< ;e --firr T ry tha Horna P r in t Shop F ira t o jo n THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-8KVBNTH YEAR. E IS W I N CITY A HI’RINGEIELI». IxANE ('O U V Y OREOON THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 1930 Brattain School Program is Friday She Bush Bronchot | gram had been prevloualy announced A real usable utrplnnr la b rill* tor the Lincoln achool. but It waa de built at Springfield Thn I.«'« Inman elded to have It at the high achool Flylnlg Hervlcr which recently moved aa there will lie room for more spec- It» seen« of operation» to the Spring tatora The laat program at the’ l.ln field airport, ha» placed a imrtlallv coin arhoot drew auch a large crowd Completed plane In the rooms former­ that they could not all get Into th«- ly occupied by Gray’» xrocerv »tare, room. and the plane will be completed here Second Program In about ten worklna day», urm rdln* The llratialn achool program la the to l,ee Inman The plane I» a »mall »Ingle »enter aecnod to lie presented by the grade It will have a win* apread of 1« feet »‘'hoola of S pringfield to raise 4.1 nd» and will be approximately 17 feet ^ur 'h r I I A. work. the first one Ion*. The win*» will be four and one * » • Presented by the Lincoln « I100I half feel It will bo powered with a N few week» ago. Almoat ull of the atíldenla atudenta at the 40 horsepower Hxekley motor. . Almost Urattaln achool will have part« In the Student to Own Ship I lull on Shinn will be the owner ol Friday program. It will be divided the «hip when It la flnlahed Hhlnn Into four part« and will be closed la the aon of Professor F. !-■ Hhlnn. with an operetta, "The Cruise of the of the University faculty, and both Trundlebed." The operetta take« two he and hla father have been taking little boys through a fairy world In flying laaanna for aome time Daltou tbair dreams. The cast of characters for the op- ereltg Include« Carl, Leland Neher; Hubert. Hoyd Johnson; Fairy. Patsy 1‘aimore, Unci« Ham. Wesley Robert- son; John Hull, Robert Nice; French Girl. Wanella Neet; German boy. Gordon G illette; Trumpet, Floyd Cornell; Drum, Ulla W right; Japan- w