
Pu«lhe«e fallar©» in th© United stato»
for ih© *•« k uuml»©r 1V‘>, a» cotnpnrad
w Ith l * - la»t w • <■* V «5 in this w< < k a
» « rr
year ag«’, 233 li» IHMM, 233 In !*¥*,
a •. • !
Hi '.*■■■■
Bu»ium« fallare* In ('ansila h’T thr
*<■»•* rn i. ©r .*», a» »■“ un iwr«-»! with il
a*t w«-*'k 21 in thi» *»©k a ìear aw”»
olir of th* H« h
23 iu I‘>*. fl in 1MW7 an i 4U iu l^ufl
I a« tern < fregón
■©fa fare has hern
I « b J«
K4.I» w
«•••»Is Markst*
<mi»«n*. new. f.* 25 <2 6d jw-r sac II
lx’ttu © b“t h««u*ei 4.'» )xr dot.
T' tatax’-. new, f 15 «r IH
{irr sack, 7fl«st36c,
T uruip*. ¡M»r **ark. flOc.
• arrotw. p»»r »»ack. 6(>r.
Tai-onip«, per sack. 75<483r.
< aullfhiw* r. 76« -<fl p*r doran.
<’• »•«,»'. uatixe and
fl o ’ <t 1 25 j»«r I 'M poun l<*
\¡| •*•. fl 2’. tl * ’ per tiox
Prune*. iM>c p«w ls>x.
B tt« r < rtamery, 2hc j«er pound;
ìa.r» I . CtJc. r«m*h, 17c j«-r pound
Egg* — i 6 «t Ifir.
< her»*—Native. 15«’.
1*< . * rv -13
ir» •»«*!, 14 415c;
• pl ring. f3.
1‘uget s»»un«l timothy, f 12 (hi,
ch- i e Last» ru WaabiugU»u timothy,
f IS 1» g 12 (Hl
< m Whole. |a*3 uo, cracked, |23,
te>l meal. |23.
Barley — Itolle«! ur gniuD-l, j«©r ton,
Flour—ratrut, per barrai. |3 25;
I Im ’r-i straight«, 13 (X); California.
.« < a.*»,
Lrn-swheat fl<»ur, f’i CM); gra-
« -i. j<-r ? arr« 1. |
whole wheat
flour, $3 m>, ry»« flour, f3.HO<14 00.
Mill-duffs—Bran, p»r U»u, fl3 00;
• h »rta, j«rr t»»n, flfl 00.
I red < hopped feed, | 9 00 per ton;
tui idhngs, |s<r ton. f'2O, oil cake meal,
l» r ton, I lo Oil
I rash Mrata—< ’h- »1er
•trera, 1 *1 «/ Hr; cuwa, 7
pork, * I I « -, trimmed, V-
Hams—Taarg«*, 13c;
small. 13 l<;
f<rrakfa«t bacou, 12’«c dry salt aid«-*.
Fortis»»«» MsrSat.
Wheat — Walla Walla.
62 453c;
\ alley, 52c, Blutwtvm, 6«5c )»er bushel.
I-i»’ut i-’-t grale*. f3 00; graham,
A I'm» stilla ••’■unty, < >r , hr» - <1»
$2 5U, superflue, ft 10 j»rr barrel
m Pols ml I ('hin.« *-»w
wh i*<’ «»ff»]
<’sts < h«»ive white, 3«'> g3dc, choies
iavt y rar brought him | !11 »
I !«-r Ut-
gray, 84c per bushel.
•st effort I was a litter <>f I I pigs
H» I barlev,
fit 413.00,
The most tiniq
Wedding ever
* row in, fl 7 - <f 17
I per ton.
rmttirad in bptkane roenrrad i
Xlilhtuff- — Bran, fl3 per tot», mid-
Jnsthr lerv nani
Hard |»rH
rm«-d th«« <rrr- dliuge, fly, th« rts, fl 5, chop, |14 per
tn««nv uniting Tot»»
I n U
\S tug,
lug. a natH«« <d t< n
Chin« .«nd Wmnie, a m»tlv»- of Japan
Timothy, f’.» ( 10, rioter, f7<4
5 > ’ »r«-g« u wild hay, f7 ¡wr t»>n
It is the ««pini i» «>f many of our
Butter F «n* y creamery, fl0<4flflc;
rancher* with whom we have w|s>k«'U
ni«, 42 . >4* , «lairy, 30<4|37%c.
ou the Btihj» t, Mv- th«» \ al«», XL»lh«-nr
county, ttajirtt«», there will l»r cuntid» store. 23 ‘f <«4 32 l>c.
11 c |»’r •h«xen
érable water during tt»r mining M'MMi>n.
(‘h«»-«' Oregon
full cream, 13c,
in spit <»f th© la* k of snow in the
They mv that MB the \ -ung America, 14c; now chwwi 10c
grt’un-i ha* not I bran fraran the rain per puutid
Fuultry—<’hick eus, mixed, f’1 5<) A
and »i»'«w w Ater lias »unk, an«! Ibi» w Hl
par • I- A i», hen*, f 5 (M). springs.
feed th© springs until late in the •©.»«©«n
ft 30-43 5'. gerae, fG I»o ¿7 50 for old;
Patnau l. wle» arrived th© other
fl flOtftl * -, lu- k*. f 5 <H> 4 .» 60 per
from Aiaeka, it 1» naid, mad© a
turkeys, live.
lu * 1 Io per
I» larg«» rtiough I»» {•»' dii blends to
M-kvral Fxerett citit«-ns u I©» )oli»«*d
Totatum—SOtgdOc per
k, awrrta,
ilvancing him f H» •■ai’h a* a glub
2 4 2 ^<«' per ¡«»un I
r, al ti»r rat© «»f f 1,35<I far ex»-|v
\ »-;• taM*w — Brets, fl; turnips, 30c;
per sack; garlic. 7c |»vr pnuBkl; <al»
i»ag’ . I So per pound; parai»! I «a, fl.
really fur th* n«»w linrracks, sn <»l«l
utotis f 1.3 1 > t ¿ ti>, carrots 11
burning gt )ui w si* di»vuverad an I
H pa 3 «4 He per |«>und
M’xrral « tiffins iih» art h»-»l.
N«» «»i><*
Wml-~\alley, I2«al8o j»er |a»unl,
« mm ( hb to ii« » an • thing about this I a»t« rn or»'g»‘U, n.g 14c, mohair, 27 <4
at»« lent burial place, ami n«> mention 30c per poun I
can l«e found of it In the ra« ‘rds at the
Muti n -<»rv»ss, lr*»t sheep, wethers
an I ewr*. 4 S<*i «Ire*»*»! mutton, 7 -4
W. W Fish, a milh« naira of Ilmira. 7 %c ja r |»>uud, laml*, 7 ’*« p»r poun I
Ilog#—<»roaa, c I hh ** heavy, f5 00;
N. V., ami Frulrwair B. I
Bar^e have
feeder», |4 60, drrwaed,
leased 1,2’Hi a«'ra* »»f
h« i« r lsmla <»u light and
th© Yakima Indian resorvation
at f«l ( hi 44 5«i per 1(H) pounJ*
Beef <.r»”»s, top stoera, f4 0o 4 4 60;
Mutco stall» n, and hate a large for«*«*
wb . f3 5-‘ ¿4 OU, dreaacsl t»ref, fl S A
of men engages! in plowing aud •»•rd-
lhr\ | r {• « making a great 7 Sc j*r pr’uml
\ eal
l<tg*. •* S C •
»mall, • 3
stuck farm, in which alfalta will form
th»' basis of (telling x-xeral th«»UMMn«l 9r per poun»I
Tallow—5 <3S--; No. • and greasa.
rattle, sheep am! h«
every wintei for
4 4>• |*er p«>uud.
the early spring mark* t
■•*UMii»h a
a haa b.'rii
A hole fi‘M) fret deep has lw*el| drilled
«ni th* ranch of tlr\ Mill, near Weet­
oll, Or. »fim water ha* I mmui obtain«
ed am! it is expected that a
ply of water will be found at a little
greater depth.
The sheepmen who have l»ern n«ing
the mountains included in the R«ni<-t
fa raid ri M-r»v have br»-n notified of the
decision of th* secretary of tl>c interior
that • hc»*p an ! rattle will ivt Iw |»er-
mitt»-1 t*> grane on the reserve thia
sea? on.
The s nthern Pacific Company haa
di* tn Im tod 23 carloads of tire I »©tween
Kufusxille and North > ant lam, ami la
putting its road-I»rd in tir-t-. leas shape.
I he Pa< ific ’*!>•-« t Metal Works, th«*
Tilget Soiiud Mill Company and the
lairhaven Canning Company ar* suing
Ci’unti I'raAanrar !;■ **•!« r of What«-out
county. Wash., fa haie wt a«idr taxes
a«« trod again«»t their properties as
lairhaven city tax©*, alleging that they
ara located ou the tule land* in front
of. but wholly outside of the city lin»its
. of Fairhaven. The total amount in-
volved it fl ,200 32
Ff«»»i»r«» Warhal.
W<ol—hpnug — S.vfel*, 114 1&C
{■>nu4. l’antera • 'ra^nu, ll jl.c, \al
lejr, lOVilc, Sorthera, 104 Ile.
Buttar — lane.»
1 lei
10 m -.- ou I», 1» 410c; tancy -lairy, It
«IHc; lu
O’I" 1B4 1 *■' per pi utal.
>.gg»—Mora, 18 4«;
faacy ranch,
kllll.t IT» — Mbldllu,-». |l? 00 i*
«0 0<>; hran. »11.00« Il 00.
W heat |7 004» 80. wheat an I
00«« 00; bali bar’.» |’ flViA
7 50, aitali*, »8 0047 M par Inn;
•traw, 10'* «B<- per lale
r<>tat<«a—Farle Ko»e. 75 4»3<-; < >TW-
,vu Burlank,, «Se 41 0t>; Bur-
laaka. 404 70e; I Saliuaa Bur tank a.
HO.-4 110 per aack.
< itrua Fruii—< «rangea,
11 78■< < 18. Mei iran lime,. ♦» 'M 4
S '»>, < allfrruia letnou» 7Bc <|l 50,
Icuce 11 7»«S 00 per boa.
Indirai Imita Hanauaa. »1.50«
I 80 |er
buuch. pinaapplea, t>r>al­
leai, l'mlan dalw.
Aa !•* Meat •< tb© Irish Mebslll«« »t
ib© Year ITlMk
la ‘ Macmillans MagaaiM. * W Lit­
ton Faulkn«r teil« th« story of th«
• Framb invasion of Ireland.** Her*
:* une tarn bl« loetdent of a tern bl«
un» pathetic picture ramala« of this
last auj t«rnbl© chapter in th« a bur
Uv« lnsurractlwn In Mayu In the raco**d
uf tb« fat© uf un© of th* wildcat ami
pourvst uf th© poor and w . ! vlllag«** of
th« laggan
H«re where l*owt»pat
H* k Head stan«!« vut against th©
s « -
th« Fouluaabauthana, a < ha»m m arly
Lal/ a mil« In leugth. w h h cut» < h-as
through the beadland, ami fron» th*
top uf wh!«b th© dear gram water caa
l-e «rm
fr©t below
Near the but
turn uf the chasm an»! along its w bole
length runs a ledg* uf r«» k. t»are w h« »
tb« Ude I« out, but cot *-r «1 by toan y
f©©t of water when it n««-* Tl»* pra»
aatry. ratura©»! frati» the rat* I Ihm.
were busy on© OctulM«r day rihlra vor
Ing to eave th© remnant of tbrlr t»eg
hrtrd harvest, when •mhlenly
alarm was spn o| that th© tTlM> t»v (rum
hillala were at band.
Well knowing «hat th.-y ha«1 tn ex
pr» t from the terrible Fraser Fenci
bica, the rel«rl bari «•»’<•». surprised
and unable to ewape to the mountains,
made for th* a«IJa« *-nt « ! ff»
v* h« «•
luUgh fa. •'» th« y w er* ’ ♦ d to > I. zi» r
It waa with many <»f them a
«ouatant diversion to «I-• nd to the
h*dgr of ro h at th«- T
». i
In pursuit of M ai« .«r *c«ü»inl» n» »t».
to which they could g uu a« « »•«* by
means <»f a n»p* let d«»wn from t ■ t«q
of the cliff It « han« rd t it at th«- im>
m« nt of the soldier* r•> d th»- i.«’« « »•
out. and qui« kly lirthinklng
avives that th»-rv whs a pin»«* »f • »frty
In wblcb they m gbt fimi a !• |Hir-»ry
refuge, they dr*«'* n<l»-«l to th»- l»»lg»*
th* rap* being bei«! f «r tb»*m by a
young womnn, ubo was to return ami
release them as aoou as llic sohllrrt
bad withdrawn
Many hours they walt«*d th» re. »-i
porting ex cry rm im nt that th* rope
Would I m * loweres! by their friend Bui
though th* aoh!.*-rs had retired long <-rr
the tide roa*, the woman came not
T errifie«! by thr pr«*s« n. •- of the mill
tary she had tb»l to the hills without re
inetn!»vring her charge, or apprising
others of the hiding place of th *«' five
and twenty stalwart p»a»nnts.
Night came on. and with It th* re
morsel»’** Ude running high above the
level of the ledge, ami when morning
dawn**d the villngt-rs. looking down
luto the rbaani, sawr th«» llf»-|fMH t'ttrjlMI •
of their sona, brothers ami husbands
washing to and fro u ith the idle splash
of the waves In the abyss of the Toed-
V aluable Form «»f I «rr»i«e for Per-
•on« with We«k L iiuk «.
.Many tn«*<lh-al men nr»* now rvrom
mend ng tli«-lr patients to *tudy sing
lug. which Is a most «’ahitar) exerclav.
¡ l»oth by virtue of It» !iflu«n r on the
vuiutluns, on the respiratory moi u
tneuts and ou the dewlopmout of the
lungs, mm ) a th«* St Ix»Ula < (lotie I »rnio
craL Nothing l»<-tt«r shows th- Iw-nr
th al infiut-m v «»f :tig ng In drv«-hqn <
the ebrst and wanltng «>ff lung dis«-aae
than th«* fr«'»’h«m fr»»m pulh. miry af
factions among prof ** <»nal •»ing»*rs
Moreover, their g«'m-r«l Imaltli is rx
cvptionally k « mx I, ami this I m probably
In a large measure attributable, not
only to th»'lr n«*» rssarlly « an ful p un
of living, but «I m » to th»* exercls«* of
their calling. Koine physicians main
talu that for dcfri-thv « lo st drv» I p
ait-nt end In chronic In-art trouble sing
lug is an unr«¡unl«-l eivrcU«*. The
singer should b»» cbnl
a« to h II<« w
sbaoluit* fr»-v«l-tn of th»* » he-t move­
ments; there should I m * no «'ohstrictlon
of th«* u«*«*k or waHt, the <-«dl<»r should
I m * hiw nnd ample, and if comets are
worn they should b»* r«*« my and loose.
On«» error luto w hl«Ti s>ng« r<. and «•«•p»-
flail amateurs, full. Is to pra< tl «• too
mu»'h. The length of Cine to be g >«n
to the exercise de|»endB mu« h upon the
character and condition of the voice
StMTlflc rules »-nunot !*«• given Melba
when asked how many hours of pra«’-
lice a day she would ad Us«* fur a pupil,
»Mi l “No hours for a b«*gfnn«*r, but
uiloutea 1. in) »elf i»vv« r practice more
than one hour a day. aud u«Mjilly mu< b
les«’* l>r H llulbruok Curtis consld
ers fort) mluutra or an hour of actual
voice practice dally Is quite auftl« lent
to develop m<»at Vulcva. Tbs tituc
should be divided Into period* <»f ten
or fifteen minutes •»*■ h
fatigue the to « e and w«-ar 1t out. is the
greatest aid to advancement The vol»*
develop* very gradually, and any at
tempt to force Its growth is a fatal
llonr of iti* l.argrat Man
Yunnan ran lu Prrata own» th© larg
eat man In th« world
Illa name Is
(’hang Yan Mlun. and he la just tbo
sort of eraatur« Frankenstein woul«!
ha'C modeled H© 1« 7 f»*©t 3 Im he« In
bls bare feet an«! la ¡»n>por tlonatrljr
braad. beside« wblcb be la a nun nt
weight, fur he turns the arale r t 27
• ton©« 4 ¡M»un<!s
11« na» formerly a
Coolie, and aa be rarrl»-d double loads
b© earn»*«! doubt© pay Now be guards
the entrant© to a mandarin*» )am»u
aud rec-shea tb© remuneration uf tbr»*«
Made by M.»»»lav.
In T.a Grand Chartreuse. the famous
monastery of France, a liqueur noted
all over the world baa been made by
the monk a since the year l'»44 Au 1n-
g’-uiuua ayateiu of adulteration haa
to-rn discovered,
A hole la bored In
the flat bottoms of the eealed but tire
and some of the genuine Chart reuse la
w.tbdraw u.
After an inferior stimu
laut haa been aubatdutwl, the hole la
filled by th* Introduction of a glass
plug, which la tbm tuelted by im-iut of
a blow pipe.
No < ine Nigtu
Mother — I’m surprise«! at
Couldn't you tell be was going to klaa
Daughter Yea. ma. but there wit» no
jne for me to tell elCPpt him, • nd bo
knew it already Philadelphia Ur©**
Hniorlc I » ii prill men is.
"Have you any relic* that y «ur a n
brought bum* from tL© Cutmu war?**
"No, but I’ve gut svverai trunks Lad
9t stuff be would have taken If I
( at biuu“—ludlanapulls Journal,
The Chief Justice of Samoa Says
Peruna is The Very Best Catarrh Cure.
Court Room Seen« Whrra
Chamber. M ilntalned the Suprun icy of th* Unltrfl St;*7 i in ‘. >m ■».
tn a rctcni letter to I he I'crun.t Hediiine Co., Chief Justice Chamber* *ay»thc follow i i
id ICrun.t:
“I have tried one bottle of Peruna. and I can truth­
fully sa.y it is one of the best tonics 1 ever used, and I take
pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers who are in
need of a good medicine. 1 can recommend it as one of
the very best remedies for catarrh.
W. L. Chambers.”
< «ig.»»a. •«» r«« •
It !• a significant fm’t that « ne • f th«-
firat »t©p« taken by < »«neral \\ <»*! «-u
hi» return
Santiago, toward »lump­
ing out yeli'-ur (©*©». w.»s to « r«l«-r th«
all Amen« an lair« atkl m G n*
in th«, city, ao-l yrohibBing th© »al©
alrang drink U> Amerl an«.
ir< >|< in-
DOCTORS INSIS I' that their patients use “5 DROPS” for
wit« • »• »»fit
IBinr t.
ing letter»:
4. •• I h*
Mi ■ « «
trt< 4 v\ r r j •
la wry
|l»«| »h©
«• a» I wh
« !»l
K I’Mfcl
k i.1 «•©
•<»ra *
c Ct B B 4
l»r unhe
Probably th»* t»»p I« th©
the world
It ha» I «” n in
san Is of y»-ara in a’l pur!»
and »«»me *a* a.-«« ird«*» um »
(ormance of raligum* nt©*
oldest toy
u*e for thuu
of th© gl«»l©
it iu Lh© ¡- r
Mother* wni
Mr* \\ . ». . w - -•.«>; h-
tiy *uT'i|»l!.s bol r«-t «--ly t • u»- I r tn-
‘ ' < ' • • : I •
Venice can never have a troll©) «ar,
but the 1« alw’iit to take up a »ul-atitut»’
through the »»• -an4<’Ut!.»*nt • 4 th© pt-
turasqne gondolas whi- h hate rum»
down from th© time» of th© !k»n*»-s an !
the adoption of «-.» - tri<* launch«*©
The popular notion that th«’ blin«l
posares a mora acute M-n«dl»ility hr
ra< tile Impression» i«* n-’t supp»rt« <l Lv
th»’ riumi-n-u» íirid •■ar©iiil made
\ atoms by l’n»fra-«-«r Grle»ba« b, of
Helf-fertile plants or varieties nr©
th«-««’ which d«« not r« «¡uir»’ ¡•- h-u (ram
other plant* or varivti»'« tn • r o r to pro­
duce •»••♦’«Is or fruit. >elf «del'll© plant»
or varirtti« » are th«»*© which Jo r»-«|tiira
|*’lleii fr«>m other plant*.
non «
r»ff©f Onr II - i n ' n-<! I . lar-» !’«”» «©! f «r v-’f
©a««- ut < atar rh thst < su tivl bu < ur* i t>y liad «
t'atarrh < ut»
r J • :1F\F Y A • <» . Pr« • T- h 1 • O
We thr umirr • r»»r«1 h..u-
i I ‘ hctwy
f r tbe t>«>»t I'■ *rar« ait-l !< --»r Mu» p» rí- • ti/
bou- -abl tn *11 bulla •• tr*h«.u t -u »»••! fin­
an* •
U> < a
f uul aujr ubi.¿'U* U«
by ixwlr fina
w©4 T b » * I
fl|ii-r*al l»rue-l«ts, T«de !*. ’
Wa t)
l ?
4 *k «4 M « v • %
l.iiuduir !>ru( IS<«, Tuiv-h- I».
UaH'lCltarrh i «rsist * ti
rúa . a* i g
<*trert¡)r oí» ib«* t>|<MHl an I in c«»us «arla «*» <4
IhrBTMl n»
rrt r *. ¡« rU. »v
i j.d b¡ a-..
df-utfi lata
¡«-»t tm««i»l >h«-«
Mali s Fax» ly Pi. • r th leal.
Th© pojnilarity of gulf in Fnglan I i*
proving « gudwnd t»> th© farmer» an i
landholder* in th»» near > i« n»ity of th»*
larger tuwua
In many ca*»« In tC<»u*
prices haw 1<»»’U paid I« r club ^-r-'iiu I»
«Il « K t
lì H»
» «»I IC
Allan’s F
• F .« r « |M-*<lrr f r o »- f**rt
Tt « urr» pamful. swolíei »martio© n
vus fret • >.«t i 'tant \ lak*-s t¡ r ■ ,»
«•( corns a> d
Il » ti»**
jrr» «
« un»fart »ll»< «»very «*( ib© «<© AUrii'i» F
li »»■ « i ig'il ut «•* a «b-•*•» Íw4 *
II is a ■ertalo « tir© fui
»•ratitig « a'l’«ti* an«t
St© bave «»ver !
Try H haïay S««ld b<
»ho© stura» By mail
Trial pa* »
Olmsted, I-© lt»»y, N Y
“5 DROPS’’
l< B««Mallaaa.
»• latita %« ■« .algia, R> V »<W •©•• It a. k ar b» . JL »l«iaa. SI • , I
• v •
• ala, »
I • t * •
li-'MH. *"
aaneaa >rr»-’'J»»*** %--•♦•..•• ►»•*-•% ■ «>••'4
»I .. .
I a 4 -,
1 »till»-
a* Ik* Blratt Vt r a Korea. !»•••»••>> Malaria. 4 r**©lac \ aaa »•... aa. rlv
Q za
uU U
». ..
a w O
A T □
V S - <«\
.. r
»4 »I » \ M V I I«
• <
». -
4 t Ul
4 «» .
!» » IttrsM* «nd
ti a tufa I
r><«4i' g
(or wad« a- i r*t
in«a n.-» ! • rrad »fr it«« by r . «. < <• ilh ©«> <!
ltMa«>' • It » < •• tfij.
n i -
.-««a « f ««unis lu,'’!"is» with Bar- ■ ! ran ixs
an-1 r .
t-ff it*
•»Mr •«{« b«h>rw m —w mg
\ «díiit- .i
in «hila» an I f»»«»rt«*»*i* i*Auti?ul lint«, it i«
»••it u»» In
•» »•
I »«. •«<-• in dry f «•
wi’-h «••' h ;- t«a «i»r « . ;»s <>u
i ’-««*
. .
a ,• » » .k .-
I*«» I.. KI 4 »
• « 1.
« «. « ». I I |.
'I •
« I r. a
4 A l«r
H l> m u I >1
f .-und. -I
with kaU
»«nilnaa, n«
•»«»tlo-ly diffr-fk-nt fre ti» all ti.a
varu»«*« k»'
• >u li> - n»«rii«|, b«-D-tf dvr-
al»«» sud u*'4 (tu« A **n th«» wall with 4 ¡«.
Alal«a»u- * ru«t<><i »©CB »L« u 1.1 avoid getti»#
ebani i» k 4 la. MtiUt’MI «iivl ’r »ltffnrtki.i ti«n <«. i»*
on l«a»u>4 th«> ©•«•»•la In H»r
l!**f < » . •. I r-, - .'i ad m
1 h^rw is b ■ b; u< ' ju»l «a ©«■!. '
. « 41
»! <
»* • >
Prrvrnts mu h • .•¡in-«’ [■<*«.:<•<>l«r!y tbmal
a<»-l Iqag •! t -fu uft a. a 11 r: ». ut* t"r »•> u . aat la «r
r«*alii><« «><> vai •.
Il ti««
r»-. <.tuu rti-1’»l
ìa a i**i**r i^ut’ *hr*i t»j ih« tl L <*n Htata
IV»ar i <>f lfa«.ih ”«» b » » »•’• t‘t *•( ita «aiutar*
at»i<h |«|-rr «tr<-- < » o r..!. ■ _ m |
A «! *al a c«n la» ua«wt *u» riti», r
pt«*l0r«*i walia.
r©lhn<« l»r- bc-tranvas,
an i ««>> •* « ' «n !-r- *h it «»n. Il •«imita uf rs«h-
ral cha'»£--«* fr» i»i w«.| jv|«-r d««-«-rali. ;.«, ihu«
«4 r«*4 *,.-)« h'.0 alpr-AM tiu» latrai ai <|
tw-at -ff •
4 « ' > *(. •>»«•»•».•(•«•' -aMt I.J 4l>0
C \l II ok’NI \ I 10 5S RI P CO.
ir“ Mitri i ii • » s m r.
w ! h »* h
a'I *t*«ia| in^-rtr.« !!»>« ran lw» ««F»-
Wrur f«-r iii*trurtlva sn.| lht»r*Mt-
litg Iw^-b et tr.ailad fr»a t*> «Il «| j H. aula.
455 Ntrrhl» Urlìi.
PcrVind, Ortgas.
It. «tillful < r*r<l
“Tl»© m«»«»i l**4Uti(ul eWed of th©
heart is lute <>( home.*’
“In th®
purity of th© b«»n>a is th© h«’pe of th©
l»sti«’U.“ So Batts th© ( haiiipi«>n t»l
Fair Play, “ a jutirnnl devoted to
interest«* «»t th« r» tutl li«ju« r tra«l® M
ts •« this »am© I • A'itiful era©-1 which
<ln»ve tb© early crusader* »’Ul into the
StrvM’t* an I Hit*» the sal*M>nfl to do teat­
tie «gainst home s grrtt©<»t I« mp
It it
this »«me < r« t i wbh h urge» th«* home-
keepers of th W. t‘. T. I*, to “do
©v©r> thing“ that organi*©«! im they-
hue cat» du to aid in destroying th©
Ikies th© ralaii 1i‘ju<-r trad©
conduce v* th© purity uf the home?
With « mui oli « i» every corner ami th©
liqu«ir |i l»»e» r« titrahng our laws, when
is «afetv for our home«, wh4l tim hu|
uf the nat. 'U' -Union Signal.
A Michi.-»n pajM r t«*H» of th« ©xplo-
The great department store in Pans,
n>n of a h«>t w
4t»-r l ag
A d«u l<»r
th© “Bon Marche.** haa th« bigg©»t
’| ha»«
hn»« ufteti
<>(t©u woud©ra»l that
kit. h*u in th« world,
lu this kitchen ««»y»: * **1
is dally preparad the f«o«i f»»r th© 4,< h H> there hate bsw'll *» few »« <• I'ient« of this
Psuple ••metimra fill th© m * ith
empl**y©a of th© great store.
water but enough to »«-al-l a |* r*in to
.Mora ear© should I«© taken ami
many a»*<'i«l«-nlM would I«! averted.**
Tli* Kio Grand« Western Railway*
A<*«ord!n.* t«« th© annual report of th©
“The Great Sall !a»ke Ibmte,“ ha« re­
sumed it* fast train *«r> i<*©a l«i th© F^ust, New Y«o k stat© I « »rd of charities tbcra
making the ran from Portland t»» <T»i* is a greater d»-iu»»nd for girl lasbira for
«ago in three day» an i a half.
No lay- «•!• -pu* t» than » n I © supplied
ov<*r is n©> « «©ary, an«! only « ite change 400 famille» »ppii«*I fur humelr«s chib
of car» la made
Thu»» who desire it dreti iu th© j rt-t twelve months
have the privilege, bowever, ul a day­
light stopover ©liber at Salt lask© City
or Denver. Three daily express trains
ar© ran, )©a\ing < >g<l»-n, Utah, at 7:13
a. m., an«! 1:11 an«I 7 pm. Themoru*
ing train carnea a through standard
sleeper to <'hicago, via tho BurdngU ii
Roste, am! the night train on© via th© tf f « la» •> t a rw ar h*a h? >»
«> m nf tW
j «« «•••(><!«( i -trva:.« ..»•
I« hrrp r ,r
( bicago. R’ - k I m I aii «! A' Pacific Rail* U
U *<■ • <n>en an-1 te •»
» •-• n ti
a»>«^e f
lh© tourist slr©|«©r* an«l chair y- *•» i: ”
r -
> ■ * '
• • • « r ■ f «4R»t .
rars ran daily a* formerly through IkMSvia • ;«ar ai<4 < .*-au *• U. vas*
Twice a
tram Port lar» I to iMivef
week tourist ex«ur»i«»n car* ar«
through from Portland to Boeton.
trains carry dining cars, making the
trip aertwn the continent, via •’Tb©
Great Salt l«ake Route,•• must desira­
Th© Rio Grand« Western Railway
is th© «»nly n»a-l running thiough Halt
latke t’ity. and with its connection«* —
the Denver »% Rio Gran«le and th« (’«»I-
r,©a»art P b 1*(S? La
Tl«ts()9of tte.UzwkS,
R»»»r- »©«1 WaaMa
ri.p ta >0r
*> Wr M
»rad«» Mi« I land—tfi*»ea th© pawetigtr hx fraa wan i • BrW L-- ».»t . n hra I* A ider«*
W W « • ( a ». >
» «’
k *i l «au..
A ! <•*«» - r* -f Ut* «r : I"
»r •■>! , **■! < . ,
• - Slaaba*©« 4 •« a«*«* •> w . ( b.w|
«»»I»* t
I i »I • » > I . I I f
.............. ’’“"Ii
I Ul ,
I >>.,«,
5 ) M .
“ rt H»■%.•%. -
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«d urifr t» a il
4. At'll«l<r©
t. i I r* ' as *
i« (» . jt ♦ •
î ■ n J .»
NOQAHKÓC0., Il *4.<9«Ia. Ik. * I f . .<K J.’.^
many sick women
ta <*«k
la i a remsd*.
BEST FOR THE Moore’s Revealed Remedy
• ♦ < »■•*<. 8
aen©ry of <k>lura*lo.
F««r rat©« and all other information
1 »eneral Agent,
233 Washington St.,
Purl laud, Oregon
A44r«©s UR
I* triflr« tb»- h «-1 mal»«’« » k »
«-n •«*•«!><
Bl. I wr J
|l UD
r boitte •! Uir drug «t
I« Ua
«I t M- H««** «
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»• • • «-•». »» <n it
» ■« ■»»I..-»«« « . t
ra*aa iu
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Wv.MII* al I «
a»e»v/w «n t i -«^ h «¿ m ft.M»
«a « F » *i. rr '«• i« At' ft
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■ «►-.«■ -j¡w» -I l»f atpraa».
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MASSI- *1 «ì», l'M.M» III
'-ilu |> »
I •» r (U I r < --■•- ral
•fl*-- ba» <*«.iBfl*m Biaii-Mi«,
Irttlao • « >. f «i rfatv t-S
an ■ e 0 a • ©*•"«*<■ bf •»•>•.
©•ml«-««, • a4 »• t wtEla-
nf r ‘««a». i*S.
Uni«! bf F*rt«fg|0<a.
i.r »»ni I» p ain
‘ If •«K«©*
f è
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I <** -r 1 > ft»»« fir n
Irvwlar wni
• Í•••», I
I »Ort.
Mwuulatu Hu©», 14a
r I » » n g |«F «•lv©rtls«r*
• lilt» ©«gvf.