The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, October 31, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIIÍRSIIAV, OCT 31, 192»
P. T. A. Council
Postpones Meeting
poalts Gilbert In the new feature two famous com ediennes, do their
and the supporting cast Includes stuff.
Nance O'NIel, Herlda Hopper, Dori»
Charles K ing of "The Broadway
DETERMINE COSTS lltll. Gusttv von H eyfferlu, Richard Melody" fame. Introduce new songs.
Carle and Tyretl Davis.
“U kelele Ike" Is seen and heard la
H. E. Selby, farm m anagem ent In
a new medium
veatlgator of the Oregon experim ent j With the greatest caat of atara that
Natazha Nattova startle« with new
atatlon, and an aaalatant are ln lutne i eTer contributed to the m aking ol
raising leap« and bound».
county thia week taking the flrat re
P H « » . “The Hollywood
The Albertina Rasch Hal let give
corda In a coat and econom ic study h*’rUe' Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s huge
of the dairy Industry In the county mu,,b:al extravaganza, com es Bunday som e of their eye-fllllng dances.
The Bronx Sisters and others also
County agent O. H. F letcher la a s­ to the McDonald. Stars of the stage
sistin g the experim ent »tatlon work­ and screen stars of vaudeville, opera J take part in th is spectacular show,
_____ ______________
ers In selectin g about forty dairymen and radio stars, to saynothlng of the I
large dancing chorus of beautiful
who will cooperate In the work
The work In I-ane county will be girls, are features of this entertain­
part of a statew ide study of the dairy ment.
O roc«r S ic k - W .
Taylor wu« Monthly Meeting Featured by
Many Interesting Events
confined to hla bed the flrat half
Last Friday
of the week with a allffue»» In hla
hack, lie 1» oul and around again
R eturns From H o ap ltal H ill Lynn»
The m eeting of the 1*. T. A. D istrict
now, hul he »till walka In a atoopliiK
wa» ri 'leased from n Eugene hoNpllal
uf lain« county, which waa
r e c en tly follo w in g u m ajor
i i utliiii
; to have heeu held at Hprlugfleld on
In lliu l In s titu tio n .
P arenta Sunday - M r. and , Saturday of thia
week, ha» been
Mr». Fred Lem ley were here Hiiniluy poalponud until »nine later dale,
B ik s r at P o rtla n d
Adam »,
to vlalt their parenta. Mr. Lem ley la probably som e tim e toward« the end
bak er ui
H|u ngfh ild bak ery,
the eon of Mr». Vina McLean, who of the moutn, according to Mr». It. I'.
»lii-iil Sunday In Hu, Hand visitin g i
ha» been III d u r n g the paat week, Morten sen, president of the local
Willi r ela tiv e s.
and Mr». Lemley 1» the daughter ol
g.inii-u.P u.
'I lie chuuge in dates Industry, the mo»t Important farm
Marlon Davis gives one of her
“I wash. Iron and carry coal and
Mr and Mr». Richter.
R r*u in a
F ro m
Bandon M r» M
, wu» mudi i b aa to make It poa»lble enterprise in Oregon, with the pos fam ous male maHquerades, assisted don't get tired since taking ViaoL
«'«all'll I i ' I i i i iiim I recently from Han I
to have Al,. ‘ ‘‘¡urles E. itoe, national «Ihle exception of wheat raising. The by a chorus of six-footers. and she Also, 1 have gained 18 pounds.’’—
V isits Her Mother Mlaa Mnurlne i
Mr». 8 Cortesse.
dim, where »be mi» been »laying
field »ecretury of the I'. T. A., and Inveatlgatlon will be one of the most sing» and tap nances.
Lorn hard »pent
the w eek en d
Vlnol Is a delicious compound of
with her mother, M r» Jess I'a tro n
Mrs. Brice, atute president for Ore­ com prehensive coat
John Gilbert and Norma Shearer cod liver peptone. Iron, etc.
Springfield visiting with her mother,
gon, present ul the m eeting.
made. It Is planned to obtain reports give a version of “Romeo and Ju liet.” vous, easily tired, anem ic peopl are
Tonsil» Removed Ml»» (llgu I"i -ter Mr». Ella I aim hard Ml»» Lomhard
There u ie now approxim ately fifty from about 500 farmer» each year,
Conrad N agle m akes his debut as : "urpr.,Mert how V ,no’
ami had her tnnallH removed al the taught In Springfield hint year and
sound sleep, and a BIG appetite.
fully puld m em bers of the local distributed approxim ately 300 In the a »Inger.
The very FIRST bottle often adds
office of a local physli Ian Inn I 1» now teat hlng school a l North Bend
group, according to an announce­ W illam ette vulley, 100 In the coast
Be«»le Love gives generously of several pounds weight to thin child­
ment made Friday at the m eeting region», and 100 In Eastern Oregon. her talents.
ren or adults
T astes delicious.
O b jective Stated
Accident Victim Returns
Mr» of the I'. T. A. at the liratlain at bool.
P o rtland
H e re
Mr. 1,11,1
Joan Crawford ravishes the eye K etels Drug Store.
Objective» of the study as set forth and sin gs a crooning melody,
M r». J o e L e in o n o f I ’o r ll u t id were Alice Johnson returned to her home A i outeat for new member» ha» been
here Sunday v ld lln g ui Iho John I here Tu<aii*y from Albany, where participated In by the pupils of the in the project outline are to determ ine
B uster Keaton takes one of his
Fast Color P rin ts ,
, »he had Ison confined to the hoapltal three sch ools, und the first prize of (1) costs of producing dairy products d izziest falls.
W ln x i'r le il h o m e .
Only yard ___
/following the accident to the Swnrt» five dollar» was uwurded to the in the different regions and for vari-
W illiam H aines and Gwen Lee are
H a» Preum onla
Henry I'oaa, who autom obile two week» ago. In which Brattain achool
The second prize ous types of dairy herds, 12) means there with one of the fam ous Haines
bus been a patient nt the Eugene »he wu» u paenenger
Of Riree dollars was awarded to the of reducing costs so that Increasing gags, to which Karl Dane and George
h o a p lta l w ith pn eu m onia for th e pa»t
Lincoln school, und the high school com petition can be m et successfu lly A. Arthur lend a few deft touches.
week. I n Improving rapidly, accord 1 V la lta From Glendale I’hll Bishop was given the third prize of two
61 E. B R O A D W A Y
(3j regions of the state where dairy­
Marle D ressier and Polly Moran.
»pent a few day» In Springfield and dollars.
Ing to hl» attending physician.
ing can advisedly be encouraged on
Eugene the fir»t of the week visiting
C ig are tte s Discussed
hauls of com parative
Ooe» to Albany
Maxine Snod­ 111» friend» and relative».
Ill» par­
Mrs. A llen Hanford's class enter- prices, markets, etc., (4) types of
grass spent Monday at Albany, where ent» are Mr. and Mra. II
talned the m em h eis at the m eeting I dairy farm ing that are m ost proflt-
sh e attended a m eeting for em ployes of Eugene, and Ills slater and brother
w ith a H ia w a th a program , w hich able and factors in the Internal or­
power In law. Mr. and Mrs Berg, also live
I have taken over the Orr Blacksmith Shop on Second
consisted of m usic, pictures and re­ ganization of a dairy farm that are
In JKugene.
Street and am fully equipped to do Horse Shoeing and all
The fifth grade gave a m ost Important, (5) the eco n o m ic1
General Blacksmith Work.
T h ro a t T ro u b le C ls a rln fy M rs. J Francis Willard program, and ITin- place of dairying tn Oregon agrlcul- ■
R eleased from Hospital — Mike
nalabrldgw, who recently underwent M. Larson, who has been confined to clpal Wood made a talk on “Clgar- tore.
Same Money and Have it Done on time.
The work will be carried on entire­
He declared that there were
a major operation at a Eugene hos her home for the post tw o w eeks ettes.
pi tai, ba« been released and Is now with an Infected throat. Is recover- j m any violations of the sta le cigarette ly with federal funds that are made
available by the Ihirnell act for use
Ing very nicely. Her stater-in-law at
belug perm itted In Oregon.
nt hla home.
Junction City Is also afflicted with . Mrs. W alter L axtoa was elected In this state.
A ttends Stock Shows— Magnus Pre­ the sam e lllneaa. Mrs. Myrtle Hen- ( »Ice-prealdent to fill the vacancy
All Information obtained from the '
m ier left for Portland Saturday, dersnn o f Salem , Is here assistin g caused by the rem oval from the city dairym en w ill be kept strictly con- ■
where he spe--t som e tim e visiting Mrs. Larson with her work.
Mrs. Lum Anderson. Mrs. Ander- fldentlal, no Individual figures being I
the Pacific International stock show
1 son Is new residing on a farm outside published or ulvulged.
V isit Injured Mai»— Mr. and Mrs of Springfield.
being held there this week.
Information Confidential
Noah Hllterbrant took Mrs W. C. : The m atter of play apparatus for
The dairymen who cooperate ln
Stop at H otel--G . E. McCrow, of McLagan to Dallas early Sunday the Brattain school was taken up and
this wflrk, however, will receive for I
Salem , C. Burned and It N. Johnson, morning to see her husband, who was discussed, hut no action taken. The
each year Individual sum m aries of
North Powder, und IL L. Stew art of seriou sly Injured In an autom obile | piano at the library w ill be moved
the reports for their own farms as ;
Cambridge, Idaho, were am ong the accident near there late Saturday to the Brattain school soon.
(Designed by Department of Dental Education)
well as sum m aries of the averages
gu ests who registered al the Elite night.
Mrs. McLagan remained at
L engthy d iscu ssion s as to the for all farms covered by the study
hotel here over the week-end.
Dallas ami Mr
and Mrs. Hllter- manner of entertaining the county They will also receive the com plete
brjrnt returned to Springfield that m eeting here took up so much of report that will be published when ■
Operate on Small B oy- The two evening.
the tim e that the delegates to the the project Is com pleted.
To each purchaser of two 25c Tubes of
year old son of Mr and Mra A. T
state convention were unable to pre­
D onahoe la recovering nicely follow WOMEN ENTERTAINED
sen t their reports. They will be given
H e re
W a lte r v llle — D.
Ing a major operation performed at
ul a later m eetin g
The d elegates Deadman was a bur.lness visitor In
the Pacific Christian hoapltal In
were Mr«. R. P. M ortensen and Mrs. the city the past w eek end.
Eugene during the week-end.
H allow e’en George Prochnow.
One of the
F o rm e r
C e ll. - George P^rffoR given In this com m unity this
There is no mystery about this offer—no ‘ catch.” Col­
W o rk e rs ’ Conference H eld
Ditto, former Springfield
resident. VPBr
h* ld F'r",n ’r
nf «” •’
new M c D onald shows
gate simply wants you to try Ribbon Dental Cream, already
The teach ers and officers of the
w a, callin g on friends In the city on '
of Mr pnd Mr" t” ,dne’r Wnrd
used by millions. To repay you for doing this, Colgate
With a com plete background of
Monday last.
Mg. Ditto ow ns pro­ The large number of Invited gu ests Sunday school a t the Christian
you a Genuine New Colgate Toothbrush, value 50
resid en ts from different church, which com prises the Work- the legitim ate stage, "His Glorious
perty here, hut la now engaged at i Included
' part» of the county and from Port- era' C onference of the Sunday school Night," which opened at the Mc-
Portland In the grocery business.
held a m eeting at the church on donaJd yesterday as a new Metro-
Supply Limited— Com® in and Get Yours Today
The gu ests, nil ladles, were recrlv- Monday evening, and made plans for Ooldwyn-Mayer
V is its Son and
D aug h ter. <’ It
Mi Kee. »ale» m anager for a motor • <l In a room appropriately fitted a Harvest F estival, which they hope ■tarring John Gilbert, presents an
com pany nt Ynkimn. W ashington, j with w itches, goblins and other to give soon.
Interesting study in personalities.
After becom ing ac
wa» a Sunday visitor here, lie 1» the ipookv objects
N ovem ber 10 is the date decided
To begin with, the story com es
father of C J McKee and Helen qunlntcd with the supernatural, the upon for the annual promotion day from the pen of one of Europe's most
McKee, o f the New H om e bakery.
g u ests were sented at bridge tables at the church. The pupils In the prolific playw rights, Ferenc Molnar,
I for the diversion of the evening various cla sses w ill be advanced to
w hose sophisticated writings have
Store M an Return» -G eorge Ken ■ First prize wns won hv Mrs. F. B. higher c la sses on that Sn. •’ a.v. S. G.
made him an International figure in
n ett returned Monday even in g from j Flattery. Mrs
Paul Brattain won Mosier I» the superintendent of the
the theatre world.
“His Glorious
Klamath F alls, where he has been | second. The g u ests were all dressed iRindHy school.
Hour" is a screen adaptation of his
conducting a sale for a sporting |n costum e, and first prize for t h e ;
fam ous play “Olympia." Then there
goods store during the past six best costum e was awarded to Mrs FOR SALE OR RENT -Six room Is Willard Mack, noted New York
w eeks. Mr. K ennett reports that t h e |J . C. McMurray.
home on
W illam ette
H eights— playw right, actor, producer and direc­
w eather
u n com fortably'
Mrs John K etels entertained t h e 1 Beautiful view of valley, tw o lots.
Living rooom 28 feet long
(Wx tor. whose splendid adaptation of
warm at Klamath F alls during the hsdles during the evening with two
windows In dining room overlook­ the play, adding a modern touch to
past few w eeks.
He will remain readings.
ing river Montag circulating heat­ the lines, greatly enhances the value
here for several w eeks looking after
A lice Beeson a ssisted the
er, Hotpolnt electric range; gar­ o f the comedy-drama In entertain­
age, shrubs, fruit trees. ITione
his store before he conducts another ' h ostess In the en tertaining and serv-
Springfield 121M
Alfred J. Mor­ m ent values.
I Ing of refreshm ents.
K atherine Dale Owen plays op-
- .............
beautiful m em orial park,
w hich, when com pleted, will be
one of the show places of Eu­
gene and vicin ity, is now In the “Invest­
ment sta g e ” of its developm ent. Pro­
perty in the Park is being sold only
on an in vestm en t basis.
V le lte d at Coburg A mu I’eddlcord
wont In ( wburg Saturday. where he
visited with h iiiiih of bin friend»
Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream .
One Dollar V alue for Fifty Cents
You owe it to
Yourself to Know
About Rest-Haven
William’s Self Service Store
The re-sale of sites for actual use
w ill begin Borne tim e in the early
Spring. The re-srle operation w ill be
conducted by the Rest-Haven Company,
with no co st to the original purchasers.
Under no conditions, how ever, w ill the
property listed for re-sale be offered
for less than double the original price.
Stores at Bend, The Dalles, Corvallis, Salem and Eugene
The Most Complete
Line of Shoes
Halloween Groceries
“for the entire family”
in the city
“Serve Yourself
and Save”
TO AID YOU in planning an especially appe­
tising menu for your Halloween Party, we
have arranged displays of the following easily
prepared edibles. Further suggestions are to
be found at this store.
And all other Appropriate Vegetables
E R A /5
- Compare Our Prices
C A 5 H & C A R IV
E ven at re-sale price«, sites in this
modern M emorial Park w ill be far less
than sim ilar property In other cities.
The plan for the financing of the
Park Is no experim ent. It has oeen used
In the hundreds of Memorial Parks de­
veloped during the last ten years. In
every case It has worked out to the en ­
tire satisfaction of the original Invest­
ors, w hose profit has ranged from 100
up to 300 per cent, In a period of from
six m onths to tw o and a half years
R est-H a ven
Rooms 536-7-8 Miner Bldg.
Telephone 830