The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 06, 1935, Image 1

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F TO WINS Children
Of Lodge Groups
bjm ;
Dutch«»» Wsi.
Swsspstaks .
Civic Club
4 J *
Club Offiosrg Extend Thank»
To Psrsons Aiding With
Flower Exhibition
A lou« slender yellowish ten runs
sptured lb * sweepstakes prise In
ilw Hprlngfleld run» and fl<»w«r
•buw sponsored Weduesday by the
Uidlaa of (ba Civic club The roan.
• Dutchess Wellington. was submit
i m I by Mr». Guy Halaey. Tbn rose
waa oue of a group of »lx blooms.
Tbr group of alx alao won flr»t
place In Iba dlvlalon.
uiora loau I UP eutrlee Io tba floral
Ulaplay bald neat door to tba Irish
Murpby store Votlug was by bal­
lot of more than lao person» who
«tailed Iba ilia play before 8:3«
when tba doors wara locked for a
ball hour while tba vutea were
tabulated and award ribbon» pin
ued on tba winning flower».
Ribbona Awarded
Prise winner» la tba vartou»
■ rouping» ware announced aa fol­
low» with a blua ribbon going to
flral place, red to aec-ond. and wblta
to third place choices:
Uroupa of alx of aaiue variety—
First, Mr». Halsey. Dutch»»» Wal­
quean Alexandria. third. Mra. Hub­
ert Plrrle, Lady Hillingdon; honor
able mention, Mrs. C. K Wheaton.
Uolden Emblem
Mra. Adame Han Winner»
Group» of three—Flral. Mra. M.
R. Adam». Padre; aeoond. Mra.
Adams. Betty tJprtcbard; third.
Mra W A Taylor. Hadly; honor­
able mention. Harry Stewart, Jos­
eph HUI.
Hluglee any variety— First, Mr».
II. Anderson. Imperial Potentate;
■eoond. Mra M. V. Walher. Mra.
Franklin D. Roosevelt; third. Ham
Rlcbuioud. Le Burua; honorable
manikin, Hnrvy HlewarL Joseph
Singles. ranee—PI mt. Mra. M R
Older Children Planned For
Mondays Worker» Named
Thlrty-oua children Monday eves-
lug attended the first of Iba series
of two children's parties which
Juaulla Rebekah lodga apousora for
cblldreu of lodge members. The
parties are made possible by a cash
contribution of n friend of Iba lodge
who keep» bis name unannounced
Children up to tbs age of I f year»
were eutertained Monday
Older cblldreu will be euterteiu
e d next Mouday evening following
the lodge meeting The party will
Include children from I f lo 2«. It
has been announced.
The committee In charge uext
Mouday eveulttg will Include Mrs.
Clarlus I ’utmau. Mrs. Grace Lana
bery, Mina Edna Hwarta. Mlaaea
Lulu and Vlnule McPbaraon.
At tba party thia weak games
were played uuder tbe direction of
Mra Marjorie Moabler and Mra.
Joyce Owens and this was follow
ed by a serpentine march to tbe
dining room where tables were de­
corated to resemble a circus. Lolly
pops dressed as clowns served aa
place cards and pink lemonade,
cookies and Jello were served for
In charge for tbe evening were
Mra. Mushier, Mrs. Owens, Mra.
W illiam House. Mlaa Edna Platt,
and Mrs. Lillian Black.
Miss M arbie Hnodgraas. nobis
grand, cams down from Albany for
lbs mealing. Bbe was sccompttnlad
by Mearle Htrader. chief telapbona
operator at Albany.
Methodist Young People Have
Special Service For in*
etallation Event
Announced Later
Takln« of teetlmouy lu the rale
hearing case of the Mountain
Blatea Power company lu the Al-
bauy district waa concluded at Al
bauy Tuesday evening following a
I wo day session
Tbe bearing waa conducted by
ibe public utility commlaaloner
who will make bla dec-lalun at a fu­
ture dale Hltullar bearing» have
already been held In other parts
of the atttle served by power com­
James K. Kin«, city attorney for
Hprlngfleld, represented the city at
the hearing. Mayor Turner, coun­
cilman I'rlvat aud Phil Bartholo­
mew were alao present represent­
ing the city. C. E. Wheaton. John
Pyle. Harry M. Htewart, W K. Bar-
nell, and Jean Cross appeared la
behalf of the power company.
Petition» signed by 702 residents
of the city have asked for a down­
ward adjustment of rates for this
city. Theae petitions addressed to
the Hprlngfleld council and the
public utility commlaaloner were
It was brought out gt the power
hearing that the Mountain mates
Power company now haa no fran­
chise In Hprlngfleld. Il having ex­
pired a number of years ago. F ur­
ther conference! between the city
Power company in regard to
Hprlngfleld raise are expected to
be held soon wben the question of
a preferential rate for tbla city will
be discussed.
second, Wesleyan and Epworth Leagues of
the Methodist church were held
Mr». W. A. Taylor
Moss rosea- Plrat, Mrs D. B. Hunday evening ns a feature of tbe
Haltaman; aecood. Mra. Harry C at evening service. Rev. Deen C. Poin­
dexter preached on tbe subject,
Who May Lead 7”
Baby ro s e -F irs t. Mra Halaey,
Tbe league groups met at 8:80
aacond. Mra. Adams
Baskets o< rosss—First, Mra W. for tbelr regular discussion hour
N Dow. Madam» Harriot; second. which waa on the subject "W hat
Mra. D. O. Ptsbar. Madam» Har­ Our Home Means to Os," with
riot; third. Mra C. B Wheaton. Dorolba Fullertotu leader for tbe
1'acU Brunner; honorable mention. older group, and Carl Horrall lead­
Mrs. M. V. W alker, yellow climber. er for tbe high school group on tbo
Baskets of rosesgnd other flow­ subject of “Institute Rally."
Officers Installed are- Waaleyau
e r » -F ir s t. Ham Richmond; aecood.
Mra. W alter Bcott; third. Mrs Cart league- - Dorolba Fullerton, presi­
dent; Doris Myers, first vice presl
dent; Velds Carson, second vice-
Garden Flewere Judged
Garden flowers— Flral. mixed third vice-president; Un Bartholo­
blooma. Mra. Noah Heller brand; mew and Ralph Fullerton, fourth
sweet peas, Mra. D. B. Murpby; vice-president.
Beatrice Carson,
third. mixed basket. Mra. Halaey. secretary; Robert Browu, trees
A ribbon was alao given to Mrs urer; and Donald Brown, pianist.
W. N Long for a basket of Rhodo­
Epworth League— Roy Crandall,
president; Clarnbell Brood, first
Mra. C. B. Wheaton, chairman vice-president; Wayne Kendall, aec-
for the rose show, stated last night ond vice-president; Alrleeo Bar­
rett, third vice-president; Ruby
that she and bar committee work-
era wished to thank nil persona for Brood, fourth vice-president; De-
tbalr Interest and cooperation in lores Caateal, secretary; Florence
making tba abow a auccaaa tb lr Bell Flab, treasurer; Carl Horrell,
year. Bavaral hundred parsons song lender.
visited tba display Into In the even­
ing following the children’s parade.
A ssist Mm. W hsaten
Assisting Mra. Wheaton ware
Mra. Carl Olson, chairman In
char«» of arrangement« who was
satiated by Mrs. George Procbnow.
Mra. Clara Taylor, Mra. H auls
Drury, Mrs. Ouy Halaay, Mra. L.
K. Page and Mrs. D. B. Bailsman.
Mra. D. O. Fisher and Mrs. Whs«-
ion labeled and registered the en­
tries, and Mra. A. B. Van Valash
waa In charge of regtatratlon of
The Mtaaee June Durham and
Florence May spent moat of the
day at the show tallying votes as
they were cast so that winners
could ba determined shortly after
iba voting bad bean concluded.
Jobs L. McOllvrey, i t , Oakridge,
died st his home nt Oakridge Bun­
day following a long lllneae. He
waa born In lowa on August 10,
1874 and moved to Colorado In
1808, coming to Oregon In 1830.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Ellen
McGIlvrey; five »one, John, Fall
Creek; James, Anlauf; Richard,
Malin; Edward, Fall Creek, and
Arthur nt home; alao one daughter,
Mra. Elmar Kohl at Oakridge. Four
brothers, W illiam . Arthur, Herbert,
and J alum, nil of South Dakota,
also survive, ■■ do two sisters.
Mire. Morrison, and Ml-». Henry
Welnhelmer, both of lowa.
Funeral services were held at
Oakridge Wednesday afternoon.
Ventch chapel In Eugene were In
Rufu» Robertson Buried At
Luper Cemetery; Died
Here Sunday Evening
Rufus Robertson, father of Mrs
E. R. Danner of Eugene, one of the
first white children born in Lane
county and a veteran Indian tigh­
ter, died nt hla borne. 418 G street
Sunday at the age of 8k years.
He waa born on May 28, 186?
near what Is now the Benton-Lane
park. He was the son of pioneers.
Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Robertson,
who crossed the plains In 1861, and
was tbe first boy baptised in tbe
First Methodist church In tbe
In 1882 be was married to Miss
Ixiu E Bond In Eugene. She passed
away lu 1824. He waa a member of
tbe Christian church at Santa
Clara, and of tbe Woodmen of tbe
World. Except for six years spent
In tbe Palouse country lu East­
ern Washington, be spent bis en­
tire life In Lane county.
Survivors Include seven eons,
Wayne. W illiam . Neal, Carl, John
and Robert, all of Ei^tene, and Glen
In Springfield, two daughters, Mra.
Norn Wells, Sweet Home, and Mrs.
Danner; and three brothers, J. B.
and W. H. Robertson In Eugenic
and R. C. Robertson lo Idaho.
A large funeral service waa held
Tuesday afternoon at 2:80 from
the First Christian church In Eu­
gene. Rev. V eltle Pruitt and Rev.
S. Earl Chlldere, officiated and In­
terment u a s made at the Luper
cemtery. Branstetter-Slmoa chapel
was In charge of the service.
Monthly meeting of the Past
Noble Grand club of Juanita Rebe­
kah loage was held at noon Tues­
day In the I. O. O. F. hall start­
ing with a potluck dinner. Guests
BETTER HEALTH REPORT Included Miss Lola Alllnghant, and
Mesdames Tyler, Payne, Green and
One of the best henlt reports In Hennlgan, all of Coburg Past Noble
recent months In this county was Grand club.
Mrs. Grace Lansberry was Initia­
that of the week f ding June 1, ac­
cording to the weekly report of led Into the local club.
tbe s:-te health board. Thin week
Members appointed ou the table
tbe doctors of the county reported committee for next month are Mrs.
IS cases of measles, one of Influ- Helen
enss. two of whooping cough, and Eaton. Mrs. W. F. W alker, aud Mis
eight of mumps.
Leda Freeland.
Plana for an all-church supper
to be held at the Methodist church
Friday evsnlo«, June SI, wara
made Tuesday evening nt the regu­
lar masting o f the official board.
D a u ’la w ill ba announced later.
VIsR at Creswell— Mr. and Mrs.
Leaves for California— Miss Myr­
Chaster Aldrich spent Memorial tle Lee Shull, daughter of Mr. and
day at Croswell nt tbe home of his Mra. W. B. Hhull will leave Satur­
mother, Mrs. Ida Aldrich. Another day for Han Francisco to spend the
■on, Jean Aldrich, of Coquille, waa summer vacation with her grand­
alao p resen t
mother, Mra. Helen Johnson.
Reports of the state convention
of Lions clubs bald at The Dallas
Hunday, Monday and Tuesday of
thia weak will bo given At thn Fri­
day meeting. Representing tba
Springfield club »t the convention
wara F. B. Hamlin, newly elected
president, and W. F. Walker, past
district president.
PEOPLE SEE Church Outing
Attracts Many
Ball Team Leads MANY
In District Play
Nearly 50 Expected To Attend
Springfield Wins Victoria«
C. E. Outitng Neear Flor­
Over All Entries In First
Judges Announce Winners Of
ence Starting Monday
Round Of Schedule
Ribbons; All Children Get
A total of 40 person bad register­
«By C. E Wheatoul
Cottage Grove made IIS (Iral ap­
pearance of the ball season here
Hunday aud waa held acoreleaa,
110. The boy a from Houtb Lane
bad a bundle of errors lu tbelr
system and during the flrat five
Inning» ibey played spotty ball.
Battling down 4a tbe sixth they
began to show some nice work and
gave John Lyucb, a former local
high school boy, some help and
from there 00 Ibe game was some
thing like the notional pastime.
Jay Grant waa starting pitcher
of Hprlngfleld, and with runners
on bases, waa stlugy with hl» bit»
and hla team mates gave faultless
support. Courtney Towne took over
ibe pitching In tbe fifth after Grant
retired and waa equally effectltve.
New uulforma greeted the spec
tutor» aa well aa new players, aud
we begin to think that Hprlngfleld
will have something to say aa to
who will win the Cascade League
pennant. Hprlngfleld ended the flrat
round of the schedule lu the Grove
game with five victories and no
defeats. Hills Creek-Oluatlna la a
close second with four wins and
one leas.
Tbs American Legion team of
Eugene showed up well during a
previous game with the Grove, and
played a flve-lunlng contest here
Hunday with moat of Hprlngfleld
reserves In the Une-up.
Russell, high school port-alder,
worked the five Innings for Hprlng­
fleld and gave Ibe Legion boys
three bits. Tbe visiting youngsters
The Hprlngfleld parly of city of­
showed plenty of dash and snap In
ficials alao went to Portland Mon­
their play and will probably be
day where they conferred with an
beard of later In ths season.
attorney for an Insurance company
Hprlngfleld will entertain the K.
which bolds a block of city bonds.
Theae bonds due nest year must C. team from Eugene here nest
be extended or refunded since Hunday afternoon on Brat tain field
there la no sinking fund to pay at 2 o'clock.
them off. No commitment can be
bad on the bends however until the
board of directors of the Insurance
cotupauy meets In the east nest
tbe month.
NO. 20
Mra. J. A. Benson end Son
Die As Result Of Fire
Which Destroys Home
Most Hprlngfleld people and many
people from elsewhere lined the
streets of Hprlngfleld last night to
view tbe annual Rose Hhow parade
sponsored by the Civic club as a
feature of the annual flower show.
'Hie patadt- was shorter than lu
previous years, but was Just as In
teres ting aa It moved down Main
street from Seventh to Fourth
streets with the G irl Hcouta In uni­
form leading. Following closely be­
hind them were tbe members of
tbe Brattaln school toy orchestra
dressed In tbelr natty red and
white uniforms.
Queen Float Best
Easily the outstanding eotry In
tbe parade waa tbe queen's float
with O m * Mae McNett and her a t­
tendants. This entry headed the
list of prise awards given by the
Judges. Tbelr complete list follows:
Artistic— Queen, Oma Mae Mc­
Nett; attendants. Betty Aldrich,
Barbara W alker, Leota Bertacb,
Marilyn Dawson, and Pirates.
Characters— 1. Pled Piper, Jackie
Phillips; 2. Gypsy. Jackie Vaughn;
3. Garden Group, James Phillips.
Comics— 1. Dionne Quintuplets;
2 Fishermen, etc. 8. Ardytbe Kline.
G irl Scouts, first.
Decorative Kiddy Kars, etc.— 1.
Airplane. Clyde W arner; 2. Dixie
-Lewis and Harry Hollis; 1. Roberta
Halsey and Bobbie Culbertsoa;
Jean Mouser and M arjorie Hollister.
Bicycles and Wagons— 1. Lots
Mae Rodenbough; 2. Norma Rust;
3. Dean Wilson and Bob Nice.
Pets— 1. Ooats. G. W lltale; 2.
Elaine Hcbaffenberg; 3 Elva and
Virginia Korn; Frank Stuart, Mary
June Horrell, Nile Gates, Jamas
Smith, Tommy Putman.
Floats— 1. Happy Hour club; 2.
Parade Workers Listed
Judges for the parade were Mrs.
Melville S. Jones, Mra. H. O. Dtb-
hlee. Mrs. M. V. W alker. Mrs. W.
H Pollard, Mrs. C. C Mason. A.
T. Peterson, G. W. Turner, and L.
W. U n it
A rlstlng Mrs. R. E. Dawson,
general chairman of the parade,
were Mrs. Leota Rodenbough. Mra.
Artie Bneed, Mrs. McNett, Mrs
Burch, and Mrs. Milton V. Walker.
Members of the Boy Scouts con­
trolled traffic at »treat Intersec
tiu 3
Following the parade the chil­
dren were marched back to Main
street where they each received a
candy treat through tbe courtesy
of the Civic club.
Two people are dead and Dr. J.
A Benson Is In the Pacific hospital
aa a result of an early morning
fire which destroyed the Benson
home at W estfir while the family
slept. Joseph Allen Benson. Jr. died
before be was rescued from the
burning building and his mother, HAPPY HOUR CLUB ENDS
died at the Pacific hospital later In
tbe day of Injuries suytalned when
she Jumped from tbe second story Mrs. Tbachsr Discus»»» Piano Mu-
of the building and from burns.
rlc At Msetlng A t Homs Of
The cause of tbe fire Is unknown
Mrs. Clarencs Chase
Double funeral services for the
two victims were held Wednesday
morning from the Branstetter-
SImou Chapel lu Eugene and the
remains sent lo Portland for Inter­
The two-year old buy was born at
Marshfield ou February 12, 1838,
and bad lived al W estfir since be
was six months old.
His mother, Wlllene touch Ben
son was born at Summerville. Ore­
gon on Octotber 12, 1803 and was
married to Dr. Benson In Portland.
She leaves her widower, her
mother. Mrs. Mae Couch and one
brother, Kenneth Couch, both of
Final rites for Mrs. M illie Jane
Lent, 61. who died Hunday at her
home lu Weet Hprlngfleld, were
held Wednesday afternoon a t 2
o’clock front the Poole chapel In
Hprlngfleld. Rev. Mr. Lee of the
Free Methodist church officiated,
and Interment waa made In the
Laurel H ill cemetery.
Mra. Lent was born lu Utah on
May 14, 1884 and came with het-
parents to Idaho when six years
old. They moved lo Astoria 27
yeaers ago and came to Lone coun­
ty five yeears ago She was mar­
ried to A. L. Lent at Vancouver,
Washington, July 30, 1831.
Survivors Include her widower,
one son by a former marriage,
Wesley Geddes, and two daughters.
Mrs. Blanche Van Arnon, Eugene,
and Miss Virginia Geddes a . home.
Aunual picnic of the Men’s
Brotherhood of
church will be held at the Eugene-
auto pert Tuesday
afternoon and evening next week.
All members of the church are in­
vited to bring a basket dinner and
enjoy the ««ties-
Final meeting of tbe season for
tbe Happy Hour club was held
Monday afternoon at the borne of
Mrs Clarence Chase. This was the
annual guest day and each mem­
ber was Invited to bring one guest.
About 60 persons attended
During the program period Mrs.
Jane Thacher. piano Instructor at
the University, gave a talk Illustra­
ted by piano solos on “The Poetic
Interpretation of Music.” Tea was
served with Mrs. W. K. Barnell and
Mrs. Milton V. W alker pouring.
The committee on arrangements
Included Mrs. Olive Rebhan, Mrs.
Marlon Adams. Mrs. H. H. Schaf-
fenberg. Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs.
P. J. Bartholomew.
Mrs. Jane Ketels, first president
of the club, who was visiting bere
from Portland attended the meeting
and made a short talk.
This was the final meeting of tbe
club until the first Monday In
6 Percent Interest
After July First
ed Ibis morning for the aunual out­
ing of tbe Christian Endeavor CLERK PETITION IS OUT
groups of the Christian church to
be held at Florence for one week SERA Work At Lincoln and
starting Monday Raglstrallon will
High School Buildings
be closed after tonight according
Started Hers Monday
to Jewel Helterbrand. registration
School affairs continued to hold
chairman. »0 that committee» will
have time to make necessary ar­ tbe spotlight In Hprlngfleld this
rangement» for their trace porta week even though schools were
' dismissed last week for the sum
lion aud other details
The group will leave Hprlngfleld iner Monthly school board meet­
Monday morning at 8 o'clock and ing Monday evening, start on the
will go to the Circle place 10 miles HERA school repair project, and
north of Florence. They will live tbe school election to be held on
out-of-door», »leeping In the open June 17 all contributed their share
and In tent», and will return home of Interest.
again Saturday afteroon
Df interest to local people will
Training W ork Outlied
be tbe decision of the school direc­
Bible study, leadership training, tors to reduce the Interest on all
and recreation will be atreased ou school warrant» from six to four
tbe general theme. “ Building with per cent effective on and after
the start of the new fiscal year
Claude O'Brien of Multnomah July 1. In doing this the school
will be camp director. Mra. O'Brien board took advantage of a law en­
will be camp nur»e and leader of acted by tbe recent legislature, and
tbe first aid class. I. G. Shaw will also followed the action of the Eu­
lead the Bible study; Beulah Thur­ gene school district which announ-
man will be leader for the Leader­ ed a sim ilar Interest reduction a
ship Through Christian Endeavor month ago.
group discussion; L’ldlne Gartln
Election Plans Made
will lead the expert Endeavor
Tbe election board for the school
group; and A’tie w ill have
election was also named to Include
charge of lue camp recreation.
Those signed for the outing are: John Ketels. chairman, and Frank
Junior high intermediate— Emma Gordon and Maude Bryau.
The election will be held at the
Lou Straiten. Donald Baldwin. Eva
Severson. Shirley Haack, W alter Library between the hours of 2
Lxxton Jr.. H arry Knouf, Carmel and 7 p. m. in the afternoon.
Waddell, Billy Nesbitt, Marjorie
Monthly bills were ordered paid
McPherson, Elisabeth Denning and as follows:
Gene Lombard.
Iris h -M u rp h y ___________ 9 3.16
High sU.tX>i intermediate— Irene
W. E. Flnzer A Co. Inc _
Anderson, Haxel Nesbitt. Kyle
Lane C a School Supt ------
Smith. Loren Clark, Earl Pederson.
Toomb s Grocery _______
Bessie Cox. Dorothy Taylor, W il­
Pac. Tel. and T e lg .--------- 18.46
son Taylor, Wilson Stlanett, Al-
Zellerbach Paper C o . ___ 13.80
venia Terry, Roacoe Cole. Muriel
A rthur J a c k s o n --------------
Tyson, Gordon Baldwin.
Mt. State Power C o . ___ 66.02
Young People— Jewel Helter-
Paul P o t t e r ____________
braud, Rupert Shaw, Lela Peterson.
M. E. C h u rc h ___________ 10.00
Mina Peteraon, Mr» Dawn Cox.
Master Engravers .----------
Elva Moyer. Altle Manning, Beulah
Northwest Cities G a a ------ 1.61
Thurman. Juanita Clark. Elwlna
W illam ette Press ________8.10
Meachem, Julia Pederson, Dldlns
J. C. W right « G E . Davis
Gartln. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Sbaw,
and Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien.
T o t a l ............. ................. 1230.80
ningham Honor H«r At
Murphys* Last Night
Miss Jewel Cunningham waa
honor guest at a surprise party
which members of the choir of the
Christian church gave last night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs D. B.
Murphy. Miss Cunningham has
been p-^ulst and active In the mu­
sical work of the local church for
the past several years, and Is to
be graduated from tbe Northwest
Christian college Monday evening.
The group presented her with a gift
of a leather music case
Stuart, vacobeon Candidats»
Interest In the school election
was heightened during tee week
with the announcement by friends
of Mrs. Mabel Tyson that a peti­
tion bad been circulated and sign­
ed nominating her as a candidate
for school clerk to oppose Bevert
Jacobson, Incumbent, who has an­
nounced his Intention of filing lor
relectlon. E. C. Stuart, retiring
chairman, remains the only candi­
date tor director. He consented to
be a candidate after bis friends had
circulated a petition on bis behalf
All petitions must be tiled with the
district clerk by June 10.
HERA workers were put to work
si both the Lincoln building and
the high school gymnasium Mon­
day. At the Lincoln school scaffold­
ing haa been erected for the en­
tire north side of the building on
which carpenters and painters can
work. All siding on the building Is
to be gone over and renailed bo
During tbe evening piano solos
fore the walla are painted.
and duets were given by Mlsa Cun­
At the gymnasium Glenn M artin
ningham and Kyle Smith. Martin
Clark and Lela Peteraon gave read­ has a crew busy tearing out the
ings. and the Murphy-Moahler quar­ old accommodations In tbe south
tet sang. Refreshments were ser­
Those attending the party In­
cluded Juanita Clark. Clara Jones,
Altle Manning. Verna Mauney,
Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. B.
Murphy. Mr. ad Mra. R. E. Mushier,
Beulah Thurman, Dawn Cox, Mur­
iel Tyson. Bessie Cox, Mr. and Mrs.
W alter T a y k *. Mary Hadley. D. E.
Ferguson, Uldlne Gartln, Mr. and
Mrs. Eiuier Pyue, Mrs. W. P. Ty­
son. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. I. O. Shaw, Mrs Juanita
Pi-ultt, Mrs. W. A. Lambert. Jewel
and Pearl Helterbrand, Irene An­
CHECK-UP STARTED derson. Kyle Smith, Mina Peterson,
Louise Ladd of Medford, Lela Pet­
Inspectors are busy In Lane coun­
erson. Frieda Severson, and tbe
ty now checking compliance on tbe
guest of honor.
wheat contracts. Welby
Stevens and Harry Chase are work­
ing In the Hprlngfleld and Garden
Way dlatricta.
The work Is going much faster
this year than It did last season as
many of the farmers have planted church choir were entertained Wed­
wheat on the same fields or ou nesday evening at the home of Mrs.
other fields which were measured Buford Roach, director In Eugene.
last year thus eliminating much of A social evening and refreshments
wera enjoyed by those present.
this work says Mr. Stevens.
Springfield Resident For 27
Years Pass*« At Hospital;
Funeral Held Monday
Funeral services for James P.
Johusou, 73, who died s i the Pasl-
ric hospital in Eugene Saturday
were held here from the Poole
chapel Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock. Rev. I. G. Shaw officiated
and lntermeut was held at Laurel
H ill cemetery.
Semi-monthly meeting of the
Priscilla club will be held this after­
noon at the home of Mr». W illiam
Rouse. Mrs. John Tomseth w ill be
Mr. Johnson waa born In Virginia
on June 28, 1881. He married Mlaa
Sophie Rainey who passed away
alx years ago. They came to
Hprlngfleld In 1808 and have been
residents since that time. He waa
a member of the Christian church.
Survivors Include four sisters,
Mrs. Stella Hughes, Spokane, Mrs.
Hally Kelly, Toppenish, Washing­
CASCADE CHAPTER HOST ton; Mrs. Fannie Mink, Norris­
TO EUGENE STAR GROUP town, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Josie
Owen, Weet V irginia; and three
About 40 members of the Evan­ brothers, John, Mac. and Lee. In
geline and Blue River chapters of Virginia. West Virginia, and Penn­
the Eastern Star ware guests here sylvania respectively.
Tuesday evening at the regular
He worked for tbe Booth-Kelly
meeting of Cascade chapter.
Following the business meeting Lumber company for over 26 years.
a musical program was gives by Two nephews from Portland at­
Barbara Barnell, Margaret Jarrett, tended the service, Mr. and Mra. E.
and Evelyn Buell. Refreshments C. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. ▲.
the assiataot hostess.
were served after the «rugisaa.
It is the duty of the Inspectors
to determine that the growers are
planting Just the amount of wheat
Hcreage that they signed up for and
that they are using the non-wheat
land according to their agreement.