T | IV KH I > A V. A P R II. ». twai PAGE SIX « T Upper Willamette AT T H E FOX McDONALD Thurston ♦ — - — • When the w eather p erm its th e Mr. and Mrs. A. W. W eaver mo- buttelmll boys and i 3 years of w a llin g , lite one and only Charlie Chaplin o’ï° B««“*»* NEW V alley R ose Flour -'1 lb. S a c k ........................................ 4 9c 35c We ca rry a com plete line o f H odgen & Mill R un 8 0 lbs 49c - 75c B rew ster Feeds- Also n com plete line of bulk Seeds and Fertilizer. t iiir I'. , d Kept, has taken over the S pring- On Friday April 10th, o u r Feed l)ept. w ill tK'ld Mill M’ VCVs p *' oUl u tte r atviüier. . «vivai 1» . ^ ’“ gay m ao R '°" COMING NEXT WEDNESDAY EDWARD EV ER ETT HORTON In “ONCE A GENTLEM AN” It's A nother “Lonely W ives' F o r L aughing O ut Loud. T b«r»'‘tt>u 's i g h t Davenport and Chair Suites In Tw o-tone Jacquard Velour at $59.50 Davenport and Chair M ohair w ith M ulti-colored Reverse Cushions 2 Pieces $ 6 9 .5 0 $ 9 8 .5 0 $ 11 5 .75 Y ou Should T rade at E xcellent Service. H ighest Q u a lity Merchandise. V ery Reasonable Prices. A re n ’t those the three things you want when yon patronize a grocer? We alw ays keep them in m ind, and see to it th a t we give til»! very best service, sell only the best g ro ­ ceries, and charge the very lowest price possible fo r everything. in the same b u ilding w ith o u r G rocery Dept. on the c o rn e r of 5th and Main. "7. Come in and see if we don’t live up to our words! Your Child P ineapple Broken Slices, No. 2i/a Irish-Murphy Feed & Seed Co. W h eat 10 0 lbs. - $ 1 .3 5 X P R IC « » AFTER T IL L t GEORGE T H IA T H tS . HEADQUARTERS NOTI T u est 1. 2. 3. 49c 10 Pounds -------------- III the »hl« « p latin g ml ven w h lin .h n l vagabond who for fam« and fortune flr»I a »treni clenner. then a ami filially a man »bout White Front Grocery Large Size • Q mw II f e lle r s . ami Mis Alee l'oliera, mid Mrs It. T. Powell. C arl Celierà, mid Mis G lenn fe lle rs . ami Mi», C. V I'rMea c/lnJ Now He's Back F ish in g S u p p lie s Springfield O regon Prunes Brown R ice Flakes W Ml Mr. Mi Mi Mr FR ANK I. III.EWE I T. E lei 111 or Fred E Smith. I llu m e ' for executor. Closing Out All Three Reasons Why 10 lbs. Sugar 4 7 c T a ll Cans W. wish Io thank each of our many friends for th e ir twuutlful floral offerings nud for klndttm a shown during our bereavem ent »t the death of our wife ami m other allo w a n ce <»f said filia l account Hated I p r l l Mill. I t ' l l Creswell R eturns Home— Mrs. H. E. Phet- teplace of Springfield, returned to h er hom e the past week after hav­ ing undergone a m ajor operation at th e Pacific C hristian hospital. She is recovering very nicely. C ard of Thanh» W ill Get the Same A ttentive Service as T hough You Came Yourself A t o u r store you m ay be sure yo u r child w ill be served as prom ptly, courteously and well as any grow n-up patron. Wo have a fu ll line o f tin, best groceries. A ll goods fresh. We handle only superior products. D IN N E R SE T CO FFEE We have ju s t received a new shipm ent o f D inner Set Coffee. Come early and get yo u r pick. New rhubarb, new peas, new asparagus, green onions, m ustard greens. New Spring Patterns in hloor Coverings Good Q uality Felt Base, Sq. Yd. Best Q uality, Sq. Yd. Felt Base Rugs ........................ 45c .......................................... Standard w eight 9x12 $ 6 .9 5 W r ig h t & S o n s HARDW ARE — FU R N ITU R E — PAIN TS