The Saniiain News hClO NEWS OF THF OREGON r ■» tv « a 1 Ji A terrible railroad a«'-■idem ha* *<*• rurrvd in Warsaw IN hile a passenger tram was »tatiunary at the terminus a beavy freight train ran into it. owing to th* error of a pointsman Fdrv«n p«r»ons were kill«*! and 22 others were seriously injur«*! The re^'eipts <>f th»’ r«s»* in* *o far th>» ft* al year m»d«»ubtedly w II fall cw»n«)derably »bort uf e«lima!«M made bv the managers of the new tariff bill «lurli g it» |wrdrncy in «*»o gr«*»« At that time It waa «'«timat**d that tto customs Would yield stout $i*0.(bu0,* O«> ' «luring th«« first year. The :u in* lion« are now aai l to to that the re­ ceipt« from ths* a*»ufwi will nut aggr*” gal« m«»ro than $1*6 0C0,000. A plate uf arm »r. representing a lot « f 600 torn* fur the turrets of the battle- •hi)»« K«ar«a«g« and Kentucky, w*a t«>*trd at fl*« Indian Itoad proving ground« Tuesday. For t«*»Hrig j ur two eight-inch rtolls, one a Car- pe ter prt»J«M*lile an I the other » Wi«^hr sterlir.g. were fire-1 at the pialr, •-!>•» at a I»’/»; *• I tto otL« r at a low vel*»’ity. Neither penetrate! not Oracfced th* plate, but both partially we led tbatnselves into it Nt ord c«nm*» of a wre« m on the Sanls Fee near NN tlíiatn». Am . in which t r«e in«■ i» 1««* i thdr hv«» and m«i h wav valuable pr»»|er!y dtotioysd. Afte» the fir»t MiX’tton «>f fr* ight train No» -*N3 had putta! *«nt of WilHt am* the air that controls (to btiikes gave out and th« train *!a»be 1 «town th« strep ahuiit 10 mile» weal wa» »rach«* I (bo train left the track. Two ergine» were cMupl«"d to me train. Whir h wa» a very I«« »try «»tie. Engin terra Newton and Wat M«ni uri'! Fii«man B*» try were pin- nw-l nn«t«r their rr»p* lvaet their liv«e, it i burns»I to death. Tt*e celebration in marlyr<*>! miaaionary, man. wa* tagtin in W Mumisy. targe croi Alice. The «qwnlng a-Id hy Rev. L. H Hallo« k- Is to to elected over the W iiitman senator Lodge, of tha tMimmiltr* on foreign reisti<4is. *• as al the »I m !« de piriment early in the we-efc. He WOlild • at nothing *L»ul the Cuban siluat ion «v- «-pl that t | the comm |»e corn m t! t»*e La ! Alcorn -■»t deal. The first businras • grrat W«»nM to fa confirm the afinrxa!i«>ti of Hawaii, iii, which wn waul I to dune by rati­ the treaty, treaty or l«y b*g>*lath«n. fying lb« OCCISION BY OAQl »«bjeef let • Hl»« ri al •■* lag Uaijr. OwtrA Wathlrjt..n l><- • —T1-» *»-rrUry nt th. trracury ilvci.iwi tb.t th— gut—rntuent pa*v l»>nnt» on rnw ami rrffor.1 »ugjr. ei|»rte>i from that .-ountry. anrt bounty paid * The euu-l rate of !)>>• MNltt < I'M rwr- •luij ha» not Vet lei n lefl dtrly talr.e>l, l>at il I» aahl that it * i •P on pr.illorate 4H ceni» |«-r l'»J P’"1 raw sugar an i a alight tin kl«a figure, rot refin.-.l. It ia kru.wn that the r»- NCretary has aleo r-otue to the ci.u. inerii m that the llelgran governine nt |wve i sn ri l««unty on Stig.•r. ami a lg4t im|M»rts from Belgium dur I asi year *ggr«gAtr*i over 1 Î3 .000, w a» below No. I ft. THE ( otoaular CASE *(*»«• « larh CLOSED Clare !*•<*• In lîraign. Washington. TW ft. — Sertrta* V Stof man La» <*1« mm *Ì ito cmmmp <»f Emli Clark, cuiisvilar it at Pt ora, Peru li al tef*t ion «M»m« which altra*toi months Ag«», Ly r»g für thè resigua- HOB uf Clark, il 22 la*t, Clark quarterw u****,! Le was ouste*! from low I a» in« Cnitrd State» <-*«r»*i)ia ufBcw, , and abuve a* a re- L n*'r. L Was state»! that the ’«»m» dat*» L«i («esn tack«*!, the h««u»e plundered, and In dtgnity put U|*m tbi* g« thrmigfi lt» rcpfeacfttativ* The i «Irpari ment pn*nty culled on i»e sat Clark far purtinuJan A I wmibi furnish. The F«*fuviali mil nnern. , put a diffcrv»nl ph *•« «u mattwr. hy submi(lir>g v »iatrmcui C lark wa » in arrvar» lo a <*» *id» •mounl on reni L»r th* building; only (he lower j*»rti«»n w «• iim -, cumular purj«**« ••«. «Ili» «.h he place*! ih«* Vn>t<*>! Mairi» c «» a ! <«f un all ih* doari» uf the boti*«, usmg th«? American rmbl<*tn f«»r bl© purj*••*'». Th* «**»ur•» Bey, tu veil <»n < isrk far hi» re»lgn.»tmn. Ufd«*« the pr Clark fi»r hia re-ignalton. Aspli) station rau*r»i the »h ath of GHOST MAUL HIM CONFESS thmen in th« Gran«! Trunk railway tunnel at Port Huron, Mioh- The train which wo ton-.g hsutal through to (lie ( analiari side, broke in two. Waterloo, la., D*♦» — Wil h*rn Th« engine Larked down to get lit« «!«*» Kern, umler arrest tor th«» miur«l*i*r of laiiicd portion of the train, but for his father. J«rrutne Kern, baa n>4 Hr a liuur» h‘*lhw g «.» L»-ir I ul the * »« a conf«-Mt< iiiug ¡»arty fmrnd the sw erthrar t. iL’hlsh 1 » /- K«rrn*s dead i«<»1i «”! hi* malti*;«’ to t hr m«*n, in an iiii<*ona<'ioiis cufiJitton. woman, and Kern »t^tr» t fiat »he Three members of tt pioti«*! kill) ng l*«lh hl« par«* ntM, and wrre ata» uvrr«<»me, but ■«'fU f*»Sk*UUt| prevailed op«»n him to at tritn pt the by Mother parly. The turned < »frying out of her ptol. th at ihry Ari»«« fn»m the hard Ooal u«cd by the ru ght acquire p*a»*« «** ”n «»! tlu* hiniily's lac* »mull vrs. farm and live there tugetber. Colonel Dutnville, , who went Jerome wm » lured by th« sun into the north in the interett ft» the girl wooda, an I there sh«»t him. Yukon Stewart Cum The des! man*» ■ lutt»ir»4 a.«» then »al- »«vs hit aumpAhv w urst««! with oil and »el on fir«*. r*»ad through White j K«-rn * a* • *r«d I’ •» hit ufcttiup bri! his father. H<* al»» is to to ready by February, Th« » Wil cxMkfr'O>*ed that the murder of h.» buihl •tcameis I«» run fr«»rn Lake Brn» mother was tu taw tocti accumphshr-d nett i«» NN iiit« Horae rapt !•, ar»«ini- ls‘**»!y !*•! toght. H »«id tu through Whit« pi-» is to Io; fulhiWed l‘!» wife “I have ju»| 1 -’arnrd hf oungtesj* is I want all **( you to »land up The mdlher and four children arewe that intr«»duc**d by Repre«*«ntativc Kha- froth, of (olurado, width |*r*»ri*lce f««r and Bhlerlxa k ti«'d their hands with a changing the lime wh«*n eongrea* shall rope, whu‘h be fastened to the laftris. from an a pun m«*ct. It is a very settable bill, and «_ Dbtaihing a «urir-kuife < sc-ni ought tn to |wihg tbs election Before to could complete hi* v*urk. bis in Novctntof Thia session ■ > ild last son cam* in. Bidrrt a* k **•;»• d a mus­ 1 ?.c villa.-r» as tong a* would to necessary. The ket a«»«l «l«»af•|M,Are«l The ««»ndlin-n congreas el«*cte«| in N<«v«»n*tor could threat«-li to lynch him. legi»lat« to tore another etatiun wa* on of Mt*, liiderba« k and tto rhlhhrn is hand« The at*c*»fin could meet serious. in Ita'etntor previous In the c*»miug congressional election, *n«l I he congress would expire before the electinn took place. As the matter n««w »tands the first session of eangre«M i* given over to |M»litir» by repreaeiitativea who wl»h to he re-elected. The short session ia <»h«n a discredited and defeated con* gre«» and oftenttmee enaeta very bad legislation brraoae it will nut to <*alled t«> aomnnt tofnre the |«r*»pl«*. Poe* sibly, Mr. s|lMfruth*s btll will get » hearing, though such reforms as tbit m««ve very slowly. Emperor William opened the asmion of the German n*mhatag in r*eraon fur the first line since IBS4. The cerw- m««ny took place In While hall, in the roval castle. II>• majrstv read tbs speech from the throne. The Meant**r Kan B1»» has arrived in Kan Francisco from I’ansma and way ports. Kb* brii g* the news that the Kilt u!«>r c»4ff«*e crop for this *ear«»n will to utie thlr*! la .« r than ever to- for«», and will «Io mu h toward makii g tip the I omi occasioned bv the revulu lion. The tondon papers atoert that China !»•• practically agree*! to cede England a strip *»f territory near Hung Kung, an«l all the surrounding islands in ar­ tier to enable England to fuitify them •eriiFoly and to taerraae the garrison, K « retary Gage is quoted a* spying that in the annual estimate he w««ul*l «■•nd to *'••!. gree* he wun|«| name about $Jo,O*o mvi, ami n«»t stave ’>«•»).- 0 >0. as the amount <»f th«« treasury «te­ ll • ■ r fi il arm nj g June 30, ifiX. The a»*.-retary aai-- »• —- Ren William Bates, rector <*f th«» Angle an chur* h at Thornhill« was arraign«”! in the |*dicv court on a charge of having "shop lifte«! ” two «loBeu lead I m * nr ils, four tawika, a hairbrush and a quantity uf •tatiunery from stores, The «'h rgN man wore a hmg cloak arid the police allege that he was caught ar reting artn lea which he had nut bought under thia garment, Mr. Batea is a graduate f«om ( arubri«*» <»f F»«* *•*« I «»I Flgbl *Mnaii|M»« I m New York« 6 — A Herald die- pal* h from Havana ears. A report that Genera) Pando, whu was place«l in «barge of military operations m Colas by Grn«*ral lllaticu, l ai been Eilied in an engagement with insurgent* in Santa Clara province, baa just rea« he*I Havana. This has cause«I the utmost •1- itemmt in pal* e and aortal circles, and e*< r effort is b*ing mad«* logfl news iron* General Pandu’a force to verify the startling news. No detail* uf the killing <»f th* com mandvr have lanen received, but th' statement is that be was shot in a ta^ 11 with insurgent* while on tto march m Kagua la Grande t<> the southern okast <»f Hants Clara where be wm * t<> take a ship for ManSAnilla. < »ffi.-vr* at the |«ala «• «!«» larethst th* story most I* thoroughly confirmed be- f«»re they will tolieve it General Pau lo** plan wa* to march right lhr«»«igh the heart <*f the territory w: «re iicneral Gome»’ forces ate »aid to tare coniml. Mmuhane*»'jsly with th« report of Par.«!«»’» death *'»»tn*w new* of a tattle near Matariaa« in which the >l«anisT) («irce» were driven fr«»m the field. Tbi* engagement was bitterly f ¿Lt, mi . I «1 )• AMortled that the I»«*** of the Mpaniartis •»• very heavy. The same rej«*>rl »ays the (’titan» will not allow any cane grinding, and m ! m » that the Kpnntsh town» do not fa v»»r grinding, to au»e they hul«l the tSmc« *«f cultivation and grow tohaccM w iih rhtwp later. which they would lose if the renoncent rado« return t< work on the «-«lates. A letter rr< «‘iVr»| by « local |»a|x*r from a correspondent in the East gives nc w • (d b g fighting last week near Bayatno between the reltel Chief Rabi General Rabi .«nd General Linares had only *»« 11 !«•• s In »»an Dumlii|<> Havana, lire, ft.-—The d«*p!orablt -«ui'iition of the country grows m »r MU'I inure apparent. Refuges*«* ami re con « nint h»« are growing more ami mon» miserable According to reports from s4h iX uilngu i«mall|M»x is making terrible ravage* aiming theconoantra*lus, “Hi «• April List moi«* than 4.000 have .lied in th«» city alone, to say nothing of the suburban towns, which are like* wise rtff«* tod. Th* l<»ca! authorities take no stops i whatever t<> check the mortality, I street* of the city are thronged with faimn«« stri< ken wretch«**, who succumb i to di*eMM* umler |M*rhapM some lonely !«urch. ami sometimes fall dead in the gutter, when» they remain. DUE till TO THE KLONDIKE War In rassc-nger llataa RUSH to Ar «I • • Mu«*u. Milwaukee, Ih-c. 2.—-The war in |» sm «' ger rat«w between Chicago, Milwau k* •- ate! Kt. Paul is likely to continue, and railrtwl men look fur the liveliest kind uf cutting in rates further we»1 owing to the big rush to the Klondike A wrll-kn«»wn railroad man said lodat that since the rate dropped tuf7, re«luc- tlons in far«-» will likely result mm far we«t as Portland. The nominal rate ia .»nd-cl u-aontheSt. Paul road, and I $ »H. 70 fi ratei c-w. With |7 from Chi* •. «go tu St. Paul aa a basi«, the fare will pro! My U» changed to $17 » mmt »nd- class • ld up an«! rob a passenger tram on the Mexican National railroa«! near Mun- tef«-y, Mexico, by nine ma«*k«-xl and well-arm«**! Mexicans. The passengers ma le restMance, ami the outlaws were ■nauo«*t***tel. They are tomg pur*u«*w of Hannibal. Mo During th* war ba was n May 29. 1**3. the Ninety- ninth IIlino;* wm * ordered to charge ami m*t to l«**»k Iwk. I W m a m«'tul«<*r of th* Src»»nd Tria« regiment. an»l we confronted th« charging iBinolsana We repots«*«! the llhnuur regiment, a •hurt di*la?u.w from tl>* breastwork*, ami sent It hack in ronliisnm. “Higgine, however, was literally otoyiitg lite orders. II«' never l«M>k«xi ba* k He never noticed the retreat of liia regt ment, but came bounding for- wan! with hl* colors flying a* }«r«*ttily a » a «Lildier ever »»». W’hen within 40 yard» of our works word waa passed abmg the line not to shoot the brave iN»l«lirr, and all firing evasrd. "Whrii Htggin* ••« hl» predicament he star to! to retreat with his colors, but we told him to c»tns «»n of we would *l»*»»l him Several m«n ran out and brought him within the breast­ work.». W*e kept him several day a. during which time we learned to like and admire him. lie was th«*n pamtoL STATI Brief Review «f ths Wssb NEWS Saism ha* at last a chamber <»f com merew organ tied and in working order. German School* In Prague Attacked by Rioter». tWEXTY-FIVS PERSONS lwre«*4lary Fire* •T Ih» I'll j *i»r«»4 I m All Farte 1 wm T h »«« a «t*4 *•!• 4i»r< \nw mm The government lmpr*»vsm« nl Work at B*n ion ha* *t«.»pp«sd. tto appropria tiuu having I «sen fully ex|wm!r*i. MI.I.Eb «>»• »<»••. A n F «rllln( y. Th«* Columbia arrived in from San Prague, Buli«mte. Dec. ft. — This Fmnci«H nÌM>ut 4 o’« lock. She was aftrrnuon a mob attacked the German ov«»rtnkrn by a «lenae f*»g when nearing •ciioolc The infantry fired four vid- was obliged to come to ley*. the city, and I One report say* 25 |**rM>iii were The anchor chain broke, un anchor, kiltal and acore» were w«ninde«l The toknown to the officers, and when th«’ city is in a panic an I many are fleeing. breakage ww discovered the steamer Nearly 3,000 reinfur« ementa left Vi­ was Marte «•.I slowly ahead, th»» officers enna fur this city tonigl i I •♦•during the **r wa* {»ointad up atn-a-i>. She cra«h«H| into the union CHARLE? YERKES’ SCHEME fishermen’» cannery, detnoliabing 20 f«*r*t of th«» warehum**» and dumping be­ I ■ ' ■ 1 h t n th- < »> ■ • a K I'll,. |n tween 7t>0 and 1,000 **«»«•» of salmon to a IlotiI»««r«1 into the river, entailing n Io»»* u|»*»n C’hicrtgo, Due 8.—Twenty miles of the cannery *»f a tout $5,000 *»n goods «Io ks on th«’ Ink* front nnd th»» trans i ! I r I mhi I $300 **n th** building. The formation of thu<'bieag<» river into a Ml«*Htner via» not damaged at all. if bnuh»vnrd hv coveting H with a cuh«*rt abv ha«l IwM-n under full *|•*<•«! she from end to end is what Ch.trlcs T. N’ f • < 14 -1 • iinnrrv 11ke a knife through a piece of Tit* atreet*« ar magnate appeared lx*- cheese. fore the < ity « pencil todai and v igorou« ly <»p)M*f<-l the Drnpoaed deepening uf ‘ l»rbatr .»»« % niir t.Tflon. New Haven, 00 casti nei« Hawaiians an«! Japarmsv will La- pres­ at the end coualruc- ent, including the ittta« hes of the two the city at timi. l«*gations at Washington. ••BuiM them of sums,’* aai« The selection of th«* ufllrmativ«* side “ari*l Chicago will have the by Harvard is regard««! as a neat bit of dorkff in th«* world, not excepting diploma- v. The president of the Yale at Liverpool.“ Union Debating *•«»•i«'ty is Hiram Big Mr Yerkes frankly declare*! it to I h » ham, jr., of Hawaii, and he was natur- his opinion that money ap* nt to beauti­ tllv anXi ’os to have Yah* allow»**! the fy the lake front is merely thrown .1 iinclati<»n argum«»nt. Harvard, h«»w* away. If hi* lake front harbor plan ewr, wanted that side herself, and wm * carried out. he soggeatrd that the («need Yah- to a< t on the defensive. river to covered with culverts and ma«!e into a boulevard, extending from the *«»«»*1 ft»r star«lag < ubane. mouth to the end* of th«* North and New York, De»*. 3 —President Me* South branches, making, the speaker Kinley is considering the I »eat mathod said, the most magnifb ent toulcvard in • *f placing brf«>re the charitable <*iti&*ns the world. of the I’nited States an app- al for food BURNED TO DLATH tu reheve d««stitution in Cuba Ac­ cording to the VN ashmgt >n eorrespomi* ent of the World the Spanish minister The **•sar North 1 ah l««ta. has iuf«’rmallv Cfiivejasl th«» infunili*- tton tu ifii« government that any con­ North Yakima, Wash., Dae. ft. —Th* tribution* whi'h will tie made will I m » home <»f Mate Kenator Leah, a few welrom«*d. In view of this it is ri mil**« from this city, was totally «le- prated that Within a f«-w dais Consul- slroyrd by ftre |»«t night. Mr Ix»*h*a General Lee will tie authorì*MÌ to take 1 -year ol«l child waa burned to death. « harge of the supplies d«mat«s! by citl- The ehild'a nurse had a very narrow Srr»s of the (.’filled States The m limn* esrape. Th* ftr* original*! in an air­ rstrathin hopes a g« n« r*l relief move­ tight ato^r in th* nurerry. Mr. !> «h’w ment will tje start«*»! m this country w ife dir.! 15 months Ago In giving birth In su h an event slrjis will t>e taken tu !•» twin girl*. Ot.C of whom died thire havw the inppliN a»ituilte»l without the mutitha Mg«», the other to mg the vic­ payment of duty. tim of last night’s Are. The remain* An old-fAsii>4«ne»i freight train ar­ nv*l in loaawiew from ths south test week It cunsietml »»f 10 wagons and 39 horara. Th* ontranew to (<»«•* bay harbor 1« marked by a new whittling buoy— plat »! thers by the lighthouse tender Manaanita last week. During th* rchvnl heavy «torni« th« oyster hr* I a al U illapa harter harbor wirr< buried lu drifting sands until at least half the crop will be lu«l. The Bak«»«-C anyon Telephone Cum |«*i»y now ho* the lung distance lm< lM*twern B *«vr <*iiy an I the errant county town in work mg order. Lyons* br«w»mhan«Hc fwctorv, in Coua county. *hipi»e*i iO.iX’U of its to»Ml prudurl I*» San Fr 4H«'I•* *» last a a A portion of the cunsignmsnt wilt forwar*le*l to Aust« a I a C’aptam Berry, the ag«'*l ligblhouse keeper at Fort Angeles, «in*I in ths sister«’ baftpital al F«»rt Towusund Sunday. H«» haa t'«*eii k*«*|»<*r of th« light at Angele* for the ;«u*t i0 i «*4* a Ths farmers who supply the Coqui I* m*amrry worivod cents » p»«i »4 fur butter fat, •!«• liverr«l during ) as th** average < igar smoked in Oregon. Il is sal I that the next g*an I jury in I'urry county «ill nut me* l until >< | Unutor neat. H litis is the « aw , it is apt to to a l«»ng time !«*•!• »rr if»« Van Felts will Inn* l*» answer tto «barge *»f killing A < **didg*» A drove of atout 126 nice i irn young muie«. which had toen totig .t in Imkr I'uunty, were »•• urrd at the !••* »g» pro* of fl*» r I «*ad. They wiil • taken to Huuiingt«-■■* ami then »htpp •! lu the Eastern market. Joe Si ver, who i* making a tour <>? th«» I. nitc«l Mat«-» from New N « » an return *m a was fined fl Harrisburg for riding >»n the »■ lewalk He w a« allow «»»I to gu «»n «xmdiiion ul his leaving the city at «»n*e The checks for the secund dividend declare«! by the cont oiler uf th« < cur* rency in favor of the cieditors of 1 to­ Dall«*» Nat>«»nal torik bav« l>ren re oeived by R**««-ivrr Wilson, amt are read/ tor «Irhvery tu the uwne *. The Albany iron w«.u ks 1» a w*y busy place th«*»«» day*. Thu company »hippo«! out 10 (on* uf luauhinciy to-»t Friday, including a «¡uarti mill manu* fa« •luted f-U Il Hi li i.l t< '* mid machinery fur the stMt«* pumping station al Salem One hundred ».n*l forty -four tole» of l»«»p», aggti’^’At ng ov-nf .'..'J ‘ Is, twlonging t«» five grower» tn the vi ni»y of Lam'd, w*»te sold M oti< lay tor 13 cent« p’r pi»un«L Tuesday 4i I«*!«■• g <»v«r H, »00 pounds, w ar* w-ld to J. M K'»<«t*ll A < *i , f»»r II ceil Is io*r found. The grain acrengtv in Jackson inty lutug tear will tu ail likuii f«»r the hood supra*» in extent any yea» in the history of K«*gtie river valley, a > I if conditions prove fa tut a Me, the g*e«t**«t numtor of buciirl* uf g»Miti in tin» ht» lory <»f the county will to liarv<*c. 8. ■ The inenrg>-ni M’nator la*»h started home toljo from generals. Rabi and Salvador Kir«, Washington, where he has been fur s«-v- pillage«! the village of Guisa, about 16 era! week* lu consultation with Gar«l- The Eastern Oregon Hheep A»*« months, supplì« «, a g«»»! quantity fur Sl.OH) expire«) a few days ago. that will lead to the arreat and cun vie- <«'iMll<»n. retake the town. rill«g**t by < ub«uS. % tte'«i|»fe4 % •• «aaiitalinn «*f (* aavsra torwwwe*. Meaara. Rioe, Flint A (Jo. have Margate, England, Dec. U.-—A rolan* •truck a vein in their Black Repub­ leer lifeGiet raaited thia morning <>ff lican tunnel, in Mi* bar! oreek mining Nay la*I rork. Of 14 men cumpriatng diatriol in Huuthrro (Oregon, allowing her crew, 10 were drowned. P* ‘ U hen very prom is 1 g ore containing /«»Id and th* accident occurred, the lifrliual __ waa __j r«»pj«*r. No a*-.»ya from th * lowest oil her W»T to th» nocaa nt the er»w ..— ),»• been ............... ------- ma>le. _ Th* .... thin! tun- of th» Servian Emplrv. Lat»r in tl>» uv| j, ln 310 feet, and will 1«».I day th» l’eralan En.pir» «*• taken in wmM feet further to OHWciit thia low for L»nd«»n. The Carlisle City, and another parallel vein further in. with which steamer the Persian Em­ Promising ledgos are !*• nig uncovered pire bad been in collision, preceded on in the district. A number of placers her voyage. are running light The imined late necessity of a qi aran- Annlhwr Flrrrw Gal». Ta Itrrfgr« Ih» Whlwliy (»ul|tul. Th» Mnlran Martl*r*»a. Fierce storms again tine station at the mouth of tbe(\>lurn* tondun, (tor. ft — L w._ touisvill«, (toc 3. —At * meeting of Baker«fteld, (’al., Dec. ft. — Because Emillio Ram«« ref used to buy a drink th* Kentucky Distillers* Aw*«elation, bmk« nut dtwr the ooasta of England hi* river will to tha subject of a joint for Y«atal Molina, an exd»nvict, to­ calta! to oonshler th* question of re­ last night, and th* srwn«s rw«urded dur- memorlsl »«>«n !«• to addressed t<» «>m- day, the latter waite«j outside the striction of production f<»r a term of ing the early j«art of ths week are rw- iTV’** by tha Portland arid Attori* Heavy hail, anew and rain Ctamtors of Commer«*. The matter salu*»n, and when Kamo« appenrwd« she three years, a plan was map|»*d out in earring Tl.a ! waa taken up by the Portland chainl>er shut him dead and fied. * A larg«* order tu k»**p d*»wn the output to 16,- storms ac«'utnpanied th* gales |M»aae has teen »ear« hmg for th* tour- 1 (XX) oM to tO.txxt.OOO gallon» yearly. Dover and Calais channel awrvicw ia with K«-pr« *• ntative» Tongue and Eilia ttevaral v*a- bef«»re they left fur Washington, an«! JrrHoa. The .Mexican population of In ««me year» the prarfartMQ haa bveu temporarily susi«end«*d. seis ar* rwpurtsd to have teen wre« krd talk promised to iw «very effort te this city is greatly excited, and many over tO.OOO.uOO gallon». on Gu(»Jwin aand». A numter of van- »♦ nr* an appropriation tor th 1» purp««»*» Mexicans ar* joining in the search fur A number of conimÍMÍon»ra have eel* wers wre*-krd off th* Norfolk roast. With th* in rra**d traffic of the port, Molina. been «ent out by Hpaniati offl.-era to and th* fury <»f tha storm on tha Knot- * slat in ha» !*• •(«* in«* fi —- 1 he Ixwly of llerbrrt W Kherman. of Butte, wm found in the snow just below Ina -abia over the range in M.thaun county to­ dar. ile waa interest«**! in ruining Haims, and left November IP to go to them. ~ Nothing be g beard of him, •ran h waa institutel and ha wa* ton nd near hia cabin, He «vidcnily got L»»t in a blinding w snow norm. , and. to um* exhausted, laid d«»wn and frute. BOARD Thrwsgheut ths Stats. Prague. Rohem a, !>*»* 4 — A panela* mat ion establish mg martial law was made in all ¡«arts of tbs city Ate) «lib- urtw today totachmrnta of soldiers, toaded bv an «iflh'er am! a |«»li<'*i com­ missioner, mar »bed from |«oml to point. After tatoo on the drums tbs ci *m m isa I«»rwr r»»l aloud ths imperial decree «»rdrrii g a military government By evening order bad t’een restored, which has nut been broken since. Through* ul tto early in«>rnmg anarchy reign«*!. The window ainaahing and looting was vartol with r«>n»tAnt fight« tot wren the rioters and lrou|< and po­ ll r The slo ps of the prin«*i|>al Ger* man Jeweler» w»re plunder<**1 The rioter* drank their fill m German wine cellars and thru let the content* of lbs catkrta run out. Incendiary fii*** were started in many dire«'tiuna. am! the fire brigade was kept galloping from one « nd of the city to the <*ther for hours When the flrnuen arrive«! at the x'rne of a fir»*, the mob w«>nld drive “I was one of the men who witnessed them Lack. In some ia former f««**s led to the adup- kille«I and 160 dangerously w<»un«lr«r < xluttibla < ungili In « F ng auc• . 3—In the f««g leaders <»f secret stw’ietiee savt*d their premises by placing cruci­ early tin* meriting the big O. R. A N steamer t’olunibia ran into the union fix«*« between light«*»! can«!Ira in their •bop a induwa. fisher men ’s «annvry, doing const tors bl«* damage. IjonJon, thro. 8.—A dispatch to the Philadelphia, IX”. 8.—Anna Nig* gb* the young wife of N. Niggle, a pic­ Timra from Monteviedo says that an ture frame dealer, living al 738 Jackson attempt waa ma le there yraterday to Fatr^alsiag Hom« la*«, ry. street, tonight kille«) her two babies, stat» Honor Joao t'ueelaa, president ad W*a»hingt«»«• minating gas. The woman attempt«»«! would-l»e a«*»-«in. The man was form* '«I *«rrvi<'e ia announced in a letter ad- to oommitt siilchle in the aame man- erly a member of th* Moniesnl**u po­ dr♦-’■•«• I t«»day by Firat A* Maul P« i»t tier, and the returning htialxod founhe may re­ but the city ia under martial law, and •uppliee. th *re has levo no outbreak. cover. Ind in • M'lUloia llliatartl. OMOON UNDER MARTIAL LAW File* Its Special Report With Secretary Long. NN II I i < rvtary Long tuday. The rv|a»rl mak«*« i volutniiHiui «l'M'ttmeiit, treating every letali *»f the |*r*u'«*M «>f armor making, and the cosi uf Iho plant, an«! lit* product. ruduot. It i» al»*» ac- c*»m|*anied by vlatorate plana far a plant.which have been mad«; by Ei|«*»rt Frit*. 2*tie c*»*t *»f a plant » uilable f«»r making naval armor at the rate uf atout ft.000 t«»ns j»rr annum, wliich ia fully equal to tlie <’Mparity of talli thè existing private plants, ia »»t dow n as at>*»ui. $3.750,000 N«> r» <• "inmend »1 ■ ui 1» m*le a* to th«* L> stion «»( the piani, but the boat»! ha» a t umulale*! mv: Ji information a« to the merit» of many •ligibl« l«**AtHm*. «bici» may to ha I by o mgfvfw. Kucrvtary tong will now pro*•«■*'»I im- m«' l:ately to tak«» the iielt step n« • ”ary to carry util th«' wn»h> -« «»f < namely, invite pro|*»«al» by a»lver?i«M** meni f<«r building such a plant *• tbit • Iraignat«*! f«*r the Um* (»1 the g> v. ?»• meni. It wm » the intention the ••*- retary to withhold th« report fr«»m <>m* grms until h« ninni Id h« able tu in. elude thia information in it. but he n »* decided to •end in the re|*»rt a* sooti am emigres* AFscml»l«*a an»l. meanwhile, put out the advertisement»» and notify 'f alterations int«» rff«M»tiv«* plant*. All of tbi* data, it it «•aid, will to very valuable f««r c*»n- »1«leratn»n of the arnuir qu«**tiun, Lui the re|M»rt of the board, which may to ♦trriigthened by an iudursvmefd from Secretary tong, will make it quite evident that the government cannut un • drrlak «* to in a k«* its own armor at lb«* • *«l name»! as th** limit of pri »* to b«» I*aid to private firm» in the last naval 4ppr«»prlation bill. The armor to tory la*ard '♦>n»i«Us«d (oiniuolorr H«»w«t||, (’>*’ tain M«C«»r- (uh k. Civil Engine* r Endicott, Chief Engine» r Perry And Luuitenant L • t h- er. Summing up the practicability, n*C' **iUes a I vant ag«M and dt-aha« tagr* of th«» pr<»|«o*«'*l f »• t«»ry, Il • »' *• •’First— An armor factory rinupri««» «'•aentially a culto ti«»h uf Sfw« fur- tsaoes heavy maidiiti«» i««*»)s and ap Ph- m net*« that are n«>t r».*.-d«d in any other clasa of work, and chi«* «»f hitor ■>»«•• ctally skilh-d in ths 1» ^m< *•>*. •*?L*c<»nd g-»v«”n’l.eiit .»ffti T Li-• lury nut cunmn’ie«! with an »••tal»lu«!« menl engaged in other !>r.«t;> h*n»tant «Icm m l f«»r an «»utpul ii«*arlv appnaii'hing it» full rapacity “Third If the governtueiit should e«tAh|iah an armor factory, the »dti :« i.t and ectmomi«' maint«*iian«*v of winking of that factory wuiiblof nerssity ps in any one y» ar w«>uhl require the c*’«*«ati<»n of work and the laying off i n-Irhu itoly of t h«» » k 11 h» I rX|«rrt* an. 3.—Jti.lioe Field*» : r»tir»m»iil from tfio «upretn« oourt b»neh, of which hr g.ivr o RI cia I notice IO U.a plr.i.lrut la.t April, look place ; today. There ».» no formality att.-ud- ant U|«>n it. Tinr jualicn wa. not pre­ ant In th» oourtroom, and aa hr ha« not sat witii th» court any day »im r the opening ul th» twriu, tlio pr>» •■<■al < <>ni)uiny, in winch il. tialiiil.ty aivl ntlirr San Frati. i» <> capitalista ar» intcrctol, ia about In develop ita «nal tuinea al III» ruoto en.| «f Van outer ialand, and r. rubini, a coaling »Ultori for Ala«ka «tramara. Lattar 4 arri»..' re, for Overtime. ï*-w York, Dec. 8 —A ght boar law for oeertime, an i > !.. cl.ion waa ramlere,! )n fMT„, „f The government ai>|»-al»l to the Vnite<| N«ate» supreme court. The hrgiieet court baa affirmed the finding The aulì of Fuel and the d. oision <>f the au- preme court open» tire way for the bringing of »ulta to coll.-.-t < Uim» of a •imilar character aggregating a veiy large tarn.