The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 17, 1931, Image 1

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Survey Started
HOOP TEAMS FALL H « * & w * . Se u n [
BEFUHE HI SQUADS G“ ‘ Cqa" " " , 'a AID FOB JOBLESS ° " t “ " '’
[ VOIES CHANGES MADE ill Christm as Bring M any
M -.-.t
a i . a.
New □ Route UUUI
Will Be on South
Naw Settings, Lights Pro
Games With St. Mary's Sche- vlded; Doorway Cut to Back Eighty Families Helped by Side of River Above Hell Special Election Will be Held Brattain and Lincoln Schools
duled to Be Played in Eu>
of Stage by Students
Program of Emergency
Gate Bridge Near Westfir
Friday on Proposed Domes-
Discontinue Grading
gene Friday Night
Road Work Past Week
tic Use System
for Scholarship
Work on the survey for a pro-
Present Playing System of
Districts Allows All Schools
to Get Early Competition
<• *al hundred dollar« worth of
new o -a equipment haa been pur- *gQ 3 |g PAID BY COUNTY
r,,ad on the south side
. . . .
. . .
I ,.g t l , . .
t l H I I ■■ ■». n I I . . —
n the Hprlngfleld high I '
I ,,f •*>« W illamette river above Hell
schon. ' te and I. now being I» R
„ fo r N o v . m b . r S h o w .
" T
started h
by . «
— according
stalled C dúdenla under the dl 1
570 Day» Labor Giving
to P. M. Morse, county engineer.
rectlon «
tavoli Humner.
Help to 111 Familia»
An Inspection of the proposed
list of new overhead
route was made Haturday by the
flood Ugh I \ new changeable
Expenditures for county emerg j
„ ||D M f a„„ o B ( .row,
stage setti,
nd all necessary
ency road work for the past week | t.„unly
a, to M r.
equipment t
'1 this overhead
which provided funds for KO fam i­
when It la n. ‘A eded and when
About one mile of the road Is
lies totaled $803. according to a
planned and eventually it will be
the old outdoor setting Is desired.
report of W It Dillard, county
extended four or five miles, the
A feature of the new setting, clerk. This la on a wage scale of
engineer said.
which Is a heavy doth of a dark $3 a day
gray color la that using different
During tbe month of November
colored lights this can be made to a total of 670 days work was pro­
look like several different settings vided for 111 fumllles at a coat of
depending on the occasion. The $1141.60 Ln October 181 days work
doors and windows are Imllt with resulted In distribution of $326.60
wooden frames and ran be moved for 24 families.
about to whatever place they are
The county paid out for care of
wanted, the settlug need not be the
the pour In November, aside from
same for any two scenes of a pro
emergency road work. $6481 86 and
Twelve Springfield Boye Cet
duct Ion.
for widows' pensions $1032.60
Badges at Scout-Parent
Another Improvement tn tbe
f ounty employes giving o n e
stage facilities at Ute school Is tba
Dinner at M. E. Church
day's work a month turned over
(titlin g of an additional doorway
$388 38 for local relief work In
Twelve members of the recently
and construction of an Incline lead­
November, the report of the coun­
organises! Mprlugfleld Boy Scout
ing to the stage from tbe front
ty clerk shows.
troop, sponsored by the Methodist
hall. Thia w ill be used In moving
church, were presented with bad­
the piano on and off tbe stage eli­
ges at a dinner held at tbe church
minating the necessity of lifting It
last nlgbt.
each time. The additional stage
door also makes II easier for those
Tbe presentations were made at
participating In entertainments to
a dinner held for parents aud
get on and off tbe stage.
scouts on tbe occasion of the pres­
entation of tbe troop charter. Joel
Many Requests Received for Cowden was also awarded bis aec-
Two victories and on« defeat
war« added Io the belt« of Spring
field high ichool basketball player*
Ibis week a* they began preparlug
for (heir encounter In Eugene Frl
day evening with the strong HI.
Mary a «quad
Thia game will be
the final one for the local high
school prior to the Christmas vies
lion starting neat Thuraday. An­
other game haa been acbeduled for
the Christmas
vacation period
with the Weat I,Inn team to be
played hern on December 2*.
After trailing the Hprlngfleld
team by nine points at the end of
the first quarter, the Mohawk
union high school team came for­
ward to win the game Friday even­
ing at Wendllug 11 to 1?
Monday a last minute rbange In
the Mania t'lara-liprlngfleld double
header game made II necessary to
play tbe game ou the local floor,
although It ahou.d have been play­
ed at Manta Clara aa a return
game. The Hprlugfleld first team
defeated the Manta Clara alumni
26 36 In a close game.
Mprlugfleld second team defeated
the Manta Clara regulars 24 7 In
thslr encounter.
Mprlugfleld high achool players
now have played seven games and
have woe, ft,ve of them. Tbe defeat
at Wrndltng, and a 20 IS defeat In
one of the Pleasant H ill games ac­
counts for the two defeats. Tbe
victories Include one over Pleasant
Cascad» Chapter Officials As­
H ill 27-1S and four from Manta
sume Duties Following the
Clara. 47-11 and 36 12 and the two
Monthly Dinner Tuesday
played Monday.
Local basketball players are get
Newly elected officers of Cas­
ting a great deal more early prac­
tice and competition this year than cade chapter. Order of Eastern
This la due largely to the Miar, at Hprlngfleld. together with
new system of play adopted for all officers appointed by Mrs. U t u
the district. Each achool schedu Kraederlrk, new worthy matron
led games with whatever school were officially Installed at care
they choee. whether they he In the monies held at the Liberty Masonic
A or It leagues prior to the dis­ hall Tuesday evening following the
trict tournament In March. The re­ monlhlv dinner meeting for Htar
sult of these early gumes has no members and their families.
bearlug on the standing of the
teams as they enter their respec­
tive A or it league tournaments.
Supposedly Destitute Man Found
to Have Large Stocks of Food
Supplies Stored Away
Twelve gallons of liquor were
wtien prohibition officers raided
the Steve Dutchuk residence on
North Seventh street. Dutchuk Is
In the county jail serving a KO day
sentence Imposed Monday In Jus­
tice court In Eugene. He was also
fined $260. The liquor was con­
tained In gallon glasa Jugs, quarts
aud other containers.
Dutchuk. who la declared to have
been receiving aid from the tied
Cross, and who has been working
during his turn on the county high
ways aa one of the needy Indlvldu.
a ll, Is reported to have had large
stores of groceries, canned fruits,
cured meats, and apples at the resi­
dence when he was apprehended.
That Irreslstable lure of fresh
fullen snow came over the mem­
bers of the senior class at the
Springfield high school this week
and Wednesday (he members of
that group together with Norval
May and W. B. Duel), principal,
spent the entire day at the snow
line Indulging In outdoor sports.
It was the annual sneak-day for
the members of the senior class.
Members of both the Legion and
Auxiliary of Hprlngfleld post num­
ber 40, American Legion will
gather at the Community hall to
night at 6:30 tor a potluck dinner
to precede the regular semi-month­
ly meetings of the two organisa­
tions. A ll members of both or­
ganisations are urged to be pres­
ent for both the dinner and the
A id Depot Needs
Men’s Underwear
Heavy Underclothing for |ond “•«•»••’i« * b«dge.
Boys receiving the badges
Men; Children's Stockings
It Is clothing that people need
more here than they do food Judg
Ing by tbe requests which come
In every day to tbe ladles In charge
of (he Springfield community re­
lief depot on Fifth street
Billy Burnett. Robert Calkins, Joel
Cowden. Lloyd Harris, Robert La­
jole. Harry Malby, Robert Richard
son. Allen Sneed, Franklin Vile«,
Scott W right, Floyd Green and
Dick Richardson.
A special scout Investltute ser­
To take one duy as an example. vice was held at the Methodist
Tuesday (here was only one re­ church last Sunday evening for the
quest for food and thia was f o r , boys. Rev. Poindexter preached a
groceries and not vegetables. There |
sermon for the boys,
were, however, many requests for I
clothing, some of which could not
be supplied.
There la a strong demand a n d '
likewise a shortage of heavy un
Christmas services at the Metho­
derwear and socks for men and dist Episcopal church of Spring
Those In charge of the f,a,d w,„ a, a r, Sun<iay mornlng at
relief depot are asking all who have 9 45 whan , he pr)niary department
New officers acide from Mrs
such garments which they do n o t1 of tbe church school will give a
Eraederlck arc: C. A. Mwarta.
need to bring them to tbe depot little children's program before tbe
worthy patron; Mrs. Pearl Behan-
or call 197 and Rumeone will be entire school. The school will also
tol, associate matron; K. B Old­
sent to collect them
have a treat for the children.
ham. associate patron; Mrs. Ida
The depot has a good supply of Christmas Is a children's day and
Mwarts. secretary;
Wheaton, treasurer; Mrs. Darr men's outer garments and residents we want this one to be significant
Wilson, conductress; and Mrs Ida are continually bringing in boxes for the little ones.
llolverson, associate conductress. of clothes, most of which have been
"God Be W ith Us" will be the
repaired and cleaned, thereby keep­ theme of the message by the pas­
The new appointive officers of ing Ihe shelves pretty well storked
tor. Rev. Dean C. Poindexter, at
the lodge are Mrs. Jaule fru ía n , with certain types of garments
the I I o'clock service. Miss Leon
chaplain; Mrs. Anna 1,. Buell, mar. The relief committee will state
Elliott will sing. "In My Father's
shall; Mrs. Lydia Kdgell. warder, each week Just what Items are
House are Many Mansions" a so­
Mrs Allene Basford. organist; M most In demand, hoping that In
prano solo by Me Dertnld. aud the
J. McKlln. sentinel, and Mrs. this manner it will be possible fot
choir will slug the anthem "What
Helene 1‘erklns, Mrs. Mary Ogels- local resjdents to go a long ways
Mean Those Holy Voices?" The
by, Mrs. Dora Neet. Mrs. Jeanetta In supplying the requirements.
chorus w ill be assisted by a trio
W right.
Members of the Baptist church | consisting of Mrs. Potter, Mrs.
Baugh, the five star points.
are In charge of the depot this Buell, and Mrs. Thompson.
Outgoing officers of the lodge
week1, Their workers are Mrs. 1 A vesper service of Christmas
are Mrs. Oertrude Wilson, wiwthy
Mel Rice. Mrs. W. E. Mchlck. Mrs. carols and stories will be given
matron; Mrs. Eraedrlcks, associate
The carols
Dewey Hay. and Mrs. D. C. Ugllvle. from 4:30 to 6:30.
matron; C. A. Mwarts. associate pa­
will be sung front tbe balcony by
tron; Mrs. Pearl Schantol. conduct­
girls dressed In white singing by
ress; Mrs. Clifford Wilson, associ­ FUNERAL SERVICES
candle light.
ate conductress. Mrs. Mwarts and
HELD FOR W. A. PARKS' The Christmas cantata will be
Mrs. Wheaton are re-elected.
I given Wednesday evening. There
Appointive officers who relin­
W illiam A. Parks, resident of the will be no Epworth League ser­
quished tlmlr offices are Mrs. Sid­
W altervllle vlnlclty for many years vice or evening preaching service.
ney Ward. Mrs. A. L. Roberta. Mrs.
died at his hofhe. 276 West 10 Ave­
N. L. Pollard. Mrs. Roscoe Perkins,
nue. Eugene. Sunday morning at AMMONIA FLOODS MEAT
and Mrs. Ogelsby, five star points;
Mrs. Bert Kdgell, warder; Mrs. the age of 60 years
He was born on June 28, 1871.
Pratt Holverson. marshall; M. J.
flooded the Swarts
McKlln. sentinel; and Miss Janie
L. fru ía n , muslclal, and Allene years later moved with Ills parents nleat market this morning when
to Sherman county. Nebraska, com j , hp pa,.ktng of one o( , he valves
Basford. musician.
Mrs. Sidney Ward. Mrs. Opal Ing to W altervllle In 1916. 1 wo b|ew out. allowing the gas to es-
yearR ago he moved to Newport cape to all parts of the building.
Roberts, Mrs. R. B. Oldham, and
Mrs. Paul Basford had charge of tutd In three months returned to Workmen were repulsed several
Lane county to make his home In times In their attempts to shut off
the dinner Tuesday evening-
| ,|le nla|n tank before finally sue
, feeding.
at Stockton. Missouri. Surviving
OF WORK IS RECEIVED are his widow, two sons, Ira Parks, BRATTAIN STUDENTS
Eugene, and Harry Parks. Cres­
ITograms of work have been re­
well; two daughters. Grace Lingo
ceived by the county club agent
and Nellie Gafwer of Blachly.
Students at the Springfield Brat­
for the Merry Maid Cookery club,
He was a member of the I. O. O
tain school are busy now preparing
Latham; Health Workers club of
F. and M. W. A. lodges.
their Christmas programs to I«*
Cottage Grove; Sylvan Olen Sew­
Funeral services were held from
presented on Thursday afternoon
ing club of Minerva, and the Pot
Ihe Poole-Gray-Bartholomew chapel
of next week. The programs will
N ’Kettle Cooking club; Saginaw
In Springfield Tuesday afternoon.
be presented In their respective
Health club of Saginaw; the Happy
Rev. W illiam Taylor, pastor of the
class rooms with the exception of
Health club of Springfield, and the
Springfield Baptist church officia­
of some of the larger grades where
Jolly Cooks of Dexter.
ted and interment was made In
the students will combine their ef­
Programs of work for these clubs
Mou-nt Vernon cemetery.
forts according to Glenn Wood,
have been accepted and are being
sent to H. C. Seymour, state club
leader, for his approval. W ithin a BAPTIST GUILD WRAPS
short time these clubs will receive
charters from the United States
department of agriculture In recog­
Members of the Aretanla guild
nition of being a standard 4-H club. of the Hprlngfleld Baptist church
"Mary and the Babv. Jesus" will
Mrs. W. 0 . W right Is entertain­
ing at her home In Springfield this
afternoon for members of the
Needlecraft club.
Mrs. Larson
W right and Mrs. Sidney Ward are
the assistant hostesses. This Is the
annual Christmas party for the
members of this organisation.
No business other than the rou­
tine consideration of monthly hills
was taken up at the monthly meet­
ing of the Springfield city council
held at the City Hall Monday even­
spent the time at their Tuesday
evening meeting wrapping gifts
which they recently completed
making. Many of these were toys
which will be distributed among
the children of needy families after
the presentation of their church
pageant, “W hite Gifts (or the King"
to be given at the church next
Tuesday evening, December 22.
be Ihe subject for the morning
service at the Springfield Christ­
ian church Sunday. There will be
special music by the choir. In the
evening at 7:30 the choir will sing
the sacred cantata, "The Christ­
mas Glory."
The Sunday school Christmas
program will he given during the
Bible school hour Sunday morning.
Baptist and Christian Church
Choir» to Offer Annual
Cantatas Sunday Evening
Thraa Commissionar» Will Al- Continuance of Old System
Entire Methodist Church and
so ba Chosen to Direct Or-
Held Unfair to Students, Oil Stove Explosion Thought Choir Combine» to Present
ganization If Approved
Responsible for Fire Which
Teachers by Principals
Pageant on Wednesday
Destroys Farm Home
Special eleetlon for the purpose
starting with tbe second six
of voting on a proposal for organi-1
honor ro„ th. scholarship, The home of M r and M r.
xatlon of a water district for tbe llgt, at the Springfield Lincoln and Latrd whlch with Its high «at r
town of Oakridge will be held to Brattaln , chooU
U“ *rd Wh‘C‘, W*th
h ,,h ” ,er
be dlscon-, tower has been a prominent land-
tinned, it baa been announced by mark In the Pleasant H ill district
An election tor tbla purpose was j nof Quiney and Glenn Wood, prln
for many years, burned to the
held a few months ago aud was aje clpaU Tbe Brattain school did not
ground Sunday afternoon. Dec­
proved by a big majority but tbe prepare scholarship lists for the
ember 13. The cause of the fire
election was Invalidated and tbe first period
Is not definitely known but It Is
votes never canvassed as tbe
There are no examinations given thought to have been caused by
Southern Pacific railroad company
students In these grades and tbe the heating atove exploding. Mr.
halted the organisation of the dis­
selection of students for honor roll Laird was working In the barn
trict by means of a federal court
has been more or less of a guess when he heard an explosion and
lb Junction.
problem tor the teachers.
hurrying to the door saw the
The railroad company held that
The honor lists for the second house In flames. Mrs. Laird and
there was now an ample water
two children were In Eugene and
supply for the uses of tbe railroad six weeks period follows;
knew nothing of the fire until they
and (bat In tbe proposed new Oak­
returned home and found their
Eighth B
ridge water district a large amount
Scholarship — LaMoyne Black, borne a mass of burning embers.
of the railroad holdings were
Tbe bouse burned so quickly It was
Included and that a tax would have Frances Keeler. Mildred Tuhy, Flo­
impossible to save anything except
to be paid by tbe company for a rence May, Barbara Barnell. Caro­
a little bedding and clothes that
line Hlcka, Chas. Clement.
service that was not needed.
were in the front bedroom. A1I the
Attendance — Woodrow Bates
furniture including piano, radio,
changed so that the railroad pro­
phonograph, electric
perty la not included and another Lawrence Chase, Charles Clement.
stove, washing machine and sepa­
Kenneth Cox, Roy Crandall, Ho
Vote will be taken.
rator were lost. Canned fruit and
Henry ward Fritts, Joe Krupka, Jobn Kru
vegetables being ln a separate
Cook. J. E. Paddock and Frank pka. Jack Pederson. Chas. Uchytll.
house were saved
The house, a
8lngletary have been nominated. Clifford Whorton, Barbara Barnell
seven room building, which belong­
Three will be elected It the pro- LaMoyne Black. Colene Cornell,
ed to the estate of the late Henry
posed water district organisation 1 Pearl Helterbrand, Caroline Hicks.
Laird, was not insured. The con­
Marjorie Johnson, Josephine Jones
Is approved at tbe polls.
tents, the property of Ralph Laird
Frances Keeler, Florence May
was Insured. Plans for the future
Alice Neet, Deloris Nice, Drnclle
are as yet not made. In the mean­
Ogilvie, JoLana Putman. Lillian
time the family are living at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Laird,
Seventh A
parents of Ralph Laird. A large
Scholarship— Ulla Weight, Mar-
pile of oak wood which wag In
garet Meek.
the wood shed, burned tor several
Attendance— Elmer Chase. Ros­
days after the fire.
coe Cole. Gordon Gillette, Floyd
Large Crowd Expected to At­ Green, Carlton Richardson. Ulla
Weight. Bernice Barnes. Elisabeth CHRISTMAS PARTY AT
tend Stage Presentation of Johnson. Margaret Meek. Lots June
“The Hidden Guest"
Wilson. Geneva Wycoff.
A modern debutant, a college
and an escaped convict
tSrawn suddenly together provides
the story for the mystery comedy
play “The Hidden Guest” to be
presented at the high school audl-
'orlum Friday evening, December
18, by the Springfield high school
student body.
Thep lay was written by Marlon
Short and Pauline Phelps and Is
an excellent vehicle for high school
dramatic students. That the parts
have been well cast was demonstra­
ted last nlgbt at the first dress
Virginia Christie as Rubp May-
field. the restless up-to-date girl;
George Marx, as Bert Judkins, the
collegate youth; and Harold Ras­
mussen. as Otto Hubner. tbe es-
capted convict, carry the leads In
the production. Eva Louk. as Mel-
anthuris. "Melons." an old-fashion­
ed servant girl, provides much of
the humor for thep lay. There are
few minor roles, most of the play­
ers portraying distinct types of peo­
ple. The entire cast Is as follows;
John Judkins. Bud Thlenes; Bert
Judkins. George M arx; Chester
Briggs. Everett Lajole; Tad Wilson,
George Hattel; Nacary, W illiam
Gregory; Ruby Mayfield, Virginia
Christie; Minnie Mayfield. Elva
Moyer; Mrs. Darrington, Haxel W il­
son; Nellie Trotwood. Edna Haver-
field; Melanthurla, Eva Louk; Otto
Hubner, Harold Rasmussen.
Miss Marguerite Mulhollen Is di­
recting the cast. Murl Carr Is the
business manager, and Reval Sum­
ner Is the stage director.
Tickets were put on sale early
this week. Admission prices will
be 26c for adults. 16 cents for high
school students, and 10 cents for
children. Seats may be reserved on
the payment of an additional sum
of 10 cents.
Seventh ■
. » —
Scholarship— Jean Lloyd. Ruth
Keeler, Sadie Gott. Ethel Gott.
Hasel Nesbitt. Louisa Cowden. Ber­
nice Smith, Wendell Bartholomew.
Attendance— Dale Carson. W il­
liam Fletcher, Clifford Hornbarger.
Earl House, Neal Pederson, Ralph
Potter. David Qrlvat. Dale Robert­
son. Scott W right. Jean Daniels.
Bueford Holverson. June Berg.
Elva Lucile Boyles. Clara Brooki,
Zella Zoe Carroll. Louise Coglll.
Louisa Cowden. Bessie Cox, Katie
Dutchuk, Mary Fritts, Sadie Gott.
Jennie Jackson. Ada Johnson. Mar­
jorie Jolllff. Ruth Keeler, Haxel
Nesbitt, Muriel Patmore, lla Put­
man. Bernice Smith. Juan Strat­
First Grade
Attendance — Juanita Thomas.
"The Heavenly King" Bass scolo
Dorothy Holmes. Lois Chase. V ir­ nar. Thornald Johnsen.
.. ....... —.............. ...... Alfred Frege
ginia Pohl. Jackie Bill Vaughn,
T h ird Grads
"And There Shall Come Forth"....
Jackie Sharman. Rex Stratton. Ray
Attendance— Bob Adams. Don­
Quartet, Ruth Carlton. Virginia
Stratton. Stillman Daniels. Deloris
ald Baldwin. Harrison Billings,
Christie, W. H. Cook. Alfred
Billy Haek. Raymon Bainbridge. | Frege, and chorus.
Third Grade
Bobby Bennett, Russell Gates, John i "Fear Thou Not”— Tenor solo .....
Attendance— Peggy Fritts. Ira Meek.
W ilfred Cook and chorus
Gillette, W ilm a Keeler. Louise
Fourth Grade
"H all Bethlehem" — <$untralto
Stickel, Leona Ware, John Carrels,
solo —.............. Virginia Christie
Attendance— Jimmie Siam. Rus­
Laurence Harwood, Elwln Johns,
Violin obligato. Eldred Glaspie
sell Zlolkoske. Wayne Wetxell. Eu­
Roy Vanghn, Sidney Ward. Betty
...... ... by Rev. Taylor
gene Fulop. Rutland Mattison. W al­ Short Talk
Sherman. Nathan Fletcher.
Part T w o — T ha F u lfillm e n t .
ter Laxton.
Second Grade
Scholarship— Jimmie Stam. Dal­ “Holy Night"— Male quartet.
Attendance — Peggy Anderson,
H. Cook, Toby Burls. M. N.
las Knight, Chester Schiewe.
Harold Becker. Leotha Bertsch.
Pengra. A. P. Frese.
Fifth Grade
Nova Jean Heiser, Jule Heiser, Ida
“There Were Shephards" — So­
Attendance — Mildred Billings,
Howes, Carl Howes, Stanley Malo,
prano solo
Mrs. W. G. Taylor
Dale McBee. John Ugllvle. Maxwell Peter Chace, Carl Bllck, Juanita
Quartet. Double Chorus
Pohl. Roberta Rebhan, Uenevleve Chapman. Clarence Clark. Ida
"Bright Star of Hope"— Duet. W. .
Robertson. Elaine Schaffenberg Jane Irwin. Bettle Curry, Nellie
H. Cook, M. N. Pengra.
Jimmie Smith, Robert Smith, H ar­ Gates. Vern Gates. Freddie Neet
"March of the Magi” . Male Chorus
Paul Nott, Violet Steele. Lorraine
old Squires.
"O Blessed Lord”— Soprano solo.
Squires. Marie Briggs.
Fourth Grads
......................... Mrs. W. G. Taylor
Scholarship— Peter Chace. Paul "Blessed Be the Lord God" .......
Scholarship — Flora
Wanda Burch, W arren Ingram, Nott, Ida Jane Irwin.
........... - ...................... Final Chorus
Sixth Grade
The personnel of the choir Is:
Robertson. Frank Stuart.
Attendance— Valeria Koch. An-
Director, M. N. Pengra; sopranos
Attendance — Wanda
Bertsch gela Krupka. Edna June Yarnall, ! — Mrs. W. O. Taylor. Ruth Carlton.
Shirley Haack. Earl Harwood, W il­ Wanetta Neet, Shirley Seavey, Mrs. Jerry Adams. Mrs. M. N. Pen­
lard Hour» W arren Ingram. Al­ Frances Cornell. Fern Cornell. Lula gra. Mrs. Sam Montgomery, Mrs.
berta Keeler, W inifred Lyons, Em­ Johnson. Floyd Cornell, Robert Hawke, Mrs. Fred Frese, Marton
ma Grace Meaklns. Dorothy M ulli­ Keenan. Tommie Uchytll, Harold Rice. Tenors— W. H. Cook, Toby
gan, Merle Nice, Bobby Pugh, Foss, Oliver Adams, Billy Burnett, Burris. Robert Cook, John Benton.
Altos— Virginia Christie, Mrs.
Beryl Robertson, Violet Stelnmetx. Isyl Keeler, Jane Phair.
Mission Institutions of the United
Missionary society were discussed
at the monthly meeting of the Mis­ Dave Smith. Frank Stuart, Emma
sion Society of the Springfield Lou Stratton, Valentine Uchytll.
Christian church Monday evening.
Fifth Grade
Mrs. A. E. Cole was In charge of
Scholarship— Lawrence Thomp­
the discussion.
son, Junior Scott.
Attendance— Frank Bennett, Ella
Brooks, Alice Chase. Maxine Co­
PARTY WEDNESDAY glll, Polly Dutchuk, Junior Endi­
cott, Billy Johns. Billy Nesbitt,
Mrs. W. C. Rebhan entertained Robert Nice. Theodore Prindell,
at her home ln Springfield Wednes­ Roberta Putman, Lawrence Thomp­
day afternoon for the annual son, Carmel Waddell, Dean Wilson,
Christmas party of Ihe Ergatha Midge Wilson.
Sunday school class of the Metho­
dist church. She was assisted by
Mrs. R. L. Drury, and Mrs. Roy
Palmer, assistant hostesses.
Location Notleaa Filed— Two no­
tices of location of mine claims In
the Fall Creek field were filed for
record at the office of the county
clerk Thursday by L. P. Day.
Startin» Bunday morning the
first half of next week will be fill­
ed with Christmas programs and
events at the various cburchaa
which are sure to spread the Christ­
mas spirit over the entire city of
of Springfield.
Old-fashioned Bunday school pro­
grams will be presented at the vari­
ous churches next Sunday morning
before the regular church service.
That afternoon at 4:30 the young
people of the Methodist church will
hold a vesper service for one hour.
Carols will be sung by girls on tbe
balcony, robed In white gowns.
Bunday evening the cboBs of the
Christian and Baptist churches will
present their annual Christmas
Tuesday evening tbe
Baptist church will offer Its page­
ant. "W hite Gifts for the King."
and Wednesday evening w ill bring
the mammoth cantata and pageant
at the Methodist church.
"The Christmas Glory" by E. K.
Heyaer. la the cantata to be prea-
ented by the Christian church choir
under tbe direction of Veltie Pruitt,
pastor and choir leader. This will
begin at 7:30 and will include* spe­
cial parts by tbe following people;
Cldlce Gratln. M arjorie Mosbler,
Mrs. W. C. Rebhan, Hattie Mitchell,
Dorothy Withers. D. B. Murphy, R.
E. Moshler, Berl Thomas and M er­
ton Ferebee.
Others members of the choir are
Mrs. W. P. Tyson. Mrs. Larson
W right, Mrs. Roland Moshler, Mrs
D. B. Murphy. Mrs. Ella Lombard,
Winifred Balfour, Ruth Towne,
Maxine Swartx. Barbara Adams,
Marjorie Wadell, Jewel Hllter-
brand. Pearl Hllterbrand. Mary
Hadley. Evelyn Harris. Mrs. Frank
The Ladies Civic Improvement Root. Wan Its Brown. Glen Robert-
club entertained their husbands son and O. D. Smith.
and frlem h Monday evening with ,
Also Bunday evening the B aptl«'
a Christmas party, at the Creswell
club house. The decorations were cantata ..The
o, peace- by
bright with Christmas bells, ever-. Ashford. commencing at 7:30. This
green festoons, a brilliant lighted ; cantata, although not a difficult
Christmas tree.
composition Is one of exceptional
Carols were sung in candle light, beauty and contains selections from
led by F. K. Noordhoff. Mrs. C. I. old estament prophecy In the first
Kent, and Miss Mildred Wilkins, part and fullflllm ent of prophecy
with direction, piano and violin. In the second part. A short talk
A round of six ladies presented will be given by the pastor. Rev.
"The Night Before Christmas" and W. O. Taylor between the parts and
an exercise. Merry Christmas with a silver offering will be taken.
Santa Claus Impersonated most
The cantata program I t aa fol­
truly by A. H. Gillette .completed lows:
a pleasant evening. The men were
Introduction _____ Vernice Hawke
given sacks of candy, nuts, pop
corn and an apple and the ladles
P a rt Ona — T ha Prem iss
had simple gifts from the tree.
“Bing O Heavens" ...............Chorus
Scholarship — Selma Clement Marvin Chase, Mrs. Clarence Cau­
Patsy Patmore. Henry Chace.
dali. Mrs. Roy Carlton, Mr». Ken­
Sixth Grade
Attendance — Lloyd
Seamans, Basses— Alfred Frese. Charles Pad
Maxine Valller, Gordon Blawin, ■ dock, Jerry Adams, Fred Frese.
Helen Lyons. Henry Uchytll, Ho- W. E. Schick, M. N. Pengra.
bart Hornsberger, Muriel Tyson, J Pianist, Vernice Hawke; vlollnlsi
James Hebert, Donald House. Emil Eldred Galesple.
A pageant. "W hite Gifts for the
Vaughn. I^tVerne McPherson, W ll ' King” will also be given at the
bur McPherson. Margin Mulligan, i Baptist church on Tuesday evening.
Rose Ogden. Earl Pederson. Helen This Is under the direction of Mrs.
Putman. Wesley Robertson. Elsie j W. O. Taylor.
Wednesday evening the entire
Scholarship — Glenn Anderson, membership
First Grade
church including a choir of 4u
Attendance — Betty Campbell, Jewel Farnsworth, James Hebert.
voices will unite In presenting the
Billy Douglas, Josephine Phair,
cantata. "The Word Fulfilled.” Mrs.
Evelyn Wooley, Joyce Church Aus­
Demurrer to Suit Filed— A de I
Jane Ketels and Mrs. W. H. Poll­
tin McCall, Merle Williams.
murrer was filed by the defendant
ard will direct this and Miss Helen
Second Grade
In circuit court last week In the
High will direct the choir. Mrs.
Attendance— Beulah Martin, Lola case of Schaefers brothers versus
Bernice Neher Findley will play
Phair, Cleona Maxey, Thommy Mrs. M. B. Gilmore, an action for
Thomas, Ruth Phair, Pauline Sin- the collection of rent on a store.
(Concluded on Page • )