The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 13, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    o jn
made the change after he had thrown that shrewd man of affairs He laid low that I dislike very much, Mi
over Mllly and left her to drift to a a aiuall sheaf of paper* on the table Maddlaon. I hope we are not going NEEDLECRAFT CLUB
workhouae Infirmary It had been and detailed the contents of the docu­ to carry hla acx-onnt?"
rendered necessary by I he success of ment* briefly.
Luke »hook hla head and* nodded
a trick which had left an Australian
Beuator Edward F Bailey, of Junc­
“IliW-e are four of five transactions toward the door.
squatter poorer by eight tbouaand that ought to be closed today, Mr.
Continued from Fags I
tion City, now candidate for the
Mr. Danton Morell came Into an
pound*, and the aubeequent activities Maddlaon. The Gulanga Dll accounts atmosphere which he. aenaltlve in
Democratic nomination for governor
<-lined/ nr diverged.
of Hrolland Yard'* confidence squad. ahould he settled We made a very anch maltera, realised waa charged Thompson Jointly entertained the of Oregon, waa the principal speaker
members of the Needlecraft club at
Gunner Haynea, white* «Iron* erm
Luke Maddlaon waa cheery. The considerable loaa there."
, with hostility. Neverthtelea* he waa the home of the former on last at the Joint meeting of the Americas
bad aaved him from ■ fractured wrlel marriage waa to lie quiet, and only a
Luke nodded Impatiently.
hla smiling self, and laid hla care­ Thursday afternoon.
The guests Leglqp and the I>egton Auxiliary
er entree, had no collateral worth few gueala were to be Invited He
“Hellie It," he aald. "No message fully brushed ailk hat upon the table. were all asked to come dressed which was held at the Chamber of
apeaklng about. Ilia principal aaaete had only a few minute* before ar­
from Mia LeferreT'
! Luke did not fall to notice that he either as small boys or girl*, and the Commerce rooms Friday evealng.
were an Immaculate dreae suit, a cul ranging hla train reservation*—no
Gunner Haynes- He breathed a wore a mourning tie, and that, tor prize waa given to Mr*. A. J. Morgan
The meeting was the first to be
lured voire, and perfect mannera aecrelary should perform that sacred
little faster. Down hla hark ran a some reaaon. waa a further strain for the beet costume.
held since the recen^ membership
which more than overcame the handi­ duty.
cold ahlver of apprehension Hupoae i upon hla Jangled nerves.
drive was completed, and several of
cap repreeented by bis lean, dark, sin-
The afternoon was spent In playing the new members were present.
That night Mr Horace Bird, detoc he had recognised hla old friend; sup­
leter fare. He lived God knew where live, known aa the Hparrow. waa
Mrs. Clark Wimberley, of Rose-
pose he parked a gun, suppose he waa and voice were brusque. "You were children's games and In other enter­
hut waa to be aeen at such of the b> at called to number H I , Brook street.
tainment feature* arranged by the berg. district committewoman for the
waiting out there <n the lobby . . .
botela aa did not know him for an Assisted by the whitefaced Mr Dan
hoateaaea. A delicious two course third district, made a short address.
a a a
Danty Inclined hl* head.
expert Jewel thief.
luncheon waa served to those as­ Other* who were on the program
ton Morell, he hural npnn the door nt
It waa a stupid qtieatlon to ask. for
"Yea, I waa completely In hla con­
sembled. Mrs. Clifford Wilson as­ were Mrs Sidney George, of Eugene,
They railed him "Gunner" because (, bedroom, and there he found Hex he had a private phone and he knew
fidence. 1 think I told yon the day
of certain happening* In New York I-cfnrre. dead by hl* own hand. He
sisted the hosteaaes. The refresh­ and Mrs. Kite, an officer of the Eu­
that any message that came from following bi* unfortunate—"
City, It waa said. but never proved lay on the floor, a revolver by hla
ments Included Ice cream cones and gene Auxiliary. Major M. B. Huntly
Margaret would be put through to
Luke cut short the recollection.
that he waa the man who bumped oft aide: the quick eyed Danty aaw the
animal crackers.
him direct.
told of the membership drive, which
lx-w Hllenakt, that notorious gang note scribbled In p< ncll an small
The following ladles were Invited was conducted under hla leadership.
The manager shook hi* head dence that you accompanied him to
leader, and ahot hla way through aheela of (taper lorn from a telephone
Barbara Rarnell and Florence May
the Northern and Southern Bank a* special guests for the affair: Mrs-.
Lew’* gunmen to the nafety repre­ message block, and hl* hand cloaed
"A had bualnena. air I have not three day» ago when he cashed a J. F Ketela. Mrs. L. C Moffitt. Mrs. played several xylophone and piano
sented by a cattle boat which aalled over Ihe patter An hour taler Mar­
spoken to you about It because I check for eighteen thousand five A. J. Morgan. Mrs. Earl Thompson. numbers. Light refreshments were
from the Hudson river an hour after garet I eferre. pale and lovely In her
Mrs. Arthur Roberta, Mrs M C. served at the close of the meeting.
realise how badly you must be feel­ hundred pounds?"
the police reaervea answered a riot silken negllege, read the message the
Kugal. Mrs. W. H. Riddle, and Mrs.
ing The Northern and Southern have
The next meeting will be held on
rail. , ,
detective had not aeen,
Don Stahlman. The members pre­ March 21at.
been on the phone again thia morn­ simulated surprise.
Nobody had aver aeen him with a
"Margaret darling. I have lost. For ing about that check—you remember
'Why, of course. Rex had made sent were Mesdames W. C. Wright,
platol In England: hut the detective* months I have been gambling To­
they queried the air uturo yesterday? very heavy losses In the City, and I W N. Gossler, C. H. Phetteplace,
Return* to Salem—Mrs. Trubert
who arrealed him a year after hla re­ day I look a desperate step on Ihe
"Yea, yea." Luke a usually gentle advised him to see you. I understood 1-arson Wright. E. E. May, Walter J. Henderson returned to her home at
turn to hla native land fully exported advice of Luke Maddlaon. He baa led
voice was harsh. "Tell the manager you gave him a check for that Scott. William R. Dawson, Carl Olson. Salem on Sunday after spending a
gun play and came armed
tne to ruin money la hla god. I beg It la all right.”
C. W. Crites. John Henderer. W. N. week here at the home of Mr. and
When he came up for trial, nobody of you not to tr visit him He ba* led
Long. Allan Kafoury, and Floyd Mrs. Jack Larson. Mr. Henderson
"I told him yesterday, aa a matter
come near him. not hla pretty wife me from one folly Io another. God of fact." Mr Silica was Ineiln'Hl to
and Mrs. Henderson's father. Frank
blue eyes did not leave the man’s
or hla beat friend, Larry Vlnmun blea* you,— Ilex.
Kaylor, spent Sunday with the Larson
linger on a subject which waa hate- fare.
* ldirry waa a prince of confidence , She read the p lt'fn! message again
(he o, her
family and they all returned to their
"Certainly. Why, what was wrong?
men. young, good looking, plausible. and again, latke Maddlaon: the man
home* that evening.
reverted to the question of (he Gu­ I saw the check myself.”
There might be excellent reason ahe waa to ntarry In a week'
langa Dll concession, and for once
There was an uncomfortable pause
why luirry ahould not wlah to draw
For two days Margaret Laferre Mr Stllea fatherly Interest In the
Charles Hall, candidate for the NEARLY KILLED BY GAS
and then:
attention to himself by appearing In moved In a world of hideous reality.
business Irritated him
"Did you see him sign It?" asked Republican nomination for governor
court; no reaaon why Mllllo ahould Strange people Interviewed her; a tall
"Of course, air, I know that Maddl- Luke deliberately.
of Oregon, was the principal speaker
not write or do anmethlng She had blg-framed man. who was strangely
on my stomach was so bad It
aon'a la aa sound aa a bell of hraaa.
at the Friday noon luncheon of the ; nearly killed me. My druggist told
Danty'a gaxe did not falter
a thousand pound* In hard caah; a sympathetic In hla heavy way, a bank
but there la no getting away from the
“I am afraid I do not understand Springfield I.lons club. Lee Inman, me about Adlerlka The gas is gona
good lawyer could have been briefed; managrr who talked wildly and In­
fact that we have been making rather you," he said evenly. "1 saw him en­ manager of the Inman Flying Service, now and I feel fine " Mrs. A. Adamek.
but when the Gunner aent for her. comprehensibly until Danty appeared
Simple glycerin, buckthorn, saline,
heavy loatea during the past six dorse R— "
which recently took over the Spring- 1 etc.,
ahr had left the lodging they bad and whisked him off.
as mixed In Adlerlka. helps
month*, and I am afraid I shall have
field airport, was also present.
GA8 on stomach In 10 mlnntea! Most
occupied. Ha never aaw her again.
One thunderous fact hammered to call upon your reaervea Person­
remedies act on lower bowel only,
A few months before hla release from night and day at her weary brain—
ally. I have always believed * e made
but Adlerlka acts on BOTH upper
prison he heard that abe bad died In Rex waa dead by hla own hand, and
Vlelt at Brownsville— Mr and Mrs
Thurston Men Hers—Charles Tay- and lower bowel, removing poisonous
a mistake in not selling out to a
a werkhouae Infirmary.
the man she was to marry, the man Joint atock concern In private bank­ O. H. Turner motored to Brownsville lor and 8. W. Richardson, both of waste you never knew was there.
Relieves constipation In 2 hours. It
The Gunner'a amlle when he heard who frantic with anxiety, waa calling
ing the personal security play* too on Sunday to spend the day with Thurston, were visitors In Spring- will surprise you.—Flanery's Drug
thia waa a grim one.
He always three times a day and being refused
big a part for my liking—”
smiled when he waa hurt—and aa he , admission to her, waa Ihe cause.
smiled now, hla heart waa one greal Money waa hla god I
that moment Luke snatched up the
throbbing wound.
Luke had been at hla office since receiver and llatened with a frown.
So he came front prison, and In due . )lt o'clock an hour before the ar
' Yes. »how him In, please And I
course to the Carlton Hotel, whore rival of the staff, and here hla man am seeing Mr Morell and I do not
Mr. Luke Maddlaon waa celebrating
ager found him, alttlng at hla table, wish to be Interrupted."
hla engagement. Of Luke he knew hla head In hla hands, hla personal > Mr. Stiles made a grimace,
nothing—what had brought him there letlera unopened.
, , , e hlld tH,en
hli hfe
the flnn
• waa a Jewel box which a rich Ameri­
"Hullo"' he said awkwardly. ' Is <lf Maddlaon and Sons, and he did not
can lady kept In the hotel safe all
, feel called upon to disguise hla dla-
day and In her bedroom between 9 anything wrong?"
There were many things wrong i like of the caller.
P m. and I a. m. Gunner Haynes
"There Is something about that fel-
had taken a room on the same floor. from the point of view of Mr Stllea,
"What waa he Ilka—In appear-
ance?" Danton asked Maddlaon.
Itnnlon'a voice sounded a little
hoarse, aa though he were apeaklnx
from a dry throat.
"Who—the man who held me up?"
And when the other nodded Luke
went on: "A dark looking fellow—I
thought he might be a German—two
tears across hla right cheek—the
aert of wound that duelling students
love to acquire. I remember when I
waa at school at Bonn . .
Danton waa not listening now. Two
Bears acroaa the right cheek! Then
be had not been mlataken. The ques­
tion waa, had the Gunner recognlxed
him? It waa seven years since they
had met—Itanton had been clean­
shaven and rather lowheaded In those
a 'lava. Millie Haynea used to call him
"the gold-hair boy" In the days of her
faerlnatlon. He had grown a mus­
tache and darkened hla hair since
then—he no longer filled the police
T h e*« new E A S Y Ironera «re the most simple to use that have
description of luirry Vlnman. He
ever been offered housewives I Y o u can do most of your ironing
on them without practice. Even the moat difficult pieces can be
ironed after only a little practice. Everything is automatic—
you have fingertip control of each operation.
Gunman’s Bluff
Come and tr y j
th e n e w
Easy Terms
S im ple * C a re fre e « F u lly A u to m a tic !
The only complete line of
Full Automatic Ironers
selling below $
O n ly
N o more standing over a hot iron for hours. N o more backaches.
Y o u sit at ease and simply feed the pieces into the E A S Y which
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than by hand!
Spring in
Your Heels!
Sparkle in
Your Eyes!
’a a n ,
S 1 .0 0
Pint Size
G A R D E N IN G time IS
ahead. Fresh packets of
stores. These seeds are of un­
There’s no tonic quite lllto
I'eptonn. It enriches the
blood, tones nerves anil
tnuscios, aids appetite and
digestion. and builds gen­
eral strength Wo gtnv ui-
lea Peptona to help you.
Sold only at Itoxall stores
See these wonderful time and labor-saviing Ironers—try them.
You'll never know real ironing convenience until you have
owned one.
surpassed quality. A five cent
price on all standard size veg­
etable packets and most of the
flowers, makes this line attrac­
tive to thrifty buyers.
ravi-m ayT
Mountain States
Phon* IB
Three models from which to choose. The EASY Wringer Post
Ironer can be used on your EASY Wringer Type Washer and
many other makes. Using the washer motor, you save $35. Put
this $54.50 full automatic EASY Ironer in your home. The
EASY Portable Model Is priced at $89.50—also delivered. Light
in weight, easy to handle—requires less storage space than a
vacuum cleaner. The EASY Roll-About Ironer is complete with
table on easy running casters. Root control to leave both hands
free, If desired. Priced at $104.50.
Northrup, King & C o . ’ b Seeds
are now on display in dealers*
That's how you feel
after taking Peptona
for a while.
$54.50 to $104.50
Power Company