V á OBKGOB NBW 8 I TOWN AND VICINITY Cresw ell Man H ere — M r. V. T. Schooling, of Creswell. »pent Saturday la this city traueacting business. Camp Cre»k People Here— Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Masterson, of Camp Creek, were Saturday v is ito r. In thia city. From M arcóla— D. H . W h ite of Mar- cola. eras a Saturday visitor In this cKy ' T H U R 8 D A Y , A P R IL S, !»?<> The evenlng was «peni w llh gam*« and muele Iteln ty re fres h meóte were served al th» rióse of (he evna- Ing The decorslliina were rarrted <>ut in plnk and wlilte Those presant were Joan Henil, Kvelyn H arria. Bar­ bara Adani*. Nsther M iP herw iu, K athryn Jark, t*aulm U. 8 T reasurer »11.60 ToUU __ __ _______ nt the explained to the where he w ill assume the duties of »171.11»»» , meeting, g. and no expl ,he ’ ork “ «»' his depart supervisor, lie w ill be succeeded at L IA B IL IT IE S ment was doing in aviation promotion Prineville by W. O. H arrim an, who Capital stock paid In H. B. Sallee, new Lane county Scout hrs been assistant supervisor of the I 86.000 06 i S u r p l u s ............ ................................ executive, was also present, and made ' Deschutee national forest, with head i I'ndlvlded profits— net ..............” 8.000 00 6.375 17 a five-m inute talk on scouting. I C irculating notes outstanding | quarters ln Bend. 6.26000 i Cnehlers' checks outstanding 1,513 »3 Some cities may be growing gray I Demand d e p o s its .............................. 142.843 80 ; t.. ag to figure out ways to keep out , T im e Deposits __ ................. _.... »7.200 00 of debt, but not Pendleton. The city H ew Supreme Julge T o t a l ___________ wound up the year with »12,195 88 In hs coffers unexpended. Receipts were i State of Orecon. County of Lana, ss : r .'in te r than was anticipated and a that Vh? . l L . - ni hr ’ *'n t o f Uto above named bank do solemnly swear I '«er percentage of the taxes was th a t the above ■ ts ls n e o t Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. < d than In other years. The un- Correct « » e « t: A . M Sneed. 8 M. M c l* h e 7 ^ '. T . sp i.t I ¡ante, which Is more than a B“ b’ <’rlb «d «nd »worn before me th is 3rd day of A pril, 1930 mere | a; • r balance, probably will be (8 E A L ) F R A N K A. D e P U E , N otary Public for Oregon used to retire bonds. M y commission expires Jan. 11, 1»32 Establishment of an Insect control station in Salem to combat parasites that threaten the fru it crop nan pro­ posed by W . G. Allen, manager of H unt Brothers' c.nncry. M r. Allen said that failure to take action ln the near future would mean destruction of the fru it crop and elimination of the cannery industry in the W illam ­ ette valley. He said he particularly a John J. Harker of North Caro­ was interested In the cherry Industry, lina -ucce««or to the late Edward T . which bad been damaged m aterially Sanford, il sr 44 the youngest judge by the cherry fly. on the Supreme Court of the U. £ First National Bank Winthrop W Aldrich. cho»en presi­ dent of the Chase National, now the world* I largest bank is a son o f the late Senator Aldrich of R 1 and bro­ th« r-»n law of John D Rockefeller, Jr. LOOSE G R A V E L C A USES T H U R S T O N CAR T O U P S E T Shop. i . C ity— Mrs. Charles C a r te r 1 “ r ,n d M ra H a rry Jack’ on of W alterv llle , purchased groceries n ” r,y e’ ia p e d • er,oua lnJarT the“ ' while in Springfield on Saturday. “ ,’ ea W “dn’ «d‘ 7 ” »en th e ir s a lo mobile turned complegely over on the between Springfield snd Operated on Monday — Mrs. Roy highway Brew er underwent a m ajor operation Thurston, where they live. Loose nt the Pacific Christian hospital on gravel was given as the cause of the Monday morning. accident. N e ith e r of the occupants j were Injured. Rainbow People H ere — M r and Mrs. George W illiam s, of Rainbow, Baptist Church Services spent a part of Saturday visiting in An "In te rn a tio n a l Service" w ill be Bpringfield. featured at the Baptist church Sun M ajo r Operation— Mrs. W. F. Culver day e,,ening * t 7:80. A num ber of gubmitted to a m ajor operation at the f°reign speaking people have been D .'J ri. _• .... _ BOCIlrori «hr „ _a _ .1_*__ Pacific Christian hospital ln Eugene secured te take part on the program, and the prospect is a service of un­ 48 Saturday morning. usual interest. T he morning worship Visits at Junction City— Mrs. Jack w ill be at 11 o'clock, the Bible school Larson and two song motored to at 10, and the young people’s meeting Junction C ity Sunday to visit her i t 6:30 p. m. fath er and other relatives. Penny Fuses Cost Lives — M ary According to an Associated Press Marcola. with her dispatch from Las Vegas. New M ex i­ Whitney. co, two pennies placed in a fuse box wbf n the regular fuses blew out cost Leaburg Women Here— Mrs Marion two lives. T he short circuit that Elston and Mrs. Ira Elston, both oi blew out the fuses when the pennies Leaburg. were callers in Sprlngfleld were substituted started a fire that on Saturday. destroyed t»e house, and two child­ Spends Week-End Here W h itn ey, school teacher at •p en t the week end here parents, M r and Mrs. H arry ren were burned to death. Undergoes M ajo r Operation— H arry Brow nfield underwent a major opera­ Local Doctor Recovers tion a t the Pacific Chrlatian hospital Dr. C arl H. Phetteplace returned t o t ___ w___ ____ ... , Daughter Born— _______ M r. and _ . Mrs. Clay- Jn Eugene last Saturday morning. his home last week end a fte r an III- ton Barber are the parents of a baby Recovering from Cold— J. A. Nelson ' ness which kept him at a Eugene jdau gh ter born to them a t the Eugene local shoemaker Is recovering from hospital for several days. He Is hospital on Tuesday, A p ril 1, l»30. week [ w a severe cold which has been bother­ spending part of this w ith ith They T hey have have chosen chosen the the name name of of Bever Bever- ; friends at Power«, ” --------- while - he in re- ley Joanne for th e ir email daughter ing him for some tim e. j cuperatlng. Attend Kansas Picnic— Mrs. C. E. Have Potluck 8upper— Mrs. W illia m Bwarts and Miss Edna Sw arts attend ; Chrysanthemum Club E ntertained Sterm er, Mrs. W illia m Curtis, and ed the Kansas picnic held st the T. Mr. and Mrs. W a lte r Scott enter- Mrs. Jack 1-arson gathered a t the M. C. A. In Eugene last F riday night. talned the members of the Chrysan- home of Mrs. R iley Snodgrass for a themum club at th eir home here on potluck supper and Inform al party on Daughter III— M r. and Mrs. M. H elen, i Wedne8day evenln<5 Cards formed Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. H u n tly le ft Sunday fo r St. He,en« -lth e diversion of the guests and the -Snodgrass' birthday. where they had been called by the members. * A rm ltted to H o sp ital- Dick Monroe, serious Illness of th e ir daughter, Mrs. t of F all Creek, was adm itted to the M y rtle Lew bor. Leave for Salem ~ ...... .. ... Mr. .... and M rs. Pacific Christian hospital Tuesday to Secretary of F a ir Board Here— ( harles Rlvett, parents of Mrs. W . " P. receive medical care for Injuries re­ have been spending M rs. Mabel Chadw ick, secretary of Tyson, who ceive-! in an accident recently. the Lane C ounty F a ir association, «on.e tim e visiting at the Tyson home spent Tuesday in Sp rin gfield calling in this city left Springfield this a fte r­ The chambers of commerce of Ba on several firm s In the In te re s t of the noon for Salem, where they w ill spend ker and Huntington w ill erect a sign­ two weeks visiting th eir son, F ra n k prem ium lists which are now being board on the Old Oregon T ra il nt Rlvett. L ate r they w ill gO to Seattle compiled by h er office. Huntington calling attention to the to «ee their other son, Floyd. They Leaves for Eastern Oregon — Mr». expect to return to th e ir home at fact that Huntington Is the "Gateway C ity" and that Baker has lota of ad­ Paul B ra tta in and her daughter, Ruth, Lincoln, Nebraska, by M ay 1. vantages worth considering. le ft Sp rin gfield last F rid a y fo r Pais­ ley, Oregon, where they w ill spend tw n weeks v is itin g w ith M r. B rattalo at bis ranch there. Tonsil» Removed— Ben Castlem an, : Crook county schools’ second o asper, had his tonsils removed at • * music festival w ill occur this T he H o tel E lite has taken over the Buss Cafe and w ill run a d in in g room ln connection w ith the hotel rooms T h p f give special rates on board and room. a 24 M oton~s w ------------- i° P o rtl,n d ~ O«orge Per kins local contractor, le ft for Port land this morning on a business trip ■ ...................... . ” * ” ~ «borus work of over 600 pUp ii, WM *m «ldered excellent by the |ar . . 0 ,0 * d which packed the PrlneriBe m U lo « . « D e v ili. The fields of fall-sown oats snd wheat In the Lake lAblsb dietrlct were not hurt by the severe weather, according to those who have person ally examined the fields. Clover sow- I is in full blast among farmers lng Is there. The vlty council of Medford has ap­ propriated »500 to employ Jacob L. Crane, a nationally famed city surrey expert, to make a study of Medford's major street and zonfng plans, parks and playgrounds aud Industrial fee tures. Plans for promotion of the estab- 'lehment of a cheese factory In Rogue Vvar valley were outlined at the Med- urd meeting of the Jackson County Agricultural council recently. Central Point, the center of the dairy Industry ln the valley, w ill endeavor to have it located there. A test suit to determine the consti­ tutionality of the law passed by the last legislature lim iting voting power s t municipal elections to taxpayers Is being contemplated by the city of Canyonville, which recently voted a bond issue o f »10,000 for the In s ta lla tlon of a municipal w ater system. Marcola Brothers Hers— John and Claude Downing, both of M arcola, visited friends in flprlngfleld on Sat­ urday. Our P R IC E S are as Uniformly Low as the QUALITY of Our Goods is Uniformly High Quality comes first at our store, for Quality is of prime importance where foodstuffs are concerned. Consider this when com­ paring our prices and be assured that our prices are based ONLY on quality Goods. FRESH VEGETABLES Asparagus Phone Green Onions Rhubarb Lettuce Tomatoes Spinach Broccoli Other Vegetables in Season W . A. TA YÇ O R Phone