THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 193» THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ÎÜÊOTÎ11 fl M Ah I'nbilBbed K»«r» T h im d a y at S p rln crleld, l.ane County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. B. M A X K Y . E d ito r M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E S x Mur.tha T hree Moi Ihs ................ Diegon Farm Inda« Gains •» Par Cant; National Average la Down; Hops Credited RUBY M . A Y R t S co. Springfield. Oregon C. n«* Y ear iu Ad vane» ___ »1.50 T w o Years in Advance __ »2.50 HOPS BOOST PRICES OF OREGON FARM PROOUCL »1.00 50c © tDU 8L(8AY 0O »A«I And then hi» own question: "W h p I could possibly fall in love with O ZA KI . . . . . facing the guns is the poor devil, th e n ’ " her. . . . T w e n ty years ago Yu kio i aaki. W h o wa» the poor devil? In the synopsis Pauline. «ru.t Pauline came into the room at that JapaaeM. a 'a tm m an and diplom at ful. M »¡«err* an«l |ovin«t In»», haownes cnk*K"l , tllotllCIlt. midst of all his pain O 'H a ra wa» to th e peoplt? o f Ih o I nil» tl an«l marvir« Hmm» O’Hara in the belief »aid, conscious of a maddening desire to ” W h y — Barbara!" a Ikiuw tl c name of the man W e ll, he would ask herl Surely to a 'k a »iitiple question like that would not he wrong? Barbara, whomshe had never liked n«d. «as the »other ©f a cWM whkh died " G o back! You haven’t been here — v. hom he pr. tended to despise-- W ashington. but now dteoreed and living a Hfa wtacl tome , .» this woman w ith the tear» on her O aaki, now 73 years obi. left Lon c t het frie*!» ukl not umlcr«t«n 4 Between » .“ .? ? * • I . t I V , llr n iin and lU rbara ta a aceming wall of 1 II Come back never (ear! I OUT white face, bending over him, hend- ,41011 th< *- • to - *-*-• ..................-- - alter I spare room bed la too com fortable i ¡ng BO low that suiely her lip» Ye other tlay •-* to --- go ‘---- back hi> neraooal diaiik« by Uah. Sia month* h y hi», cool and fragrant? “ >*id « » r h w . ___________ I to u c lied n ative > . Japan, . . — confident . that . . . . upon ....... e,ay l)urinil---- ---------------------- J t e f C Third Installment T i l l H S IIA Y . F K IIR I A ltY 6, 1066 T A X E S GO UP EASIER T H A N DOWN S p rin g fie ld w ith a tax levy o f 85.6 m ills becomes this year the highest ta x spot in Lane county, an honor w hich F lo tt a to and C oburg have heretofore vied fo r. W hile the la rg e r p a rt o f th is tax levy is lo r debt service much o f it w ill not go o u t o f to w n since it is to pay o tf bonds and w a rra n ts held by o u r closed banks. A lte r the h o t cani|>aign o f tax reduction the county levy w ill be again this year 21.5 m ills the same as last year. N on-high school d is tric ts in the county w ill find an extra 4.9 m ills on th e ir tax statem ents w hich they did not have last year w hen the W heeler law was in operation. A ctu a lly all raxes w ill be higher th is year than last fo r lesser service due in th e m ain because o f m o u n tin g debt costs, and extra levies on those w ho pay taxes to m ake up lo r those w ho are delinquent. hi» a rriv a l he w ill be assassinateli Piulnw «*»»« thart ia a man »«e reali, Lrvea, 1 , . . . . , . i but »he retwse» Io tell tè* name, . . . NOW liv some fan atical m em ber of the CO ON W ITH THE STORY. war party of his nation. O zaki has "O h , yea, at the Club alw ays been a man of peace. Y e a rs ' "Because I'd love to get you some- ! ago he warned his people against thing to eat if you’re hungry " She ' the rising w a r p irit among them looked as if she hoped he would aay It takes a brave man to stand by he was. “ No, thank you, dear!" ■ his principles and Io o ffe r no resist-1 T he last little word was spoken »nee when others seek to slay him unconsciously, but it warmed her ■ T h e spirit in which Oxaki is fa c in g ! heart She perched herself on his T he leg isla tu re was called in to special session and ask­ those who would destroy by force knee and put her arms round his all that he believes in. is the . p irit neck. ed to pass a n o th e r ta x law before anyone knew ju st how ; .h ,c h m uch m oney was to be needed to run the state. T o its great who have ever impressed th eir prin ­ to say?" credit the le g isla tu re balked on such a procedure. An e f­ ciples perm anantly upon the world. "T h a t you love me." “ Is it necessary? O f course I fo rt is now being made to fin d out ju s t how badly the state R E V O L U T I O N S ....................not here love you!" is in debt and how m uch taxes w ill be necessary a fte r a re ­ 1 talked the other day w ith an In H e put his arms round her little tell gent Russian, recently r e t u ’ii- figure and drew her closer to him. duction in the budget is made fo r the next tw o years. "W h a t have you been doing all ing to Am erica a fte r an absence of People dem and th a t the legislature reduce expenses severay years, who voiced eni day?” ^ Talking to Barbara and w o rk ­ and taxes b u t a t the same titm e they flo c k to the legislature phatically his belief that the U nited J ing." or w rite le tte rs to th e ir delegations to prevent the c u ttin g States is on the verge o f a revolu-1 "Does Barbara ever do anything ’ tion. besides talk?" down public support o f th e ir pet activities. It is a co ntinua l Pauline laughed "N o t often I | "H a d it ever occurred to you.” I < wish I could talk the way she does j round o f c ritic is m the legislature gets. sked bint, ' that there never ha -Ashe’s so aw fully clever." " I lay aw ake th in kin g o f you." she s lid in her charm ing voice. "Clever! Rubbish! She talks like I t is o u r prediction th a t no cuts the legislature makes been a successful revolution unless Dennis O 'H a ra closed his eye- Barbara was stirring her coffer w ill be to o d ra s tic in the lig h t o f conditions even a year the arm y, or the hulk of it, was on a cheap novelette.” 1” with an irrita tin g little tinkle of li e tva i in pain, in great pain— there fro m now. T here is a state salary reduction b ill now in the the side o f the revolutionists? T h e ’ "Dennis "So she does. A ll this stuff shout silver against the china cup. " I won­ wa» a I r a w weight aero«» the lower legislature w h ich w ould save $180,000 and so fa r as we can Bol hevik revolution in R u ssia, love and marriage and tw in souls.” der if I may ring up for a taxi pres­ part of his body, crushing him H r see it is n o t too drastic to h u rt anyone now employed by the began w ith the organization of the ■ “She doesn't mean half she says," ently,” she said. wondered what Pauline would say "Dennis w ill drive you down," when -he heard— poor little Paul state w hen one considers the greater purchasing power of soldiers in w orkers' union. T he Pauline declared. “Let's hope she doesn’t," Dennis Pauline said quickly. “ H e has to inc! H e tried to reeall her face to the p a y ro ll dollar. Yet everything is being done th a t can be French revolution didn't com answered d rily. H e set Pauline on »<> down to Albany on business this his fading consciousness, but some to prevent th is b ill fro n t passing. Such is the w orkings o f about u ntil the Royal Guard Joined her feet, his arm still round her. “ Run morning you told me so last night," ' • w ■ e rould "n iv «ee Barbara'* the revolutionists. democracy. • n I t' e tear« on her wh le -he added faintly, meeting her hu tip to bed, you’ll take cold, i ------- — -------- — — «$—— ----------— .•. . . i ' t ............... Ei KrsUr» «« th ere was a ^li.»ht nn»»nvc«l c v ** My Russian friend reflected a “I said I mii/ht have to," he an­ of her lips on his, only realize w hile and then adm itted that I was ' sound in the doorway, and looking up he saw Barbara there. swered. through trie sea of pain in which T H E FAR M ER S' P LIG H T ¡rig h t. T h e founders of this rypublii So sorry," said Barbara, looking " W e ll— you could take Barbara, he w as d r o w n in g th a t a t last ha knew the name of the man ahe loved. A ll over the U nited States, althoug h m ore noticeably in realized that no governm ent could directly at him. “ I came down for couldn't you?” Pauline asked. "Delighted the g reat c e n tra l area between P ittsburgh and Denver be stable unless It» arm ed forces • book. I had no idea you were in. So sArryl” she added again, a little "Do you hate many people as much Pauline was busy arranging freah k u o w n as the Mississippi valley, there is a sp irit o f unrest were kept subord a n te -to th? civil amile curving her lips. "Good night I” as you hate me?” Barbara asked flowers in the drawing room when a u th o ritie '. and they w rote tha" am ong the fa rm e rs w hich, as we view it, foreshadows m a­ and she went away. Dennis looked Dennis later on, when they were the news was brought to her. She te ria l and perhaps radical changes in o u r social and econ­ into the constitution. T h a t Is cn angry. “ Good-night,” said Pauline. driving away in the little two-seater was not feeling very happy. B a r­ '~Sne knew good and well we were car. reason why we can never have a om ic scheme o f things. The demand o f the fa rm in g popula­ bara’s sudden departure had hurt her "People who hate well generally and left her puzzled. h e re ” he “ id- "D am n the w om an!" tio n o f A m erica fo r re lie f fro m the double burden of high soldier as a Secretary of W a r Cut he added under his breath. love well,” Dennis said surlily*. Pauline longed to be a perfect taxes and in te re s t on m ortgage indebtedness has never been m ilita ry system does not breed re "Yes." Barbara's q u e e r eyes Ip so w idely and e ffic ie n tly organized as it seems to be now. ; volutionists in its ranks. W e pro­ happy,” Pauline informed him later looked straight ahead down the road. hostess a« well as a perfect wife. H e r anxious mind explored every in spite of every th in g th a t has been attem pted in the way gress by evolution and not by rts on when she was lying cosily in bed. “ I should think you would make nook and cranny of her household “ I w ouldn’t tell anyone bet y o \ quite a good lover," she agreed. I volution. of re lie f, fa rm com m odity ¡»rices continue at low levels. It is to find in what particular detail she Dennis, darling, but she dott love Dennis jerked the wheel. n o t to be wondered at th a t the "farm ers’ holiday” move­ C O M M U N IS M ...............fading Here someone— frig h tfu lly I" " I dare say Pauline could give you had failed in hospitality, and reluc­ " H a lf a dozen of ’em, I should any inform ation you require,” he tantly she decided it must have been m ent is spreading. W hy should any man continue to produce j T he last surviving communi tlc her husband. said. som ething th a t he cannot sell, o r th a t he can sell only at a , societies in Am erica have eith er think I” Dennis was never nice to Barbara. “N o — seriously, one!" Pauline in ­ “A lover and a husband— tw o d if­ j died out o r gone over to ind ividu al­ loss? sisted. “T h e re was quite a different ferent things," Barbara said, sweetly. It was impossible to disguise the fact is m . A few days ago the head o> look about her when she told me." “A ren 't we talking a lot of rub­ (hat lie did not like her. This morn­ W hen the fa rm e r is g e ttin g no incom e fro n t his farm lie , the S haker Com m unity at M t. Leb­ She lay still watching him with bish?” Dennis said w ith exaspera­ ing at breakfast time, for instance, he c e rta in ly ca n n o t pay his debts o r the interest on them , nor anon. on the New York-Massachu adoring eyes. Presently she said shy­ tion. had shown only too plainly that he Barbara folded her hands in her objected to taking Barbara in the his taxes. '1 he m ovem ent fo r a m o ra to riu m on tax and m o rt­ setts line, died and it was disclosed ly, “ Dennis?” "U m ? ” car. It was too had of him. lap w ith mock resignation. gage paym ents is g ro w in g rapidly. It may have fa r-re a ch ­ ¡th a t there are only tw enty-five “You love me best in all the world, Pauline carefully arranged the red “Very well— from now until our in g eftects. We have a feeling th a t in the long run it is go­ j members le ft of what was once the don’t you?” journey's end I am dumb,” she said roses in a silver bow l—a wedding ing to be b e tte r fo r creditors to give th e ir honest debtors largest group in this country which present O n ly »ix months ago aince " W h a t would you do if I said the mockingly. tim e, th a n it is fo r them to seize property w hich cannot un­ ¡held all th e ir property In common. answer was in the negative?” he Dennis quickened speed. The she had unpacked it, together w ith journey could not be at an end too a host of other lovely things. der present condition s earn the interest on its cost. In the A day o r tw o la te r it was an- asked, teasingly. “ D ie,” Pauline whispered. quickly for him. T hey turned onto O nly six months! It seemed a m a tte r o f taxes, in a b ility o f property owners to pay has a l­ . nounced th a t the thousand mem- “Then you may safely live,” he one o f the new broad arterial roid», lo n g tim e , and yet she knew people ready b ro u g h t about a situ a tio n in several cities and a good jbers o f the Am ana Com m unity In assured her. and he let the engine out to its fu ll­ who hail been married for sixteen Pauline sighed and closed her est extent. H e never dared do tu< h years tw enty years, th irty years m any counties, in w hich public expenditures are necessarily Iowa, who have led a com pletely eyes. a thing when Pauline was w ith h nt. arid even longer. beeing c u rta ile d to the low est possible m inim um . com munistic existence since 1855. I t was no use; she realized that Presently he stole a sidelong glan e " I expect the time wdll go more have “gone capita lis t.” a re begin­ nothing on earth would ever make at her. She was sitting very sti'I, As we see it, the whole w orld is going th ro u g h a drastic q u ic k ly when we're really settled perfectly controlled and unmoved. Dennis romantic. d o w n and used to being m arried.” econom ic readjustm en t w hich w ill, we believe, w ind up by a ning to use money and have em ­ I t was at breakfast the next m orn­ She was a strange woman, he Pauline told herself with a little v e ry widespread and general com prom ise on all existing ployed managers from outside to ing that Barbara announced she thought, and almost angrily l.e fe e lin g o f satisfaction. A sharp thorn debts and a fresh s ta rt fo r everyoody. M uch o f o u r ¿rouble is help operate th e ir com m unity in­ must go home th a t'd a y , "home" wished he understood her. from one of the roses gave Pauline dustries. meaning the queerly furnished flat Barbara suddenly touched h s arm. due to the fa c t th a t such a high percentage o f o u r a g ric u l­ a nasty prick, and it was while she “T here is a crossroad j' st a! ead," was busily wiping away the tiny T h e P ilg rim Fathers tried to run in Greenwich where she kept the tu ra l p roduction has been in the past fo r the export m arket. clothes she was not wearing, and she said in her ralm vo ce “ t »m head of b lo o d from her finger that T h a t m a rk e t is ra pidly dim inishing, as one co u n try a fte r the Plym outh Colony on Commun­ slept when she was not staying in not at all afraid, but y u are driving the door hell rang. a n o th e r fin d s ways o f supplying its needs w ith o u t im p o rt­ istic lines, but had to give It up other people’s houses. Barbara did rather recklessly, you know, and "T he postman!” Pauline thought a fte r seven years. T h e soil of A m ­ not often come down to breakfa-t, there is Pauline to consider, so. . ." ing. as she went to the front door, but A fterw ard he wondered stupidly erica has never been a fe rtile one but this m orning she was standing looking out of the window when what she had been going to say, hut the little letter box waa em pty and W’e th in k th a t the forced econom ic reorganization (fo r anything but Individualism Dennis came into the room whist­ her words were lost in a chaos of through the glass panels the could w h ich is now under way m ust re su lt in the reduction o f our T H E A T R E S ...................... low prices see the burly outline of a man's wait­ shouting and confusion and the ling. ing figure. a g ric u ltu ra l production to o u r own in te rn a l demands. T h a t W hen he saw her he broke off in grinding of brakes— and then— One com m odity th a t is coming Pauline opened the door, then tha struggling hack to consciousness he th is w ill benefit every grow er o f crops o r livestock is un­ down in price is entertainm ent, dismay. " H u llo ! Couldn't you sleep?" he heard her voire still, agonized, raught her breath sharply, for tha questionable. The m ost prosperous farm ers in the w orld j T he other day p ta c tic a lly ail of the with a poor attem pt at humor. broken w ith tears— unlike the cool, man wore an officer's uniform. to d a y are those o f France, who produce o n ly enough to sup­ ! im portant theatres in N ew York asked, H e looked at Pauline w ith kindly Barbara met his eyes calmly indifferent tones to which he had p ly the needs o f the French people and are protected by announced a reduction of almost 50 eyes. “I lay awake thinking of you," she grow n so irrita tin g ly accustomed. “O h, niv dear— Dennis— Dennis— th e ir governm ent fro m com petition fro m outside. Under ■ percent, in some cases more, in the said in her charming voice. “ M rs. O 'H a ra ? ” he queried doubt­ ful!) Dennis flushed; not because he speak to me— Dennis! iiy- the French plan o f s tric t lim ita tio n o f w heat acreage French ! price o f all tickets. It was a dream-—opening his eyes ■ "Yes," Pauline was panicky. D M thought for a moment she meant it, fa rm e rs got better than $1.50 a bushel fo r th e ir crop in 1932. In London the most successful but because everything she said and he was conscious of a confusion of »he owe one of the tradesmen sny- thing? She had always been »o care­ did fo r some reason or another irri­ sky and clouds from whiefi ** R ir I t seems to us th a t we ought to be able to apply at least ! venture in recent years was the tated and annoyed him. hara’e face wet w ith tea r, and white ful about not getting into debt. She ■ opening of the so-called "S h illin g as m uch intelligence to o ur own a g ric u ltu ra l problems as ¡T h e a tre " presenting good plays at was a thousand miles from the truth "Indigestion,” he said briefly. with dread bent over hint. the French do to theirs. Barbara laughed— she was very d if­ So she could feel, after all! Paul­ when the man reluctantly broke the a shilling per ticket. ■ ■ ■ ------------------------------- ficult to offend. ine had been right, and she had a new» to her. " I am sorry to say T h e fan tastic salaries paid to “ No, we had a very good dinner,” heart hidden away beneath all her there has been a bit of an accident. Gentleman by name O ’ H ara— ’’ theatrical and motion picture per- she answered seriously. "Spoiled by artificialities. TOO M ANY SCHOOL D ISTR IC TS Pauline thought ahe would have your vacant chair, of course, but Pauline had said something else : formers are rap idly becoming about her, too. W h a t was it? Oh, died on the spot. T here are 192 school d is tric ts and ten union high j thing o f the past. Some o f the thea­ otherwise perfect.” Dennis hurt! K ille d , "O h , my Dennis scowled and took up the yes, w ith difficulty he sorted the school d is tric ts in Lane county. Five d is tricts are reported trical "headliners" got so exorbft paper. Barbara m ight be in love, he words from the confusion in his G od ,” she whispered, white-lipped. as having less than five pupils and one is know n to have ant in th e ir demands th a t New ‘.old himself, remembering Pauline’s brain "Ni does love someone— Continued Next W eek o n ly one in re g u la r attendance. There are probably a t least York's principal vaudeville theatre words last night but that any man 'rig h tfu lly !” | ; I tw ic e too m any school d is tric ts in Lane county fo r e ither good schools o r econom y’s sake. changed o ver to a motion picture work, but ft seems to me th a t there house. A fte r a few weeks of that is some m e rit in my neighbor's the actors came around w ith their hats in th eir hands and the theatre suggestions. is reopening for vaudeville, hut It is not paying its stars >2000 a week GASOLINE REFUND TO_ any more. CONTINUE SAYS HOSS Each school d is tric t once organized is a kingdom unto Its e lf and unless the legislature does som ething about c h a n g in g the laws they w ill go on under the archaic system now in use, o r at least as long as they can get the d is tric t w a rra n ts cashed. Science boasts a new a rtific ia l m innow w hich a u to m a t­ ic a lly releases Itse lf fro m the line or leader once it catches on a snag. We recom m end it to some o f o u r good fisherm en whose vocabulary is not s u ffic ie n t to accom plish the same thing w ith o u t breaking the tackle. Personal finance companies now m ake sm all loans of m ore th a n $500,000,00(1 a year. G overnor M eier’s message to th e le g isla tu re to regulate this class o f hanking is tim ely. I t Is fo r the protection o f the le g itim ate loan com pany and th e b o rro w e r as w ell. * L I E N S ............................. forced sales A neighbor of m ine who Is re­ puted to be w ealth y engaged plum ber to do some work in his cow stables. W hen the bill was presented m y neighbor didn’t have Ihe cash w ith which to pay It at the moment. T he plum ber slapped a mechanic's lien upon the property j and the man who owed him had to j sell a couple o f cows a t sacrifice ¡prices to get the cash to pay the | plumber. “ I f people would pay me for the ¡m ilk they have bought from me I T he D em ocrats arc fry in g to devise some scheme to raise co m m o d ity prices by the in fla tio n route. Tim es have changed it now seems th a t a little “ high cost o f liv in g ” is desirable. It is estim ated only 178 people in Oregon th is year w ill pay an incom e ta x on $5000 o r more. T h a t’s socking the a rg u m e n t to “ soak the ric h .” T h e y ’ll boop become e xtin ct species. A new process makes cotton goods look like wool— sort “ pulls the w ool over one’s eyes.” Hava Guest»— M r. and Mr», lia r vey W rig h t of H arrisbu rg and M r and M rs. K. L. H ow s of Croswell were gupsts nt th« horn« of M r and Mrs. Fred Louk last Thursday evening. UO AuS GfcT MOST FUNDS O r AO HlO Uu lU H fc U tP 'T . An advance In Ilio Oregon la m i pr.ce luth x (rum mid Novem ber to | .0 io than ittf p e ite n t »I a.I Clod« mid Decem ber duaplto lower aver j » Xp«»lldv<| and nhilMUh'd h> lu«’ ( . M. age price» In the country ua u du p u ii HU'ill <>i u m liv u II ur*» d tiru in whole, la aliown h> d.ilu Io u re ill«» n»vul y m tr IU»U woiil lor r<»uard of con­ tro l ha» taken no action ao far Ihl« week toward getting a new foot bull coucli, it re re u lly ap|H>lnted Curl laidell, graduate manager hero (or the last ten years, Io take up Paul Hchla -ler'a duties uh direct»! of athletic» taHleil'a o ffic ia l llllo w ill he chairm an of alliletlea which o ffice he w ill hold (or Ihe balance I«-10 I o f the school year. Appointment of For some of the leading couimodf ■ a head football couch to sun red tl««». the Oregon farm price In d e x ' Coach tlchlsaler recently resigned. allowed egga at «1 per cent of 102« 1 la not expected for gome tim e Guardian of Your Health The drug ttfore Htanda guardian over Hie health of the c tiin u iu n lty lung hotirtt each duy and t u t Hundays and htilidityH when o th e r attires are dosed. We art* alw ays |irt‘|utrt‘d und expecting un emergency fu r ours I h it «tore o f service. Fur lliiit fa ith fu l service Hit* drug store deserves y o u r liberal patronage. KETELS DRUG STORE “ We Never S u b stitu te " ir DOES NOT PAY t u neglect y o u r car. Often a loose n u t u r bad a d ju s t­ ment mt'itiiK breaking o f suine m ujur |»art and the re ­ sult is costly to repair. O ur garage m echanic w ill In ­ spect yo u r car and make n x tied repairs af any tim e. This I k the home of th«« famous gasolines gas, Violet Ray and General Ethyl. M oto- “ A ” Street Service Station 5th and A Streets S pringfield Two G reat A m ericans Washington - Lincoln I hitt I h the m onth of the blrthdaya o f tw o great Am ericana George WAHhlngtou and Abraham Lincoln. It m ay he the m onth o f m any o f yon people's ItlrfhtluyH. If ho there I h no het 1er remembrance y o u r friends in n celebrate the occaidiin w ith than a box o f Egglmann*» candy. We are prepared fo r all occafliomt w ltli candy. Ice cream and various flavor« fo r parties. F G G IM A N N ’ S " W h v r- th» Servie» I» D lffaranl" DO Y O U , K N O W T H A Ï Jbrïke prieeqfé Few Carpet Tacks Any woman who swsspt a rug it working for on« <«nt an hour. Thai it whai it cost» on ihs over, " I am convinced that the fnrm er and Ihe loggers and the fishermen who do not use the highways with th eir equipm ent, are entitled to a refund on the gasoline tax they have paid, and there is no intention as fa r as I know of attem pting to deprive them of this refund.” T his statem ent was made this week by H a l E. Hoss, Secretary of State, in a com munication to the nutom oblle com m ittee of the state legislature In which he repeated his proposal for a »3.00 automobile license fee. He backed his slate m ent w ith an extensive file of cor­ respondence reflecting, w hat he de­ clared was. the attitud e all over the state. wouldn’t have any trouble paying j plumbers,” my neighbor explained to me “ I have more than »1800 ¡ow ing me fo r m ilk in this little com m unity, some of the bills two ¡and three years old People don't pay because they th in k I am rich VALLEY LUMBERMEN TO and don't need the money. It seems GATHER FEBRUARY 10 to me there ought to be some pro­ vision in the laws w hereby the T h e W illa m e tte valley branch of 1 farm e r can place a lien upon the the W est Coast Lum berm en's as­ property of people who buy his pro­ sociation w ill hold th e ir m onthly duct, Just as the mechanic can.” meeting at the Osburn hotel begin- I don t know Just how It would In ln g w ith a d inner a t 8:30 on Frl- i day evening, February 10, accord­ ing to H e rb e rt J. Cox, secretary. Col. W . B. G reeley of Seattle, m an­ ager of the W est Coast association w ill speak on the lum ber situation and w hat may be expected In 1933. HMD, with h u tte rfa l 66, hog« 30, wool, .10, Io . f cuttle til. wheal 64, hay i>7, polutoea 46, and hop lead Illg at 167. , ^ 'n l a m a n in s t a n t - gas ago to operate an electric vacuum V V i g p i q q la n ter n s cleaner. So cheap it electricity Good Light— Every Night that for a few penniei you can Coleman Lanterns are always ready for any lighting lob, any time, in any weather Light instantly no preheating clean every rug in your home. Th» N»w No. 2 4 2 Coleman See your dealer today. S p o r i- LI4» is fust th« lig ht for any camping, touring or fishing trip. Sm all in size but b ig in brilliant». O n ly 12 in chM high, y«t gives up to 150 candlcpower of pur» w hit» light. W e ig h t only 3 lbs Single m anti» type. Pyrex glass globe protects mantle. I t ’s a double-duty light for indoors or o u t M O D E L No. »ö S Retail Price 4S .1 S Model N o. 22 O B Colomon Lantern it a sturdy, dependable genorol duty M O D E L Ne. le i Ratall Price S t.SS clean a Rug i lig h t i4H inch»n high. T w o -m an tle typo. Produce» up to 300 candlepower of clear steady lig h t Orean enameled porcelain top. Pyres brand claar-gleae globe every modern feature. THE COLEM AN LAMP A N D STOVE C O M PA N Y «fiCHITA. KANS. CHICAGO. ILL PHILADELPHIA. PA. LOS ANGELES. CAUF A SK Y O U R D E A L E R dJt-BI MOUNTAIN STATES P O W II COMPANY