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About The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1898)
VOL. I SCIO, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NO. JANUARY 7, 1898. The breeder’s Gazete in speaking The people who sell farm products ATOTICE FOR PUBLICATION— of the Ladd purchase of shorthorns, on commission can often give the • ’ Land Office at Oregon City, Ore gon, Nov. 15, 1897. Notice is hereby says that Messrs Forbes Bros, of Hen producers pointers how to prepare given IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY, BY that the following named set HOY K. GILL & ALBERT COLE» In buying stock cattle nowadays ry, Ill., have disposed of the first- their goods for market. They know tler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his IN THE CITY OF color cuts quite a figure. Even prize bull Calf at the Illinois' state from experience what the market claim, and that said proof will be fair, Baron Linwood 10th, by Baron demands and also the most attrac SCIO, LINN <jO.j OREGON. down in Texas, where so many Gloster 101657, to Mr, C. E. Ladd, of made before the County Clerk of tive shape for sale. The Sprague TERMS: cattle have changed liandsrfecently, Portland, Or., at $400. The calf Mr. commission firm of Chicago sent.out Linn county, at Albany, Oregon, on Jauqary 12, 1898. viz: Robert . er annum, invariably in advance.......$1 50 buyers.have been careful to pick out ■Ladd has just secured' was univer- the following instructions: “It is Strachan ; H. E 10693, for the N W Bixmonths, “ “ . “ ....... 100 Per annum if not paid in advance, " 2 oO the deep reds and white faces, eyen sallj\admired at the state fair for his .well to have fowls off feed for twen J of Sec. 12, Township 11 S R 1 East. Advertising rates at fair, living rates,to be paying a decided premium forthem, scale, flesh and style. He weighed ty-four hours before killing. If they -He names the following witnesses to ’paid monthly. prove his continuous residence upon because they believed they could 1,060 l bs, at eleven months, was 'fin Transient advertisements must be paid for are dressed with full crops, this de cultivation of, said land, viz: Vhen the order is given for their insertion. dispose of them at better advantage ished at. both ends, and was as ripe tracts from their appearance, and and Archie C. Gaines, J. L. Davenport, at market. The fact is they want as a peach. He belongs- to Forbes the contents are liable to sour, James Craft, of Larwood, and Wil them to. show breeding, either to Bros, noted family of Pearlettes,and. thereby imparting the unpleasant son Richardson, of Scio, Oregon. WHY AND WHEREFORE. CHAS. B. MOORES, ward the Hereford or Polled-Angus; the Gazette trusts that he will do flavor to the flesh of the fowl, Register. class. Hornless stock cattle will I know not whence I came, well for his new owner. Mr. Brown, which will have to be sold corres outsell any other kind, quality being who. is representing Mr. Ladd in the I know not whither I go, pondingly low. Kill the fowls by equal. So stock cattle at the present, matter, is visiting other prominent Maliset Report. But t he fact stands clear . bleeding in the mouth or opening Sr to Q COTATIONS time, to be popular and in style, herds and will probably take back a the veins in the neck. Hang ¡up by That I am here. Wheat. 66 its. per bu. must be hornless and show some pair of first-class heifers and anoth the feet until properly bled. Leave Oats, 25 ” in this World of pleasure and woe, aristocracy.—Chicago Drovers’ Jour er young bull.—Rural Spirit. Flour $4 20 ” bbl. -And out of the mist and murk head and feet on, and do not move nal. Bran 12 00 “ ton. intestines or crop. Scalded chick Another truth shines plain— Hogs also should have corn, and Middlings 16 “ A Western cattle bleeder shipped ens sell better for home trade, but •It is in my power Chop, $16 per ton. a lot of superior steers to market, oats. Sheep are ruminant animals, Potatoes. 50cts per sack. dry picked to shippers; so.that eith ■Each day and hour which averaged 1600 pounds each. but they have such strong digestion Eggs, 25c. per Aoz. er way will do if properly done. that they do better with grain not To add to its joy or its pain. Being choice and of superior quality Butter,creamery 25: ranche 12 $ ft>. For scalding chickens the water ground, adding some wheat bran or Hams, 12c per ¡0? he received 8c per pound. His should be as near the boiling point -I know that the world exists, Shoulders. 8c per lb. A. neighbor sold a lot of the same age, whole oats to make the feed lighter, as possible without boiling, pick the Bacon, 10c per lb It is none of my business why. weighing 900 pounds each, recievi'ng and also to supply some other than legs'dry without scalding; hold by Lard, 10c per lb the carbonaceous nutrition in Which -I can not find out 5c per pound. Quality not only, Chickens, 2 50 per doz the head and legs and immerse cornmeal abounds—Cultivator. What .it’s all about— gave weight, but also gave 3c per three times; if the head is scalded I would but waste time td try. pound or $48 more, the result being One of the writers whose answers it turns the color of the comb and to questions, asked for in the Dairy My life is a brief, brief thing, . due to the use of a good breed. gives the Cybs a-sunken appearance, 50 YEARS’ I am here for a little space, Jefferson County, Wis., wherein man, will appear soon, tells that pa- making buyers think that the fowls EXPÉRÌÉNCE per-that he uses his surplus skim ■And while I stay the City of Fort Atkinson is located, have been sick; feathers and pin I would like, if I may, with an area of 76 square miles, and milk mixed with flax seed meal to To brighten and better the place. a population of 36,000,- has over 36000 fatten veals with. He feeds all the feathers should be removed' very thoroughly; without breaking the cow3, 87 creameries and 4 cheese calf will eat of Warm sweet skim' skin, theti ‘‘plump” by dipping ten The"troubie. I think, with us all 'milk,twice a day; takes special pains ■factories. . The value of the total Is the lack of a high conceit; seconds in water nearly or quite' T rade M arks dairy product is about $2,000,000 an to keep them dry, and disposes..of boiling hot, and then immediately If each man thought D esigns them when three months old for $10,. nually. This county also boasts of C opyrights A c . in cold water; hang in .a cool place lie was sent to the spot It is easy td she from this that he re* Anyone sending a sketch and description may having the best creamery in the quickly ascertain our opinion free Whether an To make it a bit mote sweet, alizes considerable more for bis skim until the animal heat is entirely invention is probably patentable. Communica world. tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents How soon we could gladden the milk in this way, than those farmers out. Dry picking must be done sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Corn meal is a very heavy feed, Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive world, who feed it to hogs, and at a very whilo.the fowl is bleeding; do not special notice, without charge, in the and unless cut hay or straw is given wait until the bird gets cold; be How easily right all wrong, much less cost in food. with it the meal is apt to cake in the If nobody shirked Some people seem to have forgot careful not to break the skin.- The A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir stomach. Not even the animals culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a ■And each one worked ten that animals make a pedigree same instructions apply to preparing year ; four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers; with strongest digestion are able to turkeys for market, except that, they To help his fellows along. 361 Broadway, digest-whole corn meal, especially and not the pedigree the animal. should be dry picked. Those picked Branch Office, 626 F St., Washington, D. C. Always breed from the best individ when.given uncooked, as it usually ■‘Cease wondering why you came; ual and we shall, like the Jersey Is dry have a decidedly better appear Stop looking for faults and flaws; is. Cooking swells the meal, and if landers,gradually improve our stocx. ance than those scalded. The heavy cooked dry it is filled with air spac old turkey should be marketed bu5*. Rise up to-day For sale—An Advance 36 inch cyl es, which keep the meal from mass I do not condemn a good pedigree, fore Jan. 1st, as the plump young •In your pride and say: if ¡^produces a good animal. The inder separator, in good order. ing together in the stomach. When fowls are much in demand after “I am part of the first great cause. corn is ground on the cob, the cob abominable rubbish, great, ugly, holidays, while the heavy old toms Call on Austin & Propst, four miles •However full the world, coarse brutes of sires, that never East of Albany, Oregon. being lighter, also prevents the There is room for an earnest man; ought to be allowed to reproduce are sold at a discount to canners.” massing. There is also some nutri It had need of me ment in the cob,- aud its superior their kind, and females without a Over feeding will spoil ftfiy flock. Ur I would not- be— digestibility makes it better fo- particle of style or jersey character Do not use fat, clumsy males hi I am here to strengthen the plan.” istics about them, except color, cows —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. feeding to animals that chew the that in form and in shape of udder breeding. Tn breeding fowls, select for frame cud, and are thus enabled to eat more or less digestible food. Thus have deteriated to dunghills of the and bone substance. In the great maneuvers and diplo- corn and cob meal mixed with cut 'most inferior order, whose, only Ode secret of breeds for profit is tiiatical strategies which the powers feed is better for fattening cattle virtue is a pedigree that says they the feed and care given- them. have been engaged in fof some time than is whole corn meal. But are 100 per cent of some fashionable In nearly all cases hens learn to blood, are often paraded at our fairs eat eggs from having them broken past, Russia has th« advantage, in horses cannot get enough nutriment and win prizes.- Bull calves from asmuch as “possession is nine points, in their feed if the cob is used. such stock.are advertised and make in the nest. One objection to a small poultry, Corn and oats ground together is ■etci” a great show on paper. Some one, house is the difficulty in keeping better. The Russians Wicked China into two thousand miles a way,buys a calf Prof. Plum hit the nail fairly on of this description at a fancy price the nests clean. 'consenting to an occupation of Port If you are breeding fancy fowls ■Arthur, by representing to them the head when he wrote that the and he goes td the head of the herd biiy a standard of excellence. farmers in Indiana ought not to al that the British fleet was coming to to make more weeds and rubbish. low a pound of skim milk to go to My motto is, buy the cow or calf .on Keep a large number of hens after Capture that port, waste from the creameries or fart» his or her individual merit; look up you have learned to keep a small England, although outgeneraled, number profitably. .dairies.- it can be fed with great 4s going to have something too, at profit to growing pigs, for it will as the breeding afterwards. I like a If the fowls have sore feet or nim cow or bull with a good pedigree, ble feet, it means that tne roosts are least is making a bluff for it, What sist in rapid flesh developement. but first they must be good individ too high. the out come will finally "be, none What is true of skim tnilk in Ind. uals.—F. S. Peer, in Hoards Dairy Leaves, cut straw or dry. dirt,- are can tell, but war is not probable. is equally true of it elsewhere. man. good to scatter graitl in, to compel None of the powers are iooking for George Goodhue is doing nothing The functions of a coW are to take the hens to scratch. a fight, when it comes to a show now but looking after poultry inter your coarse fodder and grain and Laying hens and hens for market down. ests, and if he had more time it manufacture them into milk. Pro should not be kept together. They The Manchester Guardian, an En glish paper, says in regards the situ-* would be' devoted to poultry. To viding she is so fed that she can sus require a different ration. day he returned from the poultry tain her body and in addition pro Chicks that reach the market in a ation: “The government has cate fair that closed at Eugene yester duce milk at a profit, she is a good good thrifty condition sell more gorically stated that Great Britain day, and started to Astoria to be cow. You know there are any num readily than those not properly fat will refuse to recognize any special present at-the poultry that opens' ber of cows that do not pay for their tened. rights granted at any Chinese ports there tomorrow. Mr. Goodhue re keeping, but in this age ot progress' The perfect and rapid develop to any particular power. Any port ports the Eugene show a success be we can ascertain beyond a shodow ment of young chickens depends opened to any'one power must be yond all expectations. Upon his ar of doubt whether or not a cow is a very much upon the start they get. opened to all or opened to none. If rival at Eugene before the show profitable dairy cow. When the geese can have plenty Russia has been granted the right to opened he found the poultry being There are three things you .must of pasturage, they do best when al winter ships at Port Arthur, Great arranged in a medium-sized; build consider: (1) The quantity of milk lowed to forage and select their Britain will enforce her rights to the ing. Over 800 birds he reports came givenf (2) the quality—by the Bab own food. same privileges, and her ships will in, and the building proved too cock test; (3) the length of the peri Brahmas, Cochins, Langshans and Ready Jan. 1, 1898, Winter there whether China con small by half. Birds were there od of lactation. Plymouth Boeks feather very rapid* On All News Stands» cedes or does not concede her the from Portland and Salem and from After having succeeded iu estab1 ly, ahd with the hens care Is requir right to do so.” Linn and Lane counties. Mn Goad lishing a herd of good dairy cows ed or they will get tb fat- to lay well. China’s greatest statesman, Li hue was much pleased with the fine comes the important part of taking, Ducks and geese are naturally Larger» Better, More Complete Hung Chang, has written a strong specimens of birds displayed. The proper care of them. Milch cows hardy and are easily, managed. Than Ever* sensible article, for publication, in show was well patronized, and was must have a variety of feed, as no If the pullets are Well fed and one kind of feed contains all the dif made comfortable they tVill lay which he says: “Germany has vio a financial success. A cock-fight Most widely sold AnHiidt iiifir» ferent elements which both sustain lated the existing treaties,. and also was made a side attraction. The the body and produce the milk. We much earlier than tfiey Otherwise ence Booh and Paiiiieal Manual publisM. fight was between a chicked owned would.^-American-Grange Bulletin. the international law, Chiha ’offered by Mr. Smith, of Salem, and a ËU- will see later what milk is composed L THE WORLD» lull and immediate redress for the gene chicken. The Eugene bird of and you will understand why she work of the outlaws, who murdered came out second best. The Salem must have a Vari ety of feed. An old-time but good remedy to Pulitzer Building Nevv Y&. the missionaries. chicken was a full brother to. the Do not feed your cows before prevent the hair fi*om falling out is “Of late years, from instruction one that whipped the big gray ea milking. So many do this in order a wash made by Steeping three large ¿nd observation, the Chinese have gib at the state fair last fall. Part of that the cow shall stand better du onions in a quart of film Until the come to regard the countries of the the' poultry exhibited at Eugene ring the process of milking. You will strength is drawn from the vegeta Western World as models even great passed through, here todàÿ; billed ask why; Most of the milk is se ble, and applying it to the scalp er in justice than in arms. Is it right for Astoria, and will be exhibited creted during the process of milking every second day.- The Ofloi of the in the show there.—Oregonian. aud she must use her blood in the ohieti soon jiassfis off, hilt if foiind to oppress us while we- are strug udder. If she is eating this blood disagreeable, ten drops of lavender The training of a sheep dog is a gling to emerge from the restraints rushes to her stomach ifi order to oil and ten grains of ambergris will matter of importance to a shepherd. of our ancient civilization, while im Begin training in the most cautious; carry the nutriment to the different oVercofiie the sfieht^january-Wo provement and progress steadily natural way at two months old, or parts of the bOdyf and the conse man’s Home Cbihpaniou. Fhe Columbia Pad Calendar foi Continue? Should China be distress as soon as the puppy is able td ioilow quence is that there is, a lack of 1898 is ready for distribution. Send ed by having her shores inVaded among the sheep. If it comes Of blood in the uddfer to produce the Henry Caméib'n; a young mail liv and her territory occupied because good stock it will take aS naturally best results: Extreme Care must ing ih Sparta Tdrin.;,while walking, five two^cerit stamps tb Pope Mfg; Of an occurance which Western coun to sheep as a duck to water, and will be taken not-td feed anything that along fi stféei Smekirig a pipe; slip Ù0.; äältford; Ctttìh; tries would deal With by' law and be vety quick to interpret every Will navot milk just before milking, ped and fell dn his face, fhe pipe d?tië than Who killed His Wife’s al* hot be War—an unexpected incident, Wish and ambitious to execute it. as it will then pass into the milk, stem was forced through his throat, leged paramour and was discharged but feed directly aftef milking.-Geo. and he died in an hour later frdffi deplored by our government and The main trouble will be to restrain by the Kentucky magistrate bë- Saibpson in Shafon (Wis.) Reporter: and teach it moderation. Like ¿11 thè injuly. He Was 23 years old 1 ; followed by ftill redress? puppykind it will be irnpettiotiS ahd WA nteei —All girls to know that and Had deed married aboiit tWd caiise the act Was justified by the “ ‘Our desire is to preserve our “higher laW,” has now taketi the inclined to burry ahd worry the months. territory intact and td steadily im- shfeejj too much. For this reason it Hoe Cake Will not tiiakb their hdnds wife back into home and COnfideticë prove it as a field open to all coun is bettfer to send the pup Out With ail red add rotigh like common so'ap as W anted —stock beets—tho?§ hav* and love., Tbd~-grand jury has re tries equally for the development of old dog so that it may acquire the I it contains no filling or free alkali.— ing any to sell please leave prices at taliated by indicting him for mur der-in the first degree: i this office» quiet demeanor of the latter.—Ex: S. M. Daniel: 14 anti am JZews. | SAY.LOOK HERE! jE Whu don’t you patronize the School Library at Peery £ & Peeru’s? it contains the boohs of our best author^. Reading for short or Ito periods at uery low ratear Call and exainine it. X • • — — Scientific American. MUNN & Co 9^ $ New York Standard American Annual. Ç? ♦ ♦ ✓ I On and after January 1 1898, the old prices will be resumed, towit: Haircutting, 25c; Shaving, 15c; Shampooing, 25c; Seafoam, 15c; Baths, ' 25c; 6 Bath t’kts. $1 Shaving by the month, (cash in ad vance) two baths included, ; 1 50 H. L. Sumner,.Prop: