The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, February 02, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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M Ah
I'nbilBbed K»«r» T h im d a y at
S p rln crleld, l.ane County, Oregon, by
H. B.
M A X K Y . E d ito r
S x Mur.tha
T hree Moi Ihs ................
Diegon Farm Inda« Gains •» Par
Cant; National Average la
Down; Hops Credited
A Y R t S co.
Springfield. Oregon
C. n«* Y ear iu Ad vane» ___ »1.50
T w o Years in Advance __ »2.50
tDU 8L(8AY 0O »A«I
And then hi» own question: "W h p
I could possibly fall in love with
O ZA KI . . . . .
facing the guns
is the poor devil, th e n ’ "
her. . . .
T w e n ty years ago Yu kio i aaki.
W h o wa» the poor devil? In the
synopsis Pauline.
Pauline came into the room at that
JapaaeM. a 'a tm m an and diplom at ful.
M »¡«err* an«l |ovin«t In»», haownes cnk*K"l , tllotllCIlt.
midst of all his pain O 'H a ra wa»
to th e peoplt? o f Ih o I nil» tl an«l marvir« Hmm» O’Hara in the belief
»aid, conscious of a maddening desire to
” W h y — Barbara!"
Ikiuw tl c name of the man
W e ll, he would ask herl Surely
to a 'k a »iitiple question like that
would not he wrong?
Barbara, whomshe had never liked
— v. hom he pr. tended to despise--
W ashington.
but now dteoreed and living a Hfa wtacl tome
, .»
this woman w ith the tear» on her
O aaki, now 73 years obi. left Lon c t het frie*!»
ukl not umlcr«t«n 4 Between » .“ .? ? * •
llr n iin and lU rbara ta a aceming wall of
1 II Come back never (ear! I OUT white face, bending over him, hend-
,41011 th<
*- • to
- *-*-•
- alter I spare room bed la too com fortable i ¡ng BO low that suiely her lip»
Ye other tlay •-*
to ---
go ‘----
hi> neraooal diaiik«
by Uah. Sia month*
h y hi», cool and fragrant?
“ >*id « » r h w . ___________ I to u c lied
n ative > . Japan,
. . — confident . that
. . . . upon
....... e,ay l)urinil---- ---------------------- J t e f C
Third Installment
T i l l H S IIA Y . F K IIR I A ltY 6, 1066
S p rin g fie ld w ith a tax levy o f 85.6 m ills becomes this
year the highest ta x spot in Lane county, an honor w hich
F lo tt a to and C oburg have heretofore vied fo r. W hile the
la rg e r p a rt o f th is tax levy is lo r debt service much o f it w ill
not go o u t o f to w n since it is to pay o tf bonds and w a rra n ts
held by o u r closed banks.
A lte r the h o t cani|>aign o f tax reduction the county
levy w ill be again this year 21.5 m ills the same as last year.
N on-high school d is tric ts in the county w ill find an extra
4.9 m ills on th e ir tax statem ents w hich they did not have
last year w hen the W heeler law was in operation. A ctu a lly
all raxes w ill be higher th is year than last fo r lesser service
due in th e m ain because o f m o u n tin g debt costs, and extra
levies on those w ho pay taxes to m ake up lo r those w ho are
hi» a rriv a l he w ill be assassinateli Piulnw «*»»« thart ia a man »«e reali, Lrvea, 1
. . .
. i
but »he retwse» Io tell tè* name, . . . NOW
liv some fan atical m em ber of the CO ON W ITH THE STORY.
war party of his nation. O zaki has
"O h , yea, at the Club
alw ays been a man of peace. Y e a rs '
"Because I'd love to get you some- !
ago he warned his people against thing to eat if you’re hungry " She
' the rising w a r p irit among them looked as if she hoped he would aay
It takes a brave man to stand by he was.
“ No, thank you, dear!"
■ his principles and Io o ffe r no resist-1
T he last little word was spoken
»nee when others seek to slay him
unconsciously, but it warmed her
■ T h e spirit in which Oxaki is fa c in g !
heart She perched herself on his
T he leg isla tu re was called in to special session and ask­ those who would destroy by force knee and put her arms round his
all that he believes in. is the . p irit neck.
ed to pass a n o th e r ta x law before anyone knew ju st how
; .h ,c h
m uch m oney was to be needed to run the state. T o its great who have ever impressed th eir prin ­
to say?"
credit the le g isla tu re balked on such a procedure. An e f­ ciples perm anantly upon the world.
"T h a t you love me."
“ Is it necessary? O f course I
fo rt is now being made to fin d out ju s t how badly the state
R E V O L U T I O N S ....................not here
love you!"
is in debt and how m uch taxes w ill be necessary a fte r a re ­
1 talked the other day w ith an In
H e put his arms round her little
tell gent Russian, recently r e t u ’ii- figure and drew her closer to him.
duction in the budget is made fo r the next tw o years.
h a t have you been doing all
ing to Am erica a fte r an absence of
People dem and th a t the legislature reduce expenses severay years, who voiced eni day?”
^ Talking to Barbara and w o rk ­
and taxes b u t a t the same titm e they flo c k to the legislature phatically his belief that the U nited J ing."
or w rite le tte rs to th e ir delegations to prevent the c u ttin g States is on the verge o f a revolu-1 "Does Barbara ever do anything
’ tion.
besides talk?"
down public support o f th e ir pet activities. It is a co ntinua l
Pauline laughed "N o t often I
| "H a d it ever occurred to you.” I <
wish I could talk the way she does j
round o f c ritic is m the legislature gets.
sked bint, ' that there never ha
-Ashe’s so aw fully clever."
" I lay aw ake th in kin g o f you." she s lid in her charm ing voice.
"Clever! Rubbish! She talks like
I t is o u r prediction th a t no cuts the legislature makes been a successful revolution unless
Dennis O 'H a ra closed his eye-
Barbara was stirring her coffer
w ill be to o d ra s tic in the lig h t o f conditions even a year the arm y, or the hulk of it, was on a cheap novelette.”
with an irrita tin g little tinkle of li e tva i in pain, in great pain— there
fro m now. T here is a state salary reduction b ill now in the the side o f the revolutionists? T h e ’ "Dennis
"So she does. A ll this stuff shout silver against the china cup. " I won­ wa» a I r a w weight aero«» the lower
legislature w h ich w ould save $180,000 and so fa r as we can Bol hevik revolution in R u ssia, love and marriage and tw in souls.”
der if I may ring up for a taxi pres­ part of his body, crushing him H r
see it is n o t too drastic to h u rt anyone now employed by the began w ith the organization of the ■ “She doesn't mean half she says," ently,” she said.
wondered what Pauline would say
"Dennis w ill drive you down," when -he heard— poor little Paul
state w hen one considers the greater purchasing power of soldiers in w orkers' union. T he Pauline declared.
“Let's hope she doesn’t," Dennis Pauline said quickly. “ H e has to inc! H e tried to reeall her face to
the p a y ro ll dollar. Yet everything is being done th a t can be French revolution didn't com
answered d rily. H e set Pauline on »<> down to Albany on business this his fading consciousness, but some
to prevent th is b ill fro n t passing. Such is the w orkings o f about u ntil the Royal Guard Joined her
feet, his arm still round her. “ Run morning you told me so last night," ' • w ■ e rould "n iv «ee Barbara'*
the revolutionists.
n I t' e tear« on her wh le
-he added faintly, meeting her hu
tip to bed, you’ll take cold, i -------
— -------- — — «$——
.•. . . i
' t ...............
«« th ere was a ^li.»ht
nn»»nvc«l c v **
My Russian friend reflected a
“I said I mii/ht have to," he an­ of her lips on his, only realize
w hile and then adm itted that I was ' sound in the doorway, and looking
up he saw Barbara there.
through trie sea of pain in which
¡rig h t. T h e founders of this rypublii
So sorry," said Barbara, looking
" W e ll— you could take Barbara, he w as d r o w n in g th a t a t last ha
knew the name of the man ahe loved.
A ll over the U nited States, althoug h m ore noticeably in realized that no governm ent could directly at him. “ I came down for couldn't you?” Pauline asked.
the g reat c e n tra l area between P ittsburgh and Denver be stable unless It» arm ed forces • book. I had no idea you were in.
So sArryl” she added again, a little
"Do you hate many people as much
Pauline was busy arranging freah
k u o w n as the Mississippi valley, there is a sp irit o f unrest were kept subord a n te -to th? civil amile curving her lips. "Good night I” as you hate me?” Barbara asked
flowers in the drawing room when
am ong the fa rm e rs w hich, as we view it, foreshadows m a­
and she went away. Dennis looked Dennis later on, when they were
the news was brought to her. She
te ria l and perhaps radical changes in o u r social and econ­ into the constitution. T h a t Is cn angry. “ Good-night,” said Pauline. driving away in the little two-seater was not feeling very happy. B a r­
'~Sne knew good and well we were car.
om ic scheme o f things. The demand o f the fa rm in g popula­
bara’s sudden departure had hurt her
"People who hate well generally and left her puzzled.
h e re ” he “ id- "D am n the w om an!"
tio n o f A m erica fo r re lie f fro m the double burden of high soldier as a Secretary of W a r Cut he
added under his breath.
love well,” Dennis said surlily*.
Pauline longed to be a perfect
taxes and in te re s t on m ortgage indebtedness has never been m ilita ry system does not breed re
"Yes." Barbara's q u e e r eyes
so w idely and e ffic ie n tly organized as it seems to be now. ; volutionists in its ranks. W e pro­ happy,” Pauline informed him later looked straight ahead down the road. hostess a« well as a perfect wife.
H e r anxious mind explored every
in spite of every th in g th a t has been attem pted in the way gress by evolution and not by rts on when she was lying cosily in bed. “ I should think you would make nook and cranny of her household
“ I w ouldn’t tell anyone bet y o \ quite a good lover," she agreed.
I volution.
of re lie f, fa rm com m odity ¡»rices continue at low levels. It is
to find in what particular detail she
Dennis, darling, but she dott love
Dennis jerked the wheel.
n o t to be wondered at th a t the "farm ers’ holiday” move­ C O M M U N IS M ...............fading Here
someone— frig h tfu lly I"
" I dare say Pauline could give you had failed in hospitality, and reluc­
" H a lf a dozen of ’em, I should any inform ation you require,” he tantly she decided it must have been
m ent is spreading. W hy should any man continue to produce j T he last surviving communi tlc
her husband.
som ething th a t he cannot sell, o r th a t he can sell only at a , societies in Am erica have eith er think I”
Dennis was never nice to Barbara.
“N o — seriously, one!" Pauline in ­
“A lover and a husband— tw o d if­
sisted. “T h e re was quite a different ferent things," Barbara said, sweetly. It was impossible to disguise the fact
is m . A few days ago the head o>
look about her when she told me."
“A ren 't we talking a lot of rub­ (hat lie did not like her. This morn­
W hen the fa rm e r is g e ttin g no incom e fro n t his farm lie , the S haker Com m unity at M t. Leb­
She lay still watching him with bish?” Dennis said w ith exaspera­ ing at breakfast time, for instance, he
c e rta in ly ca n n o t pay his debts o r the interest on them , nor anon. on the New York-Massachu adoring eyes. Presently she said shy­ tion.
had shown only too plainly that he
Barbara folded her hands in her objected to taking Barbara in the
his taxes. '1 he m ovem ent fo r a m o ra to riu m on tax and m o rt­ setts line, died and it was disclosed ly, “ Dennis?”
"U m ? ”
car. It was too had of him.
lap w ith mock resignation.
gage paym ents is g ro w in g rapidly. It may have fa r-re a ch ­ ¡th a t there are only tw enty-five
“You love me best in all the world,
Pauline carefully arranged the red
“Very well— from now until our
in g eftects. We have a feeling th a t in the long run it is go­ j members le ft of what was once the don’t you?”
journey's end I am dumb,” she said roses in a silver bow l—a wedding
ing to be b e tte r fo r creditors to give th e ir honest debtors largest group in this country which
present O n ly »ix months ago aince
" W h a t would you do if I said the mockingly.
tim e, th a n it is fo r them to seize property w hich cannot un­ ¡held all th e ir property In common. answer was in the negative?” he
Dennis quickened speed. The she had unpacked it, together w ith
journey could not be at an end too a host of other lovely things.
der present condition s earn the interest on its cost. In the A day o r tw o la te r it was an- asked, teasingly.
“ D ie,” Pauline whispered.
quickly for him. T hey turned onto
O nly six months! It seemed a
m a tte r o f taxes, in a b ility o f property owners to pay has a l­ . nounced th a t the thousand mem-
“Then you may safely live,” he one o f the new broad arterial roid», lo n g tim e , and yet she knew people
ready b ro u g h t about a situ a tio n in several cities and a good jbers o f the Am ana Com m unity In assured her.
and he let the engine out to its fu ll­ who hail been married for sixteen
Pauline sighed and closed her est extent. H e never dared do tu< h years tw enty years, th irty years
m any counties, in w hich public expenditures are necessarily Iowa, who have led a com pletely
a thing when Pauline was w ith h nt. arid even longer.
beeing c u rta ile d to the low est possible m inim um .
com munistic existence since 1855.
I t was no use; she realized that Presently he stole a sidelong glan e
" I expect the time wdll go more
have “gone capita lis t.” a re begin­ nothing on earth would ever make at her. She was sitting very sti'I,
As we see it, the whole w orld is going th ro u g h a drastic
q u ic k ly when we're really settled
d o w n and used to being m arried.”
econom ic readjustm en t w hich w ill, we believe, w ind up by a ning to use money and have em ­
I t was at breakfast the next m orn­ She was a strange woman, he Pauline told herself with a little
v e ry widespread and general com prom ise on all existing ployed managers from outside to ing that Barbara announced she thought, and almost angrily l.e fe
e lin g o f satisfaction. A sharp thorn
debts and a fresh s ta rt fo r everyoody. M uch o f o u r ¿rouble is help operate th e ir com m unity in­ must go home th a t'd a y , "home" wished he understood her.
from one of the roses gave Pauline
due to the fa c t th a t such a high percentage o f o u r a g ric u l­
a nasty prick, and it was while she
“T here is a crossroad j' st a! ead," was busily wiping away the tiny
T h e P ilg rim Fathers tried to run in Greenwich where she kept the
tu ra l p roduction has been in the past fo r the export m arket.
clothes she was not wearing, and she said in her ralm vo ce “ t »m head of b lo o d from her finger that
T h a t m a rk e t is ra pidly dim inishing, as one co u n try a fte r the Plym outh Colony on Commun­ slept when she was not staying in not at all afraid, but y u are driving the door hell rang.
a n o th e r fin d s ways o f supplying its needs w ith o u t im p o rt­ istic lines, but had to give It up other people’s houses. Barbara did rather recklessly, you know, and
"T he postman!” Pauline thought
a fte r seven years. T h e soil of A m ­ not often come down to breakfa-t, there is Pauline to consider, so. . ."
as she went to the front door, but
A fterw ard he wondered stupidly
erica has never been a fe rtile one but this m orning she was standing
looking out of the window when what she had been going to say, hut the little letter box waa em pty and
W’e th in k th a t the forced econom ic reorganization (fo r anything but Individualism
Dennis came into the room whist­ her words were lost in a chaos of through the glass panels the could
w h ich is now under way m ust re su lt in the reduction o f our T H E A T R E S ...................... low prices
see the burly outline of a man's wait­
shouting and confusion and the
ing figure.
a g ric u ltu ra l production to o u r own in te rn a l demands. T h a t
W hen he saw her he broke off in grinding of brakes— and then—
One com m odity th a t is coming
Pauline opened the door, then tha
struggling hack to consciousness he
th is w ill benefit every grow er o f crops o r livestock is un­ down in price is entertainm ent, dismay.
" H u llo ! Couldn't you sleep?" he heard her voire still, agonized, raught her breath sharply, for tha
questionable. The m ost prosperous farm ers in the w orld j T he other day p ta c tic a lly ail of the
with a poor attem pt at humor. broken w ith tears— unlike the cool, man wore an officer's uniform.
to d a y are those o f France, who produce o n ly enough to sup­ ! im portant theatres in N ew York asked,
H e looked at Pauline w ith kindly
Barbara met his eyes calmly
indifferent tones to which he had
p ly the needs o f the French people and are protected by announced a reduction of almost 50
“I lay awake thinking of you," she grow n so irrita tin g ly accustomed.
“O h, niv dear— Dennis— Dennis—
th e ir governm ent fro m com petition fro m outside. Under ■ percent, in some cases more, in the said in her charming voice.
“ M rs. O 'H a ra ? ” he queried doubt­
Dennis flushed; not because he speak to me— Dennis!
the French plan o f s tric t lim ita tio n o f w heat acreage French ! price o f all tickets.
It was a dream-—opening his eyes ■ "Yes," Pauline was panicky. D M
thought for a moment she meant it,
fa rm e rs got better than $1.50 a bushel fo r th e ir crop in 1932.
In London the most successful but because everything she said and he was conscious of a confusion of »he owe one of the tradesmen sny-
thing? She had always been »o care­
did fo r some reason or another irri­ sky and clouds from whiefi **
R ir
I t seems to us th a t we ought to be able to apply at least ! venture in recent years was the tated
and annoyed him.
hara’e face wet w ith tea r, and white ful about not getting into debt. She
■ opening of the so-called "S h illin g
as m uch intelligence to o ur own a g ric u ltu ra l problems as ¡T h e a tre " presenting good plays at
was a thousand miles from the truth
"Indigestion,” he said briefly. with dread bent over hint.
the French do to theirs.
Barbara laughed— she was very d if­
So she could feel, after all! Paul­ when the man reluctantly broke the
■ ■
ficult to offend.
ine had been right, and she had a new» to her. " I am sorry to say
T h e fan tastic salaries paid to
“ No, we had a very good dinner,” heart hidden away beneath all her there has been a bit of an accident.
Gentleman by name O ’ H ara— ’’
theatrical and motion picture per- she answered seriously. "Spoiled by artificialities.
Pauline thought ahe would have
your vacant chair, of course, but
Pauline had said something else
: formers are rap idly becoming
about her, too. W h a t was it? Oh, died on the spot.
T here are 192 school d is tric ts and ten union high j thing o f the past. Some o f the thea­ otherwise perfect.”
Dennis hurt! K ille d , "O h , my
Dennis scowled and took up the yes, w ith difficulty he sorted the
school d is tric ts in Lane county. Five d is tricts are reported trical "headliners" got so exorbft paper.
Barbara m ight be in love, he words from the confusion in his G od ,” she whispered, white-lipped.
as having less than five pupils and one is know n to have ant in th e ir demands th a t New ‘.old himself, remembering Pauline’s brain "Ni
does love someone—
Continued Next W eek
o n ly one in re g u la r attendance. There are probably a t least York's principal vaudeville theatre words last night but that any man 'rig h tfu lly !”
; I
tw ic e too m any school d is tric ts in Lane county fo r e ither
good schools o r econom y’s sake.
changed o ver to a motion picture
work, but ft seems to me th a t there
house. A fte r a few weeks of that
some m e rit in my neighbor's
the actors came around w ith their
hats in th eir hands and the theatre suggestions.
is reopening for vaudeville, hut It
is not paying its stars >2000 a week GASOLINE REFUND TO_
any more.
Each school d is tric t once organized is a kingdom unto
Its e lf and unless the legislature does som ething about
c h a n g in g the laws they w ill go on under the archaic system
now in use, o r at least as long as they can get the d is tric t
w a rra n ts cashed.
Science boasts a new a rtific ia l m innow w hich a u to m a t­
ic a lly releases Itse lf fro m the line or leader once it catches
on a snag. We recom m end it to some o f o u r good fisherm en
whose vocabulary is not s u ffic ie n t to accom plish the same
thing w ith o u t breaking the tackle.
Personal finance companies now m ake sm all loans of
m ore th a n $500,000,00(1 a year. G overnor M eier’s message
to th e le g isla tu re to regulate this class o f hanking is tim ely.
I t Is fo r the protection o f the le g itim ate loan com pany and
th e b o rro w e r as w ell. *
L I E N S ............................. forced sales
A neighbor of m ine who Is re­
puted to be w ealth y engaged
plum ber to do some work in his
cow stables. W hen the bill was
presented m y neighbor didn’t have
Ihe cash w ith which to pay It at
the moment. T he plum ber slapped
a mechanic's lien upon the property
j and the man who owed him had to
j sell a couple o f cows a t sacrifice
¡prices to get the cash to pay the
| plumber.
“ I f people would pay me for the
¡m ilk they have bought from me I
T he D em ocrats arc fry in g to devise some scheme to
raise co m m o d ity prices by the in fla tio n route. Tim es have
changed it now seems th a t a little “ high cost o f liv in g ” is
It is estim ated only 178 people in Oregon th is year w ill
pay an incom e ta x on $5000 o r more. T h a t’s socking the
a rg u m e n t to “ soak the ric h .” T h e y ’ll boop become e xtin ct
A new process makes cotton goods look like wool— sort
“ pulls the w ool over one’s eyes.”
Hava Guest»— M r. and Mr», lia r
vey W rig h t of H arrisbu rg and M r
and M rs. K. L. H ow s of Croswell
were gupsts nt th« horn« of M r
and Mrs. Fred Louk last Thursday
O r AO HlO Uu lU H fc U tP 'T .
An advance In Ilio Oregon la m i
pr.ce luth x (rum mid Novem ber to | .0 io than ittf p e ite n t »I a.I Clod«
mid Decem ber duaplto lower aver j » Xp«»lldv<| and nhilMUh'd h> lu«’ ( . M.
age price» In the country ua u du p u ii HU'ill <>i u m liv u II ur*» d tiru in
whole, la aliown h> d.ilu Io u re ill«» n»vul y m tr IU»U woiil lor r<»u<lt«,
p o ll by tbo Oregon agricultural t<y according Io lite no rotary « min mil
Icualun g arrire .
i report, ropy of wblolt ha» been re
T he circu lar aivoa Iho t rogoli | rntved by Ilio rogloual lo r slot la
Index at d»» per vont of the 102« 1 I'urllund. Ureguii
Iti.10 average, a gain of 4 point«
Total sum expended and ohllga
compared w ith the index In Nov tad aa» »», the report io
. in ber. T he gain la attrib u ted to the veal . tir thia anni 1311,461,776. or
»hurp advance lit hop price» aniuiul tiu I .1 per . out, was (or rond»; »Oi,-
the of Docciti bur. I'rlcea foi 161,020. or 61 Ut per ren t, wa» (or
d airy produrla alno advanced dur I the ordinary work of (he depart
Ing till» period.
ment, und 46ti.H47.2U4, or 0.70 per
T h e (trogoli farm price Index nt le n t, went (or emergency rollet
t * In December 1666 cuiuparoa w iÇ i loan» ami (o puyuieiiia to uluiea
«10 In tlecem ber 1061, 70 In Iineeni for auch work a» cooperai I ve for
ber 1060. and 100 In December eat fire prevention, agricultural ex
1820 T he average for the 102« 1060 lenuion, alale experliitenl »luUon»
perlod of 100 waa ouo thlrd lilg h o i . and the Itke, It I» »abi
tban for Iho 1010-1014 p ro w u r per |
— -------------
bid, for which the Oregon Index
11« 76.
In tenua of the 102« 1660 period,
llie general level of farm prlcea in
, the United Platea In mid H e tein
ber waa 60 per cent, down 2 pollila
1 from November.
Thta downward
i (rend of farm price» wa accompau
led by fu rth e r declines In the gon
oral wholesale price level and in
ihe Index of factory payrnlla. The
general wholesale price level In
December waa «8 per re n t of the
1028 1030 average.
[down around 41 per cent of 102«
Oregon Htate College, Corvulll»,
Fell 0 Altliougli the l»>ard of con­
tro l ha» taken no action ao far Ihl«
week toward getting a new foot
bull coucli, it re re u lly ap|H>lnted
Curl laidell, graduate manager hero
(or the last ten years, Io take up
Paul Hchla -ler'a duties uh direct»!
of athletic» taHleil'a o ffic ia l llllo
w ill he chairm an of alliletlea which
o ffice he w ill hold (or Ihe balance
I o f the school year. Appointment of
For some of the leading couimodf ■ a head football couch to sun red
tl««». the Oregon farm price In d e x ' Coach tlchlsaler recently resigned.
allowed egga at «1 per cent of 102« 1 la not expected for gome tim e
Guardian of Your Health
The drug ttfore Htanda guardian over Hie health of the
c tiin u iu n lty lung hotirtt each duy and t u t Hundays and
htilidityH when o th e r attires are dosed. We art* alw ays
|irt‘|utrt‘d und expecting un emergency fu r ours I h it
«tore o f service.
Fur lliiit fa ith fu l service Hit* drug store deserves
y o u r liberal patronage.
“ We Never S u b stitu te "
t u neglect y o u r car. Often a loose n u t u r bad a d ju s t­
ment mt'itiiK breaking o f suine m ujur |»art and the re ­
sult is costly to repair. O ur garage m echanic w ill In ­
spect yo u r car and make n x tied repairs af any tim e.
This I k the home of th«« famous gasolines
gas, Violet Ray and General Ethyl.
M oto-
“ A ” Street Service Station
5th and A Streets
S pringfield
Two G reat A m ericans
Washington - Lincoln
I hitt I h the m onth of the blrthdaya o f tw o great
Am ericana George WAHhlngtou and Abraham Lincoln.
It m ay he the m onth o f m any o f yon people's ItlrfhtluyH.
If ho there I h no het 1er remembrance y o u r friends in n
celebrate the occaidiin w ith than a box o f Egglmann*»
We are prepared fo r all occafliomt w ltli candy. Ice
cream and various flavor« fo r parties.
F G G IM A N N ’ S
" W h v r- th» Servie» I» D lffaranl"
, K N O W
Jbrïke prieeqfé
Few Carpet Tacks
Any woman who swsspt a rug
it working for on« <«nt an hour.
Thai it whai it cost» on ihs over,
" I am convinced that the fnrm er
and Ihe loggers and the fishermen
who do not use the highways with
th eir equipm ent, are entitled to a
refund on the gasoline tax they
have paid, and there is no intention
as fa r as I know of attem pting to
deprive them of this refund.”
T his statem ent was made this
week by H a l E. Hoss, Secretary of
State, in a com munication to the
nutom oblle com m ittee of the state
legislature In which he repeated
his proposal for a »3.00 automobile
license fee. He backed his slate
m ent w ith an extensive file of cor­
respondence reflecting, w hat he de­
clared was. the attitud e all over
the state.
wouldn’t have any trouble paying
j plumbers,” my neighbor explained
to me “ I have more than »1800
¡ow ing me fo r m ilk in this little
com m unity, some of the bills two
¡and three years old People don't
pay because they th in k I am rich VALLEY LUMBERMEN TO
and don't need the money. It seems
to me there ought to be some pro­
vision in the laws w hereby the
T h e W illa m e tte valley branch of
1 farm e r can place a lien upon the the W est Coast Lum berm en's as­
property of people who buy his pro­ sociation w ill hold th e ir m onthly
duct, Just as the mechanic can.”
meeting at the Osburn hotel begin-
I don t know Just how It would In ln g w ith a d inner a t 8:30 on Frl-
day evening, February 10, accord­
ing to H e rb e rt J. Cox, secretary.
Col. W . B. G reeley of Seattle, m an­
ager of the W est Coast association
w ill speak on the lum ber situation
and w hat may be expected In 1933.
HMD, with h u tte rfa l 66, hog« 30,
wool, .10, Io . f cuttle til. wheal 64,
hay i>7, polutoea 46, and hop lead
Illg at 167.
^ 'n l a m a n
in s t a n t - gas
ago to operate an electric vacuum
V V i g p i q q la n ter n s
cleaner. So cheap it electricity
Good Light— Every Night
that for a few penniei you can
Coleman Lanterns are always
ready for any lighting lob, any
time, in any weather
no preheating
clean every rug in your home.
Th» N»w No. 2 4 2 Coleman
See your dealer today.
S p o r i-
LI4» is fust th« lig ht for any camping,
touring or fishing trip. Sm all in size
but b ig in brilliant». O n ly 12 in chM
high, y«t gives up to 150 candlcpower
of pur» w hit» light. W e ig h t only 3 lbs
Single m anti» type. Pyrex glass globe
protects mantle. I t ’s a double-duty
light for indoors or o u t
M O D E L No. »ö S
Retail Price 4S .1 S
Model N o. 22 O B Colomon Lantern
it a sturdy, dependable genorol duty
M O D E L Ne. le i
Ratall Price S t.SS
clean a Rug i
lig h t i4H inch»n high. T w o -m an tle typo. Produce» up
to 300 candlepower of clear steady lig h t
Orean enameled porcelain
top. Pyres brand claar-gleae globe every modern feature.