The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 16, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    THUHBDAY, OCTOBER 16, l »30.
Carious House Portrays
Fairy Tales for Children
fo rm a l dedicatory sxerrlses (or the
new *36.000 Lowell union high school
(By Caleb Johnson)
building were held there on Friday
F ifty miles west of New York, In
evening with Arnold D. Collier, as
slalant county school superintendent, the little town of Hamburg, N. J.,
and also county Four H club leader, stands the most amazing and curious
and II. It. Oould, city superintendent house Ip America.
oi schools In Rugene, as the princi­
Here, In colored cement, have been
pal speakers. Collier urged the stu reproduced In "life" else or larger,
dents to establish a tradition of high figures sud groups from the old Uer-
scholarship In the new building. Mr. mau fairy tales, to make a veritable
Gould spoke un the principles of edu wonder bouse for children to visit.
nation, comparing the present methods
The Idea originated with a man
with former ones.
ufacturer of food products. He had
Ira Hyland, pioneer resident of the bought an old stone m ill In Now
l-owell district traced the history of Jersey, and was wondering what to
the schools there from the first log do with a piece of land adjoining
«■bin to the present modern struc­ the mm. lie wanted to bulid some
Other short talks were made thing decorative, hut he didn't know
by Frank Blair and J. P. Hult. two w h at he wauled.
men who did much to bring about the
tiue evening In New York be at­
naw school.
tended the Metropolitan Opera House.
Musical numbers on the program The opera that night was "Hansel and
consisted of a quartet Including Mrs. Urelel." That la a great musical com­
C. A. W arner. Mrs. J. A. Hernddh. R.
position, In which tne characters and
K Humphrey, and M. B Edwards.
theme are taken from the famous
Mrs. Thomas Powers and Mrs W arner
old collection of fairy tales written
played a piano duet, and vocal solos by the U r I turn Urotbera two hundred
were given by U. R Chlndgren. Mia* years ago
Araella Lafsrty, and Miss Florence
As produced a t the Metropolitan,
Elliott. Alton and Mona Jackson gave
the scenes and costumes, designed by
a vocal duet and Lucille W alker gave
Joaepu Urban, are In perfect accord
a reading.
with chlldhool's conception of ogres
Thomas Powers, new principal of
aud fairies, witches and giants. It oc­
the school, acted as chairman for the
curred to the visitor that here was
exactly what he wanted.
Refreshment were served and public
The principal scene of the opera
inspection of the building concluded
takes place In the "Ulngsrbrdad
the program
This modern school house Is built House " The man from New Jersey
of wood and not concrete as has often approached the designer and asked
been reported The Initial plana called him to build a Gingerbread House
for a poured concrete building, but out at Hamburg, using an old lim e­
after local lumbermen protested such kiln for the foundation and recon­
action the plans were changed and structing his stage scenery In en­
wood was used almost entirely. Ueorge during stone and concrete. At the
first the artist demurred, but finally
Perkins was the contractor.
he agreed to do It.
How Old Are You?
Alive at
My Friende: Correct Your Eat­
ing Faults and Lose Your
Fat With Kruschen Salts
I'm forty-five t o d a r b u l l t
use a race horse, my friends say—
and I bnow I feel 10 years younger
11 1 " ,<J *br*e months ago--and
I d bata to tell you bow much fat I
lost with Kruschen.
I call Kruschen Balts the "magic
salts" because when I was fat and
wretched, despondent and half sick
sll the time— It took only one bottle
that I bought for 86 cents at Kstels
Drug store to liven me up— put am
bltlon and energy Into m e- make me
feel years younger and with the help
of a change In diet show me how
to lose the fat I was so ashamed of
Cut out pastries and desserts— go
easy on potatoes, cream, cheese, and
butter — eat lean meat, chicken,
never fall to take one half tea­
spoonful of Kruschen Balts In a
glass of hot water before breakfast
every morning.
Every drug store worthy of the
name In the World sells Kruschen
Halts—an 86 rent bottle lasts 4
weeks— not much to pay for buoy­
ant health.
In a room at the head of one flight
of the stairs. Its walls studded with
cork cookies. A witch rides a broom­
stick at the top of another flight, and I
a great wire spider web stretches
across the turret high above. From It
the strange, many-legged spider with
glittering glass eyes runs down a
wire strand and dangles tbrllllng ly
above the visitor who has been pre­
pared for his descent.
W ith bated breath the little ones
w ill gather around the caldron In
which the Giant was brewing his
dinner from the bones of h l* victims
when Jack slew him. The fire Is there
and the flume colored walls are stud
deil with bone*. It I* truly a place
of wonderful scenes, a complete truDS-
portatloon Into fairyland for the
mothers and children to whom It is
freely open every day.
The purpose of the “Gingerbread
House" la frankly, to advertise the
particular food products which its
originator makes. But there Is no sug
gestlon of advertising about the build
ing or Its contents. It is something
new In American a rt and architecture,
nad may prove to be the beginning of
a now movement In this country.
One of the principal complaints
which European visitors make about
America la that our buildings are too
colorless and too much alike.
main street of any American town
looks Just like the main street of al­
most every other American town.
They all try to look like big cities,
more or less. Design and color are
standardised aryl there Is little life COUNTY'S EXPENSE BILL
or variety In the scene.
FOR MONTH IS $153,278
Every building which departs from
those standards. If It does so ar­
Ja rrett was elected presl-
Lane county's expense bill for the
tistically and In harmony with Its sur­
Four-H girls sewing club
month of September amounted to
roundings, helps to make A m c 'c a
*163.278.41 according to warrants of the Lincoln high school at a meet­
Urban went to work and for two more picturesque. And that I* what slgnend last week by Grace SchiBka. ing held at the home of her parents,
years his limitless Imagination and the Gingerbread House at Hamburg treasurer. The greatest single item Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Jarrett, on Thurs­
astounding creative genius have had la doing.
of expense for the month was *32, day evening. Lorna Chase was namea
full play In building a dream paia-e
277.50 which was Interest on county vice-president; Viola Robertson, secre­
such aa the wildest fancies of fairy­ LARGER VOTE EXPECTED
road bonds. The balance of the sum tary, and Velm a Peddicord, treasurer.
tale writers have never surpassed. Il
It was also voted at the meeting to
THAN IN 1928 ELECTION was used to pay salaries of Jiighwav
Is made of poured stone, and Is
workers, oiling crews, county officials name the club Clover leaf.
colored Inside and out with all the
Indications are now that the vote and other expense Items.
The next meeting w ill be held at
radiance of the rainbow.
Its per­ at the general election next month
the home of Ruth Potlard on Octo­
manent snow roof Is like a cake Icing will be much greater than It was at
Go to Tacoma— Mrs. A. C. Peddi­ ber 22.
six Inches thick, with sugar heart*, the general election In 1928 despite cord, her daughter, Loraine, and her
crescents, and circles encrusting It In tj,e fact that the total registration mother, Mrs. N ick Meier, left the
myriad of beautiful tints. A life- tg considerably less this year,
first of the week for Tacoma, Wash-
Go Hunting— P ratt Holverson and
sise horse and rider, In full a r m o r,! The total registration this year Is Ington. where they w ill spend a few ' Max Green spent the week-end hunt-
gallop In the direction of the wind 23,5«» tts compared with 26,162 In
days visiting.
ing near Crescent.
from Its rooftree, and a giant black 1928. The actual vote in 1928 was
cat crouches on a candy stick shaft 18.731, but political observers point
that rises «aide the d o m elik e ex- out that t he interest in the present
terlor of one of the mystic room» that campaign is much higher and there-
w lll make the trip of any child through fore believe that a much greater vote
the building an unforgetable expert- wm be cast
The division of the votes In 1928
I t may be entered from sn exterior was 16,961 republican, 7 ,ft8 demo-
stone staircase, baluatraded by ele crats, 33 progressives, 77 prohlbltlon-
phants that look like giant animal Ista, 101 socialists, and 792 who gave
crackers,— or one may go In the wlerd- no party reference.
ly decorated ground floor door whose
latch Is lifted by pressing down the
High 8chool Class Open Forum
■tuck-out tongue of a grimacing Iron
The social problems class of the
cat. From this door steps go down high school Is being conducted In
through a strange passage-way. The the nature of a n . open forum this
circular staircase Is mounted and H an­ year and It Is open to every student
sel and Oretel form Its banisters, hold­ who cares to sit In on the class.
. . . when wasp waistlines and
ing each other's' hand and dressed In Meetings are held In Mr. McKinney's
their quaint colored costumes.
room and students are invited to bring
fashionable . . . when daughter
There Is a giant metal plum pudding ' questions for discussion.
An especially Interesting talk on
present criminal tendencies w ill be
given at the regular monthly meeting
of the Men’s Brotherhood of the
Methodist church on Monday evening
by Dr. 8. H. Jamieson of the depart­
ment of applied social science at the
University of Oregon. Dr. Jamieson
has chosen aa bis topic, "Good Cltixen
ship and the Crim inal,” and w ill prob­
ably tell of work being done to make
good cltixen* out of the wayward.
The usual dinner w ill be served by
¡th e women of the church a t 6:30 In
the social room.
A ll Interested people are invited to
attend either or both of these events
according to Dr. N. W. Emery, chair­
man of the program committee.
Marriage Licenses Is
During the past week marrlalge li­
censes have been Issued by the coun­
ty clerk to the following:
Jackson, W estlake and Marion Forbes.
Siltcoos; Edwin Crabtree, Drain and
Ona Taylor. Eugene; Ernest Bray and
H a rrie tt VanOsdol, Eugene; O rville
Rankins and Effie Holmes, both of
Junction City; Glen M ille r and L illia n
Eastman, both of Cottage Grove; W il­
liam Fanton and M innie Marie Uchy-
til, both of Springfield; H a rry Haven
and Alice Downs, both of Drain.
Returns to Hom *—-Clare Dawson
has returned to his home In British
Columbia after spending some tim e
here visiting with h<s brother, W il­
liam Dawson.
Born— A
born to Mr. and Mrs. M ilo Casteel at
the PBC,flc c h rl»tl‘ ° hospital In Eu
Kene On 8aturd* y' October 11. 1930.
Up Nights
IT G e ttin g U p N ig h ts , B ackset»**
fr e q u e n t d a y calls, L e g P ains, N e r v ­
ousness, o r B u rn in g , d u e to fu n c tio n ­
a l B la d d e r Ir r it a t io n , in a r id condi­
tio n s . m a k e s yo u fe e l tire d , depressed
an d d ie c o u ra g -d . t r y th e C ystox T s s L
W o r k s fa s t, s ta rts c ir c u la tin g th r u
th e system In 16 m in u tes. P ra is e d b y
thou san ds fo r ra p id an d p o s itiv e ac­
tio n . D o n 't g iv e up. T r y C y e te x (p ro ­
nounced S ls e -te x ) to d a y , u n d e r t h *
Ir o n -C la d G u a ra n te e . M u s t q u ic k ly
a lla y th ese c o n d itio n s. Im p ro v e r e s t­
f u l sleep an d e n e rg y , o r m o n e y »-¿-g.
O n ly 40c a t
5th & Main
Springfield, Ore.
Gone Are the Days
leg-o’-mutton sleeves were
played the harp . . . when
baby almost smothered in his “swaddling” clothes . . .
when the laundry was dark and gloomy as a ship’s hatch.
Ownership Change
The garments of this stuffy age were
washed by a process old as civilization.
Women stooped and tugged. Women
stretched and toiled. Dainty hands were
chapped and coarsened— nails were torn
and cracked—rubbing, rubbing, rubbing
on a corrugated board.
• •
We wish to Inform our many friends and patrons that the A. R.
dray Grocery Store In Springfield has been purchased by M. R. Irish
and Dallas B. Murphy, who will condust the business after Saturday
night, October 18. By the change of ownership Mr. Murphy, the man­
ager, becomes a part owner witlh Mr. Irish, who Is a very capable
and efficient grocery man.
The policy of the store will not be changed but with the purchase
of an interest in the business by Mr. Murphy It will become more of a
local institution than heretofore. Group buying, bo essential to good
merchandising in this age, will be made possible through the connec­
tion with Mr. Irish, who has several other grocery stores in the Wil­
lamette valley. By this connection we hope to continue to help you
make many savings In your grocery purchases.
We appreciate your loyal patronage In the past which has helped
us to build up the fine store In this city. We hope to continue to merit
your patronage In the future. The same people will be here to serve
you and your Interests will be their in terest
and Sales People of the
A. R. Gray Store.
Fortunately, such drudgery has become a needless
w aste of time and effort . . .
now’ churns clothing into snowy cleanliness— for a few
cents an hour!
You simply snap a switch and leave the
rest to a tireless little motor.
hour to operate.
Costs less than 5’cents an
Modern Electric Washers
Small Down Payment — Easy Terms
Mountain States <
f Power Company
w H a ra s s -