Scio weekly press. (Scio, Linn County, Or.) 18??-1897, October 15, 1897, Image 3

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imminent .
Yurwimg Foiast las ill« Ceealwtwala W ar
at Head.
«o York. <>• 3-—A diapetch io
the Hrtald from (isatemala *a««
The g»ver?>ment It »till mobilising
lia forros at Tul*mica|an. sn*l it prepar­
ing U» make an atta< k vn the rebels,
who bare taken a pu»ilion < m > the
heights of C’<»mn, near Tohmls'apan.
It is brhwveej that there will I* a lug
I m tile there ehi h will mark the turn*
Itag joint of the war.
It.«» rrtwds. aafriy place«! in ihohillr.
<>?*■• o>! fire <>n th<> city al an early hour
• >n the morning of nepteiiilMt'r 2W
Hr*« proi«*i ineffsw'tivr, owing to the
grrai distan» e. The government for «ve
/ in
did n<»t return th« fire.
D» ctator Harris*» hat issued a decree amneaty to rv hr it who Will
" at i> the <nun; *ord?-nol SAFE, although ¿.4 ■ <V • Red baking lav down their arm» intide of t«n »lay«.
A di»’»at«h to th« Herald from It-o
ponder a hj it4 nt »*(«.
»le Janeiro says:
The French minister
* ” r
1 Bftf baking | <*dcr or te» nt v •
gr- r »■*’. take out th« Lss demanded an immediate »ettlement
t r k< t dr, 4 n { » < t sn tkery |*a ksge of baking |“»a *‘»r , \riiu*» ttakel in <»*• <«t the AmajM qu»«ti’in and an esplana*
lion of Hrsttd’t delay in the matter It
4 ’.*( with ear h word to ad drew i<
ue îk<ei»i *r jist
is aONrteri that the French minister
I ntd (hi ‘ kt t;th two «urdi alloue»! tor every I.» Let » *tu.i Ü m U only one
h«.« rr«eivvd prart cally an •llimatum
»prd for every 1. kef.
from his govrfnin’ ni for prewntation
to Brasil, but has not thus (ar present*
H. ,/<»’■ »» ,p i f. ( . 4 j ¡lh. », j a»n< ! x hem
rd d b .» .•<» of bit I*«’ rf that the
t erry o’ »' stud ng 4 brown or yellow I»« ket will rr. eive a tet of rsr«Jboard question would be »je< lily sett!«*I.
<rrrj, : — l .t
the end of lhc»«*nle*t
Ih r »endng three nr p- >re hi one Fran «' is now, however, to occupy the
rr<rAe .»•>
i*« krt < ..* ■ ■■■. !ai n .» U« »’»*■ ng on it
Ib-e deputed ierrit«»ry.
The French rrui«er Drbordio hr»* ar-
crerjnng babes and |»<xket calendar 1 will Le d;»!<
t fnui» tha «»or« *.tf, •*! m
rived hare to look out for French •&-
the lavt ten:» st
A «I * d ‘ fr. m Lima •«» » the com*
m i» « of deputi«-« which w .m recently
a . ir»:»d t»» agr«* nj»*>n a | 'an to te*
| ♦
lion ha vs? not Í m * tb able to reach an
ToaUil TralRr I»* Ireland.
• : • t.
’-wt’ia! mrmlwrs <«f the
Ireland is now Ix ing «q*'nrd nr r»-
The gunners of Ih« Frt n< h navy aro ('v«mmitt«*r .«dvo ate a plan to authorise
tliah ever for visitor»
Ita nttnurftiofia noi lo I m ’ ccHigratulattAf un ilmir tnarkiH the government by special act of con-
•rr Lx’ih^ morv |iromln«ntly phwsl I m * «r«ar>»hìp il th* reauh» of thè tar#»»! gre*« •<> negidiatw aith th« rorpora-
Lue i<» ¡’Ht»,
• * .»•« t fa. j. t
pFAtfli S» u| tbrer «d thè target wa* v« «- tioh'» < redilon» t»n a basis decukid U|<on
bar»* b»-en provi h-*I f ir viewing it* wla «I T«nib»n are lo Iw tak^ti «a a cri- b,
gt«»»«. Other menilier» want th»*
many natural l«Muto •»
di.« |»t»* n r tenori. The gutH «f thè three ve«-< la
in i -tlm« to. hiv.t f ill cvithority to
of royalty cannot (ail 1«» give a atuou blAKod a«4V at thè »dd w<*a|en dm*
. .
lu« t<» tonr»»t trafilo.
|»at» h lw»at Patrtl, utiBand a* ti»*' lar» the sx»r|-H*rati*»n, «» I hive authority to
wbn'h wo »et ataovt I 000 tarda «il’ f th* l- r - of tl.r • 4’. rllalion of
(tiro tnih ai aw iv. linlil IBM »*hartf«*< the foreign debt, which debt (he cor-
"» • Ijr ¡«•ì’-d, •
tu L«*r- runa a l«oratiun ««turned.
w I m M* **«>t>M*lr<*vk ri su* h V’flw la.
A *litp.»t»*h from Valparaiso nays it is
! ia •till ftfl«*At. Tins is sum*
there that a powerful syndicate
thing like tho targrt praetHW uf tin <»f German bankers has offer«*.! to the
H d til t .
i for
flag.h ip Prnsarols, th* fngata lUkipl«'!
‘»«h government a loin of II. imhi ,*
Fro®» <’4< ah-/ue.
and the t?;ií!Mng »hip .îameatuwn in San (KMi.OOO in gold at 2 ¡««r cent am! 2 p«*r
Bu«*ll hinibfuon,
Franf.»ru bay at the centennial relè- »••nt amortisation f»»r the coiupletnui of
U.^n. W I
! <4t»«»n of I h ; h , u An at a rang« «>f one p
i* « fls and r-i.iwnVM.
in»ìe they fired (or over an b«»nr at an
I’aiimgrr Train Weeck»«!.
I • • « an .- ’«•! in the «troiifin « ff lh<
( ■•him is. <>, <_k I. fl.—A sjx** : a 1
F»’-». •> which «.♦irii’yjrd a « 4 monitor
4î.d îlllrd With CUttbustiblcá. Will;, ut from F:q*ia to 11.«? DíspAtc,, saTn. A
hitting It once.
It waa pl ar» tosi to Panhafxlle j a-««*ngor train was wrecked
drop a »¿>«*11 Into it that would fi.'v it tai» and a half mil«*» ra»t uf this city
.till • h:W it up. Erri tin- »h-fe.*t i V»’ g“’l-
n- n f ih« f!« - I and of Fort Point, down grade at the rate of 40 miles an
uhi h joined in th« bombanlmetii. h"iir, 4’i I m (HWIfting th* frog of 4
«T« it tjfM'resgre to M*fu! out A taut tu - r t !. .<t J«>. dan i»-ft the track.
it 111ml apply tho lureh t<> it bv h«n*l. .’»70 f.-< t th«* eng t * bnin|»ed over the
Th *• «*xi’u%4» at the tim* fi.r th« |M«or ln < and then went into the ditch. The
markmanehip «u that th<* Minmuni- tender went in the opposite direction
lion u*M“d w.»» old a»; ( wurthh*>w being while the bnggAgo car wu thrown
4 {Mtl of th« aurpiua <»n hand at the u- r
the track.
Two day coaches were
l|«»W a»1’1 ’»•riirr * or««bl»«•>*!.
••I«« of the war.
rushed together
Ell Carroll, the rn*
Thvroogt*!* wart* lbs ftol! ‘o a depth of 5 io
gim-er, w a«» hurled 60 feet am) fell on
a ttietoea
• n»u in u Ai!I». a 100
.« 1*411011 of h » r«h.
Eirt'tiMh John
1/ttH f)0
« f !.♦<
Hare» H*e •*■♦*!> totlvu 1 rad^wn. thorcm<l»lf
Tb* n a4r t » «f ibi« v<|«er will he p!*-aar-t la Baird was pitched 75 ftM-t over into a
fi n frd with
.-•-,»* *,
ihrr« »• at iea*t «»ar
’tia^aaw h- id.
Th« < f-.gifie«-r sustained a ter*
Mrry termer ib«l ba* u*cd II HKUOM »earn
(hai M ir tic*’ i a» ÍH<t» ali> t«r«r<* in ah H* »Hr«»
Xlv|4 II.
Tii I” kcalp w»»«ih*l. remaining i*nc»»n-
• • •! •.bn*‘t *aia.'ìb Ha<ì'* * alarr« <‘wre
uniy pt-atii** rote now kn«»n u> th« m<*1i< al M*iutis fur «om* time.
The fireman
IraUr HIT I'atarrb brln< a r«»i tfHull’.»*«! 4la«
rssiwr r«- |..rr«ar a’Hitli<Mtal Irea m*nl Haii'a wh^rt inter .dlr. C. ** M<-Cowan,
Catarrh <‘urr i* i»4»n mu rttally. «*'<-•»< <t rr^-tiy th” hnggag’* ma«ter. was bruised by be*
i«n ihr t.tiMwt « »’I i»»»* t>4a snrhye» •»! Ihr »1 •
»mit AH3 tavioi 111 mum *
(rm ihrivh* <t« • nrying thr lout.4 »liuti »I lb*» ing I'limel in by the trucks
Iteörral l|'ht« f,.f ()»»£**»*. MaahHtg 4■•*■ «W a; 4 giving tbr> patient «».rrtigib by
I ••»« «»ut l>l»liu
a ! a •
4 Tralul«»a<l of <««>14.
nadir« 11» 4’4ng Itt wort the ptu| riri'H» have
C‘»hn »do Spring», Colo., Ont. fl. —A
a«» ns*ir h faith >u da rurali«« pa-aria. Usai Ibry
. •!. » • »• ii ut le. 1 Ja.¡lar» 1 t ai.y • a»« that it novel scheme for handling the gold
!a • t«» ‘ > ■ r s, 1,4 f,jy I V( t»f ’«• 11«»<«»> U» • •
A 140 •*
F ) i II t h > Y. A « u . I<.. n I o , O output of the Cripple Creek mines will
H»»í4 by d»u<f nu ÎV
be put into UMj by th* operators of that
Hal« « Fatuiiy Pilla ar« Ihr best
dl»tri< I. The plan I» to set aside the
Easily. Quickly. Permanently Restored
Dr Mal K dilittr, <»f Berlin, ha« dem» output for «me month, take the Lull tun
Weak nr««, hrrvuu«u.^at Debility,
• i I »it th« Ir**« ef ««U«
onetrAte»! that by the une of llurntgeit therefrom ami «hip it to the l-nitril
f»*W» «Mt* •«*•>•• 0»
ray« <ine can are how e*»iin«le are pro­ Sial« » mint in Philadelphia in a sin*
• » *«•«• t# • IMiMi .4
gle consignment.
A special train will
•eat* at».
• -»•
duce*! by the von.«* in tinging.
n, ata. I «>1 »UwfttftA.
t>- M« urn! for the purpose of traiiftport*
4e*«leMM»«t •*! *■«•»•
<*•<» »<• errtg «reais
tug it. the bullion will be place«l in
«•4 |M-» t f •* >. t lb« î .U«)f
AH I *tfctrrn ytyr’jp h->uila-l. uauAlly very charge of some eiprvsa company which
» »«ut««, a«»«#*! iMthuJ*
Hgbt « obxrd AW4 «I h«AV| Ixal?, h made from * an guarantee its safety, and all news*
»•«•*•« I,
•*»”* 1 • .-«•• ■ ■■*, •*>!.*
ti i».
(• Made
la« »w*e:-f..<-o p, k
- iftf ( ar«r a»»4 <• »tririly ptir* it la !«•» «ai« sary precautions will l»e taken to pre*
• t|<•» nati iMruuèl
10 rusa « '«u rr’srra n «aus «niy
Mamilar-* v«*i»t a Idrnt while the consignment
■•«M.ted trvr
I ,r»4 l»» ih« F«» irli < oa«T »vat r t.’o AÜ *rn-
is in transit.
luirla natur litho*tapbrd oh rvvl) can
A» the present output of Cripple
»I bill Al O. N. Y.
it 4; . oqo .O oo |»rr month,
A 1'0 who to - silly di**! at the age of Cn k i- a
We wan! an
tins will I m * one of the largest ship**
•Kent In rar h
village «nd ing. bad com»umed tn th»» pant live yrarw im-nts of gold bullion that ever crostod
the eontineuL
work the <*»unirr h««fwr» »riling «ar l<«,iit**v ¿»O.OtKj cigaiwllr*'
b*«'#« suitable <«•* ChU4»«n <»Wi| one pWfMNs
• Ight W uh < «ill» Thl««««.
In «*• h piwee will be at*i-«i»itt 1. «liber InH* nr
I kn«»w tha*, my life wa« »atrt! by Pi*<*'»
f .*nt ieiuan . «1 t»vri«*H*-r ih * i ti«vc»*ary. t un» <'urr for t'otiaumplum
J**i»n A Mdler.
Baker City. Or., Oct. g. — Sheriff
■auaiou Rel able house W rile t««4ay.
Au Hable. Michigan, April 21.
Kilburn am! p»*-*»* had a hut fight last
The value of hOtHMS projserty of lx>n- l ight at V o'clock with two rattle
3<>O i’ual Airwel.
»»•• lra»<l««o. < «1
don ia |!,»♦*»*.OOO,OOO, that of Pane, thit*!«*» on Lower Fowder river.
11,4.To.ouo.uov, that of New York, |1.- shot» were «ichanged. Fro»! Hull was
shut through the arm, but rs**a]«*l to
this city
Earl Wheeler was not cap­
Try S<hillihf a l>«»l t«*a a»*J Uahlftg powger. *
to re» I.
Hull calle-1 a doctor to hit
I«» g t g*'i........ 4. I wa* aught there to
Rmplssy \*»ne |l»»t M **«*»«»n
net then, at R J. IH»WrV«i.
I an
Women have diaplacwd men In every day.
Front sir«*' 1. lVrtUn-1 “» A •*• afent t-.r «he
< riebratr-4 t'llpper M H beai fauñlim tulli in branch of the ma dune *ho|«i »if a bi*
The thieves had 3*cattle,which they
the wc-rht. Mery larimr »h<ul4 bate ut»r.
cycle manufacturing tirm having a large were driivng tn Idaho acmes Snake riv­
V nie for pt 1er*
plant al Toledo, O.
In thia r«tabliah- er, eipetlnig to eirhange them and
uirnt girla are 1 »w employ«*! on mill- i bring I m k strange Cattle to ths butch­
The g4t:g is su«|<e« ted of having
Ing masdiifitw», drill prr--«-a and other er.
niarliinra ne*«l in the manufacture of »»I* rahd fur a long time.
<iet *<mr «uppHs*« of «>* at <9l ralea.
htcyrlr jAUta. The
itutd»n of girla
Fiklai Í I «>< .*■ Í' IT».
i • » f ■
I -■ . ■ »•
for men baa certainly nut l»rrn prompt­
Miller, s I) , O» t. fl. — Persons from
ed by a deme »»n the part of the com-
I mìì ?! it IU in'. >x', ?:■■ .’1 |«any to a*»i'si in the great purpcMw of 2<> miles north state that as a result of
ths log praine fire, one man has died
making the female portion of the |mpu*
and others may dir.
Seven or right
¡atioii arlf oib I ai nIhg, but rather to ae
were badly burned, one family name«!
cure ch<*a|*ei labor than tbeir eopmrti-
Preston all I’CH g in a dangerous gandí-
Hundreds of tons *»f hay and
Anothrf | •« f,*r the Hay.
grain were destroyed. The fire was
In Fran s*, by maana of the Roentgen cause») by men making a firs break.
raya, the aoi of the silkworms ia now
F»«r Fl«hert*»«>* |lm»ih«rf
determined while they ara in the 00-
New York,
Oct. fl —Four pound
Thin deter initiation hat in the
fishermen of North Txmg Branch, N.J.,
I «ant been
<anrvd on uinx»rtain!y,
wor- drowned today while atiout their
usually by weight, the female eucouiia
work, about 100 yards off shore.
lability aufTrrrr In an areravatrd usually liring »lightly heavier.
form »Itowa It »11 hi« (a« r 4 bAggadi
Mn«k«V far
w.•nidtuiliinff man. The awtne with
I’opulsAua Watlona
Havana, Oct. fl.—The steamer Reina
women. Ihil what of the ihaii who
The refused return» of the Rurnian Crista, which arrive*! «»day, brought to
ha« ¡«»at all vital and manly power,
and yet hmkw hk« a p!»y*h »I gtAtit ’ erntua give the total population of that Captain-General Weylsr, |2.o00.000. it
Thn* I» pl»l Ihr «|U» Mmn t«> which Pf <x»iintry aw !2V,0«M,000. Thia inskes I» a- rrtnl. tn be applird in military e«.
Harden iiaa dr voted twenty veara of Rtittia third in rank among nations,
Tomorrow, 100 Spanish sold­
It I* tru« ihat nu n who look
•trung ARE weak in thia rrepert. China coming Aral with an rati ma lot iers snk or otherwise inca pac i tetad,
|»r Sanden ha* found the • au»e and population of 400.000,000, and the will return to Spam.
eiplalna it in hl« little Wort,
British Empire nett with 399,000,000.
St Paul. Oct fl — Samuel P J. Me-
••Three C’/gsvr« of ^en,**
Alas«» and Foreign Trad«».
Millan. I'nited State» senator from
The capital of Hiam hat a conalder- 1H7B t<» I33N, died at his hume in this
Wl»l< h he aenda free be n ad aealrd
from »sbaervatlon. or n* 1 be ha»t al able foreign trade.
During I9V& the city laat mght of anemia He had l>ern
bis <»flier II give« full informalion nuinlirr of vranelt that entered the bar* ill fur nearly a year.
ndating k>
Imr of Bangkok was 613. and the i®«
Meal for K Inndlb«r«.
peril were valued at f20.000,000.
l)r. Sanden'» Biectrk Helt.
Victoria, Ort. •.—J. C. McArthur,
!l might be worth your lima to read
Tli«* X r.y» »r. to be tined in «ettling Dominion gwernMcnl lurtiyor, who
the hltla book Oat il. or cali ami
«h.lhrr tl>. ol.l ma.trr. in Nrw York rvturn*l from tl>. north, »ay, there
tre I hit wonderful Bell.
■ rr> ¡tomiin. paintinit. or not. ¡1 trarr, will l*o no •tarvation at Daw,on tin*
of a «ign.turr be found under 111. one winter.
When he left there were
no. in •ri.lrn.'», it will br proni eixuigh 3,ooo .hrep am! 400 hea<i of cattle on
.51 W ••« W»«M.|'"> ■’ F«rtl,e4. Or th.t thè |i«inting ha. been tatnpr>r>*i the I»*lt<*n trail, which would reach
Unwwu li«-wteen !*epten>ber It and 30,
ZlM«r •m.'i«« <»>•
A Um of Atlantic water when capor­
Near Pool, Rowan county, North
ale.! yielil. e.ghty-one {manda of .alt; a
ton of Pacific water,
«erentynine Carolina, raveral nugget, hate been
pounds; tha water in thè lh-a.1 Sea. found recently and fanuar, have die­
more tban twioe a. uiucb—187 pound« covered they were the poreeaeurauf gold
lo lite tee.
Schd/ing's Best baking powder goes a
third farther than any other; gets to work
quicker; makes sweeter cake.
Sc/uuing's Best tea makes good cake
taste better.
Sc Sing's Best bi king powder and tea are
--------------------- Iccause they are money-back.
Better cut these rules out.
A Dentists...
m : r \ oi ' s
s«b*M»a«r Ortew < «1 is««»» t»r Ui« Shis
tH»W«l»g llupbi«» S <
«*F V red«».
A»t oris, Ort. fl — Shortly after 4
o'lk» k tin» a f terr «MU», just a« »he wav
om14**tmg one of th« f4«lr»t trans*
Paca lie »ailing trips ««n rm»r*!, the big
fuur*mAste«i (ierman ship Feru crashed
into the little cmuiting »ch*w»ner Orion,
rutting her In two. and «ending her to
the bottom immvidately.
When the littla vessel «u strn k by
the big steel «hip. the captain was
thrown acruMi the dark, >»adly brui««s!,
ami every one of bis four men were
knock«*! shunt and more ur !«*»• ten-
ously injured. They succeeded in grs *p-
ing rojw’S of the <«erman Ua<k. sn l
< liinl***d atxMird, an«l ihu« made their
Captain Nel»*»« »u loath to
»sv who be thought w«i t<> blame !”t
the collision
11« aver» ti»Bt hi»
► .«.< «*r was on her **>ur«e t«r Shoal­
waler bey.
The weather was perf* t!y
clear an*! the •** sin»w>th
The s»ri*
dent onrtirreJ north of the lightship.
'i-.f *3 or 16 m»l*» "fl th« mouth of
the nv-r.
The log Relief Was lowing the lier*
mcn !wrk. and the <aptain de* line»! tu
o <k«‘ a »* a !«■ io* .. I. The rapt a in of ths
schooner la nt his case hrfore the Brit-
ish vu*e*om«ul hero tonight, and the
matter will bo thoroughly ioevwtigated.
The »hipare* k«d crew are now at a
b ud in Astoria, without a cent of
n »rv or . inc» other than what was
on their I m ks at the time of the colli­
Tb« < >ri«»n was en route from ban
I ,
-< • f.»r Hi 4, ;•;« harN r sn bal
la*t and st the tim* of the accident
«.m <m the »tarbruml t.* k. Steering
the wind.
While the retu-enco of the
ni»*n in ebsrge <»f th© vessel makes it
O idt t<» ¿»‘I At th»' C14 t auiw* <4 th
iMster, it is sp)*arent from what little
information they volunteer that there
was i «m* slculstion as to the wj***ed of
the v»“-«eU, wlndi prevent«*»! their hav­
ing »eg r*»»m until it was too late to
avoid a collision.
The Pvni bring a heavy steel ship
could nut
much damag«*.! by the en-
munter With th«« ««•-•«!I««r
*r|. I.nt »h«' ran r <»ut <»f the collision
with her J i M mmjii and bowsprit rap
m m » i ? g. The Peru wa* nn her way to
The Orion was a »mail
tbrre masted »rhooucr, of 117 tons reg­
The Peru is a st»’«-' ship of 2.093
!• i s r.i*t register, 27»*i feet long. 3^.6
(» < t Ix’uin. 23 9 feet hold.
We have had ».-methmg of a »lamp
*n wb««i smew w® wrote y» u last, du«
to S t V cta I caua « s . chief smofig which
being tin* vri low (ever Marr, a dr«'bird
aiackrning ul »p« culai mu, and iiirrrasrd
rver»pt» fn*m loth winter sn«l »ptmg
w t « 4l »cs ti«ma.
N«’W». b’»wrvrr, < «■ Id
not in any manner Iw constru«*! ar
brarmh. an*! had nut the bulls takm
fright •»» rssily and .lumprl tbrir hold*
1 ng» on a narr«»w markst, w« »b*>uld
have o«-rn an mivaacw intUad »«( a s
Foreigners have brrn good
boyar» again on th«* >!«*din«, and ounld
«>ur propia g«t rid of th« idra that
wheat is high, ami inaugurate a buy it /
mnvrmmt, us abouk! «r« a »lyrp and
rapi»! adavtitrr.
biporte h^v« been
large, amounting to 6,fi?8,tek> bushel»
fur th* werk.
Th* world's shi|»ments
amount«*! tu V.flOO.OOO bushels, while
our kitlble supply »nrrr<s<*d 2.4O3,(W‘O
t u»hr la. Th« English visible a I m » h -
crowned !2fl.0<*0 tar th* wwrk. Our vis
iblr »upplv is ROW IV.DOO.CMH) bushels,
again«! nearly 60.000.iN10 a year agu,
while our« spurts sre nearly Y.OOOO.DOC
bushels a m<»nth Take thr-se («< ta into
r«KiS»«lrrat lon.aud note also that Franc«
«ill have to import at least HO.OOO.COC
Hu»lud«. Rn»» *’• exportable «urplua on
th* present CFOp I« r*tim«t<*l at only
flO.000.000 bushels, or Ira» tban halt of
last year.
Ur have had a rather frAturele»»
market in corn, and values ha*«» ruled
rather «tuli ami lifrl» •* within a narrow
■ 4f-• 1 , : ■
;• • f
larg” with a g»w*J demand.
I xp*»rte
c-Uitinur u> l>e liravv the •. ìraran«« « fi»i
the |A*>1 week 4ggrru*atUig .’».fl *.1,0» ‘
bushels, the low price proving to lx
Th* visible increnact'd l.kflO.OOO bush
rls fur the week.
I*r*»visiun» have not rs<wi!*ed th* #•*«■
eral dnlhiere that I im » prevaHe*! and ti»<
market is very quirt, but has 4 firm
undertone that need» only 4 fair buying
ui<>vrm«*nl to dvv»'l«>p into a bull mar
krt. Ru-eipta of hugs are somewhat
iarg« r than < siimal* *i> and of good qua!
There ig a g***! demand f?»»tu
abroad for cure*! m« >1» and lard, and
this will prol increase heavily ««
«.»in as cokl weather arte 11«.
r«artland M st bet«
"5 ,
ley and Blneatrm 77'4 7Hc |>er bushel.
Flour—Bret gra Ire, ft.uO. graham,
|3 70; suiM'tfitn** I - ’*0 p«’t bar re!
*r-i v *.!>!••?» 1*. «HrvnH*
*.,*■■ ■< I h > h »• u ’. .’.*' J -4 ' 1
• *•
New York, Oct. 4 —A dispatch from
gray, 3O(rf3*2< per bushel.
Montreal says:
Appli»'ation *»»ll 1«
Barley — F.«'*l barley. flv rf.’O, brew
ma !c t<> the Dutnr.iiun parliament next
• t g (*20 | <*t tun.
fui 11 II to ■
pors’c \
Mi« ^uffa—Bian,
■ .
inid»llings. l-’l. aborts. 113.50.
and operating a railway from a point
Hay—Timothy, |l3ia 12 50; ehner,
near the head <»f Chilkoot inlet, on the
Iiu j 11.
Lynn canal, tothe rapid» on the \ ukon
do oat, fll. O»’>‘
wild hay,
river, following as clo**dy «a practic­
10 |*r tun.
able Dalton*» trail, with power to con­
Eggs—lfl’g 17
j*r dusen.
struct and oj»erate branch lines, bridges,
w .i vvs. trlrgr.vph an«l tflv;>h<uirt ltm a,
(air tu g“«»d. 33(*4Qv; dairy, 35ie33*.
■ ‘
j»er roll.
and trihutarn s of the Yuk »n river
( . .*«*<’ — Oregon,
T.'<r promoters are a syndicate of
America, 1’2-«, < alifurnia V jtlOc ¡>«*i
wealthy men.
l^i’.< *t reports received at Ottawa of
Poultry—Chickens, mix«*«!. |2 00 r
the pru^rr-* of the Crow’s Nwl pa»»
2.30 per doseu; broilers.
railway const ruction ar«* tu the cffe< t
f.’> 50;
|3*a4 p«i work on th»’ f!r*t IDO miles is very
thia« 11;
p. r
far advanced, ami that there is no
qurs’.hui hut th»* <*»mp:iny will I h * able
Fotatues. *—Otegun Burbai kr. 4u r
to reahfto its purptMieof completing this
46r |»er sack; new potatuee, 50c ¡4*1
**•* tion t»efi»re the close of the pr&ient
<, swt-eta, | 40 per cental.
< inior
< 'ahlurnia, n«*«, red,
«1« l*ro|»l« Klll*4-
yellow, HOu per rental.
Hops— 13 id 15r |«er pound for new
W'lluw Spring«, Mo., Out. fl. — A
prairie »• hooner containing seven |»er- crop; Ibtffl crop, fl(«f 7c.
Wool—Valley, 14k4l3c |»er |ouml;
* •(.* was run down in Dead Man’s cut
t< :sy by a tram on the Kansas City, Eastern Oregon, 10« 12c; uiohair, 2<x
I er pound.
F»»rt Sxrlt A M» tn ph is n>ad.
sn pet
Mutton—(iro-s. beat «beep, wethers
m»r.s were instantly ki.lrd and sev­
enth fatally injured.
Those killed and ewes, 2l4<«<2^r; drreerd mutton.
were: Philip L Wuolen Philip Wool- 5c: spring lambs. 5 \ ja-r juund.
Ilogs—tiroes, choice heavy, |4.5O;
jr . Aman la Woolen, Dura Wooten.
Mrs. Framw*» Malbrcy and infant child light uiiu feeders, |I<j< I. ihi-»».--l. ( 4
1 u*l.
4 imuiths old. Philip W«»utcn s wife is b 60 jier li>U
B. • f— Ur-
lop »twr», |1 Th rS,
st» ba lly hurt that she cannot live,
l b«' t? »in was stup|M-d anti the remains ■ i>»• »• 35, *lrvwe>l iwl, 4vfl5',< |«r
of th»- lead ami injured were brought poniwt.
Veal—l^rgr, 4
5c, ,tn«ll, 614 tic
hvv. Conductor llallaway says the
prope r Mignal» fur rnieslngs were given, pvr puun.l.
but w<re not heard. The persons ki I let!
Seattle Marlkrt«
live in Triiis ruuiity, M" , an«! were on
their way to Arkansas tu pick cotton.
-tick. 34<4 3ke; ranch, 144l<*u.
S«g«Bt«'« I ltlrt*«lum.
CI> wm *— Native U naiiiagion, 10ii<
London, < k-t. fl —A sp*** ia ! disj al h lie; < aiifornia, V*,a.
from Madrid, published here this after­
E.*X» — Frch ranch, 33c.
noon, gives the »ubstAhcr of an inter­
Puultry—<’hick**n», live, per p»un<l,
view between a newspaper correspond­ li. 1 -
IO-, »prntg
chi. keua,
ent am! an un-named memlier <»f the
< 11; .luck., < 5o..r .1,75
new Spanish cabinet.
Idle latter la
WI-**at—F* *-.l a he.t, « IH r 3V |*r ton.
<1 ¡"ted a* saying that *er>or Hagasta
«►ata—Choice, |*er ton, 1-3
will carry out ths Cuban reforms pro*
Cora—Whole, t-’S. i’rackr.1, per ton,
| s >’ hn I by Martines »1« Camp»»* 10 years «3*. fr«**l lueal, I- 1 |«-r ton
ag*>, hut would n»»t consent to a cue*
Barley—Roll*«I or ground, per ton,
turns union between th« United Slates |33. Whole |33
and Cuba, and if th* former wu nut
Fie.h .Meat»—<’hoice drre»*-<l beef,
satisfied. H|*ain was prepared to fight, •leer». «<•; real,
mutton »beep,
a» the SpAoish navy is regarded equal &<*r&>,c; |».rk, 7c; veal, »mail, fl.
in strength to the navy uf the Umled
F -I. Halibut, * . »»In. i ,
3 '•,«?; aalu.ou trout, 7<«10c; flounder,
*•*«!• V »• rietotifwl.
an.l aole, 3M<; hng <u>l, 4(45; ruck
Victoria, B C , Ort
fl —Captain cod, &c, »writ, 2 \ <a 4c
Coi. of the sealing a<'b«M»nrr Triumph,
a.u Vr.n«*t.r«> M.tbrU
w* ich has ret imed fi»»m Bearing »« a
with 1,16V skins, says skins are plenti­
Wool—Chone foothill, H4t3c; San
ful in the »*-a. there is as many there J.«<|Uin, fl iiiontha' 64 7c; *1» year',
this season as there ever were. But fur ataplr, 74Fe; mountain, lUAIUc, Ore-
xune caus«* ur other th«\ are very real* gun, 134 14c per pound.
In the Triumph's cat* h were
||n|*—11« 14o per pound.
M ll.tiiff, — Mi Idling». fl9 &<r<43U,
four or five skms from whieh the hair
ha*I Iwjen burned off the tack. They Cal if<* 111a bi an. |l t 4 15 per ton.
Onions—New red, 70(*<s0e; <10 new
were not branded, but there is an iron
mark from which the fur was burned, ailvettkin, S3cW|l per orntal.
Potato«*«— N* w. in bogea, 30«Mn.
»»^•mii gly by electricity.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 17«2Hc; do
I»r«*«l nf « R«»«|.
aecond», 3&i43flr; fane, dairy, 33*434c;
Drnter, Oct. fl. — Alxiut 10 o'clock goo«l to choice, 304 33c |«er pound.
E ki T» —store, 3O -C38- , ranch. 334
l*«t night Thon»» H. Hur ch »hot »ml
instantly kill«! Tbomaa Martin. The 84c. Extern, 1H(4 36; duck. 30c |*.r
(hooting <Mcurr»**l on a ranch owned by iloaen.
Cltrua fruit — Orange«. Valencia»,
Burch, »(tout four nnl<*» north of here.
Burch wa» watohing for thieve* who 31 ; o .4 .t. M* i c an lim*-» 11.50« 5.< 'ah-
had been »teallng apple« from hie or­ fori 1» lemon», fancy,|3 > common,
chard, and thinking Marlin waa one of 41 (M3 per box.
Hay—Wheat ♦134 18; wheat an*l oat,
them, h« fired at Inui with a double-
barreled ahotgun.
Burch ie a promin­ III «*14; oat, »lOot 13; river barley,
ent iuan an*l ie well to -Io.
lie ijare »7 4»; Iu
1104 13. alfalfa,
1**49.50 clover. «S 4I0.
biluxlf up
Frank frnlt—Apple», A6<4 70r per
<'««••* l»y a «pill «wllrk.
large hoi; apricot«, 20(4 40c; Fontaln-
N »ah »111». Oct. fl —A Montgomery.
blrau grapea, I6<«38c; muacata. 204
Ala , »|<ecial to the Hi*oner aar»: A 36c; black, 30«r30c; tokay, 30'430c;
paaeeiiirer train on the LouliVllIe A peaches. 35(4 80-, pear«, flflc .rgl jer
Nachville, loavini here at *30». m.,
bol; plum*. 30(4 40o; crab applea, 204
juiuped the track at Kieeraide Park,
killitii; <»aa Boyrl, colored, firuman,
eerioualy injuring William Brown, en­
The hrepital» of th. Metropolitan
gineer, and hruiling Bill Glaaaier. a aaylum ih Urndon ha»» 8,000 lie*!» »el
jo.tai clerk, of Naahville. A apllt apart for »carlat fever and only 700 for
•wilck, it i» mxi, canard the accidenv diphtheria.
The coarae gold de|>oaita of the Alt»* »
In every mile of railway there are
are lielleved So have been found where •even feet and four 1 ncbe» that ar« uot
Uie Acapulco railway > roveec the Baltat covered by th« raila—th« pla*e left ba-
twaaa tharu for •»pan»tan.
|«trn«4« m F <l*rw»aa Tr«4*.
Ft ano* lm|iorte»!
000.000 so th of
jewelry fruob Gestrtei v i«»t vrxr
fa*t has <*■»*>*ed consternation among
th«* large jrnrlry mauufuHirers in the
homer country. Th* German articles
are nearly all of a rhe ip varirty, am! a
large pr«»portion »»f the Jewels nhi’ h
they OEHltain are imitation
It is rath*
er sink ng !*> kc the German» cutting
into a bran* h of trade in which the
Frm«h have always l«ecn easily first.
French eij»»rts of jew«*irv and watches
<*>ntinue to be very important
In the
14«t —*Vbitia an«! India-—the
French have almost entire control oi
the watch and Jewelry trad*
Y ir daughters are the roat pre
eh* IS legacy ¡»»»aiblo In this Ilf«
i he rvs * nud . Ity f< e them and their
future ia largely with you.
bl . %nge that developa
• girl, ah 'til l find you vi
the watch day and night.
As you care fur their physical well-
being. so will the woman
be. ami au will her clu'.d-
rrn be a iso.
Lydia E»
nil RS.
Th'«:* a
*. r ihal gl««*mY. t»«rrwsaswi
rvMHiM <*♦ th« mnl « kick ns* it* <**W>in in
dy»J*«-p«is A‘i th* »»«1» •!»-».<• ti»at, »»n*!«r th«
n«i*« «4 lhe *b'.«:«•, ' "(klus 4«»tia.
r«ssr i««*)* . Maui«’ whm • 11r4 eitg II«»*
<e«i*r‘s Mt* fwa< h miters. tk»t.
h * > s 1
♦ ••--* < u p* n.
«’ • su I
tesvr. Xi*te«y . v<m|Uaiat«, ««*4 «»»«»><<•«»**•
An American scientist ha* rerently
discovered s n«w mii'tule wht* h is par-
ticularlv destructive to the tissues of
the human tedv. and the most striking
pr* uliartiy »d tl»« creature is that it is
nearly all in nth.
A magnet:
F'r \ 1 a.-.’« •* Vrg* 'a! 'a C
p*>uod ” ia
the • irrr- :at».« In thia h«»ur of trial.
Th" ; uands have fi nd It the newer fail-
Ing pu*«« r t<> orrert n d IrregulaHtiae
and »tart the w man • n the m s of life
with that physical health all should
W ’ *» d.f
*. • •’<, d!«j A.-rr’ rnteand
h* rmre * aun''t rxist in company
» E T...-.4..S Vegetable
Well d great |«»wcr h.»»
I mm H i struck vl Bowersville, fit*» mil**»
s>*uih «»( J ai »» stuvvn, Ohm
Th* well
waa dnlle*l 140 fret deep, and al Ibis
depth the drill h<*-*am<» *4 magnetised
that psrti
• uf trots » l ing to it
The li.nuls, to make hamHos fur their
stun«* at'a, cbdt the branch uf a tree,
pia« «*>! the »tune in it and l«dl it till the
wound in the «’»hl bad lorn com­
pletely bml«*i.
■------ ---------------------------------------- ;----------------
Wg *Rr. «HStSTIMG IX Til»: fofiip (it » R|>;*tr Io TXit
»Oii .iv». 1 R. *.p rii
u Ht> “CA8TOHIA.“
a *
1 ■' K ikaic uot
I. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, 0/ //;/ •rn - . i M ik i -hu trit t,
wit the originator of "PITCHER’S CAST0R1A," the eatne
that h
! >rnr an I »1 . t n
on every
bear the f\i<’ sint'lr ti ■ifnrr< *
Thia i» the original " PITCHER’S CASTORIA,” u hich. ha, been
uted in the hontea of the mother, of .1 meric 1 f r over thirty
yrara. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and .tee that it ia
the kind n<>u have ahraya bought
>n tha
a nil hiia the ai nature o f
eerie tg wrap-
per. -1 '
¡if. ’ ' ; ; r o o
• >■
.1 r i ‘
the Centaur Cunpany of which Chaa. U Fletcher ia
March S, 1897.
Do Not Bo Deceived.
D > n**t rn Unger the lile <>f your child 1*V acceplll g a ( brap tub titute
which KKUY dtuggi«t may offer you |be*auM; lie m^kc* 4 few more ¡•eninca
on it , the 111^:c-; ents r*f abut) r*t*v*34 lit* **■•*« t. t know.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought”
r AC
simile signature of
Insist on Having
Tho Kind That Never Failed You
• >»• «««rnM* «.*«»••» »««•»***»•. ««•« ■»<•«••»,»«
! • r ;
vr ! :
H ‘
— ùr J?■ ■
*1*-Z''Ji./ J2
? • HZ
-i-* ¿
Walter Baker & Co.’s
Ah«olu(«ly Purr
Drh< ious
MASS. 14
Co«tc Lee than On* Cent a Cup.
Ookulll STI W.
w Al TI R BAKI R A CO. I Id.
' . frr Sh'1 «• a »• ► * ’-1
■ a
• J ; fll •«
- * »■ «fe A11 h
«»»»• . «f M th!« sre > g-
4*r« «
* I «e IO ttfirStHl*
» **
* * • .
u •» st 1». *’*•• * H- • * frrinii ' p tigp*
» • * • - « « ft hlf *. ■ tl - n»«*le (fou* B I SO uR>
nlotftast*.otk an«l
r *•
W h - ,<•* .rf;. *.<■• V>* *1 i •«
H »• ' l> '
B!;«! -1 »I
I k'4»rf i ’Ll
1 e*’llt»g » 'ir »1 *».wf*< durer
C». □IIYVniklU,
Iti rhit4 SI » »»r«lAM4.
' '11 "
w —s-r-
Pnwcr that wdl »ate you money and
make you money.
Hercule« Engine»
are the cheap««! power known
Gaaoliue or lli.tillate Oil; no amoke.
fire, or dift. For pumping, runuiog
dairy or farm machinery, they have n<>
Automatic in action, perfect!)
aafc and reliable
Scad (of illuairatcd catalog.
.. .
Hercules (ins
Engine Works
Hercule» Special
<Î4 actual hnreopower) St . San Ftanciaco, Cal.
Price, only tlfU.
hl KT!M<i, WASH
It.g Ih» «tomse-h.
t»e|»*/n, toi» may
ha»» tria«! sil I hew*
rwUK’lir« an«t only found rvltef tf«»fti Indters
th i. « aiarrh nf th* •*•
a« h I11 If' - . I»l s
I’RI'TK I K<» ' i will And • < I II S f ri
nearrat aspiro» <*fth r fr«-«- of < har»r Agent,
....FRANK NAU ...
rortlan.l Hol«l Pharmacy,
»lllh ai> i M*-rrl.nn »irret.
ro»ti««o, 0»
. . . Portland. Oregon . . .
a»M»r>-Ixa.r- ■* J A w>- '.«ref
• •»•P<««ta '•■* -ta»«ikiu»!rel».'^*(-u..w« ,»4
• «i !• 4AowM«4a « m « flows •»» *•» *»u «jw*.
tear* «*4*4 aad o» wo Ww»fl V*Uf,
A •UllflllS lOUCATlWR WAV«
W* carry th« n aicwfi.l. Ila» <*« '.(ano «■ III FTI UR and Fff K •» enfc ’ na
• i*4« <.o--t. «a th» * *«•(
f| tO ’tirr • »end tnf b» «
,uit» •«» ua.'o««» o«o« to »an«»
* r arsarisi ». us Markst st, *aa Vrawrissa
reu<i lor Our Athl.ltr < »ia*o»u«
*i ••* w. r.
1VHRW •rttlwg tn a«1 ••rt«»a»«, pl«a»«
0.1, •»» Mark«« BL. »«a Fraa.l»««. Col. 1Ì ■»»•«!•• «bla pap<3.