The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 08, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    T H E «PR lXC m n-T» VKWS
T l f l ’KMhAY. MAY » IM O
The M > w l Kprtagftokl big»
Sbatto»» a»4 «sagktors h eaiju.t « in
he b eU M ttoe k rh srbool tbto «veto
lag aadev tAe fetoertlua of M r* W I
I t o * R Baker Otri» lo a s u * »dvtoor
Nata katito » I I I »lag a »»to, M k .»
! Martkotototo« » t l p ia r a ptoa» «aio,
■ «ad Ito» «trta' qaartet w ill (tag
, T ka kwaqaet
«Mr M
’ ( to a etra k
Ma«r at«a»ot«
T aka
ti« « .
Tb»r» a«« forty f««r «twdowte at ib .
A tora» aaaskwr oi UM kl«h nho<M Liaania aakoot « k o «M l taka tka
•tata aiaktk grada «aaasiani to«« iki»
gtrto « *4 th -lr ssatber* sr» •S f** t» d
f «af. a.« ordina to t a a r en e » M ettiti,
I» aUeod tka toaaqnet. wktoh to k a ta t
prta<1pal Muat of Ihto kaaikar w|l|
pr»parse k r Mrs I M Pataraoe end
taka tka «anaiianuao« aa M ar td aad
ttoe <trto ta har
Tke baaqart roosa and tka H Tho r *>U tkaa ka vaeoaed from
i *11 rtaasee for tka rea» oi tka te r «
a tlra rtlv e iy 4a<or
' If tfcar pe»» afl »Bbjerts Tkoaa «4 >
•a d • p ro trai» a lli
do Bot u k l tka « n a i at tk t« i l a .
ha gtvea ta Mr» Baker ■ rovai tolto«
! « tll taka tkaai «a Jane ( and 4.
ta< tka dtaaar.
Jato P U U r t to tka g»n»ral chalr
Glyckrin M ixture Removna
maa ai tka arraaaeaMOta for tka
C r u m of Stomach Gat
aftA ir
Rbe to kwfog aaatotad by a
Htmpto fty re rta .
berk t kora
lttae ra a a to llM of Jaata May,
aallaa. etc.. aa a la n d la
b a ia r
Tom a*th. darara- lacto OB B O T H appor aad tower
M «ama
Hartto<«U>nM>w. ’ b o w e l, r a m o r ia g p o le o n r fat,
thought » a re there sad « h ic k »4»- r j
ga« and o>b»r ataaaack trwabto Jwet
T k a program «111 consist of an
(JNB apuoafal reliwvwa GAM. «..p,
e i «rico ta» k r Mr» ttakar, •lom ath . alrk header k» aad c o a .lip *
and a response oa bahalf of tka tioa
ta oi bar» k r M r » t ’o lla r d F ara f a r clean« unit P A R T o f koerato but In
« tu
a rondine, and Barale» Adlartba give you a RJtAL ttoaolag
ai d w < how good row fe e l' I l win
B arkb altar «111 g ir» a piano aolo sarprtae row
Flaaeyy » b rag 8 tore
*F cd xa»:i>ar race« g»»»
æen ta 'F r e e aad
E a .7 '
« b ic a
opan» Friday for two day» a t t h , pt»s
Bex. to r M G M sl M * ¡fkaral
of Ka rtar». plorar» aad «trm-tor» >a
tkto aU -taJkag eoaaadr eg
•ta r t to fla la k
Moat af tka a rtio a o f tka ptrtara.
w k k k to a aattra o f HeUrwood
tiriti» » , tab«« piara « n h la tka ata-
A meaatoger from Connors caito at
ha towpHal t ’ « t i » tU to aad 'to*
a M r» F ra *» -.
fea to to
M argaret
L to rA e
aa-t a ■ a A
T h a l » all right, »tr. ba? M r
* Y tasferm
a w
Wfcirl a
M u rr« 1, caito ou h«r u tn* to g-1
Ska trito totas tkak aka
fen* gives ail tka tsc/sey b e '» to b«r
feaabar d « f i r » o b irb to aflow lag b«r
aa nOowanee to B ra o a
Bba bel;«v«e
,uk> tona gun* to bto ta r o r tt*
tot topata and ln t* » 4 * to Jote
kisa there.
W a ll« M orrell aad
M a g a r-t a r*
kaikli g Owaowr H ar» « » to
B o M a tita that ba to a J * « * l
*a d Jaat va’ af p riâ t» . hat L ake had
g ac* tried to do him a farcir aad be
to re tar» tt if poaalble
If Dao boa M orali la a frtead ot
and alan «kr her baabaad baa
le ft bar
M argaret aaaa Lako driving la a
artik ____
a fa ir haired g irl Bha deea
__ _____
aot racogaliad bar baaband. but aka
gyarbanrs aM M ona anr Uiat the g irl
to Jean G urlar the ciavaraat crook in
Laka'd rtva« bar to tka front
pf a J e v e irr »tore and walla at tka
garb » » til aba coma« o«t. Ska r«»ke»
T b a M w t ^ r ^ a n T ’nex- day"
eee ynw « a a iy .
■'bg ht» fav o rita
p o rtrartag
« a o tio a before the ( « a e r a and »1
rropkema « h ila a wall known direc­
tor ata e d i oa tka ntdalia«« g irtag
Soma cd lb *
p to r-r»
d ira rto ra « k o appear la tka rartoaa
aacjaecce» a re M e n a r Keot on. « b o
T b e r call th e » baaiea and tk e r
taik» aad »:ng» tor tka fírwt ttn a oa
are boar." «aid tke aeccmd man
tka arrean aad prevaa k ta a e tf doablr
T b e r did not go op 8 a » o r H ill bat
toraed aside, panned oae entrance to fa a a r ta dotag so; A a t u Page. R»,
tke Savor hotel and ap a r e a p aad kart M ontgom ery. T rix ie
narrrzw street T h a r turned again to b o ro th r Rebaotlaa. K a rl base John
M iljan. G « a a Lac. U o o a i Barrym ore.
the right.
Fred Ntklo aad CoetJ de M ille . W1I
W here la Coanor
'W h e re to keT* aakad b ake
“At tka top of Savor H ili— there
goa» tke »quad “
A car fiaahed h r a t that a M g M M ;
tke rad light i)»*ppear«d alocg ’ be
T U tan roo ta a » ln a t * « h e . T r.
The Greatest Range
Story Ever Told
W lB U » Coûter. Sr
for nr fag " »aid one of
. tke mea
He atrach a match, gad LAketi
epe» la a tln c tlv e lr went to It. T hat la
all be remembered He did not fee!
H A Schaffenbarg. o f Dwitaa ar-
j * ) B of «gy bio«, but dropped rived bare Monday to a « « u » e the
to tb* !» » « » •> “
’ *>- t-A h lo n of service » a a
w ith
L ak e la amaned ta r««d Is tke paper« Impact o f a rubber coah.
Mountain States Power company H e
tk a ' le n t ba« robbed the store of a )
Hla bead was t w lm r n ln g » b e n be la taking the p<c»l’ lon left vacant by
diamond nec.kiac.» aad baa been d n v ,
h « «as tying on the resignation of
IL . ^ T V l t U n g b * h J 11£ t T
a T « ,t h * h* 7'1 n ,x ,r
* W tln < FOTd
» « " H a te d b tm .e lf with the
"ta jp lle « o f t h K r e a .
c/cnaidera bearing tke name of a greengrocer
Keo »atomc.bllr agency ta Fugane
Bawtnc to Spain, but realise» th a t ka , The tw o men « e re « lin in g by his »Ida
M r 8 'h a ff*n b e rg 1» m arried and
be.- no pn»»port
and one «aa «tacking
has two children. T he fam ily have
Luke, t a n ! « « that the trAtt*
. T h a t » what Connor told m». ' located on F street. h *t« e « n IT h
a man »UK • beard « h a »aid 'ta *
"But ’ hen. fionnor a tv a y » and Sixth.
lo yoking
o k in g for
g y/v e the car in the J *« « ’ robbery, •aid t t » t tbto nut would squeal.'*
»hare» nil off except bi« m ta ’a/.h»
Luke lay mot Ion la»«; bto bead «aa
M n tec tain at S u m m e r H om e
Me al»o laarna
from hl«
la rd ’ady
th a t tm nly Morel! to « e ll known to tbrobblog. but be fe lt no other dla-
M r and M rs Larson W righ t. Mra.
tb a r*
tk e underworld ns k crook Before he comfort. Apparently
gets over bto xurprtoe a t thia dla
a i y,|g M aB
,M (,), , k o|| C. H. Phetteplace. and H a rry W rig h t
govery. two men burst In on blm both
4raw n bloo4
were week end guests of M r
S n ^ « r’an'd L X n"trbro‘«.O<lxXb me» j The car stopped
There - a 1 the Mra. C liffo rd Wilson at W easkuln.
out Into the street.
¡creak of a gate being opened and the W ilson summer home ou Horse
Luke finds out by telephone that i then they went forw ard again; pre­ creek In the M cKenzie country. Fish­
his old bachelor quarters are still 1 sently the car »topped and the en ing was the m ajo r attraction for the
untenanted, and enters them by the gin« shut off.
fire escape. The police become sub - ;
“ Arc you aw ake»“
plclous and call 00 M aragaret for a
“ I'm a», ke. all rig ht." »aid Luke. I
hey to the flat. The detective« find
L uke and take a gun from hto pocket I H e was led into a room not only
P re p a re d fo r, but in .d v .r t e n t ly o m itte d fro m . t h . VotorW B u t l.tln
H e 1» also suspected In being con­ furnished but overfurnlahed.
cerned In the Jewel robbery., but to '
pot recognise h'm as Maddtoon. He
pack of cards H e looked up
manages to escape down
fire ! fling
ladder and Jumps Into a pasiilng taxi as Luke entered the room
Now go on with the story.
yoo bare U/ ,.oah h )m r he
1 asked
"Paddington." he said, and swung i The man who held Luke’s arm
him self deftly Inside.
Evidently the driver was In some I “Bit down." Connor pointed to a
doubt as to whether he should con­ sofa against the wall, and Luke was
tinue Hu went about two blocks and glad to accept the Invitation.
then pulled the car up by the side of
"Tried to put up a squeal, did you.
the curb.
Smith r*
"Where have you come from?" be
There was nothing unfriendly In
asked. "1 can’t take you. gov'nor
Yog look M If you were running away '
but he did not cease
from somebody.
«baffling tb»- cards as he spoke
"1 was," said Luke
*T thought you Akere a man when
It was not a moment to argue He you did that bust yes, one of my
threw a tw o s h illin g p le ie In to the lads saw you g"t Into that flat, and
man's hand, turn’ d down a narrow saw you wb’ n you bolt’ d But you re
street conveniently near, and doub­ nothing but a dirty sqealer. Went to
ling back, reached the main road.
Here he found a taxi moving at lei !
Continued on Page 3
sure, and a driver who did not tp ie s-j
lion him.
The cab drew up at the entrance of REBEKAH LODGE PLANS
Scotland Yard arid Luke went down I
thn declivity and Into the gloomy
entrance hall. A police offber on duty
Members of the Rebekah lodge are
stopped him and asked tils buslncm, busy planning for a Penny Cafeteria
"Mr. Jllrd’s been gene for two dinner to be given In the Odd Fellows
hours, sir, I think he has gone to the hall on the evening of May 1«. /«
country. Would you like to see any­ short program Is being prepared and
body else?”
will bo given Immediately after the
Luke shook his bead.
dinner. The hall will then be turned
He came out on the Thame» Em Into a carnival, featuring fish ponds, |
bankment at one end of thn Yard as fortune telling booths, candy booths ;
Qorton came In at Hie other. Turn­ and others.
ing left, he walked towards Wateiloo
Mrs. Clarlno Putnam Is general I
Bridge. At the Charing Cross station chairman of the event. Btie Is being
be made another attempt to get In assisted by a committee consisting ot
touch with the Sparrow. There was Amy Ixive, Stella Findley, Oswald
a chance that Bird was still In town. (,l,o n . Mrs. Carrie Jarrett, Dorothy
He went to the telephone directory, Girard, and Doris Girard.
Republican Candidate for Nomination for Repreaentative,
^ ^ ^ P f e s e n t a t iv e D is t r ic L Compriaing Lane County
If nominated and elected as re­
presentative, I will support only
such legislation as I am certain Is
needed In promoting the best In­
terests of all the people of Oregon,
and particularly Lane county,
rather than being the repreaenta-
tlve of only a few Individuals
I will make a determined effort
to reduce the cost of the legislative
session, which can be done by
elim inating useless employees and
aeelng that all clerks In the legis­
lature are qualified to fill the
positions for which they are
hired. Also I will not accept pay
fi>i myself other than as provided by the Constitution.
enam el Hot {Mint Range Is the
newest creation of modern
range designers — so new la
this range that we have been
able to bay aU of the present
factory output. We have been
fortunate In this purchase, so
"*e have priced this ratage so
low th at you will be greatly
surprised to bear ita price.
down and I7.7S a m onth will
put this range In your home
fully Installed. Order now as
thia special offer expires soon.
Think of these modern im ­
provem ents that are Included
In thia new creation. The HI*
Speed Calrod Unit, the faateat
co o k in ' unit known—the new
t Jeweled m ovement
ock—the new and Im­
proved heat control that
keeps the tem perature where
you w ant It — an unusually
well proportioned oven—four
cooking units—the right sise
for the greatest efficiency.
All these and m any other fea­
tures make this Hotpolnt the
greatest range offer In our
history. IT IS YOUR GREAT­
8AVING. This popular sited
model wHl last you a lifetim e.
I will endeavor to have the Intangible tax law amended, by raising
will strenuously oppose any attempt to repeal
the law unless an Ineome tax Is adopted.
the exemption, but
1 will support constructive legislation favorable to good roads,
liquor and narcotic law enforcement, agriculture and labor, and being
unpledged and under no obligation to no organization or Individual, I
can vote according to what I consider the best Interests of all parties
I will support the University of Oregon, protecting Its Interests at
«III times, as well as other educational Inatltutions of the state.
I will oppose any legislation which might be detrimental to Eu­
gene's municipally owned power plant.
Mountain Staten
Slogan: "A buainesa-like representation for Lane County"
(P aid Advertisem ent)
Power Ctoapaay