» PAfiK KIVF uncuun oihic neno OF GENERAL INTEREST From Marcola Carl William» from Murmln was a vlaltnr In the clty the flrat of the weck Recovering from liinana Paul Cook ha» haan quila III with pneumonia fo i •o w e lim e anil I» now m aking a »at- l»fuint» Slate» Power com pany, »pent the Meyers, superintendent. GHOST PICTURES COMING At Bend G eorge I'erklii» wa« week end at Toledo. Portland postoffice receipt» moved TO BELL THEATRE business visitor at lletnl the first of up 7.24 per <<-nt In November a» coin- ' P o r tla n d P eo p lo V ie lt it J Lin the week Grim shadows, a ghost seance, it -I n mid Beulah Water», both ot pared a 1th November a year ago, the V la lt ln g at M o n ro e M r» < W ' i Gami, were recent viNltor» at the postoffice department announces. The and w ralthllke crim inal figures In a total tor the mouth is $219,000. sw irlin g Ixmdon fog are woven to­ Gerber wu» a week m id vlaltor ut Ulin ry Kli liar