f • PACIFIC COAST NEWS ADVICES W’orwejz J Any art.« r. whatever Ha merit, |r *t be ».aalr known L • the pub... by m» ana uf adv« rt-.a.ng AdvsrtUiug. I -.vr»«-r, though it ran do tuurh f- r » tnmg, caan«»t «Io erartthnig It i rraal© a «al© f»»r a time, l.ut In »«rd* r to inaura a lasting demand th© ! » j advertiM’d must have suini w«-»th This I» th© rjuug with l.ydla £. lH.nk ham's Vegetal,;« («jttpuuud. ¡I hmsa « v«rvwhere have !©ara©d thia fi*»-t, s »«! th© result i« t.’o»t v!*•>-. .-> I» a lasting and ai©*» ut«ly ube^u»:* «I It' «•f ar*y r* m© !y f«u worm, and thia L years Th© reason for Pinkham « la.n » t not ©ntlllr.l U» ©lai that si»© ««ys a « anw t» pa appetite nv tttnb spella, hand« aii t feet ©old all the th nr I had g'*»l docU but none of thrm did me any P-. Thrr uk- b th© adtur « f a ladr g.Mxl friend I I* V an th© ux* i f I v«tia I. Pinaha »ns i » getane <'otu)M»und. an»ud©rful I waiit r v< ry su ffrr- what )»»ur n ...Il 1 tluilar. w*l er right «»» I I ng «««man to ein© ha» d« ne f«»r me Mas W M T. • •>•> h • rrr 1 t ar Bl‘l-1 . New TalaaUne, Mo .able 1 Tlw 1« ' « i» .1». Or . p« •• T.y «lia E Pinkham « V«‘grt, (’< ru jm »Gmt aated my hf© and gave I l«rk 1 party ha* pu rchaw d * m a loving mother to eleven children, which waa more than any «I ilm tor <<>ulk a « w as follow«! by a )> > h fair r 1 Wuuld h-tw«-»n the »am* per»-dr© in’.;'. m i « . «•» > < re uv w r t i»4—* «»f th»» *lre«t a« 1L- .• ■'» • ’ *1 In a -ul« » f w <. -4 r • ration Mt I ugetie. T he i h. • an ! fever k*-pl up t -r thi»-© <1« a My da gi.ler c» 1 m< a i it <- <»( your < otnfarund Th© fourth »I «*© at «jM-d tl « • ». © !-d th«’ f. t» r a » dm»p|w*srr4 M $ li.fr waa »A »rd My ag«' al *. » rr ! .«• U ’ ♦» n a» f» rt v- i.,ur ’ Lït>is I. BofoHgik Etna Pa. roots /liioat Two Casos of railing of tho Ulnnis Rnoovorod by Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgotalilo Compound. ’ I suff*-»« ! for fift* rn y< nrs w Jl-.mit f : * ' u ' »■ • ■ f ;«-.,• • • ,, • »> >thing se<- ij«-d t.• I? <• any g« - - I 1 had fa..iug «-f the w mb, leu« ■ - i a. pain in th«- t«> u nnd h» nd. an I 1: > rwaring n pa ns < m* l*d!’.» of 1 «Ba K Pinkhams X'rg. lab «• < «m imiuim I did m© so mu«- h that 1 M-n t f.»r four ui »:*-» is.» Intuaitf |..»rr 1*1’1» an<1 «»tie pa* Lag© *«f banatlv« Waah After ttaing tht»ae ! frit like a nrw wotnan ” M h« <« A. Winign Ghd»ien. la . Boa 220, t ’ ‘ I ©as • ff • : r. g v* 11 h * - ’ g «*f the *-»mb. |>a.n*41 metittruat u. h«-»«! a. he ba.’kst hr. p«;n in go in* ex tending inf»» tl r hmi>* . a-*., a trrrib.e pain al ©ft »«f i*«»mb TL«- pan» In u»y ■ a t n. an I my head would a« be until I would I m - itf-arly crarv. l.ydla E Pinkham« S rgrlablr < <»mp» un«l has I -stiffer no given m» grr«t r© .« f pan» now, an«! I give vottr medicine all th© praise MssJ r. M. Si adpbji . llkiseul*©rg, Tex Gratoful ' Woman Rocommonds Lydia E. Pinkham's I Vogotabla Compound to Every WIfo and Mothor. 4 “ 1 have tr.krn eight bottles of I,\ Jia E P.nkham ■ VrbrtaLl© < omj-'Uiol with must gratifying results 1 had Item married f«»ur teats and had two children 1 waa all run d»»w u. had fall­ ing <>f wutnb w;th all Its diatrraaing a i mptorus 1 L a <1 d *ct« •; ©d w ith a g> - mi ph \ »i. ian, !»ut I derived very little s' •«n 1 waagr* wing w<>r»e aH the time until 1 I m gan th« use nf !.* d.a P Pinkham’s Vegt ’able Compound. 1 am n w able U> help « m , wnd am a ’■ proved In hea th " Maa. A. I' ai . hb , wwllicoou Depot» N Y America *©lls nearly three time« as much as »he Idi vs; i.ermatn buy* over gso,(>'>.<) i w«. '. *. while Gr»*at Britain last yaair a< tually bought t*ce as mu h a* she »old • hr* Ihi ar • All drug Cata are known xitnrtlnira tn have tn l’erro;. »)«, and that they have In many cases l g«-t Ml»k and cream low. an ! or un habged ri e au ! hArn » ud 4 Matiufa« turerà «4 ah **« are tu»v an i Fuel will Iw »hort. l^’g team* hate W’ tber . nditlot»« ha«© rather la* r©d c!«*«‘*1 th© river ami twarb already. Ih© retaii©r Ly emibang biu* tu di»|« «e < >u© humtrad p» »n Is. <»r a »»ngl« sack. «d • m© cafTWd”t«r st.M'k <»f o»*|. when you c«n get it. cciata I Hi. W<»d la fairlv atwady. but marnila- **><»r profit, canne»! meat* is a g«» I turar» ara out nt Ih« market aud < v - d - staple, 1-ut red fio .r » r sugar, N»»rr «©••i ni dS ’ talned. tbuiigh le U in hi*t«‘-ry has there b»«n »o-h stam­ d«>n adUc ©• «ra irt accvunt ! x ©p< imtiseduitely I« at Milk in « hi-sg«>. ss he»© pHewera of manv u< • of W ales. tbouaan«!« of m©n haa ©•□»• dullnr«» )«4 «»( alten- in ih© machiuert and kit»4rad tra»!©«, ara ahuwn. t <• Western ir» n BiCuati<© W«M»k Agglrgat© **s, against 2,?*o,57M bu.hr la la.t vit*©k, 4,l]4.O46 bushel« in the corro •p>n4ing *e©k of 1H29. Pu«lhe«e fallar©» in th© United stato» for ih© *•« k uuml»©r 1V‘>, a» cotnpnrad I w Ith l * - la»t w • <■* V «5 in this w< < k a < » « rr year ag«’, 233 li» IHMM, 233 In !*¥*, hail a •. • ! Hi '.*■■■■ Bu»ium« fallare* In ('ansila h’T thr *<■»•* rn i. ©r .*», a» »■“ un iwr«-»! with il oo.otin a*t w«-*'k 21 in thi» *»©k a ìear aw”» olir of th* H« h 23 iu I‘>*. fl in 1MW7 an i 4U iu l^ufl I a« tern < fregón ■©fa fare has hern PACIFIC COAST TRADE. I « b J« * ARE K4.I» w «•••»Is Markst* r. Tai-onip«, per sack. 75<483r. < aullfhiw* r. 76« -c p«w ls>x. B tt« r < rtamery, 2hc j«er pound; ìa.r» I . CtJc. r«m*h, 17c j«-r pound Egg* — i 6 «t Ifir. < her»*—Native. 15«’. 1*< . * rv -13 ir» •»«*!, 14 415c; • pl ring. f3. Ha« 1‘uget s»»un«l timothy, f 12 (hi, ch- i e Last» ru WaabiugU»u timothy, f IS 1» g 12 (Hl < m Whole. |a*3 uo, cracked, |23, te>l meal. |23. Barley — Itolle«! ur gniuD-l, j«©r ton, ItOi Flour—ratrut, per barrai. |3 25; I Im ’r-i straight«, 13 (X); California. .« < a.*», Lrn-swheat fl<»ur, f’i CM); gra- « -i. j<-r ? arr« 1. | whole wheat flour, $3 m>, ry»« flour, f3.HO<14 00. Mill-duffs—Bran, p»r U»u, fl3 00; • h »rta, j«rr t»»n, flfl 00. I red < hopped feed, | 9 00 per ton; tui idhngs, |sr , hr» - <1» $2 5U, superflue, ft 10 j»rr barrel m Pols ml I ('hin.« *-»w wh i*<’ «»ff»] <’sts < h«»ive white, 3«'> g3dc, choies iavt y rar brought him | !11 » I !«-r Ut- gray, 84c per bushel. •st effort I was a litter <>f I I pigs Barles H» I barlev, fit 413.00, The most tiniq Wedding ever * row in, fl 7 - ’ »r«-g« u wild hay, f7 ¡wr t»>n It is the ««pini i» «>f many of our Butter F «n* y creamery, fl0<4flflc; rancher* with whom we have w|s>k«'U ni«, 42 . >4* , «lairy, 30<4|37%c. ou the Btihj» t, Mv- th«» \ al«», XL»lh«-nr county, ttajirtt«», there will l»r cuntid» store. 23 ‘f <«4 32 l>c. 1 ’ 11 c |»’r •h«xen érable water during tt»r mining M'MMi>n. (‘h«»-«' Oregon full cream, 13c, in spit <»f th© la* k of snow in the They mv that MB the \ -ung America, 14c; now chwwi 10c mountain*, grt’un-i ha* not I bran fraran the rain per puutid Fuultry—<’hick eus, mixed, f’1 5<) A and »i»'«w w Ater lias »unk, an«! Ibi» w Hl 1 par • I- A i», hen*, f 5 (M). springs. feed th© springs until late in the •©.»«©«n ft 30-43 5'. gerae, fG I»o ¿7 50 for old; Patnau l. wle» arrived th© other fl flOtftl * -, lu- k*. f 5 4 .» 60 per from Aiaeka, it 1» naid, mad© a turkeys, live. lu * 1 Io per duarti; I» larg«» rtiough I»» {•»' dii blends to pound. M-kvral Fxerett citit«-ns u I©» )oli»«*d Totatum—SOtgdOc per k, awrrta, ilvancing him f H» •■ai’h a* a glub 2 4 2 ^<«' per ¡«»un I r, al ti»r rat© «»f f 1,35 t ¿ ti>, carrots 11 burning gt )ui w si* di»vuverad an I H pa 3 «4 He per |«>und M’xrral « tiffins iih» art h»-»l. N«» «»i><* Wml-~\alley, I2«al8o j»er |a»unl, « mm ( hb to ii« » an • thing about this I a»t« rn or»'g»‘U, n.g 14c, mohair, 27 <4 at»« lent burial place, ami n«> mention 30c per poun I can l«e found of it In the ra« ‘rds at the Muti n -<»rv»ss, lr*»t sheep, wethers fort. an I ewr*. 4 S<*i «Ire*»*»! mutton, 7 -4 W. W Fish, a milh« naira of Ilmira. 7 %c ja r |»>uud, laml*, 7 ’*« p»r poun I Ilog#—<»roaa, c I hh ** heavy, f5 00; N. V., ami Frulrwair B. I Bar^e have feeder», |4 60, drrwaed, leased 1,2’Hi a«'ra* »»f h« i« r lsmla <»u light and th© Yakima Indian resorvation at f«l ( hi 44 5«i per 1(H) pounJ* Beef <.r»”»s, top stoera, f4 0o 4 4 60; Mutco stall» n, and hate a large for«*«* wb . f3 5-‘ ¿4 OU, dreaacsl t»ref, fl S A of men engages! in plowing aud •»•rd- ing lhr\ | r {• « making a great 7 Sc j*r pr’uml \ eal l• |*er p«>uud. the early spring mark* t ■•*UMii»h a a haa b.'rii A hole fi‘M) fret deep has lw*el| drilled «ni th* ranch of tlr\ Mill, near Weet­ oll, Or. »fim water ha* I mmui obtain« ed am! it is expected that a sup* ply of water will be found at a little greater depth. The sheepmen who have l»ern n«ing the mountains included in the R«ni<-t fa raid ri M-r»v have br»-n notified of the decision of th* secretary of tl>c interior that • hc»*p an ! rattle will ivt Iw |»er- mitt»-1 t*> grane on the reserve thia sea? on. The s nthern Pacific Company haa di* tn Im tod 23 carloads of tire I »©tween Kufusxille and North > ant lam, ami la putting its road-I»rd in tir-t-. leas shape. I he Pa< ific ’*!>•-« t Metal Works, th«* Tilget Soiiud Mill Company and the lairhaven Canning Company ar* suing Ci’unti I'raAanrar !;■ **•!« r of What«-out county. Wash., fa haie wt a«idr taxes a«« trod again«»t their properties as lairhaven city tax©*, alleging that they ara located ou the tule land* in front of. but wholly outside of the city lin»its . of Fairhaven. The total amount in- volved it fl ,200 32 Sar» Ff«»»i»r«» Warhal. Wnu4. l’antera • 'ra^nu, ll jl.c, \al lejr, lOVilc, Sorthera, 104 Ile. lini»—1SVV crup, libilo I*» potuai. Buttar — lane.» creaniery 1 lei 10 m -.- ou I», 1» 410c; tancy -lairy, It «IHc; lu O’I" 1B4 1 *■' per pi utal. >.gg»—Mora, 18 4«; faacy ranch, Un. kllll.t IT» — Mbldllu,-». |l? 00 i* «0 0<>; hran. »11.00« Il 00. Ila« W heat |7 004» 80. wheat an I oat 00«« 00; bali bar’.» |’ flViA 7 50, aitali*, »8 0047 M par Inn; •traw, 10'* «B<- per lale r<>tat<«a—Farle Ko»e. 75 4»3<-; < >TW- ,vu Burlank,, «Se 41 0t>; rl.er Bur- laaka. 404 70e; I Saliuaa Bur tank a. HO.-4 110 per aack. < itrua Fruii—< «rangea, Valencia, 11 78■< < 18. Mei iran lime,. ♦» 'M 4 S '»>, < allfrruia letnou» 7Bc <|l 50, 1’ Icuce 11 7»«S 00 per boa. Indirai Imita Hanauaa. »1.50« I 80 |er buuch. pinaapplea, t>r>al­ leai, l'mlan dalw. 44»'%o par puual. I Aa !•* Meat •< tb© Irish Mebslll«« »t ib© Year ITlMk la ‘ Macmillans MagaaiM. * W Lit­ ton Faulkn«r teil« th« story of th« • Framb invasion of Ireland.** Her* :* une tarn bl« loetdent of a tern bl« cfltn* un» pathetic picture ramala« of this last auj t«rnbl© chapter in th« a bur Uv« lnsurractlwn In Mayu In the raco**d uf tb« fat© uf un© of th* wildcat ami pourvst uf th© poor and w . ! vlllag«** of th« laggan H«re where l*owt»pat H* k Head stan«!« vut against th© ©an. s « - klag th« Fouluaabauthana, a < ha»m m arly Lal/ a mil« In leugth. w h h cut» < h-as through the beadland, ami fron» th* top uf wh!«b th© dear gram water caa l-e «rm fr©t below Near the but turn uf the chasm an»! along its w bole length runs a ledg* uf r«» k. t»are w h« » tb« Ude I« out, but cot *-r «1 by toan y f©©t of water when it n««-* Tl»* pra» aatry. ratura©»! frati» the rat* I Ihm. were busy on© OctulM«r day rihlra vor Ing to eave th© remnant of tbrlr t»eg hrtrd harvest, when •mhlenly tb« alarm was spn o| that th© tTlM> t»v (rum hillala were at band. Well knowing «hat th.-y ha«1 tn ex pr» t from the terrible Fraser Fenci bica, the rel«rl bari «•»’<•». surprised and unable to ewape to the mountains, made for th* a«IJa« *-nt « ! ff» v* h« «• luUgh fa. •'» th« y w er* ’ ♦ d to > I. zi» r al'' f miliar It waa with many <»f them a «ouatant diversion to «I-• nd to the h*dgr of ro h at th«- T ». i In pursuit of M ai« .«r *c«ü»inl» n» »t». to which they could g uu a« « »•«* by means <»f a n»p* let d«»wn from t ■ t«q of the cliff It « han« rd t it at th«- im> m« nt of the soldier* r•> d th»- i.«’« « »• out. and qui« kly lirthinklng them avives that th»-rv whs a pin»«* »f • »frty In wblcb they m gbt fimi a !• |Hir-»ry refuge, they dr*«'* nff lung dis«-aae than th«* fr«'»’h«m fr»»m pulh. miry af factions among prof ** <»nal •»ing»*rs Moreover, their g«'m-r«l Imaltli is rx cvptionally k « mx I, ami this I m probably In a large measure attributable, not only to th»'lr n«*» rssarlly « an ful p un of living, but «I m » to th»* exercls«* of their calling. Koine physicians main talu that for dcfri-thv « lo st drv» I p ait-nt end In chronic In-art trouble sing lug is an unr«¡unl«-l eivrcU«*. The singer should b»» cbnl a« to h II<« w sbaoluit* fr»-v«l-tn of th»* » he-t move­ ments; there should I m * no «'ohstrictlon of th«* u«*«*k or waHt, the <-«dl<»r should I m * hiw nnd ample, and if comets are worn they should b»* r«*« my and loose. On«» error luto w hl«Ti s>ng« r<. and «•«•p»- flail amateurs, full. Is to pra< tl «• too mu»'h. The length of Cine to be g >«n to the exercise de|»endB mu« h upon the character and condition of the voice StMTlflc rules »-nunot !*«• given Melba when asked how many hours of pra«’- lice a day she would ad Us«* fur a pupil, »Mi l “No hours for a b«*gfnn«*r, but uiloutea 1. in) »elf i»vv« r practice more than one hour a day. aud u«Mjilly mu< b les«’* l>r H llulbruok Curtis consld ers fort) mluutra or an hour of actual voice practice dally Is quite auftl« lent to develop m<»at Vulcva. Tbs tituc should be divided Into period* <»f ten or fifteen minutes •»*■ h Regularity, a fatigue the to « e and w«-ar 1t out. is the greatest aid to advancement The vol»* develop* very gradually, and any at tempt to force Its growth is a fatal mistake llonr of iti* l.argrat Man Yunnan ran lu Prrata own» th© larg eat man In th« world Illa name Is (’hang Yan Mlun. and he la just tbo sort of eraatur« Frankenstein woul«! ha'C modeled H© 1« 7 f»*©t 3 Im he« In bls bare feet an«! la ¡»n>por tlonatrljr braad. beside« wblcb be la a nun nt weight, fur he turns the arale r t 27 • ton©« 4 ¡M»unm ■». tn a rctcni letter to I he I'crun.t Hediiine Co., Chief Justice Chamber* *ay»thc follow i i id ICrun.t: “I have tried one bottle of Peruna. and I can truth­ fully sa.y it is one of the best tonics 1 ever used, and I take pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers who are in need of a good medicine. 1 can recommend it as one of the very best remedies for catarrh. W. L. Chambers.” < «ig.»»a. •«» r«« • It !• a significant fm’t that « ne • f th«- firat »t©p« taken by < »«neral \\ <»*! «-u hi» return Santiago, toward »lump­ ing out yeli'-ur (©*©». w.»s to « r«l«-r th« all Amen« an lair« atkl m G n* in th«, city, ao-l yrohibBing th© »al© alrang drink U> Amerl an«. A. Offs HAMW.P. fVYTTT.V. ir< >|< in- DOCTORS INSIS I' that their patients use “5 DROPS” for RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY DISEASE wit« • »• »»fit IBinr t. etc. the ing letter»: 4. •• I h* Mi ■ « « trt< 4 v\ r r j • la wry H |l»«| »h© * Th« «• a» I wh «ha « !»l K I’Mfcl k i.1 «•© •<»ra * I I c Ct B B 4 l»r unhe Probably th»* t»»p I« th© the world It ha» I «” n in san Is of y»-ara in a’l pur!» and »«»me *a* a.-«« ird«*» um » (ormance of raligum* nt©* oldest toy u*e for thuu of th© gl«»l© it iu Lh© ¡- r Mother* wni Mr* \\ . ». . w - -•.«>; h- tiy *uT'i|»l!.s bol r«-t «--ly t • u»- I r tn- ... ‘ ' < ' • • : I • Venice can never have a troll©) «ar, but the 1« alw’iit to take up a »ul-atitut»’ through the »»• -an4<’Ut!.»*nt • 4 th© pt- turasqne gondolas whi- h hate rum» down from th© time» of th© !k»n*»-s an ! the adoption of «-.» - tri<* launch«*© The popular notion that th«’ blin«l posares a mora acute M-n«dl»ility hr ra< tile Impression» i«* n-’t supp»rt« elf «del'll© plant» or varirtti« » are th«»*© which Jo r»-«|tiira |*’lleii fr«>m other plant*. non « this r»ff©f Onr II - i n ' n-y liad « t'atarrh < ut» r J • :1F\F Y A • <» . Pr« • T- h 1 • O We thr umirr • r»»r«1 h..u- i I ‘ hctwy f r tbe t>«>»t I'■ *rar« ait-l !< --»r Mu» p» rí- • ti/ bou- -abl tn *11 bulla •• tr*h«.u t -u »»••! fin­ an* • a’ U> < a f uul aujr ubi.¿'U* U« by ixwlr fina w©4 T b » * I fl|ii-r*al l»rue-l«ts, T«de !*. ’ Wa t) l ? 4 *k «4 M « v • % l.iiuduir !>ru( IS<«, Tuiv-h- I». UaH'lCltarrh i «rsist * ti rúa . a* i g <*trert¡)r oí» ib«* t>|h«-« Mali s Fax» ly Pi. • r th leal. Th© pojnilarity of gulf in Fnglan I i* proving « gudwnd t»> th© farmer» an i landholder* in th»» near > i« n»ity of th»* larger tuwua In many ca*»« In tC<»u* prices haw 1<»»’U paid I« r club ^-r-'iiu I» «Il « K t lì H» » «»I IC «Hol’» Allan’s F • F .« r « |M-*.«t i 'tant \ lak*-s t¡ r ■ ,» «•( corns a> d - Il » ti»** jrr» « « un»fart »ll»< «»very «*( ib© «<© AUrii'i» F I li »»■ « i ig'il ut «•* a «b-•*•» Íw4 * II is a ■ertalo « tir© fui »•ratitig « a'l’«ti* an«t fret St© bave «»ver ! Try H haïay S««ld b< •n’* »ho© stura» By mail Trial pa* » F II F. I Olmsted, I-© lt»»y, N Y “5 DROPS’’ l< B««Mallaaa. »• latita %« ■« .algia, R> V »rr»-’'J»»*** %--•♦•..•• ►»•*-•% ■ «>••'4 »I .. . I a 4 -, 1 »till»- a* Ik* Blratt Vt r a Korea. !»•••»••>> Malaria. 4 r**©lac \ aaa »•... aa. rlv *4* Q za uU U 1 ». .. S VV a w O A T □ ’ V S - <«\ « < .. r • »4 »I » \ M V I I« • < a . ». - 4 t Ul 4 «» . ALABASTINE !» » IttrsM* «nd ti a tufa I r><«4i' g (or wad« a- i r*t in«a n.-» ! • rrad »fr it«« by r . «. < <• ilh ©«> ' • It » < •• tfij. n i - .-««a « f ««unis lu,'’!"is» with Bar- ■ ! ran ixs an-1 r . wlti.>--4( t-ff it* •»Mr •«{« b«h>rw m —w mg \ «díiit- .i in «hila» an I f»»«»rt«*»*i* i*Auti?ul lint«, it i« »••it u»» In •» »• I »«. •«<-• in dry f «• wi’-h «••' h ;- t«a «i»r « . ;»s <>u i ’-««* . . a ,• » » .k .- I*«» I.. KI 4 » r o • « 1. « «. « ». I I |. ■ POR I I AND DIRECTORY I- A 'I • « I r. a 4 A l«r i.. ALABASTINE H l> m u I >1 n«-iljwr«»n f .-und. -I with kaU »«nilnaa, n« •»«»tlo-ly diffr-fk-nt fre ti» all ti.a varu»«*« k»' • >u li> - n»«rii«|, b«-D-tf dvr- al»«» sud u*'4 (tu« A **n th«» wall with 4 ¡«. Alal«a»u- * ru«t<>4 th«> ©•«•»•la In H»r l©h*:««4 l!**f < » . •. I r-, - .'i ad m .OU'4» 1 h^rw is b ■ b; u< ' ju»l «a ©«■!. ' •» < . « 41 »! < ¥ »* • > (Ì k I Im I e ftLABASTINE SYRUP OF FIGS BUY THE GENUINE Prrvrnts mu h • .•¡in-«’ [■<*«.:<•<>l«r!y tbmal a<»-l Iqag •! t -fu uft a. a 11 r: ». ut* t"r »•> u . aat la «r r«*alii><« «><> vai •. Il ti«« r»-. <.tuu rti-1’»l ìa a i**i**r i^ut’ *hr*i t»j ih« tl L <*n Htata IV»ar i <>f lfa«.ih ”«» b » » »•’• t‘t *•( ita «aiutar* Gat-arra at»i> •* « ' «n !-r- *h it «»n. Il •«imita uf rs«h- ral cha'»£--«* fr» i»i w«.| jv|«-r d««-«-rali. ;.«, ihu« !©s «4 r«*4 *,.-)« h'.0 alpr-AM tiu» latrai ai <| tw-at -ff • 4 « ' > *(. •>»«•»•».•(•«•' -aMt I.J 4l>0 MAWUFACTVMKD mt C \l II ok’NI \ I 10 5S RI P CO. ir“ Mitri i ii • » s m r. ALABASTINE COMPANY, of GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN, *• w ! h »* h a'I *t*«ia| in^-rtr.« !!»>« ran lw» ««F»- tamari Wrur f«-r iii*trurtlva sn.| lht»r*Mt- litg Iw^-b et tr.ailad fr»a t*> «Il «| j H. aula. \ LID El' FURCHUKS »CESCY. 455 Ntrrhl» Urlìi. PcrVind, Ortgas. It. «tillful < r*r( home.*’ “In th® purity of th© b«»n>a is th© h«’pe of th© l»sti«’U.“ So Batts th© ( haiiipi«>n t»l Fair Play, “ a jutirnnl devoted to interest«* «»t th« r» tutl li«ju« r tra«l® M ts •« this »am© I • A'itiful era©-1 which nfl to do teat­ tie «gainst home s grrtt©<»t I« mp It it this »«me < r« t i wbh h urge» th«* home- keepers of th W. t‘. T. I*, to “do ©v©r> thing“ that organi*©«! im they- hue cat» du to aid in destroying th© Ikies th© ralaii 1i‘ju<-r trad© destroyer, conduce v* th© purity uf the home? With « mui oli « i» every corner ami th© liqu«ir |i l»»e» r« titrahng our laws, when is «afetv for our home«, wh4l tim hu| uf the nat. 'U' -Union Signal. A Michi.-»n pajM r t«*H» of th« ©xplo- The great department store in Pans, n>n of a h«>t w water 4t»-r l ag A d«u l<»r th© “Bon Marche.** haa th« bigg©»t ’| ha»« hn»« ufteti <>(t©u woud©ra»l that kit. h*u in th« world, lu this kitchen ««»y»: * **1 is dally preparad the f«o«i f»»r th© 4,< h H> there hate bsw'll *» few »« <• I'ient« of this kin-1 Psuple ••metimra fill th© m * ith empl**y©a of th© great store. water but enough to »«-al-l a |* r*in to ANOTHER FAST TRAIN death .Mora ear© should I«© taken ami many a»*<'i«l«-nlM would I«! averted.** Tli* Kio Grand« Western Railway* A<*«ord!n.* t«« th© annual report of th© “The Great Sall !a»ke Ibmte,“ ha« re­ sumed it* fast train *«r> i<*©a l«i th© F^ust, New Y«o k stat© I « »rd of charities tbcra making the ran from Portland t»» « «©ary, an«! only « ite change 400 famille» »ppii«*I fur humelr«s chib of car» la made Thu»» who desire it dreti iu th© j rt-t twelve months have the privilege, bowever, ul a day­ light stopover ©liber at Salt lask© City or Denver. Three daily express trains ar© ran, )©a\ing < >g t a rw ar h*a h? >» «> m nf tW j «« «•••(>en an-1 te •» » •-• n ti a»>«^e f .4.1 i- *•»« «a >7a*.ae» •• Iba lh© tourist slr©|«©r* an«l chair y- *•» i: ” r - way. • > ■ * ' • • • « r ■ f «4R»t . U0 rars ran daily a* formerly through IkMSvia • ;«ar ai<4 < .*-au *• U. vas* Twice a tram Port lar» I to iMivef CANDY week tourist ex«ur»i«»n car* ar« . CATHARTIC through from Portland to Boeton. trains carry dining cars, making the trip aertwn the continent, via •’Tb© Great Salt l«ake Route,•• must desira­ ble. Th© Rio Grand« Western Railway is th© «»nly n»a-l running thiough Halt latke t’ity. and with its connection«* — the Denver »% Rio Gran«le and th« (’«»I- r,©a»art P b 1*(S? La Tl«ts()9of tte.UzwkS, R»»»r- »©«1 WaaMa ri.p ta >0r *> Wr M »rad«» Mi« I land—tfi*»ea th© pawetigtr hx fraa wan i • BrW L-- ».»t . n hra I* A ider«* FOR 14 CENTS W W « • ( a ». > I /-*»»• » «’ a k *i l «au.. OHIO’^Lt A ! <•*«» - r* -f Ut* «r : I" »r •■>! , **■! < . , • - Slaaba*©« 4 •« a«*«* •> w . ( b.w| «»»I»* t I- I i »I • » > I . I I f , .............. ’’“"Ii t. I Ul , I >>.,«, 5 ) M . TIFFIN, OHIO. DH.CÜ’iN’S.... PILLS OHI FOR A OOS*. C “ rt H»■%.•%. - Dre ra ’«u» h-”. *■-• «d urifr t» a il 4. At'll«llura*lo. F««r rat©« and all other information •aldrM J. D. MANSFIELD, 1 »eneral Agent, 233 Washington St., Purl laud, Oregon »,•!«•» *Ma KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN DROPSY A44r«©s UR NlXVklRK I* triflr« tb»- h «-1 mal»«’« » k » «-n •«*•«!>< Bl. I wr J |l UD r boitte •! Uir drug «t v I« Ua «I t M- H««** « . «w »• • • «-•». »» 4 I- •>* •- » • • — i ni- r |i «1 Fw ■ «►-.«■ -j¡w» -I l»f atpraa». -.f I r’. - I » MASSI- *1 «ì», l'M.M» III '-ilu |> » I •» r (U I r < --■•- ral •fl*-- ba» <*«.iBfl*m Biaii-Mi«, Irttlao • « >. f «i rfatv t-S an ■ e 0 a • ©*•"«*<■ bf •»•>•. ©•ml«-««, • a4 »• t wtEla- nf r ‘««a». i*S. Uni«! bf F*rt«fg|0 ft»»« fir n Irvwlar wni f*^u»©S. CURE YOURSELF ! • Í•••», I , I »Ort. Succettfully Mwuulatu Hu©», 14a r I » » n g |«F «•lv©rtls«r* • lilt» ©«gvf. pl«ss*