The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, March 13, 1930, Image 1

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    < ;e --firr
T ry tha Horna
P r in t Shop F ira t
o jo n
Brattain School
Program is Friday
She Bush Bronchot
gram had been prevloualy announced
A real usable utrplnnr la b rill* tor the Lincoln achool. but It waa de
built at Springfield
Thn I.«'« Inman elded to have It at the high achool
Flylnlg Hervlcr which recently moved aa there will lie room for more spec-
It» seen« of operation» to the Spring tatora The laat program at the’ l.ln
field airport, ha» placed a imrtlallv coin arhoot drew auch a large crowd
Completed plane In the rooms former­ that they could not all get Into th«-
ly occupied by Gray’» xrocerv »tare, room.
and the plane will be completed here
Second Program
In about ten worklna day», urm rdln*
achool program la the
to l,ee Inman
The plane I» a »mall »Ingle »enter aecnod to lie presented by the grade
It will have a win* apread of 1« feet »‘'hoola of S pringfield to raise 4.1 nd»
and will be approximately 17 feet ^ur 'h r I I A. work. the first one
Ion*. The win*» will be four and one * » • Presented by the Lincoln « I100I
half feel
It will bo powered with a N few week» ago.
Almoat ull of the atíldenla
atudenta at the
40 horsepower Hxekley motor.
. Almost
Urattaln achool will have part« In the
Student to Own Ship
I lull on Shinn will be the owner ol Friday program. It will be divided
the «hip when It la flnlahed Hhlnn Into four part« and will be closed
la the aon of Professor F. !-■ Hhlnn. with an operetta, "The Cruise of the
of the University faculty, and both Trundlebed." The operetta take« two
he and hla father have been taking little boys through a fairy world In
flying laaanna for aome time Daltou tbair dreams.
The cast of characters for the op-
ereltg Include« Carl, Leland Neher;
Hubert. Hoyd Johnson; Fairy. Patsy
1‘aimore, Unci« Ham. Wesley Robert-
son; John Hull, Robert Nice; French
Girl. Wanella Neet; German boy.
Gordon G illette;
Cornell; Drum, Ulla W right; Japan-
w <lrl- B*rnlce Barn«; l-aplsnd boy.
Stephen Rice; Man In the Moon,
Robert Nice.
Program Opens with Danes
The evening program
will open
with a Dutch Tulip Dance by the
girls of the sixth grade
The mem
Iters of (he chorus are latraoyn Blai k.
Jol-an* I'utman. Shirley Smith, W ill
ml tut Spriggs. Ruby Houk, Drudlla
Ogilvie, Ethel Severson and lle tel
WoO<Y P ro d u c ts
Matter M ystery W riter 1 11664333
Plan* Formulated Here Yester­
day for Largest Show Ever
Held in Northwest.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
March 27, 2k and 2# are the days
which have been designated for the
Lan«- County Wood IToducts show
which will be held at the armory In
' Eugene.
M ita Grace Runyon of Cheyenne,
who ha» been acclaimed th«
champion woman rough
H ero W ill R eceive
M edal On M on day
High Official* of Safety Council
To Honor Youth for Sav­
ing Father's Life.
No. 10
To Be Exhibited
All Student* to Hav* Part in
Program to be Given at
Small Ship Moved from Eugene
High School Friday Night
and Will be Completed in
The pupil« at the llratialn school
Main Street Store During
will prevent their program to the
Next Few Week«; Student public at the high achool auditorium
Soloe; New Pupil* Enroll.
tomorrow evening at 7:45: The pro
made hla ftrat soln flight laat Thure-
day afternoon after having seven
hours of flying Instruction
Thia. In-
rd rn ta lly . waa the firat aolo flight
tc be made by a aludanl at tha local
field since th« recent change In
Girl Take* Laaaons
One girl. Ignore LaPort. * Unlver
alty student, I* enrolled at the flying
achool. She ha* had three hours and
30 minutes Instruction and Is making
fine progress, according to Mr
Two new student* have been en-
rolled at the flying school since Iasi
week, bringing th« total now enrolled
at the achool up to 35. Five student*
have been enrolled during the past
two weeks aluce the achool moved
Io Springfield.
"Th« People's Paper"
Georg« Pearson, secretary of the
Edgar W a lla « , most prolific of
s Employe«« Wood Promotion commit­ all authors, who has written nearly
a hundred detective (lories and
tees for the Pacific northwest was
whose latest. "Guaman’s Bluff," will
In Springfield yesterday conferring
appear serially ia this paper. Mr.
at the local mill and plans were for­
Wallace has lately visited America
mulated for the exhibition.
The wood products show is some­ STAFF IS ANNOUNCED
thing new here, but It has been put
o v e r very successfully In many other'
I laces, according to Mr Pearson, who
declares that he waa certain that the
A fair sized crowd turned out last
show in Eugene will be the best ever
night to witness the first of
held In the northwest.
a series of two "Laughteresque" pro­
Anyone May Exhibit
grams to be presented by the four
Anybody and everybody are wel­
classes at the high school this spring.
come and urged to participate In the
The Friday night program was pre­
■how. Manual training departments
sented by the members of the senlcr
will be asked to exhibit their work
and freshman classes and consisted of
and lumber .companies themselves
an original musical sketch entitled
will provide the setting
They will
''A Vltaphone Act." and a full length
build a three unit exhibit. The first
motion picture.
unit w ill portray the logged over and
The second of the two programs
burned timber, which la now waste
land. The second will show an ac­ will be presented by the Junior and
tual sawmill at work. A miniature sophomore classes at the high school
sawmill, which really works, will be auditorium on Friday, March 28. It
sent here by the University of Wash- will consist of a motion picture film
Irigton for the exhibition and It will and a musical comedy to be presented
show the handling of the logs from by the students of the two classes.
State Inspector Tells Council
That Ordinance Should be
Passed Grading Milk and
Compelling Sanitary Produc«
tion at Dairies.
Some of the milk sold In Spring-
field is produced under filthy condi­
tions, L. S. Leach, Inspector of th *
state dairy and food commissioner's
office, told the city council at Mon­
day night’s meeting. He said that a
number of local dairies which he
visited were conducted very well but
to control those which were bad he
recommended the city to pass a
milk ordinance grading milk and pro­
viding sanitary -methods tor Its pro­
May Paa* Law
The council agreed that the source
of the milk supply should be looked
Into, and Mr. Leach will return later
a fte r-th e counciimen have had a
check made of cow* kept inside o(
the city. Mayor Tyson said that the
city did not wish to take action tha*
would discriminate against the fam ily
which kept a cow and sold a few
quarts of milk, but that all milk sold
to others should be clean and whole­
A model milk ordinance from th *
federal food commissioner’s office
will be furnished the council to work
by. Mr. Leach said that because of
the passage of strict milk ordinance
In Eugene he found a number of
dairymen who could not pass inspec­
tion In that city turning their supply
to Springfield. He said he had to
close up such dairies.
Mr. Leach spoke very highly of the
crenmerymen coming to Springfield,
and said that he had had experience
with them at Lakeview. He said that
if an oridnance was passed pasteur­
ised milk could be gotten at the new
creamery which would pass as grade
A, even If produced on farms which
had not all the requirements for grade
A milk.
Oswald Thiel, I* , who saved the
life of bis father Hal spring after ha
had h«.«-n rendered unconscious from
a contact with a high powered elec­
tric line, will be given a president's
medal at exercise» to he held In the
high school auditorium next Monday the time they are taken oat of the I The production staff for the pro­
woods antll they are made Into the gram was announced at the high
Thiel's father waa taking down a finest finished lumber.
The third school this week Franklin Drury trill
private telephone line when the wire unit will show the virgin timber not be the business manager. He will be
came In contact with the power line yet touched by man.
assisted by Dorothy Rawlings and
and »hocked him | He applied arti­
Paul Schantol. Lela Squires will be
Model Farm to be Shown
ficial reaucltation and saved the life
The Oregon State Agricultural col­ the stage manager: Jack Hulett wtll
of his father.
lege has agrei-d to bring (he exhibit handle the advertising and will be
Thn local office of the Mountain
om miniature farm buildings and assisted by Junia May and Alraa Fish.
States Power company petitioned the
fences wh'ch they have constructed Olive Gerber and Eunice McFarland
National Safety Council, of which
here for the show. They will send will be the ushers.
they and the Booth Kelly company
Miss Clara Wagner and Miss Luclle
a man with the exhibit who can show
are member«. for a medal for the boy.
persons contemplating Improvements Holman are the advisors for the two
H. H. Ilerdan. president of the
The second number on the program
on*thelr farm Juat how they can best classes.
The Ideal flying weather of this will be a fashion show by the child­ Oregon and Columbia basin district of be made at the leaat cost.
week has been a great boon for avia­ ren of the first grade. The following the National Safety Council will be
Several girls will wear dresses at SOLOISTS WILL BE
tion locally.
The last few days suits will be exhibited: Play suits, here to make the presentation. K. E the show which have been made en­
there luta been our or two atudenta sport suits, alternoon dress and Martin, safety engineer of the Booth- tirely out of spruce veneer.
waiting at the airport every after- evening clothes. They will be exhlb- Kelly company, will make a short ad­
The wooden and composition shing­
noon for their turn to take lesson*.
Ited by Marjorie Hyatt. Ruth I ’h a lr,' dress. Z. E Merrill, aaslstanl general les whlr^ recently underwent a fire . The assignment of solo parts to
Everything is in readiness now for
Much of the building work on the George Horton, Ralph Gerber, Agne* manager of the Mountain Slates teat which showed that the wood participants In the Springfield ora­
new plane la being done by the staff Moon. Jack
Donna Gene Power company, will alto be present shingles were leas of a fire haxard torio society will probably be made i the federal Inspection of the first
Music for the program will be pre­
of the flying school every morning. Ernest, Harold Conrad, June Mul-
than many composition shingles will this evening at the regular rehearsal battalion of the 162nd Infantry of the
A lark of space at the airport made hollaud, Hob Adama, Ethel Fulop. sented by the high school orchestra. be shown at the armory. An attempt hour, between 7:30 and P:15, accord­ national guard, according to C. A,
It nereaaary to houae the uncompleted , Vernon Johnson, Wanda Mathany. ( Mrs. W. K. Barnell will alng a solo will also be made to conduct another ing to an announcement made by Swarta, first lieutenant In command
and Mayor W P. Tyson will preside.
of the local unit.
ship In Springfield, and Gray's gro »nil Bobble Bennett.
fire test there one afternoon during Ernest McKinney, director.
The public Is urged to attend this
eery (tore volunteered to place the
Mualclan* on Program
Colonel H. A. Allen, detached from
the show.
Rehearsal work on the cantata.
storeroom at the disposal of the »hip
Barbara Barnell and Florence May ' program and show their respect for
the regular army, w ill be here thia
Purpose Stated
will play gnd g)ng ,.My w ild (rlgh a youth who had the ability to think
The purpose of the show Is to wtll present on Good Friday at the evening to inspect the work of th«
and act loglcnlly at a critical moment.
local unit, and Swarts is anxious that
— -------------
Hose'' and "Let Me Call You Sweet-
Boy Scout training la credited by awaken In the general public the Methodist church has been going on the local people tsrn out to see the
heart jum befor the operetta. P h i
great value of Ihe standing timber, every Thursday evening for several
Thiel as his source of knowledge of
OF CIVIC CLUB TUESDAY! bara w,n p ' " v ,he xylophone and the means of artificial resusltatlon. i which Is In Lane county, and the pos­ weeks, and almost sixty singers have Inspection.
Regular drill for the unit was held
I Florence will accompany her on the
sibilities It has for various uses.
been out for one or more of the re­
Fourteen women were preaent at piano.
All of the latest building mater­ hearsals. which are held In the last night to put on the final touches
The chorus for the operetta Inrlude WOODCRAFT NEIGHBORS
the. laat meeting of the Civic club,
ials and equipment will be shown. Chamber of Commerce rooms. There before the inspection.
-HOLD POTLUCK SUPPER The classifications of lumber and the has been some trouble experienced,
which was held at the home of Mra. Robert Davis, Woodward Rates. Gregg
W illiam Rodenbough Tuesday even-i Thomas, Harry
Bainbridge, Henry
The members of the Neighbors of many built-in feature* now available however. In getting enough to turn STANLEY PLANE DAMAGED
Ing. A short business meeting was | IJchytll. Myron Wilkes. James Young Woodcraft, Springfield Circle, held a will be exhibited.
out each week, says McKinney. Many
held, a ftir which Mrs. Archie Davis , Lyle Gibson, Frank Bennett, John potluck supper and social time laat
The Employees Wood Promotion of them have been ill or have had
gave a report on Business Conditions Avltt, Floyd Green, Karl Pedersen, night after their regular boalness committees In Springfield. Eugene, Illness In their homes and this has
The firat accident to happen at th *
In Skprlngfleld* Refreshments were Tommy IJchytll. Jack Hickey, Ros- meeting. Mrs. Gilbert Ernest was and Wendllng. together with the Eu­ necessitated much duplication in in­ local airport since It was established
coe Cole, Emil Uchylll. Dean Wilson. ' chairman of the supper committee. gene chamber of commerce, have al­ struction and actual practice.
served by the hostess.
last spring happened Sunday morning
Mra. Rodenbough led the group In Henry Chase, Louis lllery, Delbert She waa assisted by Mra. C. F. Eggl- ready agreed to lend their support
when Clive Stanley rolled over In h l*
ttfce singing of many old time songs Koch, Valentine llchylll, LeRoy W il­ msnn, Mrs. Mina Dillard, and Mrs. to the show. The Springfield chamber
Goes to Bend — George Perkins Waco plane and broke the propellor,
liams. Billy Nesbitt, llolsnd Mattison. Stella Finley. The decorations wen- w ill be asked to cooperate at their made a trip to Bend on business the also doing some damage to the wing*
after the refreshments.
The next meeting will ho held at Frankie Vernon.
carried out In the St .Patrick colors. next meeting, stated Mr. Pearson.
first part of this week.
of the ship. He was not Injured and
the home of Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah
the total extent of the damage is not
The toys are played by Jennie Jack
on March
It will be In the nature
nolnres Niro, Jean Louk, Wyetta
expected to reach more than 3100.
of a garden program, and Claytns ; Spriggs, Peter Chase, Dallas Knight,
Stanley had his ship stored at th *
Kirkland will give a talk on gardens ,rvtn Burnham, Burton Mathany.
local airport for several months and
■ took It out for the first time Bunday,
Fairies are Named
j A part of the cowling apparently was
The fairies art- Teddy Wright, Helen '
i loose and was not noticed until he
GOING ON IN TOWN Lyons, Shirley Smith. Druellle Ogle-
had taken off. It flew off while In
svy, Geneva Mycoff, Maxine Coglll,
the air and In attempting to land hla
Several dogs have been poisoned III Mildred Billings, Norma Rust, Hazel
ship Stanley caught on one wing un­
the city for the last few woeka, and Nesblt and Hazel Stafford.
rolled the plane over.
the Ire of the owners and others have
The Japanese children are LaMoyn
been aroused One business man, who Black, Delores Casteel, Colene C o r-1
C O P Y B I3 K T
says he has no (log, has offered to nail, Barbara Barnell, Ellxaheth John- 1
pay |50 rewnrd for the arreat anil son, Feme Cornell, Lyle Hyatt, Ethel
of this ugly habit. "Only Luke Is a with a half smile of dismay and
conviction of anyone caught poison­ Sevenson, Florence Roberts, Leotha
' But you are going to marry him, good fellow— In a way. Rather a found himself looking Into a hard,
ing a dog.
Webb, Lillian Trlnka, and Margaret Peggy?”
An automobile belonging to Mra.
lined fare, the color of teak; Into
Dogs that hare been licensed have Meek.
"Have you been borrowing money two unsmiling eyes, expressionless.
Mabel Fox, who gave her address aa
I There was an agltutlpn 111 the voice
a right to run nt large, It Is pointed
The French dolla nre Joan Lloyd, of Rex Leferre that almost startled again?" she naked, and he wriggled
''Thank, you. aw fu lly!”
Springfield, was reported to hav*
out. Conviction for poisoning carries Gayle Chaae, Thelma Williams, Jane his sister.
“I am glad I was here. Fortunately, i been stolen Saturday night from th *
a heavy fine.
Phalr, Bettle Currie, Bernlee Smith,
'W h at makes you say that?" she
"No— what rot! Only Danty and I I always wait In the lobby when I am i corner of Sixth and Pearl street«,
Lois Wilson, Ruth Keeler, Louise In- asked. "Does It mean that I am had a scheme . . . ”
expecting pepole to dinner.
Good­ j Eugene. The car had Oregon license
Bar, Frances Wilkes, Roberta Put­ breaking off my
engagement be
She looked around at thnt moment. night.”
, plates numbered 165041 and has not
cause Luke is a had host and has Somehow she knew thnt the dark­
ATTEND PORTLAND MEET man, and Midge Wilson.
Two lives touched at the Carlton I been located.
■ . ------
I The Swiss shepherds and inllk- kept us waiting ten minutes?"
eyed Danton Morell was watching that January night— touched and went
John Waring, route 1, Creswell, also
fteveral Springfield people, who nre maids are Mildred Tuhy, Frances 1 They were in the palm court of the them.
looping away one from the other, to had his car stolen In Eugene the same
members of the Amaranth club, ' Keeler, Florence May, Fern Fisher, Carlton.
Luke Madriison came through the touch again In a moment of crisis. I evening.
went to Portland laat week-end to at- j Pearl Helterhrand, Nellie Howes, j She stood apart with the young vestibule with long strides. He paus­
Rough roads they wore: a bitter
tend a meeting of the Grand Court of - Muriel Patmore, Neal Pedersen, Ixiyd j man who was her only relation, and ed to strip his overcoat and take oft
DI scum Social Meeting
heart-aching road for one. a methodi­
the W illamette Court, Order of Amar­ Harris, John Drupka, Howard Frits, no stranger seeing them
would his silk hat, which he almost threw cal hell for the leas favored, to be
Plans for the next Joint social
anth, which was held there beginning and Charles Uchylll.
Imagine them to be brother and sis­ at an attendant, and took one step tramped with that cynical smile with meeting between the Odd Fellows and
There w ill be a randy sale at the ter.
Rex was red haired, weak- toward the door. An he did so his
which Gunner Haynes met every the Rebekah lodges were discussed
Mrs. Maude O. Plttls, of New Jer­ close of the program under the direc­ chlnned, a fretful young man with a foot slipped sideways on the marble misfortune.
last night at the regular meeting of
sey. supreme royal matron of the tion of Miss Girard.
nervonr trick of adjusting his tie floor and he would have fallen un­
th * 1. O. O. F. The meeting wtll he
Luke Maddieon saw life like that
every few minutes.
group, was a guest at the meeting,
pleasantly but 'or the hand that sud­
held next Wednesedny evening,
Com« from Roseburg— Mr. and Mrs.
which had as on« of Its speakers Sam
Margaret Leferre had the carriage denly gripped his arm.
lar buxine«« was transacted
parallel paths. If he fell Into error It
Carl Wimberley and Mr. and Mrs. and poise of the great lady. She was
Mosher, of Eugene.
The man who held him must have
the discussion.
Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Miss Edna Ouy Gordon, all of Roseburg, came to fair skinned, faultless of feature, been unusually strong, for he literally
strslght-aa-a-rnler highway to which
Bwnrta, and Mrs. A. P. McKInsey, Springfield last Friday evening t o ' grey-eyed, a model of cold dignity.
and In the most effortless fashion,
"I don’t know." Rex was nibbling lifted Luke Maddieon bodily and and from which nil other path* In-
were among those who attended the attend the Joint meeting of the
Legion and the Legion Auxiliary.
J nt h l* nails; ha could not ba cured
placed him on his feet Luke turned