The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 08, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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Fifty-One Achlevement Certificates
For 100 Per Cent Work
To 8e Mailed Out
Achievement certificates for 100
Mr». Buford Roach Present»! per cent Four-H clubs have beeu
Students at Five O'Clock received this week by R C. Kueh-
Tea at Buell Home Here
ner, county club leader, and will
Marathon Winner
First o f New
Many Students Honored for
Achievement at Final As­
sembly Period on Friday
be mailed out to 61 clubs in all
Student awards for achievement
parts of the county.
'at Springfield high school were pre
Clubs and their leaders in this
i settled to their winners at the final j
vicinity who will receive the certi­
assembly held Friday morning
ficates are: Fall Creek Sewing.
Miss Bernice Conoly presented
Mrs. Ada Palmer, Fall Creek; Sun
debate awards to Frances Styles.
shine Sewers. Mrs. Edith l*age.
Ruth Button, Georg# Marx, and
Waltervllle; Deerhorn Sewing. Mrs.
Virginia Christie.
Cora Wearln. Walkerville; Deer
Torch honor pins were given to I
horn Cookiug. Mrs. Cora Wearln;
Florence Vail, Virginia Christie.
Pleasant Hill Health clubs. Mrs
Marceline Senvey. and Zula Kick
Isole D. Phelps and Misa Lucille
busch. The Torch society has been
Jordan. Creswell, leaders; Hayden
affiliated with the National Honor
Bridge Health. Neva Workman.
society and will bear that name In i
Health. Mrs
the future Is was announced.
Uladys Feglea. route 1. Creswell.
Dorta Briggs was announced as
Leslie Paveoa, 28 year old Paw
Mt. Vernon Health, Haxei Edmis-
tueket luillhand. outraeed 231 rival* winner of the W. C. T. IT. prise
ton. Springfield; Thurston Health. by
almost a mile in annaing the hiss essay contest on Liquor Traffic.
Dorothy Travess. Springfield; Co­ '.orie Boston M aratho n In the record
A typing cup which the students
burg Health. Jean Morrow. Co­ smashing tim e o f 3 hrw, 31 mins.,
burg; Lowell Health. Mrs. Margaret 9-8 sees. Photo shows Pawaon won at Corvallis In the state con
Gray, Lowell; Leaburg Health. reowned with laurel wreath at end test waa presented to the school by
o f race
members of the teams. De Etta
Hasel Delxjng. Leaburg; Crea well
Sandgathe. Marlon Shipley. Mary
Health. Mrs. Verna Adams. Craa- VISITORS HONORED
Elkton. Joan SKnvey and their
well; Garden Way Health, Eunice
AT PICNIC OUTING Instructor. Miss Clarabel Wagner.
Smith. Eugene; Fall Creek Health.!
Marlon Hall, athletic director,
Mrs. Alice Calllson. Fall Creek;
House guests of Mr. and Mrs. presented the basketball awards to
EXAMINATIONS JUNE 14 Leaburg Health. Crystal Ixxlge. Harrv Whitney were honored with Dalton Thurman. Bruce Squires,
Vida; Vida Health. Maysel DeLoug. , plcnlc held
Swimmer» Delight
Announcement of teachers' ex Vida; Bear Creek Health. Mrs. park Sunday. They were Mr. and Clinton Carter. Donald Hawk and
aminations to be given in the coun Anna Harpole. Creswell; Thurston Mrs. Harry Rapp. Miss Helen Nor­ Wilson. Track letters were given
1 here w ill be many more to follow
ty court room of the Court House Health. Mrs. Flossie Gray. Spring- ton. and Miss Margaret Odyklrk of to Everett Chetwood, Carter Hart
man. Disque Smith. Morris Stewart. before bleak D r tuber wind# blew
in Eugene beginning Wednesday. field.
Roseburg. Miss Flora Whitney of Ralph Watson, and Wayne Kendall. but
here ia the first bathing beaut)
All but 10 of the clubs were work­ Sutherlin. Those participating In
June 14, at 9 o'clock a. m. and
w inner o f the 1V33 season She ie Mint
lasting until 4 o'clock on Friday. ing on health projects.
the picnic besides the guests and
Hover, o f Bantu Mantra,
C a lif., who annexed a tw auU fu l esq;
June 1», has been made by Laur­
hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crites BROTHERHOOD MEET
her firs t tim e out la s tuiUung beaut)
ence C. Moffitt, county school sup­ LADIES AID DIVISION
and daughter. Jean; Mr. and Mr*.
OPPOSES PROHI REPEAL parade at Deauville «tub at Haas#
MEETS HERE TUESDAY Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
The schedule for the three-day
| May and daughter. Florence; Mr
First official action opposing the
examinations will be as follows:
The North division. Central Pres- and Mrs. John Henderer. Mr. and repeal of the 18th amendment to
Wadnesday forenoon— V. S. His­ byterian church. Ladies aid of Eu- Mrs. Harry Stewart and son. Mor- the constitution of the United BOY SCOUTS SET TIME
tory. Writing (Penmanship), Geo­ gene was entertained here Tuesday rls. and Miss Mary Elizabeth Whit- States was taken recently by the
metry. Botany.
afternoon at a luncheon meeting at ney.
South Willamette Brotherhood of
Effective at once the weekly
Wednesday afternoon — Physio­ the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilsonj
the Methodist church when they
meeting of the Springfield Boy
logy, Reading, Composition. Gen­ by members of the Central divi­ CLASS PLANS TO HOLD
adopted the following resolution:
eral History.
'The South Willamette Brother­ 8ruut troop will be held each Tuee
Thursday forenoon— Arithmetic.
Assisting Mrs. Wilson with the
hood of the Methodist church, re­ day evening at 7:30 Inateud of 7
History of Education. Psychology. one o’clock luncheon were Mrs.
Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val presenting fourteen towns, assem­ o'clock It was announced this week
Thursday afternoon — Grammar, Sigvald Skavlan. Sr.. Mrs. B. Rey­ zah's Sunday school class of the bled in Junction City. May 19. 1933. The later meeting hour will con­
tinue during the summer months
Geography. American Literature. nolds. and Mrs. R. A. McCornack.
Methodist church will hold a marsh and went on record as unanimously
to Glcu Martin, scout­
mallow roast Friday evening All
Friday forenoon — Theory and STITCH IN T IM E ” PINS
members of the class are to gather amendment, the registering of the master. The meetings are held In
the basement of the Methodist
Practice. Orthography t Spelling I,
READY FOR CLUB GIRLS »t ‘he home °f Mrs. Van Valzah at people, and the support of the dry
Physical Geography. English Liter­
7 o'clock. Theo Bartholomew is
"They asked that a copy of thia
Fonr-H club girls who are mem chairman for the event.
Friday afternoon—School law. Al­ bers of the "Stitch In Time" club
resolution be sent to each brother DINNER PARTY HELD AT
gebra. Geology. Civil Government. are advised to secure their project CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR
hood represented and that It be
published In their local town
pins from Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Miss
Mr and Mrs. F. B Hamlin en­
Eleanor Smith, leader of this club
Signed by resolution Committee. tertained with a dinner party at
which has 34 members, left for
Miss Edna Severson has been ap­
Dean C. Poindexter.
their home Tuesday evening. Their
AT U. O. JUNE 9 -1 1 Chicago to attend the world’s fair pointed achievement superintend
D. R. Fullerton. Sec.”
guests were Mrs. Margaret Cold
before handing out the awards.
ent for the Lane county achleve-
Commencement exercises at the
ren and Mrs. Elmer Byrne of Eu
ment banner contest. The local or-
University of Oregon, at which
gene and Mr and Mrs. Marion Hall
Marriage Licenses issued
ganixation is now making plans for ANNUAL LANE PIONEER
time nearly 600 students will re­
of Springfield Mr and Mrs. Hall
Daring the past week marriage |t8 participation again in the achie-
MEET SET FOR JUNE 20 have been living In the Hamlin
ceive bachelor and advanced de­ licensea have been granted by the vement contest to close April 1.
grees, will be held in Eugene, June county clerk to the following: 1934 Springfield won the banner
apartments during the past school
The annual I-ane County Pioneer
9. 10 and XI. Dr. Elam J. Anderson, Ernest Petersen and Anna Pierce iast year and now holds It.
Association meeting will be held on year.
president of Linfield College, will both of Eugene; Henry Cooper and
Tuesday. June 20. at the home of
Visitors Tuesday— Mr and Mrs
deliver the baccalaureate sermon , Gladys Imei, both of Eugene; Sher- HORSESHOE PITCHERS
Cal. M Young, north of Eugene It
June 10. and Dr. Joseph Schafer lock Holmes. Eugene, and Virginia
n p c F A T CClDVAl I 1C MCW has been announced by E. O. Pot­ D. B. Murphy had as their visitors
superintendent of the Wisconsin i Willis. Cottage Grove; Roiling
Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O
ter. secretary of the association
State Historical society, will give j Weisbeck, Veneta, and Pearl Gates, j
Springfield's three-man horse­ The Cal Young ranch Is an historic J Poley of Ixmtlne and A. F. Polwy
the commencement address June Crow
of Portland. They were enroute to
shoe pitching team defeated three spot, being a donation claim of his
11. Special reunions of the classes |
Oregon for a visit with
- <co« ,
Corvallis players 393 to 290 in a father. Walker Young.
K w
V ’
1 ° " Furl<H,»h- IjOUl8 8hlpley ar’ series of games played here Sun-
Further details of the program relatives.
wllh be held at this time. The Mur-, rived here Tuesday for a two weeks day OIIbert Erngtlng wag hlgh and other business will be announ
ray Warner collection of Oriental furlough from his ship which is |
i man in total points with 160. Rich ced later.
Art will be formally opened to the stationed at the 9a n Pedro harbor j ard
Prochnow was high with 16
public and the New Men's Dormi­ In California.
doable ringers. William Gerlach CHRISTIAN CHURCH MAY
tory will be formally dedicated as
Rev. Ralph Clark Is preaching al
was the third member of the local
"John Straub Memorial building.”
Drive To Portland— Mr. and Mrs team St. John, Moore, and Clark
HAVE WEEKLY SOCIAL leaburg Sunday morning. June 11,
Instead of the usual evening ser­
Noah Helterbrand and daughters. tORBed for , he
A proposal whereby social gath­ vices. A children's day program will
Salem Boys Here — Verne and Jewel and Pearl, motored to Port-
erings will be held at the Christian also be given.
David Scott of Salem are here this land Wednesday. Miss Jewel will
church once each week Instead of
week visiting with their uncle and remain in Portland where she will MRS. COLE ENTERTAINS
Ten members of the Wallervllle
FOR SEWING CLUB GROUP monthly as is now the plan, was Orange attended grange at Wllla-
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adrian. be employed.
Members of the Sewing club were placed before the official church kenzle Saturday night when two
guests of Mrs. George Cole at her board at their monthly meeting of Wallervllle Grandge's new mem
borne Tuesday afternoon. Present Monday evening. The matter was bers. Wilfred Frazee and Ted Mag
were .Miss Faye Parson. Miss Doris referred to a committee headed by nes received third and fourth de­
Myers. Miss Evelyn Buell, Miss Roland Moshier for further Investi­ gree work, with Wlllakenzte class
of Initiates. The Wlllakenzte drill
Jean Scott, Mrs. Ralph Fullerton, gation.
team putting on the work.
and Miss Dorothe Mae Potter. The
The Waltervllle ladles' Aid will
members of the club will meet
meet at the social room all day
again next week at the home of
Wednesday for quilting
Mrs. Fullerton.
The Pleasant Hill picnic which
The Workers’ Society will meet
Visit at Oakridge— Mr. and Mrs. was to have been held last Satur at the home of Mrs. J. W. Foun­
Jess Seavey and daughters. Shirley, day. June 3. at the Woodman pic­ tain all day Friday.
Evelyn Hansen of Wallervllle.
Joanne and Marceline, spent a few nic grounds was postponed on ac­
days at Oakland the first of the count of rain and cold weather was hostess to the several mem
Many groups of families that had bers of her 4-H club Thursday. The
planned to lunch together that day Misses Luvaas. Chrlstofferson and
The prices are going up continually on many items
took their lunch to some residence Margaret Thompson of Eugene
of staple food. If you are to take advantage of the “new
and held a pot luck dinner Instead were additional guests.
The picnic will be held later ac­
Mrs. Frank Alexander of Port­
deal ' you should buy now and save later. Sugar, flour,
cording to H. C. Wheeler, general land was a recent guest of special
Interest to many McKenzie valley
milk and other canned goods have increased in price
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick and people. Of the pioneer Billings fam­
and are still climbing. There will be a genuine saving
children, Vernon and Betty of ily, Mrs. Alexander divided her
Philomath spent picnic day and a visit here with her sister Mrs. T.
by stocking up on staple food products.
few days following at the home of W. Carney of Waltervllle and
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Tinker at Pleas brother, Thomas Billings, of Lea
ant HUI. Monday they motored up burg.
Row river to fish and visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sharp.
Veda Daley, Ban Kelsay and Bud
Mauney were down from Normal
S I . 15
The Young People's Bible school
school Sunday to be present at the
ball game between Hills Creek and class met at Mr. and Mrs. Fred
M c K enzie blend
Orey's for their buslnes' and social
5 1 .0 9
The Hills Creek baseball team meetltng Tuesday evening.
Mrs. A. B. Mathewn motored to
met Its first defeat Sunday when
Yoncalla scored two runs to their Lowell Tuesday to spend a few
one at the game played at Pleasant days with her sister, Mrs. Lum
Hill Sunday afternoon. Each team Mays.
Misses Jean and Shirley Weaver
made six hits. Several errors were
made during ttiP game. An excep­ from Lowell are visiting their
tionally large crowd was present grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
at the game.
Mr. and Mrs. Bridges and sister
Mrs. T. F. Kahler who has been
quite 111 for sometime Is reported from Seattle are visiting old friends
and neighbors In Thurston this
1th-. and Mrs. J. P. Hult of Lowell week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edmlston
gave a farewell party for Miss Flor­
ence Elliott and Miss Ruth Rydell have moved from Eugene Into their
Saturday night. Both were teachers new home which was recently com­
In the Lowell high school last year. pleted here. Bert Snook of Spring-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Winfrey of field began building a ham for
Fall Creek are parents of a 6*/2 them last Monday.
pound baby boy, born Thursday
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Baugh and fain
lly and Mr. and Mrs. John Edmls­
Myrna Laird, and Agnes Wallace ton and family motored to Junction
A large number of people attend
ed a very pleasing recital and mu
«leal tea given at the home of Mr.
and Mrs W. E. Buell. Bunday even
lng by voice students of Mrs. Bu­
ford Roach. Miss Madaline Guls-
Una. violinist, with Miss Edith
Baris as accompanist, as.-lsted on
the program.
Appearing on the program dur
lug the tea which began at five
o'clock were Evelyn Buell, coutral-
to ■ Barbara Barnell, mezzo so­
prano; June Hanks, soprano; Mrs.
W. K. Barnell, soprano; Mrs. W. C.
Rebhan. soprano; and Ruth Morri­
son, mezzo soprano.
Numbers were also given by the
Ladies' double uartet organized by
Mrs. Roach. The personnel of this
group is Mrs. Barnell. Mrs. Rebhan.
Miss Morrison. Miss Danks. Miss
Buell. Mrs. 8. 8. Potter, and Mrs.
W. N. Dow.
I McKenzie Valley
Irish-Murphy Co.
f Upper Willamette
Buy Now!
Many Prices Advancing
Corn Flakes
Post Toasties
will attend summer school for a celebrating
couple of weeks.
1 Mills Peterson wus elected presl
deni of Ihe Hattie Mitchell Mission
ary circle of the Christian church
at their meeting Tuesday evening
al the home of Mlse Gladys Tan
ner. Other officers are Dale Dan
lels, vice president;
B arbara
Adams, treasurer; and Miss Tan
uer, secretary. The offlcera will
ho Installed al Ihe July meeting of
the Circle.
Miss Tunnel- led the discussion
nt Ihe meeting Tuesday which was
the final study of a six mouths
course on China. Following the
study period the gueets enjoyed a
social hour during which t'hlneae
guinea were played.
Mlaa Irene Anderson will lie hoe I
css for the Circle at her home for
the July,meeting.
The Msthist 1st «hurch and Sun­
day school will observe Sunday as
"Children's day " There will he a
program by lit# lower department#
of the school during ihe Church
school hour which begins al 9 46.
Following this service the church
hour will be given lo a short drama,
u sermon Io the children and a “Re
cognition'' service The children’s
sermon by Rev Dean (’. Polndex
ter will be "Horn to lie King " The
Epworth League will meet at 7
o'clock There will also be a meal­
ing of tlie older young people for
the re organisation of their work
for the summer.
The evening service will he a
young people'# service. The Lea­
gue officers will he luatalltfd The
message will be "Youth with a
Reports on the Grand Lodge sea
slons of the Oregon I. O. O. F.
held recently at Pendleton were
heard al the regular meeting of the
Springfield bulge last night. Oswald
Olson and Elmer Pyne. delegates,
made the reporta. W. F Walker,
lutai grand maater, also made a
talk on hla views of Grand txulge.
Mr and Mrs Ralph Martin aud
family have moved to Wendllng
where they will make their home
In Ihe future. Mr' Marlin In the new
superintendent of the Booth Kelly
company operatlona and will lake
over active management of tbs
Wendllng sawmill.
Flab on Lake Creek—I M Peter
III at Home— Mrs C. L. Youuger
son, city recorder, spent Tuesday Is reported lo be 111 at her home
fishing on latke Creek.
on E street
Hits the Mark
When You’re Hungry...
and it “Stick« to the Riba".
Our MEATS and Our SERVICE will plea»« you
K. C. STUART. Prop.
4th and Main St». Phone S3
The White Front Grocer
Is the Neighborly Kind
Not content with merely Helling the lilgheHt qual
Ity of Groceries at the lowe Ht possible prices, we go
out of otir way to lx* neighborly, to extend helpful little
courtesties, to give service that is friendly as well as
efficient. You will enjoy trading with The White
Pront Grocery today and always.
If Your Are Going to Can
Mother’» Friend
Do It Now.
and Washing Machine
40 Oz» for 35c
5c Lb.
W heat Pops
3 for 25c
W essen Oil
•/j Gallon
Quaker Quick, Milk
Monarch Coffee
3 Lb. Pkg 89c
Short Cuts, 3 for 25c
5c - FRUIT PIES - 5c
Ask for your favorite.
Only 5c
PEN JEL- 2 Lbs for
THAT ITALIAN DINNER — Spaghetti, Mushroom
Sauce, and Chinese seasoning, all In ons package, 25c
Try the new Clabber Girl BAKING P O W D E R ,~ ~
White Front Grocery
W . A . Taylor
Phone 9