THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPKINGHK1J), I4ANE COUNTY. ORBOON. THÜRHDAY, JUNK 0. 1935 THIRTY-8WCOND YKAH Guests POWER HEARING F TO WINS Children Of Lodge Groups bjm ; ho w o r Dutch«»» Wsi. Swsspstaks . Civic Club "spturss 4 J * i intermediate— Irene W. E. Flnzer A Co. Inc _ 3,26 Anderson, Haxel Nesbitt. Kyle Lane C a School Supt ------ 8.76 Smith. Loren Clark, Earl Pederson. Toomb s Grocery _______ 4.00 Bessie Cox. Dorothy Taylor, W il­ Pac. Tel. and T e lg .--------- 18.46 son Taylor, Wilson Stlanett, Al- Zellerbach Paper C o . ___ 13.80 venia Terry, Roacoe Cole. Muriel A rthur J a c k s o n -------------- 3.76 Tyson, Gordon Baldwin. Mt. State Power C o . ___ 66.02 Young People— Jewel Helter- Paul P o t t e r ____________ 18.00 braud, Rupert Shaw, Lela Peterson. M. E. C h u rc h ___________ 10.00 Mina Peteraon, Mr» Dawn Cox. Master Engravers .---------- 78.37 Elva Moyer. Altle Manning, Beulah Northwest Cities G a a ------ 1.61 Thurman. Juanita Clark. Elwlna W illam ette Press ________8.10 Meachem, Julia Pederson, Dldlns J. C. W right « G E . Davis 1.86 Gartln. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Sbaw, and Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien. T o t a l ............. ................. 1230.80 ningham Honor H«r At Murphys* Last Night Miss Jewel Cunningham waa honor guest at a surprise party which members of the choir of the Christian church gave last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs D. B. Murphy. Miss Cunningham has been p-^ulst and active In the mu­ sical work of the local church for the past several years, and Is to be graduated from tbe Northwest Christian college Monday evening. The group presented her with a gift of a leather music case Stuart, vacobeon Candidats» Interest In the school election was heightened during tee week with the announcement by friends of Mrs. Mabel Tyson that a peti­ tion bad been circulated and sign­ ed nominating her as a candidate for school clerk to oppose Bevert Jacobson, Incumbent, who has an­ nounced his Intention of filing lor relectlon. E. C. Stuart, retiring chairman, remains the only candi­ date tor director. He consented to be a candidate after bis friends had circulated a petition on bis behalf All petitions must be tiled with the district clerk by June 10. HERA workers were put to work si both the Lincoln building and the high school gymnasium Mon­ day. At the Lincoln school scaffold­ ing haa been erected for the en­ tire north side of the building on which carpenters and painters can work. All siding on the building Is to be gone over and renailed bo During tbe evening piano solos fore the walla are painted. and duets were given by Mlsa Cun­ At the gymnasium Glenn M artin ningham and Kyle Smith. Martin Clark and Lela Peteraon gave read­ has a crew busy tearing out the ings. and the Murphy-Moahler quar­ old accommodations In tbe south tet sang. Refreshments were ser­ ved. Those attending the party In­ cluded Juanita Clark. Clara Jones, Altle Manning. Verna Mauney, Kenneth Smith, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Murphy. Mr. ad Mra. R. E. Mushier, Beulah Thurman, Dawn Cox, Mur­ iel Tyson. Bessie Cox, Mr. and Mrs. W alter T a y k *. Mary Hadley. D. E. Ferguson, Uldlne Gartln, Mr. and Mrs. Eiuier Pyue, Mrs. W. P. Ty­ son. Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Shaw, Mrs Juanita Brown. Martin Clark, Evelyn Pi-ultt, Mrs. W. A. Lambert. Jewel WHEAT COMPLIANCE and Pearl Helterbrand, Irene An­ CHECK-UP STARTED derson. Kyle Smith, Mina Peterson, Louise Ladd of Medford, Lela Pet­ Inspectors are busy In Lane coun­ erson. Frieda Severson, and tbe ty now checking compliance on tbe guest of honor. beeflt wheat contracts. Welby Stevens and Harry Chase are work­ CHOIR ENTERTAINED ing In the Hprlngfleld and Garden AT DIRECTOR’S HOME Way dlatricta. The work Is going much faster Members of tbe Methodist this year than It did last season as many of the farmers have planted church choir were entertained Wed­ wheat on the same fields or ou nesday evening at the home of Mrs. other fields which were measured Buford Roach, director In Eugene. last year thus eliminating much of A social evening and refreshments wera enjoyed by those present. this work says Mr. Stevens. DIES III E U « Springfield Resident For 27 Years Pass*« At Hospital; Funeral Held Monday Funeral services for James P. Johusou, 73, who died s i the Pasl- ric hospital in Eugene Saturday were held here from the Poole chapel Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. I. G. Shaw officiated and lntermeut was held at Laurel H ill cemetery. Semi-monthly meeting of the Priscilla club will be held this after­ noon at the home of Mr». W illiam Rouse. Mrs. John Tomseth w ill be Mr. Johnson waa born In Virginia on June 28, 1881. He married Mlaa Sophie Rainey who passed away alx years ago. They came to Hprlngfleld In 1808 and have been residents since that time. He waa a member of the Christian church. Survivors Include four sisters, Mrs. Stella Hughes, Spokane, Mrs. Hally Kelly, Toppenish, Washing­ CASCADE CHAPTER HOST ton; Mrs. Fannie Mink, Norris­ TO EUGENE STAR GROUP town, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Josie Owen, Weet V irginia; and three About 40 members of the Evan­ brothers, John, Mac. and Lee. In geline and Blue River chapters of Virginia. West Virginia, and Penn­ the Eastern Star ware guests here sylvania respectively. Tuesday evening at the regular He worked for tbe Booth-Kelly meeting of Cascade chapter. Following the business meeting Lumber company for over 26 years. a musical program was gives by Two nephews from Portland at­ Barbara Barnell, Margaret Jarrett, tended the service, Mr. and Mra. E. and Evelyn Buell. Refreshments C. Johnson, and Mr. and Mrs. ▲. the assiataot hostess. were served after the «rugisaa. It is the duty of the Inspectors to determine that the growers are planting Just the amount of wheat Hcreage that they signed up for and that they are using the non-wheat land according to their agreement. PRISCILLA MEMBERS MEETING IS TODAY