The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 19, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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uncuun oihic neno
From Marcola Carl William» from
Murmln was a vlaltnr In the clty the
flrat of the weck
Recovering from liinana Paul Cook
ha» haan quila III with pneumonia fo i
•o w e lim e anil I» now m aking a »at-
l»fu<lory recovery.
W eiterem « Woman Vielt« Mi» M
II Hwearlngen cif W altervllle . ille.l cm
Haa Bronchial T ro u b la T h e »mull
har frii-mi» hi re Ihr firxi «f the week daughter of Mr and Mr». Churl«»
In From W ndllny Mr» J e . , W ilcox '
r"<»»«ring from an at
la c k of bronchial pneumonia
of W e lld lln g wax »hopping III the city
n il
M o d ify
From Hatchery E W llo ff wan a
vlaltor from hl» home ut
M ake Bualnaaa T rip W K llarnnll 1
m a d e a bin ili« »• trip to Albany Inat the fl»h hatchery on the McKenzie
river Saturday
F r id a y .
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled for Information
cf Our Readers.
Notwithstanding Eugene has a rep
utatlon for rain, the month of Novem­
ber was tha driest U th month on
• '( '" ’ le d
H „ ,„ e .
The street committee of th e Rainier
city council has been ordered to make snow ing at the Bell Theatre Friday
no . uturday,
a complete survey of all city streets
Her part of Peggy fx«ne. the little
and to order whatever Improvements
and repairs are needed. The road 'ch oru s girl, Is one that perm its of no
fund shows a balance of $2061.(3,
which Is believed sufficient for all
present needs.
Depositors In the defunct Tillamook
County bank, which closed Its doors
i by order of the state banking depart*
' ment February 18, 1927, received an­
other dividend aggregating $31,151.
Approximately 40 per cent has been
j paid to commercial depositors and #0
per cent to savings depositors.
The fourth annual harvest Jubilee
sponsored by the business men of
Two crops of pears from one an-
Lebanon was held recently. Attrac­
i d en t pear tree In his orchard has Just
At Hoapltal E .A Farnworth wu» tive displays ware made by the mer­ been reported by L R. Mautsch of
Call» on Frlenda Mr»
Thelm a
itted to the Pacific Cbrlatlan chants.
Hherldan. Mr. Mautsch has Just har­
Murk» wu» calling on her friend» In
Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8 . Dow of vested a number of fine pears from
hoMpttal ut Eugene over the week end
Springfield ln«t Saturday.
Youngs River Meadow», Clatsop coun­ tbls tree, and the largest, weighing
for medical attention.
ty. recently celebrated their 64th an­ about 16 ounces. Is on display In W.
F r o m W a lt e r v llle
M r» I ) E Dead I
Undergoea Operation J L Aiken niversary on the homestead they took
■»an, of W altervllle, wu» a culler In
H. Dinsmore's Jewelry »tore window. 1
| of Itlddle underwent a major opera- up In 1871».
the city on Saturday.
Roy Lee 81m«, 30. and A. W. Dunn,
I tlon ut the Pac ific Chrlallan hoapltal
Building activity In I.a Grande In 30, were fatally Injured when their
Oextar People H e r a Mr»
{», ln»t Saturday.
1930 (bat will total more than $415,000 motorcycle «kidded on the rain soaked
Miller and Mrs Ella Shifflett, both
and a continuous operation of all local surface of The DallesCalifornia high­
A d m itt e d to H o s p ita l
M r»
C. G
of Dngter, were am ong the out of
Stow ell, formerly of W endllng, wax Industries Indicates a big year for way three miles south of Metolius and
(own people In the city on Monday
that coin in unity.
plunged on Its side 130 feet along the
adm itted to (he Pacific Christian ho»
R e tu r n F ro m T r i p
Mr and Mr» M pltul recently for medical treatment
The population of the state pent roadbed. Boto were residents of Kla­
tentlary at Hab-in ha» pasned the 800 math 1-alls and were on their way to
II llu n lly returned to Springfield lust
W eekend at
T o le d o Jac k
mark for the flrat time In the history Portland.
Frliluy from a trip which took them to
Wade. aalentnan for the Mountain of the s ta te , according to Henry L
W uahlrigtnii ancl Idaho t»>int»
Slate» Power com pany, »pent the Meyers, superintendent.
At Bend G eorge I'erklii» wa«
week end at Toledo.
Portland postoffice receipt» moved
business visitor at lletnl the first of
up 7.24 per <<-nt In November a» coin- '
P o r tla n d P eo p lo V ie lt
J Lin
the week
Grim shadows, a ghost seance,
it -I n mid Beulah Water», both ot pared a 1th November a year ago, the
V la lt ln g at M o n ro e
M r»
W ' i Gami, were recent viNltor» at the postoffice department announces. The and w ralthllke crim inal figures In a
total tor the mouth is $219,000.
sw irlin g Ixmdon fog are woven to­
Gerber wu» a week m id
vlaltor ut Ulin ry Kli liar<l»o|i lióme recently.
Sheep being hauled In a truck bj gether In a maze of excitem ent In
Oakridge Ed Clack
Ernest 8chmfdt of Shaniko weri 'T h e Unholy Night,'' taken from Ben
Baby la Sick The* »mall child oi among the vlaltor» In thl» city on alnged when the motor of the truck H echt's latest thriller, "The Doomed
lie 1» the ow ner of the exploded a few m iles north of Red Regiment." and filmed by Metro-
Mr and Mr» Vernon Meet» I» re Tueaday
¡('lurk »ervlcc- garage nt Oakridge.
covering from u recent »Irk »pell
Gold wyn-Mayer. which will open on
mond and set fire to the vehicle.
Approximately 130 miles of ini Sunday at the Bell Theatre.
Marcola Mr» Ib-rt
Confined to Home Mr»
The new story Is a m ystery in
Gaie» wa« vlNltlng friend» In Spring Gernhauc h of Motor route A Eugene proved market road und at least five
m iles of paving will be completed by wnlch e group of army officers are
field on Monday,
1» confined to h< r home on account
the Marlon county court In 1930. ac­ m enaced In London, and each falls
F ro m W a lt e r v llle
Mr» Edna Lilly o f nine»» She 1» under the care of a cording to announcem ent made re under suspicion in a weird plot.
local phyalclan.
wax u visitor In the city the pn»t |
Lionel Barrymore directed the play
week end.
V isit Son-In-Law Mr. and Mr». J
George Fleming, contractor, reportz with a notable cast that includes
A Nelaon were Sunday gu ests at the excellent progress in clearance work Roland Young, fam ous stage star,
Leaburg People Here Mr
ml Mrs I
home of their daughter und son-ln
for the Gletiada sector of the Roose­ E rnest Torrence. Dorothy Sebastian.
Elmer Martin of Leaburg were ca ller» ,
law, Mr and .Mr». Itoy W orewlcb, who velt highway. The grading crew has Claude Flem ing, N atalie Moorhead,
In Springfield on Saturday.
live- on the Ixirane highw ay south­ started one of the heaviest fills ot the Richard Tucker. Richard
V ia li» Here
Mrs Glenn Nielson of w est of Eugene
John Loder, John Roche. John Mil-
Marrola was among the vlaltora In
Pierce W ilson of Talent, Jackson Jan, Lionel Bilmore. Philip Strange,
Springfield Saturday.
county, Is the owner of a guitar that Gerald Barry and others of note.
• • • •
RIVER NEAR LEABURG was brought to America In 1620 on
Ill at Hom»— Mr» Ku»»c*l Keenan
the Mayflower. It 1» In a state of
of role is afforded Bebe
la reported to be aerlnualy III at her The Ford coup,- belonging to Charles
home In th is city.
Chrysler 1» resting at the bottom of true tone.
V isits Frlsnds Harp—John Marcum the McKenzie river. Ju»t above Lea-
Businesa men of Sutherlin have de
of Marcola was visitin g frlenda In the burg The whole thing happened when
elded to make an immediate canvass
his car slipped on the wet pavem ent, for funds to com plete the Leeper dome
city on Monday.
skidded along the slick clay bank
oil well. It Is estim ated that $4000 la
At Marcola— W. K Burnell »pent and plunged Into the river
No one
needed to sink the well to the 3500-
Monday at Marccda on business for was Injured,
Eighth and Willamette,
foot level.
the Mountain S tates Power Co.
Eugene, Oregon
Sbven prlxes have been offered In
the form of merchandise by the Al­
From W altervllle— Mrs. Ix*e S tevens
bany Ad club to the winners of an
wax a visitor In the city on Saturday
ornamental lighting contest. Contes
froh her home- In W altervllle,
Wheat Htg Bend hluestem. $136;
tants Include private citizens, schools
soft white and western white, $1.24;
Lowell Resident V isit»— M th Gen
and churches.
hard winter, northern spring and
Sh ield s of Lowell, w as a caller In the
western red, $1 22H.
Trustees of the Umpqua highway
city last week-end.
Improvement district met with the
Hay Alfalfa. $23.50024 per ton;
county court at Roseburg In an effort
Pengrs Man Here -C larence Ek of Talley timothy, $20.60021; eastern
to adopt a program for work to be
Oregon timothy, $22.600 23; clover,
Pengra wns a visitor In the city last
done between Drain and Scottsburg
$20; oat bay, $19; oats and vetch,
during the coming year.
$20 0 20.50.
D exter Man H e r e W. A M athews
One pie sold for $42.75 at an enter­
of Dexter, was a business visitor In
Eggs—Ranch. 300 44c.
tainment put on by the senior class
the city on Tuesday.
Cattle—Steers, good, $10 25011.
at the high school building at Hub-
Hogs— Good to choice, $9 2 5 0 1 0 25
hard. It went to lly Everding, presi­
S h o p p in g M o n d a y —
M rs
I,. M
Lam bs- Good to choice, $10011.
dent of the Portland Gun dub, who is
Tucker, of Leaburg, was shopping In
S e a ttle
spending a vacation there.
the city on Monday.
Wheat — Soft white and western
A new Industry for Washington
white, $1.23; hard winter and western
county has been established near
M oves Fam ily Jtiliu s Fulop has
red, $1.22; northern spring, $1.22;
Beaverton with the planting of five
m»»cd his fam ily to Springfield, and
hluestem, $1.47.
acres to holly trees by F. J. Dees.
they will be- nt home* at the* laizton
R an ch , 3 9 0 43c.
This Is thought to he the first com
pluce on Fifth and 11 streets.
m erdal planting of holly in Oregon.
Cattle C h o ice steers. $9 50010.25.
Lumber Worker R ecovering W E
Boys from all parts of southern Ore­
H ogs—Prim e light. $10010.15.
Wetzc-I was dism issed
from the-
gon were In Medford for the older
L a m b s-C h o ice, $10.500 11.
Eugene hospital Friday, where* he
boys' two-day conference, which was
hud been confined with an attack of
held at the high school under the aus­
Cattle Steers, good, $9 2 5 0 1 0 25.
lie Is em ployed by the
pices of the northwest council of the
Hogs Good anil choice, $10.
Young Men’s Christlnn association.
Booth-K elly Lumber Co.
Ixiinha Medium to good, $8.50 0 ?
,„ r
,t „
««be Daniels pictures o f the past,
| #n(j (n aj j , tjon haa a atron(r un)jer.
' lying them e of romance u r i dramatic
I Icldents.
HOLLY WREATHS (Also by the pound)
RED CARNATIONS, The Christmas Flower.
Also Yellow and White Ones.
Oldham & Schantol
Phone 86-W
O ur Fam ous C orn and M ilk Fattened
There's a delicious flavor to our Corn and
M ilk Fattened Turkeys that w ill make
your Christmas dinner a success.
4th and M ain Sts.
E C. S T U A R T
Phone 63
P R V T T H O I V E R S I 'N
Wheel Toys of All Kinds
We have one of the most complete lines in the country in wheel toys.
Bicycles, Tricycles, Skooters
and Baby Carriages
And all other kinds of wheel goods thal are useful as well as pleasing
toys. Also all kinds of small wheel toys at very low prices.
Trade in Your Old Toys for New
We take In old toys, no m utter what condition they are in.
Second Hand Toys ils well as new.
We sell
Moore’s Cycle & Toy Store
We give S. & II. C.reen Trading Stamps
120 8th Avenue West, Eugene
Phone 900
TH < Roech R a .ll.' ('<xuN ne-
tlo n Receiver and Speaker
Console embodies Screen-
O n d Quality in an Inerpeo-
•Ive com bination. Perfect fry
« h e w n woods and n u m i
Combined wfeh rk h e s m u f .
I t h a s e e l l e c t r o d y n s a
,|M S 0
Give a Bosch Radio for Christmas
and you give “The Best in Radio.”
It is th e radio th a t is correctly
engineered to the new screen-grid
tu b e s — its to n a l q u a lity is
unapproached, its selectivity and
sensitivity are revolutionary. Your
family will always be proud of
their Bosch Radio—the far-away
stations, the small stations as well
as the big ones are always at your
fingertip command. Hear the new
Bosch—see the new cabinets with
concealed electrodynamic speaker.
Í It makes an ideal Christmas gift.
N ew Bosch Radio De L o a f
Console is truly the Uuw wo«d
In r«d *o — wees seven rube^
three o f which are the new
S< reen-O rid type, tw o are the
la r w new audio
push pull. Cehfe
n e t has ta i I s t id in g d o o r«
i" «' sad
• l e ‘ m TrodytMmlc apeskrr
tk iu
r In O ld English Itn
Pttee lees mhos. M X
$179.00 to $272.50 Complete