o jn n THÜKBDAY. MARCH 13, 1930 made the change after he had thrown that shrewd man of affairs He laid low that I dislike very much, Mi LEGION MEMBERS HEAR over Mllly and left her to drift to a a aiuall sheaf of paper* on the table Maddlaon. I hope we are not going NEEDLECRAFT CLUB workhouae Infirmary It had been and detailed the contents of the docu­ to carry hla acx-onnt?" MEMBERS ENTERTAINED EDWARD BAILEY FRIDAY rendered necessary by I he success of ment* briefly. Luke »hook hla head and* nodded HERE LAST THURSDAY a trick which had left an Australian Beuator Edward F Bailey, of Junc­ “IliW-e are four of five transactions toward the door. squatter poorer by eight tbouaand that ought to be closed today, Mr. Continued from Fags I tion City, now candidate for the Mr. Danton Morell came Into an Mrs. C. O. Wilson and Mrs Floyd pound*, and the aubeequent activities Maddlaon. The Gulanga Dll accounts atmosphere which he. aenaltlve in Democratic nomination for governor <-lined/ nr diverged. of Hrolland Yard'* confidence squad. ahould he settled We made a very anch maltera, realised waa charged Thompson Jointly entertained the of Oregon, waa the principal speaker members of the Needlecraft club at Gunner Haynea, white* «Iron* erm Luke Maddlaon waa cheery. The considerable loaa there." , with hostility. Neverthtelea* he waa the home of the former on last at the Joint meeting of the Americas bad aaved him from ■ fractured wrlel marriage waa to lie quiet, and only a Luke nodded Impatiently. hla smiling self, and laid hla care­ Thursday afternoon. The guests Leglqp and the I>egton Auxiliary er entree, had no collateral worth few gueala were to be Invited He “Hellie It," he aald. "No message fully brushed ailk hat upon the table. were all asked to come dressed which was held at the Chamber of apeaklng about. Ilia principal aaaete had only a few minute* before ar­ from Mia LeferreT' ! Luke did not fall to notice that he either as small boys or girl*, and the Commerce rooms Friday evealng. were an Immaculate dreae suit, a cul ranging hla train reservation*—no Gunner Haynes- He breathed a wore a mourning tie, and that, tor prize waa given to Mr*. A. J. Morgan The meeting was the first to be lured voire, and perfect mannera aecrelary should perform that sacred little faster. Down hla hark ran a some reaaon. waa a further strain for the beet costume. held since the recen^ membership which more than overcame the handi­ duty. cold ahlver of apprehension Hupoae i upon hla Jangled nerves. drive was completed, and several of cap repreeented by bis lean, dark, sin- The afternoon was spent In playing the new members were present. That night Mr Horace Bird, detoc he had recognised hla old friend; sup­ "Bit down, will you?" Hla manner leter fare. He lived God knew where live, known aa the Hparrow. waa Mrs. Clark Wimberley, of Rose- pose he parked a gun, suppose he waa and voice were brusque. "You were children's games and In other enter­ hut waa to be aeen at such of the b> at called to number H I , Brook street. tainment feature* arranged by the berg. district committewoman for the waiting out there Mr. Stiles made a grimace, nothing—what had brought him there letlera unopened. , , , e hlld tH,en hli hfe the flnn • waa a Jewel box which a rich Ameri­ "Hullo"' he said awkwardly. ' Is