The Santiam news. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 1897-1917, December 10, 1897, Image 2

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    The Saniiain News
■» tv
a 1 Ji
A terrible railroad a«'-■idem ha* *<*•
rurrvd in Warsaw
IN hile a passenger
tram was »tatiunary at the terminus
a beavy freight train ran into it. owing
to th* error of a pointsman
p«r»ons were kill«*! and 22 others were
seriously injur«*!
The re^'eipts <>f th»’ r«s»* in* *o far
th>» ft* al year m»d«»ubtedly w II fall
cw»n«)derably »bort uf e«lima!«M made
bv the managers of the new tariff bill
«lurli g it» |wrdrncy in «*»o gr«*»«
that time It waa «'«timat**d that tto
customs Would yield stout $i*0.(bu0,*
O«> ' «luring th«« first year. The :u in*
lion« are now aai l to to that the re­
ceipt« from ths* a*»ufwi will nut aggr*”
gal« m«»ro than $1*6 0C0,000.
A plate uf arm »r. representing a lot
« f 600 torn* fur the turrets of the battle-
•hi)»« K«ar«a«g« and Kentucky, w*a
t«>*trd at fl*« Indian Itoad proving
ground« Tuesday.
For t«*»Hrig j ur
two eight-inch rtolls, one a Car-
pe ter prt»J«M*lile an I the other »
Wi«^hr sterlir.g. were fire-1 at the
pialr, •-!>•» at a I»’/»; *• I tto otL« r at a
low vel*»’ity. Neither penetrate! not
Oracfced th* plate, but both partially
we led tbatnselves into it
Nt ord c«nm*» of a wre« m on the Sanls
Fee near NN tlíiatn». Am . in which
t r«e in«■ i» 1««* i thdr hv«» and m«i h
Afte» the fir»t MiX’tton «>f fr* ight train
No» -*N3 had putta! *«nt of WilHt am* the
air that controls (to btiikes gave out
and th« train *!a»be 1 «town th« strep
ahuiit 10 mile» weal wa» »rach«* I (bo
train left the track. Two ergine» were
cMupl«"d to me train. Whir h wa» a very
I«« »try «»tie.
Engin terra Newton and
Wat M«ni uri'! Fii«man B*» try were pin-
nw-l nn«t«r their rr»p*
lvaet their liv«e, it i
burns»I to death.
Tt*e celebration in
marlyr<*>! miaaionary,
man. wa* tagtin in W
Mumisy. targe croi
The «qwnlng a-Id
hy Rev. L. H Hallo« k-
Is to to elected over the
W iiitman
senator Lodge, of tha tMimmiltr* on
foreign reisti<4is. *• as al the »I m !« de
piriment early in the we-efc. He WOlild
• at nothing *L»ul the Cuban siluat ion
«v- «-pl that t | the
|»e corn
m t! t»*e La ! Alcorn
-■»t deal.
The first businras
• grrat
W«»nM to fa confirm the afinrxa!i«>ti of
iii, which
waul I to dune by rati­
the treaty,
treaty or l«y b*g>*lath«n.
fying lb«
»«bjeef let • Hl»« ri al •■*
lag Uaijr.
Wathlrjt..n l><- • —T1-» *»-rrUry
nt th. trracury
ilvci.iwi tb.t th—
gut—rntuent pa*v l»>nnt»
on rnw ami rrffor.1 »ugjr. ei|»rte>i
from that .-ountry. an<l henea, under
the new tariff art. all M gars from tbs
»til •»lag
Matra ara aal.jrct to a lisrr immatlng
'Inty equal to Iba eX|«>rt bounty paid
The euu-l rate of !)>>• MNltt
•luij ha» not Vet lei n lefl dtrly
talr.e>l, l>at il I» aahl that it * i
pr.illorate 4H ceni» |«-r l'»J P’"1
raw sugar an i a alight
kl«a figure, rot refin.-.l.
It ia kru.wn that the r»- NCretary has
aleo r-otue to the ci.u. inerii m that the
llelgran governine nt |wve i sn ri
l««unty on Stig.•r. ami a <ta r«*« 1*» Ibi»
rff«*« t may 1»*» «ripe« ted in a slvort Dine
The additi* mal duties wil 1 apply
from St’ptrmla 22 Iasi.
The am i«» nt of raw so star iinnerial
from the Nethter lauds «fining U«« Let
year was ov«*r
?a, o'
which a!*»ut 98,/»OO.OoO w
Nu. I ft D itch *iAi»*iar*l.
• >lg4t
im|M»rts from Belgium dur
I asi
1 Î3 .000, <XH)
{«»und*, of whi.h noarly 19 i 000 0uC>
w a» below No. I ft.
( otoaular
*(*»«• « larh
In lîraign.
ft. — Sertrta* V
Stof man La» <*1« mm *Ì ito cmmmp <»f Emli
Clark, cuiisvilar
it at Pt ora, Peru
li al tef*t ion «M»m«
which altra*toi
months Ag«», Ly
r»g für thè resigua-
HOB uf Clark,
il 22 la*t, Clark
quarterw u****,! Le
was ouste*! from
low I a» in« Cnitrd State» <-*«r»*i)ia
ufBcw, , and abuve a* a re- L n*'r.
Was state»! that the ’«»m» dat*» L«i («esn
tack«*!, the h««u»e plundered, and In
dtgnity put U|*m tbi* g«
thrmigfi lt» rcpfeacfttativ*
The i
«Irpari ment pn*nty
culled on
i»e sat
Clark far purtinuJan A I
wmibi furnish.
The F«*fuviali mil
nnern. , put a diffcrv»nl ph *•« «u
mattwr. hy submi(lir>g v »iatrmcui
C lark wa » in arrvar» lo a <*» *id»
•mounl on reni L»r th* building;
only (he lower j*»rti«»n w «• iim -,
cumular purj«**« ••«. «Ili» «.h he
place*! ih«* Vn>t<*>! Mairi» c «» a ! <«f
un all ih* doari» uf the boti*«,
usmg th«? American rmbl<*tn f«»r
bl© purj*••*'». Th* «**»ur<s had gì
regni*r «le* r»*<* agaiitsl (dark, i • a*
stai*"!, <!ir«Htiiig Inni tu vacai « th"
premi»«*« f«»r n<«h-|Miv mt»nt ut reni ani
in pursuance uf tbi» d* i**v h«’ • a»
M*cr*tary Sh«rnian waited unti re-
cwntly fot Mr. Clark-» stateti.«nt, an
a» thi»
h<»t furnifttod. after five
ti«<»nths, ths werrtary dirwttsd OU’
» mister at Lima. Mr. 1 >•» Bey, tu veil
<»n < isrk far hi» re»lgn.»tmn. Ufd«*« the
pr<M»fs uf tre alh*g«*d »acking wrr
haii- I
Mr. Dr ♦lley has rlidcntl1 not
re<viv«r*«| (I h * prtwifs. f« r I hj L mm imi
tlis »tate «irpartinent ih»! li* im» «alle*
• •t> Clark fi»r hia re-ignalton.
Aspli) station rau*r»i the »h ath of
thmen in th« Gran«! Trunk railway
tunnel at Port Huron, Mioh-
train which wo ton-.g hsutal through
to (lie ( analiari side, broke in two.
Waterloo, la., D*♦» — Wil h*rn
Th« engine Larked down to get lit« «!«*»
Kern, umler arrest tor th«» miur«l*i*r of
laiiicd portion of the train, but for
his father. J«rrutne Kern, baa n>4 Hr a
liuur» h‘*lhw g «.» L»-ir I ul the * »« a
conf«-Mt<<un tn which he imphr ates his
Finally « aear> iiiug ¡»arty fmrnd the
sw erthrar t.
1 » /-
dead i«<»1i<w. »nJ ata»*** urd two brake-
father Oppi> «”! hi* malti*;«’ to t hr
m«*n, in an iiii<*ona<'ioiis cufiJitton.
woman, and Kern »t^tr» t fiat »he
Three members of tt
pioti«*! kill) ng l*«lh hl« par«* ntM, and
wrre ata» uvrr«<»me, but
■«'fU f*»Sk*UUt|
prevailed op«»n him to at tritn pt the
by Mother parly.
The turned
< »frying out of her ptol. th at ihry
Ari»«« fn»m the hard Ooal u«cd by the
ru ght acquire p*a»*« «** ”n «»! tlu* hiniily's
lac* »mull vrs.
farm and live there tugetber.
Colonel Dutnville,
, who went
Jerome wm » lured by th« sun into the
north in the interett
ft» the girl
wooda, an I there
sh«»t him.
Yukon Stewart Cum
The des! man*» ■ lutt»ir»4 a.«» then »al-
»«vs hit aumpAhv w
urst««! with oil and »el on fir«*.
r*»ad through White j
K«-rn * a* • *r«d I’ •» hit
bri<lg«a uter the can
Work i* to
by «let«-«'iivr-. w|io ‘ ¡»anted i in in the
oommenco irnmcdiah
and th« rrM 1
guie* of « gh«et «>! his father.
H<* al»»
is to to ready by February, Th« » Wil
cxMkfr'O>*ed that the murder of h.»
buihl •tcameis I«» run fr«»rn Lake Brn»
mother was tu taw tocti accumphshr-d
nett i«» NN iiit« Horae rapt !•, ar»«ini<i
•I s later dat<
which they will have a tramw .
* th«’ < r I of thlattawuiav ti
w ill I
1 h•«. «.•! li«*«»rr-. < rime
have »t«'amrrs tu run «lirect t«» D.*M»on.
Milford Del. D
'*.«!».»/• B :
Those steamers, he says, w»l! to ready e*ta*k, a charcoal burner, Attempted to
When th* river upt'h*.
I br W
1|>- ls‘**»!y !*•! toght.
H »«id tu
through Whit« pi-» is to Io; fulhiWed l‘!» wife
“I have ju»| 1 -’arnrd h<vw to ii*e the
immediately by a railway.
One <»f 11*<* bills that will to pushed kind of a *w««td th«* <‘uluns
in the Coming <M*»»i<«n <>f oungtesj* is I want all **( you to »land up
The mdlher and four children arewe
that intr«»duc**d by Repre«*«ntativc Kha-
froth, of (olurado, width |*r*»ri*lce f««r and Bhlerlxa k ti«'d their hands with a
changing the lime wh«*n eongrea* shall rope, whu‘h be fastened to the laftris.
from an a pun
m«*ct. It is a very settable
bill, and «_
Dbtaihing a «urir-kuife
ought tn to |<as*e«L The first aeasloii ing ruutn, be comm«*n <*l cutting hi*
of congrr«M alter an el«» turn w<»ul*i be family, inflicting •»« tn«' dr« adful w«»un<|»
in the January f<»||t>wihg tbs election Before to could complete hi* v*urk. bis
in Novctntof
Thia session ■ > ild last son cam* in. Bidrrt a* k **•;»• d a mus­
1 ?.c villa.-r»
as tong a* would to necessary. The ket a«»«l «l«»af•|M,Are«l
The ««»ndlin-n
congreas el«*cte«| in N<«v«»n*tor could threat«-li to lynch him.
legi»lat« to tore another etatiun wa* on of Mt*, liiderba« k and tto rhlhhrn is
hand« The at*c*»fi<! »e*»H*>n could meet serious.
in Ita'etntor previous In the c*»miug
congressional election, *n«l I he congress
would expire before the electinn took
place. As the matter n««w »tands the
first session of eangre«M i* given over to
|M»litir» by repreaeiitativea who wl»h to
he re-elected. The short session ia
<»h«n a discredited and defeated con*
gre«» and oftenttmee enaeta very bad
legislation brraoae it will nut to <*alled
t«> aomnnt tofnre the |«r*»pl«*. Poe*
sibly, Mr. s|lMfruth*s btll will get »
hearing, though such reforms as tbit
m««ve very slowly.
Emperor William opened the asmion
of the German n*mhatag in r*eraon fur
the first line since IBS4. The cerw-
m««ny took place In While hall, in the
roval castle.
II>• majrstv read tbs
speech from the throne.
The Meant**r Kan B1»» has arrived in
Kan Francisco from I’ansma and way
Kb* brii g* the news that the
Kilt u!«>r c»4ff«*e crop for this *ear«»n
will to utie thlr*! la .« r than ever to-
for«», and will «Io mu h toward makii g
tip the I omi occasioned bv the revulu
The tondon papers atoert that China
!»•• practically agree*! to cede England
a strip *»f territory near Hung Kung,
an«l all the surrounding islands in ar­
tier to enable England to fuitify them
•eriiFoly and to taerraae the garrison,
K « retary Gage is quoted a* spying
that in the annual estimate he w««ul*l
«■•nd to *'••!. gree* he wun|«| name about
$Jo,O*o mvi, ami n«»t stave
0 >0. as the amount <»f th«« treasury «te­
ll •
■ r fi il
arm nj g June 30,
ifiX. The a»*.-retary aai<l be expected
th re •
t • f r»»\u cua »tns to in« r«aae
•i*i lv, and in the * »Ing m<’L|!»» he
¡p.v»i quite large i inpur tat ion*.
In S'<ra*i«lrlr < IrtgtniaH
Toronto, l>--
»• —- Ren
Bates, rector <*f th«» Angle an chur* h at
Thornhill« was arraign«”! in the |*dicv
court on a charge of having "shop
lifte«! ” two «loBeu lead I m * nr ils, four
tawika, a hairbrush and a quantity uf
•tatiunery from stores, The «'h rgN man
wore a hmg cloak arid the police allege
that he was caught ar reting artn lea
which he had nut bought under thia
garment, Mr. Batea is a graduate f«om
( arubri<lgr and one of the must I
• riy men in tbo church.
His friends
state that he has N*en «•» vti-
tric fur aiiht* years, and if guilty he
committed the a* t in a fit «d menial
Spaniard« Discredit It in the
Absente of Proofs.
« lara th* ix»f*««r»»4 *<•>«*» <»f F»«*
I «»I
I m
New York«
6 — A Herald die-
pal* h from Havana ears. A report
that Genera) Pando, whu was place«l in
«barge of military operations m Colas
by Grn«*ral lllaticu, l ai been Eilied in
an engagement with insurgent* in
Santa Clara province, baa just rea« he*I
Havana. This has cause«I the utmost
•1- itemmt in pal* e and aortal circles,
and e*< r effort is b*ing mad«* logfl
news iron* General Pandu’a force to
verify the startling news.
No detail* uf the killing <»f th* com
mandvr have lanen received, but th'
statement is that be was shot in a ta^
11 with insurgent* while on tto march
m Kagua la Grande t<> the southern
okast <»f Hants Clara where be wm * t<>
take a ship for ManSAnilla.
< »ffi.-vr* at the |«ala «• «!«» larethst th*
story most I* thoroughly confirmed be-
f«»re they will tolieve it
General Pau lo** plan wa* to march
right lhr«»«igh the heart <*f the territory
w: «re iicneral Gome»’ forces ate »aid
to tare coniml. Mmuhane*»'jsly with
th« report of Par.«!«»’» death *'»»tn*w new*
of a tattle near Matariaa« in which the
>l«anisT) («irce» were driven fr«»m the
field. Tbi* engagement was bitterly
f ¿Lt, mi . I «1 )• AMortled that the
I»«*** of the Mpaniartis •»• very heavy.
The same rej«*>rl »ays the (’titan»
will not allow any cane grinding, and
m ! m » that the Kpnntsh town» do not fa
v»»r grinding, to au»e they hul«l the
tSmc« *«f cultivation and grow tohaccM
w iih rhtwp later. which they would
lose if the renoncent rado« return t<
work on the «-«lates.
A letter rr< «‘iVr»| by « local |»a|x*r
from a correspondent in the East gives
nc w • (d b g fighting last week near
Bayatno between the reltel Chief Rabi
General Rabi
.«nd General Linares
had only *»<K) men when General Lin*
area hiui two column*.
No details of
th«» fight are at hand, but the Spanish
j- «mid tn have been heavy, one col­
umn l»eiDg nearly destroyed.
A toe«« of 1,000 Spauiards, with ar­
tillery, have tore«- ! the rebels into the
bill!« uf Puutr <!«•! Rio.
They must re­
main there or come out and fight, a
thing the Spanish commanders think
they are m*t likely to do. small bandi»
are »«ill moving stout with great cau­
Report* of the oomRtion and muve-
menta of rrlx ls in th«* oast are m<*st
It is said that Gome/ is
coming '*<*1 with 40,000 men. but it is
al»** Raid that GtimrX is »till at the
fiiiip wh«*re b« ha* b«*en for the last 10
ha* and ia betag attandad i » Di
Candea. «taff surg«H»t».
**««>« 11 !«•• s In »»an Dumlii|<>
Havana, lire, ft.-—The d«*p!orablt
-«ui'iition of the country grows m »r
MU'I inure apparent.
Refuges*«* ami re
con « nint h»« are growing more ami
mon» miserable
According to reports
from s4h iX uilngu i«mall|M»x is making
terrible ravage* aiming theconoantra*lus,
“Hi «• April List moi«* than 4.000 have
.lied in th«» city alone, to say nothing
of the suburban towns, which are like*
wise rtff«* tod.
Th* l<»ca! authorities take no stops i
whatever t<> check the mortality,
street* of the city are thronged with
faimn«« stri< ken wretch«**, who succumb
to di*eMM* umler |M*rhapM some lonely
!«urch. ami sometimes fall dead in the
gutter, when» they remain.
«I • • Mu«*u.
Milwaukee, Ih-c. 2.—-The war in |» sm
«' ger rat«w between Chicago, Milwau
k* •- ate! Kt. Paul is likely to continue,
and railrtwl men look fur the liveliest
kind uf cutting in rates further we»1
owing to the big rush to the Klondike
A wrll-kn«»wn railroad man said lodat
that since the rate dropped tuf7, re«luc-
tlons in far«-» will likely result mm far
we«t as Portland. The nominal rate ia
.»nd-cl u-aontheSt. Paul road,
and I $ »H. 70 fi ratei c-w.
With |7 from
Chi* •. «go tu St. Paul aa a basi«, the fare
will pro! My U» changed to $17 » mmt »nd-
class • <m! $ -7 first-« la»« Hr added that
this was mun i» m pichmni.iry for the
establishment of an entirely new achcii
uh* of rates to the West January !,
which will !* mm h lower.
All th*
r«*u Is are preparing to niak«* S|«^cial
rat»*« tu the points n«*ar«*«l the Klondike
reghm, ami »a- h road ia after all there
ia III it.
O m II swb W ers Fruatrsts«!.
St. I joiiis , ,M«i., lh»c. ft.—A *|»erial
to the INmi D:»|*at< ti from Kan Antuni«»,
T« x , aava*. “Adviow were receive*!
here thia morning uf an attempt t<» b«>ld
up an«! rob a passenger tram on the
Mexican National railroa«! near Mun-
tef«-y, Mexico, by nine ma«*k«-xl and
well-arm«**! Mexicans. The passengers
ma le restMance, ami the outlaws were
■nauo«*t***tel. They are tomg pur*u«*<d
by soldier*, and if captured will to
kill»«! Mrr Hable«.
Mrwvs t slnw a«l4l«r Rwewtvs« Own by
H»s«aM*M»»«4ntlna •t Fsrwinr *•••.
Washington, Dec. 8.—*’Tha ••erw-
tary uf war baa granted a me!*! of
honor to a F* I era I soldier on lb* affi­
davit of a <<»ntolerate,” said <‘harl«*a I.
E vans, of Triqas. Ia*< mghi. “and It
is probably the ft rat instance on recon I
<»f tins kind.
“The foleral «»Idler who revived the
medal was Ttounas I Higgins, m>w of
Hannibal. Mo During th* war ba was
<ru!ur baarer of t)»** N met » -ninth Illinois
regiment, and was bolding that pom-
tkm at the siege of Vicksburg.
In th*
»«•«ult <>n May 29. 1**3. the Ninety-
ninth IIlino;* wm * ordered to charge
ami m*t to l«**»k Iwk.
I W m a m«'tul«<*r
of th* Src»»nd Tria« regiment. an»l we
confronted th« charging iBinolsana
We repots«*«! the llhnuur regiment, a
•hurt di*la?u.w from tl>* breastwork*,
ami sent It hack in ronliisnm.
“Higgine, however, was literally
otoyiitg lite orders.
II«' never l«M>k«xi
ba* k
He never noticed the retreat of
liia regt ment, but came bounding for-
wan! with hl* colors flying a* }«r«*ttily
a » a «Lildier ever »»».
W’hen within 40
yard» of our works word waa passed
abmg the line not to shoot the brave
iN»l«lirr, and all firing evasrd.
"Whrii Htggin* ••« hl» predicament
he star to! to retreat with his colors,
but we told him to c»tns «»n of we
would *l»*»»l him
Several m«n ran
out and brought him within the breast­
W*e kept him several day a.
during which time we learned to like
and admire
lie was
Brief Review «f ths Wssb
Saism ha* at last a chamber <»f com
merew organ tied and in working order.
German School* In Prague
Attacked by Rioter».
•T Ih» I'll j
I m
1 wm T h »«« a «t*4 *•!•
4i»r< \nw
The government lmpr*»vsm« nl Work
at B*n ion ha* *t«.»pp«sd. tto appropria
tiuu having I «sen fully ex|wm!r*i.
«>»• »<»••.
A n F «rllln( y.
Th«* Columbia arrived in from San
Prague, Buli«mte. Dec. ft. — This
nÌM>ut 4 o’« lock.
She was aftrrnuon a mob attacked the German
ov«»rtnkrn by a «lenae f*»g when nearing •ciioolc The infantry fired four vid-
was obliged to come to ley*.
the city, and
One report say* 25 |**rM>iii were
The anchor chain broke, un
kiltal and acore» were w«ninde«l
toknown to the officers, and when th«’ city is in a panic an I many are fleeing.
breakage ww discovered the steamer Nearly 3,000 reinfur« ementa left Vi­
was Marte «•.I slowly ahead, th»» officers enna fur this city tonigl i
I •♦•during the **r wa* {»ointad up
atn-a-i>. She cra«h«H| into the union
fishermen’» cannery, detnoliabing 20
f«*r*t of th«» warehum**» and dumping be­ I ■
' ■ 1 h t n th- < »> ■ • a K I'll,. |n
tween 7t>0 and 1,000 **«»«•» of salmon
to a IlotiI»««r«1
into the river, entailing n Io»»* u|»*»n
C’hicrtgo, Due 8.—Twenty miles of
the cannery *»f a tout $5,000 *»n goods
«Io ks on th«’ Ink* front nnd th»» trans
i ! I r I mhi I $300 **n th** building.
formation of thu<'bieag<» river into a
Ml«*Htner via» not damaged at all.
bnuh»vnrd hv coveting H with a cuh«*rt
abv ha«l IwM-n under full *|•*<•«! she
from end to end is what Ch.trlcs T.
f • <
14 -1
• iinnrrv 11ke a knife through a piece of
Tit* atreet*« ar magnate appeared lx*-
fore the < ity « pencil todai and v igorou«
ly <»p)M*f<-l the Drnpoaed deepening uf
‘ l»rbatr .»»« % niir t.Tflon.
New Haven, <N»nn., Dec. 3. — Inter- the river and th« lowering uf lbw tun­
Hr urged that the city should
national interest is felt in the Yule* nel «
Harvard «lebate which will take place grant th«» lami front it owns brta«-rn
here Friday evening. The question is, Randolph street and Park row to a Cor­
“Resolve«!, that Hawaii should I m « an* poration with ♦50.00Ü,t>00 casti
nei«<d t<» the I’mted Statva.“ Many nuii<l •<» dtx'kw «‘ach a mile lung, which
revart l<>
Hawaiians an«! Japarmsv will La- pres­ at the end
ent, including the ittta« hes of the two the city at
l«*gations at Washington.
••BuiM them of sums,’* aai«
The selection of th«* ufllrmativ«* side
“ari*l Chicago will have the
by Harvard is regard««! as a neat bit of
dorkff in th«* world, not excepting
diploma- v. The president of the Yale
at Liverpool.“
Union Debating *•«»•i«'ty is Hiram Big
Mr Yerkes frankly declare*! it to I h »
ham, jr., of Hawaii, and he was natur-
his opinion that money ap* nt to beauti­
tllv anXi ’os to have Yah* allow»**! the
fy the lake front is merely thrown
.1 iinclati<»n argum«»nt.
Harvard, h«»w*
If hi* lake front harbor plan
ewr, wanted that side herself, and
wm * carried out. he soggeatrd that the
(«need Yah- to a< t on the defensive.
river to covered with culverts and ma«!e
into a boulevard, extending from the
*«»«»*1 ft»r star«lag < ubane.
mouth to the end* of th«* North and
New York, De»*. 3 —President Me* South branches, making, the speaker
Kinley is considering the I »eat mathod said, the most magnifb ent toulcvard in
• *f placing brf«>re the charitable <*iti&*ns the world.
of the I’nited States an app- al for food
tu reheve d««stitution in Cuba
cording to the VN ashmgt >n eorrespomi*
ent of the World the Spanish minister The **•<! Fate of • < hl!4 >sar North
1 ah l««ta.
has iuf«’rmallv Cfiivejasl th«» infunili*-
tton tu ifii« government that any con­
North Yakima, Wash., Dae. ft. —Th*
tribution* whi'h will tie made will I m » home <»f Mate Kenator Leah, a few
In view of this it is ri
mil**« from this city, was totally «le-
prated that Within a f«-w dais Consul- slroyrd by ftre |»«t night.
Mr Ix»*h*a
General Lee will tie authorì*MÌ to take 1
-year ol«l child waa burned to death.
« harge of the supplies d«mat«s! by citl- The ehild'a nurse had a very narrow
Srr»s of the (.’filled States The m limn* esrape.
Th* ftr* original*! in an air­
rstrathin hopes a g« n« r*l relief move­ tight ato^r in th* nurerry.
Mr. !> «h’w
ment will tje start«*»! m this country
w ife dir.! 15 months Ago In giving birth
In su h an event slrjis will t>e taken tu !•» twin girl*. Ot.C of whom died thire
havw the inppliN a»ituilte»l without the mutitha Mg«», the other to mg the vic­
payment of duty.
tim of last night’s Are.
The remain*
An old-fAsii>4«ne»i freight train ar­
nv*l in loaawiew from ths south test
It cunsietml »»f 10 wagons and
39 horara.
Th* ontranew to (<»«•* bay harbor 1«
marked by a new whittling buoy—
plat »! thers by the lighthouse tender
Manaanita last week.
During th* rchvnl heavy «torni« th«
oyster hr* I a al U illapa harter
harbor wirr<
buried lu drifting sands until at least
half the crop will be lu«l.
The Bak«»«-C anyon Telephone Cum
|«*i»y now ho* the lung distance lm<
lM*twern B *«vr <*iiy an I the errant
county town in work mg order.
Lyons* br«w»mhan«Hc
Coua county. *hipi»e*i iO.iX’U of its to»Ml
prudurl I*» San Fr 4H«'I•* *» last a a
portion of the cunsignmsnt wilt
forwar*le*l to Aust« a I a
C’aptam Berry, the ag«'*l ligblhouse
keeper at Fort Angeles, «in*I in ths
sister«’ baftpital al F«»rt Towusund
Sunday. H«» haa t'«*eii k*«*|»<*r of th«
light at Angele* for the ;«u*t i0 i «*4* a
Ths farmers who supply the Coqui I*
m*amrry worivod
cents » p»«i »4
fur butter fat, •!«• liverr«l during <k
tor. Two thousand iultov* was
tribute*! am««i<g those who *uppli*p«i
A Fulk county farmer ha* been el­
¡K*rim«'tttmg with totouc«* cuhute. an«!
has torn •«» su. v* ■**tol that « »g »«s uia«!«’
with tubaCM'u gr»«wn by him are said tu
to as g'*>) as th** average < igar smoked
in Oregon.
Il is sal I that the next g*an I jury in
I'urry county «ill nut me* l until >< |
Unutor neat.
H litis is the « aw , it is
apt to to a l«»ng time !«*•!• »rr if»« Van
Felts will Inn* l*» answer tto «barge *»f
killing A < **didg*»
A drove of atout 126 nice i irn young
muie«. which had toen totig .t in Imkr
I'uunty, were »•• urrd at the !••*
pro* of fl*»
r I «*ad.
They wiil •
taken to Huuiingt«-■■* ami then »htpp •!
lu the Eastern market.
Joe Si ver, who i* making a tour <>?
th«» I. nitc«l Mat«-» from New N « » an
return *m a was fined fl
Harrisburg for riding >»n the »■ lewalk
He w a« allow «»»I to gu «»n «xmdiiion ul
his leaving the city at «»n*e
The checks for the secund dividend
declare«! by the cont oiler uf th« < cur*
rency in favor of the cieditors of 1 to­
Dall«*» Nat>«»nal torik bav« l>ren re
oeived by R**««-ivrr Wilson, amt are
read/ tor «Irhvery tu the uwne *.
The Albany iron w«.u ks 1» a w*y busy
th«*»«» day*.
»hippo«! out 10 (on* uf luauhinciy to-»t
Friday, including a «¡uarti mill manu*
fa« •luted f-U
Il Hi
li i.l t< '*
mid machinery fur the stMt«* pumping
station al Salem
One hundred ».n*l forty -four tole» of
l»«»p», aggti’^’At ng ov-nf .'..'J ‘
twlonging t«» five grower» tn the vi ni»y
of Lam'd, w*»te sold M oti< lay tor 13
cent« p’r pi»un«L Tuesday 4i I«*!«■•
g <»v«r H, »00 pounds, w ar*
w-ld to J. M
K'»<«t*ll A < *i , f»»r II
ceil Is io*r found.
The grain acrengtv in Jackson
lutug tear will tu ail likuii
f«»r the
hood supra*» in extent any yea» in the
history of K«*gtie river valley, a > I if
conditions prove fa tut a Me, the g*e«t**«t
numtor of buciirl* uf g»Miti in tin» ht»
lory <»f the county will to liarv<<s*r.| in
Thia, aava the Tiding», is th**
opinion of wall-informe*I
During the lael few months a t'r«« k
oonnty firm h*» purcha» d Ifi.Oi
of sheep, an«! are now handling atout
99,000 head. They ar«» all n 1 their
winter range, and «* h fi
ts w tthin
convenient «list an
•tacks of
hay, more than «ufhcient to carry ib m
through the hardest winter
sheep are all report*?*! to be in floc cuti*
dltien an«! thriving.
Mr and Mr
E T A*l***rt
their tMHh 1 »•llir.g anniversary in
Salem M <»n< in
They were marr e I
al W heeling. VV.
Va , in !*»3
W. Va.»
I‘•37 7
Albert ia *Q years old, and Mrs Al «*rt
A reception was het-| at their
h<»me ami a large numlx’r <»f fr end*
paid re«p*G ta to the ¥♦• »-ruble rt-up e
The gUrSla included aecrii children, be
• id**« gramlchildrm and gr< at gran I*
The controversy between two quarrel«
some members «»f the Vernonia church
was submtlied lu a jury, or committee,
of church members,
One of the ment«
tent waa expelled,
The other wav can-
su re* I and reduced from full mem tier«
idi’p to ail month« probation-
It waa
ruled by the committee that no one in
the Nehalem valley ia ent 11 tai to
»burri» membership unir«« he I* imbued
with love and righteousness.
of the little one were rerovured tolay,
and the funeral will t«e held Saturday.
Havana, l>*c. 8.
■ The inenrg>-ni
M’nator la*»h started home toljo from
generals. Rabi and
Salvador Kir«, Washington, where he has been fur s«-v-
pillage«! the village of Guisa, about 16 era! week* lu consultation with Gar«l-
The Eastern Oregon Hheep A»*«<ia
miles fri un Ba* amo.
Thrir artillvry ner Hubbard, president of the M«»xee tinti of linker City offer« a reward of
«|«*»trov«a»l «everal blorkbousrs, killing Company, for which Lt*eh ia local • I ,000 fur information that will lead
the military «^»mmander and one lieu* msnag«*r.
tu the arrest and cun vic Dun of any por*
The garrison, after having
The dwelling burn*l was the pn»|»erty •on or perenna found guilty • f wilfully
h «si Û0 sitldiera, killed an« I w«»unded, of the M«»iee Cotapany, and cost 111.- injuring the sheep nr property of any
The insurgents
plun- 000.
And a fur­
The content« w«-rw insured fur member of the a«-«», i«u«»n.
d«*red th«* stores, •«-« urmg rich booty. 4 NoO m two. • nipan *••
it • ne
y ther reward of $ J »0 for Inform «in n
iw<> months, supplì« «, a g«»»! quantity fur Sl.OH) expire«) a few days ago.
that will lead to the arreat and cun vie-
<<f ammunition and 900 riff«*«. The
tion of any |a*raun ur per»»m» gulity uf
llorarle»« carriage« have been intro- robbing ahrep « 4tn|a the priqterly uf
Spanish hare sent rrinf««nvments tu
duced In the lira department of Parla the m* -nlH-ra of the A**<>«'iMll<»n.
retake the town.
rill«g**t by < ub«uS.
% tte'«i|»fe4 % •• «aaiitalinn «*f (* aavsra torwwwe*.
Meaara. Rioe, Flint A (Jo. have
Margate, England, Dec. U.-—A rolan* •truck a vein in their Black Repub­
leer lifeGiet raaited thia morning <>ff lican tunnel, in Mi* bar! oreek mining
Nay la*I rork. Of 14 men cumpriatng diatriol in Huuthrro (Oregon, allowing
her crew, 10 were drowned.
U hen
very prom is 1 g ore containing /«»Id and
th* accident occurred, the lifrliual
__ waa
__j r«»pj«*r.
No a*-.»ya from th * lowest
oil her W»T to th» nocaa nt the er»w ..— ),»• been
------- ma>le. _ Th* ....
of th» Servian Emplrv.
Lat»r in tl>» uv| j, ln 310 feet, and will 1«».I
day th» l’eralan En.pir» «*• taken in wmM
feet further to OHWciit thia
low for L»nd«»n.
The Carlisle City, and another parallel vein further in.
with which steamer the Persian Em­ Promising ledgos are !*• nig uncovered
pire bad been in collision, preceded on in the district.
A number of placers
her voyage.
are running light
The imined late necessity of a qi aran-
Annlhwr Flrrrw Gal».
Ta Itrrfgr« Ih» Whlwliy (»ul|tul.
Th» Mnlran Martl*r*»a.
Fierce storms again
tine station at the mouth of tbe(\>lurn*
tondun, (tor. ft — L
touisvill«, (toc 3. —At * meeting of
Baker«fteld, (’al., Dec. ft. — Because
Emillio Ram«« ref used to buy a drink th* Kentucky Distillers* Aw*«elation, bmk« nut dtwr the ooasta of England hi* river will to tha subject of a joint
for Y«atal Molina, an exd»nvict, to­ calta! to oonshler th* question of re­ last night, and th* srwn«s rw«urded dur- memorlsl »«>«n !«• to addressed t<» «>m-
day, the latter waite«j outside the striction of production f<»r a term of ing the early j«art of ths week are rw- iTV’** by tha Portland arid Attori*
Heavy hail, anew and rain Ctamtors of Commer«*.
The matter
salu*»n, and when Kamo« appenrwd« she three years, a plan was map|»*d out in earring
Tl.a ! waa taken up by the Portland chainl>er
shut him dead and fied. * A larg«* order tu k»**p d*»wn the output to 16,- storms ac«'utnpanied th* gales
|M»aae has teen »ear« hmg for th* tour- 1 (XX) oM to tO.txxt.OOO gallon» yearly. Dover and Calais channel awrvicw ia with K«-pr« *• ntative» Tongue and Eilia
ttevaral v*a- bef«»re they left fur Washington, an«!
The .Mexican population of In ««me year» the prarfartMQ haa bveu temporarily susi«end«*d.
seis ar* rwpurtsd to have teen wre« krd talk promised to iw «very effort te
this city is greatly excited, and many over tO.OOO.uOO gallon».
on Gu(»Jwin aand».
A numter of van- »♦ nr* an appropriation tor th 1» purp««»*»
Mexicans ar* joining in the search fur
A number of conimÍMÍon»ra have eel* wers wre*-krd off th* Norfolk roast. With th* in rra**d traffic of the port,
been «ent out by Hpaniati offl.-era to and th* fury <»f tha storm on tha Knot- * slat in ha» !*• •(«* in«<i»pen»ablo, and
The Coliseum at Rome waa twit by
The faateat river in th« world ia the confer with th» Invurgerita, but have iah aoatioard was unexampled.
moons will bo negleeti
V«**pasiau to accommodate lOO.OUO 'utlei, in Brtti.h India, with a deecrnt not rotarned.
It I» fearwt they bava •nuwa have fallen in arieral parts of L«’» • l*arly and forcibly before cun-
spectator a
b»»u itillad.
of 11,000 feet In lt*O lull“«
F rants.
Butte. Mont., 1>*
fi —- 1 he Ixwly of
llerbrrt W Kherman. of Butte, wm
found in the snow just below Ina -abia
over the range in M.thaun county to­
ile waa interest«**! in ruining
Haims, and left November IP to go to
them. ~
Nothing be g beard of him,
•ran h waa institutel and ha wa* ton nd
near hia cabin, He «vidcnily got L»»t
in a blinding
w snow norm. , and. to um*
exhausted, laid d«»wn and frute.
ths Stats.
Prague. Rohem a, !>*»* 4 — A panela*
mat ion establish mg martial law was
made in all ¡«arts of tbs city Ate) «lib-
urtw today
totachmrnta of soldiers,
toaded bv an «iflh'er am! a |«»li<'*i com­
missioner, mar »bed from
After tatoo on the drums tbs
ci *m m isa I«»rwr r»»l aloud ths imperial
decree «»rdrrii g a military government
By evening order bad t’een restored,
which has nut been broken since.
Through* ul tto early in«>rnmg anarchy
reign«*!. The window ainaahing and
looting was vartol with r«>n»tAnt fight«
tot wren the rioters and lrou|< and po­
ll r
The slo ps of the prin«*i|>al Ger*
man Jeweler» w»re plunder<**1
rioter* drank their fill m German wine
cellars and thru let the content* of lbs
catkrta run out.
Incendiary fii*** were started in many
dire«'tiuna. am! the fire brigade was
kept galloping from one « nd of the city
to the <*ther for hours
When the flrnuen arrive«! at the
x'rne of a fir»*, the mob w«>nld drive
“I was one of the men who witnessed them Lack.
In some <aare the rioters wrr« krd the
the hero:«' dee»l, an*! ma le an affidavit
During the »lay sj«e-
to that effect
Several of my c**m- railroad engine«
carrying re
panion* who t«»memtore»l Higgm» ar»»l rial train* were employed
There are
hi» « Large a to» made affidavit*
On Inforcements to the sens,
the««» th« ••** ♦rtary of War gran to I him now 10,000 a*»idlers here, fully equip*
a medal. Higgins cuul I have I »ecu p.l fur a long asipA gn
offL' al return* b»r tf.«* 24 h« .rw pre
von* be»! for l«y m«-mtors of bi* regi­
reding »how that four ¡»ersun* were
ment. but the novelty uf recomiuen<!a-
t Ion by |>ia former f««**s led to the adup- kille«I and 160 dangerously w<»un«lr<t.
Three hundred and fifty to'eived leaser
lion of the opjMKitc courte.**
Twenty sh«q» were burned
out. The authorities ar* nut confident
<»f the conlinuan«w of order, the appe­
tite of the mob having lw*en whrttol bv
I he **l<«ii>«r < xluttibla < ungili In « F ng
auc<w*»ful plundering which has been
at AstwFia.
direct*««I in a systematic way by tin
Home Jew«
Astoria, Or., !>• . 3—In the f««g leaders <»f secret stw’ietiee
savt*d their premises by placing cruci­
early tin* meriting the big O. R. A N
steamer t’olunibia ran into the union fix«*« between light«*»! can«!Ira in their
•bop a induwa.
fisher men ’s «annvry, doing const tors
bl«* damage.
IjonJon, thro. 8.—A dispatch to the
Philadelphia, IX”. 8.—Anna Nig*
gb* the young wife of N. Niggle, a pic­ Timra from Monteviedo says that an
ture frame dealer, living al 738 Jackson attempt waa ma le there yraterday to
Fatr^alsiag Hom« la*«, ry.
street, tonight kille«) her two babies, stat» Honor Joao t'ueelaa, president ad
W*a»hingt<m, D**x ft. — A policy of one ng«»d 3 years, an«! one age«! t! interim of Uruguay.
It was unsu<x*eea«
using, wherever puMible, American months, by »mothering them with illu­ ful, the bystanders Warding off the
made guols in tto aupplie of the )>«»«• minating gas. The woman attempt«»«! would-l»e a«*»-«in. The man was form*
'«I *«rrvi<'e ia announced in a letter ad- to oommitt siilchle in the aame man- erly a member of th* Moniesnl**u po­
dr♦-’■•«• I t«»day by Firat A* Maul P« i»t tier, and the returning htialxod foun<! lice for<*e.
News t»f th«* outrage spread
maater*G«»neral H alb to M. Lewis mi - his children «lea«I au<! Ina wife in an rapidly and eauaed great «'l«'ilement,
per intendant of the division uf poatoffta un«*«»nsciuus condition,
>he may re­ but the city ia under martial law, and
th *re has levo no outbreak.
Ind in • M'lUloia llliatartl.
File* Its Special Report
With Secretary Long.
NN II I i <ix| UUH I Fol K Mil I |(»NS
'V A»l*ingt«*n, Ito**. 3.—The lM«ar*| ap*
I* tinted by an liority *•( «»»ugrviw» t«» a»-
certain the e*W l uf ait armar piate piatii
made its r*»|a**ri lliruUifh 4 '»•mm»*l««r*
Howard U >< rvtary Long tuday.
rv|a»rl mak«*« i volutniiHiui «l'M'ttmeiit,
treating every letali *»f the |*r*u'«*M «>f
armor making, and the cosi uf Iho
plant, an«! lit* product.
It i» al»*» ac-
c*»m|*anied by vlatorate plana far a
plant.which have been mad«; by Ei|«*»rt
Frit*. 2*tie c*»*t *»f a plant » uilable f«»r
making naval armor at the rate uf
atout ft.000 t«»ns j»rr annum, wliich ia
fully equal to tlie <’Mparity of talli thè
existing private plants, ia »»t dow n as
at>*»ui. $3.750,000
N«> r» <• "inmend »1 ■ ui
1» m*le a* to th«* L> stion «»( the piani,
but the boat»! ha» a t umulale*! mv: Ji
information a« to the merit» of many
•ligibl« l«**AtHm*. «bici» may to ha I by
o mgfvfw.
Kucrvtary tong will now pro*•«■*'»I im-
m«' l:ately to tak«» the iielt step n« •
”ary to carry util th«' wn»h> -« «»f <
namely, invite pro|*»«al» by a»lver?i«M**
meni f<«r building such a plant *• tbit
• Iraignat«*! f«*r the Um* (»1 the g> v. ?»•
It wm » the intention
the ••*-
retary to withhold th« report fr«»m <>m*
grms until h« ninni Id h« able tu in.
elude thia information in it. but he n »*
decided to •end in the re|*»rt a* sooti
am emigres* AFscml»l«*a an»l. meanwhile,
put out the advertisement»» and notify
'<uhgrr*«ts of the restili later.
It ia ox-
¡wHdeJ that emigres* will to adv i « h e»I al*»
of the utters ma le by tooth the mating
armur-making concern* tu m»lh ju t I«» the
government, and ato* *»f other larg«« m
terrst* to turn over plaids which while
not all lik«* the a|A*viflcati«u»* of the
latar«!. will |M«rmit «>f alterations int«»
rff«M»tiv«* plant*.
All of tbi* data, it it
«•aid, will to very valuable f««r c*»n-
»1«leratn»n of the arnuir qu«**tiun, Lui
the re|M»rt of the board, which may to
♦trriigthened by an iudursvmefd from
Secretary tong, will make it quite
evident that the government cannut un •
drrlak «* to in a k«* its own armor at lb«*
• *«l name»! as th** limit of pri »* to b«»
I*aid to private firm» in the last naval
4ppr«»prlation bill.
The armor to tory la*ard '♦>n»i«Us«d
(oiniuolorr H«»w«t||, (’>*’ tain M«C«»r-
(uh k. Civil Engine* r Endicott, Chief
Engine» r Perry And Luuitenant L • t h-
Summing up the practicability,
n*C' **iUes a I vant ag«M and dt-aha«
tagr* of th«» pr<»|«o*«'*l f »• t«»ry, Il • »' *•
•’First— An armor factory rinupri««»
«'•aentially a culto ti«»h uf Sfw« fur-
tsaoes heavy maidiiti«» i««*»)s and ap Ph-
m net*« that are n«>t r».*.-d«d in any other
clasa of work, and chi«* «»f hitor ■>»«••
ctally skilh-d in ths 1» ^m< *•>*.
g-»v«”n’l.eiit .»ffti T Li-•
lury nut cunmn’ie«! with an »••tal»lu«!«
menl engaged in other !>r.«t;> h*<w of the
Steel Industry W »uld depend for Its *11«**
ceraa and
*»n<«mn' admifilatraliut» hi «» ii
a *H>n»tant «Icm m l f«»r an «»utpul ii«*arlv
appnaii'hing it» full rapacity
If the governtueiit should
e«tAh|iah an armor factory, the »dti :« i.t
and ectmomi«' maint«*iian«*v of winking
of that factory wuiiblof nerssity <le(a»nd
tq«un con»t.*nt yearly appropriation» f.»r
•hips to to provided with arm or; h I m «»
to aux» the armor prtslucvd nt any tin*«*
must to a|«s-tally designed for amt fitted
to these ships
Any failure to appro­
priate for th«-*»»* *h>ps in any one y» ar
w«>uhl require the c*’«*«ati<»n of work and
the laying off i n-Irhu itoly of t h«» » k 11 h» I
rX|«rrt* an<l laborer* that had been
trained to the industry.
A resumption
of work at a later tun«* would require
the training, at a «‘on»id«»rabl* rX|M»nsr,
of a new »el of m«»n
in tn«» m«*nn-
timr. the progress of (he art would pur-
haps have l«ren am h that diff! ult and
changes Would t»e r«»quir«s|
continuous working,
might have U-en gradually and easiiv
ma le *•
N«»t Mark«d by Sny <'er»M«unlea
• 1»r«m«• < nt.ft
li» lh«
WMliintfton, lhw>. 3.—Jti.lioe Field*»
: r»tir»m»iil from tfio «upretn« oourt
b»neh, of which hr g.ivr o RI cia I notice
IO U.a plr.i.lrut la.t April, look place
; today.
There ».» no formality att.-ud-
ant U|«>n it. Tinr jualicn wa. not pre­
ant In th» oourtroom, and aa hr ha« not
sat witii th» court any day »im r the
opening ul th» twriu, tlio pr>» •■<■<!1
<lnl not differ in any reapert from or­
dinary day «.
It had been *tip|KMr.l that th» g.-n-
rrai tranafrr of M.ata nt ama» Jua-
titrea, which alway, orvura wlim a
arnlor aaaooiata retire», would tat»
place, but »ven till« formality waa |*i»t-
poned until Monday neat.
Jiuttco Harlan, who now IwKnmea
the »enmr a»ao<'ialo juvlicr, will i h*ri|(«
hl» »rat from the left to th» right .lee
of the clilef juatlce, takliitf tlie »r,ll
vacated by Mr. Fiald. and JuwtKe Gray
will la-come Chief Juntirw Fuller'»
nei^htarr on the left. All the other
justice» will iiiov« up on» chair tn-arer
th» chief.
if Juatlce Field'» term had continue.I
until neit Tooaday, he would hat» had
41 year»’ continuona aerviee.
the law he will draw full .alary until
hi. death.
< •»•lint
Victoria, B
I».... 3.—Th« W..I
Van. omwr < <>al < <>ni)uiny, in winch il.
tialiiil.ty aivl ntlirr San Frati. i» <>
capitalista ar» intcrctol, ia about In
develop ita «nal tuinea al III» ruoto en.|
«f Van outer ialand, and r. rubini, a
coaling »Ultori for Ala«ka «tramara.
Lattar 4 arri»..' re, for Overtime.
ï*-w York, Dec. 8 —A <liepati-h front
W arhingtrm eaj»: Arnertn in P.ret, a
letter .arryr of Halt I-ake fity. recent,
le »ne.! the gœernnient un..«r the
e>ght boar law for oeertime, an i > !..
cl.ion waa ramlere,! )n fMT„, „f
The government ai>|»-al»l to the Vnite<|
N«ate» supreme court.
The hrgiieet
court baa affirmed the finding
aulì of Fuel and the d. oision <>f the au-
preme court open» tire way for the
bringing of »ulta to coll.-.-t < Uim» of a
•imilar character aggregating a veiy
large tarn.