otcisivt battle imminent . Yurwimg Foiast las ill« Ceealwtwala W ar at Head. «o York. <>• 3-—A diapetch io the Hrtald from (isatemala *a«« The g»ver?>ment It »till mobilising lia forros at Tul*mica|an. sn*l it prepar­ ing U» make an atta< k vn the rebels, who bare taken a pu»ilion < m > the heights of C’<»mn, near Tohmls'apan. It is brhwveej that there will I* a lug I m tile there ehi h will mark the turn* Itag joint of the war. It.«» rrtwds. aafriy place«! in ihohillr. <>?*■• o>! fire <>n th<> city al an early hour • >n the morning of nepteiiilMt'r 2W The Hr*« proi«*i ineffsw'tivr, owing to the grrai distan» e. The government for «ve / in did n<»t return th« fire. D» ctator Harris*» hat issued a decree grant.ng amneaty to rv hr it who Will " at i> the re hi one Fran «' is now, however, to occupy the envelope rr i*« krt < ..* ■ ■■■. !ai n .» U« »’»*■ ng on it Ib-e deputed ierrit«»ry. The French rrui«er Drbordio hr»* ar- crerjnng babes and |»n a | 'an to te* Addir«» MONEY-BACK. SAN FRANCISCO * | ♦ lion ha vs? not Í m * tb able to reach an ToaUil TralRr I»* Ireland. • : • t. ’-wt’ia! mrmlwrs <«f the Ireland is now Ix ing «q*'nrd nr r»- The gunners of Ih« Frt n< h navy aro ('v«mmitt«*r .«dvo ate a plan to authorise tliah ever for visitor» Ita nttnurftiofia noi lo I m ’ ccHigratulattAf un ilmir tnarkiH the government by special act of con- •rr Lx’ih^ morv |iromln«ntly phwsl I m * «r«ar>»hìp il th* reauh» of thè tar#»»! gre*« •<> negidiatw aith th« rorpora- Lue i<» ¡’Ht», I • * .»•« t fa. j. t pFAtfli S» u| tbrer «d thè target wa* v« «- tioh'» < redilon» t»n a basis decukid U|t>M*lr<*vk ri su* h V’flw la. Th. A *litp.»t»*h from Valparaiso nays it is 1 ! ia •till ftfl«*At. Tins is sum* there that a powerful syndicate thing like tho targrt praetHW uf tin <»f German bankers has offer«*.! to the H d til t . i for flag.h ip Prnsarols, th* fngata lUkipl«'! « ‘»«h government a loin of II. imhi ,* Fro®» <’4< ah-/ue. I and the t?;ií!Mng »hip .îameatuwn in San (KMi.OOO in gold at 2 ¡««r cent am! 2 p«*r Bu«*ll hinibfuon, I Franf.»ru bay at the centennial relè- »••nt amortisation f»»r the coiupletnui of Furti. U.^n. W I ! <4t»«»n of I h ; h , u An at a rang« «>f one p i* « fls and r-i.iwnVM. in»ìe they fired (or over an b«»nr at an I’aiimgrr Train Weeck»«!. I • • « an .- ’«•! in the «troiifin « ff lh< ( ■•him is. <>, <_k I. fl.—A sjx** : a 1 F»’-». •> which «.♦irii’yjrd a « 4 monitor 4î.d îlllrd With CUttbustiblcá. Will;, ut from F:q*ia to 11.«? DíspAtc,, saTn. A hitting It once. It waa pl ar» tosi to Panhafxlle j a-««*ngor train was wrecked drop a »¿>«*11 Into it that would fi.'v it tai» and a half mil«*» ra»t uf this city .till • h:W it up. Erri tin- »h-fe.*t i V»’ g“’l- n- n f ih« f!« - I and of Fort Point, down grade at the rate of 40 miles an uhi h joined in th« bombanlmetii. h"iir, 4’i I m (HWIfting th* frog of 4 «T« it tjfM'resgre to M*fu! out A taut tu - r t !. .. dan i»-ft the track. For it 111ml apply tho lureh t<> it bv h«n*l. .’»70 f.-< t th«* eng t * bnin|»ed over the Th *• «*xi’u%4» at the tim* fi.r th« |M«or ln < and then went into the ditch. The markmanehip «u that th<* Minmuni- tender went in the opposite direction lion u*M“d w.»» old a»; ( wurthh*>w being while the bnggAgo car wu thrown 4 {Mtl of th« aurpiua <»n hand at the u- r the track. Two day coaches were l|«»W a»1’1 ’»•riirr * or««bl»«•>*!. ••I«« of the war. rushed together Ell Carroll, the rn* Thvroogt*!* wart* lbs ftol! ‘o a depth of 5 io gim-er, w a«» hurled 60 feet am) fell on a ttietoea • n»u in u Ai!I». a 100 .« 1*411011 of h » r«h. Eirt'tiMh John 1/ttH f)0 « f !.♦< Hare» H*e •*■♦*!> totlvu 1 rad^wn. thorcm t«r«r<* in ah H* »Hr«» Xlv|4 II. Tii I” kcalp w»»«ih*l. remaining i*nc»»n- • • •! •.bn*‘t *aia.'ìb Ha<ì'* * alarr« <‘wre uniy pt-atii** rote now kn«»n u> th« m<*1i< al M*iutis fur «om* time. The fireman IraUr HIT I'atarrb brln< a r«»i tfHull’.»*«! 4la« rssiwr r«- |..rr«ar a’Hitli4a snrhye» •»! Ihr »1 • »mit AH3 tavioi 111 mum * (rm ihrivh* patient «».rrtigib by I ••»« «»ut l>l»liu a ! a • 4 Tralul«»a14. nadir« 11» 4’4ng Itt wort the ptu| riri'H» have C‘»hn »do Spring», Colo., Ont. fl. —A a«» ns*ir h faith >u da rurali«« pa-aria. Usai Ibry . •!. » • »• ii ut le. 1 Ja.¡lar» 1 t ai.y • a»« that it novel scheme for handling the gold !a • t«» ‘ > ■ r s, 1,4 f,jy I V( t»f ’«• 11«»<«»> U» • • A 140 •* F ) i II t h > Y. A « u . I<.. n I o , O output of the Cripple Creek mines will H»»í4 by d»u•• 0» ray« 1 »UwfttftA. t>- M« urn! for the purpose of traiiftport* 4e*«leMM»«t •*! *■«•»• HOUR riutlil < TA A M> t l t»R molt. <*•<» »<• errtg «reais tug it. the bullion will be place«l in «•4 |M-» t f •* >. t lb« î .U«)f AH I *tfctrrn ytyr’jp h->uila-l. uauAlly very charge of some eiprvsa company which » »«ut««, a«»«#*! iMthuJ* Hgbt « obxrd AW4 «I h«AV| Ixal?, h made from * an guarantee its safety, and all news* lok«u*iÍMl* »•«•*•« I, •*»”* 1 • .-«•• ■ ■■*, •*>!.* ti i». (• Made la« »w*e:-f..<-o p, k - iftf ( ar«r a»»4 <• »tririly ptir* it la !«•» «ai« sary precautions will l»e taken to pre* • t|<•» nati iMruuèl 10 rusa « '«u rr’srra n «aus «niy Mamilar-* v«*i»t a Idrnt while the consignment ■•«M.ted trvr I ,r»4 l»» ih« F«» irli < oa«T »vat r t.’o AÜ *rn- is in transit. u«tie Jv-s »•■! • > have the matiulae» 6* MAGAVA VT. luirla natur litho*tapbrd oh rvvl) can A» the present output of Cripple »I bill Al O. N. Y. it 4; . oqo .O oo |»rr month, A 1'0 who to - silly di**! at the age of Cn k i- a We wan! an tins will I m * one of the largest ship** 111. hi Indiana, from v* ’ »«iv«» amok- •Kent In rar h village «nd ing. bad com»umed tn th»» pant live yrarw im-nts of gold bullion that ever crostod the eontineuL work the <*»unirr h««fwr» »riling «ar l<«,iit**v ¿»O.OtKj cigaiwllr*' b*«'#« suitable <«•* ChU4»«n <»Wi| one pWfMNs • Ight W uh < «ill» Thl««««. In «*• h piwee will be at*i-«i»itt 1. «liber InH* nr I kn«»w tha*, my life wa« »atrt! by Pi*<*'» f .*nt ieiuan . «1 t»vri«*H*-r ih * i ti«vc»*ary. t un» <'urr for t'otiaumplum J**i»n A Mdler. Baker City. Or., Oct. g. — Sheriff ■auaiou Rel able house W rile t««4ay. Au Hable. Michigan, April 21. Kilburn am! p»*-*»* had a hut fight last *H> < PUBLISHER, The value of hOtHMS projserty of lx>n- l ight at V o'clock with two rattle 3<>O i’ual Airwel. »»•• lra»«»l t«*a a»*J Uahlftg powger. * to re» I. Hull calle-1 a doctor to hit I«» g t g*'i........ 4. I wa* aught there to Rmplssy \*»ne |l»»t M **«*»«»n net then, at R J. IH»WrV«i. I an Women have diaplacwd men In every day. Front sir«*' 1. lVrtUn-1 “» A •*• afent t-.r «he < riebratr-4 t'llpper M H beai fauñlim tulli in branch of the ma dune *ho|«i »if a bi* The thieves had 3*cattle,which they the wc-rht. Mery larimr »h* at <9l ralea. htcyrlr jAUta. The itutd»n of girla Fiklai Í I «>< .*■ Í' IT». i • » f ■ S' I -■ . ■ »• for men baa certainly nut l»rrn prompt­ Miller, s I) , O» t. fl. — Persons from ed by a deme »»n the part of the com- I mìì ?! it IU in'. >x', ?:■■ .’1 |«any to a*»i'si in the great purpcMw of 2<> miles north state that as a result of ths log praine fire, one man has died making the female portion of the |mpu* and others may dir. Seven or right ¡atioii arlf oib I ai nIhg, but rather to ae were badly burned, one family name«! cure ch<*a|*ei labor than tbeir eopmrti- Preston all I’CH g in a dangerous gandí- tora. tb»n Hundreds of tons *»f hay and Anothrf | •« f,*r the Hay. grain were destroyed. The fire was In Fran s*, by maana of the Roentgen cause») by men making a firs break. raya, the aoi of the silkworms ia now F»«r Fl«hert*»«>* |lm»ih«rf determined while they ara in the 00- New York, Oct. fl —Four pound rsmn Thin deter initiation hat in the fishermen of North Txmg Branch, N.J., I «ant been which Pf ern bis <»flier II give« full informalion nuinlirr of vranelt that entered the bar* ill fur nearly a year. ndating k> Imr of Bangkok was 613. and the i®« Meal for K Inndlb«r«. peril were valued at f20.000,000. l)r. Sanden'» Biectrk Helt. Victoria, Ort. •.—J. C. McArthur, !l might be worth your lima to read Tli«* X r.y» »r. to be tined in «ettling Dominion gwernMcnl lurtiyor, who the hltla book Oat il. or cali ami «h.lhrr tl>. ol.l ma.trr. in Nrw York rvturn*l from tl>. north, »ay, there tre I hit wonderful Bell. ■ rr> ¡tomiin. paintinit. or not. ¡1 trarr, will l*o no •tarvation at Daw,on tin* of a «ign.turr be found under 111. one winter. When he left there were no. in •ri.lrn.'», it will br proni eixuigh 3,ooo .hrep am! 400 hea ■’ F«rtl,e4. Or th.t thè |i«inting ha. been tatnpr>r>*i the I»*lt<*n trail, which would reach Unwwu li«-wteen !*epten>ber It and 30, ZlM«r •m.'i«« <»>• A Um of Atlantic water when capor­ Near Pool, Rowan county, North ale.! yielil. e.ghty-one {manda of .alt; a ton of Pacific water, «erentynine Carolina, raveral nugget, hate been pounds; tha water in thè lh-a.1 Sea. found recently and fanuar, have die­ more tban twioe a. uiucb—187 pound« covered they were the poreeaeurauf gold lo lite tee. I UIUM Schd/ing's Best baking powder goes a third farther than any other; gets to work quicker; makes sweeter cake. Sc/uuing's Best tea makes good cake taste better. Sc Sing's Best bi king powder and tea are --------------------- Iccause they are money-back. Better cut these rules out. NURSERY CLARKS RIGHTLAP MllCHELl. LIWIS KSIRVtR (WANT ERIE MEDICAL CO SEEDS A Dentists... K m : r \ oi ' s SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. SUNK OFF THt RIVER. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER s«b*M»a«r Ortew < «1 is««»» t»r Ui« Shis r««« tH»W«l»g llupbi«» S < «*F V red«». A»t oris, Ort. fl — Shortly after 4 o'lk» k tin» a f terr «MU», just a« »he wav om14**tmg one of th« f4«lr»t trans* Paca lie »ailing trips ««n rm»r*!, the big fuur*mAste«i (ierman ship Feru crashed into the little cmuiting »ch*w»ner Orion, rutting her In two. and «ending her to the bottom immvidately. When the littla vessel «u strn k by the big steel «hip. the captain was thrown acruMi the dark, >»adly brui««s!, ami every one of bis four men were knock«*! shunt and more ur !«*»• ten- ously injured. They succeeded in grs *p- ing rojw’S of the <«erman Ua blame !”t the collision 11« aver» ti»Bt hi» ► .«.< «*r was on her **>ur«e t«r Shoal­ waler bey. The weather was perf* t!y clear an*! the •** sin»w>th The s»ri* dent onrtirreJ north of the lightship. 'i-.f *3 or 16 m»l*» "fl th« mouth of the nv-r. The log Relief Was lowing the lier* mcn !wrk. and the ri«»n was en route from ban I , -< • f.»r Hi 4, ;•;« harN r sn bal la*t and st the tim* of the accident «.m uld have o«-rn an mivaacw intUad »«( a s elm« Foreigners have brrn good boyar» again on th«* >!«*din«, and ounld «>ur propia g«t rid of th« idra that wheat is high, ami inaugurate a buy it / mnvrmmt, us abouk! «r« a »lyrp and rapi»! adavtitrr. biporte h^v« been large, amounting to 6,fi?8,tek> bushel» fur th* werk. Th* world's shi|»ments amount«*! tu V.flOO.OOO bushels, while our kitlble supply »nrrr l>e liravv the •. ìraran«« « fi»i the |A*>1 week 4ggrru*atUig .’».fl *.1,0» ‘ bushels, the low price proving to lx '« Th* visible increnact'd l.kflO.OOO bush rls fur the week. I*r*»visiun» have not rsvrm«*nl to dvv»'l«>p into a bull mar krt. Ru-eipta of hugs are somewhat iarg« r than < siimal* *i> and of good qua! tty There ig a g***! demand f?»»tu abroad for cure*! m« >1» and lard, and this will prol .l.ly increase heavily «« «.»in as cokl weather arte 11«. r«artland M st bet« Wheat*—Walla Walia. "5 , Vai ley and Blneatrm 77'4 7Hc |>er bushel. Flour—Bret gra Ire, ft.uO. graham, |3 70; suiM'tfitn** I - ’*0 p«’t bar re! *r-i v *.!>!••?» 1*. «HrvnH* *.,*■■ ■< I h > h »• u ’. .’.*' J -4 ' 1 • *• New York, Oct. 4 —A dispatch from gray, 3O(rf3*2< per bushel. Montreal says: Appli»'ation *»»ll 1« Barley — F.«'*l barley. flv rf.’O, brew ma !c t<> the Dutnr.iiun parliament next • t g (*20 | <*t tun. fui 11 II to ■ pors’c \ . Mi« ^uffa—Bian, |14 j*r ton. ■ . / ? inid»llings. l-’l. aborts. 113.50. and operating a railway from a point Hay—Timothy, |l3ia 12 50; ehner, near the head <»f Chilkoot inlet, on the Iiu j 11. (.Midurnia wheat. fit Lynn canal, tothe rapid» on the \ ukon do oat, fll. O»’>‘ wild hay, river, following as clo**dy «a practic­ 10 |*r tun. able Dalton*» trail, with power to con­ Eggs—lfl’g 17 j*r dusen. struct and oj»erate branch lines, bridges, * w .i vvs. trlrgr.vph an«l tflv;>h«*i wealthy men. pound. l^i’.< *t reports received at Ottawa of Poultry—Chickens, mix«*«!. |2 00 r the pru^rr-* of the Crow’s Nwl pa»» 2.30 per doseu; broilers. h»0ftt; railway const ruction ar«* tu the cffe< t gfuec. f.’> 50; dtM’ki, |3*a4 p«i th.it work on th»’ f!r*t IDO miles is very thia« 11; turkeys. live, H«lk: p. r far advanced, ami that there is no purml. qurs’.hui hut th»* <*»mp:iny will I h * able Fotatues. *—Otegun Burbai kr. 4u r to reahfto its purptMieof completing this 46r |»er sack; new potatuee, 50c ¡4*1 **•* tion t»efi»re the close of the pr&ient <, swt-eta, | 40 per cental. wa»ad. sn pet Mutton—(iro-s. beat «beep, wethers m»r.s were instantly ki.lrd and sev­ enth fatally injured. Those killed and ewes, 2l4<«<2^r; drreerd mutton. were: Philip L Wuolen Philip Wool- 5c: spring lambs. 5 \ ja-r juund. Ilogs—tiroes, choice heavy, |4.5O; jr . Aman la Woolen, Dura Wooten. Mrs. Framw*» Malbrcy and infant child light uiiu feeders, |IU B. • f— Ur- lop »twr», |1 Th rS, st» ba lly hurt that she cannot live, l b«' t? »in was stup|M-d anti the remains ■ i>»• »• 35, *lrvwe>l iwl, 4vfl5',< |«r of th»- lead ami injured were brought poniwt. Veal—l^rgr, 4 5c, ,tn«ll, 614 tic hvv. Conductor llallaway says the prope r Mignal» fur rnieslngs were given, pvr puun.l. but w wm *— Native U naiiiagion, 10ii< London, < k-t. fl —A sp*** ia ! disj al h lie; < aiifornia, V*,a. from Madrid, published here this after­ E.*X» — Frch ranch, 33c. noon, gives the »ubstAhcr of an inter­ Puultry—<’hick**n», live, per p»unor Hagasta «►ata—Choice, |*er ton, 1-3 will carry out ths Cuban reforms pro* Cora—Whole, t-’S. i’rackr.1, per ton, | s >’ hn I by Martines »1« Camp»»* 10 years «3*. fr«**l lueal, I- 1 |«-r ton ag*>, hut would n»»t consent to a cue* Barley—Roll*«I or ground, per ton, turns union between th« United Slates |33. Whole |33 and Cuba, and if th* former wu nut Fie.h .Meat»—<’hoice drre»*-,c; |».rk, 7c; veal, »mail, fl. in strength to the navy uf the Umled F -I. Halibut, * . »»In. i , Status*. 3 '•,«?; aalu.ou trout, 7<«10c; flounder, *•*«!• V »• rietotifwl. an.l aole, 3M<; hng l, 4(45; ruck Victoria, B C , Ort fl —Captain cod, &c, »writ, 2 \ M.tbrU w* ich has ret imed fi»»m Bearing »« a with 1,16V skins, says skins are plenti­ Wool—Chone foothill, H4t3c; San ful in the »*-a. there is as many there J.«<|Uin, fl iiiontha' 64 7c; *1» year', this season as there ever were. But fur ataplr, 74Fe; mountain, lUAIUc, Ore- xune caus«* ur other th«\ are very real* gun, 134 14c per pound. leas. In the Triumph's cat* h were ||n|*—11« 14o per pound. M ll.tiiff, — Mi Idling». fl9 &u.do common, chard, and thinking Marlin waa one of 41 (M3 per box. Hay—Wheat ♦134 18; wheat an*l oat, them, h« fired at Inui with a double- barreled ahotgun. Burch ie a promin­ III «*14; oat, »lOot 13; river barley, ent iuan an*l ie well to -Io. lie ijare »7 4»; Iu 1104 13. alfalfa, 1**49.50 clover. «S 4I0. biluxlf up Frank frnlt—Apple», A6<4 70r per <'««••* l»y a «pill «wllrk. large hoi; apricot«, 20(4 40c; Fontaln- N »ah »111». Oct. fl —A Montgomery. blrau grapea, I6<«38c; muacata. 204 Ala , »|oaita of the Alt»* » In every mile of railway there are are lielleved So have been found where •even feet and four 1 ncbe» that ar« uot Uie Acapulco railway > roveec the Baltat covered by th« raila—th« pla*e left ba- twaaa tharu for •»pan»tan. liver. |«trn«4« m F *ed consternation among th«* large jrnrlry mauufuHirers in the homer country. Th* German articles are nearly all of a rhe ip varirty, am! a large pr«»portion »»f the Jewels nhi’ h they OEHltain are imitation It is rath* er sink ng !*> kc the German» cutting into a bran* h of trade in which the Frm«h have always l«ecn easily first. French eij»»rts of jew«*irv and watches <*>ntinue to be very important In the Far 14«t —*Vbitia an«! India-—the French have almost entire control oi the watch and Jewelry trad* TH K A MOTHER’S DÜTT. k Y ir daughters are the roat pre eh* IS legacy ¡»»»aiblo In this Ilf« i he rvs * nud . Ity f< e them and their future ia largely with you. I*. •»•* bl . %nge that developa • ti • girl, ah 'til l find you vi the watch day and night. As you care fur their physical well- being. so will the woman be. ami au will her clu'.d- rrn be a iso. Lydia E» nil RS. Th'«:* a *. r ihal gl««*mY. t»«rrwsaswi rvMHiM <*♦ th« mnl « kick ns* it* <**W>in in dy»J*«-p«is A‘i th* »»«1» •!»-».<• ti»at, »»n*!«r th« n«i*« «4 lhe *b'.«:«•, ' "(klus 4«»tia. ttusritn« • » r«ssr i««*)* . Maui«’ whm • 11r4 eitg II«»* s 1 ♦ ••--* < u p* n. «’ • su I tesvr. Xi*te«y . v<<•«»**• An American scientist ha* rerently discovered s n«w mii'tule wht* h is par- ticularlv destructive to the tissues of the human tedv. and the most striking pr* uliartiy »d tl»« creature is that it is nearly all in nth. A magnet: F'r \ 1 a.-.’« •* Vrg* 'a! 'a C p*>uod ” ia the • irrr- :at».« In thia h«»ur of trial. Th" ; uands have fi nd It the newer fail- Ing pu*«« r t<> orrert n d IrregulaHtiae and »tart the w man • n the m s of life with that physical health all should have W ’ *» d.f *. • •’<, d!«j A.-rr’ rnteand tl h* rmre * aun''t rxist in company » E T...-.4..S Vegetable Cumpouud. Well d great |«»wcr h.»» I mm H i struck vl Bowersville, fit*» mil**» s>*uih «»( J ai »» stuvvn, Ohm Th* well waa dnlle*l 140 fret deep, and al Ibis depth the drill h<*-*am<» *4 magnetised that psrti • uf trots » l ing to it The li.nuls, to make hamHos fur their stun«* at'a, cbdt the branch uf a tree, pia« «*>! the »tune in it and l«dl it till the wound in the «’»hl bad lorn com­ pletely bml«*i. ■------ ---------------------------------------- ;---------------- AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. Wg *Rr. «HStSTIMG IX Til»: fofiip (it » R|>;*tr Io TXit »Oii .iv». 1 R. *.p rii u Ht> “CA8TOHIA.“ PITCHER'S CAHTOR1A.' a * 1 ■' K ikaic uot I. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, 0/ //;/ •rn - . i M ik i -hu trit t, wit the originator of "PITCHER’S CAST0R1A," the eatne that h ! >rnr an I »1 . t n x-*, on every bear the f\i<’ sint'lr ti ■ifnrr< * wru have ahraya bought >n tha a nil hiia the ai nature o f eerie tg wrap- per. -1 ' ¡if. ’ ' ; ; r o o f • >■ i .1 r i ‘ the Centaur Cunpany of which Chaa. U Fletcher ia ¡‘reeUlent. f March S, 1897. Do Not Bo Deceived. D > n**t rn Unger the lile <>f your child 1*V acceplll g a ( brap tub titute which KKUY dtuggi«t may offer you |be*auM; lie m^kc* 4 few more ¡•eninca on it , the 111^:c-; ents r*f abut) r*t*v*34 lit* **■•*« t. t know. 4» Tho Kind You Have Always Bought” BEARb r AC simile signature of Insist on Having Tho Kind That Never Failed You • >»• «««rnM* «.*«»••» »««•»***»•. ««•« ■»<•«••»,»« ! • r ; vr ! : H ‘ — ùr J?■ ■ *1*-Z''Ji./ J2 ? • HZ -i-* ¿ **T •' Walter Baker & Co.’s BREAKFAST Ah«olu(«ly Purr Drh< ious » » COCOA ... ... H* MASS. 14 4 ... Nutritiou«. Co«tc Lee than On* Cent a Cup. Ookulll STI W. ....By..., w Al TI R BAKI R A CO. I Id. «-. I • UUY YOUR FUR (ÌARMENTS I ' . frr Sh'1 «• a »• ► * ’-1 ■ a • J ; fll •« I - * »■ «fe A11 h «»»»• . «f M th!« sre > g- 4*r« « * I «e IO ttfirStHl* » ** * * • . ff« u •» st 1». *’*•• * H- • * frrinii ' p tigp* » • * • - « « ft hlf *. ■ tl - n»«*le (fou* B I SO uR> nlotftast*.otk an«l *1» r *• • W h - ,<•* .rf;. *.<■• V>* *1 i •« ’M* H »• ' l> ' B!;«! -1 »I I k'4»rf i ’Ll 1 e*’llt»g » 'ir »1 *».wf*< durer C». □IIYVniklU, Iti rhit4 SI » »»r«lAM4. —— ' '11 " w —s-r- ooo»oooooooooooooo«oooooooo*oo»oooo : OWER P .„FOR... PROFIT Pnwcr that wdl »ate you money and make you money. Hercule« Engine» are the cheap««! power known Bum Gaaoliue or lli.tillate Oil; no amoke. fire, or dift. For pumping, runuiog dairy or farm machinery, they have n<> equal Automatic in action, perfect!) aafc and reliable Scad (of illuairatcd catalog. t .., .. . N I Hercules (ins Engine Works Hercule» Special <Î4 actual hnreopower) fl.tr St . San Ftanciaco, Cal. Price, only tlfU. hl KT!M i M*-rrl.nn »irret. ro»ti««o, 0» . . . Portland. Oregon . . . A r a»M»r>-Ixa.r- ■* J A w>- '.«ref VHK BUSY WORLD OR aUBINC«« • •»•P<««ta '•■* -ta»«ikiu»!rel».'^*(-u..w« ,»4 • «i !• 4AowM«4a « m « flows •»» *•» *»u «jw*. tear* «*4*4 aad o» wo Ww»fl V*Uf, A •UllflllS lOUCATlWR WAV« W* carry th« n aicwfi.l. Ila» <*« '.(ano «■ III FTI UR and Fff K •» enfc ’ na a*. • i*4 4iai.li« <.o--t. «a th» * *«•( f| tO ’tirr • »end tnf b» « Ma**flr:»;» ,uit» •«» ua.'o««» o«o« to »an«» * r arsarisi ». us Markst st, *aa Vrawrissa reu