The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 09, 1931, Page 6, Image 6

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    T | IV KH I > A V. A P R II. ». twai
« T Upper Willamette
♦ —
- —
When the w eather p erm its th e
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W eaver mo-
buttelmll boys and <lrlc of P leasant fared to Junction City last Sunday
HUI a re busy p racticin g ball. The for the day.
first schedtted gam e will he played
Asbury from Ceigtraita.
a t P leasant Hill Friday, April 10. W ashington spent th e first of this
agulust Oakridge. The rest of the week in T hurston
schedule is as follow s: April 17.
llero ld H art left a few days ago
E lm ira a t P leasant H ill; April 21. for Alaska
The grade school played a gam e
P leasant Hill a t M ohaw k; May 1
P leasan t Hill a t E lm ira; May 8 of basehall with C edar F lat school
T hurston
Coburg at P leasant Hill; May 15, last Friday afternoon
P leasant Hill m eets O akridge at team won.
Lowell; May 15, Mohawk at Pleas-
Mrs. Hom er I'h ettep aee u n d er
a n t H ill; May 20, Pleasant Hill at went a m ajor operation Inst Sat
Floyd Mauney is captain urday at Pacific C hristian hospital
of th e boys team . Zella Mauney In Eugene for gall stones,
la captain of th e girls' team
Mrs. W illiam Rennie en tertain ed
Mrs. W. It Elliott was boatess a num ber of young people Inst Wed-
to th e C loverdale comm unity club nesday evening in honor of her
ladies T hursday afternoon a t h er son. F ran k 's birthday.
home. The afternoon was spent
Mr an(1 Mrs John Kdmlston re
visiting and sew ing
G uests for ..«ive,! word th e ir son, leiren. who
the afternoon were Mrs F rank 1s )n O akland. C alifornia, has been
Hinges. Mrs E lm er Dinges of D ei verv n , wMh meartea.
ter. Mrs. lam ie Doughty and Mrs
Mrs. lnex Brown from Eugene
Ben M artin. Members presen t were spent Sunday with h e r bro th er,
Mrs. G. H. Parks, Mrs. D. H. Mit William Eyler.
“The Seas B eneath" starrin g George O'Brien
cheli, Mrs. L. Bauer. Mrs. L. E.
Miss lad s M athews who h as been
Harks, Miss F rances Harks, Mrs in Portland for several m onths tak
D. E R inehart, Mrs. E. fi. Morning- ing a course of beauty p arlor work, C ITY L IG H T S " EXPECTED M c D onald shows - seas
star. Mrs. H orry Fishwood. Mrs. E
has com pleted h er course and Is
R. A nderson. Mrs. W illiam Jam es
now employed in Eugene.
Mrs. E. C. Krell. Mrs. E. E. R oberts
Acclaim ed his g re a te st co n trib u ­
T here is scarcely an English-
Mrs. C urtis Price and son, John,
Mrs. M. K. W arner, Miss Bessie
from Odgen. V tah. arriv ed Sunday tion to th e screen, C harlie C hap­ speaking co u n try in the world
Bowles. Miss Gace M itchell. Mrs.
for an extended visit w ith relativ es lin s "C ity L ights" will open an w here 'T he V irginia Judge" has not
R. Peity, Mrs. John S ellers and
engagem ent a t th e Colonial th eatre, delighted m any thousands. W alter
Mrs. Elliott.
Albert P arrot and Jam es Edrnis- for one week sta rtin g Sunday, C. Kelly, who created the ch ar­
The hostess was assisted by Mrs. ton spent S aturday night at Lea- bringing a non-dialogue m otion pic­ acter. not only toured th e big-time
tu re production, w hich It Is be­ vaudeville circuits of this country
Dinges. Mrs. R oberts and Mrs. T. burg.
H. P arks. The next m eeting which
The ladies of T h u rsto n m et Tues- lieved, will be th e fo reru n n er of m any tim es, but has appeared In
wll be an alldny m eeting, will be day afternoon with Mrs. Ellen many m ore screen offerings in tro ­ the B ritish Isles. India. A frica and
held a t the home of Mrs. H arry Needham and m ade new cu rtain s ducing action, synchronized with A ustralia.
As a result, he has accum ulated
m usic and sound e ffe c ts .„
Fishwood. April 16. A potuck din- for the high school.
More th an two y ears in tim e have a fund of sto rie s th a t m ake him
ner will be served at noon.
Last Saturday many of th e boys
been devoted by C haplin to the highly popular w ith every type
The pupils of the P leasan t Hill here worked on the baseball dla
m aking of "City L ights" and tt of audience. W hile film ing George
public school primary' grades en mond at th e high school. TheJ
re p resen ts an inv estm en t of 81,- O 'B rien's new est Fox m ovietone
Joyed an E aster egg hu n t on th e hauled several tru ck loads of d ir
500.01X1 of th e com edian’s own vehicle, "T he Seas B eneath." In
school ground Friday afternoon un on it.
money. All of this is C haplin's which Kelly m akes his talkie debut,
der th e supervision of th e ir teach er
sw er to the talk in g p ictu re and th e company spent four w eeks mak
nival at th e hall next Friday eve­
Mrs. J. A. Plielp».
his firm stand for p ant »minic mo­ ing pictures aboard a big schooner
and tw o of U ncles S am 's finest
tion pictures.
Miss Belle Olson of Eugene spent
Professor and Miss Palm er, in­
Those who h av e been privileged subm arines, and every evening the
Sunday a t h er home at Pleasant
structors in th e high school are
to view "City L ig h ts" have u n h esi­ cast would flock around the fam ous
planing visitors day to be held
tatin g ly agreed th a t Chaplin was raco n teu r while he e n tertain ed
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hyde and
on Friday. April 17. in th e a fte r­
not in e rro r to stick to th e silent them for hours.
th ree children, B etty Jean . Cassie
noon. The building h as recently
course in his screen w ork. It is i "T h e
Delia end Donna Fay. Mr. and Mrs.
B eneath,"
been kalsom ined and rep ain ted In­
suid th a t n ev er before h as th e conics to the McDonald th e a tre on
Jackson and daughter. Francelle.
side. floor scrubbed and re-oiled
g reat com-«tian extended him self to Friday and S aturday, was directed
of Eugene and Miss Evelyn Phelps
and new window c u rta in s made
product: sveh a comedy m a ste r­ by Jo h n Ford. Marion L essing por-
were dinner guests a t the home of
and several o th er ♦m provem ents
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. T in k er E aster.
trovs th e chief fem inine ch aracter.
have been made.
• • •
"C ity L ig h ts" will occupy th e
An E aster egg hunt was enjoyed
Last Sunday T hurston church screen for ab o u t one ho u r and
by the children in th e afternoon.
If you ra n picture W illiam H aines
celebrated its forty-first an n iv er­ tw enty m inutes. The story may be as a wolf In sheep's clothing you
The Creewell Sunday school d is­ sary w ith an all-dav m eeting and
term ed a rom antic com edy, a l­ will have som e Idea of th e fun
trict convention, a t w hich Mrs. a b asket din n er w as served at
though m any of its highlights a re in sto re for those who see the
Gates is secreary. will hold its an- noon. Bible school was held at
brilliantly d ram atic, in fact trag ic. com edians Sunday at the McDonald
nual rally a t th e C hristian church io o'clock followed by a serm on It is an original idea and was
th e a tre in his latest laugh-getter,
at P leasant Hill next Sunday. April given by Mrs. K ellem s of Eugene. w ritten by Chaplin. He is likewise
"A T ailor Made Man."
12. A basket lunch will be served The afternoon services w ere given responsible for the direction.
In this ch aracterizatio n H aines
a t nooo in th e basem ent of th e over to talk s by m em bers and
T he action tak es place in any in his own inim itable way em ­
church. At 2 o'cock a special pro- m essages and Bible ev rses sen t by large city. T h ere is n othing elabo­
bodies th e sp irit of the man who
gram will be given each class tak- form er pastors and m em bers who ra te about th e story and it is its
rises from poverty and obscurity
Ing part.
were unable to be p resen t.
sim plicity th a t will undoubtedly to fam e and financial success. He
gain for It a p erm an en t place in s ta r ts out as an innocent little
The l'd le s of th e P leasan t Hill
the th eatre. The ch a ra c te rs are pants presser but ends up as a wolf
comm unity m et a t th e hom e of Mrs. BAPTISTS W IL L HEAR
Maggie S tew art T hursday of last
M USICIANS ON SUNDAY n atu ral, s iifch as rub elbows with of the com m ercial world.
• • •
each o th e r th roughout th e daily-
week. Mrs. Jam eson, p resident.
W hen E dw ard E v erett Horton,
reported on th e hooked rug demon-
“A Serm on in Song” is th e title w alks of life.
s ta r of "O nce A G entlem an" coming
stratio n she attended In Eugene, of a m usical program to be given
B etter Homes week was discussed at th e B aptist Church Sunday eve- JACK GORRIE BAD LY
on W ednesday to th e McDonald
and it was decided th at each mem- ning by th ree m em bers of th e Davis
INJURED IN F A LL th eatre, m ade his professional stage
her should bring a pillow or rug fam ily of Eugene. T his trio, con-
debut, be was assigned a num erical
Ja c k G orrie. son of Mrs. C. I. role. He im personated no specified
to the n ext m eeting a s a B etter slstin g of P. W aldo Davis, with
Homes display. T his m eetlug will triple chim es; H erschel DeMoss Da- G orrie, Sr., is in th e Pacific C hrist- ch aracter, and in o rd e r for his
be held A pril 30 a t th e hom e of Vis. piano; and Lizzie DeMoss Da- ion hospital a t E ugene w ith a badly friends and fam ily in th e audience
Mrs. G. A. Brown.
vis. violin and m andolin, has won hzroken left leg, a ch est Injury to locate him they had to count
won considerable fam e in various and m any body bruises w hich he 1-2-3, for E dw ard appeared as the
T hose p resen t^w ere M rs_ G rant partg of
country a[M, offer an received W ednesday in an accid en t third Ja p an ese from the end In
LaJtur, Mrs. E. B. T inker, Mrs. C. unusual program of sacred m usic while w orking for th e county on the chorus of ' The M ikado," then
L. W illiams. Mrs. J W Jam eson. On<? of t ¿ e “ ogt ,ntere8 tin g thingg a bridge over aP rso n s creek n ear being revived. It was a m odest
Mrs. Je sse C arrot hers. Mrs. Ludwig on the en tire program is th e finale. M ar cola.
enough sta rt, H orton adm its, but
Miller. Mrs. A. Poulson and tw in whi<.h ,g th(?
gong „T he Ho,y
G orrie, it is said, was standing it prepared bom for a role, sm all
babies. Mrs. B ert L. Doane. Mrs. c |t y ■■ played on tr)ple thlm eg „ y on, a large tim b er which had been though tt was, in a m usical comedy
C. E. Jordan, Mrs. Allan W heeler Mr Daylg
hoisted into th e a ir with a donkey called “T he Newlyweds and T h eir
and daughter. K atherine. Mrs. Lu
engine when som ething happened Baby. "
ella B ristow , Mrs. O. Stutz, Mrs.
on th e ground causing th e tim b er
Ross M athews. Mrs. B ert John.
to be moved and also cau sin g G or­
Miss H elen C arter, Miss E sth er
AFTER F A LL TO FLOOR rie to lose his balance. He fell
MRler, Mrs. E rn est Schrenk and
20 feet to th e ground and th e tim b er
Mrs. Stew art. Mrs. S tew art was
Jam es N orm an, th e sm all son o f , fell on his leg.
C resw ell, O re. April 10. (Spe-
aasisted by Mrs. C arru th ers and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxey, w as
He w as rushed to th e hospital c la l)—A double birthday p arty was
Mrs. Miller.
knocked unconscious W ednesday I w here Dr. W. C. Reblian sp e n t given a t the hom e of Mr. and Mrs.
is sr
niRht when he feel from a ch alr ,nar” ' hours exam ining and w ork H ubert D ersham on M onday eve­
a n o 'L r n t l o n s t i h
" tT
a t h ‘8 h'” n ‘? strik ,n < h l” head on | in? on him. The d octor sta te d th is
ning. the b irth d ay s of Leonard
the hard n o o r'
rev,Te rnortlinK ‘ hat th e re was every pos-
be d o T n g ^ c e “
him were no, im m ediately success- sib.lity th a t th e fra ctu red be,ne Z iniker and Mrs. W. B. Holbrook
being celebrated In th e som e oc­
fnl and a physician was caller. The could be healed. G orrie is an out- casion. A pot-luck d in n er brought
The students of th e P leasan t Hill boy w as unconsciousness for five door man and Is stro n g and muscu- the com pany to g eth er about seven
hlgh school a re practicing In the m^nutes.
o’clock and an evening of sociabili-
Junior play, "Am I In tru d in g ’ ''
--------- ----------------
ty. gutties, radio and other plea
H i,;c W in d m ill Plane
salitile» filled the evening Those
B ring B u ilt in England
present were Mr and Mrs. Frank
London The largest auioglro.
A ldrlili and daughter, Mr. t int or “windmill plan»."’ yet built 1«
Mr» Win Lower, Mr and Mi - now under conatructloii for the air
Irtliu r Olson. Mr and Mrs T I.
It will carry four persons and Is
Allison, Mr. and Mrs. J It Clack
titled with a tOI horse power air
Mrs Vance Clack. Mr. and Mis t-isdcd radial engine
Supported by four revolving
Leslie Ooheett. Miss tlroshong. Mr.
vane*. Ihe autoglro has a rapid
and Mis. T ravis K err and d ill
climb mid can descend almost ver-
drwn. Mr. and Mrs. C. E Lealsc llciilly. It Is hoped with Ihe new
Mrs. E thel Everson, Miss Nielu •ng I lie that Ihe model will he caps
Z lniker, L. E Z lniker. J P. Lane. hie of using the flat roof of any
moderately large building as a
E nnis llershum . Mr mid Mrs Joe
Inndlng ttelil."
l.lnii. Mr and Mr». C. J. ('rille n
den. Mr mid Mrs. F. A. Everson
and daughter. Mrs. Cora Olson. Mr
and Mrs R E D ersham mid the
Notice Is hereby given that the
h o sts Mr. mid Mrs H ubert Der undersigned executor has filed 111»
sham .
filial account In the estate of John
II Blewett, deceased, and that at
Ihe hour of ten o’clock A M on
May 15. IM I. at the cham bers of
III«» f o u n t' Court of tile Stute of
tiretton for Lane county In the
l ane County Court House In the
Cttv of Eugene. Diegon, has I mmui
t I» III Ï Ï tu M 7
fixed by the order of said Court
as the tim e mid place of hearing
objections to tile ««’IIleu o in mul
N.Y. Woman Lost
14 Pounds of Fat
One 85 Cent B ottle of
Kruschen Salts Did it
'•I am startin g on my second
b o ttle of K ruschen Salts and am
real pleased w ith results. I take
It for reducing and so far have
lost I t pounds and 1 thin k it is
doing w onders for me. I do not
feel so tired evenings when I get
hom e from work.”
A generous bottle of K ruschen
8 a lts th a t lasts t weeks costs but
85 c en ts a t eK tels Drug Store or
any d ru g sto re In A m erica—take
one h a lf teaspoon In a glass of
h o t w ater every m orning before
b re a k fa s t—cut out p astry and fatty
m e a ts— go light on potatoes, butter,
cream and s u g a r --th a t will help
K ru sch en ta k e off your fat.
B efore th e b o ttle is em pty su r­
plus fa t Is leaving you—indolence
ch an g es to a c tiv ity --y o u ’ll feel
younger—eyes will b rig h ten —step
grow s spry. M illions now th is—
you ought to now It. K ruschen
S a lts Is th e ideal treatm en t for
co n stip atio n .
ach es, n erv o u sn ess ad acidity.
•’’ake Kruschen every m o rn in g —
it's th e little d aily dose th a t does
It—If not Joyfully eatiefied a fter
the first bottle— m oney back.
C arnation Milk
7 Cans
Our Special C offee
2 Pounds
........... ..................
49 c
R ed M exican B eans
12 P o u n d s ............ ............................ .
49 £
7 Package*
\f:> i 3 years of w a llin g , lite one and only
Charlie Chaplin
<B a c A —
To bring yon a w e a lllt o f i»®w liupplnenn and
y ou'll delkfhl
tur«» Ilf til«
mud« bl» bid
by becoming
prise fighter
Starts S U N D A Y
• fit •
40% Reduction
We have decided to discontinue o u r line of F ish­
ing Supplies and are o ffe rin g them at cost prices fo r
(lie opening o f (lie fish in g season.
A few item s:
W et Flies, 6 fo r
Dry Flies, 6 fo r
Snelled Hooks, 6 fo r
Lines. leaders, spoons, reels, poles. nets and Eggs.
Most o f tills stock Is new. having been purchased fo r
this season's fishing.
Springfield Electric Supply
M. A. POHL. Prop.
131 F ifth Street
Phone 1 97
o x it t r » n t u t i
O -w /z o n lO X
V alley R ose Flour
-'1 lb. S a c k ........................................
4 9c
We ca rry a com plete line o f H odgen &
Mill R un 8 0 lbs
- 75c
B rew ster Feeds- Also n com plete line of
bulk Seeds and Fertilizer.
t iiir I'. , d Kept, has taken over the S pring- On Friday April 10th, o u r Feed l)ept. w ill
tK'ld Mill <v <»rain warehouse on south ii b< open fo r busfnesH in its new location
»Second street where we w ill do all kinds
ol ( leaning and grinding.
Gala M id-N ite Show
SAT. 1 1 :1 5 --------50c
§3¡© ay
lo» •
i T b at
. ““ - “
oi V e P -
..a T A I L O R
A rolllcW p« l * £ 'i n t o
‘ U ‘-r
*h“ v>
M’ VCVs p
u tte r atviüier.
«vivai 1»
. ^ ’“ gay m ao R '°"
It's A nother “Lonely W ives'
F o r L aughing O ut Loud.
T b«r»'‘tt>u
's i g h t
Davenport and
Chair Suites
In Tw o-tone Jacquard Velour at
Davenport and Chair
M ohair w ith M ulti-colored Reverse Cushions
2 Pieces
$ 6 9 .5 0 $ 9 8 .5 0 $ 11 5 .75
Y ou Should T rade at
E xcellent Service.
H ighest Q u a lity Merchandise.
V ery Reasonable Prices.
A re n ’t those the three things you want when yon
patronize a grocer?
We alw ays keep them in m ind, and see to it th a t
we give til»! very best service, sell only the best g ro ­
ceries, and charge the very lowest price possible fo r
in the same b u ilding w ith o u r G rocery
Dept. on the c o rn e r of 5th and Main.
Come in and see if we don’t live up to our words!
Your Child
P ineapple
Broken Slices, No. 2i/a
Irish-Murphy Feed & Seed Co.
W h eat 10 0 lbs. - $ 1 .3 5
P R IC « »
T IL L t
T H IA T H tS .
NOTI T u est
10 Pounds
III the »hl« « p latin g ml ven
w h lin .h n l vagabond who
for fam« and fortune flr»I
a »treni clenner. then a
ami filially a man »bout
White Front Grocery
Large Size
• Q mw
II f e lle r s .
ami Mis Alee l'oliera,
mid Mrs It. T. Powell.
C arl Celierà,
mid Mis G lenn fe lle rs .
ami Mi», C. V I'rMea
c/lnJ Now He's Back
F ish in g S u p p lie s
O regon Prunes
Brown R ice Flakes
E lei 111 or
Fred E Smith.
I llu m e ' for executor.
Closing Out All
Three Reasons Why
10 lbs. Sugar 4 7 c
T a ll Cans
W. wish Io thank each of our
many friends for th e ir twuutlful
floral offerings nud for klndttm a
shown during our bereavem ent »t
the death of our wife ami m other
allo w a n ce <»f said filia l account
Hated I p r l l Mill. I t ' l l
R eturns Home— Mrs. H. E. Phet-
teplace of Springfield, returned to
h er hom e the past week after hav­
ing undergone a m ajor operation at
th e Pacific C hristian hospital. She
is recovering very nicely.
C ard of Thanh»
W ill Get the Same A ttentive Service as
T hough You Came Yourself
A t o u r store you m ay be sure yo u r child w ill be
served as prom ptly, courteously and well as any
grow n-up patron. Wo have a fu ll line o f tin, best
groceries. A ll goods fresh.
We handle only superior products.
We have ju s t received a new shipm ent o f D inner
Set Coffee. Come early and get yo u r pick.
New rhubarb, new peas, new asparagus, green
onions, m ustard greens.
New Spring Patterns in
hloor Coverings
Good Q uality Felt Base, Sq. Yd.
Best Q uality, Sq. Yd.
Felt Base Rugs
Standard w eight 9x12
$ 6 .9 5
W r ig h t & S o n s