t • Sci» Weekly Press. OREGON •CIO ON THE SAILOR 'W BOV I m < »n>ir«i*«N| Form Fr«>m < <*««lintetil«. Edward Langtry, th* former bn»* batei ot idly l-angtry, ha* **^n placed In an insane asylum. Ja|»an has nxm«*-l two delrgai«« to attend tire internatli al real in g rotifer« rm e al Wa»liingtu|>a D. C At Dixoji, I a . th«' Jv*d ivsly of Rob­ ert Parks waa found tn his burning house. It 1» believe*! he was murdered fur hi» soney. During a quarrel al their home tn Ht. Louis, Gf*«»rgc P. Peffer, a st ebug- raplrer, shut h father •in aw, Robert |’>r|.an*y. through the » ;*„ brelw, arid tiien killed himself. Kb! re Broley. the chib! of Mrs Cjhrorge B- a: B»>tbrll. U ash . by « nattonal train. The cl severed from its body. Th* I h»»»n l>aci!in committee Lx« an Ps tfic i««ad inr^odwt tire Omaha bridg*. and that it has it>oreai»n| .ts « ash bid »0 as tn make th entire h00. This Would luakc its gu«ran IV « ffvr fo? (Lte p . |»j.i ¡>g «»..* •inking fund, im « w in the treasury, about • ,O uv«‘ «.Ot The Uniic»i •itatrs «rirruit cotirt has decided thal tap«»« a flour must !*•' tai»>l a duly of 2 <»*i.ts j-r j- ’• f !i«>* w.li t r» 1 ? <•, «i t i.i • ’ < :j »• many hundreds of th< u*a < 1» of d liar« j-er annum. D. • !*»■ »r >• tree,J r : r«»«*» exclusively tn all the < l«i*.« **«» ||«UI» Iriee in the Unit«*! HI r I ini lasaure uf its rh 'apne**, s* »1 »*-!•♦. «nd it I. a * I m v » j lire m«w* I Hiiiplab!«* «»' » « I«» tu the starch mahufai luring md-i»!ry in the Unit«*! Slates. The liimhttring ?*»wrn <»f Au «tin. Pa., was treatly wipe«I off tire map by fire (inly five dwelling» romani Full» 5«nth nf J*cp’«»iHh**r, (hr a *- ten Ian • xt th* Ntshvtil* ri|»»*ition w as 3,724, and the '.«»tai attriidanoe Since the o|<0tiing up Oct«»lw»r I ain»*unl- < The emperor of Uh all sorta oí ban«jU‘ t» ca ubo an oc h pa«* will ili us ry 88. 1888 An ec of lb* tun iw U. k nf Virtue In a ruler. F.V«» eù c :r«*i th nun ■ti l aenw uf fin* lami along the Biig I'll.ev, t. LttlgC, Fontanelle • h - a kt I âti'l (irren liver. «Ind. have tt « ntlj Lccu - -r*< }«*»!, will !»e throw i; »»prn to *« tth n.-iil under th** Unite»! Htatre land Is*» » afti r Novends r 1 when plats <»f the land will be I m the local land office The ! m« is ■••inp.’P mg nt tuet «-i. ¡je, all in UiitiAh «“’inly. Wtuming. A v«-►**! arrying Buppll*** of n « di rin*. clothing, arms am! Ammunition fur the UuLan army has ¡- fl M-mlreal for < ’ul a I ’o' * >> >• H as r l ,» >n nr Ited l«y th«» C u I mu junta in New Y««rk. but w as undertaken on Is half of two gentlemen, one a < ’.v..vh.n. wl • de Tided on running mi liti<»n to th* ci>a»t uf Unl»a, and, if an« <*«*•(id. iden­ tifying li » !U*tdv«-* With (lie , cm - Neal Duw, the great tetnpenino»' .» I- VcM'At« . d • 1 At hl« h««me in l*««rt I iu«|, M«’. It was th-- h bl- «fl . *• I L a ! mi IHM4 ah Amendment to Hie vonsiitut .on uf M a Hie W as adopted by A jM’pulsr v«»to uf urKsrly tbri’«* Io one, in wi i« h it wa» declare*! that the manufacture, «ale and krwping t«»r sale <»( Inuixn atn g Lever­ ages was forever ft»rbi«Ll»-n. an»! <*»»11» manding the l«'gi*latur»' to » h •• t *uit- able laws for the enforcement of (he prohibition. ►4 4 WORLC S « RtCORO A 4 hehallB •'«••(I V««» till«« Is» SWtPÎ :i) H V I 4 % < !• I < Twenty Persons Burned to Death in Manitoba. THE !<•"> OF PROFERTA HEAVY iru'tdent to «remi • amp life • Mi<'l«aels tinti! ih«* tiV«-r o|<-n«» spring The rvturnreg pas»« nge g««ne n«»rtlf mi (he steamer» Eh» «tersoti « says the Ynk«»n Capta rtver was st«ll 1 efi to hAVigslion when he left, but wa iter w xs so low that l»oats ties draught outj LI not »1 ut»r 1À ta which •huw*'d at ¡«»»’a cruna msny m to* river’s vi»ur»«*. and ular interv ** go Up the tiVrf s* a rewult A ¿««•a. Capt-ain ibis fall v either (‘«plain Fetefww d* \\l'» Itoats Frank Wortto*» ( H will br ablr lo go to iiawwou w«<»u Uity I*- amhng th tin? fa et foro nell June, notwitstamling the that boto srere all rra«ly («* mak attempi whrn thè *>ailor Bov left. The Haifor Buy did not Mght c»r h«Ar anvthing **f the sobooner Bryant, which i*r*»k«* I«**«* from the lug Holyoke off Kadiak >• is mi tn a severe storm. He)»- temlwr 80. There had !w*rn no news dire* t from Ihi*ron City rre-v»v«*l a*. St. Mirbaels »..« : ■ .t W < • ► rrv > • i« I»« ivav :• g 40«! no I«« «* «an |M«ssibly b<* brought by river before next summer, a* i ijo « believe th«*«e will I*» 100 per« r»n» at Ht Michael*, b » Dearly evcrvbrelv ib preparing to <’ <*m<* tuM k A great many will rume down <»ti th* P« «tland But a majority left <*r* thi* on the at'hooner Nowlty, winch «a* discharging cargo at St Michad* wh«vn we left, The captain of tl»* Novel ty will bring down all th«»««* baring stifll< lent monry to pay their l«»Ard on th* tup, no fare living atiargyM This »• .i«»n«» rim pl v a * ati act «»! «hanty am! in the interests of hu- maiHiy .Many persun* nave nut money si'flb lent to rveii juy for their Isuird <»»; the e ho»ner and uuhwe they ran their outfit fur cash, will !*• 1 forced r» main at Hl. Michaels luring winter. .Mayor Wood, of Seattle, man Ager of the Humboldt expedition, and D. K H * fl t? ..«■ of th I L/ a Andrison party, arc practDaily pn*on- « «* tn th* Land* of their trat«* pA««*vn g»’«*. Only th« pM-i.«eof the United Htrttrei !»«»'<* utidrr Lieiitvnant •< Vdom-I Randall is exiw-rtvd to avert wrium* trouble. The feeling against Loth Wood and How ard i* said to I** I utter in the el- tretne. and th© miner© Lave appointed reuun»itire* to guard Initb, ai «*! »«**• to it that they «!«« not g« t of their reach Tboma* K. ( lark lark, <»f Svattle, who wa» a pA»»ehger *«n »»n the Sailor Sait Boy, said: “Ther 1« nuihame fur the W« hw ! party to gel any conenfovable «aistancr although they had every- up th thing ready to mak»» the start Krptcni- ber iv. 1 hr lay we left. Tin* m«»n r re d««*guM*”d s ¡«1 d¡«di0i»Ht*m-d. They air quite I .kriy t*> ’h but the th«- And»«r An hi*«»n wa * »ban- mrnt tendered him a* #»>• «-rnur Alg> ia. on the giuiHi'l that be «|< m «• not dreire lHr*l «*f lh* <*1«e«lter». to Irate hi« Ak**'*! par«'h!s H<* 1« larva ('Rehah*, Wsk»h OcL II.—W W that he will remain in Vienna, but the Jordan, the •****.«mi victim of the gland- Marquis » iy t>«-(4 ere, <«u- retr»*al. ti e A O. I M lolgr, <»f which he The Orang« -Jud«l F»rm -r, in its was a member, and it was thought at final vstltDBte of th«» \ * 1 ».«ya limes that, on .*<■«•*»»nt of his vigorous that figure«, Imred on actual threshing constitution, he mtglit l»e Able to puli returns, indfoate a total vivid of 3*i8,- through, but he was cotn|adl<*l to suc­ 000.000 bushels of wheat, uf which cumb 373,000,000 buslivls tn winter, and Our I «»rrlgte T«w«tte. 915.47V.OOQ bushels in rprtng wheat. Washington, Oct. 1 I. —- The bureau The report Bars the oom crop is rx<•«•**!• tngly disappointing, and an outside ra- of statistic» haw is*’ir»I a table show mg ttmate ib |,7»Mi.(X>0 (MX) btishrls. im|«orts an«! vxpotte tor August; the Drought during the past two months first full! month un« 1er the new tariff redtuwd the a ver Age cowlltfon from law, These figure* show f«>r that month 82.3 a month .«g<» to *H.9 on Lvr I latgret rij>»rts <»f domestic merchan­ An average oats yield of 7 bushels per acre suggests a crop of NI4.(Mxt uuo dise of anv August in the history of the bushels, 100,000.000 mure than last guter time nt. The vX|M>rla were $«•,• 4U0 964,against $» *’ for August, year. I Burglars broke into the oth« »* of the Or»|»* Jhl«*r« 1h»l steamer Flyer on the water frontal Heattlr. atvl. after overhauling the con- Fr««nn, <‘«l , l>>.v<«i to protect the the safe, weighing 400 |M»unda No K« m ^« iineyar.l, from e thirre«, trace of it has Iwwn found an|>any « to atei fatally mjoreil Itrnnelt Ddaml bnihl three enonuoua ratta at Htrlla, on an«l B«>bhv Murray, who wore at rah ng the Columbia river, arid take theiu to grape* Murray i» Pattison*» «» . •* i,l Han Franciaoo >lttriti|t the coming »um* Pattison I« in jail. mer. Ea< h raft • HI contain ovwr 80,« Prnfe»«*ir E C. P1» kerlng. of the (k't. 11. — It !• repurtret that Max Stew n«ya, ha* tw>en «ermi with a mot ion art, the Am«uican es-('«vnfederate »old- by Ap|>elle Hale, the warden of >«n ierwho»hot and killed a policeman yuentin, to diami»* «he «PP • ** ‘‘n here some time ago. aud was sentenced hares« corpus which was deni«*d by tire to death fur the crime, will he shot circuit court, alm» t«> affirm the <»r»ler within a few «lays. President Dias, it of th» lower court Thia mutton will is said, has refues.I clemency for the l«e presented to the United State» su­ reason thal the killing w.ui cold-bluuded preme court on the first Monday in No- mn*d*»r vemiirr. r-ervire 01 toe brief, as well The poles of Jupiter are flattened as the motion to be pl ace* I before the supreme ctrart« was ackim* h*dgvd by alm«e»t exactly like tbove of the earth. Altofuey Hail forJappellawL Durrant Th«* phenomenon can be plainly »een with the telescope. Sortii rite li.kolo- » Ir*« Winnipeg. OcL II —The fc reels fires that have l»ern raging m Manit«d*a iarv hne h»r toe J »ASt chase to the ho ten days have broken out mor • funi u* ly than ever, Trn < »r 18 prreuns are re* ported to have been burned t<» death, atei the Are is rapidly •qirwadm < and North misai ng the tott&dasy into Dakota. Setti lers have Iwrn ligi bling the flam-« for over A week trj in t< to k«***p them from getting Into th«- 1 fm*re thickiy |a»p©l«tre| district». The flarnre are driving hund'vls w-.-|v«*» at. i utre into ths op* n, a fl f g«** ro ami din ks bate lx •rrn flying «»ver the turning forrwta. N«*ar U Liteiuuulh, H L Laumlry « trapp**r. was burnel to death. A (lermau woman living in A « house near where the fire was the i fiinou« yestcid.iv is rrj-oflv»l to I 'mrorel to death ar ►’I her ihlrrn missing A dispatch from U hiternouth the fire is sprea»hng rapullv 1 settlers !i»'l chiBM* call* for their live«. A heavy wind drove a! »»ad of it a III :»*-• of smoke which blind«*! them. and a l«»og line uf flam«’« which «w is h me» I everything in their j»ath. East of Whitamouth th«» HitnatKui ia very cntired. The section foreman of Dnrvb W ' • N • a» I men wvr© ked up by a freight train and R«*ad master brought to Mhilrmouth. H<*n»er, on a hamlcar attempte-l to run from Darwin with hi» men, but Merly Sttcmimbrd through *uff«»» ation, 1 an«l wa « n»»m|«r!le»i to lake refuge in a pa»«iiig freight train. All the telegraph pubs for revrral mdre « a*t uf the town ar»» dow n and trains are tied up A Broken Head. Manitoba, dispatch save the country is on lira there On both sidre of Broken ll«a*l river much damage t* lw*>ng «lone Th»» am**kv 1.* »0 thick ¡hat it is impo«*ible to **•*• So var»ls, though thei«» is no fir»» nearer than a mile V ’ V > miles aWav. lost everything, and only «aved ’!.* ir live* by standing in the river for 18 imure, when they were abb' to d sour« they w»-r<* surrounded by Hum*». The frantic horses *ttrt<*d to run straight i*h«*ad into ihc burning liml*»-r*. H<- fore they had gone far th«* varriag»' overturn«*»! and lh« y w«»re thrown «l«»wu an etnbanbinent into a »mall creek. Thia pruba’dy sav I their iivrs. Th y were badly burned. A re|a»rt from Morris. Manitoi ►ays a fire has been raging there, and thAl one family of five }«rr»un» is known to have perished. The ktlilmhrr Marsh tiiro. Valpariso. Ind., (kt. II.—The K.»n kakee marsh fires are sprvailing in this county, altLuugh th»- farmer* have given up all other work and ar«* fight lug it al all hours < f th«* day Several hoiis**« were drstr<*ye«l last night. Th«* big marsh near Asainung «aught hr.' last night, am! the flatnrs swept over serf* of land, destroying everything m Résident« oí Hebron, their path. Kouts an«I Kiumati arc badly frig! t rned, aa it I» fra r «ri Ihr fin* Wiay sweep •cm»» toe heavy ditches which hare l»crn dug. M I« it I g <• n Marsh F i res Nile», Mich., Oct II. —F an-1. II.- Prairi« flic* m Summer* and Bristol cuuuti** cause*! by spark* from |>a«»Hig rtigHirs dretroyed considerable prin«» < .««ee where the fire was apparently eitingui«>h«*d >1 continu***! to burn the surface. Haleln. r«*rtH** «>1 10.000 |>«opl«. <'!>eh,lu, Jrivvn by hi»on»»««, »‘rank FrMter, *pi«**r«sl on U*« ir*< k with In* full brother I>«*1 Xwte. who ba« * rwc>»r.| Both larrw. •ft«* c*w«r«d. After •cetin •Irwtcb • few time» D» ¿rex , * *•>* •r»W1 ¡ng o neunewd th»l hr wi aa re »ti bn»«tr*>ii 1, of watbr» l.rw. |o rr«Tl hi, al a wnrM’a tww«l. i l. the wire, In*«1 th« »pori tators rotll* «I res A* Ol hl* way. m«« ring ri a to IV and At th« t hr«** quarti er to i U h * iy <4 , ridd Ronbonn iregnr Jump«« belt the horded n first mil* 2 08 fl •’Tratti fast. II. on many - torn wu«*a a finished But easier when 3 I 4 wa* and « half­ Thirty-one secund« more saw him at the mile and three -quarter*, and in the lauoof a Birong S ulim ««■*t< in wind, he strode l««m«» g«i««* »JT, <’« al»ng a fteeb re« ord by pa««*ing under th«» wire in 4 l»(4 When the tmre wa .« e»!, ami ! pro longe« I che* rw, Uhr.ialt* va» crown’- ! with wreaths of flower*, and led off the for tra- k. louking but little w«-n world beating two-tn lie pace. (drehalis* irourd by quarte WAS »irei rail* • I ■ M nmnm I m*îe : 1 l< Th* Get previo©» time for mile pa< *» WM made by i »1 NrL sgsitret tim at I. " 3!. IH95. V W I1 ÌUA- Io th in 4 « I Mte Sitar« «»•> Berlin, i Oct. The German govern- t«> rr*ogr»llv Mr mrnt haa Ferdinand Neumann, <»f 11 liriois, w h*» iitltu I tlitil'd it V Fr -«ideili McKinley usui nt ( 'olugne. a« United State» The mate dc*)iietkt, it I 1« aat«!, never baa iroeivtsd officially any ’ « barge» against the appointee, though tain allegation« wrm current that, if sup­ ported, would have made hi» er lert ion properly objectionable l«» th< < iertiiAti government. Some of tl;e-<- are ar«» necied wiin «he world'» fair, an i a «» r« tain ,’oncert enterprise in which X«»o- inMnn 1» «aid to have lM*vn interested, which rreultrd disaidrvuidy to «ome German The »• t c: «>f !!•» German government ui linal, ■»« it i* < welL recognis'd right of a nut ion to withhold an riequator at it« ple-v uir I’eru Adopts th* <*«»l«l »1 aim ! aril New York, Oct. H. — A f|ÌApatue in I, w t-> fearfully burned, and died at 4 u*chi k thia morning. 1 he l*lalf«rtM • »-11 Decisive Action Has Not Yet Been Taken. T«n Ht MiE H\«TER «'F W ARFARE th* IwawrgteWR« • « JteteT • « M> «r ««»a Tte«»** Ih* llili« II. . — A cabinet » lb» q«»e •»•’n regent pr U hen l> hem t«vv “W* umlerstand that the m«*nt will express its ronfid« tice th* new |M«hcy tu be pursued « ith gird (<» Cuba Will prod': V A change the attitude nf the Unit*-'! Sta tew.” it is M-mi-offi-tally annmiu« t*d that Captain-i•* neral Uryler will la* r» «aleni from Cuba till* month, and that it is i roliable the cuite* will t»e di« 1 mrnt cui»v*»ked in March. Mwlito«la Mtt«t <•■••«• Lui. c n. < *> t II. | » M ! ? rvwjMHtdriit uf thè Time», referring tu thè cabinet «viuncil »u\»* "The cabinet wx* unsiimmii» in thè il ti;»- systecs warlare .in Cui * m’:»t he > : >j '» trly «ho g- Nperial allr'ntiun u .»* drawr, tu thè dr plurable vun» In tuo nf th*' Ak k Aid uotitded mddicrs now arnvihg This a»p«'t tre» considerati at th»* direct in- itation ol thè queen regrnt. ••Regarding thè finse «'* cllh<»t>gh thè <>j-t Iin I*t l< View.s of thè rit'wht min* isler of flnaitee i^an at V o’clock in the i."'-.*. !.g AD-! »1« ! AH i •• • l'ftiiAÌ rejHut ptihhsl • I her«•-1 at« * that Molina attacked the rebel pmittun and drove the rebels out with great I« mb The rej»urt «»>« that General Molina had his hof«e shot under him The Herald’» «'Otre»)»ondent a*. Mat- antns L a - obtained an a omtt of i fight from a Spani«h ««fib »*r w ho was pre-« nt. From th»« Il A| i«< .»«- that Ho« rebel infantry were strongly intrenched in an alinosi ina« • •••»filile ¡>o»itiun in the ItHls anti all efforts lo distolge them wer«» futile, r«'*ulting only in heavy losses for the atta« king force The insurgents had only a few men killr«!. and j««-r»\| at and taunted the Spanish during the whole engagement. General Molina n.i-- wly r« •»«*! I lined not Washington, I a ., Ort. M. —Il.trvey omy mure or I«-*« ample, Cherry, who Lad just return«*»! from tell yon, my friend, that we laugh st Nebraska, where ha had aubl his farm, «»ch <»ff«-ro, for already we are at the nr «*f our lilwralion. Hhould Kpam and ha«i on bis |»etiir»n *14* way- laid this morning by three he>l|4ldA, M*riou»ly offer tie autonomy, it w»»uld ove the full client uf her Weakness, kmx'krd BM-nwlrNA ami money ami a g«»LI watch. He wns aud we will light with rrn»--wv*l ardor found bound ami gagged in an alley, almost d«*xd from uf blood from an ugly gash in his head. «Irweb by lightning Visalia, Cal., Out. AIDrt David nin hoi a atartlmg rx|>erirnre this al tern non while driving along a country road during a ram storm. Hi* wagon W hole » i«|«la »»f < orM H«»m«»ut 40 men were of l*; to the pun. The report aays lhey at work in ami around the wilding have a good body of ore. when the craah came. It appeared as though all were burled in the rums, R**cir ••rwteb a, a Trai». but after all the rereuea were com­ Watm.neille, Cat. Oct. I!.—The pleted, It was found that but two had •fioraron train tmm Santa Crii» today lost their livre— Brire Krmlall, of ■trucks buggy containing lira. » arr Charlevoix, ami an unkuuwn man, who and ber young «un, each uf whom au*. | is »till lu the rnina. Valued auch lujuriea that both will die trade BY I m PHAlRlE IIII mm I« FIRES a»4 I b 4I sb « NORÌIIWEST BRENEIES Ablase •t ««I«»*» Fair <«r*«M«4» Uct II — i|*tain Pet- till* after- NEWS OF THE WEEK ( < k'tu- bur m 27 years TWnw* smoke aggra- vatssl (be ««utdiiums. Oil a»'jount of lire drought the la«t two months «»very- la as *lry a* tinder and («»rest and tad prairie fires are numerous. laike Michigan has been made al* most «innavigable <*n account ot tire Captains of vwm I s aiuoke and fng have report«*»! a m»vst , alarming state of affairs. Many have not slept for 4* liuum on A»’« *»ont of th* watchluln«*»» ILrets picking that was itc*'r*sAry. their wav through the < Straits of Mack • inaw were parti rutarly hAm|NIVWd. Landmarks were i utter’y obliterated, and U lights wer lU'listinrt at Un**s •f a length c >f the vessel, Tl. e* amtikr is attribute«! to forest fire< Hunting parlies, rarel« •a in their camping, a e t nought l*» have »tert« <• br»Mk«| < wfl AgratiunA. Matins uml* t writers ar«» apprehensive of numefi nu» stranding» on account of the Bofukt *, and bulletins front the lew« er end of the lake a*e watch»*«! for with anxiety, ('bhago'« southern i wards and sub- Uris« are sue rounded by prairie tire*, and denar *•»«•<» over! hang« a larg*' pa> t of the territory lying south of Sev«»nty- fifth str»et Hundreds of a> «ea of pra* it tv have fw-rn burnoi over, an«! th«ni " • tu » ' > ■ ' -' ’■> »_.«.«•.*: I have tw*«*n cunsiime*!. Firemen tn this division ot the City are «>»««» ptvi***v exhausted fighting M «1 the fires are started by sparks (ruin l«i^>motiv*»w, aiid not infrequently k»y iniachievous ¡«»ys, who ««d th«* grass on fir«* for ihc excitement. A di»pat»h from Bremen. Ind., says th»* m- -l di«.»*tru is prairie fire known In i - ’ «• rv of Mai* ill <»• -nty is now raging Hun tn rli« i of it •< - ounty ■ . > >* it .s i • 11 h k ■ .< ■ a f i a * the ’’big mar*'.,*’ is unc vast « ing waste. At time», when fa iiilie A - > t !»•' i 11 bursts into a bl and darting »«'rose c!un»r field«, c< field» or mcad»i «I lay* waste rveryt! in its pj»Hr. on5 y stopping when hrs «*ff bv plowed * Ir Ids *»r highways« Many in»tan»**w ar« repurt«*d w here rattle m passing over the t fr.icher ojis ground have broken through into tu*» burning heat anJ perished. Favtu»»rs ■ night fighting tl flame«« and presenting destruction of their hum«'», and the lack of water make* the batt la almost hujieiri Just west of Walkertun more titan 1,000 aerea h a ve bv ?n swept of r^ery vestige f towns without fire p»ot«w t(on. Nothing sh«>»l th«* pt 'w’r«-*s <«f th«' fire. * < l**««>ate f«*r New Orleans. CM. i —Ait of improvement and pl.rltMite situati«»». «,»n thè (art» of the n *u * tbere had liuen no -I ami yesterday thè nutnl»er of had •ÌM»wn a mah the •lay btrfore. tng, how- evrr. thè rvp i liega h to come m tu tl Ith ««ffb'w w ith rapidity. By I o'clock there had i**en HI case» report­ ed, am! by 7 uch* k t«*n ghl all previous records of this •» » Frase in • .»•••*. They took the view that it might lw eijHi*cte»l that numer­ ous casre Would still continue dally to he rv|«ortfht Dr. Ohphanl »aid to night: ••The sf tern i rnfurvctncnt of t •• law re*|uirihg » all phy slcians to report pre mptly both i »uwpicious and »dual cast ea of yellow fevrr, ha» a material effect in ii. n vting the number •I cases. Evidence of Steady Growth and Enterprise. HEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Vr«m All ths tl»« < IllteS "hrivtnc ««4 Alster Taa watt •latte« •— Oregum, A new shingle mill has I t.-en atarte lark i. th* lalaat Una ef »toi»» 100 Jara of f .. I in Kugoi j<*. igle measuring 7 icd D»*ar «tos i » f<*ri * d lAltl'i* w t-r» K Al tl .. X) 8-year-uh 1 >wa county M a day bigs • ' Hiel RM It I re • iHU«'«l «qs-ralHHiA. A» «ordmg io tire rete»n* ot the •«'««i»r th»» total of th»» I ar / m I«* prv| of Jarksua county is t4.8t8.M8 There have br«*n 13 h««ua*« built In the pas’ sum. in er, Bi several mure will l«e built this fall. T o U h I u during A Lu k. two do»*« and th«» kill«**! with two shuts from a is the record made by a Gat«1 hunter. A shipment of find fine brad« 11utile. making a trainluad of VJ ci ' * W A* I . ( il V to (>maha. Il is estimated that a Munroe «»nteiii» 4.0Vd ;«■>•:-•' ’’ I b ’ 5. , • L«i t • f - ir • uf I tv fatten hogs- Counly warrants m Jacksons re 11 i Pg At * jer cent pr» uimin. •mid to be lire highest paid for county warrant» in 90 y«*ara. An Ashland |M|>er Mays i I iai the fr.ai 1 ra p ¡' lu r »*• a nd - you - buy *tl»«* frame w as w«»rk«'*I A* iland I ««l a • »*k. th workers cleaning up aGmt flu» Htn‘*r the late I'.umcii <’cna* gra-s ta coming up ii»-<‘!y. J th«* l.ifHiVf* are plowing and ot putting m their fall grain. \ 1 «1 J .’ • » i«.?’ > t • k du i»|- d on th<» (qtt;: p'liy i son, and » lew thousand more necessary t«» complete th«* w«.>rii year. The Western Un graph «»in­ pan* is putting in another arm and w i re on Its line» beta*•'•li Portlan«! «n-l Tacoma. ■rt at»!«» to g*'t metí m Purltand to <1* lbw work and was obliged to bring a crew of nn’ii from Muinvapsdit Sheriff Kilburn and prose, of Baker county, bud a h««t tight with two attla thi»*irs on Lt*«-r !’.»w !er riv.-r. Forty ► hots wrrWra catigcd. Fred Hull wa * shot through the arm, but v**ui|*»»*l to Baker ('ity I ol Wi»»«der was not « Apturvt! Hull calh’d a l«h t»»r to In* ludging-houre and w.i* » aught there. The thieves had X0 <*atll«’, which they were driving t«* Idaho Ad«** *»nak« nver. ei|x'cting to exchange them and bring back strange cattle tu the butcher. Tlu* gang is *us|u • i»*d of having u|»rr- a ted fur a lung tiiuu. M <• • hI»» g l « mi . A sit Inch refracting t*dosccq»e ha« hern r« > eivrd in l a <>ma by the Puget sound university. (‘aptaiii L H. Coon has aA«umrd the dutirs <»f vullvxtur of the port at Ever ett, mux *•*• ling W. It. Stockbridge. Union City is the name of the new town just start««! in the vicinity of the iiew gul»l finds in Whatcom county Kitsap ommty has su»*»| Snohomish county for f<’c>0, alleged tu have brrti paid improperly by KiUap on the »u premu judge * salary. Jam«»* A. Rol»erts, a h»gg«*r and woodsman, akmut 60 y« .»rs uf ag*», 4 MllllftM bjr lltegls erteil Viali. drup|te’d «Ira ! in a saloon in Whatvuiu, New York. Ot 7. — The |l,(X)0,0O0 prolxibly uf heart di*’»-«». in gold which was received from Au«tra- 1 he «lead ks»ly of a man fuuml imar lia at San Francisco is l»vginning to th«» Indian re*«-rvatkm shiml, n«'ar Ta arrive in this ity. it is t«eing sent coma, with a bullet through his brain, hither by reg>< rrel mail. < >ne kauik was idefitifhd a» that of ( harles Ley. rv'elVed tlUO.OOO today, ami a private H S. Ballou, a well-known real *w et pt of fiu.OuO. |4u,0u0. bank was hi receipt The late dealer, dropped «lead in Fort Au g«.id wo» In canvas Lag» hohl in g tLbOO grlcs on the eve of bls d«*parture for «•a I», in shape hk«* a siusage. Ihc gov­ Ctthfurnia. th«- can*«' being hemorrhage ernment, having de« hued to trni.s|4»rl of the lungs the g’dd (rum >an F fwik ' ibc «» to this There is iin estimated shortage in the city at govern meh I express rat*«» or to • «nv-tt? -c-r-:, y hr tl h. <_ h u . oat crop around I «a Conn« r of 8.1 o Every farmer graphic transfer, and the importers sack* or 60,000 biirhrls. tiieiiug the ordinary ciprea« charges too on th«* fl it re|*»rts bls shurtag«* at from onerous, « helper plan of *rnakey regent of the Washington fire. Fire ia r.iging In the brush sur- agricultural oolh-ge. McCrosXey will rounding th** village and no trama «an pruluibly fill th»* vacancy caused k»y the pas» wither way. icsigiiaimn ol Regent \\ Indus, Sinew Governor Rugera lxg-in signing I>r nta. For quarters of the H|wmiar«la, a govern- via St iaiuis ¡0 exalrnne health oondi- * I?. ■ nient force has amb ii*hrd aim I rapture»! lions here, was held up by the Houston into the state library fund. a boat having on b os rd to? Iole« of quarantine « ffl«*rrs this morning, and is A gsMtet many Indiana »topped in ammunition which the troo|M foun*l n«»w in t'amp Camp Detention lb*tention at Spring sta- Ellensburg on their way homo from ilia ashore Both of these lots of ammuní­ tion There i» is n«» no objection obj«n.tion tu Dr. Yakima h«»pfl«dda ,M.«t of them a>e ti*»n, it is sla!»*d, ladunged to an espr- Gniteras' into (lai s raton. lie < >ka'i' k»»ns, of Chief Mu*«*»* band. »lilion which landed at the mouth of will l*e While there they »jieiil q nt»» a l««t uf the river AriAtio,>n the«!itarir •< of Cien- b»*ar«l as i» relea «e* I (roui money, and th»» merchants probt«; I I y forgo», pnivime of Sauta Clara, re Houston. a brisk cash trade. really. Th* Hsnb Iti« <>r«tsr. Th« total receipt,of th« fair in Walla W Meni Orti. «h-f. — A^o>mlinx to • *M- »» all* la*| w.-rk ainoontial to •lout Philadelphia .p.i<-h frorn Mstiriil, sonori*»- >f employes of Thomas Duina A Cou, telinoli., thè retir in, mimuter (or Ih. • I .'JOO, *n>n ili. Bank of M|.«in •till remaiaa itmt * >35, which was tori . .I «rear to Manogar N. tl. Halb» k hr an I ««•»•« of 15 jer «ent in WAp’« « tu (urnlith *0,00O,000 |ie«Haa for thè for th« pttrpoaa of «lafraying «i|onMa The «lemand was rrfuard, and the weav­ <'»'■»« campai,». The commitl«« of er». about 800 in nnml*i, went out on Ih. batik 4et'li ned tn make Ih« a-liancr, ot the exhibit in H|ukane. strike. ah«r«'i,»n thè gitvernor nf tha tetrik Governor Rog. rs has »ent to I«at ah a inviteli thè i vminiue« lo re»l