THUHBDAY, OCTOBER 16, l »30. LOWELL DEDICATE8 NEW SCHOOL W ITH PROGRAM; IS WOODEN STRUCTURE Carious House Portrays Fairy Tales for Children fo rm a l dedicatory sxerrlses (or the new *36.000 Lowell union high school (By Caleb Johnson) building were held there on Friday F ifty miles west of New York, In evening with Arnold D. Collier, as slalant county school superintendent, the little town of Hamburg, N. J., and also county Four H club leader, stands the most amazing and curious and II. It. Oould, city superintendent house Ip America. oi schools In Rugene, as the princi­ Here, In colored cement, have been pal speakers. Collier urged the stu reproduced In "life" else or larger, dents to establish a tradition of high figures sud groups from the old Uer- scholarship In the new building. Mr. mau fairy tales, to make a veritable Gould spoke un the principles of edu wonder bouse for children to visit. nation, comparing the present methods The Idea originated with a man with former ones. ufacturer of food products. He had Ira Hyland, pioneer resident of the bought an old stone m ill In Now l-owell district traced the history of Jersey, and was wondering what to the schools there from the first log do with a piece of land adjoining «■bin to the present modern struc­ the mm. lie wanted to bulid some ture Other short talks were made thing decorative, hut he didn't know by Frank Blair and J. P. Hult. two w h at he wauled. men who did much to bring about the tiue evening In New York be at­ naw school. tended the Metropolitan Opera House. Musical numbers on the program The opera that night was "Hansel and consisted of a quartet Including Mrs. Urelel." That la a great musical com­ C. A. W arner. Mrs. J. A. Hernddh. R. position, In which tne characters and K Humphrey, and M. B Edwards. theme are taken from the famous Mrs. Thomas Powers and Mrs W arner old collection of fairy tales written played a piano duet, and vocal solos by the U r I turn Urotbera two hundred were given by U. R Chlndgren. Mia* years ago Araella Lafsrty, and Miss Florence As produced a t the Metropolitan, Elliott. Alton and Mona Jackson gave the scenes and costumes, designed by a vocal duet and Lucille W alker gave Joaepu Urban, are In perfect accord a reading. with chlldhool's conception of ogres Thomas Powers, new principal of aud fairies, witches and giants. It oc­ the school, acted as chairman for the curred to the visitor that here was evening. exactly what he wanted. Refreshment were served and public The principal scene of the opera inspection of the building concluded takes place In the "Ulngsrbrdad the program This modern school house Is built House " The man from New Jersey of wood and not concrete as has often approached the designer and asked been reported The Initial plana called him to build a Gingerbread House for a poured concrete building, but out at Hamburg, using an old lim e­ after local lumbermen protested such kiln for the foundation and recon­ action the plans were changed and structing his stage scenery In en­ wood was used almost entirely. Ueorge during stone and concrete. At the first the artist demurred, but finally Perkins was the contractor. he agreed to do It. How Old Are You? Gloriously Alive at 45 My Friende: Correct Your Eat­ ing Faults and Lose Your Fat With Kruschen Salts Yes: I'm forty-five t o d a r b u l l t use a race horse, my friends say— and I bnow I feel 10 years younger 11 1 " ,