T H E «PR lXC m n-T» VKWS I T l f l ’KMhAY. MAY » IM O MOTHERS. DAUGHTERS. HAVE BANQUET TONIGHT The M > w l Kprtagftokl big» Sbatto»» a»4 «sagktors h eaiju.t « in he b eU M ttoe k rh srbool tbto «veto lag aadev tAe fetoertlua of M r* W I I t o * R Baker Otri» lo a s u * »dvtoor Nata katito » I I I »lag a »»to, M k .» ! Martkotototo« » t l p ia r a ptoa» «aio, ■ «ad Ito» «trta' qaartet w ill (tag , T ka kwaqaet «Mr M at ’ ( to a etra k Ma«r at«a»ot« T aka ti« « . Tb»r» a«« forty f««r «twdowte at ib . A tora» aaaskwr oi UM kl«h nhoU tkaa ka vaeoaed from i *11 rtaasee for tka rea» oi tka te r « a tlra rtlv e iy 4a •a d • p ro trai» a lli do Bot u k l tka « n a i at tk t« i l a . ha gtvea ta Mr» Baker ■ rovai tolto« ! « tll taka tkaai «a Jane ( and 4. ta< tka dtaaar. Jato P U U r t to tka g»n»ral chalr Glyckrin M ixture Removna maa ai tka arraaaeaMOta for tka C r u m of Stomach Gat aftA ir Rbe to kwfog aaatotad by a Htmpto fty re rta . berk t kora kark lttae ra a a to llM of Jaata May, aallaa. etc.. aa a la n d la Adtortkv b a ia r Tom a*th. darara- lacto OB B O T H appor aad tower aad M «ama Hartto<«U>nM>w. ’ b o w e l, r a m o r ia g p o le o n r fat, thought » a re there sad « h ic k »4»- r j ga« and o>b»r ataaaack trwabto Jwet T k a program «111 consist of an (JNB apuoafal reliwvwa GAM. «..p, e i «rico ta» k r Mr» ttakar, •lom ath . alrk header k» aad c o a .lip * and a response oa bahalf of tka tioa Doot lake madtct&a »kick ta oi bar» k r M r » t ’o lla r d F ara f a r clean« unit P A R T o f koerato but In « tu a rondine, and Barale» Adlartba give you a RJtAL ttoaolag ai d w < how good row fe e l' I l win B arkb altar «111 g ir» a piano aolo sarprtae row Flaaeyy » b rag 8 tore *F cd xa»:i>ar race« g»»» æen ta 'F r e e aad E a .7 ' « b ic a opan» Friday for two day» a t t h , pt»s Bex. to r M G M sl M * ¡fkaral of Ka rtar». plorar» aad «trm-tor» >a tkto aU -taJkag eoaaadr eg •ta r t to fla la k Moat af tka a rtio a o f tka ptrtara. w k k k to a aattra o f HeUrwood tiriti» » , tab«« piara « n h la tka ata- A meaatoger from Connors caito at ha towpHal t ’ « t i » tU to aad 'to* a M r» F ra *» -. fea to to M argaret L to rA e aa-t a ■ a A T h a l » all right, »tr. ba? M r * Y tasferm a w Wfcirl a M u rr« 1, caito ou h«r u tn* to g-1 Ska trito totas tkak aka fen* gives ail tka tsc/sey b e '» to b«r feaabar d « f i r » o b irb to aflow lag b«r aa nOowanee to B ra o a Bba bel;«v«e ,uk> tona gun* to bto ta r o r tt* tot topata and ln t* » 4 * to Jote kisa there. W a ll« M orrell aad M a g a r-t a r* kaikli g Owaowr H ar» « » to B o M a tita that ba to a J * « * l *a d Jaat va’ af p riâ t» . hat L ake had g ac* tried to do him a farcir aad be to re tar» tt if poaalble He If Dao boa M orali la a frtead ot and alan «kr her baabaad baa le ft bar M argaret aaaa Lako driving la a artik ____ a fa ir haired g irl Bha deea __ _____ aot racogaliad bar baaband. but aka gyarbanrs aM M ona anr Uiat the g irl to Jean G urlar the ciavaraat crook in Laka'd rtva« bar to tka front pf a J e v e irr »tore and walla at tka garb » » til aba coma« o«t. Ska r«»ke» T b a M w t ^ r ^ a n T ’nex- day" eee ynw « a a iy . ■'bg ht» fav o rita actor p o rtrartag « a o tio a before the ( « a e r a and »1 rropkema « h ila a wall known direc­ tor ata e d i oa tka ntdalia«« g irtag order» Soma cd lb * p to r-r» aad d ira rto ra « k o appear la tka rartoaa aacjaecce» a re M e n a r Keot on. « b o T b e r call th e » baaiea and tk e r taik» aad »:ng» tor tka fírwt ttn a oa are boar." «aid tke aeccmd man tka arrean aad prevaa k ta a e tf doablr T b e r did not go op 8 a » o r H ill bat toraed aside, panned oae entrance to fa a a r ta dotag so; A a t u Page. R», FVfgan*a tke Savor hotel and ap a r e a p aad kart M ontgom ery. T rix ie narrrzw street T h a r turned again to b o ro th r Rebaotlaa. K a rl base John M iljan. G « a a Lac. U o o a i Barrym ore. the right. Fred Ntklo aad CoetJ de M ille . W1I W here la Coanor 'W h e re to keT* aakad b ake “At tka top of Savor H ili— there goa» tke »quad “ A car fiaahed h r a t that a M g M M ; tke rad light i)»*ppear«d alocg ’ be | T U tan roo ta a » ln a t * « h e . T r. 1U" The Greatest Range Story Ever Told W lB U » Coûter. Sr light for nr fag " »aid one of got _ _ NEW SERVICE MAN FOR . tke mea He atrach a match, gad LAketi POWER COMPANY HERE epe» la a tln c tlv e lr went to It. T hat la ---------- all be remembered He did not fee! H A Schaffenbarg. o f Dwitaa ar- j * ) B of «gy bio«, but dropped rived bare Monday to a « « u » e the to tb* !» » « » •> “ ’ *>- t-A h lo n of service » a a w ith the L ak e la amaned ta r««d Is tke paper« Impact o f a rubber coah. Mountain States Power company H e tk a ' le n t ba« robbed the store of a ) Hla bead was t w lm r n ln g » b e n be la taking the p h « «as tying on the resignation of Jack Henderar. IL . ^ T V l t U n g b * h J 11£ t T a T « ,t h * h* 7'1 n ,x ,r * W tln < FOTd wh0 » « " H a te d b tm .e lf with the "ta jp lle « o f t h K r e a . and c/cnaidera bearing tke name of a greengrocer Keo »atomc.bllr agency ta Fugane Bawtnc to Spain, but realise» th a t ka , The tw o men « e re « lin in g by his »Ida M r 8 'h a ff*n b e rg 1» m arried and be.- no pn»»port and one «aa «tacking has two children. T he fam ily have Luke, t a n ! « « that the trAtt* . T h a t » what Connor told m». ' located on F street. h *t« e « n IT h a man »UK • beard « h a »aid 'ta * "But ’ hen. fionnor a tv a y » and Sixth. lo yoking o k in g for ---------------- g y/v e the car in the J *« « ’ robbery, •aid t t » t tbto nut would squeal.'* »hare» nil off except bi« m ta ’a/.h» Luke lay mot Ion la»«; bto bead «aa M n tec tain at S u m m e r H om e Me al»o laarna from hl« la rd ’ady th a t tm nly Morel! to « e ll known to tbrobblog. but be fe lt no other dla- M r and M rs Larson W righ t. Mra. tb a r* war a tk e underworld ns k crook Before he comfort. Apparently gets over bto xurprtoe a t thia dla a i y,|g M aB ,M (,), , k o|| C. H. Phetteplace. and H a rry W rig h t govery. two men burst In on blm both 4raw n bloo4 were week end guests of M r and S n ^ « r’an'd L X n"trbro‘«.Oi myself other than as provided by the Constitution. THIS BEAVTIFVL all white enam el Hot {Mint Range Is the newest creation of modern range designers — so new la this range that we have been able to bay aU of the present factory output. We have been fortunate In this purchase, so "*e have priced this ratage so low th at you will be greatly surprised to bear ita price. Y O U HAVB NEVER HAD SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A FULL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE. Only life down and I7.7S a m onth will put this range In your home fully Installed. Order now as thia special offer expires soon. Think of these modern im ­ provem ents that are Included In thia new creation. The HI* Speed Calrod Unit, the faateat co o k in ' unit known—the new Hoi t Jeweled m ovement tlm ock—the new and Im­ proved heat control that keeps the tem perature where you w ant It — an unusually well proportioned oven—four cooking units—the right sise for the greatest efficiency. All these and m any other fea­ tures make this Hotpolnt the greatest range offer In our history. IT IS YOUR GREAT­ EST OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE MOST MODERN ELEC­ TRIC RANGE AT A GREAT 8AVING. This popular sited model wHl last you a lifetim e. I will endeavor to have the Intangible tax law amended, by raising will strenuously oppose any attempt to repeal the law unless an Ineome tax Is adopted. the exemption, but 1 will support constructive legislation favorable to good roads, liquor and narcotic law enforcement, agriculture and labor, and being unpledged and under no obligation to no organization or Individual, I can vote according to what I consider the best Interests of all parties concerned. I will support the University of Oregon, protecting Its Interests at «III times, as well as other educational Inatltutions of the state. I will oppose any legislation which might be detrimental to Eu­ gene's municipally owned power plant. DOW N Mountain Staten Slogan: "A buainesa-like representation for Lane County" (P aid Advertisem ent) 9 Power Ctoapaay