» T'tfVIlHDAY. OCT. 31. 192» THK SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE THREE FRIDAY Julius Fulop Announces ♦ • » - ■ •, ,, " ,i . ~~ O f the N E W "T»— — r~ ^ z FULOP’S DEPARTMENT STORE In the Stevens Building 330-334 Main Street, Springfield FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8th For this Great Opening on my return to Springfield I have combed the markets for the Best Class of Brand NEW Merchandise at the most reasonable prices. I have also moved my store from Monroe, which I purchased at 20c on the dollar so I can give great Bargains at this opening. If you are looking for Bargains we are ready for you. I want every man and woman in Springfield, whether you come to buy or not, to COME to my opening. I want to again shake hands with you that I may feel at home and learn your needs and desires. I am planning the biggest and best store Springfield has ever had and with your support I know that I will suceed in giving Spring- field first class Service and high grade merchandise at the lowest prices. High Grade M erchandise to Meet E very R equirm ent A w ait You Here at the G reat Opening. More is A rriving Daily are Some of the Bargains Women’s Wear, Coats and Dresses Beautiful fur trimmed I tidies' Coats— latest designs. from ......................... $ 1 6 .8 5 $ 2 4 .8 5 I have purchased a beautiful assortment of Woolen and Flannel materials for my G rind Opening, and now I am in position to offer the Greatest Values in high grade mer­ chandise Springfield has ever seen. $ 9 .8 5 Nashua Wool-mixed Blankets—full size. Day only ............. High grade silk and wool Dresses—latest shades—chic les. Your choice ......................... $7.9«; Full size heavy Nashua Cotton Blankets Some conservative high grade Coats * Drygoods and Blankets Wool Boldly Skirts, in latest stripes and checks $ 3 .9 5 For opening $ 3 .9 5 Double Sheet Blankets Single Sheet Blankets—for Opening only Pretty patterns in House Dresses Ladies Felt lints, in all shades and styles—vnlues up to i.OO. For Opening Day only Your choice.... $1 9 3 Ladies 16-rlb Umbrellas—In all shade's and stripe ef fects. Values up to $10.00 Your choice ... $ 3 .9 5 The best quality U. S. Brand Ladies’ and Children’s guaranteed Rain Coats at greatly reduced prices for our Grand Opening. ► Great Bargains in Kaiser Silk Underwear, Bloomers Shorties, Pajamas and Nighties. Fast color Prints in beautiful patterns—For Opening only ............................................................... per yard 18c Kalburne fast colored Ginghams—in plain colors and fancy patterns .............................................. per yard 18c Large assortment of high grade lively colors of Cre­ tonnes for Opening only ..............................per yard 2 0c High grade 9-4 Sheetings. Special for Opening only. Per yard 4 5 c Good grade Sheets—full size. Special for Opening. Tlte articles are so numerous that we can mention only a few. Men’s heavy cotton ribbed Union S u its ____ Men’s heavy wool mixed Union S u its ............ $ 1 .1 5 $ 1 .9 5 $ 4 .5 0 $ 1 .5 0 Men’s H a ts ................. .................... $ 2 .0 0 Men's Caps, fine a sso rtm en t.... Men’s Work Shoes, Cutter, Chippewa, and other fatu­ ous makes ............. .............................. $ 2 .9 5 - $ 4 .5 0 Men’s high top, 16 in ch es.......................... $ 6 .9 5 Men’s Dress S h o es......................... $ 2 .9 5 $ 6 .5 0 Ball Brand Knee Boots ........................ $ 3 .5 0 Ball Brand Hip Boots ............ - ............... ...... .... $ 4 .9 5 Ball Brand Booties, 12-inch ..... ................... $ 2 .9 5 We carry a full line of Dress and Work Fish Brand and U. S. Raincoats. Prices to meet any competition. All wool Boys’ Mackinaws .... .................... - $ 3 .9 5 Boys’ Caps—nice fa b ric s ....................... — ..... $ 1 .0 0 Boys’ Shirts and Blouses, pretty patterns 6 5 c $1 Remember the Grand Opening FRIDAY, Nov. 8th, Stevens Building, 334 Main St Department Store OF SPRINGFIELD Julius Fulop, Prop