The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, April 03, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    V á OBKGOB
Cresw ell Man H ere — M r. V. T.
Schooling, of Creswell. »pent Saturday
la this city traueacting business.
Camp Cre»k People Here— Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Masterson, of Camp Creek,
were Saturday v is ito r. In thia city.
From M arcóla— D. H . W h ite of Mar-
cola. eras a Saturday visitor In this
T H U R 8 D A Y , A P R IL S, !»?<>
The evenlng was «peni w llh gam*«
Iteln ty
re fres h meóte
were served al th» rióse of (he evna-
The decorslliina were rarrted
<>ut in plnk and wlilte Those presant
were Joan Henil, Kvelyn H arria. Bar­
M iP herw iu,
K athryn
H ele» H u lelt. Ik»rl» Meyers,
Halsey. Ralph Cote, Oeorge
('ole, Don Meekena. HUI Coa, I 11«
Spores snd l*aul Crandoll.
Government Sponsors Duck Census
On Business at Portland — W elby
Stevens spent the first days of the
week at Portland, looking a fte r v a ri­
ola» business interests.
Dismissed from H ospital— Mrs. A l­
b ert Foot war, dismissed from the :
Pacific Christian hospital on Monday
morning, following an Illness.
Visits M other— Dr. C. O. Van Valsah
of Portland, spent the week end here
Monroe Man H e r*— Tom Hughes,
1 visiting w ith his mother. Mrs. A. B.
of M onroe, was a caller In Springfield
j Van Valsah.
on Monday morning.
A new modern tile front w ill lie
placed In (he Flanery drug store dur­
ing the neat few days, according to
F. 11. Flanery, proprietor. T he win
dows * l | | be raised a few Inches snd
the baas of all the windows w ill be
built up of art <11*. This work w ill be
slurtod tomorrow.
The Interio r of the store Is also be­
ing reflnlahed this week
The celling
Is now being kslsoniliu-d snd ihe «rati«
w ill lie gone over ns soon as (he cell­
ing Is finished.
Leave for Portland— M r. and Mrs.
Marcóla Woman Here — Mrs. Leo
W . C. W rig h t w ill leave Springfield
Palous. of Marcóla, was a visitor In
I today fo r Portland, where they w ill
hprin gfield on Friday o f last week.
spend the rest of the week.
Creswell Man Here— J. R. Jones, of
Crew ell, was
a business visitor to
Springfield on Monday morning.
Undergoes Operation -M rs . Howard
B. Freeland, of Eugene, underwent a
m inor operation at the Pacific Chris­
tian hospital In Eugene.
A Spring-
field physician did the operating.
From Cedar Flats— F. B. Crump, of
Cedar Flats, was a Saturday visitor
Is this city.
Visits at North Bend — M rs.^HW a.
Lombard and her son. F rank, speat 1
J«sp«r_ Resident Here— Robert Nes
h ltt. o f Jasper, called on his friends
la Springfield on Monday.
Sunday at North Bend, where they
visited M aurtne, who Is teaching
Visita at Salem— Fred Louk motor­
Returns from C alifornia— Mrs. Wei-1
ed to Salem Sunday to spend the day
Employee« of the Booth K elly Lum ­
ber company In Springfield are now
I engaged In a contest to reduce the
number of accidents In the m ill. T he
I employes have been divided Into four
j groups, the sawm ill, yards, planing
w ith his father.
by Stevens returned from California
last Sunday.
She had spent about
From Thurston— C. H. T aylo r, of
ten day visiting her daughter and
n u r s to n . was a Saturday visito r in
other friends at Richmond and San
From W a lterv ille — F. W . Fake, of ¡
W a lte rv llle . wss a Tuesday visito r in I
Heads Largest Bank
Penn Resident Calls — Mrs. R. F.
B u rb urt, of Penn, transacted business
In Springfield yesterday.
To ascertain i f water fow l are increasing or d e c rc a s in T th e U n ite c ^ ta tc ^ J e p a rtm e n ^ f
e, h?S aPP«'nted b' rd observers in practically every county of th e ^ o u n try to
°? the nut? ber and 8Pecie*
ducks feeding in their respective sections.
Ik e
^ n R aln ,n k2.OÄ h U -“ * " 1 O r c < o n “h u n tin g noses” of the ducks on a nearby
A v i« ” i
,tan d in « bes,de h,a new sene» Pontiac B ig Six. used in this work. B elow —
in s e r ^ T L g B7.?kn^ t ' PrO!|eCM d »,a w
O re«on where watcr fow l
f « d unmolested.
k Crowned N ig h t Heron—a rare species in the Northwest— which
observed this year by the government bird men.
Drain V isitor Here— M rs B. B. M ink
of D rain, spent Tuesday visiting re la ­
tives in this city.
Fall Creek Man Here — Fred Lep-
o f F all Creek, transacted buai-
in Springfield on Tuesday.
From Vida— F. A. Weed, of Vida,
was a business visito r -le Springfield
on Tuesday.
Visits from Leaburg — A rth u r W.
Frasee, of Leaburg. spent Saturday
afternoon in this city.
From Camp Creek— Carl Terpenlng.
e f Camp Creek, was a business visitor
la Springfield on Saturday.
Donna People Here— M r. and Mrs.
F rank Stafford, of Donna, were Sat­
urday visitors ln Springfield.
j m ill, maintenance and repairs. Each
group Is headed by a captain and a
record w ill be posted every month of
the results of the campaign
captains are F K Lenhart, planing
m ill; T M yeten, yards; N L Howard
saw m ill; and J. C. P arker m aintea-
snee and repairs.
The contest Is being staged under
the direction of the safety com mittee
of the m ill.
Dr. W . C Rebhan was chosen presl
Miss Jean Scott was honored by a
»rom M areo)»— A rth ur McKay, of
dent of the Springfield Lions club
party at her parents nome
for the next year at the w eekly noon
M arró la, apent Wednvatlay visiting
Principal Events of the Week
luncheon held last Friday. The lun­
on Thursday evening of last week, friends In ibis city.
cheon was held ln the new com m unity
Assembled for Information
building. T he other new officers who
C h arter Ne. » M l
B B F O R T OF C O N D IT IO N O F T M * * * * * *
w ill assume th e ir offices a t the firs t
meeting in A p ril a re F B. H am lin ,
The town of Detroit, located «0
vice-president; Clayton Barber, sec­ miles east of Salem, and Breltenbush
retary-treasu rer; C liffo rd Wilson, tall hot springs, mountain summer resort,
tw is te r; snd H a rry M. Stew art, lion were cat o ff from commuoicatlons
O f Sprlngfleld. In the 8 '« ¡ ^ o f Oregon. nt the close of business on
tam er.
with the ontalde world m the reaalt
T h e out-gotng officers are Jack of a elide which came down the m o a n I Loans and Discounts ................
H enderer. president; W . C. Rebhan.
» »».06».00
O verdrafts .........._..............
..... ............ .......... .....
____ . . tala recently aud covered the high
vice-president; W . N Dow. tall tw ist- f way and railroad tracks of the Ham I '• “ ,,< d Stale« Government securities owned \ '
18.186 35
O ther bond«. Rtocka, and aecurltlea owned
e r; snd Dallas M urphy, lion tam er rnond Lumber company
ru rn ltu re and fixtures, -------- „----_-------------
Clayton Barber was re-elected to the
6.400 00
AnnouncemaBt eras made a short
Real estate owned other than banking house
o ffice of secretary-treasurer.
11,826 00
Reserve w ith Federal Reserve Bank
time ago of (ha-transfer of V. V. Harp-
12.168 »0
M ajo r W iley W rig h t, aeronautical ham. supervisor of the Ochoco nstloa-
Cash an<1 due from other banks _..
41.884 88
Inspector for the U nited States ke- al forest, with headquarters at Prine­ Outside checks and other rash Item s ........................
Redemption fund with U. 8. T reasurer and due fro
partm ent of commerce was present, ville, to the Umpqua at Roseburg,
<>m U. 8 T reasurer
ToUU __ __ _______
nt the
explained to the where he w ill assume the duties of
, meeting,
g. and
no expl
,he ’ ork “ «»' his depart
supervisor, lie w ill be succeeded at
ment was doing in aviation promotion
Prineville by W. O. H arrim an, who
Capital stock paid In
H. B. Sallee, new Lane county Scout hrs been assistant supervisor of the
I 86.000 06
i S u r p l u s ............ ................................
executive, was also present, and made ' Deschutee national forest, with head i I'ndlvlded profits— net ..............”
8.000 00
6.375 17
a five-m inute talk on scouting.
I C irculating notes outstanding
| quarters ln Bend.
i Cnehlers' checks outstanding
1,513 »3
Some cities may be growing gray I Demand d e p o s its ..............................
142.843 80
; t.. ag to figure out ways to keep out , T im e Deposits __ ................. _....
»7.200 00
of debt, but not Pendleton. The city
H ew Supreme Julge
T o t a l ___________
wound up the year with »12,195 88 In
hs coffers unexpended. Receipts were
i State of Orecon. County of Lana, ss :
r .'in te r than was anticipated and a
that Vh? . l L . - ni hr ’
*'n t o f Uto above named bank do solemnly swear
I '«er percentage of the taxes was
th a t the above ■ ts ls n e o t Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
d than In other years. The un-
Correct « » e « t: A . M Sneed. 8 M. M c l* h e 7 ^ '. T .
sp i.t I ¡ante, which Is more than a
B“ b’ <’rlb «d «nd »worn before me th is 3rd day of A pril, 1930
mere | a; • r balance, probably will be
(8 E A L )
F R A N K A. D e P U E , N otary Public for Oregon
used to retire bonds.
M y commission expires Jan. 11, 1»32
Establishment of an Insect control
station in Salem to combat parasites
that threaten the fru it crop nan pro­
posed by W . G. Allen, manager of
H unt Brothers' c.nncry.
M r. Allen
said that failure to take action ln the
near future would mean destruction
of the fru it crop and elimination of
the cannery industry in the W illam ­
ette valley. He said he particularly
John J. Harker of North Caro­
was interested In the cherry Industry,
lina -ucce««or to the late Edward T .
which bad been damaged m aterially
Sanford, il sr 44 the youngest judge
by the cherry fly.
on the Supreme Court of the U. £
First National Bank
Winthrop W Aldrich. cho»en presi­
dent of the Chase National, now the
world* I largest bank is a son o f the
late Senator Aldrich of R 1 and bro­
th« r-»n law of John D Rockefeller, Jr.
Shop. i . C ity— Mrs. Charles C a r te r 1 “ r ,n d M ra H a rry Jack’ on
of W alterv llle , purchased groceries n ” r,y e’ ia p e d • er,oua lnJarT
the“ '
while in Springfield on Saturday.
“ ,’ ea W “dn’ «d‘ 7 ” »en th e ir s a lo
mobile turned complegely over on the
Operated on Monday — Mrs. Roy highway
Brew er underwent a m ajor operation Thurston, where they live.
nt the Pacific Christian hospital on gravel was given as the cause of the
Monday morning.
N e ith e r of the occupants
j were Injured.
Rainbow People H ere — M r and
Mrs. George W illiam s, of Rainbow,
Baptist Church Services
spent a part of Saturday visiting in
An "In te rn a tio n a l Service" w ill be
featured at the Baptist church Sun
M ajo r Operation— Mrs. W. F. Culver day e,,ening * t 7:80. A num ber of
gubmitted to a m ajor operation at the f°reign speaking people have been
D .'J ri.
«hr „
_a _ .1_*__
Pacific Christian hospital ln Eugene secured te take part on the program,
and the prospect is a service of un­
48 Saturday morning.
usual interest. T he morning worship
Visits at Junction City— Mrs. Jack w ill be at 11 o'clock, the Bible school
Larson and two song motored to
at 10, and the young people’s meeting
Junction C ity Sunday to visit her i t 6:30 p. m.
fath er and other relatives.
Penny Fuses Cost Lives
— M ary
According to an Associated Press
with her dispatch from Las Vegas. New M ex i­
Whitney. co, two pennies placed in a fuse box
wbf n the regular fuses blew out cost
Leaburg Women Here— Mrs Marion two lives. T he short circuit that
Elston and Mrs. Ira Elston, both oi blew out the fuses when the pennies
Leaburg. were callers in Sprlngfleld were substituted started a fire that
on Saturday.
destroyed t»e house, and two child­
Spends Week-End
W h itn ey, school teacher at
•p en t the week end here
parents, M r and Mrs. H arry
ren were burned to death.
Undergoes M ajo r Operation— H arry
Brow nfield underwent a major opera­
Local Doctor Recovers
tion a t the Pacific Chrlatian hospital
Dr. C arl H. Phetteplace returned t o t ___
w___ ____
Born— _______
M r. and _ . Mrs.
Jn Eugene last Saturday morning.
his home last week end a fte r an III- ton Barber are the parents of a baby
Recovering from Cold— J. A. Nelson ' ness which kept him at a Eugene jdau gh ter born to them a t the Eugene
local shoemaker Is recovering from hospital for several days.
Is hospital on Tuesday, A p ril 1, l»30.
week [ w
a severe cold which has been bother­ spending part of this
w ith
ith They
T hey have
have chosen
chosen the
the name
name of
of Bever
; friends at Power«,
” --------- while - he in re- ley Joanne for th e ir email daughter
ing him for some tim e.
j cuperatlng.
Attend Kansas Picnic— Mrs. C. E.
Have Potluck 8upper— Mrs. W illia m
Bwarts and Miss Edna Sw arts attend ; Chrysanthemum Club E ntertained
Sterm er, Mrs. W illia m Curtis, and
ed the Kansas picnic held st the T.
Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r Scott enter-
Mrs. Jack 1-arson gathered a t the
M. C. A. In Eugene last F riday night. talned the members of the Chrysan-
home of Mrs. R iley Snodgrass for a
themum club at th eir home here on
potluck supper and Inform al party on
Daughter III— M r. and Mrs. M.
H elen, i Wedne8day evenln<5
Cards formed
Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs.
H u n tly le ft Sunday fo r St. He,en« -lth e diversion
of the guests and the -Snodgrass' birthday.
where they had been called by the
members. *
A rm ltted to H o sp ital- Dick Monroe,
serious Illness of th e ir daughter, Mrs.
t of F all Creek, was adm itted to the
M y rtle Lew bor.
Leave for Salem ~ ......
.. ...
Mr. ....
M rs. Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday to
Secretary of F a ir Board Here— ( harles Rlvett, parents of Mrs. W . " P. receive medical care for Injuries re­
M rs. Mabel Chadw ick, secretary of Tyson, who
ceive-! in an accident recently.
the Lane C ounty F a ir association, «on.e tim e visiting at the Tyson home
spent Tuesday in Sp rin gfield calling in this city left Springfield this a fte r­
The chambers of commerce of Ba
on several firm s In the In te re s t of the noon for Salem, where they w ill spend ker and Huntington w ill erect a sign­
prem ium lists which are now being
board on the Old Oregon T ra il nt
Rlvett. L ate r they w ill gO to Seattle
compiled by h er office.
Huntington calling attention to the
to «ee their other son, Floyd. They
Leaves for Eastern Oregon — Mr». expect to return to th e ir home at fact that Huntington Is the "Gateway
C ity" and that Baker has lota of ad­
Paul B ra tta in and her daughter, Ruth, Lincoln, Nebraska, by M ay 1.
vantages worth considering.
le ft Sp rin gfield last F rid a y fo r Pais­
ley, Oregon, where they w ill spend
tw n weeks v is itin g w ith M r. B rattalo
at bis ranch there.
Tonsil» Removed— Ben Castlem an, :
Crook county schools’ second
asper, had his tonsils removed at • * music festival w ill occur this
T he H o tel E lite has taken over the
Buss Cafe and w ill run a d in in g room
ln connection w ith the hotel rooms
T h p f give special rates on board and
a 24
M oton~s w
i° P o rtl,n d ~ O«orge Per
kins local contractor, le ft for Port
land this morning on a business trip
■ ...................... .
* ”
«borus work of over 600 pUp ii, WM
*m «ldered excellent by the |ar . .
0 ,0 * d which packed the PrlneriBe
m U lo « .
« D e v ili.
The fields of fall-sown oats snd
wheat In the Lake lAblsb dietrlct
were not hurt by the severe weather,
according to those who have person
ally examined the fields. Clover sow- I
is in full blast among farmers
lng Is
The vlty council of Medford has ap­
propriated »500 to employ Jacob L.
Crane, a nationally famed city surrey
expert, to make a study of Medford's
major street and zonfng plans, parks
and playgrounds aud Industrial fee
Plans for promotion of the estab-
'lehment of a cheese factory In Rogue
Vvar valley were outlined at the Med-
urd meeting of the Jackson County
Agricultural council recently. Central
Point, the center of the dairy Industry
ln the valley, w ill endeavor to have
it located there.
A test suit to determine the consti­
tutionality of the law passed by the
last legislature lim iting voting power
s t municipal elections to taxpayers Is
being contemplated by the city of
Canyonville, which recently voted a
bond issue o f »10,000 for the In s ta lla
tlon of a municipal w ater system.
Marcola Brothers Hers— John and
Claude Downing, both of M arcola,
visited friends in flprlngfleld on Sat­
Our P R IC E S are as
Uniformly Low as the
Our Goods is
Quality comes first at
our store, for Quality is of
prime importance where
foodstuffs are concerned.
Consider this when com­
paring our prices and be
assured that our prices are
based ONLY on quality
Green Onions
Other Vegetables in Season
W . A. TA YÇ O R