The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 06, 1931, Image 1

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I W K N TY 'K lO H Tll YEAR.
Man Loses Tent
In Lire at Night
Campiva of Willttmett«
Water Show Preten«.
Contagious Disease Gar
Takes New Job
Pet Squirrel Gets Blame for
Starting the Flame That
Destroyed Tent
City Supply Rated in "A"
Classification By State Col­
lege Officials
A nntf of warning to swimmers
In the W illamette river was sound
ed here today by Ur. W. H. Poll­
ard. city health officer, after he
had had several samples of water
taken rrom the river analysed at
the stale college at Corvallis.
»amples of water taken from the
river received only the ’’C" class)
flcallon, and what seemed to be
traças of typhoid were found. The
Interest of the health officer was
principally centered about the con
dllton of the water near the old
bridge spanning Ihe W illamette
river where many local people In­
dulge In the water sports,
Every un« should be kind lu an'-
*s but Mr. Uaker had an unfor-
• experience as a result of
a pal out of a squirrel that
round his tent on the E.
dace where be Is cutting
woo«* '/•
He carefully put out his campfire
Tuesday evenln« l-aler In the even­
ing hts tent caught fire and burned
Miss Ruth Kesler, Mrs. Hoover's
In Ills suitcase, which was tbe secretary for years, la to wed K. L.
source of the fire, he hail had some Llpmau. of Han Francisco.
matches lying loose. The only pos­
sible explanation for the conflagra
tlou la that the squirrel, In Its
capering about tbe premises bad
found them and the taste hail ap-
pealed to It. and as a result Mr,
Raker suffered the loss of his tent
The condition of water In other
parts or branches of the river la
not known, although the opinion
was expressed that a similar con
dlllou might easily eslsl elsewhere.
Alarm need not be felt over the
situation, thinks Dr. Pollard. b>il
certain precautionary measures are
advisable for those who enter the
He strongly urgea that
water fans visit" their physician
and receive shots of antl-typhold
This will positively Im­
mune them from the highly con­
tagious disease. Another highly Im ­
portant "don't* Issued by health of­
ficial Is. do not take river water
Into the mouth while swlmmlug. To
do so provides an Immediate ac­
cess to the human body for the
There were two mild cases of
typhoid fever among residents liv­
ing on one of tbe tributaries of the
W illam ette several weeks ago. The
manner In which they contracted
the disease Is uncertain.
W ater
samples sent In or testing at that
time did not reveal any traces of
Samples of water taken from the
city mains were also tested during
Ibe past week and have been found
entirely free from germs. This
water tested In the ’A’ classifica­
Upper River Couple Married
in Church Ceremony at
Thurston Last Week
A beautiful formal wedding was
held al the Thurston church last
Wednesday evening when Miss
Margaret Russell became the bride
of Carey Thompson of Thompson's
resort on the upper Mi-Kenxle river,
The bride was dressed In a
cream colored silk dress. She was
given away by her father. Fred
Russell, as the ring ceremony was
performed by Rev. E. V. Stivers.
Mias llaxel Russell, sister of the
bride, dressed In a yellow dress,
and Mrs. Belmont Russell of Sil­
verton. dressed In a blue dress,
were Ihe bridesmaids. Herold Kins­
ley was best man.
Preceding the wedding ceremony
Miss Monica Ruth played and Mr.
Klnaley sang. "1 l-ove You Truly."
This was followed by the wedding
march Into tbe beautifully decora
ted church.
The bride has lived In Thurston
for many years, having graduated
from Thurston high school and
later from Monmouth normal. She
has taught at Junction City and
at Cottage drove.
Request to r Oil
For Roads Made
Communities Ask Service;
Court Says Conditions Not
Right for Good Job Now
Requests from communities that
the county oil roads In those locali­
ties In cooperation with property
owners have been received by the
county court.
in two Instances Clinton Hurd,
county commissioner, has rncom-
mended that the oiling be post
poned until next season as the
roads are not In condition for the
oiling process and to oil under
present conditions would not be
Before the oil Is applied, If the
work Is to be done well. Ihe road
surface must be placed In good con­
dition, the commissioner Informed
one delegation of property owners
at a conference Saturday.
All tbe regular program of county
road oiling has been completed for
this year.
H. E. Gerber, Springfield barber,
broke hls right arm between the
wrist and elbow laat Thursday
afternoon while trying to crank bis
automobile. The car was In a gar
age and he struck hls arm against
the wall when the motor kicked.
He will he unable to use the arm
for several weeks.
Hls son, Verne, broke hls ankle
Ihe week previously while swim
mlng In Eugene.
Mr and Mrs. N. L. Pollard. Miss
Clara Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. D,
B. Murphy visited several coast
cities Sunday finding windy and
cold weather every place they
The party drove from
Springfield to Newport, later drlv-
,ng to W aldport and Alsea before
returning to thle city.
Free Textbook. Plan Will Be
Worked Out for First Time
for Grade Students
School bells will ring for Spring
field children again on Thursday,
September 17, It was decided at
the monthly meeting of the school
board Monday evening. Registra­
tion and announcement of books
and materials needed and assign­
ment of lessons will be made Thurs­
day and Friday so that classes
might start regular work on Mon
day mornlug following.
Minor repairs have been com
Nine Members of Talented pleted at the Lincoln and Brat­
taln grade schools snd at tbe high
Family to Give Program at school.
Christian Church
Several new teachers will Join
tbe faculty at the schools this fall.
Springfield music lovers are pro­
Most of the changes will be made
mised a treat this evening at the
at the high school where changes
Christian church where they will
w ill be made In tbe science and do­
have an opportunity to hear and
mestic arts departments.
see the nine members of the cele­
Just what the attendance will be
brated Driggs fam ily la a program
this year at the high school is still
of orchestra music, vocal selections,
uncertain. No final word has been
readings. Impersonations, and other
forthcoming from W altervllle re­
garding the number of students at
There will be no admission ! that school which might be ex.
charge, but an offering will be p,.ctwj to attend tbe local high
taken to defray the expenses of the acboo| Th<1 blgb K hoo, at W alter
musical entertainment.
villa» will not operate this year. The
Press comments hall this family I building has been condemned and
as one of the moat unique and students will have to go either to
popular lyceum attractions
They Springfield. Thurston, or Vida,
have given over 600 programs
Members of the school board are
throughout the western states and i expected to start preliminary work
have filled over 76 return engage- on the preparation of the school
manta In southern California alone ' budget In the near future.
They make their headquarters at j Grade school teachers this year
Loa Angeles.
I will find themselves confronted
■ - ---------------- ------
■ with the problem of free text books.
H there are sufficient books they
Chapter, Order of Eastern »tar.
will be held at the Bert Edgell place
place un the Mohawk river Bunday,
A uk ust 9. according to Mrs. C. E.
Wheaton aud Mrs. C. A. 8 warts, in
charge of Ihe affair. This gather­
ing Is open to all members of tbe
Bsatera Star and members of tbe
Masonic lodge and their families.
An Invitation to all these people
lias been Issued.
Every family la expected to bring
their own basket dinners and
dishes. Coffee will be sold on the
Entertainment will be provided
by Messrs. Bwarts and Olson.
The Edgell home la the first one
beyond the Stafford school. Signs
will be posted along tbe road Sun-
day morning directing motorists
to the place.
H w m ||,
Funeral Service« to Be Held
in Springfield Chapel Fri­
day Afternoon at 2:30
Aircraft Designed Especially
for Students Who Have
Mastered Solo Flying
Body of Rex Brattain, Other
Occupant of Ill-Fated Piano,
Has Not Been Found
A new biplane, one of the small­
Funeral services w ill be held at
est. lightest and fastest in its clast,
Party lines were dropped when the Walker-Poole chapel In Spring
will be completed by tbe Spring- Chicago elected Ahton, fle|d ^ 1(lay aftern<Mjn at , „ for
field School of Flying this week who was born In Bohemia. He's
W. C. McLagan. superintendent of
and will be on exhibition at tht Democrat
i the Mountain States Steam plant
Municipal field Sunday. It was an­
nounced this morning by Jim Mac­
at Coos Bay and former resident
Maniman, designer and builder of
, here, who lost hls life a weekago
tbe small plane.
last Tuesday when the airplane In
It had been planned to test-hop
which he and Rex Brattaln. flying
the ship at a public demonstration
school operator, tell Into tbe ocean.
Sunday, but this will not probably
Methodist Pastor
Reception triday
be done as the department of com­
merce license has not been recei­
ved. and the ship cannot be flown
without the license plates.
building of the ship which was
designed especially for student
solo work after they have become
sufficiently qaulified to operate a
ship and need only to put In sutfl-
cient hours Ln the air to obtain
their pilot’s license.
These students will be permitted
to fly the new plane for the small
sum of »5.00 per hour.
The ship Is painted red and black
and has all modern converlences
including small especially con-
structed aviation tires.
~ ~
The body of McLagan was taken
Members of Congregation to trom the water, at W lncheater bay
Welcome New Minister
, Wednesday afternoon after It had
been found by members of a dredge
With Progrth
Delegates and Alternates Leave for
Three-Day Convention at
Several Springfield people have
gone to Corvallis to attend the an-
nual state convention of the Am-
erican Legion being held In that
city Thursday. Friday and Satur-
day of this week included in the
list of those attending the sessions
are Dr. N. W. Dow. commander of
the Springfield post; M. B. Huntly,
delerste and chairman of th» »—♦»
they had placaed. Telephone corn-
munication with towns on their
scheduled route showed that tha
men had not arrived. This led to
an Investigation and Thursday of
last week a searching party in aa
airplane found part of a wing front
the Fleet biplane In which the men
were known to be traveling. A
roast guard observer told of having
seen tbe ship land on the beach
at Winchester bay and then pro-
Ceed onward. It disappeared Into a
fOg bank after which it was never
- v 7
n’’ body In
• it!- n . 'Uinlttee of the le-
w aters <f the bay Indicated
tbat lile piU)le crashed. Into the
bay Qr (l)to
ocean nearby. The
fact that the wing waa found two
days after the accident a lio indi-
cate8 that , he
dM BOt &
° f A « “ 'a n ’ evening ot games the
far over the ocean before dropping.
When, where, or how B rattaln s
body will be found U still «M Sr-
’ aln' K he w” ’ * • » • « t»*»
ship when It went down and the
safety belt did not break he pro-
«ovsvn bab|y ,ri11 be ,ound ln lbe wreck-
POOR age of the ghlp u tt I, located.
many guests watched Miss Bailey
unwrap her many gifts.
. . .
This wreckage wlU probably lie
The newly erected stop sign on
Refreshments of sherbet and
on the bottom of the bay or ocean
cake were served late ln the even­
unlees the motor was torn looae
Motor company on the West side
from tbe ship. I f It was torn oat
of the intersection of Fifth and A
of its fattenings the fuselage may
streets has been the cause of con­
be tossed about in the water for
siderable complaint on the part of
FOR TWO ON TUESDAY m .aôrisu s'ince’ it" was erected’ re^ j uncertain d,9,ance8
Young people of the Baptist
church and others gathered at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cow-
art. Tuesday evening for a birthday
party given in honor of Miss Maude
Chase and Miss Edna Haverfleld.
The gathering was a surprise af-
fair. Games and entertainment oc­
cupied the evening.
Gifts were presented to the two
young women.
Rev. Mr. Taylor, returned mis­
sionary from North Africa, la
spending the week In Springfield
ax guests ot members of the Full
gosper assembly. He is conduct­
ing meetings there several nights ;
this week and Is telling about hla
experiences with the people of the i
dark continent.
8'l'n- and J M- Ukrson, alternate
Members of the Sunday school wl’ ’ ikes tt._ p l.ui ot L M. l e t
class of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah and erson' th‘!lr deleSate who could
others were guests of Miss Eliza­ not attend.
Women delegates to the auxlll-
beth Hughes, and her brothers,
surorise ary se88ion8 beinR be,d at tbe sam*
Ralph and Howard, at
time include Mrs. Huntly. Mrs. W.
kitchen shower held at their - home H. Pollard, and Mrs. Emma Olson.
Friday evening in honor of Miss
Dorothy Bailey who has announced the meetings.
her engagement to Ralph Fullerton
son and brother. Fred, at Riverside.
and sentenced to 30 days In all MOUNTAIN FISHING NOT
Returns from Coast
On Vacation T rip —Mr. and Mrs.
when he appeared In Justice court
GOOD SAY FISHERMEN G. H. Turner left Sunday for a vaca­ Mrs. C. O. Wilson has Just re­ Major Operation—< arl Kuger ol
Monday; E. A. Nevers, 22. waa
tion trip to coast points. Mrs. E. turned from Cannon Beach where Marcola underwent a major opera
fined 60; N. W. Preston. 23. was
Mountain stream fishing It not
sentenced to 20 days In Jail and very good at this time of the year E. Fraederlck Is taking care of the she has spent three weeks with her tlon at the Pacific Christian hospl-
tai Tuesday morning.
sister, Mrs. H. B. Mulkey.
Melvin Kimball. 32, was fined »25 according to fishermen who have store during their absence.
tried their luck In the upper Me |
Kentle tributaries.
The larger
WEDDING IS HELD streams are milky white from the
glacial Ice-water which Is emptying
Miss Elaine Archambeau and Into the streams In large quantities.
Rev. R. K. Mulholland, hla son,
Dwight Keasey, well-known reel
dents of this city, were quietly Dewey, and Fred Frese. drove to
married last Thursday afternoon Fcley Springs Monday afternoon
at the home of M r. and Mrs. James camping out all night near the re­
Mitchell. The ceremony was per­ port. They tried fishing ln the
formed by Rev. Ren Hollister of waters of Horae -creek several
Eugene with only the Mitchells times but were unsuccessful. There
present. The couple left for Port­ are many small fish In the waters
land and points on the coast fol­ they state.
lowing the ceremony.
A t the state fire marshall's of-
flee Is now under direction of the
new state police, the deputies In
this division of state work are
state police officer!.
Sergeant Cylde W arren and Ser
géant A. K. Lundsen were In thle
part of the oounty Monday.
crew which is working near n sand
This is the fourth airplane to be
spit In the bay. The body was freq
designed by MacManiman and built
by him during the years he has the Springfield Methodist church, from any wreckage. The body ot
Much Property Burned Over
been In Eugene and Springfield. wlU * ather ,n tl,e maln » « *“ < * " » Brattaln had not been found this
Hls other productions have been of the chure" Frtda) evening to'm orning.
Flam es W hich T hreaten to
the cabin monoplane. “City of Eu- * elcome their new pastor and his I Details for the funeral have not
Reach Lum ber M ill
gene.’ a two-seat dual-controlled j w ,,e' ^ ev" aDd Mrs- 1>an C- Poln- neen worked out this morning. Mrs.
The fire siren was sounded Tues­ monoplane used for student instruc- dexter.
McLagan and her children are on
day afternoon to warn people ot tlon until recently, and the single-
Tb*‘ affalr 18 •’elng sponsored byi their way here from North Bend
Ihe city of danger from a fire which place monoplane owned by Dalton tlM! Men 8 Brotherhood and other an<J WH1 complete funeral arrange-
was raging on several hundred Shinn which is kept on the field organ ixatlons of the congregation. menta after their arrival.
It Is
\ h wiU 8tart wfth a «emi-lnformal! probable that members of Liberty
acres of farm and timber land here.
south on W illamette Heights and
The completed ship will weigh Pr"8ram during which represents- Masonic lodge, of which McLagan
which was spreading towards tbe between 325 and 350 pounds.
It t,Te8 of the Tar,ona groups will waa a member, will have charge
lops ot Ihe hills from where It has a wing span of 20 feet and Is w»"icome
the,r new leader. of (he services. The body la ex-
might easily have swept into the only 15 feet In length.
Ladles of the Ergatha »unday p«cted here this afternoon. Inter-
Booth-Kelly lumber yard and Into
, .
, . . .
school class will serve the refresh- ment will be made in Rest Haven
Power Is furnished by a new Con-
wm n
the city. A large number of fire­
. . . . . .
, ments. These will be served on the , emeterv
Itnental A-40 airplane motor. This
lawn or in the basement, depend­
fighters were enlisted and the fire
Otto Smith, brother ot Mrs. Mc­
is a four cylinder, twin opposed
ing upon the weather.
was rinally put under control.
Lagan. and Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
motor, one of the latest designs In |
An Invitation is extended to Burnett, sitter and brother-in-law
Flames completely destroyed a
aviation motors.
everyone by Frank Bartholomew, of Mrs. McLagan. were in North
small uninhabited house on the air­
Gasoline tanks hold approxima­
Brotherhood president, to attend Bend Wednesday and are returning
port property Saturday afternoon.
tely seven gallons of fuel. This Is
the reception and get acquainted today.
Causes for the two biaxes have
sufficient for a trip to Portland
with the new pastor.
not been determined although It Is
and return thinks MacManiman. A l­
McLagan and Brattaln loat their
Rev. Poindexter came to Spring-
believed that small boys playing
; lives In an attempted flight from
TALK AT MISSION MEET muat “ a,«n ,hem to the beal ot with matches were responsible for
field recently from Hood River. He
1 their ability, and If there are not
will not be known until It has been
M arshfield to N ew po rt and Cor-
succeeds Rev. C. J. Pike who was
Mission W orker to Address Mem- sufficient books they will have to the destruction of the house.
tested. It is believed that it w ill,
- vallis. T heir fate was not known
transferred to a church In Portland. I . i r . i I t ' - V.'. dnesday, the day after
bars of Women's Missionary
j w,irk
,helr Plan ° f distribution
exceed 100 miles per hour.
Many students at the school have
the'- look oft on the trip
Society H ere F riday
FEES NOT TO RAISE been aiding MacManiman in the SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE AT wm ch they had not returned as
Mias Ines Forsythe, formerly
University of Oregon, Eugene,
teacher In the public schools ot
Aug. 6— Regtstartlon fees at the
Springfield and now engaged in
¡University of Oregon will not be
missionary work In China, will be
raised this fall In any way. It Is
guest speaker at a meeting of the
definitely announced by Earl M.
Women's Foreign Missionary soci­
Pallett. registrar and executive sec­
The groom Is a graduate of Ihe
Is lo be held at the borne of Dr. | M e s s a g e s Will Be Received retary. Rumors that an increase
University of Oregon with the class
and Sent from Ketels Drug was to be expected at the opening
of 1931. He Is a member of Sigma and Mrs. N. W. Emery Friday after
of the next term are entirely false.
Store to All Parts World
PI Kpallou. of which he was presi­ noon.
It is declared.
dent during his last year In col­
Since President Hall came to the
He also holds membership teacher has been In Chins for sev-1 The establishment of a
five years ago he has
In Scabbard and Blade, military or­
Unltod States on a leave of ab- company In Springfield was an- constantly striven to reduce the fl-
ganisation at the university.
The couple will make their home sence. She Is traveling about In nounced yesterday by officials of nanclal load carried by the stu-
varlous parts of this country telling . that company. The headquarters of dents, and this will remain one or
at Thompson's resort.
about the work she and her as- the branch here will be maintained his main objectives, he says. Al-
sistants are doing
I at the Ketels drug store at fifth though the Institution is confronted
An Invitation I . extended to all and Maln 8,ra*” 8' Thpy
,c c e p t, wl,h “ 9er!° U8 financial problem.
OF SPRAY MIXTURE friends of ihe mission worker and , and de,,v" ,e,ekram8' cablegrams due to curtailment of funds for the
» - #.« .at
.»»aawxsi sksa *"(1 radlocrams to and from all next biennium, no part of this will
, k .
Federal authorities charged with her other friends to attend tne parts of the
be assessed against the students.
enforcement of the pure food law
! Through this agreement Spring-
student registration fees at the
have served notice that pruues a f­
fl* ’d ’’ ’,ro1,lded w,tb ,be ln,erna university now total »26.25. This
fected with brown-rot must not be r i A l s u l c. v
tional communications service of- total however, includes dues to the
packed or sold this year. Thia and
FOR EVANGELIST MEET J fered by the Postal company, and Associated Students organtxatlon,
the usual harvest times losses from
the international system which In- and others amounting to »11.25. and
brown-rot give prune growers two
Mrs. Clara Tuttle Fenton, instruc­ eludes the All American Cables a »6.00 a term building fee voted
very Important reasons for dust­ tor In piano music bere and at the company. Commercial Cable com- by the students themselves. Non­
ing or spraying now for the con­ Bible University at Eugene, hat
pan y, and Mackay Radio and Tele- residents w ill continue to pay »50
trol of this disease, says O. S. accepted an Invitation to serve as I grapb company,
additional per term.
Fletcher. county agricultural agent. pianist for the Marion county as , slnce ,,g affiiia tlon with the In-
Registration of freshmen and
The Oregon Experiment station eoclatlon which convened at Quin ternatlonal Telephone and Tele-
recommends dusting with fine sul­ aby park near Salem thia week. Kraph corporation. Postal Tele- "freshman week" will start this tall
phur, or spraying with wettable The gathering w ill cloae August graph has adopted an aggressive on September 21 and continue until
sulphur or Oregon cold-mix sul­ 16, after which time Mrs. kenlon po||,.y and ja rapidly expanding September 26. Classes w ill get un­
der way September 28.
phur-lime one month before harvest
111 return to open her piano school , hroughout the United States. They
for control of brown-rot of prunes. at 146 Sixth street.
now serve 78.000 points« In the
Fine dusting sulphur and wettable
I4tst month Mrs. Fenton played United States and Canada.
sulphur can be purchased from for her third summer for the Lane
The Ketels durg store will be
l^ane county dealers.
nnd Benton association near Cor­ open during the following hours:
Members of the families of Mr.
Week-days 8 a. m. to 9 p. m., Sun­
and Mrs. O. F. Thatcher and Dr.
Rev. L. E. Fenton returned Sun­ days, 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
and Mrs. R. P. Mortensen spent
POSSESSION CHARGE day evening from McFarland
Methodist church of the South
Return from California— Mr. and Sunday picnicking on the South
On charge of possession of liq­ whene he had been called to preach Mrs. Wallace Hawke, Wayne, Ver­ Fork of the W illam ette river at the
uor four men were arrested Sunday while the regular pastor was away nice. and Dorothy Hawke, returned Mllllorn ranch east ot Goshen. This
attending a conference meeting.
Friday from California where they Is private property, but is an Ideal
night at Jefferson Beach resort.
spent two weeks visiting wtth their location for picnics they state.
Ray Chastain, 32, was fined »200
Work of extending a Northwext
Cities Gas company main from the
Davenport Service Station In West
Springfield to the Intersection of
the highway and Lexington avenue
la under way this week. The new
extension will serve an additional
family In that vicinity.
O.E.S. Picnic lo
Be H eti S u n i., M
All Masons and Families In­
Test Flight Pends Awaiting
vited to Attend Annual
Two Days Set Aside to Com­
Arrival of License Plates
plets Pretiminary Work
From Washington, D. C.
Before Classes Start
The annual picnic of Cascade
Driggs Musicians
Play Here Tonight
Wedding Russell-
Thompson Held
Charles Augustus Lindbergh, Jr., famoas flyer’s son, who was born June 22, 1930. poees for a photograph,
with hit mother, hla grandmother, kin. Elisabeth Morrow, and his great-grandmother, M ra Charles Lox^
C^kar si Oevslsad. emo b Mrs. Morrow’s mother.
cently. Many state that they do not
gee the slgn at all and othera who MANY ENTRIES FILED
forget about the sign notice it only
aj ter they have turned back to look ;
Business men located on the
Between 40 and 50 entries for
with the complaining (he aaddie horse exhibition at tha
motorists, stating that many never Lane county fair this month have
pven gtop at the 9treet intersection,
been filed so far. says Mabel H.
At the present time a yellow and j Chadwick, fair board secretary.
black sign is set along the curbing
The saddle horse show w ill be
an(, a conslderabie distance back given the first and third nights of
from the intersection. Few motor­ the fair and the second and fourth
ists ever look for atop signs until days. Six Shetland ponies for tbe
(hey Bre aimoat at the Intersection children to ride will also be at the
an(, then they haye pasged th,a o le .
fair, the secretary said.
The Community Liberal (U n itar­
ian) church is holding its annual]
basket lunch picnic at Riverview
park back of Skinner’s Butte In
Eugene, Sunday, August 9. at 1
p. in.
AU members and friends are cor­
dially Invited
The committee In
charge says that there will be
Mrs. Meda Catching broke a large
bone and a vein ln her ankle laat
Friday morning when she slipped
and fell on the stepe to tbe back
porch of her home. The Injury la
repairing nicely.
______~ ________
plenty of coffee and lemonade fur-
______________ _
| W. A. Rennie of Creswell frac-
Attend Picnic— I>r. and Mrs. W. tnred hls arm Tuesday and waa
H. Pollard and daughter, Ruth, brought to Springfield to have It
spent the week end at Oregon City set Tuesday. He waa working with
visiting with relatives. They le f t ! one of hls horses at the time of the
here Friday afternoon. Saturday ( accident. He did not stats Just how
afternoon they attended a barbecue 1 he received the Injury,
picnic given by the Union States
Life Insurance company on the
Addreeees Old Folk»—R«» Ralph
hanks of the Clackamas river. That R. Mulholland, pastor of the loeal
evening they attended a birthdsy | Baptist church spoke to restdeatS
gathering In honor of Mrs. Pollard's at the Sunset Home la IhgniT —
brother, and a family reunion w aa, Tuesday evening. The meeting wss
held on Sunday.
I held on the Uwn.