America’s TME NAVAL HEROES OP TME OREAT SANTIAGO BATTLE You cannot afford to drink colored tea. It undermines health, and the I ÎA/Lf-i IAÙW a coloring hides defects. Schilling’s Best needs no • T tB ’ w—» f coloring; it is good enough. TI»» TfMtBfflwalpfrl Stamp» Of the Trau«mlnaU«lppl Erhlbitlon •tatui», the 50-cent «tamp, which I« dark gro«o In rolor. I« bom a drawing by Fr-’lerlo ftemlngton of a ’’Wrwlcrn Mining Pruwpoetar, * «tiowlng a pro« pnotor In the mountain« with bl» pa mil«« The fl »tamp I» In black ai white, from J Ma«: Whirl- r’« “Weeteiu tattle In Storm.” The I-1 «tamp I» brown, «h -wing an engraving of "Tbe Mlawinrippl Hiver Drldg»" al tit. Loula. 4Breet Tearila «rllr«d Short pencils ran bwaplico*! by inreot «»( a ne» dovi n unalatltig of a «Lt-ri tnfrv internally thre* l<%! an>| having t*»ll •ha|«»'t| and« f»*r th# lnin*|ticll<»n of •ho ¡wn lb and tatorlor tranorrao to fnrtn cutting duw tor thd trenti a . Tw < U*. Ullbard playera vili approdato a now aha I II • holder » which conni «ta of a un tai plato to bo mml .rn >«. t«> *u; ;nrt a pi«*oo of chalto. which la A pec-ullar a- - Ident oo i»rt««| on the iM»ll‘»w-’l out in tho t'enter to rocolro fhli-ago H«inth tAadw Rl<-vat««l road r«. the lip of tho cu«» rvnlly, which operale« a third rail »ya- biBig Whl.h Ulli N«k« W m * l«n>. A workman dropped a tool which th 4 n«'Wly-d«*4¡gn«wl #lovo, p*t«i>t«*d ma-le rl«v*lr|t*al u»nn«» tlon between the of lh< third nail and a large gna pl|e oarileal by a Michigan woman, tba of tbn thumb and <>o the elevate.! structure, which rvwult- h.»n<ì an-1 with in Err woro ml tn bui ti I ng a bob» in the pip« aud Angara are «»f imthttr or othrp n>atrfl operate bow muat be tied at the bottom Inatrad a new motor, a amali quantity of the of the top. piwder tielng f th«' profemlonal wur k of D». T. II ing through a v«h« *» the piatoti White, No. ÏÎ1 l, M-irrlaon at reel. Portland. Or Ilia el«-ctrlallenta tiMta <*arrie«l by four air mils adjiuubly are delighted not only wlth Ih« look«, mounted on a railing around thebaakvt, but with tho comfort they rooelnt from making it pnaaible for the remaining the n«>< ol «uoh artifici»] Work All • olla to »upport the aeronaut If onr ell ration« «re paini««« under hl« meth- aiwruld collapae. that your tooth ar« |>t«|>«rly r«l f. r and ll at by a «killful drnllat. Wheel Wulff WHh A a Improved nut f«>r wagon* and tlx-rv I» Il need to »offer the dl«v>m- other machinery where tho nut would f.>rt« of broken - hi«rn and «taIn«»I teeth •oil the haixl* II touched ba» a I- when 4h«y «an be tnadb Ing knob rm one »l.le which a ¡•¡• i» «ut to I »-k upon will.out ¡? * »; hole »Irilled In one jaw of the wrench to prevent the nut from «lipping out Bishop Scott leid 4 Half u*‘l I "UA M - I!»«*! I be pirvidcnt of the Ikulln pollen ha« published a r<-«crlpt of regulation» lor the purp«><»«> of dealing with unlaw­ ful oom|«llUon in tbe medical prufea- •lon. WAOORR n»n< •* n#r tai ln»i f .»oM-’t »«J V|w»fa«r IMiltOfLO TM n«rw tn»pfx>Yf b*r A mioroba that livra atri multipli^« in at ron g al<**>h«t| hat hm*n 4i«H*>vei«wl by V<»lry. ii\ H l ¡T M* UM. BUY THE CÉ ’ « SYRUP OF1 MAMVFArmn*D rr C II II ORNI y I IO rw- w»rrB Rl p tibbc w a wbl b .»4» on a «mah tailing by ifaiiti< tr»«t«B «uà a tho«.»ugh k4ga of tba A« ch I I vt <»ur ref* etir-a h. I th «MÄH, Ifoptfxl A < t ÇI»1 •«» lb-a* 4 ul Tra4ff Br«rr« <>< c « b : F >ftlan< n and Pallia. aah YOUR LIVER la It Wrong? Get It Kight. Keep It Right M-.rv'« ll«v»»le«l Hemioly »111 do II Thr«» do®r® v'll mate yvu feel twtur. Oct it troia yoor Urin.'.-Ml n< any wholevale drug bvtm. or k< to riewait a i>m«i'o , <«i»iii«. CURI YOURSilFi tww «11« <4 fi.» a^A»tstr^| J»«< F. »ff*«. IttllffsattifftL f»K IlfilAII b« of *i>->gffl| «4 •t *«•••• fffflft W4- r»ial»«», «a i *e« am »IB* WORLD'S BLACK DIAMONDS • W» * r * * t lluiato of I- el Omtlfytntf Ixittern to Mm. Pink® bain From Happy Women. Mr» E. WuoLHtnKlL Milla, Neb., write«: •’Dr*« M m l*isBnaw I owe mj life to your Vegetable Compound. The doctnra Mild I had wmaumptlon and nothing could be done for mo. My menatruatlon hud «topped and they aald my blood waa turning to water. I hn! arvcrul doctor«. They all «aid 1 could not live. I l-egan the um > of Lydia K. Pinkham’« Vcgvtable Compound, and It helped me right away; Bicnaoa returned and I have gained In Wi-lghL I have la-tu-r health than I have had for year». Illa wonderful what your Cum- jw*»tnd 3«»r»aa f.»r m» *• Mr» Gao l.«*i it, lent» Bella St. Alton, 111., write« •• Before I tiegan to take your Vege­ table Compound I waa a great auffervr from womb trouble. Menace would ap­ pear two and three time« In a month, canting me to be go weak I could not aland I could neither alcep nor eat. and looked ao badly my friend» hardly knew me. “ I took doctor'» medicine but did not derive much benefit from IL My drug­ gie* gave me one of your little book», and after reading It I decided to try Lydia E Pinkham'« Vegetable Com­ pound. I feel like a new peraon 1 would not give your Compound for all • ‘4 doctor»’ medicine In the world. 1 pralae It enough " OPIUMS La J <’ H rrw •». »<•* Ual»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«»■»>■■•■•••**■»■»■»............... g A Beautiful Present In order to further mtrodu»« ELASTIC SJARCH (Flat Iron Brand), the tn.inufacturrr», I C. Hubinger Br-W. Co., of Keokuk. Iowa, have de« ided ti • OIVF. AW AV a beautiful preaent with each pa< kage nt lurch «-Id Tbcac pretent* are in the iorm of Beautiful Pastel Pictures They are ijiiq inche« In tire, and are entitled •« follow«: Lilac.» and Pansies. Pansies and Marguerites. Wild American Poppies. Lilacs and Iris. T. tsu » rare picture*. four In numtwr, by the renowned padri art lit. K LeRoy. ■>( New York, have been < ho»cn from th< very cbt/rcet tubjectl In hi« studio and are now offered fur the firat time to the public. The picture« are accurately reprodwed in all th- color» u*ed in the orig­ inal«, and are pronounced by competent critic«, work* of art Pattuì picture« are the correct thing lor the home, nothing surpassing th- m In beauty, rlchne«» f .ctor and artistic merit. Ove of I bear picture« *■ I ■ ■ w ■ Elastic Starch pur< hated <4 your grwer. It it the be»t laundry March on th« marktL »nd it w>ld 1<>r to rente ■ package Ask your grocer for thia »larch and get a beautiful picture. ALL 8R0CERS REEF ELASTIO STARCH. ACCEPT 10 SUBSTITUTE