The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 07, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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T'tfVIlHDAY. OCT. 31. 192»
Julius Fulop Announces
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In the Stevens Building 330-334 Main Street, Springfield
For this Great Opening on my return to Springfield I have combed the markets for the Best Class of Brand NEW
Merchandise at the most reasonable prices. I have also moved my store from Monroe, which I purchased at 20c
on the dollar so I can give great Bargains at this opening. If you are looking for Bargains we are ready for you.
I want every man and woman in Springfield, whether you come to buy or not, to COME to my opening. I
want to again shake hands with you that I may feel at home and learn your needs and desires. I am planning the
biggest and best store Springfield has ever had and with your support I know that I will suceed in giving Spring-
field first class Service and high grade merchandise at the lowest prices.
High Grade M erchandise to Meet E very R equirm ent A w ait You
Here at the G reat Opening. More is A rriving Daily
are Some of the Bargains
Women’s Wear, Coats and
Beautiful fur trimmed I tidies' Coats— latest designs.
from .........................
$ 1 6 .8 5
$ 2 4 .8 5
I have purchased a beautiful assortment of Woolen and
Flannel materials for my G rind Opening, and now I am in
position to offer the Greatest Values in high grade mer­
chandise Springfield has ever seen.
$ 9 .8 5
Nashua Wool-mixed Blankets—full size.
Day only .............
High grade silk and wool Dresses—latest shades—chic
les. Your choice .........................
Full size heavy Nashua Cotton Blankets
Some conservative high grade Coats
Drygoods and Blankets
Wool Boldly Skirts, in latest stripes and checks
$ 3 .9 5
For opening
$ 3 .9 5
Double Sheet Blankets
Single Sheet Blankets—for Opening only
Pretty patterns in House Dresses
Ladies Felt lints, in all shades and styles—vnlues up to
i.OO. For Opening Day only Your choice....
$1 9 3
Ladies 16-rlb Umbrellas—In all shade's and stripe ef
fects. Values up to $10.00 Your choice ...
$ 3 .9 5
The best quality U. S. Brand Ladies’ and Children’s
guaranteed Rain Coats at greatly reduced prices for our
Grand Opening.
Great Bargains in Kaiser Silk Underwear, Bloomers
Shorties, Pajamas and Nighties.
Fast color Prints in beautiful patterns—For Opening
only ............................................................... per yard 18c
Kalburne fast colored Ginghams—in plain colors and
fancy patterns .............................................. per yard 18c
Large assortment of high grade lively colors of Cre­
tonnes for Opening only ..............................per yard 2 0c
High grade 9-4 Sheetings. Special for Opening only.
Per yard 4 5 c
Good grade Sheets—full size. Special for Opening.
Tlte articles are so numerous that we can mention
only a few.
Men’s heavy cotton ribbed Union S u its ____
Men’s heavy wool mixed Union S u its ............
$ 1 .1 5
$ 1 .9 5
$ 4 .5 0
$ 1 .5 0
Men’s H a ts ................. .................... $ 2 .0 0
Men's Caps, fine a sso rtm en t....
Men’s Work Shoes, Cutter, Chippewa, and other fatu­
ous makes ............. .............................. $ 2 .9 5 - $ 4 .5 0
Men’s high top, 16 in ch es.......................... $ 6 .9 5
Men’s Dress S h o es......................... $ 2 .9 5
$ 6 .5 0
Ball Brand Knee Boots ........................
$ 3 .5 0
Ball Brand Hip Boots ............ - ............... ...... .... $ 4 .9 5
Ball Brand Booties, 12-inch ..... ................... $ 2 .9 5
We carry a full line of Dress and Work Fish Brand and
U. S. Raincoats. Prices to meet any competition.
All wool Boys’ Mackinaws .... .................... - $ 3 .9 5
Boys’ Caps—nice fa b ric s ....................... — ..... $ 1 .0 0
Boys’ Shirts and Blouses, pretty patterns 6 5 c
Remember the Grand Opening FRIDAY, Nov. 8th, Stevens Building, 334 Main St
Department Store
Julius Fulop, Prop