Spray courier. (Spray, Or.) 1???-19??, April 08, 1915, Image 2

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Spray Courier.
e e
! Down with l'ree-Trnde;
Stick to home-madf.
Doctor Wilson proscribed
Free-Trade, im the whole
family died.
A !
Thursday Apr. 8 1915.
Published Every Thursday by
R. I). I'kjcj? IvtUtor an() publisher
!iijcripUoij, $1.00 per year, in !
hntrrrt i areoml-clna r"t 4pr '
I, IWI, at '.)im vomt.pltr t (t)rr. Orrfim, '
under f ha et of Coiiares. of Mart" S. IIP".
f rofeaawnsl Carda 75 a. per month ;
pi.ijilay Ada One square f0.7' " j
" One-lourth co!uum ? 5o " j
One-half column 4.0U "
One column 800." , , . r A
Jlgsiness locals r line first jnarition j Cell I 1 ng TOT AFl-
jU edits, SUDseqncnj ten in.
Special rates for longer time. j
Payable in advance ta each case, j
To Be Observed
A motto on the wall W
pood,' but ono in the daily !
walk is heller. ;
Adam was the first
nual Cleaning Is
Issued by the
Fining Up an Elsotlon.
A curious Incident once occurred at
Tntton nt mi election for parliament
Sir Murk Wood, who had been ona f
II niemh'fs for several years. Inul n
his colleague lit the parliament of IS!-'
fir WIIIIiiiii Coinrrcve.' tln Inventor of
tli fiiiiiiiua "Conrever ris-ket." The
latter resigned 111 1SU1. mid the baro
net wished his own in till tlit vn
uincy. There were only three voters
lu tint constituency Sir Mark, his son
Olid 111 hutlcr. named Ji'Uiilnx-l'iit
as tlii son waa away an,) tin butler
hiul quarreled with lit muster iui n
portiiiilty was afforded for ii singular
I rVMI. Juillllllp refused tu SCVOItll
i Sir Mark's nomination of his sou ntid
projioaad htmsalf. nrjl a-deadlock was
Inverted only ty Sir. Mark coming to
term with the refractory butler.
whose nomination im aeeonded In or
j der to Injure lilm to uct "as a seconder '
i to 111 son. Matter being thus pu: '
fornmlly In train. Sir Mark nrntniwl
; with JciiuIiirs that the former's vote
: should be alone jriveu. and ttii Dual
! state of the no" at I'atton'a only
; known content t"d finis: Wid
(Tory. I: Jcutiinirs (Whti. 0. Wwt-
minster Gazette.
A? a leriod every
is devoted to hou
in our individual households
iii)qge. and as the needs of cleaning
Snow Ice Cream.
Snow tee crvnm what n Joy It nsed
i to be to the child henrr: Mother used
1 to mnkc It when she had been liiiir-
timed to "dls ict us have one more u;
j ful. mom." The youth of today. vr-
haps, does net need that Joy. with ev
i erytuiuc m handy for liuytni; -stun?"
' Ice crvnm. But never can xueb mak(
' nhtft tal:e away the ruemiry of the
enrlier !bh. It nas so ensiy to make
creation, hut !-! and renovating are especially too. xtura kindly fumishci the foun
oi (iod in
litvers are the final image
of (rod in (Jhrist.
Energetic prayer is educat
ive and effecti ve.hut the ener
gy of grace is effective only
n experience. t
! apparent m tiie spring in all
branches of life; and as it is
; entirely thing that special
attention he given the pro-;
i motion of such work-
Therefore, I designate- the
week of May 4 to 11 as
"Clean-up Week," and I
Russians have often been ! earnestly urge Oregonians
to set aside that week as a
time when thev will devote
dation. and nil that was necessary wan
to add usnr ami milk. When a new
fall of unow came the children watch
ed ansiotiM.'y until It hrmme deep
enough to sctwp up cupfnb of the crys
tals. Then It was carried to mother
and milk poared In and more snow
added, an-! then more milk poured in
mul more saocr addi J. until there was
a fall cupful. Snzar wa ad.led until
the taste was Just rhrht and the mix
ture wa placed out of doors until It
bad become a half frozen mnM. and
there was the ke cream! iDdiauapolut
If Caatar Had a Phana.
Julius Caetiar uilNsed a great deal la
Dot knowlun the tuleihone or at least
in not using It If he kuew iu vhia etiu
ee the telvphone eritflueer titXachtnl to
(he Roman noNtoilW eudearorlut;. hut
wltliont avail, to trd an liistiinint lu
itnlled at the cnpltol uiid at the inli
ne. "I a ui Intrumed by till einpvror
to say that he does not desire these
hiirlHirlan novelties, and ho TIioiiuu
j Alva KdlHontm need uot vail auaia
with his mauli'lan's umratus." X
tlnal blundt-r! .Wecau luiaclue what
would hare happened, "tjclks I'JST
Tller! Is It thou. Arteliitdorus? I
uii'.lt-rKtaud thou Mli'st ni up this
morning. What: tk-talls of a plot?
JJo not to the senate tislay? lie ware
)t Itrimis? t!o not near Casoa? Ulht.
sod I thauk thee. ArteuiUlorus. I will
have an extra cuard put ou Instantly
nud the conspirators arrested." And
io, although Arteiuidorus was uiiable
to Klve his warning In the stn-et. he
cave it over the telephone, and Cae
sar's valuable life and wl'b It the for
tune of Home was saved From "If
They Had Thought of It" lu Strand
Funeral Souvenirs.
Weird fuueral souvenirs of Dutch
irlin were called "doed koeeks." or
,""dwid cakes." With n small bottle of
wlue uud a pair of glove two of these
were seut by way of luvliatlou in rela
tives uud frlrmls whom one wnntetl to
attend the funeral. The orlcliutl recipe
for these cakes, which I said to lie
authentic, culled for fourteen pounds
of flour, six Hunds of sturnr. rtve
pouuds of butter, one quart of waier.
two teuspooufuls of arl nsh. two
leaspoonfuls of salt nml one ounce
of caraway seed. These were linked In 1
four Inch squares, then frosted mid j
nwrke-.l wl:h the Initials of the "de j
parted friend." Sometimes they were 1
eatco al the funeral dinner, but usii
ally they were taken away, like wed
dins cukes, ns souvenirs. Many bakers
made a specialty of -funeral cookery." J
one baker In Philadelphia advertising
tlie specialty as recently as 174& New
York Tribune.
to sell the must remarkable bargain in the uiaga.iii
woild this yi.tt
Rcunlar I'rioe
Totol $3.0 0
A monthly salary and a liberal commission on each
otdet. ulaiies run up to f2.r0 per month. No ex
jeiien4e necessary. We furnish full equipement free.
The Butterlck PublUhlnii Liompany,
326 Hudson Street New York
2later Tlorcs
)witli'njt S 50 per month
Srryaton, SA SO permonth, for 1-2 in
fawcet 2 hours a day.
S?n ayaiff to 7rt. S.C, Cross or jfvtry SAown,
So for tho 20lk of taeh monA.
oh or
3iro Protection 3ffi to all tPatrons.
M. S. Corrigall, President.
charged with cruelty, but at
least thev have done onei
humane act. The first thing attention to improving the
they did when they had cap-ilhvs,cal appearance not only , formea of manlJir uss
tured the fortresS-Irzemysi;f their own property, but :
Nicked Artsriss.
A "nick" in na artery is sometimes
more dangerous than Its complete sev
ering, for the coats of arteries are
;ssnc. which con
cut nt once el-
Rsl Joy of Farm Owning.
I am not u gentleman farmer, with
a crest astute over which I ride once
In awhile and leave all the real work
to my underlines- 1 cannot think there
would be treat fun In this. No; I llkj
to take hold with my Portuguese man
acd plant and spray and trim and
prune. Tu bo sure, he does moiu iliac
bis share of the rouh work, uud much
of tba year I must be cultivating other
kinds of fields than those that i:row
cabbuco and turnips, but the fun of
fartuliii: comes from bt'liiK a real farm
er while yi.u are one. cettiui; close to
was to simplify its name to 1 01 ineir communities, as, through which the nemon-hase coo-
sucn action win oe oeninciat , , 7 . ."
: an artery Is completely aerered the rut
not onlv to general health i ends tend, tu turn in mul clone the
' ,.i 1., t... t... : .. ' tube. In the case of a small artery
Do VOI1 seek "the rreat.a "appujc., uui u ; ma closlns sometimes uceris no asslst-
.. rpi Icreasing the beautV of OUrecce. In the case of a tarver artery i : 'he soil, becomlnc lutlnmie with every
Opportunity f there IS nOr 0 S tne. ,orReon ties It at onre and Una . 'Wiff "'Ins- whether It be a plant or j
' closes it for guod. The New Vork animal: lovlnir your tomato vines and
raspberry iiusnea, tawing a real .pride
n your e'plauts and your brusscls
sprouts, whether you jrot a prl for j
them at the county fair or not. Iter ;
since, as a certain
has truly said' "You can find;
novel trt Snrf.l, lon.r nr f.ar purruiiimiugs, wm auu
.-,!ieriauy 10 ine attractiveness . rejrt w cases .1
injinsier. . f Uncotn bospiui la wbicii hemorrbuires
ui liik fia LP. t .... 1 i
- t us fUL .J. r i u uu u v r-i miLuta lur M-
. . ' Ml Wtew In artrl fht hit .mlv
1 1 ' ll.i. .1 .1.:. I.lil. 1 , . e -
It precisely Wljere you are( J'aie.i mis 1.111 Uity OI j,wt len nlrked and thnt were flo-iily
noy." ; In the present, not March. 1915. ; a" " ,b
' - , had beuu aevered.
in the future, in the little1 J A M Y,i WIT H YCOM Ii E, ;
not in the large are we to;Govt,rnor of ff 0re?on nnt tS" with
tilld and be and UO OUT best j k the ctoitit.i who favored the metric
; . 7 . system. He sakj it to artificial and
SUGGESTIONS FOR CLEAN- "f!eiory. ten Wnj dlvWIMe by
q q ozity two nom;rs two ni livi nurt
, , , , ! UP WEEK, MAY 4 TO 11, 1915.H it h fifths, which
'Alike: JifgOrra, an 1 Ud ! are fmnW.lj meU In tle everyday
to o-n tln-ii ii,. wti(,(U iu life of the ptr.le. The decimal system
tO gp till U the WOOqs ttltj , xallarX, Wtlo!, he Cfmtetid-
other night where Casev was -a,(e away all the ashes; tw-aw tt na r turiyet fourth
1 u w land trash from your back yard wf a rows- fKrrfe-t tfefr.!. t.tn .,f
murthered last year an irnmtelv. f
flipv mv i liauntpi-1 on' he-. ... . -w rexflKl tMr t;e f
j , 1 to the dumping roanL
!il T n'dllrtxl Ixilrivuril tlif'
Dr. Francis E. flark In Countryside i
Magazine and Kuluirlmn I.I f o.
and our greatest.
whoje way.
Pat Yes, an' what for
wuz ye afther doing that?
Mjke Faith, man, so that
I could see if anything wuz
cumin' up beliijit me.
& j
What is there really worth j
while in life any (i' , v,'heth-:
2. Suggest to several men
with teams that they drive thra
the alleys with p. aij?r. CLEAN
UP WAGON, on their wana.
People are only J) glad to pay
jsuch a man for haolino; their
i trash away.
2. Burn all rubbish that will
4. Clean your vacant fots and
titr rvwisf fa,rMe nrtfr:f, a It I
easily itffMM toC vrv.t r.t quits
Trie? H '.'-
rty- " ttt mafcint; a
eofW-fiow t eta jji-h of jivkV
: ertt ititttm. W(wt JntE rtti'
M& tn fOftx rm, Tfe sfciaz Ton
A Rseipa For Ghosts.
It Is ieficrally understood that "ace
In irliosts" Is the result of tndlestloti
The following notes may be useful lo
sniateiirs uiixlous to Investigate psy
choloslcnl plieiiomena:
Iilitcr sftlad eaten after uildnlchL
one ordinary u!iot with chalna.
Two Welsh rabbits and a nilnce pie
one mysterious (fray lady emlttlmf
Cold roflf iirk. mixed pickles and
stroua tPa taken Immediately before
retiring, a genuine fiimlly si'istcr cur-ryln-
his head under his iiriu
A P'-rtl'in of cake, result of daugh
ter' first lcoii at cookery school, a
troup of fearsome blood stained holt
gnhliiiM with blue lights shiiiimr out of
empty eye Aockets. New York Jour
fin I.
J. B. Natter, Vice-President.
1 T. J. Maljoney, Cashier.
! Clyde Brock, AesL Cashier,
Inviteo your banXing business.
If you have idle funds either a large or a
small amount we will be pleased to reoeive
them and issue our Time Certif ioate of Deposit
for either six months or one year, bearing
four per oent.
We have Just installed a new set of steel
safety deposit boxes in our vault. Persons
having valuable papers to oare for can rent
these boxes by the year at reasonable rates.
Established in 1887
Capital Stock, $100,000.
Surplus and Profits $40,000.
Tfoted as Ono of the Rest in Sntorior Oregon,
O. A. Stafford, Proprietor
SBlue Print township Plats
Clsaning a Watch Chain.
Cold or sliver watch chains can be
cleaned with a very excellent result, no
tsmtu-r whether they be matt or pol
bdied. by laying them for a few set-
1 a
Correctcl up-to-date hhovinj namea of entriiii-n, dates of entry,
vacant land, rivers and creeks, 1. IK) each. A discount
of 25 per cent will be allowed on ordera
for five or more plats.
UZand Script for Sao.
at lowest market prices.
All kiud3 ol Land office Business attended to. over 30 year experience.
Jtudaon jCand Company, TjMo 'Dalits, Orvyon.
Cr.tf4.tl' U ff&frts Then rnvl (n pure nui nmnmiila. They
ii Itirrli tit 1mttlk1k fin Ait
mm i i wr ii. , - . 5. Make your street and park
ihe I'ritish Heekly answer: , , . ' , , .
' , . . iwk ax tnm ana wen Kept as
''Anyope can carrv Ins bur
tlen, however heavy, till
pight fall. Any one can do
jij wurli however ban! for
DUO day. Each one of us
cap liye sweetly,, lovingly,
purely, till the sup goes
down; and this is al that
Ijfe really pieans."
The best commentator we
have ever consulted was an
aged, com moii-sepsev spiritually-minded
farmer who
daily read and -meditated
on the regal truths of the
ihhi. , His touch brought
heavenly fire from every
verse and solid comfort from
every page op the Hook of
books. It was an inspiration
G, Refrain from throwing old
paper, banana, and orange skins ;
into the streets!. i
7. If your store front fa dirt'
gy, paint it.
8. Plant some grass and flow-:
er seeds to make your home;
9. If you have unsijfhfly old :
buKKlea or traps In your back
yard, remove them. !
10 Clean out the alleys back (
of the business houses at once. 1
11 If your walk is an eyesore
to those traveling over it, repair
it or build a new one.
12 . If there are unsightly old
turnhled-down sheds, on your
lots, tear them down and remove
them. They detract 'from the
beauty of your home and town.
tv r(-rri4t'ft. TT.f i extfrtt "dont.le
Tiy.tTi:f tfee lilt' y
Shortly ftnrr ihm tztttlnx be-
Mi Prsxvsl.
"Can ytm wnrt, vhtbmV tv'ttA the
timid fttnt.2 Snrr.
"Vt'tiat' thaty asked th snrprt3ed
"Can ytrt wp'$
"nr I fh'AitfM Hi wit a prtijnt
of tuarfla'jf'i Wtutt do yf run. any
way a lawndry ' restaurant?"
VwikeW ffafasrvah.
Easier Employment.
"I iider-f;:nd." .iu the leijer car
rier, "that some of 'w' niiclent did
all their wr!(lrif on r"k and bricks. "
"Ves." r:lle; the p!'ofitr.
"Well. lhce llmi-a Hi-ro their disad
vantage lint I'd r;'!licr Ik- a letter
carrier now than th.-n."-Washington
Ktar . .
should I ben be rinsed In alcohol and
finally shaken lu clean sawdust, free
from sand. Imitation void and plated
chains should be cleaned In ben.lue.
then rinsed lu nlcoliol and afterward
shaken In dry sawdust. SL 1-onls Ke
puMlv. Na Late Hours Ther.
Ciiesl What swsnsed you to move
away off here lo Hie extreme ede of
the clfj ;
Hott-The trolley cars stop runiiliic
t l' p 'ii
"What of thai?"
"Walt thl you see my pivlly dauuh
teis."-.Vevr York Weekly.
- ... . -
1 it Hit Him.
"Yes." observed the c "niy thontrt,
cl venture was a Ki'cal siicceis. I wna .
?ast for I he heavy villain and maia H
remeiiihius Itlt-"-St lHils 'Post-Pla-"
Thair Division. j
"I see where a criminal Irtwver has j
taken his daughter Into partnership
Willi him. Ilov. ,df they divide the j
ease"'" j
"He lakes the fellow-liles. mid she
the niln deiiieiiiiors."-l!iilt;more Amei'
lean. . I
. i
Willie Willis-What's a "sarlr!e:!
touch." pa? Papa Willis It's Tie fel
low who horriMVs money of you and
then kids you about It whenever you
The flotort Fatherly,
"1 want to marry your daughter. 1
love her." -aid Hie suitor
"What mil lie you think I don't?"
replied her dad - Philadelphia ldser.
An Exception.
PAr,So man ever succeeded In bust
lies, who fci;i wntchiiur the clock
Pi Oh. I du'i know There' Hie
train dispatcher Brooklyn Kale,
to hear his pointed explan- jOpen spaces and fresh air are
iition ami his plain, clear , better.
expositions. Oh, that we all j !3
had. a deeper insiirht into Part
By all
to help
means, do your
make your town
No Trifeo.
Gertie 1 wish to show you that I
don't stand on trlHw.-Ilcleii glancing
nt her fecf No. dear: I see you don't,
London Telegraph,.
Not one man lu a thousand who rolls j
down to the bottom of the hill can
ttmko the world Isilleve he did It for ;
?xerclse. Atlanta Constitution.
Prti -it mo nr i t-- A Mn l uinrritwr nl
ULUvco DC. I i o .ainu uiNucnwtrtn
i i
Farmers' Mercantile Co.!
8 3
cleaner and more attractive,
th." truth!