THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWKNTY-KIUHTil Y KAIL HPItlN( »FIELD. LANK COUNTY. OKKOON. THI-KHOAY, DBCKMBKK 17, 1931 Survey Started HOOP TEAMS FALL H « * & w * . Se u n [ BEFUHE HI SQUADS G“ ‘ Cqa" " " , 'a AID FOB JOBLESS ° " t “ " '’ • [ VOIES CHANGES MADE ill Christm as Bring M any ON WATEfl PLAN GRADE HONOA LIST Programs to Church M -.-.t a i . a. a-k kJ..., New □ Route UUUI Will Be on South Naw Settings, Lights Pro Games With St. Mary's Sche- vlded; Doorway Cut to Back Eighty Families Helped by Side of River Above Hell Special Election Will be Held Brattain and Lincoln Schools duled to Be Played in Eu> of Stage by Students Program of Emergency Gate Bridge Near Westfir Friday on Proposed Domes- t0 Discontinue Grading gene Friday Night ---------- Road Work Past Week tic Use System Children for Scholarship Work on the survey for a pro- HAVE FIVE *.»_ VICTORIES Present Playing System of Districts Allows All Schools to Get Early Competition <• *al hundred dollar« worth of new o -a equipment haa been pur- *gQ 3 |g PAID BY COUNTY r,,ad on the south side -* . . . . . . . I ,.g t l , . . t l H I I ■■ ■». n I I . . — IJ ..II n the Hprlngfleld high I ' _______ I ,,f •*>« W illamette river above Hell chas * schon. ' te and I. now being I» R „ fo r N o v . m b . r S h o w . " T T started h by . « county crews, ................ — according stalled C dúdenla under the dl 1 570 Day» Labor Giving to P. M. Morse, county engineer. rectlon « tavoli Humner. The Help to 111 Familia» An Inspection of the proposed purchase. list of new overhead route was made Haturday by the flood Ugh I \ new changeable Expenditures for county emerg j „ ||D M f a„„ o B ( .row, stage setti, nd all necessary ency road work for the past week | t.„unly a, to M r. equipment t '1 this overhead which provided funds for KO fam i­ when It la n. ‘A eded and when About one mile of the road Is lies totaled $803. according to a planned and eventually it will be the old outdoor setting Is desired. report of W It Dillard, county extended four or five miles, the A feature of the new setting, clerk. This la on a wage scale of engineer said. which Is a heavy doth of a dark $3 a day gray color la that using different During tbe month of November colored lights this can be made to a total of 670 days work was pro­ look like several different settings vided for 111 fumllles at a coat of depending on the occasion. The $1141.60 Ln October 181 days work doors and windows are Imllt with resulted In distribution of $326.60 wooden frames and ran be moved for 24 families. about to whatever place they are The county paid out for care of wanted, the settlug need not be the the pour In November, aside from same for any two scenes of a pro emergency road work. $6481 86 and Twelve Springfield Boye Cet duct Ion. for widows' pensions $1032.60 Badges at Scout-Parent Another Improvement tn tbe f ounty employes giving o n e stage facilities at Ute school Is tba Dinner at M. E. Church day's work a month turned over (titlin g of an additional doorway $388 38 for local relief work In Twelve members of the recently and construction of an Incline lead­ November, the report of the coun­ organises! Mprlugfleld Boy Scout ing to the stage from tbe front ty clerk shows. troop, sponsored by the Methodist hall. Thia w ill be used In moving church, were presented with bad­ the piano on and off tbe stage eli­ ges at a dinner held at tbe church minating the necessity of lifting It last nlgbt. each time. The additional stage door also makes II easier for those Tbe presentations were made at participating In entertainments to a dinner held for parents aud get on and off tbe stage. scouts on tbe occasion of the pres­ entation of tbe troop charter. Joel Many Requests Received for Cowden was also awarded bis aec- Two victories and on« defeat war« added Io the belt« of Spring field high ichool basketball player* Ibis week a* they began preparlug for (heir encounter In Eugene Frl day evening with the strong HI. Mary a «quad Thia game will be the final one for the local high school prior to the Christmas vies lion starting neat Thuraday. An­ other game haa been acbeduled for the Christmas vacation period with the Weat I,Inn team to be played hern on December 2*. After trailing the Hprlngfleld team by nine points at the end of the first quarter, the Mohawk union high school team came for­ ward to win the game Friday even­ ing at Wendllug 11 to 1? Monday a last minute rbange In the Mania t'lara-liprlngfleld double header game made II necessary to play tbe game ou the local floor, although It ahou.d have been play­ ed at Manta Clara aa a return game. The Hprlugfleld first team defeated the Manta Clara alumni 26 36 In a close game. Tbe Mprlugfleld second team defeated the Manta Clara regulars 24 7 In thslr encounter. Mprlugfleld high achool players now have played seven games and have woe, ft,ve of them. Tbe defeat at Wrndltng, and a 20 IS defeat In one of the Pleasant H ill games ac­ counts for the two defeats. Tbe victories Include one over Pleasant Cascad» Chapter Officials As­ H ill 27-1S and four from Manta sume Duties Following the Clara. 47-11 and 36 12 and the two Monthly Dinner Tuesday played Monday. Local basketball players are get Newly elected officers of Cas­ ting a great deal more early prac­ tice and competition this year than cade chapter. Order of Eastern usual This la due largely to the Miar, at Hprlngfleld. together with new system of play adopted for all officers appointed by Mrs. U t u the district. Each achool schedu Kraederlrk, new worthy matron led games with whatever school were officially Installed at care they choee. whether they he In the monies held at the Liberty Masonic A or It leagues prior to the dis­ hall Tuesday evening following the trict tournament In March. The re­ monlhlv dinner meeting for Htar sult of these early gumes has no members and their families. OESINSTALLSNEW OFFICERS TUESDAY bearlug on the standing of the teams as they enter their respec­ tive A or it league tournaments. LARGE SUPPLY OF LIQUOR FOUND HERE Supposedly Destitute Man Found to Have Large Stocks of Food Supplies Stored Away Twelve gallons of liquor were confiscated Haturday afternoon wtien prohibition officers raided the Steve Dutchuk residence on North Seventh street. Dutchuk Is In the county jail serving a KO day sentence Imposed Monday In Jus­ tice court In Eugene. He was also fined $260. The liquor was con­ tained In gallon glasa Jugs, quarts aud other containers. Dutchuk. who la declared to have been receiving aid from the tied Cross, and who has been working during his turn on the county high ways aa one of the needy Indlvldu. a ll, Is reported to have had large stores of groceries, canned fruits, cured meats, and apples at the resi­ dence when he was apprehended. SNOW LURES STUDENTS ON SNEAK-DAY TRIP That Irreslstable lure of fresh fullen snow came over the mem­ bers of the senior class at the Springfield high school this week and Wednesday (he members of that group together with Norval May and W. B. Duel), principal, spent the entire day at the snow line Indulging In outdoor sports. It was the annual sneak-day for the members of the senior class. LEGION GROUP TO GATHER AT DINNER » Members of both the Legion and Auxiliary of Hprlngfleld post num­ ber 40, American Legion will gather at the Community hall to night at 6:30 tor a potluck dinner to precede the regular semi-month­ ly meetings of the two organisa­ tions. A ll members of both or­ ganisations are urged to be pres­ ent for both the dinner and the maatlngs. A id Depot Needs Men’s Underwear Heavy Underclothing for |ond “•«•»••’i« * b«dge. Boys receiving the badges Men; Children's Stockings It Is clothing that people need more here than they do food Judg Ing by tbe requests which come In every day to tbe ladles In charge of (he Springfield community re­ lief depot on Fifth street were Billy Burnett. Robert Calkins, Joel Cowden. Lloyd Harris, Robert La­ jole. Harry Malby, Robert Richard son. Allen Sneed, Franklin Vile«, Scott W right, Floyd Green and Dick Richardson. A special scout Investltute ser­ To take one duy as an example. vice was held at the Methodist Tuesday (here was only one re­ church last Sunday evening for the quest for food and thia was f o r , boys. Rev. Poindexter preached a groceries and not vegetables. There | sermon for the boys, were, however, many requests for I clothing, some of which could not be supplied. a CAROLS TO FEATURE VESPER SERVICES There la a strong demand a n d ' _______ likewise a shortage of heavy un Christmas services at the Metho­ derwear and socks for men and dist Episcopal church of Spring children Those In charge of the f,a,d w,„ a, a r, Sun