i PAO® POUR THURSDAY. JUN® »• TH® SPRINQFTHLD NBW8 VOICE PUPILS III SUNOAV CONCERT MANY FOUR-H CLUBS TO GET AWARDS FOR WORK Fifty-One Achlevement Certificates For 100 Per Cent Work To 8e Mailed Out Achievement certificates for 100 Mr». Buford Roach Present»! per cent Four-H clubs have beeu Students at Five O'Clock received this week by R C. Kueh- Tea at Buell Home Here ner, county club leader, and will Marathon Winner SCHOOL AWARDS GIVEN AT H. S. MISSION CIRCLE ELECTS METHODIST CHILDREN NEW OFFICERS FOR YEAR TO OBSERVE SUNDAY First o f New Many Students Honored for Achievement at Final As­ sembly Period on Friday be mailed out to 61 clubs in all Student awards for achievement parts of the county. 'at Springfield high school were pre Clubs and their leaders in this i settled to their winners at the final j vicinity who will receive the certi­ assembly held Friday morning ficates are: Fall Creek Sewing. Miss Bernice Conoly presented Mrs. Ada Palmer, Fall Creek; Sun debate awards to Frances Styles. shine Sewers. Mrs. Edith l*age. Ruth Button, Georg# Marx, and Waltervllle; Deerhorn Sewing. Mrs. Virginia Christie. Cora Wearln. Walkerville; Deer Torch honor pins were given to I horn Cookiug. Mrs. Cora Wearln; Florence Vail, Virginia Christie. Pleasant Hill Health clubs. Mrs Marceline Senvey. and Zula Kick Isole D. Phelps and Misa Lucille busch. The Torch society has been Jordan. Creswell, leaders; Hayden affiliated with the National Honor Bridge Health. Neva Workman. society and will bear that name In i Marcóla; Jasper Health. Mrs the future Is was announced. Uladys Feglea. route 1. Creswell. Dorta Briggs was announced as Leslie Paveoa, 28 year old Paw Mt. Vernon Health, Haxei Edmis- tueket luillhand. outraeed 231 rival* winner of the W. C. T. IT. prise ton. Springfield; Thurston Health. by almost a mile in annaing the hiss essay contest on Liquor Traffic. Dorothy Travess. Springfield; Co­ '.orie Boston M aratho n In the record A typing cup which the students burg Health. Jean Morrow. Co­ smashing tim e o f 3 hrw, 31 mins., burg; Lowell Health. Mrs. Margaret 9-8 sees. Photo shows Pawaon won at Corvallis In the state con Gray, Lowell; Leaburg Health. reowned with laurel wreath at end test waa presented to the school by o f race members of the teams. De Etta Hasel Delxjng. Leaburg; Crea well Sandgathe. Marlon Shipley. Mary Health. Mrs. Verna Adams. Craa- VISITORS HONORED Elkton. Joan SKnvey and their well; Garden Way Health, Eunice AT PICNIC OUTING Instructor. Miss Clarabel Wagner. Smith. Eugene; Fall Creek Health.! Marlon Hall, athletic director, Mrs. Alice Calllson. Fall Creek; TEACHERS WILL START House guests of Mr. and Mrs. presented the basketball awards to EXAMINATIONS JUNE 14 Leaburg Health. Crystal Ixxlge. Harrv Whitney were honored with Dalton Thurman. Bruce Squires, Vida; Vida Health. Maysel DeLoug. , plcnlc held Swimmer» Delight Announcement of teachers' ex Vida; Bear Creek Health. Mrs. park Sunday. They were Mr. and Clinton Carter. Donald Hawk and aminations to be given in the coun Anna Harpole. Creswell; Thurston Mrs. Harry Rapp. Miss Helen Nor­ Wilson. Track letters were given 1 here w ill be many more to follow ty court room of the Court House Health. Mrs. Flossie Gray. Spring- ton. and Miss Margaret Odyklrk of to Everett Chetwood, Carter Hart man. Disque Smith. Morris Stewart. before bleak D r tuber wind# blew in Eugene beginning Wednesday. field. Roseburg. Miss Flora Whitney of Ralph Watson, and Wayne Kendall. but here ia the first bathing beaut) All but 10 of the clubs were work­ Sutherlin. Those participating In June 14, at 9 o'clock a. m. and w inner o f the 1V33 season She ie Mint lasting until 4 o'clock on Friday. ing on health projects. the picnic besides the guests and Laura Hover, o f Bantu Mantra, C a lif., who annexed a tw auU fu l esq; June 1», has been made by Laur­ hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Dan Crites BROTHERHOOD MEET her firs t tim e out la s tuiUung beaut) ence C. Moffitt, county school sup­ LADIES AID DIVISION and daughter. Jean; Mr. and Mr*. OPPOSES PROHI REPEAL parade at Deauville «tub at Haas# erintendent. MEETS HERE TUESDAY Carl Olson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Monica. The schedule for the three-day ----------- | May and daughter. Florence; Mr First official action opposing the examinations will be as follows: The North division. Central Pres- and Mrs. John Henderer. Mr. and repeal of the 18th amendment to Wadnesday forenoon— V. S. His­ byterian church. Ladies aid of Eu- Mrs. Harry Stewart and son. Mor- the constitution of the United BOY SCOUTS SET TIME tory. Writing (Penmanship), Geo­ gene was entertained here Tuesday rls. and Miss Mary Elizabeth Whit- States was taken recently by the FOR MEETING AT 7:30 metry. Botany. afternoon at a luncheon meeting at ney. South Willamette Brotherhood of Effective at once the weekly -------------------------- Wednesday afternoon — Physio­ the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilsonj the Methodist church when they meeting of the Springfield Boy logy, Reading, Composition. Gen­ by members of the Central divi­ CLASS PLANS TO HOLD adopted the following resolution: eral History. sion. 'The South Willamette Brother­ 8ruut troop will be held each Tuee MARSHMALLOW ROAST Thursday forenoon— Arithmetic. Assisting Mrs. Wilson with the hood of the Methodist church, re­ day evening at 7:30 Inateud of 7 History of Education. Psychology. one o’clock luncheon were Mrs. Members of Mrs. A. B. Van Val presenting fourteen towns, assem­ o'clock It was announced this week Thursday afternoon — Grammar, Sigvald Skavlan. Sr.. Mrs. B. Rey­ zah's Sunday school class of the bled in Junction City. May 19. 1933. The later meeting hour will con­ tinue during the summer months Geography. American Literature. nolds. and Mrs. R. A. McCornack. Methodist church will hold a marsh and went on record as unanimously according to Glcu Martin, scout­ Physics. favoring the retention of the 18th mallow roast Friday evening All Friday forenoon — Theory and STITCH IN T IM E ” PINS members of the class are to gather amendment, the registering of the master. The meetings are held In the basement of the Methodist Practice. Orthography t Spelling I, READY FOR CLUB GIRLS »t ‘he home °f Mrs. Van Valzah at people, and the support of the dry church. Physical Geography. English Liter­ candidates at the July election. « ----------- 7 o'clock. Theo Bartholomew is ature. "They asked that a copy of thia Fonr-H club girls who are mem chairman for the event. Friday afternoon—School law. Al­ bers of the "Stitch In Time" club resolution be sent to each brother DINNER PARTY HELD AT -------------------------- gebra. Geology. Civil Government. are advised to secure their project CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR hood represented and that It be HAMLIN HOME TUESDAY Bookkeeping. published In their local town pins from Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Miss STARTS PENNANT WORK papers.” Mr and Mrs. F. B Hamlin en­ Eleanor Smith, leader of this club Signed by resolution Committee. tertained with a dinner party at GADUATION EXERCISES which has 34 members, left for Miss Edna Severson has been ap­ Dean C. Poindexter. their home Tuesday evening. Their AT U. O. JUNE 9 -1 1 Chicago to attend the world’s fair pointed achievement superintend D. R. Fullerton. Sec.” guests were Mrs. Margaret Cold before handing out the awards. ent for the Lane county achleve- Commencement exercises at the ren and Mrs. Elmer Byrne of Eu -------------------------- ment banner contest. The local or- University of Oregon, at which gene and Mr and Mrs. Marion Hall Marriage Licenses issued ganixation is now making plans for ANNUAL LANE PIONEER time nearly 600 students will re­ of Springfield Mr and Mrs. Hall Daring the past week marriage |t8 participation again in the achie- MEET SET FOR JUNE 20 have been living In the Hamlin ceive bachelor and advanced de­ licensea have been granted by the vement contest to close April 1. grees, will be held in Eugene, June county clerk to the following: 1934 Springfield won the banner apartments during the past school The annual I-ane County Pioneer 9. 10 and XI. Dr. Elam J. Anderson, Ernest Petersen and Anna Pierce iast year and now holds It. Association meeting will be held on year. president of Linfield College, will both of Eugene; Henry Cooper and _________________ Tuesday. June 20. at the home of Visitors Tuesday— Mr and Mrs deliver the baccalaureate sermon , Gladys Imei, both of Eugene; Sher- HORSESHOE PITCHERS Cal. M Young, north of Eugene It June 10. and Dr. Joseph Schafer lock Holmes. Eugene, and Virginia n p c F A T CClDVAl I 1C MCW has been announced by E. O. Pot­ D. B. Murphy had as their visitors superintendent of the Wisconsin i Willis. Cottage Grove; Roiling U J K V A L IIS Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. O ter. secretary of the association State Historical society, will give j Weisbeck, Veneta, and Pearl Gates, j Springfield's three-man horse­ The Cal Young ranch Is an historic J Poley of Ixmtlne and A. F. Polwy the commencement address June Crow of Portland. They were enroute to shoe pitching team defeated three spot, being a donation claim of his 11. Special reunions of the classes | southern Oregon for a visit with -