Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, October 15, 1897, Image 6

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    t •
Sci» Weekly Press.
I m < »n>ir«i*«N|
< <*««lintetil«.
Edward Langtry, th* former bn»*
batei ot idly l-angtry, ha* **^n placed
In an insane asylum.
Ja|»an has nxm«*-l two delrgai«« to
attend tire internatli al real in g rotifer«
rm e al Wa»liingtu|>a D. C
At Dixoji, I a . th«' Jv*d ivsly of Rob­
ert Parks waa found tn his burning
It 1» believe*! he was murdered
fur hi» soney.
During a quarrel al their home tn
Ht. Louis, Gf*«»rgc P. Peffer, a st ebug-
raplrer, shut h
father •in aw, Robert
|’>r|.an*y. through the
;*„ brelw,
arid tiien
killed himself.
Kb! re
Broley. the
chib! of Mrs Cjhrorge B-
a: B»>tbrll. U ash . by «
nattonal train. The cl
severed from its body.
Th* I h»»»n l>aci!in committee Lx«
a<Vf*ode»l u* the government*» «r«»otentiau
tnat til Iren on the Unu>n Ps tfic i««ad
inr^odwt tire Omaha bridg*. and that it
has it>oreai»n| .ts « ash bid »0 as tn make
th entire <x>h<v»MH«m Approximately I’»,
0<H).t>00. This Would luakc its gu«ran
IV « ffvr fo? (Lte
p . |»j.i ¡>g «»..*
•inking fund, im « w in the treasury, about
• ,O uv«‘ «.Ot
The Uniic»i •itatrs «rirruit cotirt has
decided thal tap«»« a flour must !*•' tai»>l
a duly of 2 <»*i.ts j-r j- ’• f
!i«>* t r»
1 ? <•,
«i t i.i • ’ < :j »•
many hundreds of th< u*a < 1» of d liar«
j-er annum.
D. • !*»■ »r >• tree,J r : r«»«*»
exclusively tn all the < l«i*.« **«» ||«UI» Iriee
in the Unit«*! HI r I ini lasaure uf its
rh 'apne**, s* »1 »*-!•♦. «nd it I. a * I m v » j
lire m«w* I Hiiiplab!«* «»' » « I«» tu the
starch mahufai luring md-i»!ry in the
Unit«*! Slates.
The liimhttring ?*»wrn <»f Au «tin. Pa.,
was treatly wipe«I off tire map by fire
(inly five dwelling» romani
5<X) prraons are hreneira»
i n«* I i • L . •». • .it 'i
• u
Mmn the lx*.'•’ •v.tuin-r »• - «t »» ■
West, was totally -**-****-'7^1 !r 2;«»
It A .«
• -
. 'N
r*i iw 4V
F» i th«* m>«nth nf J*cp’«»iHh**r, (hr a *-
ten Ian • xt th* Ntshvtil* ri|»»*ition
w as
3,724, and the '.«»tai attriidanoe
Since the o|<0tiing up Oct«»lw»r I ain»*unl-
The emperor of Uh
all sorta oí ban«jU‘ t»
ca ubo an oc h pa«* will
ili us ry
88. 1888
An ec
of lb* tun iw <aid
by the Chinese
be j:r.! of th©
vr rath of heawn at th* i> U. k nf Virtue
In a ruler.
F.V«» eù c :r«*i th nun ■ti l aenw uf fin*
lami along the Biig I'll.ev, t. LttlgC,
Fontanelle • h - a kt
âti'l (irren liver.
«Ind. have tt « ntlj Lccu - -r*< }«*»!,
will !»e throw i; »»prn to *« tth n.-iil
under th** Unite»! Htatre land Is*» » afti r
Novends r 1 when plats <»f the land
will be
I m the local land office
The ! m« is ■••inp.’P mg nt tuet «-i. ¡je, all
in UiitiAh «“’inly. Wtuming.
A v«-►**! arrying Buppll*** of n « di
rin*. clothing, arms am! Ammunition
fur the UuLan army has ¡- fl M-mlreal
for < ’ul a
I ’o' * >> >• H as r l ,» >n nr
Ited l«y th«» C u I mu junta in New Y««rk.
but w as undertaken on Is half of two
gentlemen, one a < ’.v..vh.n.
wl • de
Tided on running mi
liti<»n to th*
ci>a»t uf Unl»a, and, if an« <*«*•(id. iden­
tifying li » !U*tdv«-* With (lie , cm -
Neal Duw, the great tetnpenino»' .» I-
VcM'At« . d • 1 At hl« h««me in l*««rt I iu«|,
It was th--
h bl- «fl . *• I L a ! mi
IHM4 ah Amendment to Hie vonsiitut .on
uf M a Hie W as adopted by A jM’pulsr v«»to
uf urKsrly tbri’«* Io one, in wi i« h it wa»
declare*! that the manufacture, «ale and
krwping t«»r sale <»( Inuixn atn g Lever­
ages was forever ft»rbi«Ll»-n. an»! <*»»11»
manding the l«'gi*latur»' to » h •• t *uit-
able laws for the enforcement of (he
4 hehallB •'«••(I V««»
< !• I <
Twenty Persons Burned to
Death in Manitoba.
iru'tdent to «remi • amp
life •
Mi<'l«aels tinti! ih«* tiV«-r o|<-n«»
The rvturnreg pas»« nge
g««ne n«»rtlf mi (he steamer» Eh»
«tersoti « <d Mrrwtr». The ir naa»
J. (g Bimum.
m of Murray Mal bo; Dr
51 h IgA II De Fn*sl, of New
Pr<»*i, of M
Y«*rk, K
aulenan. <»f <*hicagn; Ander*
Wll .f Chicago.; Kappaji*l. of Rious
HiB.n, of Han Franc is.«».
(Ni; I.. I
in«ì W II
hurvhtll, ot New York
iw» returning
agre«- Hi
Mirharla will
lac«» of reai'len»
l«*iBt*t> says the Ynk«»n
rtver was st«ll 1 efi to hAVigslion when
he left, but wa iter w xs so low that l»oats
ties draught outj LI not
»1 ut»r 1À
ta which •huw*'d at ¡«»»’a
cruna msny
m to* river’s vi»ur»«*. and
ular interv
go Up the tiVrf
s* a rewult A
ibis fall v
either (‘«plain
Fetefww d*
\\<a>l'» Itoats
Frank Wortto*»
( H
will br ablr lo go to iiawwou
w«<»u Uity
amhng th
tin? fa et
foro nell June, notwitstamling
that boto srere all rra«ly («* mak
attempi whrn thè *>ailor Bov left.
The Haifor Buy did not Mght c»r h«Ar
anvthing **f the sobooner Bryant, which
i*r*»k«* I«**«* from the lug Holyoke off
Kadiak >• is mi tn a severe storm. He)»-
temlwr 80.
There had !w*rn no news dire* t from
Ihi*ron City rre-v»v«*l a*. St.
»..« : ■ .t W < • ►
rrv > • i« I»« ivav :• g 40«!
no I«« «* «an |M«ssibly b<* brought by
river before next summer, a* i<e wa«
already forming hi the «Alt water at
the mouth of the riser, and the fresh
water mu*i «rrtainly h«v* been froaru
to a «xureolcrable tliirkne«* at that Ciaro,
**ln a month form now,” said he. ••I
d«> ijo « believe th«*«e will I*» 100 per« r»n»
at Ht Michael*, b » Dearly evcrvbrelv ib
preparing to <’ <*m<* tuM k
A great many
will rume down <»ti th* P« «tland
a majority left <*r* thi* on the at'hooner
Nowlty, winch «a* discharging cargo
at St
Michad* wh«vn we left, The
captain of tl»* Novel ty will bring down
all th«»««* baring stifll< lent monry to pay
their l«»Ard on th* tup, no fare living
This »• .i«»n«» rim pl v a * ati act
«»! «hanty am! in the interests of hu-
maiHiy .Many persun* nave nut money
si'flb lent to rveii juy for their Isuird <»»;
the e ho»ner and uuhwe they ran
their outfit fur cash, will !*• 1 forced
r» main at Hl. Michaels luring
.Mayor Wood, of Seattle, man Ager of
the Humboldt expedition, and D. K
H * fl
t? ..«■ of th
I L/ a
Andrison party, arc practDaily pn*on-
« «* tn th* Land* of their trat«* pA««*vn
Only th« pM-i.«eof the United
Htrttrei !»«»'<* utidrr Lieiitvnant •< Vdom-I
Randall is exiw-rtvd to avert wrium*
The feeling against Loth Wood and
How ard i* said to I** I utter in the el-
tretne. and th© miner© Lave appointed
reuun»itire* to guard Initb, ai «*! »«**• to it
that they «!«« not g« t
of their reach
Tboma* K. ( lark
lark, <»f Svattle, who wa»
a pA»»ehger *«n
»»n the Sailor
Boy, said:
“Ther 1« nuihame fur the W« hw !
party to gel any conenfovable «aistancr
although they had every-
up th
thing ready to mak»» the start Krptcni-
ber iv. 1 hr lay we left. Tin* m«»n r re
d««*guM*”d s ¡«1 d¡«di0i»Ht*m-d. They air
quite I .kriy t*> <!»» »’«mrtbing drejaFireie
before spring Without exception, liny
•rem to blamv Wood il tor all their mi»*
for lune«, ami it would not be fttirpri«if g
if hr wet r maio (he victim of their
I would nut b»» surprised to
hear of the «¡rath of Howard al the
The feeling
hands of the miner«.
©gainst him ia growing more hitler
every »lay f The pa-«rtigers uf (he Elias
Anderwon i paid their (area an«l freight tu
D«*A»>’h but the
th«- And»«r
An hi*«»n wa * »ban-
<L«ri*-«l at Dutch harbor, an«l the paswrn
g«-rs wvrv land<*«l al st Miehaels by lhe
»ehuutter Ba'anoff. with no prospect of
getting f'«th«-r this winter Then How­
ard Anh«*utrM»d that the ri|rt litiull was
a failiitv. and that he would not feed
them till tbey reache«l D h WWWI. A" hi*
contract d»man«le«l.
Hi* «le*«'la rat ion
cause*! great dl«*alisfac Hon. and hr will
|»v firrtunate if lie g«*t» out of there
The topic uf the day in l*.<■ • I ..<» I «* tl
the refusal uf M I a » x •. French «ml *»»•
dor al Vienna, to a-. ept the a|'|«uiul>
mrnt tendered him a* #»>• «-rnur Alg> ia.
on the giuiHi'l that be «|< m «• not dreire
lHr*l «*f lh* <*1«e«lter».
to Irate hi« Ak**'*! par«'h!s
H<* 1« larva
('Rehah*, Wsk»h
that he will remain in Vienna, but the
Jordan, the •****.«mi victim of the gland-
Marquis <rR«*v» rr.* * ,*
•> » iy t>«-(4
ere, <h**<! Chis morning at his rr«hlvncr,
appointed t*» replace him, and th«- cab­
after a brave fight of nearly a month
inet has dec id«*» I that lint appminmrnt
against the doM-aio*
Everything was
must stand.
L«a» th» »«!.. «», will
•lone by the physician in charg«». and
have to make an ign«»min><«u- retr»*al.
ti e A O. I M lolgr, <»f which he
The Orang« -Jud«l F»rm -r,
in its was a member, and it was thought at
final vstltDBte of th«» \
1 ».«ya limes that, on .*<■«•*»»nt of his vigorous
that figure«, Imred on actual threshing constitution, he mtglit l»e Able to puli
returns, indfoate a total vivid of 3*i8,- through, but he was cotn|adl<*l to suc­
000.000 bushels of wheat, uf which cumb
373,000,000 buslivls tn winter, and
Our I «»rrlgte T«w«tte.
915.47V.OOQ bushels in rprtng wheat.
Washington, Oct. 1 I. —- The bureau
The report Bars the oom crop is rx<•«•**!•
tngly disappointing, and an outside ra- of statistic» haw is*’ir»I a table show mg
|,7»Mi.(X>0 (MX)
btishrls. im|«orts an«! vxpotte tor August; the
Drought during the past two months first full! month un« 1er the new tariff
redtuwd the a ver Age cowlltfon from law,
These figure* show f«>r that month
82.3 a month .«g<» to *H.9 on <k-h>Lvr I
latgret rij>»rts <»f domestic merchan­
An average oats yield of
7 bushels
per acre suggests a crop of NI4.(Mxt uuo dise of anv August in the history of the
bushels, 100,000.000 mure than last guter time nt. The vX|M>rla were $«•,•
4U0 964,against $» *’
for August,
Burglars broke into the oth« »* of the
Or»|»* Jhl«*r« 1h»l
steamer Flyer on the water frontal
Heattlr. atvl. after overhauling the con-
Fr««nn, <‘«l , <A’t. II. —Willie Patti*
tents of revrral trunk-
arn«*d Away mtn. »it«*I 17. era|>l>>.v<«i to protect the
the safe, weighing 400 |M»unda
No K« m ^« iineyar.l, from <r»)>e thirre«,
trace of it has Iwwn found
an<l artn««l with a iihotgiin. Inlay »hot
A «'alifornia ct»n>|>any
« to atei fatally mjoreil Itrnnelt Ddaml
bnihl three enonuoua ratta at Htrlla, on an«l B«>bhv Murray, who wore at rah ng
the Columbia river, arid take theiu to grape*
Murray i» Pattison*» «» . •* i,l
Han Franciaoo >lttriti|t the coming »um* Pattison I« in jail.
Ea< h raft • HI contain ovwr 80,«
Prnfe»«*ir E C. P1» kerlng. of the
<XX) pile,, to lw uw l by the Southern
Partito Company in the ronatruction Hariard Observatory, announces the
»liorovrry of 142 new double stars in
and repair of whanea.
the southern skies.
The atram»hip Pelican will tarry I
• I Ù3
700.000 f«*«l of ties freni Puget
The *'lli»s Wa« <*•• I «TH I «••»*• eg.
for a Chlnrwc ratlr«*n«l.
Parral, Htate of Chihuahua, .M»-xico.
Th««» Io re Durrant, through hi «V ■>
(k't. 11. — It !• repurtret that Max Stew
n«ya, ha* tw>en «ermi with a mot ion art, the Am«uican es-('«vnfederate »old-
by Ap|>elle Hale, the warden of >«n ierwho»hot and killed a policeman
yuentin, to diami»* «he «PP • ** ‘‘n here some time ago. aud was sentenced
hares« corpus which was deni«*d by tire to death fur the crime, will he shot
circuit court, alm» t«> affirm the <»r»ler within a few «lays.
President Dias, it
of th» lower court Thia mutton will is said, has refues.I clemency for the
l«e presented to the United State» su­ reason thal the killing w.ui cold-bluuded
preme court on the first Monday in No- mn*d*»r
vemiirr. r-ervire 01 toe brief, as well
The poles of Jupiter are flattened
as the motion to be pl ace* I before the
supreme ctrart« was ackim* h*dgvd by alm«e»t exactly like tbove of the earth.
Altofuey Hail forJappellawL Durrant Th«* phenomenon can be plainly »een
with the telescope.
» Ir*«
Winnipeg. OcL II —The fc reels fires
that have l»ern raging m Manit«d*a
iarv hne h»r toe J »ASt
chase to the ho
ten days have broken out mor • funi u*
ly than ever, Trn < »r 18 prreuns are re*
ported to have been burned t<» death,
atei the Are is rapidly •qirwadm < and
misai ng the tott&dasy
Setti lers have Iwrn ligi bling
the flam-« for over A week trj in t< to
k«***p them from getting Into th«- 1 fm*re
thickiy |a»p©l«tre| district».
The flarnre are driving hund'vls
w-.-|v«*» at. i
utre into ths op* n, a
fl <ks <>f g«** ro ami din ks bate lx
•rrn flying «»ver the turning forrwta.
N«*ar U Liteiuuulh, H L Laumlry «
trapp**r. was burnel to death.
A (lermau woman living in A «
house near where the fire was the i
fiinou« yestcid.iv is rrj-oflv»l to I
'mrorel to death ar ►’I her
A dispatch from U hiternouth
the fire is sprea»hng rapullv
settlers !i»'l chiBM* call* for their live«.
A heavy wind drove a! »»ad of it a III :»*-•
of smoke which blind«*! them. and a
l«»og line uf flam«’« which «w is h me» I
everything in their j»ath.
East of Whitamouth th«» HitnatKui ia
very cntired. The section foreman of
Dnrvb W
' • N • a» I men wvr©
ked up by a freight train and
R«*ad master
brought to Mhilrmouth.
H<*n»er, on a hamlcar attempte-l to run
from Darwin with hi» men, but Merly
Sttcmimbrd through *uff«»» ation, 1 an«l wa «
n»»m|«r!le»i to lake refuge in a pa»«iiig
freight train.
All the telegraph pubs for revrral
mdre « a*t uf the town ar»» dow n and
trains are tied up
A Broken Head. Manitoba, dispatch
save the country is on lira there
both sidre of Broken ll«a*l river much
damage t* lw*>ng «lone
Th»» am**kv 1.*
»0 thick ¡hat it is impo«*ible to **•*• So
var»ls, though thei«» is no fir»» nearer
than a mile
’ V
miles aWav. lost everything, and only
«aved ’!.* ir live* by standing in the
river for 18 imure, when they were abb'
to <xini" oii’ii tlm burnt gruun«l after
th«* Are had pa»««*d.
Nearly every on«»
tn the path of th»* flame* io*t ev* • v
Al Beauxjour, ManitoLa. seven f*r-
**»n have been burn«**! to death.
O. W. TL-una«, her young son hid I 4
daughter, had a ra* •• with the flame«
for •• v«»ral miles. Tbcv had a 1« am <»i
horM-s, which they kept on li«e run.
Rpirka from th« burning ltml»er were
blown into the dry ground of a prairie
where they werecom|»elle»i to cro*>d
sour« they w»-r<* surrounded by Hum*».
The frantic horses *ttrt<*d to run straight
i*h«*ad into ihc burning liml*»-r*.
fore they had gone far th«* varriag»'
overturn«*»! and lh« y w«»re thrown «l«»wu
an etnbanbinent into a »mall creek.
Thia pruba’dy sav I their iivrs.
Th y
were badly burned.
A re|a»rt from Morris. Manitoi
►ays a fire has been raging there, and
thAl one family of five }«rr»un» is known
to have perished.
The ktlilmhrr Marsh tiiro.
Valpariso. Ind., (kt. II.—The K.»n
kakee marsh fires are sprvailing in this
county, altLuugh
th»- farmer* have
given up all other work and ar«* fight
lug it al all hours < f th«* day
hoiis**« were drstr<*ye«l last night. Th«*
big marsh near Asainung «aught hr.'
last night, am! the flatnrs swept over
serf* of land, destroying everything m
Résident« oí Hebron,
their path.
Kouts an«I Kiumati arc badly frig! t
rned, aa it I» fra r «ri Ihr fin* Wiay sweep
•cm»» toe heavy ditches which hare
l»crn dug.
M I« it I g <• n Marsh F i res
Nile», Mich., Oct II. —F
north uf tins city the marsh f!
linu«* Farmer* have fought tl
night and day for a w<»ek,
utterly «■ »ha.«»re!
Tht*v Lav«
their hourehuhl goods to places of safety
and have nacriti»v*l their homes, < 4,tine
which inhabited the marshee has broti
driven to the city. Near
Springs, on what 1» known as th« Big
.Meadow, the Are has swept over lik»* a
prairie tire, and hundreds «»f a« res nt
potatoes have been roast**»! in the Hille
The Are is the worst that has o* cur red
tn tbiA vicinity ainre 1871.
t ire« In W It.
Kenosha. Win, <>-1.
II.- Prairi«
flic* m Summer* and Bristol cuuuti**
cause*! by spark* from |>a«»Hig rtigHirs
dretroyed considerable pr<q«?rty tn*h»ng*
ing to the farmrra All kinds «»( means
have t»r*ífi adopted to »lay the advance
of the flames.
In A*>in«» < .««ee where
the fire was apparently eitingui«>h«*d >1
continu***! to burn the surface.
Haleln. <tr . ( k't ** —Chehalis lodar
low «reti the world*» record 3^ second»
fnr «h« tw ~.:!r pa e at ths cuts fair
tnu'k, in Ihr |>r«*rtH** «>1 10.000 |>«opl«.
<'!>eh,lu, Jrivvn by hi»on»»««, »‘rank
FrMter, *pi«**r«sl on U*« ir*< k with In*
full brother I>«*1 Xwte. who ba« * rwc>»r.|
Both larrw.
After •cetin
•Irwtcb • few time» D»
, * *•>* •r»W1 ¡ng o
neunewd th»l hr wi aa re »ti
bn»«tr*>ii 1, of watbr» |o rr«Tl hi, al
wnrM’a tww«l.
l.<k« » k flash th© black Ht A
down l<> the wire,
th« »pori tators rotll* «I res
A* Ol
hl* way. m«« ring ri a to IV and
At th« t hr«** quarti er to i U h *
iy <4
, ridd
belt the
horded n
first mil*
2 08 fl
•’Tratti fast.
on many - torn wu«*a a
finished But
easier when 3 I 4 wa*
and « half­
Thirty-one secund« more saw him at
the mile and three -quarter*, and in the
lauoof a Birong S ulim ««■*t< in wind,
he strode l««m«» g«i««* »JT, <’« al»ng a fteeb
re« ord by pa««*ing under th«» wire in
4 l»(4
When the tmre wa .«
e»!, ami !
pro longe« I che* rw, Uhr.ialt* va» crown’- !
with wreaths of flower*, and led off the
tra- k. louking but little w«-n
world beating two-tn lie pace.
(drehalis* irourd by quarte
»irei rail*
I ■
M nmnm I m*îe
1 l<
Th* Get previo©» time for
mile pa< *» WM made by
i »1 NrL
sgsitret tim at I. "
3!. IH95.
V W I1 ÌUA- Io th
in 4
I Mte Sitar«
Berlin, i Oct.
The German govern-
t«> rr*ogr»llv Mr
mrnt haa
Ferdinand Neumann, <»f 11 liriois, w h*»
iitltu I tlitil'd it V Fr -«ideili McKinley
usui nt ( 'olugne.
a« United State»
The mate dc*)<tl>iietkt, it I 1« aat«!,
never baa iroeivtsd officially any ’ « barge»
against the appointee, though
allegation« wrm current that, if sup­
ported, would have made hi» er lert ion
properly objectionable l«» th< < iertiiAti
government. Some of tl;e-<- are
necied wiin «he world'» fair, an i a «» r«
tain ,’oncert enterprise in which X«»o-
inMnn 1» «aid to have lM*vn interested,
which rreultrd disaidrvuidy to «ome
The »• t c: «>f !!•»
German government ui linal, ■»« it i* <
welL recognis'd right of a nut ion to
withhold an riequator at it« ple-v uir
I’eru Adopts th* <*«»l«l »1 aim ! aril
New York, Oct. H. — A f|ÌApat<h to
the Herald from Limn. Peru, say»:
After a discuiision which < RiHiitnurd fur
several «lays, the cha iinl’iT of depilile«
of Peru adopted Ho» | gol ! atamÍArd by a
majority of one vote, The pU»n for »
gobi standard was wnt to the chamber
some time ago, after it had brer ap-
proved l»y the president hii «I cabinet,
The cabinet tw'hcved th»- w as the only
l»oBMib|K solution
to til»*
troubles which I»*-—»1 Peru on every
sffle. There was a lung fight over the
question in the chamber, th ie govern-
iwtti rupp»« ters arraying themwclvtw
unanimously in favor of th»1 gold »land-
ard. Th»* narrow margin of their ’ vic-
lory shows Low j rr*i«h-nlly the < qur»*
tiutl W.U coiib -led.
Irll 1% ith ■% I
Roti Bluff Uul., Oct. H. — Mir. ( ’
Volker, Wife of <’oiiiad Volker ,i p.on
eer resident of this pla c, a t.« burnt*«!
to death last night atx»at 11 30.
dcAceniied the cellar Blair» a light
cd lamp an<l stumbled and fell, break*
mg the lamp.
She fell m * «< 0 a way
that »he was su»pefi«h*d and helple««
over the burning oil, and before *ht*
«'«Mild la» re»« ie»l by her l>ue in I, w t->
fearfully burned, and died at 4 u*chi k
thia morning.
1 he l*lalf«rtM • »-11
Decisive Action Has Not Yet
Been Taken.
• «
• « M> «r
II. . — A cabinet »
lb» q«»e •»•’n regent pr
U hen l>
hem t<al lay
•rated. the premier.
Bt i »unce» I to the nei
men that no final derision be
taken In regard to the reply
S|«»in will make to th* note
United Slates* handed to the II
i<H't«n wLrn he was tn:nt«!rr 1
rign affair», b
ist er.
The Impart ial save it learns that the
reply ai SjKir will satisfy *q
reptibihtuie tn making clear
den«. M« Kinley r the reeulub
which S)«ain maintain.« m
According to El Heraldo, * j «a in
reply to the Uniteti States will poti
uut H American »liter« «*• suffer
ta-asofi *d ti»v ear Hi 4’ut*», they
Amer an*-, ar«’ fi.»
* to Lia-o 4.
at which
as heM
it. inasKBUch as the msurrv^'ti«
IS A*’
aisled from the United States, El Her-
aldo says also*
“W* umlerstand that the
m«*nt will express its ronfid« tice
th* new |M«hcy tu be pursued « ith
gird (<» Cuba Will prod': V A change
the attitude nf the Unit*-'! Sta tew.”
it is M-mi-offi-tally annmiu« t*d that
Captain-i•* neral Uryler will la* r»
«aleni from Cuba till* month, and that
it is i roliable the cuite* will t»e di«
mrnt cui»v*»ked in March.
Mwlito«la Mtt«t <•■••«•
Lui. c n. < *> t II.
| »
rvwjMHtdriit uf thè Time», referring tu
thè cabinet «viuncil »u\»*
"The cabinet wx* unsiimmii» in thè
il ti;»- systecs
warlare .in
Cui * m’:»t he
> : >j '» trly «ho g-
Nperial allr'ntiun u .»* drawr, tu thè dr
plurable vun» In tuo nf th*' Ak k Aid
uotitded mddicrs now arnvihg
a»p«'t tre» considerati at th»* direct in-
itation ol thè queen regrnt.
••Regarding thè finse «'* cllh<»t>gh
thè <>j-t Iin I*t l< View.s of thè rit'wht min*
isler of flnaitee <lo u«»t appesi l«» have
beva jtislifled it is believe»! that with
prudenw, Btiflli'ienl rrs*«urcrs may L m
cuui ted ti|«n al b-ast unti! Il e cortes
meet» in thè spring, tu author!»** sup*
lit« |miit|inU
N« w York, Oct. IL —A dis|*atch to
the Herald from Havana says: A big
battle »•«•urrel October 2 in UamanuHM
bill* not fur from Malau&x*, !-rtWwii
the bpaniAh under General Moiwta ami
the reT»cÌM un*ler «unimarni of Betan-
court. Sanguilly and Raoul Arango,
Th»» fl» hi L> i^an at V o’clock in the
i."'-.*. !.g AD-!
»1« ! AH
i ••
• l'ftiiAÌ rejHut ptihhsl • I her«•-1 at« * that
Molina attacked the rebel pmittun and
drove the rebels out with great I« mb
The rej»urt «»>« that General Molina
had his hof«e shot under him
The Herald’» «'Otre»)»ondent a*. Mat-
antns L a - obtained an a omtt of i
fight from a Spani«h ««fib »*r w ho was
pre-« nt. From th»« Il A| i«< .»«- that Ho«
rebel infantry were strongly intrenched
in an alinosi ina« • •••»filile ¡>o»itiun in
the ItHls anti all efforts lo distolge
them wer«» futile, r«'*ulting only in
heavy losses for the atta« king force
The insurgents had only a few men
killr«!. and j««-r»\| at and taunted the
Spanish during the whole engagement.
General Molina
n.i-- wly
death. Enrage»! al his failure, lie re*
tutnv’l to the attack the nrit day, but
with no better success.
A large num-
!a*r uf Spanish soldiers were brought
into .Mstansa*
Tk»e r« Iwd h'»«h*r, Duc,i*-e. has
er«**«**! the MaHrl M a J aiia troeha with
a large (or »*. an«! is how ««perating w ith
< renerai < ’attillo.
Kansas City, Oct. H —Thirty |«»opl«
were injured tonight, several uf them
seriously, by the tailing of a platform
New York, Oct 11.—‘General Carlo
at th» Fdl« »nth street station of th”
uloff, seeretAry of war «»f the tepubho
Indepen ience Fl«*rtric railway.
Cubs, ha* •* lit the following letter
station was crowd«*! with subtuban
1 Gonsal**» de <^u**«a<ia. Cuban charge
residents, who were returning home
nffalrrw Al Wa*hlugtun
from the carnival fewtivitlra. The plat-
“Vie ate now Iwtler pr»»pare<| for an
fur m, which was old and weak, gate
way under the strain, and when it a< tive campaign than at any time dur*
Went down probably 50 propio fell A in g either the prv»rtit or the late war
** We are inform»*»! here that .»»pain
distance of lh feet.
w ill probafdy try to pleas«* the A men •
can g»»vr hfueiit by offering u*
u« auton-
lioltlved 1» f > •»«*!
I lined not
Washington, I a ., Ort. M. —Il.trvey omy mure or I«-*« ample,
Cherry, who Lad just return«*»! from tell yon, my friend, that we laugh st
Nebraska, where ha had aubl his farm, «»ch <»ff«-ro, for already we are at the
nr «*f our lilwralion. Hhould Kpam
and ha«i
on bis |»etiir»n *14* way-
laid this morning by three he>l|4ldA, M*riou»ly offer tie autonomy, it w»»uld
ove the full client uf her Weakness,
kmx'krd BM-nwlrNA ami
money ami a g«»LI watch.
He wns aud we will light with rrn»--wv*l ardor
found bound ami gagged in an alley,
almost d«*xd from
uf blood from an
ugly gash in his head.
«Irweb by lightning
Visalia, Cal., Out.
AIDrt David
nin hoi a atartlmg rx|>erirnre this al
tern non while driving along a country
road during a ram storm.
Hi* wagon
W hole » i«|«la »»f < orM H«»m«<l
waa »truck l*y lightning. and Davidson
Ih*< Atlir, 111., <A*t. It. —F<»rr»t fir»-* wag rendered insensible and hi» hair
Arc raging over lb«* entire Northwestern burned off, while one uf the hoi *V« Wd«
part of this county.
Fi^ld« uf vbiM'k« i -tilled outright
t*un La*» itteii «wept by Hie flame*.
Mot« Sp«r»
Si Ixiui», Oct. II.—John Jnck»on,
Pari», Gru H. —Moare P Handy. thè
employe»! in the Tmlot iron work» in »pecial Unitr<l state» cotntnt«»oncr to
Ea«t st. Louis, w. • terribly hiirned thè Pari» cip«-iti»»ri of ItXHi, ha» »»«••
last night while at work lie wa* guid­ ctired ?5 per cent addninnai »|«nce h»r
ing a red hot l»ar of iron a» it rame out the American exhibit», making thè
of the roller»
Su«l«lrnly the
bar spa« e of the ('nite I State« equal to thal
twisted, j«n«l before J a « k«<»n could w»« <d other big nailon» of the world.
rape, ha«I puwhe«l him against a heavy
MunUn* 11«Od l»r«tmye<|
stami, where, by the forre uf the roll­
Mile« Citv, Mont . <M * -The Mr
ers it slowly encircled him The sttt»»ke
I «»••,
(Juren hotel burn«*»! lf«wt night
and the «»lor of his burning t wly filled
$50,000; m*urain e, 887,000
the room. B**f»»re he was tremed lie
gura!» had narrow «w« ajíes.
was terribly burned*
lln(«| Hlnwn JloWte
Mich Wlrifcr <»a» th« Mwasli
ElleriBburg, Wash.., Oct. II —
Mich*. Ort. 7.
j*»rt haa ju«t come down fro«
the m«*n are «lea«l and 10 injured as the re­
Swatik that Twe* t A Johnson
sult of the blowing down uf a big new
made a rich strike on their quarts hotel al Lindaay Park this afternoon.
They |«»un<lvd up and |«anned The structure had been all inchw»»-*| and
out lU pan«, and obtained an average partly plastere*!. Al»>»ut 40 men were
of l*; to the pun.
The report aays lhey at work in ami around the wilding
have a good body of ore.
when the craah came.
It appeared as
though all were burled in the rums,
R**cir ••rwteb a, a Trai».
but after all the rereuea were com­
Watm.neille, Cat. Oct. I!.—The
pleted, It was found that but two had
•fioraron train tmm Santa Crii» today
lost their livre— Brire Krmlall, of
■trucks buggy containing lira. » arr
Charlevoix, ami an unkuuwn man, who
and ber young «un, each uf whom au*.
| is »till lu the rnina.
Valued auch lujuriea that both will die
I m
IIII mm I«
I b 4I sb «
•t ««I«»*» Fair <«r*«M«4»
II —
i|*tain Pet-
till* after-
<te«»rra«l»tg < ollterll**»* **f < U««rnl * •*-«*»•
em-e Imagine our delight slmuhl Spain
thus confirm us in our belief thal the
end 1* fast approaching
“Tell th* American government that
to enter intodiplomatù* diacui ion with
Mpwin in the hope that «0 will scrept
autonomy i«
Ww shoul«l
•imply thank it for its trouhle, but
manfully decime lo end the war on
such term».
know that
Palma and yon have «»(ten made thia
plain to the A inert ran government an«l
|-W’ i«c, hiit W «• 'A ; «. on t«‘ r-
: ; ji It ”
7. — Kitremriy hot
Ubicag*», (. let
Wratber for October is prevailing in
During the }«a»t 2t hours
this SBVthHR.
the thermometer went up to Hi «|egrv*»s,
ami a*-*x»rding to tire signa! w*rvKx* rec-
or*ls this is the higbrot point that ha.«
ksNm rngt*terv»l for lb* m«»nth *>( < k'tu-
bur m 27 years
TWnw* smoke aggra-
vatssl (be ««utdiiums. Oil a»'jount of
lire drought the la«t two months «»very-
la as *lry a* tinder and («»rest and
prairie fires are numerous.
laike Michigan has been made al*
most «innavigable <*n account ot tire
Captains of vwm I s
aiuoke and fng
have report«*»! a m»vst , alarming state of
Many have not slept for 4*
liuum on A»’« *»ont of th* watchluln«*»»
ILrets picking
that was itc*'r*sAry.
their wav through the < Straits of Mack •
parti rutarly hAm|NIVWd.
Landmarks were i utter’y obliterated,
and U lights wer lU'listinrt at
Un**s •f a length c >f the vessel,
Tl. e* amtikr is attribute«! to forest
Hunting parlies, rarel« •a in
their camping, a e t nought l*» have
<• br»Mk«| < wfl AgratiunA.
Matins uml* t writers ar«» apprehensive
of numefi nu» stranding» on account of
the Bofukt *, and bulletins front the lew«
er end of the lake a*e watch»*«! for with
('bhago'« southern i wards and sub-
Uris« are sue rounded by prairie tire*,
and denar *•»«•<» over! hang« a larg*' pa> t
of the territory lying south of Sev«»nty-
fifth str»et
Hundreds of a> «ea of pra*
it tv have fw-rn burnoi over, an«! th«ni "
• tu » '
> ■ ' -' ’■> »_.«.«•.*: I
have tw*«*n cunsiime*!.
Firemen tn this division ot the City
«>»««» ptvi***v
exhausted fighting
«1 the fires are started by sparks (ruin
l«i^>motiv*»w, aiid not infrequently k»y
iniachievous ¡«»ys, who ««d th«* grass on
fir«* for ihc excitement.
A di»pat»h from Bremen. Ind., says
th»* m- -l di«.»*tru is prairie fire known
In i - ’ «• rv of Mai* ill <»• -nty is
now raging
Hun<!rt**la«d ai r» * of land
in t; o h -rib.- !> tn rli« i of it •< - ounty
■ . >
>* it .s i • 11 h k ■ .< ■ a f i a *
the ’’big mar*'.,*’ is unc vast «
ing waste. At time», when fa iiilie
- >
t !»•' i 11 bursts into a bl
and darting »«'rose c!un»r field«, c<
field» or mcad»i «I lay* waste rveryt!
in its pj»Hr. on5 y stopping when hrs
«*ff bv plowed * Ir Ids *»r highways«
Many in»tan»**w ar« repurt«*d w here
rattle m passing over the t fr.icher ojis
ground have broken through into tu*»
burning heat anJ perished.
night fighting
tl flame«« and presenting destruction
of their hum«'», and the lack of water
make* the batt la almost hujieiri
Just west of Walkertun more titan
1,000 aerea h a ve bv ?n swept of r^ery
vestige <jf V«'grt.ltm n, many thousands
of tons of hay ‘and mile« of f’ n « « ha* ■
mg Uw*n von»umed. The la«g** barn
of Joseph Knlkey w»s in the ¡«ath of
lite flam* 1 . and («.«gether with ita voti»
tente i
of hay, gnttn ard farm
machinery, wu burn**l.
U «th tire on every sid<* great aiiBi»*ry
is bt«*ng felt fur the safely *>f towns
without fire p»ot«w t(on.
Nothing sh«>»l
th«* pt 'w’r«-*s <«f th«' fire.
* < l**««>ate f«*r
New Orleans. CM. i —Ait
of improvement and pl.rltMite
situati«»». «,»n thè (art» of the n
*<m« whal uf a turo today
h«>u * tbere had liuen no -I
yesterday thè nutnl»er of
•ÌM»wn a mah
•lay btrfore.
tng, how-
evrr. thè rvp
i liega h to
come m tu tl
Ith ««ffb'w
w ith
By I
o'clock there had i**en HI case» report­
ed, am! by 7 uch* k t«*n ghl all previous
records of this •» »<w»n liA-l taren broken,
•u far <*• new < a«* « wrre concerned.
In a few hour» three death* had also
Iwen reported to the board. Th«» phy-
sii iah« srh’ hot at a buss to riplain th«*
in> Frase in • .»•••*.
They took the view
that it might lw eijHi*cte»l that numer­
ous casre Would still continue dally to
he rv|«ortfht
Dr. Ohphanl »aid to
••The sf tern i rnfurvctncnt of t •• law
re*|uirihg » all
phy slcians to report
pre mptly both i »uwpicious and »dual
cast ea of yellow fevrr, ha» a material
effect in ii. n vting the number •I
Evidence of Steady Growth
and Enterprise.
< IllteS
Taa watt
•— Oregum,
A new shingle mill has I t.-en atarte
lark i.
ef »toi»» 100 Jara of f .. I
in Kugoi j<*.
igle measuring 7
icd D»*ar
«tos i »
f<*ri *
d lAltl'i* w t-r»
Al tl
X) 8-year-uh
1 >wa county
a day
bigs •
' Hiel
It I
• iHU«'«l «qs-ralHHiA.
A» «ordmg io tire rete»n* ot the
•«'««i»r th»» total of th»» I ar / m I«* prv|
of Jarksua county is t4.8t8.M8
There have br«*n 13 h««ua*« built In
the pas’ sum. in er, Bi
several mure will l«e built this fall.
T o U h I u during
A Lu k. two do»*« and th«»
kill«**! with two shuts from a
is the record made by a Gat«1
A shipment of find fine brad« 11utile.
making a trainluad of VJ ci ' * W A*
( il V to
Il is estimated that a
Munroe «»nteiii»
I b ’
5. ,
t •
f - ir
• uf
I tv
fatten hogs-
Counly warrants m Jacksons
re 11 i Pg At * jer cent pr» uimin.
•mid to be lire highest paid for
county warrant» in 90 y«*ara.
An Ashland |M|>er Mays i I iai the
p ¡' lu r »*• a nd - you - buy *tl»«* frame
w as w«»rk«'*I
A* iland I ««l a • »*k. th
workers cleaning up aGmt flu»
Htn‘*r the late I'.umcii <’cna*
gra-s ta coming up ii»-<‘!y.
th«* l.ifHiVf* are plowing and ot
putting m their fall grain.
\ 1 «1 J .’ • » i«.?’ >
• k
du i»|- d on th<» (qtt;:
p'liy i
son, and » lew thousand more
necessary t«» complete th«* w«.>rii
The Western Un
graph «»in­
pan* is putting in another arm and
w i re on Its line» beta*•'•li Portlan«! «n-l
at»!«» to g*'t metí m Purltand to <1*
lbw work and was obliged to bring a
crew of nn’ii from Muinvapsdit
Sheriff Kilburn and prose, of Baker
county, bud a h««t tight with two attla
thi»*irs on Lt*«-r !’.»w !er riv.-r.
► hots wrrWra catigcd. Fred Hull wa *
shot through the arm, but v**ui|*»»*l to
Baker ('ity
I ol Wi»»«der was not
« Apturvt!
Hull calh’d a l«h t»»r to In*
ludging-houre and w.i* » aught there.
The thieves had X0 <*atll«’, which they
were driving t«* Idaho Ad«** *»nak«
nver. ei|x'cting to exchange them and
bring back strange cattle tu the butcher.
Tlu* gang is *us|u • i»*d of having u|»rr-
a ted fur a lung tiiuu.
M <• • hI»» g l « mi .
A sit Inch refracting t*dosccq»e ha«
hern r« > eivrd in l a <>ma by the Puget
sound university.
(‘aptaiii L H. Coon has aA«umrd the
dutirs <»f vullvxtur of the port at Ever
ett, mux *•*• ling W. It. Stockbridge.
Union City is the name of the new
town just start««! in the vicinity of the
iiew gul»l finds in Whatcom county
Kitsap ommty has su»*»| Snohomish
county for f<’c>0, alleged tu have brrti
paid improperly by KiUap on the »u
premu judge * salary.
Jam«»* A. Rol»erts, a h»gg«*r and
woodsman, akmut 60 y« .»rs uf ag*»,
4 MllllftM bjr lltegls erteil Viali.
drup|te’d «Ira ! in a saloon in Whatvuiu,
New York. Ot 7. — The |l,(X)0,0O0 prolxibly uf heart di*’»-«».
in gold which was received from Au«tra-
1 he «lead ks»ly of a man fuuml imar
lia at San Francisco is l»vginning to th«» Indian re*«-rvatkm shiml, n«'ar Ta
arrive in this ity. it is t«eing sent coma, with a bullet through his brain,
hither by reg>< rrel mail. < >ne kauik was idefitifhd a» that of ( harles Ley.
rv'elVed tlUO.OOO today, ami a private
H S. Ballou, a well-known real *w
et pt of fiu.OuO.
bank was hi receipt
late dealer, dropped «lead in Fort Au
g«.id wo» In canvas Lag» hohl in g tLbOO
grlcs on the eve of bls d«*parture for
«•a I», in shape hk«* a siusage. Ihc gov­
Ctthfurnia. th«- can*«' being hemorrhage
ernment, having de« hued to trni.s|4»rl of the lungs
the g’dd (rum >an F fwik ' ibc «» to this
There is iin estimated shortage in the
city at govern meh I express rat*«» or to
• «nv-tt?
-c-r-:, y hr tl h.
<_ h u
. oat crop around I «a Conn« r of 8.1 o
Every farmer
graphic transfer, and the importers sack* or 60,000 biirhrls.
tiieiiug the ordinary ciprea« charges too on th«* fl it re|*»rts bls shurtag«* at from
« helper plan of *rn<hng it 300 to 1,8000 Awickc
N«*g»q la Hons are well under way In
by registered mail, taking out polivi«*»
uf insurance against li«», was adopt«-»!. secure the hw'aliun of I (Xi fami I ira of
Hollanders on th« Book ranch, in U •••(
Ottawa, Oct 7 —The village of Can Aberd« «*n, where the land is «aol hi bu
Bcltuan, 30 mile» southeast of Ottawa, Weil lootard fur such a colony.
on the < aiadian Atlantic railway, is
Governor Rug« r* has appointed R
•uplAMaHl to hate lieen destroyed by
C M ( r«>akey regent of the Washington
Fire ia r.iging In the brush sur-
agricultural oolh-ge.
McCrosXey will
rounding th** village and no trama «an
pruluibly fill th»* vacancy caused k»y the
pas» wither way.
icsigiiaimn ol Regent \\ Indus,
Sinew Governor Rugera lxg-in signing
I>r <H«ltrra« <Juar««lln*»t|.
Galri'ston, I**!*, OoL 7. —Dr. John oummissiuns there ba%e been 143 notar­
Havana, Ort. 11.—According to the Guiteraa, the yellow fever ei;»ert, en ial
bulletins isetird today from the head­
route to Galveston fr«»m New Orleans, .Many of th« «»» are r»*np|Mjin(m«>nta. For
quarters of the H|wmiar«la, a govern- via St iaiuis ¡0 exalrnne health oondi-
I?. ■
nient force has amb ii*hrd aim I rapture»! lions here, was held up by the Houston into the state library fund.
a boat having
on b os rd to? Iole« of quarantine « ffl«*rrs this morning, and is
A gsMtet many Indiana »topped in
ammunition which the troo|M foun*l n«»w in t'amp
Camp Detention
lb*tention at Spring sta- Ellensburg on their way homo from ilia
Both of these lots of ammuní­ tion
There i»
is n«»
no objection
obj«n.tion tu Dr. Yakima h«»pfl«dda
,M.«t of them a>e
ti*»n, it is sla!»*d, ladunged to an espr- Gniteras'
into (lai s raton.
lie < >ka'i' k»»ns, of Chief
Mu*«*»* band.
»lilion which landed at the mouth of will l*e
While there they »jieiil q nt»» a l««t uf
the river AriAtio,>n the«!itarir •< of Cien- b»*ar«l as
i» relea «e* I (roui
money, and th»» merchants probt«; I I y
forgo», pnivime of Sauta Clara, re
a brisk cash trade.
Th* Hsnb
Iti« <>r«tsr.
Th« total receipt,of th« fair in Walla
Meni Orti.
— A^o>mlinx to • *M- »» all* la*| w.-rk ainoontial to
Philadelphia <k'L I!. —A r»»mmitlrr «Ul <l>.p.i<-h frorn Mstiriil, sonori*»-
>f employes of Thomas Duina A Cou, telinoli., thè retir in, mimuter (or Ih. • I .'JOO, *n<l <teliietin< «spanta», there
vrmd manufa« turerà, made a demand ■•••■• «un.. . «Ileil u|>>n ili. Bank of M|.«in •till remaiaa itmt * >35, which was
tori . .I «rear to Manogar N. tl. Halb» k
hr an I ««•»•« of 15 jer «ent in WAp’« «
tu (urnlith *0,00O,000 |ie«Haa for thè
for th« pttrpoaa of «lafraying «i|onMa
The «lemand was rrfuard, and the weav­ <'»'■»« campai,».
The commitl«« of
er». about 800 in nnml*i, went out on Ih. batik 4et'li ned tn make Ih« a-liancr, ot the exhibit in H|ukane.
ah«r«'i,»n thè gitvernor nf tha tetrik
Governor Rog. rs has »ent to I«at ah a
inviteli thè i vminiue« lo re»l<Q
•ilver cup for the ma*< ulinr member of
Merger «ed »wlrlge
the family of four that waa bent into
Borne Falla, Mi«h . Oct. Il — Wil«
John Huff die-l at Hyden, Ky , at
one family at one time little kwa than
dam ham »hot an«) killed Mr». Free«
nt ra.k-aring 7S tfrandehlldren,
a year ago. The child waa named for
man Lee lata last evening, an«i when
147 great-grandchildren, and II great­ the governor, in recognition of which
mrusml by ofltovre of the law he ended
great -grandchildren.
Ill* Imaiediale honor hi» excellency had the cup in*
mattr*a bv »hooting hiiu»«lf m the
taunly »»• a large one.
acribeJ. ' Roger» Know.”
*»«r k«pte«1|(lnn lallteft.