THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPRINOKIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON, I W K N TY 'K lO H Tll YEAR. Man Loses Tent In Lire at Night SWIMMERS IOLD B E R INFECTIOUS Campiva of Willttmett« Water Show Preten«. Contagious Disease Gar USE OF SERUM Takes New Job SCHOOL Ï0 OPEN ON SEPTEMBER lì Pet Squirrel Gets Blame for Starting the Flame That er Destroyed Tent URGE l City Supply Rated in "A" Classification By State Col­ lege Officials A nntf of warning to swimmers In the W illamette river was sound ed here today by Ur. W. H. Poll­ ard. city health officer, after he had had several samples of water taken rrom the river analysed at the stale college at Corvallis. »amples of water taken from the river received only the ’’C" class) flcallon, and what seemed to be traças of typhoid were found. The Interest of the health officer was principally centered about the con dllton of the water near the old bridge spanning Ihe W illamette river where many local people In­ dulge In the water sports, Every un« should be kind lu an'- *s but Mr. Uaker had an unfor- Ï • experience as a result of a pal out of a squirrel that p round his tent on the E. II. dace where be Is cutting woo«* '/• He carefully put out his campfire Tuesday evenln« l-aler In the even­ ing hts tent caught fire and burned UP- Miss Ruth Kesler, Mrs. Hoover's In Ills suitcase, which was tbe secretary for years, la to wed K. L. source of the fire, he hail had some Llpmau. of Han Francisco. matches lying loose. The only pos­ sible explanation for the conflagra tlou la that the squirrel, In Its capering about tbe premises bad found them and the taste hail ap- pealed to It. and as a result Mr, Raker suffered the loss of his tent home. The condition of water In other parts or branches of the river la not known, although the opinion was expressed that a similar con dlllou might easily eslsl elsewhere. Alarm need not be felt over the situation, thinks Dr. Pollard. b>il certain precautionary measures are advisable for those who enter the water. He strongly urgea that water fans visit" their physician and receive shots of antl-typhold serum. This will positively Im­ mune them from the highly con­ tagious disease. Another highly Im ­ portant "don't* Issued by health of­ ficial Is. do not take river water Into the mouth while swlmmlug. To do so provides an Immediate ac­ cess to the human body for the germs. There were two mild cases of typhoid fever among residents liv­ ing on one of tbe tributaries of the W illam ette several weeks ago. The manner In which they contracted the disease Is uncertain. W ater samples sent In or testing at that time did not reveal any traces of Infection. Samples of water taken from the city mains were also tested during Ibe past week and have been found entirely free from germs. This water tested In the ’A’ classifica­ tion. Upper River Couple Married in Church Ceremony at Thurston Last Week A beautiful formal wedding was held al the Thurston church last Wednesday evening when Miss Margaret Russell became the bride of Carey Thompson of Thompson's resort on the upper Mi-Kenxle river, The bride was dressed In a cream colored silk dress. She was given away by her father. Fred Russell, as the ring ceremony was performed by Rev. E. V. Stivers. Mias llaxel Russell, sister of the bride, dressed In a yellow dress, and Mrs. Belmont Russell of Sil­ verton. dressed In a blue dress, were Ihe bridesmaids. Herold Kins­ ley was best man. Preceding the wedding ceremony Miss Monica Ruth played and Mr. Klnaley sang. "1 l-ove You Truly." This was followed by the wedding march Into tbe beautifully decora ted church. The bride has lived In Thurston for many years, having graduated from Thurston high school and later from Monmouth normal. She has taught at Junction City and at Cottage drove. Request to r Oil For Roads Made Communities Ask Service; Court Says Conditions Not Right for Good Job Now Requests from communities that the county oil roads In those locali­ ties In cooperation with property owners have been received by the county court. in two Instances Clinton Hurd, county commissioner, has rncom- mended that the oiling be post poned until next season as the roads are not In condition for the oiling process and to oil under present conditions would not be successful. Before the oil Is applied, If the work Is to be done well. Ihe road surface must be placed In good con­ dition, the commissioner Informed one delegation of property owners at a conference Saturday. All tbe regular program of county road oiling has been completed for this year. BARBER BREAKS ARM CRANKING AUTOMOBILE H. E. Gerber, Springfield barber, broke hls right arm between the wrist and elbow laat Thursday afternoon while trying to crank bis automobile. The car was In a gar age and he struck hls arm against the wall when the motor kicked. He will he unable to use the arm for several weeks. Hls son, Verne, broke hls ankle Ihe week previously while swim mlng In Eugene. COLD, GUSTY WEATHER FOUND ON COAST TRIP Mr and Mrs. N. L. Pollard. Miss Clara Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. D, B. Murphy visited several coast cities Sunday finding windy and cold weather every place they went. The party drove from Springfield to Newport, later drlv- ,ng to W aldport and Alsea before returning to thle city. NEW TEACHERS COMING Free Textbook. Plan Will Be Worked Out for First Time for Grade Students School bells will ring for Spring field children again on Thursday, September 17, It was decided at the monthly meeting of the school board Monday evening. Registra­ tion and announcement of books and materials needed and assign­ ment of lessons will be made Thurs­ day and Friday so that classes might start regular work on Mon day mornlug following. Minor repairs have been com Nine Members of Talented pleted at the Lincoln and Brat­ taln grade schools snd at tbe high Family to Give Program at school. Christian Church Several new teachers will Join tbe faculty at the schools this fall. Springfield music lovers are pro­ Most of the changes will be made mised a treat this evening at the at the high school where changes Christian church where they will w ill be made In tbe science and do­ have an opportunity to hear and mestic arts departments. see the nine members of the cele­ Just what the attendance will be brated Driggs fam ily la a program this year at the high school is still of orchestra music, vocal selections, uncertain. No final word has been readings. Impersonations, and other forthcoming from W altervllle re­ novelties. garding the number of students at There will be no admission ! that school which might be ex. charge, but an offering will be p,.ctwj to attend tbe local high taken to defray the expenses of the acboo| Th<1 blgb K hoo, at W alter musical entertainment. villa» will not operate this year. The Press comments hall this family I building has been condemned and as one of the moat unique and students will have to go either to popular lyceum attractions They Springfield. Thurston, or Vida, have given over 600 programs Members of the school board are throughout the western states and i expected to start preliminary work have filled over 76 return engage- on the preparation of the school manta In southern California alone ' budget In the near future. They make their headquarters at j Grade school teachers this year Loa Angeles. I will find themselves confronted ■ - ---------------- ------ ■ with the problem of free text books. FORMER RESIDENT TO H there are sufficient books they Chapter, Order of Eastern »tar. will be held at the Bert Edgell place place un the Mohawk river Bunday, A uk ust 9. according to Mrs. C. E. Wheaton aud Mrs. C. A. 8 warts, in charge of Ihe affair. This gather­ ing Is open to all members of tbe Bsatera Star and members of tbe Masonic lodge and their families. An Invitation to all these people lias been Issued. Every family la expected to bring their own basket dinners and dishes. Coffee will be sold on the grounds. Entertainment will be provided by Messrs. Bwarts and Olson. The Edgell home la the first one beyond the Stafford school. Signs will be posted along tbe road Sun- day morning directing motorists to the place. FIRE ALARM WARNS OF FIRE DANGER TUESDAY I H w m ||, Funeral Service« to Be Held in Springfield Chapel Fri­ day Afternoon at 2:30 WEIGHT ONLY 350 POUNDS PLANS Aircraft Designed Especially for Students Who Have Mastered Solo Flying Body of Rex Brattain, Other Occupant of Ill-Fated Piano, Has Not Been Found NOT COMPLETED A new biplane, one of the small­ Funeral services w ill be held at est. lightest and fastest in its clast, Party lines were dropped when the Walker-Poole chapel In Spring will be completed by tbe Spring- Chicago elected Ahton, fle|d ^ 1(lay afternan C- Poln- neen worked out this morning. Mrs. The fire siren was sounded Tues­ monoplane used for student instruc- dexter. McLagan and her children are on day afternoon to warn people ot tlon until recently, and the single- Tb*‘ affalr 18 •’elng sponsored byi their way here from North Bend Ihe city of danger from a fire which place monoplane owned by Dalton tlM! Men 8 Brotherhood and other anr. and Mrs. W. tnred hls arm Tuesday and waa H. Pollard and daughter, Ruth, brought to Springfield to have It spent the week end at Oregon City set Tuesday. He waa working with visiting with relatives. They le f t ! one of hls horses at the time of the here Friday afternoon. Saturday ( accident. He did not stats Just how afternoon they attended a barbecue 1 he received the Injury, picnic given by the Union States ~ Life Insurance company on the Addreeees Old Folk»—R«» Ralph hanks of the Clackamas river. That R. Mulholland, pastor of the loeal evening they attended a birthdsy | Baptist church spoke to restdeatS gathering In honor of Mrs. Pollard's at the Sunset Home la IhgniT — brother, and a family reunion w aa, Tuesday evening. The meeting wss held on Sunday. I held on the Uwn.