The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 15, 1932, Page 2, Image 2

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    PAO» TWO
TH U R SD A Y , SE PT E M B E R IS, Itti 2
Iloacli— So Mrs Llplun
speak well of anybody,
Joscli No, she has au
ment In her voice
l*ubllihed Ever» Thursday at
SprlDCfleld. Lana County, Oregon, by
The other day In court In Naw
York a woman was unable to rem ­
Im pedi­ em ber the names ot all her eleven
children. •
H . E. M A X E Y . Editor
Entered as second clan
m atter, February *4. 1*03, at the poatofTtee,
Springfield. Oregon
One Year In Advance ___ *1.60
Six Month»
Tw o Year« in Advance
T hree Months
County O fficial Newspaper
T hose w ho attended the A m erican Legion con ven tion s
in Portland, both sta te and national, above all oth er th in gs
recognize the fa ct th e legion is in good hands— that its
policies and undertakings are being guided by m en. Inspired
w ith service to the com m unity, sta te and nation, w ho know
w hat self-sa crifice m eans.
T he L egion never retreats but m arches on and on, each
year g ettin g stronger and stron ger a s its aim s and purposes
becom e better understood. N o radical will ever head the
legion either in sta te or national departm ents. Its leaders
m ust be patriotic, cautious, and w ise. T h e rank and file
dem ands th is high type o f leadership o f m en w ho are not
afraid to "com bat th e a u tocracy o f both the c la sses and
dem ands that every m an have a ch an ce to work and are
the m asses."
S elfish interest and political rack eteers w ho live by e x ­
ploitering the com m on people fear the Legion, which is
becom in g m ore and m ore insistent in that dem and every
day. T he Legion h a s secured directly through its ow n e f­
forts jobs for m ore than a m illion m en this last year, and
is organizing now for a still stro n g er fight on unem ploy­
m ent.
T he country at large can have faith in the Am erican
Legion to do the right th in g a lw ays despite th e propaganda
o f th e selfish in terests and the jealous. It will carry on until
death c u ts down its ranks.
T h e upward m ovem ent in com m odity prices h as begun.
T hat is w hat all the eco n o m ic au th o rities have been sayin g
m ust happen before prosperity can com e back. C otton is
up. w ool is up, h ogs are up, rayon is up, and silk w ent up
so high and so rapidly on the J ap an ese Silk E xchange the
other day that the a u th orities closed the ex ch a n g e to pre­
vent a riot.
W ith raw m aterials rising, it fo llow s th at the prices of
goods m anufactured from them m ust speedily rise, and that
brings the m atter right hom e to everybody in th is tow n.
N ow is the tim e to buy.
C om m odity prices are not g o in g any low er. T hey have
touched bottom . People w ho have been w aiting to m ake
their purchases until they w ere sure th at th e bottom had
been reached had better dig into their purses now and buy
w hile th e m erchants' sh elv es are still stock ed with low
priced goods. T hey are not g o in g to rem ain on the sh elves
very long, and the next lo ts w hich our local d ealers buy are
g o in g to co st them m ore and will have to sell for more.
We have a distinct feelin g th at w e have turned the cor­
ner on hard tim es. W e find th at all over the country al­
m ost everybody sh ares th e sam e feeling. We all w ant pros­
perity back, and w e w ant it back a s quickly a s we can get
it. D ollars are g o in g to g et cheaper, a s good s go higher in
price. It has been m any, m any y ea rs sin ce the dollar would
buy a s m uch in cloth in g or fabrics or groceries or hardw are,
in sh oes or household goods or furniture, a s it will today.
It will be m any, m any years, w e hope, before it will again
be possible to buy such bargains a s are available all around
us today.
B y buying now you speed the return of prosperity.
S a y w h at w e w ill— try out w hat w e m ay— the fact re­
m ains that our old friend IODINE rem ains, th e cheapest,
m o st reliable, best an tisep tic. T he tourist w ith a couple of
o u n ces o f tincture o f iodine ln his kit, m ay feel ab solu te a s­
su ran ce that he has th e best em erg en cy application know n
for possible recent, open w ounds. Indeed, no tou rist-k it is
co m p lete w ithout th is tim e-honored, tim e-proven en em y
of d angerous bacteria.
Let us rem em ber that the skilled, m odern surgeon, pre­
paring to do a “capital o p eration ,” first c lea n ses the site of
Incision w ith soap, and w ater; th en he sw ab s th e entire field
w ith tin< ture o f iodine; then, a dash o f pure grain alcohol to
rem ove the stain — and the operation proceeds boldly and
sa fely for the patient. N othing can be better than perfec­
tion in a n tisep sis............
T he uses of iodine a re m any. Internally, iodine ranks
a m o n g our first a g e n ts a s a blood-alterative. It purifies
bad blood by destroying the co n ta m in a tin g ag en t or agentB.
Iodine in the form o f iodides com b ats th e m ost serious o f
blood toxem ias. I would think o f iodine first, if I w ere to
nam e h u m an ity’s g rea test b en efactor in the w ay o f m edi­
T h is w eek I w as inform ed by a f'iend of a new use for
iodine. He had acquired an acu te ca se of sunburn, a m ou n t­
ing alm ost to blisters In agony, he took the first agent at
hand. He put a teasp oon fu l of tincture of iodine into a
g la ss o f w ater and bathed the a ffected skin freely— "furi­
o u sly ,” he said. He obtained im m ediate relief. He tried it
again and again in sim ilar conditions, alw ays with perfect
rellef. Isn’t that w orth a trial?
I am very slow to abandon old reliable rem edies for the
new com m ercialized products.
Standing the Test
t V^RAPFQftDUqttgY
W ashington. 1», V
N et - Ince the
cnrly days of the centurz, when
Th<*ed(«'e Rooepvett was pieHlilenl
has so much violent criticism of
dogged silence. Becha's efforts, balked
governm ental methods a <1 public
Descending at Fifty-ninth Street. by hi« awkward inexperience, had at
men appeared in p rint as baa been
Becka le,| him eastward to Columbus least served to place him upon a
S Y N O P S IS : J c A u t Braes, 1» r u n old,
coming out in the past year or so. ; w k s had .ven t s ll a f U s lit» aboard . llu .lu m Circle The tall shait in the center,
meager wage, in the site ol which she
O »er tusbesl plying sear New Y o lk . U the different aspect of the people, the
I l Is the sort of stuff which Presi­ toaaad Is is Ik « riv e '
evinced small interest She soon
a te rn S * c rolbaion
dt nouncod
as «Thick ainka the tug, Jruana h it ninth«, and absence of push carts, and the dearth walked out with Sol. then earning, as
th e r
ua of children, pusiled John. 1 lodging the she boast fully confided to John, the
"m uckraking." Nobody in Washing- •«booled. and fan , d n fa
» « n . ka drags ktniaaff whirling steam of cyclists, the» entered
princely salary of twenty-five dollars
k,daa ua the a frieo d ly darknraa o f a
ton is exempt, from the president ssksra,
kuga roverad truck
truck only tu ha kicked a n t a l the shaded walks ol Central Park a week as runner for a Bowery bur­
down. T h e re ia hardly a niembei
nto ik« niidat o l a tough rang
lesque show And. furthermore, she
of n
ra t bora arko kcal and cha»« Tiitn. white macadam drives were lively
of congress, or a public official Ma
was to appear in the chorus, of a leg
yaa and. exhausted, tum ble. io ta a
show, "in tights!"— a secret carefully
-------- J t dourway. la t e r , ha hear« the trap
above the grade of bureau chief door
.lam m ed, a padlix k »napped doa a
outs, and the "clank" and “d in k ” of kepi from Channon I.ipvitch, but whis­
who has not been b itterly attacked and ka ia trapped. Exhausted, he (alia aaleep. fashionable harness trappings.
pered slyly Io lolin And to pi, ,,
'' k a a he awakena it ia day light and he I.-oka
and criticised by one or another of about foe a plat e to naak Ik e n e e t alime Iraan
And with the black art of this night Becka showed John a photograph that
the group of W ashington news­
anracta die altention o f a Jewrah fatnile be­
paper men who are w ritin g books ing in i lie rear o f I hair aecond hand clocking
akoca H a la recued taken into the f a m iljr —
and m a g a iin e articles.
t. , i f r* • * • ” » • »»w Kfa oa the llow ety ia
N a w York.
The latest of these exposures Is a
book which gives the record of the
"No Brcka. it's too hot.
expense bills and mileage charges
“ You're 'fraid. That’s what. You
collected by numerous senators
don't dast to g o "
and representatives.
Few people
"AU right, come along." and John
realise that, under a law enacted and Beck.i strolled casually from the
more than fifty years ago, every front stoop of the tenement as Becks
member of both houses Is entitled called, "So long! We're going for a
walk," to Mrs. Lipvitch who sat on
to collect forty cents a m ile from
the basement steps with the twins and
the treasury at the beginning and Mrs. Yartin. while Mr. Ijp v itc h ar­
end of each session of congress, as gued w ith a customer within.
An hour later, in the dark of early
travelin g expense. T h a t dates back
almo t to the stage coach days, evening, the girl and boy, arm in arm,
st rot In i far from the crowds about
when travelin g was really expen­ the Clothing Emporium.
sive and aecessarily slow. A mem
“ Have you got any money ?" Brcka
her from the Pacific Coast, who asked this frankly
F o rg iv e o — W it h the cool m oist
“Lipvitch— your father,” he cor­
pays about *375 for his railroad and
lipa o f Becka pressing eagerly
rected, "give me a dollar today." His
Pullman fares in going to Wash- hand gripped it in the bottom of the
against his own.
ington and returning home, draws large trouser pocket, the one without
more than 11300 for those expen the hole. He showed the bright silver of swift unusual motion and o f rare
sights, with Becka, soft and confiding,
' ses, under thl
forty-cents-a-mtle coin to Becka
“Say------" Becka clasped his arm clinging closely on his arm, with the
law. And if a special session fol­
with an insinuating pressure, leaning dread of Grogans forgotten in the dis­
lows im m ediately on the heels of a toward and in front of John, as she tant alleys of the slums, the boy ex­
regular session, as is often the case. looked up into his face, for he was a panded to an influence beyond the brought a hot flush to his face. "Silly.“
the government pays each m em ber bead taller than the girl.
measure of his understanding He felt she cried, " I ’m an acTress, you know."
"Say whai?" he asked, shoving her the secretive whispering o f the dark. But for all that a coolness sprang up
a round trip expense allowance of
back somewhat roughly in his em­
Far to the North, from the direction between them, and John refused tickets
forty cents a m ile, even if they barrassment
of the M all, band music filtered to the show.
don't leave W ashington between
“You're green,” she laughed ner­ through the leaves, for the air w a f
And, as another side fine, Sol Bern-
vously. “ Say. you a rt g r t t n '' she a f­ still, and presently captured moonlight, fcld began to match John against likely
the two sessions.
boys in clandestine boxing boots of
Such revelations as these are
then been disclosed “You don't have through a parting of the trees lohn the lower city, taking him from hall to
s tirrin g up a lot of questions back to work for nothing.”
he a ! ’e l has- and Becka turned toward this, to the hall on Saturday nights, acting as h it
in the home states and districts, tilv “ Pa «h tilrh—»
I wer walks, the perfect ones planned manager These adventures were a re-
and It is no secret here th a t a great
”’“ ’7 < " din*r T W - '>*» «o «'>e growing d.elikr he .eh f. .•
. many statesmen in both houses are
" V " c’uded ’ P * ,he>
‘ 1 * ’ *»e C lo th in g I m ; . . r . u .......... i,| its cl-
wriked still surface of the reflecting pond samenes, l ig h tin g lia d l^-. om e .«
-ousiderably worried.
Mraight ahead and failed to answer, almost at their feet They were close .ulure I
A very interesting list has been
for the ex-
compiled of senators and repres­
sottoned, "and board too he would from the w a lk , they talke d id ly. Sud c te m c n t o f the h a raving
grew with his
entatives who have put members of kare to gi ve it— I w ill make him," she denly the hght of the lake w ent ut success.
•aid positively.
as a cloud drifted across the m o-
It was late in November when Sol
th e ir own fam ilies on V ucle Sam s
Late that afternoon the dollar in his
do- J“ “1- 1 know r i ‘U do. lu ll) Bernfel.l matched John against " K a a p -
payroll as secretaries, com m ittee pocket had been given him g ru d g in g ly ,
Firkm saw you.' Becka. in tone, o f ef" Jorgan. known to the
rip* Hilt
clerks and the like. T h a t is another guiltily, by Channon Lipvitch A nd p uiing banter, was accusing John
section as the “Polack Wonder.'* The
old W ashington custom. T h e state­ this only after an argument with Suddenly he found himself forgiven, hoys were io weigh in al one hundred
forgiven for things he had never d ne, and thirty-three, ringside, and gu ten
ment has been made here that at
“ A ll right, don't give it him," she
least tw enty-four men of both retorted to his repeated protest “When foi lapses he had not committed, for round» in one of the preliminary bouts
things he had never even thought
houses have failed of renom ination he finds out— you look out. You ain’t ah. ut, forgiven with the cool moist before the» Sam nn Sp irting
l lub. It was the mint ambitious bout
so smart," she warned. "John can sue lips of Becka pressing eagerly against
because of these exposures.
yet secured by Manager Bernfeld, and
you for damages, for back wages, his own, stilling all protest of inno­ the
B e n u s Again in December?
purse, so Sol slated, was to he
some day. Give him something now— cence, or of revolt.
twenty-five dollars, to ihe w.itner If
W ashington is wondering what j five dollars,'* Becka had argue-!
His voice rasped. H e choked ami John won he would split with John,
w ill happen next w inter when con
"N o 1 N o ! Lipvitch knew the danger, struggled, vibrant with the contact,
taking ten dollars for his share, and
gress reconvenes and the Am erican alto the expense
convulsive John Breen, glancing curiously al the
strength. The first drops of rain found typewritten letter from the trainer o t
Legion, as an organization, makes
something today." Becka was insistent,
its demand for im m ediate cashing and, as John entered the Emporium on them oblivious to the coming storm. Ihe Samson Sporting Club, wondered*
The h iy, ill clad, hard in (>ody, with
• f the veteran's bonus certificates his return from an errand a few doors few ideas but those of strife, released at the queer kind of printing, for he
W ith a m a jo rity of the state con | away, Becka bent a parting glance of the g irl; her sudden “O h I" coming had never seen a tvpewritten letter
before and he was ashamed to admit
ventions of the Legion having en warning on her father, her eyes threat­ with the return of breath almost that he could not read a word, a defi­
ening exposure as she nodded mean­ crushed out of her. John jumped up,
ciency M n e , r Sol Bernfeld was
dorsed th a t demand. It begins to ingly at John. Lipvitch had his hand
picked up her straw hat. and pulling
loom as one of the m a jo r problems fa> his pocket. He fingered a coin, a her by the arm led her to the bole of thoroughly av are of
i l l T i l A V E N l ’E
which the authorities in W ashing half, then in a prudent flood of gen­ a huge sycamore whose broad leaves
Let us g o Lack, in an orderly way,
erosity he seized a silver dollar.
promised some shelter from the rain and »ketch ihe story of the Van Horns
ton must face.
“Here, Chon," his throat was husky.
T h e congress which meets ln "Here. Chon, I god tomeding by you." Quick flashes of lightning, followed as generally understood; the myths of
by harsh, rumbling peals of thunder,
next Decem ber w ill be the same H e spoke rapidly. “A dollar—you were punctuated by the puny cries and the new city are its ;'old families,"
running back two or three or even
congress that adjourned In July,
screams of women running from fhe four generations.
since the new members to be elect Tages,” he repeated, handing the boy park as sudden swirls of cool air and
i.uysbert Van Horn, great grand­
the large coin, thrusting it toward him rain whipped about the trees Then
father of Gilbert, was a man of hard
ed in Novem ber w ill not begin th e ir
impulsively, as if afraid John would John and brcka, like Paul and V ir ­
terms until M arch « h . Nobody In not accept. ‘‘Ant remember. Chon, I ginia of the story, naked, not of body common sense and the son of no leas
a man than Peter Van Horn, who
or out of the adm inistration is able don'd charge you nodding, nodding a but of mind raced beneath the trees
came over from Holland as a young
and the lashing of the storm for the inan, preferring an English colony,
to advance even a guess as to
park gate at Fifth Avenue and Fifty- with Dutch traditions, to life al home.
where the money would come from
Then, after an interval of pregnant ninth Street. They took the Fast Side
Guysbert was a man of frugal habit
to pay out * in immedt silence. Becka having again linked L., down again into the fam iliar close­
and of strong religious convictions,
ate cash.
John's arm through her own, doing so ness of the slums.
when drunk or sober, in fact a man
The end of September( in the city well calculated to prosper in the new
I t is pointed cut that the Im- with a small laugh, a friendly, forgiv-
of perpetual change, brings with it New York His son. V an Winckle Van
. . . . . . . . . a . « « a , . . . » « .„
S , ' ? ’’. S . ’ S K l I S
the first refreshing whisper of Cooler
struction Finance Corporation and Commercial aspect” stretches northward, airs; a new- vitality springs to life Horn, proved a true son of New York.
Born in 1800, he married a Lambert
other agencies for the stabilization
T o America, New York was R'-me, among the heat-weary dwellers in the
and determined to found the Van
and recovery o f business do not call
* * * ff udal ci‘ > of the city. Sol Bernfeld had come back from
Horn fortune on the future of the city,
the road after questionable success in lie believed New York would even­
proriding crayon enlargements of tually grow northward, in spile of its
sense gifts or appropriations of pub- attempt to dispute this, but New York, family album portraits, with the P a rit
width from river to river In the face
lie money. T h e y are loans of credit true to its name, keeps rising new and
Pa< kagt as a side line. The of much contrary advice he bought
made on the best possible security f r” h and more powerful from its own spicy package being a bulky surrepti­
cheap land far to the north in the tract
But it would be Impossible to sat- ‘ on‘ inuo" ’
shaft, of tious envelope, sold sealed "Against
. ,
steel and stone springing up out • f the law, y u know, to show it,” to be of Greenwich Village, and he held on.
The only son of Van Wickle — the
-fy the demand of the bonus seek- the dusty demolition constantly under Opene I by the purchaser "Strictly in
era in any form except actual cash, way The wrecks and mistakes of the pri a'e " It was a suggestive package Van Horns ran to only sons- was Bre-
voort Van H o m , father of Gilbert.
and that would mean e ith e r a prac- pa”
flaring to higher retailing a l twenty-fne cents, or two
So this family tree had its simple roots
tlcal doubling of all federal taxes,
Never was the town so young and ¡•ers on trains at seven, flat, a gross Lack in the rocky soil o f Msnhattaa.
So at the time we make the acquaint­
or the o fferin g ol an enormous pub- bright and hopeful as on the summer' firI
‘ lei s - Id
I J few
t__ of the crayon enfarge
lie loan and increasing the national night when lohn and Becka, far from meats but did get rid of hi» entire ance of the last of the Van Horns
their environment, walked on air, and -t< ck o f spicy package» to the farmer» as he was generally called, Gilbert
literally r< de on it, as they sped up­ and their hand», even deposing of \ an H o m wa, forty years of age; his
Cheering Mortgage News
hair was Iro ifg ray and he might easily
town on the West Side L. The squat.
well-preserved man
Perhaps the moat w idely cheering green-bellied steam locomotive puffed them to women by the simple process have passed for
of refusing to even tell them what he of fifty.
new» that has come out of Wash- and wheezed blowing its whistle as it was selling
ington in a long time la th a t there approached the curves, where Lerka
On his return to the city. S ol found
la to be a let-up ln the forecloaure X ' ,h ™ '.‘O h !' r l’" ,R c,° * "J
Heck., in a receptive frame of mind
his way in
of mortgages. It started
Third Installment
T H U R S D A Y , 8 E IT E M U E K 16. 1*32
W hile the forem ost job of the le g io n is. and alw ays
will be. the care and general w elfare o f the disabled ex-
service m en, it has m any and varied activities m ostly civic
and hum anitarian T he Legion is now in its fifteen th year
and is the greatest service organization the world has ever
seen. N ever once in the fifteen years has it m ade a m is­
take. T his is acknow ledged by national figu res both in and
out of the Legion w ho sp ok e before the larger gatherings.
W ithout pi'optigiintlit of Hi-naiitlomil ailverllHlug
Multigua, Yiolnf Ituy hik I G eneral Ethyl gaaoliro* I m
ataiullttg the le a l «»." inllHons of satis.Im l iiMi-rn every
day. It hits the quality produced only by years of re­
fin in g prui lit u ttuil civ
m ore mllea for your m oney.
“ A ” S tre e t S e rv ic e S ta tio n
5th and A Streets
L en o x H o te l
R oom s: $ 1 6 0 with; $1.00 w ithout hath
We W elcom e You to Portland
W. F. WALKER. Mgr.
3rd and Main St.
Portland. O regon
Our Service
F or yrara and year« w r have b«an In th e candy, aoft
drink, and ice cream bualncHH. T hrough thia long aer-
vice we have oerved m any thoutiaudH o f people and
have attain ed through experience the know ledge of
whul I m beat in our. line.
We gu ara n tee our produclH to t>e gtaal and our
thouauiidn o f Mutiafled custom er« utteat to our claim .
Ola Rervlce ta DMtarent"
To make some distant
person happy
I n t e r - c i t y te le p h o n in g ia too
valuable a service to be reserved
for emergencies. I t is the finest
kind of w ay to keep separated
members of a fam ily together in
Someone in another tow n or
state w ill be tin illed to hear your
voice to d ay.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Compant
Buatneaa Office: 12C -4th Street
T elep h on e 72
“ k SSS,
Continued Next Week
F ra n k lin F o rt, president ot the:
newly created Federal Hom e Loan
Bang organization, persuaded the
com ptroller of the currency to tele- J
graph Instructions to all receivers
uf national banks ordering them to
suupend all foreclosure proceedings.
This was followed by an appeal to
the various state bank superintend
ents, and practically all of them
have agreed that forced sales un
der proceedings for the realization
of assets of failed banks w ill be
suspended for sixty days o r more
while the Federal Home Loan Bank
Is being organized.
T h e Home Loan Bank expects to
be in a position to lend up to 40
percent of the appraised value on
home properties, and so m ake It
possible for home owners who are
In distress to retain th e ir homes.
Youngwed— I learned to cook
while my husband was abroad.
F riend— And what did he say
when he returned?
Youngwed— Nothing — he went
abroad again.
Goforth— FI el n buck won't let his
wife smoke cigarettes.
Comeback— Why not?
Goforth—He says her throat Is
¡healthy enough already.
San Francisco
Yoiii* Old Lamp or
Lantern is W orth
50 on a NEW
and back
C oleman
Leave any day— 16 day limit.
Good on fast trains in modern
reclining chair car». Al»o in tour­
ist »leeping car» (overnight berth
as little a» *1.80 extra).
Heres a real bargain!
Your old lamp or lantern
(any kind) is worth $1.50
on the purchai^ of a r» w -
13_Coleman . . . for a limited
One W'ajr Farei
. .
. . .
S o u th e r n P a c ific
T here is no b etter form of
recreation than to play a
round o f Golf.
You’re Outdoor* U nder the trees
when you play
O a k w a y C ourse
Low Green Fees, and
Lower M onthly Ratee
I — tin '" .
. u these up-to-date lamps
and lanterns that give from
200 to 800 candlepower of
pure white brilliance. The fi­
nest light for a penny a night I
They're modern to the minutel
This Special Trade-In Offer
and New Low Price* make It
possible for you to have a high
quality, genuine Coleman Lamp or Lantern at lowest coat . . . for
aa little a* *5.43.
or w rit* us.
Wichil«, Kent
Philadelphia P
Chirafo, III.
That fer avary dollar spent for
domestic electricity in the United
States $1.60 1* spent for Ice
Cream? There is no other source
of energy at any price that will telfe the piece of electricity.
Electricity not only produces perfect light but b die most
efficient cooking fuel at well. Electricity b a perfect laun­
dry sasvant and gives the most dependable refrigeration
in use today. It even fumishas the family with entertakuneot
through the radio and so greatly shortens household tasks
that the housewife spends much of her time in recreation
and pleasant association with her family instead
of in the kitchen. Y e t . . . although electricity
is the world's most perfect servant, it b cheap
. . . so cheap that the average family spends
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