The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, July 29, 1898, Image 3

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You cannot afford to drink
colored tea.
It undermines health, and the
I ÎA/Lf-i
coloring hides defects.
Schilling’s Best needs no
• T tB ’ w—»
coloring; it is good enough.
TI»» TfMtBfflwalpfrl Stamp»
Of the Trau«mlnaU«lppl Erhlbitlon
•tatui», the 50-cent «tamp, which I«
dark gro«o In rolor. I« bom a drawing
by Fr-’lerlo ftemlngton of a ’’Wrwlcrn
Mining Pruwpoetar, * «tiowlng a pro«
pnotor In the mountain« with bl» pa
The fl »tamp I» In black ai
white, from J Ma«: Whirl- r’« “Weeteiu
tattle In Storm.” The I-1 «tamp I»
brown, «h -wing an engraving of "Tbe
Mlawinrippl Hiver Drldg»" al tit. Loula.
4Breet Tearila «rllr«d
Short pencils ran bwaplico*! by inreot
«»( a ne» dovi n unalatltig of a «Lt-ri
tnfrv internally thre* l<%! an>| having
t*»ll •ha|«»'t| and« f»*r th# lnin*|ticll<»n of
•ho ¡wn lb and tatorlor tranorrao
to fnrtn cutting duw tor thd
trenti a .
< U*.
Ullbard playera vili approdato a
now aha I II • holder » which conni «ta of a
un tai plato to bo mml .rn <ho wall
t Vhlr-4 Kall A®el4®>>«.
t«> *u; ;nrt a pi«*oo of chalto. which la
A pec-ullar a- - Ident oo i»rt««| on the iM»ll‘»w-’l out in tho t'enter to rocolro
fhli-ago H«inth tAadw Rl<-vat««l road r«. the lip of tho cu«»
rvnlly, which operale« a third rail »ya-
biBig Whl.h Ulli N«k« W m *
l«n>. A workman dropped a tool which
4 n«'Wly-d«*4¡gn«wl #lovo, p*t«i>t«*d
ma-le rl«v*lr|t*al u»nn«» tlon between the
of lh<
third nail and a large gna pl|e oarileal by a Michigan woman, tba
of tbn thumb and
<>o the elevate.! structure, which rvwult- h.»n<ì an-1
with in Err woro
ml tn bui ti I ng a bob» in the pip« aud Angara are
«»f imthttr or othrp n>atrf<al whl h
Igniting tbo gaa
The Are department rb
wa« called out to «-ttlngulah the tire, prvt- nt tho gh»ro from w* ariug out
traffic? ta-ing blocked fur two hour«,
several car» were »et on tiro.
llrltl»h «allora have beam ord«r««l by
It • Admiralty to re ver «e lite manner <>l
<l««pa»4»r MnUar
lacing tbeir trouaer». Hereafter th«
Exploaiw powder I« u«ed |<> operate bow muat be tied at the bottom Inatrad
a new motor, a amali quantity of the of the top.
piwder tielng f<d into the cylinder and
iyrill«l by an eloetric «park to drive
The attention of the publio 1« <*«lled
the pi»ton r<»l, the e*pun<i«d g«»
.»p t«> th«' profemlonal wur k of D». T. II
ing through a v«h« *» the piatoti White, No. ÏÎ1 l, M-irrlaon at reel.
Portland. Or
Ilia el«-ctrl<wl ap|di-
•n<v« are th« moat modem, aud hl«
< wllwlaia
crown and bridge work I» of «uch aril«*
In an improve! ba!l«x»n tho basket i*
forni «n i tfni*h, that hi» |>allenta
<*arrie«l by four air mils adjiuubly
are delighted not only wlth Ih« look«,
mounted on a railing around thebaakvt,
but with tho comfort they rooelnt from
making it pnaaible for the remaining
the n«>< ol «uoh artifici»] Work
• olla to »upport the aeronaut If onr ell
ration« «re paini««« under hl« meth-
aiwruld collapae.
that your tooth ar« |>t«|>«rly
r«l f. r and ll at by a «killful drnllat.
Wheel Wulff WHh
A a Improved nut f«>r wagon* and tlx-rv I» Il need to »offer the dl«v>m-
other machinery where tho nut would f.>rt« of broken - hi«rn and «taIn«»I teeth
•oil the haixl* II touched ba» a
I- when 4h«y «an be tnadb
Ing knob rm one »l.le which
a ¡•¡• i» «ut to I »-k upon will.out ¡? * »;
hole »Irilled In one jaw of the wrench
to prevent the nut from «lipping out
Bishop Scott leid
4 Half
u*‘l I "UA
M -
I be pirvidcnt of the Ikulln pollen
ha« published a r<-«crlpt of regulation»
lor the purp«><»«> of dealing with unlaw­
ful oom|«llUon in tbe medical prufea-
tai ln»i f
.»oM-’t »«J
TM n«rw tn»pfx>Yf<l BtuughttH» waftan*
stand the nw kri
Thrv# tiv rt « af bn I« »n
on the j war
It jwira tn haw th»> b*<K
Writ# f»rtrr#
»ote «MEdil, foot of MurrUon tirrwt, f* rt
Iun4. (>r
A mioroba that livra atri multipli^«
in at ron g al<**>h«t| hat hm*n 4i«H*>vei«wl
by V<»lry.
H l ¡T M*
’ «
MAMVFArmn*D rr
rw- w»rrB
Rl p
tibbc w a wbl
b .»4» on a «mah
tailing by ifaiiti<in <
ture«» Wriia (offrili laiU-uiart
ti.»« of rt
err n<'w
ritjVr'fal |caq‘ «Brefften«? an II
Chit *« .’
<>< tr»«t«B «uà a tho«.»ugh
k4ga of tba
A« ch I I vt <»ur
etir-a h. I
th «MÄH, Ifoptfxl A < t
ÇI»1 •«» lb-a* 4 ul Tra4ff Br«rr«
<>< c « b :
F >ftlan<
n and Pallia.
la It Wrong?
Get It Kight.
Keep It Right
M-.rv'« ll«v»»le«l Hemioly »111 do II Thr«»
do®r® v'll mate yvu feel twtur. Oct it troia
yoor Urin.'.-Ml n< any wholevale drug bvtm. or
k< to riewait a
i>m«i'o , <«i»iii«.
tww «11« <4 fi.» a^A»tstr^|
J»«< F. »ff*«. IttllffsattifftL f»K
IlfilAII b« of *i>->gffl| «4
•t *«•••• fffflft W4-
r»ial»«», «a i *e« am »IB*
• W» *
r * *
t lluiato of I- el
Omtlfytntf Ixittern to Mm. Pink®
bain From Happy Women.
Mr» E. WuoLHtnKlL
Milla, Neb., write«:
•’Dr*« M m l*isBnaw
I owe mj
life to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctnra Mild I had wmaumptlon and
nothing could be done for mo.
menatruatlon hud «topped and they
aald my blood waa turning to water. I
hn! arvcrul doctor«. They all «aid 1
could not live. I l-egan the um > of Lydia
K. Pinkham’« Vcgvtable Compound,
and It helped me right away; Bicnaoa
returned and I have gained In Wi-lghL
I have la-tu-r health than I have had for
year». Illa wonderful what your Cum-
3«»r»aa f.»r m» *•
Mr» Gao l.«*i it,
lent» Bella St. Alton, 111., write«
•• Before I tiegan to take your Vege­
table Compound I waa a great auffervr
from womb trouble. Menace would ap­
pear two and three time« In a month,
canting me to be go weak I could not
aland I could neither alcep nor eat. and
looked ao badly my friend» hardly
knew me.
“ I took doctor'» medicine but did not
derive much benefit from IL My drug­
gie* gave me one of your little book»,
and after reading It I decided to try
Lydia E Pinkham'« Vegetable Com­
pound. I feel like a new peraon 1
would not give your Compound for all
• ‘4 doctor»’ medicine In the world. 1
pralae It enough "
La J <’ H rrw •». »<•* Ual<ilB l»t’f . ‘ Yira< .ill
Ireland 1« not by any tm-ana ao for­
bidding a country a* It* name ItupUtM;
It la no more a land of Io- than Green­
land la a land of verdure
It la not
nearly ao cold aa many place» lu tlie
l ulled State«, not to mention the
Canadian Itouilnioa. "the fifty and
•t tty-degree» la-low »<ro registered ev­
ery winter In the North» «-»t Territory
and Aavinllaila. and even the thirty-
five and forty lieh.w eiperlWBccd in
Montana and Northern Dakota, are
unheard of In Iceland. Neither 1» the
other rllfHM of rrrnt heat felt, »ttch
aa three very regitu« In North Atnerl
what a temperature of a hundred In
the «hade la. There are no »udd«-n
fluctuation» or great chang* a; the cli­
mate la remarkably equable. A varla
lion of thirty degree« lu a month la
pror«atuv not on twotvt in me ’«!•!»•!.
To.® .-.jiiwbw-t». ®® i® ole-, «». cower, to
the aartte cau«c that prnditnw a »fmllar
effect In the Brit Uh lalca—the gulf
•tri-ent. Thia great on-in current
wnahea the «outhrrti and weat'-rn
thorea of Iceland, InauHug a mild win­
ter and a latluiy aummer. Th< re arc
flaclera, but they form no k-ebcrga.
The •*» around lite l»laud la never
fr.uwu. nor Indeed la any floating ice
Been, nave on rare occaalotia off the ;
northern coaat. Now and then, in i
auuiturr, prolonged atornia will carry '
floating Ice arrow« from the Grwnland
cuaat. and drive It upou the northern
ahore of b’eland, together with cold
fog aud rain. In thia way polar bear*
are alno aotnctlinea landed ou the lai
and. On the other hand, the winter»'
Moral Antlbwrgtar Drvh-e.
art ao mild that tbunderatorm« often
In a report from Ie-!t»lc. Germany,
occur. In fact, moat of the thunder
a^ortua In Iola nd are tn the winter CoMtd Warner dcwcrlbe* a Bowl Ger­
man anti burglar device. Thia con-
■late of Aeatble «afcty curtain« made
of hardened tula*« pru|H*riy connected,
which are Invulnerable to the ordinary
Cannot Work In High Altltw«lc.
burglar’« tnoto, for tlir rranon that the
It bra beeff found In Swftarriind that
tulwa rvrolw ft-ely and the wnterldt In building • railway laborer« rxotld
or other tool can And no bold.
work only obo-thlrd aa long at a height
of 10,000 fee* aa n tulle lower.
W. P. «. c.
*•. Bl. ’••«
\VHKN wrl«|ug <0 mtlwffrllffffr«
niff«til<»u »bla papar.
------ ..
,w ...»
■«■>»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«»■»>■■•■•••**■»■»■»............... g
A Beautiful Present
In order to further mtrodu»« ELASTIC SJARCH (Flat Iron Brand),
the tn.inufacturrr», I C. Hubinger Br-W. Co., of Keokuk. Iowa, have
de« ided ti • OIVF. AW AV a beautiful preaent with each pa< kage nt
lurch «-Id Tbcac pretent* are in the iorm of
Beautiful Pastel Pictures
They are ijiiq inche« In tire, and are entitled •« follow«:
Lilac.» and
Lilacs and
T. tsu » rare picture*. four In numtwr, by the renowned padri art lit.
K LeRoy. ■>( New York, have been < ho»cn from th< very cbt/rcet tubjectl
In hi« studio and are now offered fur the firat time to the public.
The picture« are accurately reprodwed in all th- color» u*ed in the orig­
inal«, and are pronounced by competent critic«, work* of art
Pattuì picture« are the correct thing lor the home, nothing surpassing
th- m In beauty, rlchne«» f .ctor and artistic merit.
Ove of I bear picture« *■ I
■ ■
Elastic Starch
pur< hated <4 your grwer. It it the be»t laundry March on th« marktL »nd
it w>ld 1<>r to rente ■ package Ask your grocer for thia »larch and get a
beautiful picture.